FM 21-150 1971 Deal The First Deadly Blow

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DEAL THE FIRST DEADLY BLOW Paragraph PART ONE, INSTINCTIVE RIFLE-BAYONET FIGHTING Cua —1._-RIFLE-BAYONET FIGHTING TECH- NIQUES Section 1. Introduction TL. Positions TIL Movements — Cuarrer = 2.“ TRAINING FIGHTING Section 1. Training facilities 1845 IL Preparation for training 16-21 TIL Method of training 22-26 Cuarren 8. PUGIL TRAINING Section _I._Introduetion 2-20 TI, Conduet of pusil training 80-32 TIL Pugil courses — 33,34 Cuarrn 4, PUGIL EQUIPMENT Section _I._ Introduction 35,36 I, Protective equipment and stick 87-40 PART TWO. HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT Cnarrm 5. INTRODUCTION TO HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT Section 1, Introduction... 4142 Principles —____ 43-46 ‘Vulnerable points 47-50 Available weapons 51-59 Training 2 588, Cuarre BASIC HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT Section Introduction Bs etc Rasic positions and movements — 87-80 Methods of attack 0-81 Counters = - 8202 Bayonet parties and defense ‘attack 98,04 Cwarrer 7, ADVANCED HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT Section I. Introduct 95-07 IL. Fall positions a E) IIL Tskedowns and throws 108-112 TV. Bayonet disarming 2. nee 'V. Knife attack and defense 117-138 Cuarrm 8 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Section _T._ Introduction —---—-- 124,126 TL. Hold and counters to holds ss 126-141 TIL Variations to throws and takedowns 142-144 IV. Sentry silencing ee MEIN, V. Prisoner searching and securing — 151-166 Apeexpx A. REFERENCES — B. BAYONET ASSAULT COURSE —_ Tepex DESERT PUBLICATIONS Cornville, Arizona 86325 ISBN: O-87947-421-X Pare 43 44 “4 46 5 BL 35 73 Section 1. PART ONE INSTINCTIVE RIFLE-BAYONET FIGHTING CHAPTER 1 RIFLE-BAYONET FIGHTING TECHNIQUES INTRODUCTION =) SSS 1. Purpose and Scope a. This manual contains information and guid- ance pertaining to rifle-bayonet fighting and hand- to-hand combat, Part one contains information on the following: rifle-bayonet fighting techniques, positions, movements, training facilities, training guidance, pugil training and pugil equipment. Part two contains information on armed and unarmed hand-to-hand combat to include techniques, vul- nerable points, available weapons, training meth- ods, and offensive movements and counters; these are divided into basic, advanced, and specialized skills, The material presented is applicable to both nuclear and nonnuclear warfare, &. Part one of the manual is a guide for instrue- tors to use to prepare themselves to conduct train- ing of soldiers in the art of instinctive rifle-bayonet, fighting. It explains the uses of rifle-bayonet tech- niques and describes the basie techniques, positions, and training facilities necessary for safe and real- istic training. c. Users of this publication are encouraged to submit recommended changes or comments to im- prove the publication. Comments should be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and Tine of the text in which the change is recommended. Reasons should be provided for each comment to insure under- standing and complete evaluation. Comments should be prepared using DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and forwarded to the Commandant, United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga, 81905, 2. Users of the Bayonet a. New weapons, improved equipment, and new tacties have been introduced into modern warfare; however, firepower alone will not always drive a determined enemy from his position. He will often remain in defense emplacements until driven out by close combat. The role of the soldier, particularly in the final phase of the assault, remains relatively unchanged: His mission is to close with and disable or capture the enemy. This mission remains the ultimate goal of all individual training. The rifle with fixed bayonet is one of the final means of de- feating an opponent in an assault, . During infiltration missions at night, or when seerecy must be maintained, the bayonet is an ex- cellent silent weapon. ¢. When close-in fighting determines the use of small arms fire or grenades to be impractical, or when the situation does not permit the loading or reloading of the rifle, the bayonet is still the weapon available to the soldier. 4. The bayonet serves as a secondary weapon should the rifle develop a stoppage, ¢. Im hand-to-hand encounters the bayonet mi be used as a hand-held weapon. f. Finally, the bayonet is a multipurpose weapon and has many non-fighting uses, such as a probe for mines, to cut vegetation, and other tasks where a pointed or cutting tool can be employed. 3. Developing a Rifle-Bayonet Fighter a. To become a successful rifle-bayonet fighter, a soldier must be physically fit and mentally alert. A well-rounded physical training program will in- crease his chances of survival in a bayonet en- counter. Mental alertness entails being able to quickly detect and meet an opponent's attack from any direction. b. Aggressiveness, accuracy, balance, and speed are essential in training as well as in combat situ- ations, These traits lead to confidence, coordina tion, strength, and endurance, wl characterize the rifle-bayonet fighter. Differences in individual body physique may require slight changes from the

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