1.1 Communication Skills - I: Rationale
1.1 Communication Skills - I: Rationale
1.1 Communication Skills - I: Rationale
Language is the most commonly used and effective medium of self-expression in all spheres of
human life – personal, social and professional. A student must have a fair knowledge of English
language and be able to pursue the present course of study and handle the future jobs in industry.
The objective of this course is to assist the diploma holders to acquire proficiency, both in spoken
(oral) and written language. At the end of the course, the student will be able to develop
comprehension, improve vocabulary, develop grammatical ability, enhance writing skills,
correspond with others and enhance skills in spoken English.
The following six chapters of “A Book of English for Polytechnics – Prose Selection”
published by MacMillan India Ltd., on behalf of Technical Teachers’ Training Institute,
a) Adventure in Space
b) An Engineering Wizard
c) The Diamond Necklace
d) God lives in the Panch
e) The Man who found penicillin
f) Guru Nanak Dev
There will be one general question from one of these six chapters.
2. Comprehension (4 hrs)
(from the prescribed 6 chapters of Prose Text Book and simple unseen passages)
3. Grammar (from the prescribed 6 chapters of Prose Text Book only) (10 hrs)
Correction of incorrect sentences
4. Vocabulary (6 hrs)
Translation of 300 most commonly used scientific and technological terms in Hindi
to English and English to Hindi
6. Paper reading
7. Group Discussions
9. Declamation contest
Note: For reading comprehension, listening comprehension and effective speaking skills, English
Language Laboratory Manual and Workbook published by State Board of Technical
Education, Hyderabad may be used along with text-book
1. Essentials of Business Communication by Pal and Rorualling; Sultan Chand and Sons
2. The Essence of Effective Communication, Ludlow and Panthon; Prentice Hall of India
3. New Design English Grammar, Reading and Writing Skills by AL Kohli (Course A and
course B), Kohli Publishers, 34 Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh,
4. New Design English Reading and Advanced Writing Skills for Class XI and XII by MK Kohli
and AL Kohli; Kohli Publishers, 34 Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh,
8. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan and Meera Banerji; MacMillan India
Ltd., Delhi
9. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by RC Sharma and Krishna Mohan; Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi
10. Communication Skills by Ms R Datta Roy and KK Dhir; Vishal Publication, Jalandhar
Applied Mathematics forms the backbone of engineering discipline. Basic elements of permutations
and combinations, trigonometry, vector, complex number and statistics have been included in the
curriculum as foundation course and to provide base for continuing education to the students.
1. Algebra (16 hrs)
1.1 Permutations and Combinations, Value of npr and ncr , its properties and simple
1.2 Binomial theorem (without proof) for positive integral index (expansion and general
term); Binomial theorem for any index (expansion only) first and second binomial
approximation with application to engineering problems
1.3 Partial fractions (linear factors, repeated linear factors, non reducible quadratic
1.4 Determinants and Matrices – expansion of determinants (upto third order) using
sarrus rule, expansion method and pivotal’s condensation method. Properties of
determinants, solution of equations (upto 3 unknowns) by Cramer’s rule. Definition
of matrix, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices (upto third order).
Inverse of a matrix by adjoint method and elementary row transformations.
Solution of equations (up to 3 unknowns) by Matrix method
2. Trigonometry (8 hrs)
2.1 Addition and subtraction formulae, product formulae and their application in
engineering problems. Transformation from product to sum or difference of two
angles or vice versa, multiple and sub-multiple angles
3. Vectors (8 hrs)
Definition of vector and scalar quantities. Addition and subtraction of vectors. Dot product
and cross product of two vectors. Thumb rule. Angle between two vectors, application of
dot and cross product in engineering problems, scalar triple product and vector triple
Definition, Real and Imaginary parts of a complex number, Polar and Cartesian
representation of a complex number and conversion from one form to the other, conjugate
of a complex number, modulus and argument of a complex number, addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of a complex number.
Applied physics includes the study of a large number of diverse topics all related to things that go
in the world around us. It aims to give an understanding of this world both by observation and
prediction of the way in which objects will behave. Concrete uses of physical principles and
analysis in various fields of engineering and technology are given prominence in the course
1.6 Dimensional equations and their applications, conversion from one unit to another
unit for density, force, pressure, work, power, energy, velocity, acceleration
2.1 Scalar and vector quantities – examples, addition and multiplication (scalar
product and vector product) of vectors
2.2 Force, resolution and composition of forces – resultant, parallelogram law of forces
2.4 Newton’s Laws of motion – concept of momentum, Newton’s laws of motion and
their applications, determination of force equation from Newton’s second law of
motion; Newton’s third law of motion conversion of momentum, impulse and
impulsive forces, simple numerical problems based on third law.
2.5 Projectile, horizontal and oblique projections and equation of trajectory
2.8 Relation between linear and angular velocity and linear acceleration and angular
3.2 Work done in moving an object on horizontal and inclined plane (incorporating
frictional forces)
3.3 Power: definitions and its SI units, calculation of power in simple cases
3.4 Energy: Definitions and its SI units: Types: Kinetic energy and Potential energy,
with examples and their derivation
4.4 Pressure – its units, gauge pressure, absolute pressure, atmospheric pressure,
Bourdon’s pressure, manometers and barometer gauges
4.5 Surface tension – its units, measurement of surface tension by capillary tube
method, applications of surface tension, effect of temperature and impurity on
surface tension
4.6 Fluid motion, stream line and turbulent flow, Reynolds number
5.3 Types of wave motion, transverse and longitudinal wave motion with examples
8.2 Difference between heat and temperature on the basis of K.E. of molecules
8.3 Bimetallic and Platinum resistance thermometer: their merits and demerits
9.1 Modes of transfer of heat (conduction, convection and radiation with examples)
9.4 Stefan’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, Wien’s law, Planck’s black body radiation law
2. To find volume of solid cylinder and hollow cylinder using a vernier caliper
3. To determine the thickness of glass strip and radius of curvature of a concave surface
using a spherometer
5. To determine and verify the time period of cantilever by drawing graph between load (w)
and depression (D)
6. To determine the atmospheric pressure at a place using Fortin’s Barometer
9. To find the coefficient of thermal conductivity of bakelite sheet (bad conductor) by Lee’s
Disc Method
5. Simple Course in Electricity and Magnetism by CL Arora; S Chand and Co, New Delhi
9. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick and Halliday, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
The role of Chemistry and chemical products in every branch of engineering is expanding greatly.
Now a days various products of chemical industries are playing important role in the field of
engineering with increasing number of such products each successive years. The strength of
materials, the chemical composition of substances, their behaviour when subjected to different
treatment and environment, and the laws of heat and dynamic energy have entered in almost every
activity of modern life. Chemistry is considered as one of the core subjects for diploma students in
engineering and technology for developing in them scientific temper and appreciation of chemical
properties of materials, which they have to handle in their professional career. Effort should be
made to teach this subject through demonstration and with the active involvement of students.
3.1 Hard and soft water, types of hardness and its causes, disadvantages of hardness
of water (i) in industrial use (ii) in boilers for steam generation.
3.2 Methods to remove hardness of water (i) Clark’s Process (ii) Permutit Process (iii)
Soda Lime process (iv) Ion-Exchange process. Simple numerical problems related
to soda lime process.
3.3 Definition of degree of hardness of water and the systems to express the degree
of hardness of water. Simple numerical problems related to finding the degree of
hardness on different scales.
3.4 Qualities of water used for drinking purposes, treatment of river water to make it fit
for town supply
4. Solutions (6 hrs)
4.1 Concept of homogenous solution, brief introduction of the terms (i) Ionization (ii)
Acidity (iii) Basicity (iv) equivalent weight and gram equivalent weight with suitable
4.2 Strength of a solution (i) Normality (ii) Molarity (iii) Molarity as applied in relation to
a solution.
5. Electrolysis (6 hrs)
5.5 Elementary account of (i) lead acid battery and (ii) Ni-Cd battery with special
reference to their reaction mechanisms.
1. Volumetric analysis and study of apparatus used therein. Simple problems on volumetric
analysis equation
3. Determine the strength of a given solution of sodium hydroxide with the help of a standard
solution of oxalic acid
4. Determine the strength of solution of HCl with the help of a solution of NaOH and an
intermediate solution of standard oxalic acid
5. Find the amount of chlorides in mg per liter in a sample of H2O with the help of a solution
of AgNO3
10. Determine conductance, pH of water sample using conductance bridge and pH meter
2. Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. Rabindra and Prof. B.K. Mishra ; Kumar and Kumar
Publishers (P) Ltd. Bangalore-40
4. “A Text Book of Applied Chemistry-I” by Sharma and Others; Technical Bureau of India,
7. Chemistry for Environmental Engineers by Swayer and McCarty, McGraw Hill, Delhi
8. Progressive Applied Chemistry –I and II by Dr. G.H. Hugar; Eagle Prakashan, Jalandhar
- - 4
Information technology has great influence on all aspects of life. Almost all work places and living
environment are being computerized. In order to prepare diploma holders to work in these
environments, it is essential that they are exposed to various aspects of information technology
such as understanding the concept of information technology and its scope; operating a computer;
use of various tools of MS office; using internet etc. form the broad competency profile of diploma
holders. This exposure will enable the students to enter their professions with confidence, live in a
harmonious way and contribute to the productivity.
1. Teaching of theory should be dovetailed with practical work
2. The following topics may be taught in the laboratory along with the practical
3. Elements of computer system, computer hardware and software; data – numeric data,
alpha numeric data; contents of a program, processing
5. Input devices; keyboard, mouse etc; output devices; VDU and Printer, Scanner, Plotter
7. Secondary storage; magnetic disks – tracks and sectors, optical disk (CD and DVD
Memory), primary and secondary memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc., Capacity; device
controllers, serial port, parallel port, system bus
8. Exercises on file opening and closing; memory management; device management and
input – output (I/O) management with respect of windows
9. Installation concept and precautions to be observed while installing the system and
12. About the internet – server types, connectivity (TCP/IP, shell); applications of internet like:
e-mail and browsing
13. Various Browsers like WWW (World wide web); hyperlinks; HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol); FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
1. Given a PC, name its various components and list their functions
3. Practice in installing a computer system by giving connection and loading the system
software and application software
4. Installation of DOS and simple exercises on TYPE, REN, DEL, CD, MD, COPY, TREE,
BACKUP commands
- File Management:
Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents in some
different file(s), protecting files, Giving password protection for a file
- Editing a document:
Entering text, Cut, copy, paste using tool- bars
- Formatting a document:
Using different fonts, changing font size and colour, changing the appearance
through bold/ italic/ underlined, highlighting a text, changing case, using subscript
and superscript, using different underline methods
- Inserting date, time, special symbols, importing graphic images, drawing tools
- How to change the version of the document from one window OS to another
- Starting excel, open worksheet, enter, edit, data, formulas to calculate values,
format data, create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching from another
spread sheet
- Menu commands:
create, format charts, organise, manage data, solving problem by analyzing data,
exchange with other applications. Programming with MS-Excel, getting information
while working
- Work books:
Managing workbooks (create, open, close, save), working in work books, selecting
the cells, choosing commands, data entry techniques, formula creation and links,
controlling calculations, working with arrays
- Editing a worksheet, copying, moving cells, pasting, inserting, deletion cells, rows,
columns, find and replace text, numbers of cells, formatting worksheet
- Creating a chart:
Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart, use chart to
analyze data
- Retrieve data with MS – query: Create a pivot table, customising a pivot table.
Statistical analysis of data
- Customize MS-Excel:
- Exchange data with other application: linking and embedding, embedding objects,
linking to other applications, import, export document.
a) Log-in to internet
b) Navigation for information seeking on internet
c) Browsing and down loading of information from internet
d) Sending and receiving e-mail
- Creating a message
- Creating an address book
- Attaching a file with e-mail message
- Receiving a message
- Deleting a message
1. Fundamentals of Computer by V Rajaraman; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Computers Today by SK Basandara, Galgotia publication Pvt ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi
3. MS-Office 2000 for Everyone by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
4. Internet for Every One by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon; Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
5. A First Course in Computer by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Jungpura,New Delhi
Drawing is said to be the language of engineers and technicians. Reading and interpreting
engineering drawing is their day-to-day responsibility. The course is aimed at developing basic
graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in preparation of engineering drawings, their
reading and interpretation
2.2 Practice in free hand sketching of vertical, horizontal and inclined lines,
geometrical figures such as triangles, rectangles, small and large circles,
parabolas, curves and ellipses
3.1 Instrumental single stroke (capital and inclined) lettering of 35 mm height in the
ratios of 7:4
3.2 Instrumental double stroke lettering of 35 mm height in the ratio of 7:4, vertical
3.3 Free hand lettering (alphabet and numerals) lower case and upper case, single
stroke vertical and inclined at 75 degree in different standard series of 2.5, 3, 5, 7,
10, and 15 mm heights in the ratio of 7:4
4. Dimensioning (1 sheet)
4.2 Dimensioning of overall sizes, circles, thread holes, chamfered surfaces, angles,
tapered surface holes equally spaced on PCD, counter sunk hole counter bored
holes, cylindrical parts, narrow space and gaps, radii, curves and arches – chain
and parallel dimensioning
5. Scale (3 sheets)
5.1 Scales – their need and importance, Definition of representative fraction (RF); Find
RF of a given scale
6.3 Projection of lines, Lines inclined to one plane and parallel to the other and vice
6.4 Projection of Planes: Planes perpendicular and parallel to either of the planes;
planes perpendicular to one plane and parallel to the other or vice versa
6.5 Projection of solids, such as Prism, Cube, Cylinder and Cones with axis
perpendicular to horizontal plane or parallel to horizontal plane/vertical plane or
6.6 Drawing 3 orthographic views of given objects (at least five objects)
6.7 Drawing 6 views of given objects (non-symmetrical one or two objects may be
selected for this exercise)
6.8 Identification of surfaces on drawn orthographic views from isometric object drawn
Need for sectional views – cutting planes methods of representing sections, conventional
sections of various material, classification of sections, conventions in sectioning
Drawing of full section, half section, partial broken out sections, off-set sections, revolved
sections and removed sections. Exercises on sectional views of different isometric views
Drawing of different conventions for materials in section, conventional breaks for shafts,
pipes, rectangular, square, angle, channel, rolled sections
2. A Text Book of Engineering Drawing by Surjit Singh published by Dhanpat Rai and Co.,
I - - 6
II - - 6
Manual abilities to handle engineering materials with hand tools need to be developed in the
students. They will be using different types of tools/equipment in different shops for fabrication
purposes. Besides developing the necessary skills, the students will appreciate the importance of
quality and safety measures.
Note: 1. The students are supposed to come in proper workshop dress prescribed by the
institute. Wearing shoes in the workshop(s) is compulsory. Importance of safety
and cleanliness, safety measures and upkeep of tools, equipment and
environment in each of the following shops should be explained and practiced.
The students should prepare sketches of various tools/jobs in their practical
2. The shops to be offered in I and II semester may be decided at polytechnic level
3. The students should be taken to various shops (not included in the curriculum) in
the polytechnic in batches and should be given knowledge of the various
machines/equipment. Such as machine shop, foundry shop, sheet metal shop,
4. Students of Diploma in Electrical Engineering will undergo Shops 1 to 6 only
1. Carpentry shop
2. Fitting and plumbing shop
3. Welding shop
4. Paint shop
5. Forging and sheet metal shop
6. Electric shop
7. Electronics Shop
1. Carpentry Shop
1.1 Introduction to various types of wood, carpentry tools - their identification with sketches.
Different types of wood joints.
1.3 Introduction and sharpening of wood working tools and practice of proper adjustment of
1.4 Demonstration and use of wood working machines i.e. band saw, circular saw, rip saw,
bow saw and trammels. Universal wood working machine and wood turning lathe
1.5 Making of various joints (Also draw the sketches of various wooden joints in the Practical
Note Book)
a) Cross lap joint
b) T-lap joint
c) Corner lap joint
d) Mortise and tenon joint
e) Dovetail joint
f) Prepare a file handle or any utility items by wood turning lathe
2.1. Introduction to fitting shop, common materials used in fitting shop, description and
demonstration of various types of work-holding devices and surface plate, V-block
2.3 Demonstrate and use of all important fitting shop tools with the help of neat sketches (files,
punch, hammer, scraper, taps and dyes etc.)
2.5 Description, demonstration and practice of simple operation of hack saw, straight and
angular cutting.
2.6 Demonstrations, description and use of various types of blades - their uses and method of
fitting the blade.
2.7 Introduction and use of measuring tools used in fitting shop like: Try square, Steel rule,
Measuring Tape, Outside micrometer, Vernier Calipers and Vernier Height Gauge
2.8 Description, demonstration and practice of thread cutting using taps and dies
2.9 Plumbing: Descriptions and drawing of various plumbing shop tools, Safety precautions.
Introduction and demonstration of pipe dies, Pipe holding devices, Demonstration and
practice of Pipe Fittings such as Sockets, Elbow, Tee, Reducer, Nipple, Union coupling,
plug, Bend, Float valves and Taps
Job: Drilling, counter drilling and internal thread cutting with Taps
Job: H-Fitting in Mild steel (ms) square
Job: Pipe cutting practice and thread cutting on GI Pipe with pipe dies
3. Welding Shop
3.1 Introduction to welding, type of welding, common materials that can be welded,
introduction to gas welding equipment, types of flame, adjustment of flame, applications of
gas welding. Welding tools and safety precautions
3.2 Introduction to electric arc welding (AC and DC), practice in setting current and voltage for
striking proper arc, precautions while using electric arc welding. Applications of arc
welding. Introduction to polarity and their use
3.3 Introduction to brazing process, filler material and fluxes; applications of brazing. Use of
solder. Introduction of soldering materials
3.4 Demonstrate and use of the different tools used in the welding shop with sketches. Hand
shield, helmet, clipping hammer, gloves, welding lead, connectors, apron, goggles etc.
3.5 Demonstration of welding defects and Various types of joints and end preparation
4. Paint Shop
Introduction of painting shop and necessity. Different types of paints. Introduction of powder
coating plant and their uses.
Job: Preparation of surface before painting such as cleaning, sanding, putty, procedure and
application of primer coat, and painting steel item.
Job: Painting practice by brush on MS sheet
Job: Practice of dip painting
Job: Practice of lettering: Name plates / Sign board
Job: Polishing and painting on wooden and metallic surfaces
Job: Practical demonstration of powder coating
Introduction to forging, forging tools, tongs, blowers/pressure blowers, hammers, chisels, punch,
anvil, swag-block etc. Forging operations.
5.4 High Strength Steel (HSS) tools – forging of Lathe shaper tools like side-tools and V-shape
5.7 Preparation of sheet metal jobs involving rolling, shearing, creasing, bending and cornering
6. Electric Shop
7. Electronics Shop
a) Multi-meter digital
b) Single beam simple CRO , function of every knob on the front panel
c) Power supply , fixed voltage and variable voltage, single output as
well as dual output.
7.2 Identification , familiarization and uses of commonly used tools; active and passive
components; colour code and types of resistor and potentiometers
7.3 Cut, strip, join and insulate two lengths of wires/cables (repeat with different types of
cables/ wires)
7.5 Cut, bend, tin component, leads, inserts. Solder components e.g. resistor, capacitor,
diodes, transistors on a PCB
7.6 Wiring of a small circuit on a PCB/tag strip involving laying, sleeving and use of identifier
7.7 Demonstrate the joining (or connecting) methods/mounting and dismantling method, as
well as uses of the items mentioned below:
7.9 De-solder pump, remove and clean all the components and wires from a given equipment,
a PCB or a tag strip