Vegetative Propagation of Anonidium Mannii (Oliver) Engler & Diels (Annonaceae) by Leafy Stem Cuttings in Kisangani, DR Congo-IJAAR

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Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 15(6), 26-34, December 2019.


Research Paper
Vegetative propagation of Anonidium mannii
(Oliver) Engler & Diels (Annonaceae) by leafy
stem cuttings in Kisangani, DR Congo
By: Paluku Augustin, Tsobeng Alain, Okungo Albert, Tchoundjeu Zacharie, Bwama
Marcel, Van Damme Patrick

Journal Name
International Journal of agronomy
and agricultural research

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international network for natural

Photograph by: Scamperdale

E-ISSN: 2225-3610, p-ISSN: 2223-7054

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Vegetative propagation of Anonidium mannii (Oliver) Engler & Diels (Annonaceae) by leafy stem Bangla Journal
cuttings in Kisangani, DR Congo
Bangla Journal
By: Paluku Augustin, Tsobeng Alain, Okungo Albert, Tchoundjeu Zacharie, Bwama Marcel, Van Damme Patrick

Key Words: DR Congo, Anonidium mannii, IBA, leaf area, Substrate

Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 15(6), 26-34, December 2019.

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This study tested the influence of substrate type, size surface and application of IBA auxin on rooting of stem
cutting leaf of Anonidium mannii, a wild fruit species with low seed germination rate. Two trials were conducted.
The first tested three substrate types that are sand, wood sawdust and rice husks. We also tested combinations
Publications Category
of these substrates (2:2), resulting in six treatments in a randomized complete block design. The second
Book Publication experiment compared different cutting leaf surfaces (12.5, 25 and 37.5cm2) and auxins (IBA applied and not
applied) in a split plot design. Using sand as substrate resulted in significantly higher rooting rates (62.1 ±
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5.9%), while use of rice husks, even combined with other substrates, did not achieve any cutting rooting. INNSPUB on FB
Significant and non-significant differences were observed, respectively, with factors leaf area and auxin
application. Highest rooting rates (26.70 ± 6.6%) were obtained with a leaf surface of 37.5cm² in combination
with IBA application. Vegetative cutting propagation is possible for A. mannii, albeit with low rooting rates.
Therefore, more targeted testing is required; addressing other parameters such as cutting type, season of Email Update
cutting and increase of the leaf surface of cuttings.

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Paluku Augustin, Tsobeng Alain, Okungo Albert, Tchoundjeu Zacharie, Bwama Marcel, Van Damme

Vegetative propagation of Anonidium mannii (Oliver) Engler & Diels (Annonaceae) by leafy stem cuttings
in Kisangani, DR Congo.

Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 15(6), 26-34, December 2019.

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Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)

ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online)
Vol. 15, No. 6, p. 26-34, 2019

Vegetative propagation of Anonidium mannii (Oliver) Engler &

Diels (Annonaceae) by leafy stem cuttings in Kisangani, DR Congo
Paluku Augustin*, Tsobeng Alain1, Okungo Albert2, Tchoundjeu Zacharie3,
Bwama Marcel4, Van Damme Patrick5

Institut Facultaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Yangambi, IFA-Ybi, Kisangani, RD Congo

Word Agroforestry Centre, West and Central Africa Region, Yaoundé, Cameroun
Institut Facultaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Yangambi, Kisangani, RD Congo
Word Agroforestry Centre, West and Central Africa Region, Yaoundé, Cameroun
Université Pédagogique Nationale, UPN, Kishasa, RD Congo
Ghent University, Gent, Belgium, Faculty of Tropical Agrisciences, Czech University of Li fe
Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

Article published on December 30, 2019

Key words: DR Congo, Anonidium mannii, IBA, leaf area, Substrate


This study tested the influence of substrate type, size surface and application of IBA auxin on rooting of stem
cutting leaf of Anonidium mannii, a wild fruit species with low seed germination rate. Two trials were conducted.
The first tested three substrate types that are sand, wood sawdust and rice husks. We also tested combinations of
these substrates (2:2), resulting in six treatments in a randomized complete block design. The second experiment
compared different cutting leaf surfaces (12.5, 25 and 37.5cm2) and auxins (IBA applied and not applied) in a split
plot design. Using sand as substrate resulted in significantly higher rooting rates (62.1 ± 5.9%), while use of rice
husks, even combined with other substrates, did not achieve any cutting rooting. Significant and non-significant
differences were observed, respectively, with factors leaf area and auxin application. Highest rooting rates (26.70
± 6.6%) were obtained with a leaf surface of 37.5cm² in combination with IBA application. Vegetative cutting
propagation is possible for A. mannii, albeit with low rooting rates. Therefore, more targeted testing is required;
addressing other parameters such as cutting type, season of cutting and increase of the leaf surface of cuttings.
* Corresponding Author: Paluku Augustin  [email protected]

Paluku et al. Page 26

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

Introduction vegetative propagation would allow the selection of

Agriculture was started when man became sedentary these genotype and thus maintain preferential
and focused on stocking food. In the wetlands of characters, excluding low germination rate of seeds
tropical Africa, forest ecosystems are still reservoirs of (Vivien et al., 1996).
an extremely rich animal and plant biodiversity
(Aubé, 1996). The latter is used by is al populations For vegetative propagation by cuttings, several factors
for nutritional, medicinal, socio-economic and can help to promote rooting of the cuttings: type,
cultural purposes (Mbolo, 2002), often without any length and leaf area of cuttings, and type of rooting
sustainable management objectives or methods, substrate. These factors have been studied for several
however (Bonannée, 2003). species in the Central African Region. Regarding
species Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. (Clusiaceae), in
Besides timber forest products (TFPs), these forests terms of substrate, highest rooting rates were
are also rich in non-timber products (NTFPs; Peter, achieved with sand (18.7 ± 1.3%; Antangana et al.,
2000) consisting of fruits, nuts, seeds, leaf, barks and 2006). For Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) HJ Lam.
stems (Wong et al., 2001) which are used by humans (Burseraceae), wood sawdust and combination sand
(Dupriez et al., 1987). The latter are mostly harvested and sawdust (77.7 ± 5.6 and 78.8 ± 7.8%,
from wild stands but not from actively cultivated respectively) did not yield significant differences in
plants (Degrande et al., 2002). However, the rooting rates compared to the use of sand who was
domestication of these species could be worthwhile 58.8 ± 10.6% (Mialoundama et al., 2002). Regarding
and undertaken by anyone (Dupriez et al., 1987). hormone use, Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) auxin
improve rooting rate of cuttings compared the effect
Anonidium mannii (Oliv.) Engl. and Diels, a fruit tree
of other auxins (Naphthalene Acetic Acid, NAA or
in the Congo basis rainforest belonging to the family
Indole Acetic Acid, IAA); for both Pausinystalia
Annonaceae is a local species of interest. Its stem can
johimbe (K. Schum) Pierre ex Beille, (Rubiaceae;
reach high of 30 m and a diameter of 80cm. Its leaves
Tchoundjeu et al., 2004) and Baillonella toxisperma
are evergreen, alternate, and simple, up to 45cm long
Pierre (Sapotaceae). A combination of 75cm² leaf area
and 18cm wide. Fruits are compound, yellow, surface-
x IBA auxin x sand substrate resulted in highest
crosslinked, weighing 4-10kg. The fruits a high
rooting rates for B. toxisperma (Ngo Mpeck et
number of brown seeds which are embedded an
Atangana, 2007).
orange-yellow pulp which represents 60% of total
weight. This pulp is high in proteins (Vivien et al.,
Based on these results, our study aimed to evaluate
1996; Lejoly et al., 2010). The fruit of A. mannii is an
the influence of substrate type, cutting leaf area and
important food in the Tshopo Province of DR Congo,
IBA auxin on rooting of cuttings of A. mannii.
and the bark is used in traditional medicine (Evarest,
2008; Termote, 2012).
The objective of this study is to develop a vegetative

Despite all the advantages of A. mannii, esp. for the propagation approach to mass-produce seedlings of A.

forest population of DR Congo in general and of the mannii by stem cuttings, in order to make available the

Kisangani area in particular, there is no record of this plant materials to regenerate this species in the fields.

fruit tree being cultivated. The products of this plant

are derived from trees wild stands in the surrounding We hereby tested the following hypotheses: (1) rooting
forests which are often subject to deforestation by rate of A. mannii cuttings depends on substrate type
human activities (Carpe 2001; Bwama et al., 2008), used, esp. in terms of texture, structure; (2) larger leaf
resulting in a decline of this are therefore compelling. area, promote rooting due to higher photosynthetic
Since local people are able to identity suitable trees activity; and (3) the application of IBA auxin stimulates
for cultivation (especially in terms of fruit taste), rooting in cuttings of A. mannii.

Paluku et al. Page 27

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

Materials and methods Experimental setup

Location Experiment 1
The study was conducted in Kisangani (0°31'N, Influence of substrates type
25°11'E and 396-427 m) in non-mist propagators in The experimental design consisted of a randomized
hangar at the Faculty Institute of Agricultural complete block (Fig. 1) with substrate type as random
Sciences of Yangambi (IFA-Yangambi). variable. Each substrate was replicated three times.
Each replicate consisted of 22 cuttings of A. mannii,
resulting in n = 22 cuttings of reduced leaves x 6
We used uninodales stem cuttings of A. Mannii of 4-
treatments (3 substrates and 3 combinations 2-2) x 3
5cm length. Cuttings were obtained from five adult
repetitions = 396 cuttings. Substrates tested were rice
trees at Mobi (0°22’N, 25°23’E, 428m), a village
husks, wood sawdust (a combination of several
located 32 km from Kisangani, on Lubutu road in
species) and river sand, and mixtures of equal
Tshopo Province, DR Congo.
volumes of sawdust and sand, sand and rice husks,
and rice husks and sawdust. Rice husk and sawdust
were chosen as they are abundant in the area and are
Collection, transport and conditioning of cuttings
used in gardening. River sand was used in several
Cuttings were taken from hardened juvenile stem of
studies and produced good results for many species;
branches. Immediately after collection, cuttings were
it is readily available in Kisangani town.
moistened with water, placed in plastic bag and
transported on motorbike from harvest site to hangar of
experimentation. At hangar, cuttings were trimmed to the
required dimensions (length 4-5cm) and leaf area reduced
(12.5, 25 and 37.5cm²), and then kept in a bucket of water
before planting, in order to keep cuttings cool.

Propagation in non-mist propagator

Propagation was conducted in non-mist propagator, a Fig. 1. Cuttings of A. mannii installed in non-mist
wooden frame covered with clear plastic to propagator.
completely seal the system and make it waterproof.
The frame was divided into three compartments of
Experiment 2
1m² each. The propagator base consisted of a dual
Effect of leaf area and IBA auxin on cutting rooting
layer of polyethylene film on which a thin layer of
The experimental design was a split-plot with three
sand was placed. The sand layer was covered
levels of leaf area (12.5, 25, 37.5cm²) and two levels of
successively with a layer of stones, gravel and rooting
IBA auxin (applied, not applied). The combination of
substrate, each thick 10cm. Water for the rooting
these factors resulted in six treatments (Table 1). Each
substrate was supplied through capillarity, ensuring a
treatment was replicated three times and 30 cuttings
constant humidity of more than 80% and a
were used per treatment, resulting in a total of n = 30
temperature of 28-30°C, which are favourable
cuttings x 6 treatments (3 leaf surfaces and 2 auxin
conditions for cutting development. A plastic pipe
levels) x 3 replicated = 540 cuttings. Cuttings from
with a diameter of 3cm and a length of 30cm was
sample trees were distributed equally over treatments.
inserted at the corner of each compartment, on the
stone layer, to adjust water levels (Tchoundjeu, 1989).
As rooting medium, we used sand. The hormone used
was Rhizopon ® AA (ACF Chemiefarma NV
During the experiment, the leaves of the cuttings were
Netherlands, Approval No. 4726), a powder
moistened at least once a day using a sprayer, to
containing 2% of butyric beta-indole acid (IBA).
maintain humidity.

Paluku et al. Page 28

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

IBA was applied by putting the bases of the cuttings

in contact with the powder (standard application).

Substrate sterilisation was performed by heating on

metal half-cask. The substrate was rotated every time
water added to ensure good heat distribution in
the material.

Table 1. Combination factors experimented.

Leaf area IBA auxin
12.5cm² Treatment (H1) H1S1
(S1) No treatment (H0) H0S1
25cm² Treatment (H1) H1S2 Fig. 3. Acclimatization of rooted cuttings in giant
(S2) No treatment (H0) H0S2 propagator (3 x 1 x 1.5m³).
37.5cm² Treatment (H1) H1S3
(S3) No treatment (H0) H0S3
Data analysis
Data collection Collected data were recorded in Excel 2007 and analysed
Observations on rooting cuttings began two weeks using GenStat 14.1 and SPSS 17.0. Logistic regression
after the setup of cuttings and were performed every models were used to detect differences between

week for 22 weeks. We reported the number of treatments in terms of rooting and mortality. Graphs on
weekly mortality rates and rooting of cuttings were
cuttings that had lost their leaves; rooted cuttings;
developed using Excel 2007. To determine the effect of
number and length of roots per rooted cutting; and
experimental factors on rooting success, data were
number of parched cuttings. Roots were counted and
subjected to analysis of deviance using the General
measured when rooting was first observed, using a
Linear Model of Genstat 14.1.
graduated lath (± 0.1cm). Rooted cuttings were
withdrawn (Fig. 2) from the propagation chassis Results and discussion
when roots reached a length of 1.5cm. Cuttings were Experiment 1: Effect of substrate type
then placed in a substrate consisting of compost for Mortality cuttings of A. mannii was relatively high for
their growth. They were gradually acclimatised for treatments with rice husks. In the second week, 62%
of cuttings in rice husks had already withered. Later
two weeks in a large propagator (Fig. 3) before being
on, we observed significant differences (P < 0.001)
exposed to the open air.
between the different substrates. Sand and sawdust in
combination rice husks showed a rather low mortality
rate (44-47%) at the beginning of the experiment
(second week), while using rice husks without the
addition of another substrate resulted in a
considerably high mortality rate (75.8 ± 14.6%) from
the beginning on. Mortality rates of cuttings were
98.5 ± 2.6 and 92.4 ± 9.5% at the eleventh week for
rice husks and sand-rice husks, while rice husks
combined with wood sawdust resulted in a mortality
rate of 80.3 ± 13.1% in week 12.

In sand and sawdust, we observed mortality rates of

only 21.2 ± 13.1 and 22.8 ± 35.5%, respectively, at the
Fig. 2. A. mannii rooted cuttings. end of the experimental period, whereas the

Paluku et al. Page 29

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

combination of these two substrates yielded high sawdust with sand resulted in increased rooting rates
cutting survival rates (10.6 ± 2.6% mortality). The of up to 34.8 ± 5.8%. A. Mannii cuttings started to
curves were separated into two batches (Fig. 4). root at week 6, earlier than for Diospyros classiflora
(Hiern) (Ebenenaceae), which started rooting at week
9 under similar conditions (Tsobeng et al., 2011).
However, in similar experiments, Khaya ivorensis,
Lovoa trichilioides (Tchoundjeu, 1989) and
Ricinodendron heudelotii (Schiembo et al., 1997)
already started rooting in week 2. In our study,
differences between treatments were highly
significant (P < 0.001) from week 7. Rooting time can
be seen as a species-specific function.

Fig. 4. weekly mortality of cuttings of A. mannii as

function of substrates (n=22, total=396,
Deviation=Standard Error).

Similar rates (15-36%) were also recorded by

Mialoundama et al. (2002) for Dacryodes edulis with
sandy substrates, sawdust and their combinations.
Tchoundjeu et al. (2002) also reported a mortality
rate of 20% for Prunus africana with the use of
sawdust as substrate. The lowest rates were reported Fig. 5. weekly cumulative rate of cuttings rooting A.
for Pausinystalia johimbe, ± 3% (Ngo Mpeck, 2004; mannii as function of six types of substrate (n=22,
Tchoundjeu et al., 2004) for the same substrate types total=396, Deviation=Standard Error).
(sand, sawdust and 1:1 sand-sawdust).
The rice husk substrate and its combinations did not
These differences in terms of rooting rates are related to result in any rooting, whereas sand was the most
the structure of each substrate, which affects successful substrate. High rooting rates in sand have
permeability, and water retention and exchange with the also been reported by Leakey et al. (1990), Nyansi
atmosphere. Studies by Bourgos Leon in Senegal showed (2004), Atangana et al. (2006), Ngo Mpeck and
the phytotoxicity of sorghum straw (Sorghum vulgare), Atangana (2007) and Paluku et al. (2018) respectively
a cereal grown in Africa, on seedlings or weeds species for Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae), Garcinia kola
which grow on this substrate. Phytotoxicity of S. vulgare (Clusiaceae), Allanblackia floribunda, Baillonella
was caused by phenolic acids identified in extracts straw, toxisperma and Cola acuminata. Generally, an
at concentrations sufficient to inhibit soil properties adequate substrate for rooting cuttings must have an
according to the pedoclimatic conditions of these optimum pore volume and allow adequate amounts of
cultures (Bourgos-Léon, 1975). Rice husks are cereal oxygen to be respired by the roots (Andersen, 1986).
residues, which was probably the reason for the high The inferiority of rice husk and sawdust compared to
mortality rate in our study. sand would be linked to their level of decomposition,
which is often incomplete and continuel, resulting in
Sand as a substrate resulted in higher rooting rates increased heat which impedes growth.
compared to those obtained for the other substrates
(62.1 ± 5.9%; Fig. 5). By contrast, the treatments with The number of roots per cutting ranged from one to
rice husks were not very successful. Treatment with two, and root length ranged from 6 to 10 mm in
sawdust substrate resulted in 15.1 ± 4.4%; combining treatments where rooting was successful (Table 2).

Paluku et al. Page 30

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) Table 3. Mean rooting rate (%) of A. mannii cuttings
between substrates in terms of root number, which is as function of leaf area and IBA auxins (n=30,
in agreement with previous findings. The number of total=540, Deviation=Standard Error).
roots formed per cutting would therefore seem to be Hormone IBA auxin No IBA
Total Means
species-specific. In terms of root length, sand is Leaf area (H1) auxin (H0)
S1=12.5cm² 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
significantly different (P = 0.028) of combination of 27.80 13.90
S2=25cm² 10 ± 6.7 17.80 ± 8.4
sand and sawdust. ± 7.1 ± 3.5
36.70 18.35
S3=37.5cm² 26.70 ± 6.7 10 ± 3.3
± 10.9 ± 5.8
Table 2. Means number and length of roots (n=22, Total 36.70 ± 13.7 27.80 ± 5.1
Means 12.23 ± 3.3 9.26 ± 4.2
total=396, Deviation=Standard Error).
Parameters Mean number Mean length of
Substrats of roots roots (mm)
Sand 1.4±0.9 6.2±3.4
Rice husk 0 0
Wood sawdust 1.5±0.8 6.2±3.5
Sand-rice husk 0 0
Sand-sawdust 1.2±0.4 9.7±10.3
Rice husk-sawdust 0 0

Experiment 2: Effect of leaf area x auxin IBA

Cuttings started to root in the sixth week for the
treatment without auxin application, and for cuttings Fig. 6. Weekly rooting of cuttings A. mannii as function
with a leaf area of 37.5cm². Highly significant (P = of combination leaf area x IBA auxins (H0 = no auxin,
0.003) and very highly significant differences (P < H1 = IBA auxin, S1 = 12.5cm², S2 = 25cm², S3 =
0.001) between treatments were observed at the tenth 37.5cm², n=30, total=540, Deviation=Standard Error).
and the eleventh week, respectively. Rooting rates
were positively correlated to a higher leaf area (Table For the different factors, highly significant differences
3). The combination 37.5cm² x IBA auxin resulted in (P < 0.001) were observed between leaf areas and
highest rooting rates (26.7 ± 6.7%) compared to the significant differences (P = 0.042) between
other treatments (10-18%). Treatments with 12.5cm²
combinations of leaf areas x auxin application,
leaf area did not result in any rooting (Fig. 6; Table 3).
whereas between both auxin treatments, there were
no significant differences (Table 4). Numerically
Results obtained by Tchoundjeu et al. (2004) for P.
(Table 3), application of IBA auxin resulted in higher
johimbe showed that the curve of the rooting rate
rooting rates (12.23% against 9.26%). These results
depends on the foliar surface and is not an exponential,
corroborate with those obtained by Atangana et al.
but rather a Gaussian curve (an increase from 0 to
(2006), Ngo Mpeck and Atangana (2007) and Paluku
50cm and a decrease between 100 and 200cm²). This
et al. (2018), where auxin application (IAA, IBA and
means there is an optimal, species-specific leaf area on
NAA) did not improve rooting rate for A. Floribunda,
cuttings for obtaining optimum rooting rates. An
B. Toxisperma and Cola acuminata respectively. In
optimum leaf area for tropical species is one that allows
contrast to what occurred with both these three
an adequate balance between photosynthetic
species, increasing doses of IBA auxin (50-300 µg)
assimilation and water loss through transpiration
largely stimulated rooting (at 34 to 87%) in cuttings
(Tchoundjeu et al., 2002 and 2004). Studies on this
of P. africana (Tchoundjeu et al., 2002). We
species, A. Mannii, show that leaf area is a determining
therefore suggest that responses to auxin application
factor to rooting ability of cuttings in non-mist
are species-specific.
propagator conditions (Paluku et al., 2019).

Paluku et al. Page 31

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

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Auxins 1 2.0119 2.0119 2.01 0.156 Atangana AR, Tchoundjeu Z, Asaah EK, Simons
Leaf area 2 50.2567 25.1283 25.13 <.001***
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