Configuring Templates-ADAMS
Configuring Templates-ADAMS
Configuring Templates-ADAMS
Based Products
Managing Databases 9
Publishing to Databases 23
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The ADAMS template-based products provide a powerful
modeling and simulating environment that helps you to build,
simulate, and refine your systems. This chapter gives you an
overview of how you can efficiently manage the environment
of your template-based product.
■ About the Management Tasks, 6
Standard user ■ Create and set up private databases in which to store files,
such as subsystems and templates, with which you are
■ Make copies of files in your private database or copy the
entire database to share with other users.
■ Configure the operation of your template-based product for
your private use.
Expert user ■ Perform the same tasks as a standard user.
■ Publish a template so all users can use it.
Site manager ■ Set up site databases in which general project information is
■ Define the access that users can have to functionality.
■ Set up a custom version of your template-based product and
configure its operation.
■ Assigns privileges to common databases to allow read and
write permissions for standard and expert users.
Configuring Template-Based Products 7
Introducing Management Tasks and Tools
This chapter describes the structure of databases and the
procedures to manage them.
■ Overview of Database Management, 10
■ Managing Databases, 14
■ Database Structure, 11
Types of Databases
ADAMS template-based products provide two types of default databases:
■ Private database for each user - A private database is for your personal use.
You can store and retrieve data from your private database. In addition, you can
share your private database with others. If a private database does not exist,
your template-based product creates the private database at the beginning of a
■ Shared database for all users - A shared database provides all users with
access to standard, accurate data. To prevent loss of data or the storing of
inaccurate data in a shared database, standard users can only retrieve data from
a shared database. Only an expert user, typically the site manager, has the
permissions necessary to create files in a shared database. An example of a
shared database is distributed with your template-based product, and it is
usually placed in the installation directory.
Configuring Template-Based Products 11
Managing Databases
Database Structure
Each database consists of one directory (*.cdb) and several subdirectories (*.tbl), called
tables. Each subdirectory contains files for specific types of components, such as springs
and dampers, or files for performing tests, such as loadcases and wheel envelopes. The
number of tables varies, but you can define the number in the shared and private
configuration files.
By default, your template-based product divides a database into the following table
■ Models and topological information (templates, assemblies, subsystems, and
flexible bodies)
■ Analysis information (such as analysis scripts, loadcases, driver loadcases, and
suspension curves)
■ Postprocessing (plot configuration files)
■ In ADAMS/Car, driver files (such as driver inputs and roads)
■ In ADAMS/Car, tires and roads
■ Property files (such as springs, dampers, and remaining tables)
Each type of file that a table stores has a unique three-letter extension that identifies its
contents. For example, all files stored in the assembly table contain a .asy extension.
An example of the default structure of a database for ADAMS/Car is shown in the
information window in Figure 1 on page 12. The information window shows all the tables
in the database, their names, the type of files they store, and the file extension of the files
that they store.
You can also add your own tables since the database is an open-architecture file repository.
For example, you might want to create a table that stores data files for an analysis that is
specific to your company. For more information on managing tables, see Managing Tables
Through Configuration Files on page 41.
12 Configuring Template-Based Products
Managing Databases
Databases on CDB
search list
Your template-based product searches the databases in its search list using a search order
that you can modify.
You can change the databases in the search list and their search order either by using the
menus or by editing the configuration files directly. All configuration files can define the
databases, including the private, site, and shared configuration files.
For your template-based product to be able to store a database in its search list, the file
system to which the database points must be accessible on the current file system of the
For more information on configuration files, see Working With Configuration Files on
page 27. For information on setting up the search list and the order in which databases are
searched, see Setting Up the Search List and Order on page 17.
14 Configuring Template-Based Products
Managing Databases
Managing Databases
The next sections outline the operations that you can perform on databases:
■ Creating Databases During a Session, 14
Note: Unless you save database changes to your private configuration file,
ADAMS/Solver will not be able to access the databases you added or created in a
You should create a database for every project on which you are working. By creating
separate databases for each project, you can ensure that the property files belonging to
different subsystems are kept separate.
When you create a database, you define two elements for it:
■ Name - You use the name, or database alias, to select the database from the
search list in dialog boxes.
■ Path - The location of the database in the file system.
Note: You can also create databases directly using the configuration files. For more
information, see Managing Databases Through Configuration Files on page 39.
Configuring Template-Based Products 15
Managing Databases
To create a database:
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Create Database.
The Create New Database dialog box appears.
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 In the Database Name text box, enter the name you want to assign to the database.
The name does not necessarily have to match its file system name.
3 In the Database Path text box, enter the location of the database in the file system.
4 Select OK.
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Default Writable.
The Set Default Writable Database dialog box appears.
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 From the Database Name option menu, select the database that you want to set as the
default writable database. Only those databases to which you have write
permission appear in the list.
3 Select OK.
16 Configuring Template-Based Products
Managing Databases
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Bundle Database.
The Bundle X Database dialog box appears, where X represents the name of your
template-based product.
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 Set Database Name to the database you want to bundle into a tar file. If the desired
database is not on the list, add it to the list as explained in Creating Databases
During a Session on page 14.
3 Select the appropriate check boxes if you want to compress or encode the file.
Note that the resulting file will have the appropriate file extensions if you select to
encode (*.uu) or compress (*.Z) the files.
4 Select OK.
Configuring Template-Based Products 17
Managing Databases
Note that in many cases changing the database search order can cause your template-based
product to find a different file. For example, if two databases contain a file with the same
name but with different data, changing the search order may change which file your
template-based product uses. You may find this helpful in many cases, but it can produce
unintended results when you change the search order without realizing that you can access
different files. The database search order is also important if you specify the database path
To avoid using the search order to find a file, which can result in longer searches and
unintended results, you can specify the database name (its alias) directly in the associated
property file to ensure that your template-based product searches the correct database.
You can look at the search order of the databases in the search list using the Database Info
command, as shown in Viewing Database and Table Information on page 21. Your
template-based product displays the current list of databases, showing the search order
level of each database in the first column. For more information on displaying database
information, see Viewing Database and Table Information on page 21.
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Add to Search.
The Add Database to Search dialog box appears.
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 In the Database Name text box, enter the name of the database.
3 In the Database Path text box, enter the location of an existing database in the file
4 Select OK.
Configuring Template-Based Products 19
Managing Databases
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Remove from
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Change Search
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 Set Database Name to the database whose order you want to change.
3 To view the current search order of databases, select Database Info.
4 In the Level text box, enter a numerical value representing the level of the database
in the new search order.
5 Select OK.
Configuring Template-Based Products 21
Managing Databases
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Database Info.
2 View the database information, and then select Close.
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Table Info.
2 View the table information, and then select Close.
This chapter explains how you can publish a subsystem or an
assembly to an existing database so other users can share it.
■ Publishing a Subsystem, 24
■ Publishing an Assembly, 25
24 Configuring Template-Based Products
Publishing to Databases
Publishing a Subsystem
When you publish a subsystem, you copy the subsystem file and all its associated property
files to the target database. You can also select to publish the subsystem’s template file.
As you publish the subsystem, you can choose to write over existing files or create
backups of the files.
The subsystem you are publishing must be currently opened in the standard interface, and
the target database must be writable. For more information on writable databases, see
Setting the Writable Database on page 15.
You can also publish an entire assembly. For more information, see Publishing an
Assembly on page 25.
To publish a subsystem:
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Publish
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 Set Subsystem Name to the name of the subsystem you want to publish.
3 Depending on whether or not you want to overwrite or create backups of the files
currently in the database, set Write Mode to overwrite or backup.
4 Set Target Database to the desired target database. If the desired database is not on
the list, add it to the list as explained in Setting Up the Search List and Order on
page 17.
5 If you want to include the template associated with the subsystem, select Include
Template File.
6 Select OK.
Configuring Template-Based Products 25
Publishing to Databases
Publishing an Assembly
When you publish an assembly, you copy each subsystem file included in the assembly
definition, including the associated property files for each subsystem, to the target
database. You can also select to publish each subsystem’s template file. As you publish
the assembly, you can select to write over existing files or create backups of the files.
The assembly you are publishing must be currently opened in the standard interface, and
the target database must be writable. For more information on writable databases, see
Setting the Writable Database on page 15.
You can choose to publish only a subsystem, not an entire assembly. For more information
see Publishing a Subsystem on page 24.
To publish an assembly:
1 From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Publish Assembly.
The Publish an Open Assembly dialog box appears.
Tip: For more information on any dialog box, press F1 when the dialog box is
2 Set Assembly Name to the name of the assembly you want to publish.
3 Depending on whether or not you want to overwrite or create backups of the files
currently in the database, set Write Mode to overwrite or backup.
4 Set Target Database to the desired target database. If the desired database is not on
the list, add it to the list as explained in Setting Up the Search List and Order on
page 17.
5 If you want to include each template associated with the individual subsystems,
select Include Template File.
6 Select OK.
26 Configuring Template-Based Products
Publishing to Databases
4 Working With Configuration Files
This chapter explains how to set up your template-based
product using configuration files. It introduces you to the
concepts of private, site, and shared configuration files, and
explains how you customize the configuration files to set up
the environment of your template-based product.
■ About Configuration Files, 28
Note: We recommend that only the site manager changes the site configuration file.
You should make any personal modifications using private configuration files.
Note: We recommend that no one changes the shared configuration file. You should
make any personal modifications using private configuration files.
Configuring Template-Based Products 31
Working With Configuration Files
We’ve set up default environment variables in the shared configuration file, but we
recommend that you redefine them in the private or site configuration file to customize the
work environment of your template-based product. You can also define your own
environment variables for use with user-written subroutines or macros.
The next sections explain the standard environment entries that you can set and how to
create your own environment variables:
■ Setting User Privileges, 34
■ Accessing ADAMS/View, 35
■ EXPERT - User can access the Template Builder and create and modify
templates. User can access the Template Builder and other development tools
that are located under the Tools menu. Expert users can use the
MDI_ACAR_PLUS_AVIEW keyword in the private configuration file to access
ADAMS/View. For more information, see Accessing ADAMS/View on page 35.
To change the value of this keyword, you need to edit the private configuration file using
a text editor and modify the corresponding string. In ADAMS/Car for example, the
following gives a user expert privileges:
! Desired user mode (standard/expert)
When you start a new session, your template-based product reflects the changes to the
private configuration file.
Configuring Template-Based Products 35
Working With Configuration Files
Accessing ADAMS/View
If you are an expert user, you can use the MDI_ACAR_PLUS_AVIEW keyword in the
private configuration file to obtain access to ADAMS/View.
MDI_ACAR_PLUS_AVIEW has the following format:
To access ADAMS/View:
Setting it to yes displays the Welcome dialog box; setting it to no turns off the display of
the Welcome dialog box.
If a result file exists, your template-based product will automatically read it in with the
analysis, if you run an interactive simulation.
If you run the simulation externally (background, files_only), you can read in the result
file using either of these two methods:
■ Review -> Analysis Management -> Read
For ADAMS/Rail, you can decide not to write the result file, even if a flexible body exists
in the model setting the environment:
where the default is no.
38 Configuring Template-Based Products
Working With Configuration Files
To define your own environment variables, use the format below. Your template-based
product initializes the variables at startup.
Configuring Template-Based Products 39
Working With Configuration Files
For more information on macros, see Customizing the Interface on page 13 in the guide,
Customizing Template-Based Products. For more information on subroutines, see Ways to
Extend Functionality on page 32 in the guide, Customizing Template-Based Products.
You can place DATABASE entries in the private, site, or shared configuration files. The
DEFAULT_WRITE_DB and DATABASE_ORDER, however, are reserved for the private
and site configuration files.
Note that you can also set up databases through menus, as explained in Managing
Databases on page 9. You may find it more convenient to use the menus.
For an overview to managing databases, see Managing Databases on page 9.
Setting Up Databases
You can define databases in your template-based product using the keyword DATABASE.
A DATABASE keyword entry has the following format:
In the format, DB_NAME is the name assigned to the database and DB_PATH is the location
of the database in your file system. You can add any database to the DATABASE definition
in any configuration file. If the database does not exist, your template-based product
creates it in the specified location and adds it to the database list.
40 Configuring Template-Based Products
Working With Configuration Files
The keyword entry defines the initial database that you want as the default location for
writing files. Usually, you define the default writable database in your private
configuration file, although you can set the writable database in any configuration file.
You can change it during the session as explained in Setting the Writable Database on
page 15. Note that you will need permission to write to the file system location to which
the DEFAULT_WRITE_DB points.
To set the order, enter the databases in the order in which you would like them searched.
For example, if you’d like your private database searched first, followed by the site and
then the shared, you enter the following:
DATABASE_ORDER private, site, shared
For more information on database order and setting it up through your template-based
product menus, see Setting Up the Search List and Order on page 17.
Configuring Template-Based Products 41
Working With Configuration Files
Creating Tables
At start up, your template-based product determines when to create new table directories
as follows:
1 Your template-based product verifies that all database directories defined in the
private configuration file contain table directories for the corresponding table
directories also defined in the private configuration file.
2 If a table directory does not exist inside the database, your template-based product
creates one.
3 If a site configuration file exists, your template-based product ensures that for any
table directory specified in the site configuration file, a corresponding table
directory exists for all database directories defined in both the site and private
configuration files.
4 Your template-based product ensures that for all table directories specified in the
shared configuration file, a corresponding table directory exists for all database
directories defined in the private, site (if it exists), and shared configuration files.
42 Configuring Template-Based Products
Working With Configuration Files
The TABLE keyword entry for creating tables has the format:
■ TABLE_CLASS - A string identifying the table.
■ TABLE_NAME - The name that you want used to access the table.
Adding the table definition shown above in the configuration file causes your template-
based product to recognize and correctly access files stored in that particular database
■ PROPFILE_CLASS is a string that identifies the property file.
For example:
PROPFILE bushing mdids://shared/bushings.tbl/mdi_0001.bus
You can define the property files in the private, site, or shared configuration files.
■ ASSEMBLY_CLASS is a string that identifies the type of assemblies which
correspond to the test rig.
■ TESTRIG_NAME is the name of the test rig model.
For example:
You can define the default test rigs in the private, site, or shared configuration files.
44 Configuring Template-Based Products
Working With Configuration Files
A Standard Table Directory Entries
This appendix briefly explains the TABLE directory entries in
the shared configuration file:
■ ADAMS/Car Standard TABLE Entries, 46
■ ADAMS/Engine Standard TABLE Entries, 49
■ ADAMS/Rail Standard TABLE Entries, 54
46 Configuring Template-Based Products
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE assembly assemblies.tbl asy Assembly files that list the subsystems
that make up ADAMS/Car assemblies.
TABLE template templates.tbl tpl Template files that define the topology
and major role (for example, suspension
or steering) of ADAMS/Car models.
TABLE subsystem subsystems.tbl sub Subsystem files that contain information
unique to the specific instance of the
template the subsystem file references.
TABLE aero_force aero_forces.tbl aer Aero_force files that contain wind-force
TABLE bushing bushings.tbl bus Bushing files that define a six degree-
of-freedom force relationships between
user-specified locations on two parts.
TABLE linear bushing bushings.tbl lbf Bushing files that define a six degree-
of-freedom force relationship between
user-specified locations on two parts,
using constant coefficients for each of
the six degrees of freedom.
TABLE bumpstop bumpstop.tbl bum Bumpstop files that define a force-
displacement relationship between user-
specified locations on two parts.
TABLE damper dampers.tbl dam Damper files that define a force-velocity
relationship between user-specified
locations on two parts.
Configuring Template-Based Products 47
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE linear damper dampers.tbl ldf Damper files that define the linear
damping force relationship between
user-specified locations on two parts,
using a constant damping coefficient.
TABLE flex_body flexbodys.tbl mnf Files that define flexible body
representations usually through modal
neutral files.
TABLE powertrain powertrains.tbl pwr Powertrain files that define the engine
speed-torque relationship at different
throttle positions.
TABLE differential differentials.tbl dif Differential files that define the slip
speed-torque characteristics of a
TABLE reboundstop reboundstops.tbl reb Rebound stop files that define a force-
displacement relationship between user-
specified locations on two parts.
TABLE shell_graphic shell_graphics.tbl shl Shell graphic files.
TABLE spring springs.tbl spr Spring files that define a force-
displacement relationship between user-
specified locations on two parts.
TABLE linear spring springs.tbl lsf Spring files that define the linear elastic
force relationship between user-
specified locations on two parts, using a
constant stiffness coefficient.
TABLE steering_assist steering_assists.tbl Steering_assist files that contain torsion
ste bar data relating torsion bar deflection
to both torque and pressure.
48 Configuring Template-Based Products
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE tire tires.tbl tir Tire files that define data needed to
characterize tire behavior (a tire model).
TABLE road roads.tbl rdf Road files that define roads that the
contact algorithms in the ADAMS/Tire
module use.
TABLE driver_controls driver_controls.tbl Driver control files that contain
dcf maneuver descriptions for the Driving
TABLE driver_data driver_data.tbl dcd Driver data files that contain data for the
Driving Machine.
TABLE driver_loadcase Driver loadcase files that contain
driver_loadcases.tbl dri driving signals used in a data-driven,
full-vehicle analysis. The driver
loadcase specifies inputs to the vehicle.
TABLE loadcase loadcases.tbl lcf Loadcase files that contain data used in
suspension analyses.
TABLE suspension_curve Suspension curves used in the
suspension_curves.tbl scf Conceptual Suspension Modeling
TABLE wheelenv wheel_envelopes.tbl wen Wheel envelope files that contain
location vector information that
represents the wheel center location and
orientation in space. They are used for
wheel envelope analyses.
Configuring Template-Based Products 49
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE assembly assemblies.tbl asy Assembly files that list the subsystems
that make up ADAMS/Engine
TABLE template templates.tbl tpl Template files that define the topology
and major role of ADAMS/Engine
TABLE subsystem subsystems.tbl sub Subsystem files that contain information
unique to the specific instance of the
template the subsystem file references.
TABLE damper dampers.tbl dpr Damper files that define a force-velocity
relationship between user-specified
locations on two parts.
50 Configuring Template-Based Products
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE rocker_soc_radii rockers.tbl sra Files that contain mass properties and
geometry data of rockers with one
contact radius and one socket.
TABLE rocker_soc_rol_rad rockers.tbl sro Files that contain mass properties and
geometry data of rockers with one
contact radius and one socket (rocker)
using a roller.
TABLE roller rollers.tbl rol Files that contain mass properties and
geometry data of rollers.
TABLE sprocket sprockets.tbl spt Files that contain mass properties and
geometry data of sprockets.
TABLE hy1_tappet tappets.tbl th1 Files that contain hydraulic force
properties, mass properties, and
geometry data of hydraulic lash
adjusters with check valve in piston.
TABLE hy2_tappet tappets.tbl th2 Files that contain hydraulic force
properties, mass properties, and
geometry data of hydraulic lash
adjusters with check valve in housing.
TABLE nli_spd_tappet tappets.tbl tnl Files that reference a spring and a
damper property file, and contain mass
properties and geometry data of spring-
damper tappets.
TABLE rig_tappet tappets.tbl tri Files that contain mass properties and
geometry data of rigid tappets.
TABLE spd_tappet tappets.tbl tsp Files that contain stiffness parameters,
mass properties, and geometry data of
spring-damper tappets.
Configuring Template-Based Products 53
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE airspring airsprings.tbl air Airspring files that define the parameters to
be used for the description of a Nishimura
or Krettek airspring element.
TABLE assembly assemblies.tbl asy Assembly files that list the subsystems that
make up ADAMS/Rail assemblies.
TABLE bumpstop bumpstop.tbl bum Bumpstop files that define a force-
displacement relationship between user-
specified locations on two parts.
TABLE bushing bushings.tbl bus Bushing files that define a six degree-of-
freedom force relationships between user-
specified locations on two parts.
TABLE contact_configuration contact_ Contact configuration files that contain the
configurations.tbl ccf contact models and properties to be used
for a certain analysis.
TABLE damper dampers.tbl dam Damper files that define a force-velocity
relationship between user-specified
locations on two parts.
TABLE flex_body flexbodys.tbl mnf Files that define flexible body
representations usually through modal
neutral files.
TABLE flexref_config flexref_configs.tbl Files that define the linear track flexibility
ftp properties (mass and inertias of the track
beam and ballast parts, and stiffnesses and
damping of their supports).
TABLE friction_damper Property files that define the friction
friction_dampers.tbl fdp damper characteristics.
Configuring Template-Based Products 55
Standard Table Directory Entries
TABLE plot_config plot_configs.tbl plt Plot configuration files that define a suite
of plots to be automatically generated after
completion of an analysis.
TABLE reboundstop reboundstops.tbl Rebound stop files that define a force-
reb displacement relationship between user-
specified locations on two parts.
TABLE shear_spring shear_springs.tbl Property files that define the shear spring
ssp characteristics.
TABLE shell_graphic shell_graphics.tbl Shell graphic files.
Symbols A-B
.acar.cfg, about 29
Access needed for management tasks 6 E-F
Accessing ADAMS/View, about 35
ADAMS/Car TABLE entries, defined 46
ADAMS/Engine TABLE entries, defined 49 I-J
ADAMS/Rail TABLE entries, defined 54
ADAMS/View, accessing 35
Add to Search commands, using 18 M-N
Adding, databases to search list 18 O-P
Analysis, setting output to result files 37
Assemblies, publishing 25
Assumptions in this guide 3 S-T
Bundling databases 16
Change Search Order command, using 20 W-Z
Changes, saving database configuration 21
search order 20
search order using configuration files 40
58 Configuring Template-Based Products
Commands A-B
Add to Search 18
Change Search Order 20 C-D
Create Database 15
Database Info 21
Default Writable 15
Publish Assembly 25
Publish Subsystem 24
Remove from Search 19
Save Configuration 21
Table Info 21 K-L
Configuration files
about 28 M-N
example of 32
format of 31 O-P
managing databases using 39
managing tables using 41 Q-R
managing test rigs using 43
setting up databases in 39 S-T
Copying subsystem 24, 25
Create Database command, using 15
Creating W-Z
custom keywords 38
databases 14
tables 41
Custom keywords, creating 38
Database Info command, using 21
DATABASE keyword 39
Configuring Template-Based Products 59
Databases A-B
adding to search list 18
changing order searched 20 C-D
changing order searched using configuration files 40
creating 14
creating tar files of 16
removing from search list 19
saving management changes 21
search list for 13
setting default writable 15
setting default writable using configuration file 40 K-L
setting up in configuration files 39
structure of 11
types of 10
viewing information about 21
for Welcome dialog box 35 Q-R
setting writable database 15
setting writable database using configuration file 40 S-T
Default Writable command, using 15
Default writable database
setting 15
setting using configuration file 40
Display, setting Welcome dialog box 36
60 Configuring Template-Based Products
defining your own 38 C-D
Example configuration file 32
Exit dialog box, replacing image on 36
Expert users Q-R
management tasks 6
setting up 34 S-T
tools for managing 7
about configuration 28
creating tar 16 W-Z
format of configuration 31
property, managing 43
setting output to result 37
Format of configuration files 31
Frame, setting orientation of global reference 37
Configuring Template-Based Products 61
Image, replacing in dialog box 36
Information C-D
viewing database 21
viewing table 21 E-F
defining your own 38
in configuration files 33
Management tasks
about 6
accessing tools for 7
Managing Q-R
databases through configuration files 39
property files 43 S-T
tables 41
test rigs 43 U-V
MDI_ACAR_LOGO_BMP keyword 36
MDI_ARAIL_NORES keyword 37
Names, setting for databases 14
62 Configuring Template-Based Products
about search 17 C-D
changing search 20
changing search using configuration files 40 E-F
Orientation, setting global reference frame 37
Output, setting to results files 37
Paths, assigning to databases 14 I-J
Preferences, setting side 36 K-L
Private configuration files
about 29 M-N
environment variables for 29
saving 21 O-P
Private database, about 10
privateCfg, about 29
Publish Assembly command, using 25 S-T
Publish Subsystem command, using 24
assemblies 25 W-Z
subsystems 24
Reference frame, setting orientation of global 37
Registry Editor, about 29
Remove from Search command, using 19
Removing, databases from search list 19
Replacing image
on Exit dialog box 36
on Welcome dialog box 36
Result files, setting output to 37
Configuring Template-Based Products 63
Save Configuration commands, using 21
Saving, database configuration 21 C-D
Search list E-F
about 13
adding databases to 18 G-H
removing databases from 19
Search order I-J
about 17
defined 13 K-L
potential problems with 18
using configuration files to change 40 M-N
using menus to change 20
databases through configuration file 39 Q-R
default writable database 15
default writable database using configuration file 40
orientation of global reference frame 37
output to result files 37
side preferences 36
User access
and type of management tasks 6 C-D
setting 34
Users, setting up 34 E-F
Variables, creating your own 38 G-H
database information 21 I-J
table information 21
Welcome dialog box M-N
replacing image on 36
setting default in 35 O-P
setting display of 36
Writable database, viewing tables in 21
Writing S-T
setting database for 15
setting database for using configuration file 40 U-V