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1. Definition:
- IELTS (The International English Testing System) is the world’s most popular English
language proficiency test for higher education and global migration
- The certificate valid in 2 years.
- Band scores:
+ Band 9: Expert user
+ Band 8: Very good user
+ Band 7: Good user
+ Band 6: Competent user
+ Band 5: Modest user
+ Band 4: Limited user
+ Band 3: Extremely limited user
+ Band 2: Intermitten user
+ Band 1: Non user

2. Total time of sections and parts:

*Listening: Approximately 30 mins (plus 10 extra mins to transfer answers to answer sheet)
- Number of sections: 4
- Number of questions: 40 ( 10 questions for each section)
- Hear the recording once only
- Different accents: British, Australian, New Zealand, North American

*Reading: Approximately 60 mins ( no extra time to transfer answers)

- Number of sections: 3
- Number of questions: 40

*Speaking: 11-14 mins

- It’s f2f interview between candidate with examiner.
- There are 3 parts.

*Writing: 60 mins
-There are 2 tasks:
+Task 1: 150 words
+Task 2: 250 words

3. Score
- Each correct answer receive 1 mark.
- Total score: 40

- Each correct answer receive 1 mark.
- Total score: 40
- There are 4 assessment criteria:
+ Task achievement/response
+ Coherence and cohesion
+ Lexical resource
+ Grammatical range and accuracy
- Task 2 contribute twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score.

- There are 4 assessment criteria:
+ Fluency and coherence
+ Lexical resource
+ Grammatical range and accuracy
+ Pronunciation
1. Definition
TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)  is a professional credential that focuses on core teaching
concepts for teachers of English as a foreign language, developed by Cambridge ESOL.

2. Total time of sections and parts; mark:

There are 5 modules: Core Modules and Specialist Modules
a) Core Modules:
*Module 1: Background to language learning and teaching
- Total part: 3
- Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
- Number of questions: 80
- Each correct answer receive 1 mark.
- Format:
+ Part 1: Describing language and language skills
1.Matching underlined example in text with part of speech
2.Matching underlined words or phrases in the text with the lexical terms
3.Completing sentences about the use of adverbs
4.Matching underlined parts of email with the functions
5.Choosing the word which contains the sound matching the phonemic symbol
6. Completing statements on speaking skills
+ Part 2: Background to language learning
1. Matching mistakes with comments
2.Choosing one answer which is not example of learning strategy
3. Matching statement with categories listed
4.Matching actions with techniques
5. Matching teaching approaches with features of lessons
6. Matching task types with practice activities
7. Matching descriptions with assessment tasks

*Module 2: Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching

- Total parts: 2
- Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
- Number of questions: 80
- Each correct answer receive 1 mark.
- Format:
+ Part 1: Planning and preparing a lesson or a sequence of lessons
1. Identify and select aims
2. Identify the different components of a lesson plan
3. Planning an individual lesson or a sequence of lessons
4. Choosing assessment activities
+ Part 2: Selection and use of resources and materials
1. Using reference resources for lesson planning
2. Selection and use of coursebook materials
3. Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities
4. Selection and use of aids
*Module 3: Managing the teaching and learning process
- Total part: 2
- Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
- Number of questions: 80
- Each correct answer receive 1 mark.
- Format:
+ Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom
1. Using language appropriately, for a range of classroom functions
2. Sequencing of instruction
3. Identifying the function of learners’ language
4. Categorising learners’ mistakes
+ Classroom management:
1. Classroom management
2. Teachers’ roles
3. Grouping learners
4. Correcting learners
5.Giving feedback
b) Specialist modules:
* CLIL: Content and Language Intergrated Learning
- Aims and rationale of CLIL.
- The planning, teaching and assessment of CLIL.
- Learning demands and support strategies for learners.

* YL: Young Learners

- For teachers and classroom assistants teaching English to young learners.
- Concepts related to young learners’ learning and development.
- Young learners from a teaching perspective (the planning, teaching and assessment of
young learners’ work).

 Module 1 2 3
Language and background Lesson planning and use Managing the
Title to language learning and of resources for language teaching and learning
teaching teaching process
Timing 80 minutes
80 questions 
of tasks
Objective tasks, such as matching and multiple choice
Shade the correct boxes on answer sheets: use a pencil

Marks  1 mark for a question.


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