Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous) : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous) : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous) : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043
The students will try to learn:
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
Q.No QUESTION Taxonomy How does this subsume CO’s
the level
1 Determine the output Understand This would require the CO1
voltage of the differential learner to define differential
amplifier having input amplifier and then find the
Voltages V1=1mV and output voltage.
V2=2 mV. The amplifier
has a differential gain of
5000 and CMRR 1000.
2 An op-amp with a slew rate Analyze This would require the CO1
is 0.5V /µ S is used as an learner to recall the concept
inverting amplifier to obtain of slew rate, understand
a gain of 100. The voltage how to find slew-rate for a
gain Vs frequency circuit, find the maximum
characteristic of the peak-to-peak input signal
amplifier is flat up to 10 and apply without any
KHz. Determine the distortion to the output.
maximum peak-to-peak
input signal that can be
applied without any
distortion to the output and
the maximum frequency of
the input signal to obtain a
sine wave output of 2V
Page 2
3 Derive slew rate equation Understand This would require the CO1
and discuss the effect of learner recall the concept of
slew rate in applications of slew rate and find the
op-amp. Explain the term output voltage of non-
thermal drift. Find the inverting amplifier.
output voltage of a non-
inverting amplifier if the
temperature rises to 50oC
for an offset voltage drift of
0.15mV/oC if it was nulled
at 25oC.
4 A differential amplifier has Apply This would require the CO1
(i) CMRR = 1000 and (ii) learner to recall the concept
CMRR = 10000. The first of differential amplifier,
set of inputs is V1 = 100 V understand the expression
and V2 = -100 V. The for CMRR and find the
second set of inputs is V1 = percentage difference in
1100 V and V2 = 900 V. output voltages.
Calculate the percentage
difference in output voltages
obtained for the two sets of
input voltage and also
comment on this.
5 For an op-amp PSRR =60 Understand This would require the CO1
db(min), CMRR= 104 and learner recall the expression
the differential mode gain is for PSRR, CMRR and find
105, the voltage changes by the new values of PSRR,
20 V in 4 µ sec. calculate (i) common mode gain, slew
numerical value of the rate for voltage changes.
PSRR (ii) common mode
gain. (iii) Slew rate.
6 For a differential amplifier Analyze This would require the CO1
RC=1 KW, RS=1 K W, learner recall the operation
hie=1 K W, hfe=50, the of differential amplifier,
emitter resistance of 2.5 M understand the expression
W while the differential for CMRR, apply CMRR
input of 1 mV. Calculate the for a circuit and find the
output voltage and CMRR output voltage and CMRR
in db. If the common mode for the given specifications.
input is 20 mV. Assume
single ended output.
Page 3
7 An op - amp has a slew rate Apply This would require the CO1
of 1.5V/µs. What is the learner recall the usage of
maximum frequency of an slew rate for an op-amp,
output sinusoid of peak understand how to find
value 10V at which the slew-rate for a circuit and
distortion sets in due to the estimate maximum
slew rate limitation? frequency of an output
sinusoid of peak value for
the given slew rate.
8 Derive the output voltage of Analyze This would require the CO1
an op-amp based differential learner to recall the concept
amplifier. of an op-amp, understand
the operation of op-amp,
apply formula and derive
necessary expression.
9 An op-amp has a differential Apply This would require the CO1
gain of 80 dB and CMRR of learner to recall the concept
95 Db. If V1=2µV and of op-amp, identify the
V2=1.6µV. Then calculate formula to find differential
differential and common and common mode output
mode output values. values of op-amp.
10 The input signal to an Apply This would require the CO1
op-amp is 0.03sin (1.5Ö105) learner to recall the concept
t. calculate maximum gain of op-amp, understand the
of an op-amp with the slew op-amp and calculate
rate of 0.4V/µ sec. maximum gain of an
op-amp with the slew rate.
1 Discus the operation of Understand This would require the CO1
differential amplifier with learner to recall the basic
neat circuit diagram and list internal diagram of
the types of differential differential amplifier and
amplifiers. then list the types of
differential amplifiers by
changing circuit
2 Analyze the input bias Analyze This would require the CO1
current compensation in an learner to recall the concept
inverting amplifier with the of op-amp, understand the
help of circuit diagram. compensation in an
inverting amplifier, describe
about characteristics of
operational amplifier and
then analyze the input bias
Page 4
3 Describe the following terms Understand This would require the CO1
in an op-amp. 1. Input Bias learner to recall the concept
current 2. Input offset of op-amp and understand
voltage 3. Input offset the op-amp characteristics.
4 Analyze the circuits for Analyze This would require the CO1
improving common mode learner to recall the internal
rejection ratio for circuit of differential
differential amplifier amplifier, understand about
circuits. CMRR, and take necessary
steps to improve CMRR.
5 Explain the external Understand This would require the CO2
frequency compensation learner to recall the
methods of operational importance of RC network
amplifier circuit. in order to improve the
bandwidth and limiting gain
of op-amp.
6 Calculate slew rate of a Apply This would require the CO1
voltage follower op amp learner to recall the
circuit for a given sinusoidal temperature effect on
input. transistor, understand the
slew rate and with the
basics of op-amp verify the
impact of temperature on
7 Define stability. Discuss the Understand This would require the CO1
stability of operational learner to recall the stability
amplifier with neat circuit of a circuit and extend it to
diagrams. operational amplifier.
8 List and compare ideal and Understand This would require the CO1
practical characteristics of learner to recall the internal
an operational amplifier equivalent circuit of op-amp
circuit. along with characteristics
and understand the
practical circuit of it.
9 Analyze the dual input Analyze This would require the CO1
balanced output learner to recall ac and dc
configuration of differential analysis of transistor with
amplifier circuit. the knowledge of differential
amplifier, apply the ac and
dc analysis to configure the
differential amplifier.
Page 5
10 Discuss the AC analysis of Understand This would require the CO1
dual input balanced output learner to recall the concept
differential amplifier circuit. of AC analysis and define
the differential amplifier
11 Explain the use of constant Understand This would require the CO1
current bias method for learner to recall constant
dual input balanced output current bias method and
differential amplifier. then explain about dual
input balanced output
differential amplifier.
12 Explain level translator of Understand This would require the CO1
cascaded differential learner to define the level
amplifier with neat circuit translator and then explain
diagram. about cascaded differential
amplifier with neat circuit
13 Discuss common mode Remember —- CO1
rejection ratio and supply
voltage rejection ratio for a
given operational amplifier.
14 List out different Understand This would require the CO1
configurations of differential learner to find different
amplifier. Explain any one configurations of differential
of them in detail. amplifier and then explain
differential amplifier.
15 Draw the circuit of a Understand This would require the CO1
symmetrical emitter coupled learner to recall the AC
dual input balanced output analysis of transistor with
and derive the necessary the knowledge of DIBO
expressions using AC circuit and apply DC
analysis. analysis for emitter coupled
dual input balanced output.
16 Draw the circuit of a Understand This would require the CO2
symmetrical emitter coupled learner to recall the
differential amplifier and symmetrical emitter coupled
derive for CMRR. dual input balanced output
and derive the necessary
expressions for CMRR.
Page 6
17 Explain various DC and AC Understand This would require the CO1
characteristics of an learner to compare various
op-amp. Distinguish DC and AC characteristics
between ideal and practical of an op-amp. And then
characteristics distinguish between ideal
and practical characteristics.
18 Explain the following terms Understand This would require the CO 2
in an OP-AMP. (i)Bias learner to recall the concept
current (ii) input offset of op-amp and define ideal
voltage (iii) thermal drift characteristics of an
operational amplifier.
19 Draw the block diagram of Apply This would require the CO 2
operational amplifier and learner to recall the
explain each differential operational amplifier,
amplifier and derive for explain the block diagram
CMRR. and derive the necessary
expressions for CMRR.
20 Draw the circuit of a Apply This would require the CO 2
symmetrical emitter coupled learner recall the DC
dual input balanced output analysis of transistor with
and derive the necessary the knowledge of DIBO
expressions using DC circuit apply DC analysis
analysis. for emitter coupled dual
input balanced output.
1 Mention the advantages of Remember —- CO 1
integrated circuits.
2 Classify the integrated Remember —- CO 1
3 Name the different types if Remember —- CO 1
IC packages.
4 Define differential amplifier. Understand This would require the CO 1
learner recall the
importance of emitter
coupled transistor and
understand the operation of
differential amplifier.
5 Mention the characteristics Remember —- CO2
of an ideal op-amp.
6 Sketch the equivalent circuit Understand This would require the CO2
of op-amp. learner to recall the ideal
characteristics first to know
about the equivalent circuit
of operational amplifier.
Page 7
7 List the functions of level Understand This would require the CO2
translator. learner to recall transistor
operation and understand
the function of level
8 List the AC characteristics Remember —- CO1
of op amp.
9 List the properties of Understand This would require the CO1
differential amplifier. learner to recall the function
of transistor model and brief
about properties of
differential amplifier.
10 Define input bias current. Remember —- CO1
11 Define slew rate. Remember —- CO1
12 Define CMRR Remember —- CO1
13 Define thermal drift. Remember —- CO1
14 Define PSSR. Remember —- CO1
15 List the different Remember —- CO1
temperature ranges of
IC741 packages?
16 Give the classification of Remember —- CO1
differential amplifier.
17 Write the equation for ACM Understand This would require the CO1
and CMRR learner to recall the ac and
dc analysis to calculate
CMRR of differential
18 What is the difference Understand This would require the CO1
between open loop and learner to recall the purpose
closed loop gain of op-amp? of negative feedback and
calculate the open loop and
closed loop gain of op-amp.
19 Write the ideal values of Remember —- CO1
CMRR and input offset
20 Define input bias current. Remember —- CO2
Page 8
1 Design a differentiator to Understand This would require the CO4
differentiate an input signal learner to define
that varies in frequency differentiator and then
from 10 Hz to about 1 KHz. design the circuit with given
If a sine wave of 1V peak at specifications.
1000 Hz is applied to this
differentiator draw the
output waveforms.
2 Draw the output waveform Understand This would require the CO4
for a sine wave of 1V peak learner to recall the concept
at 100Hz applied to the of differentiator and draw
differentiator. the output waveform for a
sine wave.
3 Design an op-amp Apply This would require the CO4
differentiator that will learner to recall the concept
differentiate an Input signal of differentiator, draw the
with fmax = 100Hz. output waveform for a sine
wave and apply the formula
to find output voltage.
5 Design an op-amp Analyze This would require the CO4
differentiator that will learner to recall the concept
differentiate an Input signal of op-amp, explain the
with fmax = 1000Hz differentiator, draw the
output waveform for a sine
wave and apply the formula
to find output voltage.
6 Design a square wave Apply This would require the CO4
generator using op-amp to learner to define square
oscillate frequency fo = wave generator and then
1kHz and dc supply voltage design the circuit with given
= ±12V. specifications.
7 Draw the output waveform Understand This would require the CO5
for a sine wave of 2V peak learner to recall the concept
at 1000Hz applied to the of differentiator and draw
differentiator. the output waveform for a
sine wave.
Page 9
8 Design a comparator circuit Apply This would require the CO5
for input voltage = 2Vpp learner to recall the concept
sine wave at 1kHz, of op-amp, explain
Vref=500mV, R=100W, and comparator circuit and
supply voltage = design the circuit with given
±15V.Draw the output specifications.
9 Design a differential Apply This would require the CO4
instrumentation amplifier learner to recall the concept
using a transducer bridge. of op-amp, explain
Given data R1=1kW, instrumentation amplifier
Rf=4.7kW, and design the circuit with
RA=RB=RC=100 kW, given specifications.
VDC=5v and op-amp
supply voltages =
±15V.The transducer is a
thermistor with the
following specifications:
RT=100 kW at a reference
temperature of 25oC;
temperature coefficient of
resistance = -1kW/oC or 1
percentage /oC. Determine
the output voltage at 0Oc
and at 100oC.
10 For a non-inverting single Understand This would require the CO4
supply AC amplifier Rin=50 learner to recall
W, Ci=0.1 µ F, C1=0.1µF, non-inverting single supply
R1=R2=R3=100K ohms, AC amplifier and determine
Rf= 1M ohm and bandwidth of the amplifier
VCC=+12 V. Determine and maximum voltage
the bandwidth of the swing.
amplifier and maximum
voltage swing.
1 What is the instrumentation Understand This would require the CO4
amplifier? What are the learner to define the
required parameters of an instrumentation amplifier
instrumentation amplifier? and explain the working of
Explain the working of instrumentation amplifier
instrumentation amplifier with neat circuit diagram.
with neat circuit diagram.
Page 10
2 Derive the gain expression Apply This would require the CO4
for inverting operational learner to recall the concept
amplifier and non-inverting of inverting operational
operational amplifier. amplifier, explain inverting
operational amplifier and
derive gain expression.
3 With neat circuit diagram Understand This would require the CO4
and waveforms explain the learner to recall the
application of OPAMP as differentiator and then draw
Differentiator and write the the circuit diagram and
advantages of practical waveforms explain the
differentiator. application of OPAMP.
4 Explain practical integrator Understand This would require the CO4
circuit using IC 741 and list learner to recall the
the advantages of practical integrator and then list the
integrator over ideal advantages of practical
integrator. integrator over ideal
5 Explain the operation of AC Understand This would require the CO4
amplifier and obtain its learner to explain the
transfer function. operation of AC amplifier
and obtain its transfer
6 Draw the circuit of a log Understand This would require the CO5
amplifier using two op-amps learner to recall the circuit
and explain its operation? of a log amplifier using two
op-amps and explain its
7 Draw and explain the Understand This would require the CO5
operation of square wave learner to recall the
generator using op amp operation of square wave
741and give necessary generator using op amp
equations. 741and give necessary
8 What are the limitations of Understand This would require the CO5
an ordinary op-amp learner to recall the op-amp
differentiator? Draw the differentiator and then draw
circuit of a practical the circuit of a practical
differentiator that will differentiator that will
eliminate these limitations? eliminate these limitations.
9 Explain the operation of Remember —- CO5
monostable multivibrator
using op amp and derive the
expression for pulse width.
Page 11
10 Draw and explain the Understand This would require the CO5
operation of triangular learner to recall the concept
waveform generator using of op-amp and explain the
necessary equations. operation of triangular
waveform generator.
11 Explain the operation of Understand —- CO4
astable multivibrator using
op amp and derive the
expression for frequency of
12 With neat circuit diagram Understand This would require the CO4
explain the operation of learner to recall the concept
Schmitt trigger and give the of schmitt trigger and give
expression for hysteresis the expression for hysteresis
voltage? voltage.
13 Draw the circuit of an Remember —- CO5
anti-log amplifier using two
op-amps and explain its
working principle?
14 Explain the functional block Understand This would require the CO5
diagram of IC723 as voltage learner to recall the concept
regulator with neat of voltage regulator and
diagram? explain the functional block
diagram of IC723.
15 What is a voltage regulator? Understand This would require the CO5
Give some of the features of learner to recall the concept
IC723 Voltage regulator? of voltage regulator and give
some of the features of
16 Explain the operation of Understand This would require the CO4
sawtooth waveform learner to recall the concept
generator using necessary of sawtooth waveform
equations. generator and describe the
operation of sawtooth
waveform generator using
necessary equations.
17 What are the advantages of Understand This would require the CO5
three pin Voltage learner to recall the concept
regulators? of voltage regulator and give
advantages of three pin
voltage regulators.
Page 12
18 Explain inverting and Understand This would require the CO5
non-inverting comparator learner to recall the concept
circuits with neat circuit of comparator circuits and
diagram. explain the inverting and
non-inverting comparator
19 Draw the circuit diagram Understand This would require the CO5
and explain the basic log learner to recall the concept
amplifier using (i) Diode (ii) of log amplifier and then
Transistor. Also obtain the explain characteristics.
expression for output
20 Explain the working Understand
This would require the CO5
principle of a regulated learner to recall the concept
power supply with block of explain the working
diagram. principle of a regulated
power supply with block
1 List the applications of Remember —- CO3
2 Draw the circuit diagram of Understand This would require the CO3
integrator? learner recall the concept of
negative feedback of op-amp
and realize integrator
3 Define voltage follower? Understand This would require the CO3
learner recall the negative
feedback of op-amp and
realize voltage follower
4 Give the applications of Remember —- CO3
5 Draw the circuit diagram of Understand This would require the CO3
differentiator? learner recall the negative
feedback of op-amp and
realize differentiator.
6 What are the applications Understand This would require the CO3
of AC amplifier? learner recall the negative
feedback of op-amp and
realize AC amplifier.
Page 13
7 What do you mean by Understand This would require the CO3
summing amplifier? learner recall the negative
feedback of op-amp and
realize summing amplifier
using IC741.
8 Draw the diagram of Understand This would require the CO3
inverting adder? learner recall the negative
feedback of op-amp and
realize diagram of inverting
9 How op-amps can be used Understand This would require the CO3
to subtract the two input learner to recall the concept
voltages? of op-amp and explain to
subtract the two input
10 What are the applications Remember —- CO4
of log amplifier?
11 What are the applications Remember —- CO3
of AC amplifier?
12 What are the limitations of Understand This would require the CO3
differentiator? learner to recall the
differentiator circuit and
explain limitations of it.
13 Give the applications of Remember —- CO4
anti-log amplifier?
14 What are the limitations of Understand This would require the CO3
integrator? learner to recall the
integrator circuit and
explain limitations of it.
15 Draw the pin diagram of Understand This would require the CO4
IC723 voltage regulator learner to recall the voltage
regulator and explain the of
IC723 voltage regulator.
16 What are the types of Remember —- CO2
17 Why is square-wave Understand This would require the CO4
generator also called the learner recall the concept of
astable multivibrator? IC741 with feedback and
realize square-wave
generator multivibrator.
18 Write any three features of Remember —- CO1
IC723 voltage regulator?
Page 14
19 What do you mean by Understand This would require the CO1
comparator? learner to recall the concept
of op-amp and understand
the comparator circuit.
20 Draw the circuit diagram of Understand This would require the CO3
Schmitt trigger. learner to recall the concept
of op-amp, draw the circuit
diagram of schmitt trigger.
1 Design a second order Analyze This would require the CO6
butter-worth low-pass filter learner to recall the concept
having upper cut-off of low-pass filter, explain
frequency 1 kHz. Then second order butter-worth
determine its frequency low-pass filter, apply
response. Given parameters: required formula and design
fh=1 kHz, C=0.1µF, the circuit with given
R=1.6KW and damping specifications.
factor =1.414.
2 Design a second order Analyze This would require the CO6
butter-worth high-pass filter learner to recall the concept
having lower cut-off of high-pass filter, explain
frequency 1 kHz. Given second order butter-worth
parameters: fl=10 kHz, high-pass filter, apply
C=0.1µF, R=2kW and required formula and design
damping factor =1.414. the circuit with given
Calculate RF and Ri and specifications.
also determine its frequency
3 Design a wide band pass Analyze This would require the CO7
filter having fl=400Hz, learner to recall the concept
fh=2kHz and pass band of filter, explain band-pass
gain of 4. Find the value of filter, apply required
Q factor of the filter. formula and design the
circuit with given
4 Design a wide band reject Analyze This would require the CO7
filter having fh=400Hz, learner to recall the concept
fl=2kHz and pass band gain of filter, explain band-reject
of 2. Find the value of Q filter, apply required
factor of the filter. formula and design the
circuit with given
Page 15
5 A 555 timer is configured to Apply This would require the CO6
run in astable mode with learner to recall the concept
R1 = 20kW, R2= 80W and of timer, explain the astable
C= 0.1 µF. Determine the mode and then determine
output frequency and duty the output frequency and
cycle. duty cycle.
6 IC555 timer used as a Apply This would require the CO6
monostable has R = 20kW, learner to recall the concept
and C= 0.01 µF. What is of timer, explain the
the duration of output monostable mode and then
pulse? determine the output pulse
7 Design a 2kHz clock with a Apply This would require the CO8
50 % duty cycle using 555 learner to recall the concept
timer. of timer, explain the mode
of operation and determine
the duty cycle.
8 Design a 555 timer an Analyze This would require the CO8
astable multivibrator with learner to recall the concept
an output signal frequency of timer, explain the astable
of 800hz and 60% duty mode of operation, apply
cycle. required formula and
determine the output signal.
9 Design a 555 based square Analyze This would require the CO7
wave generator to produce learner to recall the concept
an asymmetrical square of timer, explain the square
wave of 2 KHz. If Vcc=12V, wave generator, apply
draw the voltage curve required formula and
across the timing capacitor determine the output signal.
and output waveform.
10 Design and draw the wave Analyze This would require the CO8
forms of 1KHZ square learner to recall the concept
waveform generator using of timer, explain the square
555 Timer for duty cycle wave generator, apply
D=25%. required formula and
determine the output signal.
1 Describe a second order low Understand This would require the CO6
pass filter with circuit learner to recall the second
diagram and derive its order low pass filter and
transfer function. derive its transfer function
Page 16
2 Draw the circuit of a first Understand This would require the CO6
order low pass filter and learner to recall the first
derive its transfer function order low pass filter and
using necessary equations. derive its transfer function
using necessary equations.
3 Draw the circuit of a narrow Understand This would require the CO7
band pass filter and derive learner to recall the narrow
its transfer function using band pass filter and derive
necessary equations. its transfer function using
necessary equations.
4 Draw the circuit of a all Understand This would require the CO7
pass filter and derive its learner to recall the all pass
transfer function using filter and derive its transfer
necessary equations. function using necessary
5 Explain second order high Understand This would require the CO6
pass filter and derive its learner to recall the second
transfer function using order high pass filter and
necessary equations. derive its transfer function
using necessary equations.
6 Draw the circuit of a first Understand This would require the CO6
order high pass filter and learner to recall the first
derive its transfer function. order high pass filter and
derive its transfer function.
7 Draw the circuit of a narrow Understand This would require the CO7
band reject filter and derive learner to recall the narrow
its transfer function. band pass filter and derive
its transfer function.
8 Draw the circuit of a wide Understand This would require the CO7
band pass filter and derive learner to recall the wide
its transfer function using band pass filter and derive
necessary equations. its transfer function using
necessary equations.
9 Illustrate the differences Understand This would require the CO6
between wide band pass and learner recall the concept of
narrow band pass filters? filter and explain about
differences between wide
band pass and narrow band
pass filters.
10 Draw the circuit of an all Understand This would require the CO6
pass filter and derive its learner to recall the all pass
transfer function using filter and derive its transfer
necessary equations. function.
Page 17
11 Explain each block of the Understand This would require the CO7
functional block diagram of learner to define each block
555 timer and list the of the functional block
advantages of 555 timer. diagram and list the
advantages of 555 timer.
12 Explain working principle of Understand This would require the CO7
Phase locked loop using learner to recall the working
appropriate block diagram principle of phase locked
and equations. loop using appropriate block
diagram and equations.
13 Draw the block diagram of Understand This would require the CO6
an Astable multivibrator learner to define Astable
using 555timer and derive multivibrator and derive an
an expression for its expression for its frequency
frequency of oscillation of oscillation.
14 Derive the expression for Apply This would require the CO6
the following using PLL i) learner to recall the concept
capture range ii) Lock in of PLL, explain the
range. characteristics and derive
the necessary expression.
15 Draw the schematic diagram Understand This would require the CO7
of voltage-controlled learner recall the concept of
oscillator and explain its PLL and explain voltage
working principle? controlled oscillator.
16 Derive the expression for Apply This would require the CO7
pulse width of monostable learner to recall the concept
multi using 555 timer. of 555 timer, explain the
monostable multivibrator
and derive the expression
for pulse width of
monostable multivibrator.
17 Explain any two Understand This would require the CO6
applications of monostable learner to recall the concept
multivibrator using 555 of 555 timer and explain
timer with the help of any two applications of
diagrams. monostable multivibrator
using 555 timer.
18 Derive the expression for Apply This would require the CO6
lock in range of phase learner to recall the concept
locked loop. of PLL, explain the
characteristics and derive
the expression for lock in
Page 18
19 Explain the operation of Understand This would require the CO7
IC555 timer as schmitt learner to recall the
trigger with neat circuit operation of IC555 timer as
diagram. Schmitt trigger with neat
circuit diagram.
20 Explain any two Understand This would require the CO7
applications of IC565. Also learner to recall the concept
list the features of PLL. of PLL and list the features
of PLL.
1 Illustrate why active filters Understand This would require the CO5
are preferred? learner to recall the concept
of filter and explain active
2 What is meant by cut off Understand This would require the CO5
frequency of a high pass learner to recall the concept
filter and how it is found of high pass filter and find
out in a first order high pass cut off frequency of a high
filter? pass filter.
3 Define an electronic filter. Remember —- CO1
4 Define pass band and stop Remember —- CO1
band of a filter.
5 Discuss the disadvantages of Understand This would require the CO5
passive filters? learner to recall the concept
of filter and list out the
disadvantages of passive
6 Define pass band of a filter? Remember —- CO1
7 Define stop band of a filter? Remember —- CO5
8 Draw the circuit diagram of Remember —- CO1
1st order high pass filter?
9 What are the important Understand This would require the CO5
aspects related to filters? learner to recall the concept
of filter and list-out
important aspects related to
10 Give the applications of Remember —- CO1
wideband pass filter?
11 Define figure of merit or Q Remember —- CO5
factor in terms of
Page 19
12 Draw the circuit diagram of Understand This would require the CO5
1st order low pass filter? learner to recall the concept
of filter and draw the circuit
diagram of 1st order low
pass filter.
13 Give the classification of the Remember —- CO6
14 What are the modes of Understand This would require the CO6
operation of timer? learner to recall the concept
of timers and explain
different modes of operation
of timer.
15 Write the applications of Understand This would require the CO7
astable multivibrator using learner to recall the concept
IC555 timer. of timers and list out the
different applications of
astable multivibrator using
IC555 timer.
16 What are the features of Understand This would require the CO7
IC555 timer? learner to recall the concept
of timers and list out the
different features of IC555
17 What is a phase locked loop Understand This would require the CO6
(PLL)? learner to recall the concept
of phase locked loop and
explain phase locked loop.
18 What are the basic building Understand This would require the CO7
blocks of phase locked loop? learner to recall the concept
of phase locked loop and
explain basic building
blocks of phase locked loop.
19 Mention two applications of Remember —- CO7
PLL in the field of
20 What are the important Understand This would require the CO6
characteristics of a PLL? learner to recall the concept
of phase locked loop and
list-out important
characteristics of a PLL.
Page 20
1 Calculate basic step of 9 bit Apply This would require the CO9
DAC is 10.3 mV. If learner to recall the concept
000000000 represents 0V, of converter, explain dual
what output produced if the slope ADC and then
input is 101101111. estimate the required
2 A dual slope ADC uses Apply This would require the CO8
a16-bit counter and a 4MHz learner to recall the concept
clock rate. The maximum of converter, explain dual
input voltage is+10v. The slope ADC and design the
maximum integrator output required circuit with given
voltage should be-8v when specifications.
the counter has cycled
through 2n counts. The
capacitor used in the
integrator is 0.1 µF Find
the value of the resistor R of
the integrator.
3 A dual slope ADC uses an Apply This would require the CO8
18-bit counter with a 5MHz learner to recall the concept
clock. The maximum of converter, explain dual
integrator input voltage in slope ADC and then design
+12V and maximum the required circuit with
integrator output voltage at given specifications.
2n count is -10V. If
R=100KO, find the size of
the capacitor to be used for
4 Calculate the values of the Apply This would require the CO8
LSB, MSB and full-scale learner to recall the concept
output for an 8-bit DAC for of converter, explain DAC
the 0 to 10V range. and determine the LSB,
MSB and full-scale output
for an 8-bit DAC.
5 How many levels are Understand This would require the CO9
possible in a two-bit DAC learner to recall the concept
what is its resolution if the of converter and find the
output range is 0 to 3V. resolution of the two-bit
Page 21
6 Calculate what is the Apply This would require the CO8
conversion time of a 10-bit learner to recall the concept
successive approximation of converter, explain
A/D converter if its 6.85V. successive approximation
A/D converter and calculate
the conversion time.
7 Find out step size and Apply This would require the CO8
analog output for 4-bit learner to recall the concept
R-2R ladder DAC when of converter, explain R-2R
input is 1000 and 1111. ladder DAC and find the
Assume Vref= +5V. step size.
8 An 8-bit ADC outputs all Understand This would require the CO8
1’s when Vi=5.1V. Find its learner to recall the concept
(a) resolution (b)digital of converter and find its
output when Vi=1.28V. characteristics.
9 A 12-bit DAC has a step Apply This would require the CO9
size of 8mV. Determine the learner to recall the concept
full-scale output voltage and of converter, explain 12-bit
percentage resolution. Also DAC and determine the
find the output voltage for full-scale output voltage and
the input of 010101101101? percentage resolution.
10 An 8-bit DAC has Apply This would require the CO9
resolution of 20mV/LSB. learner to recall the concept
Find VoFs and Vo if the of converter, explain 8-bit
input is (10000000)2. DAC and determine the
full-scale output voltage.
1 Explain the working Understand This would require the CO9
principle of a Weighted learner to explain the
resistor D/A converter using working principle of a
neat circuit diagram. weighted resistor D/A
converter using neat circuit
1 Discuss the successive Understand This would require the CO8
approximation A/D learner to recall the concept
converter and list the of converter and explain the
advantages of successive successive approximation
approximation A/D A/D converter and then list
converter. the advantages of successive
approximation A/D
Page 22
2 Discuss the working Understand This would require the CO8
principal of a dual slope learner to recall the concept
A/D converter with neat of converter and discuss the
circuit diagram. working principal of a dual
slope A/D converter.
3 With neat diagram, explain Understand This would require the CO8
the working principle of learner to recall the concept
inverter R- 2R ladder DAC. of converter and know the
working principle of inverter
R-2R ladder DAC.
4 Explain the working of a Understand This would require the CO9
counter type A/D converter learner to recall the concept
and state it’s important of converter and know the
feature. working of a counter type
A/D converter.
5 Describe the specifications, Understand This would require the CO9
advantages and applications learner to recall the
of Digital to Analog specifications and explain
converters. advantages and applications
of digital to analog
6 With neat diagram, explain Understand This would require the CO8
the working principle of learner to recall the concept
R-2R ladder type DAC. of converter and explain
working principle of R-2R
ladder type DAC.
7 Discuss the operation of Understand This would require the CO8
parallel comparator type learner to recall the concept
ADC with circuit diagram. of converter and explain the
operation of parallel
comparator type ADC.
8 Discuss 4-bit weighted Understand This would require the CO8
resistor DAC with neat learner to recall the concept
circuit diagram and list the of converter and explain the
advantages. 4-bit weighted resistor DAC
and list the advantages.
9 Define the following terms Remember —- CO9
for D/A converters:
resolution, accuracy,
monotonicity and
conversion time.
Page 23
10 Explain the successive Understand This would require the CO9
approximation A/D learner to recall the concept
converter technique with of converter and explain the
the help of block diagram. successive approximation
A/D converter technique.
11 Explain the successive Understand This would require the CO9
approximation A/D learner to recall the concept
converter technique with of converter and explain the
the help of block diagram. successive approximation
A/D converter technique.
12 Explain the dual slope A/D Understand This would require the CO8
converter technique with learner to recall the concept
the help of block diagram. of converter and explain the
dual slope A/D converter
13 List out the various Understand This would require the CO8
specifications of analog to learner to recall the concept
digital converter and of converter and list-out the
explain. various specifications of
analog to digital converter.
14 Explain the following DAC Understand This would require the CO8
techniques. (i)weighted learner to recall the concept
resistor DAC (ii) R-2R of converter and explain the
ladder DAC digital to analog converters.
15 What is need for data Understand This would require the CO9
converters? Also give the learner to recall the concept
classification. of converter and give the
classification of data
16 Explain the binary weighted Understand This would require the CO9
resistor technique of D/A learner to recall the concept
conversions. of converter and explain the
binary weighted resistor
17 Obtain an expression for the Understand This would require the CO8
output voltage of R/2R learner to recall the concept
digital to analog converter. of converter and obtain the
of R/2R digital to analog
18 What are the different Understand This would require the CO8
source of errors in DACs? learner to recall the concept
Explain. of converter and name
different source of errors in
digital to analog converters.
Page 24
19 List the various A/D Understand This would require the CO8
conversion techniques. learner to recall the concept
Explain. of converter and list out the
various A/D conversion
20 Explain the characteristics Understand This would require the CO9
of ADC and DAC. learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain the
characteristics of ADC and
1 Define conversion time. Remember —- CO1
2 List out the direct type Remember —- CO1
3 What is integrating type Understand This would require the CO9
converter? learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain the
integrating type converter.
4 List out some integrating Remember —- CO8
type converters.
5 Explain in brief the Understand This would require the CO8
principle of operation of learner to recall the concept
successive Approximation of converter and explain the
ADC principle of operation of the
successive approximation
6 What are the main Understand This would require the CO8
advantages of integrating learner to recall the concept
type ADCs. of converter and list the
main advantages of
integrating type ADCs.
7 What is the main drawback Understand This would require the CO9
of a dual-slop ADC? learner to recall the concept
of converter and list-out
main drawback of a
dual-slop ADC.
8 List the broad classification Remember —- CO9
of ADCs.
9 Define accuracy of converter Remember —- CO8
10 Explain in brief stability of Understand This would require the CO9
a converter learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain
stability of a data converter.
11 Define resolution in DAC. Remember —- CO8
Page 25
12 List out the direct type Remember —- CO1
13 Explain in brief the Understand This would require the CO8
principle of operation of learner to recall the concept
successive approximation of converter and explain
ADC. principle of operation of the
successive approximation
14 What is the difference Understand This would require the CO9
between analog to digital learner to recall the concept
and digital to analog of converter and compare
converters? the difference between
analog to digital and digital
to analog converters.
15 Which is the faster ADC Understand This would require the CO9
and why? learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain
about faster ADC.
16 What is the need of data Understand This would require the CO8
converters? learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain the
need of data converters.
17 What is flash type Analog Understand This would require the CO8
to digital converter? learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain the
flash type analog to digital
18 What are basic conversion Understand This would require the CO9
techniques? learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain the
basic conversion techniques.
19 List the various Remember —- CO9
specifications of ADC?
20 What are the performance Understand This would require the CO8
parameters of DAC? learner to recall the concept
of converter and explain the
performance parameters of
Page 26
1 Implement the following Understand This would require the CO10
function with 8: 1 MUX learner to recall the concept
(74XX151) and two 4X1 of multiplexer and
MUX. F(W,X,Y,Z) = m implement the 8: 1MUX
(2,4,6,7,10,11,12,13,14) circuit.
2 Implement an 8-bit adder Apply This would require the CO9
using two 4-bit parallel learner to recall the concept
adders IC74283. of adder and explain 4-bit
parallel adders and design
an 8-bit adder using two
4-bit parallel adders
3 Implement 4 to 16 decoder Understand This would require the CO9
using two 74X138 decoders. learner to recall the concept
of decoder and explain 4 to
16 decoder and design 4 to
16 decoder using two
74X138 decoders.
4 Realize the following Understand This would require the CO10
expression using 74X151 ICs learner to recall the concept
and 74X139 IC of decoder and realize the
F(Z)=A1BCD + AB1CD + 74X151 ICs circuit with the
ABC1D + A1BDE + given expression.
5 Implement 4 bit up/down Apply This would require the CO11
ripple counter with a control learner to recall the concept
for up/down counting. of counter, explain 4 bit
up/down ripple counter and
design 4 bit up/down ripple
counter with a control for
up/down counting.
6 Determine fmax for 4-bit Understand This would require the CO10
synchronous counter if tpd learner to recall the concept
for each flip flop is 50 ns of counter and determine
and tpd for each AND gate fmax for 4-bit synchronous
is 20 ns. Compare this with counter.
fmax for a MOD-16 ripple
Page 27
7 Implement divide by 20 Apply This would require the CO10
counter using IC 7490 and learner to recall the concept
also draw the internal of counter and explain the
architecture of IC 7490. internal architecture of IC
7490 and design divide by
20 counter using IC7490.
8 Explain any two Understand This would require the CO12
applications of counters in learner to recall the concept
detail. of counter and explain any
two applications of counters.
9 Draw the timing diagrams Apply This would require the CO10
at the output of each flip learner to recall the concept
flop if each flip flop has of flip-flop, explain flip flop
propagation delay of 20 ns. propagation delay and draw
the timing diagrams at the
output of each flip flop.
10 Implement the following Apply This would require the CO11
function with 8: 1 MUX learner to recall the concept
(74XX151) and two 4X1 of MUX, explain 8: 1 MUX
MUX. F (W, X, Y, Z) = m 74XX151 and two 4X1
(2,4,6,7,10,11,12,13,14) MUX and implement with
the given expression.
1 Compare CMOS, TTL and Understand This would require the CO10
ECL with reference to logic learner to recall the
levels, DC noise margin, concepts of logic families
propagation delay and and compare different logic
fan-out. families with different
2 Discuss the following terms Analyze This would require the CO10
with reference to CMOS learner to recall the concept
logic. i. Logic Levels ii. of logic families and explain
Noise margin iii. Power different characteristics of
supply rails Propagation CMOS logic.
3 Implement BCD to 7 Understand This would require the CO11
segment display decoder learner to recall the concept
using common cathode of decoder and implement
using 4:16 decoder. BCD to 7 segment display
decoder using common
cathode using 4:16 decoder.
Page 28
4 Explain the operation of Analyze This would require the CO11
priority encoder IC learner to recall the concept
74XX148 using pin diagram encoder and understand the
and truth table. operation of priority
encoder and design priority
encoder using IC 74XX148 .
5 Design 32X1 multiplexer Understand This would require the CO11
using four 74X151 learner to recall the concept
multiplexers and one of multiplexer and
74X139 decoder. understand 32x1
multiplexer and design
32X1 multiplexer using four
74X151 multiplexers and
one 74X139 decoder.
6 Explain 4-bit binary parallel Apply This would require the CO10
adder IC 74LS83/74LS283 learner to recall the concept
with logic diagram. of adder and explain 4-bit
binary parallel adder IC
74LS83/74LS283 with logic
7 Explain the working of Understand This would require the CO10
Master Slave flip JK flop learner to recall the
using diagram. concepts of JK flip-flop and
explain the working of
Master Slave flip JK flop.
8 Explain the working of Understand This would require the CO11
clocked T flip flop. learner to recall the concept
of Recall the types of
flip-flop and explain the
working of clocked T flip
9 Construct a JK flip flop Analyze This would require the CO11
using a D flip flop. learner to recall the concept
of Recall the types of
flip-flop and construct JK
flip flop using D flip flop.
10 Design 16-bit adder using Understand This would require the CO11
two 7483 ICs. learner to recall the concept
of adder, understand the
adder based on number of
bits and design 16-bit adder
using two 7483 ICs.
Page 29
11 Compare synchronous Understand This would require the CO11
counters and asynchronous learner to recall the concept
counters. of counters and compare
synchronous and
asynchronous counters.
12 Draw and explain the Understand This would require the CO11
operation 4-bit learner to recall the concept
asynchronous down counter of counters and explain the
with timing diagrams. operation 4-bit
asynchronous down counter
with timing diagrams.
13 Explain and design Remember This would require the CO10
asynchronous MOD 10 learner to recall the concept
(decade) counter. of counters understand the
classification and design
MOD10 asynchronous
14 Explain the operation of Understand This would require the CO10
universal shift register using learner to recall the concept
IC 74194 with logic of register and explain the
diagram. universal shift register using
IC 74194 with logic diagram
15 Explain the operation ring Understand This would require the CO11
counter using truth table learner to recall the concept
and timing diagrams. of counter and explain the
truth table and timing
diagram of it.
16 Design a 4-bit, 4 state ring Understand This would require the CO11
counter using 74X194 with learner to recall the concept
neat timing diagrams. of counter and explain the
operation of ring counter
using 74X194.
17 Explain the following terms: Understand This would require the CO11
Power dissipation (b) learner to recall the concept
propagation delay (c) noise of logic families and explain
margin some of the characteristics
of logic families.
18 Explain the operation of Understand This would require the CO11
decade counter using IC learner to recall the concept
74190 with logic diagram. of counters and explain the
operation of decade counter
using IC 74190 with logic
Page 30
19 Explain the operation of Apply This would require the CO12
synchronous counters using learner to recall the concept
IC 7493 and IC74163 with of counters and explain the
logic diagram. operation of synchronous
counters using IC 7493 and
IC74163 with logic diagram.
20 Compare all the digital logic Apply This would require the CO12
families with their learner to recall the concept
characteristics. of logic families and
compare the characteristics
of it.
1 Name the three types of Remember —- CO10
TTL gate.
2 Define noise margin of a Remember —- CO10
logic family.
3 Define combinational Remember —- CO11
4 Define sequential circuit. Remember —- CO11
5 Give the differences between Remember —- CO11
combinational design and
sequential design.
6 Compare latch and flip flop. Understand This would require the CO10
learner to recall the concept
of latch and flip flop and
compare the differences
between latch and flip-flop.
7 Sketch the 1 X 2 Understand This would require the CO10
demultiplexer. learner to recall the concept
of demultiplexer and sketch
the 1 X 2 demultiplexer.
8 Define counter. Remember —- CO11
9 Describe the differences Understand This would require the CO11
between synchronous learner to recall the concept
counters and asynchronous of counters and explain the
counters. differences between
synchronous and
asynchronous counters.
10 Explain Johnson counter. Understand This would require the CO11
learner to recall the concept
of counter and explain
Johnson counter.
Page 31
11 What is ring counter. Understand This would require the CO10
learner to recall the concept
of counter and explain the
ring counter.
12 Define priority encoder. Remember —- CO11
13 How many select lines are Understand This would require the CO11
needed to construct 16 X 1 learner to recall the concept
mux. of MUX and find the
number of select lines is
needed to construct 16 X 1
14 What is race around Understand This would require the CO11
condition? learner to recall the concept
of flip-flop and describe
about race around
15 How many flip flops are Understand This would require the CO10
required to construct learner to recall the concept
Mod-12 counter? of counter and realize
Mod-12 counter using flip
16 What is universal shift Understand This would require the CO10
register? learner to recall the concept
of register and explain
universal shift register.
17 Explain about shift Understand This would require the CO11
registers? learner to recall the concept
of register and explain shift
18 Draw the circuit diagram Remember —- CO10
for diode transistor logic.
19 List the characteristics of Remember —- CO10
digital logic families?
20 Define the following: fan-in Remember —- CO11
and fan-out.
Page 32