Notes Scan 2
Notes Scan 2
Notes Scan 2
I he i:rcnch llcvolLrtion of 1789 \vrs o r,ol in po,r:,,,i pl c,ur,r,"non of lrlt)tlc r uorld tistorl
a d llurope as a whol. Thc l'rcnch govenrlrrnlei
:**',;. :,i" Jnd'arholr' ' l'r' .J+
.,...'.;l- ;:il.l;il;r, r.,,.rt- -.r l, !rlalru-.r llg ! r-ul:LrIur;;lT '", lrl'^n I.
LJ\ rt
l r- "r . ,1 lc , rJl ol t.r'r-'' " , ;1,ffi";;',.-';l 'nl'd l'l r-i rr'l' rir'
, f..'ur)o a.ld r.l'r" \,1'r.
ffit dt...g..-, rhe polir icrt an.l socioccononri. uiLLrrc of lhc Il.eYoluliorl 'l radidonrl Nl.,r \isl
i*.r1,"*i,)n., .r,, "Lr,*
i1s that presenteJ by L"&!I9. 'llql!941h! !!l4l9q aq.1!Ei!!!!!i !'!1]. rq^
;dffifir-aiiJrffid disconlenl among the common people of Frame'
Srich con-ditions
4. .ffir"n I-ouis xvl ascen.lcd the t}uone conditiorls \\ere quile desPe*te
l-hough [c Nas honesl'
rcquircd an eilicicrll and .tl.n,,g ,,rt", tr,,t I.,'i, iVt t"tt"a t"t9 qualitits'
..,!:-- -_,:..,-!1...,'-
inrenlioned .lud llrd a 8t]l![qq 1lr inrprovc the stale of altairs bt( hc- tl," qlg!,-rr"s
ro l" 'r ilv rt . Hence hc could o!
,,' ,.-,.f. , ,,. d fir,"rr" ll' " 1' r
si. ,'"ffi;A";. ',e.4",]
nteresl gr6i6
i o f
hiln. ior wanl 01 a goo.l
lrl. u'tl,rt. ol ,lJ tr \lII :! " r) "t' \t JI-o d r'" rrr| Iy iilling alrari. lhar ilt
'", .;. ,,; 'i," ',, ' :'i"' Io' rntror' I rorrr
r"u"capabre arrnillistrators' oorabr'v
thc irrr']ndrnls urro
i1}"l:'"::::r"i';,:,';]iq u: '"ii"i.l"."
rin' so nluch ofProrincial i:tance
' ' ) I, '''l 'llrr
r,.'J 'l lL'h'rourri'
,lr',,1,.,r rt.l .r', l'ul,,i.' )'rl. l'r''"I r.1r r"ll'nn
'nn r1 l"
rtrJii,irl-ffig olrhc rr,'o lcj]l:r] svncurs Rornsn 1nd .l 'udirl
ot,:.iiiG str]v,.,,"""'
rnedle\r.r iii r;a is ind
"'''- "'ili,,
hrul io rnakc rh.,m sNifr irir.
thar previiled irr Irance--ihe cou s "*.
, ---.r ^- ;-r.-.irc.t rhai. oo\, Do:ili,rns and
and ir'her'tted dleir
i:]ff #ffir*ffi ffi irffi ;""'*'';'*' t,
ITJffi 3r.."".o"*',i.;fi
i[ffi il#ilffi ;;i ;;;i tu.hbi.hon. s"n.',rrv
hllmiliated ordin Y clcrgytner '.: L)") -
" Tl".
tffiff""iJtti*t-t.p"tl*tn" brrl *'orking
llas generally f,'"::
4. TIJo'u", .i"lgy or
lhe llrNct crL'rT-Y of French
rrencrr crrur\rL ""
churQh \vas PooLlyglland
o;tt'oi's a.d Abbots
.t.rgl;..- . thc $"aii-"nl*og",..r
c le rE) rrsLnt'd
crr.r c Lr/r
'l,,* -: 'i.,i,. , ., lool'
them 1oor.
aln.^"oh rome of rrrem
r,""n uJn, tlrr.o'gr,
lr(ld lo rlr: ",rrl"ok ol rl.c r''bl 'l ' ' 'rrlo t'"h a"]i"i] i",1 "'me l, .e privatc
nri\ .r.
'i;:i:.Xi:""::-iJJl :ii::"'::;il#;;i;rn; 'i';piv
as a u'av oI seq"rins a rarqe
rnc()nlc. Dozens oi prelates rurneri lhe admi istration oltherr
j Ilishoprics or rnona:jlc,res ovcr trl
their subordinares, kepl nrost olthe rt'cnue thcrrscl'cs and li\cd
I i. I,.irl., ;, V",';;i;.,
coll!!1!d il rax called Tith. from the common blic l axp:ryc,s halcd tlrc l-itle lcvictj
I the church o,iiill6 ri.ord 'l'ilhc' rrs selJon denl;ndc,l
th;rd estrl. rlso conrphillcd iboul,s cxem
!r ur! ![r1!_], (, urc Bolcrullcnl tnsl€3d Ol larialion .l.htrc \ut
. I 99!!,19I !rbill!!!i?l siryrls! lhar cried our io be peilormcd.
aud rt," n",tt,".,t;
ncither Jid ,r..", ,,,,
rhcn) llLn
made il possible lor lhcm to trc dont \\rhite rhe peasanrs "t,u,l"t,
,"r,"i*,a ,""J"r,,i..f. r;Lthrul
',r," r]llthoiic::
::"'.:g;::i:i:.ll:-,:llllr: rli";' ir,r,,t' rhe r,L rofs '\,rh €rr,r,, in.r ,ri. u,,, r.,,,.*",,,,,i"
al in rsrn;l' I. ir,,...,rrrr Li .. \r.\... .. 1rr.t., 1.t.i
Its xeuiliq_erlljsqdlrslale
The French dcgencriled irI thc uiddle of t8,r, century.
llichciieLr and
took a$ay balrns and
adnlinisti'ation. RL fhcn rhis
'l he Frcnch
of difiirin! s.LtLn)s. Ar {lle
!! werc rhc hcredirary dSbk
f the t{ - L,Lri llnrre
1ro.,, fArih"-i;,," oG 1..,1 ,./,dn
"nobl.* ,ti'tLc sri,or.i' 1,:ru:t,l
sc "nobl.:s
10 view mosl oftheir (
anJ gar upstarls. They d.earicC ci.
the day uhcn the_\, mig
L,lany oftlem, clusiered at l:,1:]f1 11 1Y,",90i.
tle tust landlords 6[thc reaim.
rital 4. ofthe s :'This gglgp@\lc! rhe jusrices of
L- . The rlobtes ;-1!qrG;i then
du.,s lrorn rlf
r(uolrt al)o ntanL,n3t
r took llt"
r.-r_-, ^. -, - ::
iTIl do.u,n
l rnJ
... ,.-- i ;";;;.;l;;;;'";;"
nr ro iusiry r.i rx,rLutrru: rulg rorgorrcn,'",_.0
camed fltem
prepsred rhe u,ay ibr tire documeot buping rhat
,1,",, the
Dcasantry. Their
,* abrdlng
prilate li:::,1"":,.
Revolution- occuncd during thE
l-hc characlcrisric aspeci of rhc Nob;liry s,as rhul it lackcd unilonnily aird homotqjrqily lnspileol
ir rhe differ9llllsltEE qlpqill]]lIe 11I-!9,I9lll"r rl,q,-""joy"a g.c,t prcsrisc i
lrorn taxes and "qf,4t1] ied various royal offices.
eiticr an
}!i1-1]r !trsq4lns!!t! !!td ld&Ed !I,]c!lr..' rllt l,rwcr
arltilt cllss. ell
lowcr clrss. All rhese iranrfirl i.rn
these: iramh rctivitic-
iLi ol
:rristocrats ignilcd a severc indignntion in tL,: lowcr clxsscs .'-
|]ro lhe polilical foinl ofview tllc .By
inl)oliticalarena\r4lichlradbcentakeniwa)brLheprer,iousn-rlcrsofDourbondynarLf i.
'l Le
firsl lwo cstates includcd only a smalL lir.tion ot thc frrn.h fopularion Over 9, I, I ul rlrr
fopolrlion Fcll lvilhh the thirJ estalc 'lhe Common Class R,as d.prived ofsp.cial riu;r5 ,rrrt s<rt
bLrdcncd all the r.sfonsibililies and drrics l-his social class consistcd ol l4iddle - class (th.
: 7.
lheMiddlc class (the bourseoisie)
lLe Nliddle class comprised advocal.s, doclors- \vliter!
aflists and govemment e{ , business and proiessions and
did rrol engage in physical risrrative posts werc occrpied
by dre middle class- Pr! . clas:i seethed \vith intensr
dissalistaction bcceus. o
i .: j
While prol-rting O1 tO":t::lll
taxes, they violently denounced the incqualitl of tax 'rssessmints
rile ol rhc u' rlrhrcr rr'i-n or::il:]
ni-i."J"1,i".i. L,i,r'u1,so,,r" 1.,,1c'i ]:' l:l'j,:::'.i::l':
gc in i;;p;;:; .,i -;,iJ ,.iir;",' "*r "r''". rcstricLiorrs on
1": '"'l''l!:''i' :1t'll1:-ll:l P,,"1 .ll
;,,iil;i; i;';,,,bili,' Lt," ,,or,it,tv.
- **,"'r,l:
:,:':l'l:1 :::::'*l:ii: ]lt,l::.1,'.lll1d;
ann)' \\'c'lrhit'' bc(c'
les ol :;:ffi;i;,;;i.';i i,n'u., in "o""n*,"'t. church,
Na[e ealncrs, the
'ind middlc chss al firs1-look :ol:l':!: :'"1
thc lead ill
.-t""i."''*t, it,. p""*n,i-"na
i""r",ri"g ii," gri"'.'rn"cs otli,c entire third eslalc'-lhcse gricl'xnces \"trc corrlplled
in stal'mcnls
l. By
,,"11.:,1 <}jricrs'and tcr,: subirrilLcJ to thc llstale C"'r:tl
in l?89
-l'Lc Ariisns anJ Labottrcr!
.I rr. "1r. ur.', :'"Iv r"rn'r""'orkt',
Allisxns and labourcls li!cil i rnircr\' l hey werc ptrtl111ggl1gg
ll the i;;;,;;;: i;;y ha,r 1.';q,.d, rhc mercv trlirre-uriddrc .'o': ..]l'l..ll:':,:t19,::ll:'.::::
1iiulis \'ith thc educalcd and
irt'li,ies iontv oi them lir,ed in ciries and hr4
o,,1 b,.rsiiness. Nl3lonl closc
r (rhc scction ol lLcllllq$ - 11crentcd political a\\'arerless
Ncaly every meior cirY u'as
Iy disadvanmged bY rhti
feced u'ith disconlenled u'age
I not l1llo\l€(l lo organiz!:
plnch ofrising Prices. This i'.rs
jtry, \\hcre L'-rancc's firsl
unions and \vho lurned 10 badl
: *'ay blocked alone thc
Iactory system \{as iusl begitul
nocnal path of resislalrce.
vgl 25 lveLl as slocking
reso(ed to strikes io
frane wear,crs, ioumcYmen,
popularise 1i1cir gri€vancLls
tLi lli.
1h( I'caianr\
l- The corrunoll Pcasenlr]
Titcir populatior uas 80 9'o of
i, 111.
\rcRr 1wo classes of f3rmers in
rllc total. Thc pliehl ol far ers
Fmnce indepelldent farrrrers n(r u,as thc owrler of laid bul "
h.r ir
seni serf could l1o1 rcli ve out at his own \vill- Farmers ()1
categories u,ere prey to ffIITffi6 t,a$pqq*th glglsnx r
80 9/o olhis income ii to pa "i.a;a; ;;;;..-i;n'T;E*"-,'
iYith bitter discontent in
h ill wars in illrich Fraocc
2. Thc rural miscry *'.s wialespreed- The lreasants diil not undcrsland the many
irad beeri engaged .rhich hai led ro hcavicr taxation But they
could sce]9!v the nobll111,:................01c].ci::
ll'dde ir"Jiri;r'iT, "-,nte ii tle subsistence level' rhis was especiallv so wher
i;;; "G;;;.;;ir,"d
i"J;;.rna ",
fopJution g,o"tt rhe peasantrv had tittte
oJ no surplus agdcultural
poor haflests or
proiluce to sell. Thus fuy could oot rriuthe, the Periodic crises that arose-from
'fiom the face of more
or liie rural unernploymeni as when the textile spinners fell into serious decline in
iifless c[licicnt prodgclion el-i.ulr ':,
iiness picture rvas
.3. Althcrgh the degree of diskess varred greatly fionl provi ce to Proliocc' Ge overell
methods of farnling;
blcali, Part oi the troublc lay r"'ith sucL ccono,:ric fundarrtentals as backward
id the the shortage ol laod, and ovcrpopulation. 'l'hc efficieot techiques of the agricultural
werc not cullivatcd at ail
ganda e\ridcnt else\lhere made littlc treaaway ir, IraDcc beforc 1789. V;st-Jrrili
u rth nrcdicval lirctice Restrictio{E on thc
r^oisie or lay fallbw e,rery se"ona o. ttri.a 11", in
rc old ;J'",;;;.,;i-ii*^i"- *l,i,r" t,,oiL,nnat;' rmposcd to i't1' local flour ror looal
rc: ;r) 5
aonsumption pron)o1ed hoardi.g and specuration ard increascd lr* darge. of locar
I-a.dless pcilsalrts drifted lo thc cilier or rurned ro Lrdgandapc and thc co^sianrll i.crcasirrg
population sinrply could nol find slcad) (nrlln\rnenr or r Jc(rnt li!elrlrood
.1. financially Llrr: pcasanrs sit\\, lllcrnselles irl drclinc beclus€ rhc risirr! inflation l,,rrr..j tbern.
Lrpward trcnd lr1 priccs in lia ce llrrorrghour lhe eiSrrrecDrh cenrury broughr pr,.spcrrLl
Lo rna.l
urbao mcrchanls &rd ntaqullcturcs- but nrost famers loun.l thil the priccs o1 the prrxlLrcts
they sold
rose less s$ilil\: than those {)1 (hc goods thc] had 10 Lruy. Nloreover. rhe pc.sanls
oued a hca\\,
burdcn of lrlics lrn,l
i oLher oLlisalions t!9l4lE l1t1.lf!
!!!r c!r. teuda[na;rarrci;fi]uaiGnL!
noLi{r. \:r r,/conl.1.rr, 1!9!19i, and orherduries, oI rvhic[llrl]lnir
,\rr I, d,frrLrR-llitilr!].1lr!r!
ri_:!l! r_liltl!1!tll: rt. ,t.ti .r orr J,,r.r,.r ur sdlr rr., gr\, rIlL. r ,^..,r, u,i,,t, q;
al an exorbilanl price.
5. .Inemlk;ymtnr and
Llnempk;ymtnt po!e(I had cr!4lcd e rcvolutionary lcdrper antong lllc peasants tjut they
:rod pore.ny
,u,r damil,d ;;h;El;lt;r,,nu it $i*ffi ,;;,;;;,,r,:
d, if need bc ar rhc expcns,: of rheilcrgl
and Ihe noLilil),, theY w.nted an riirl dues and rhey \\,anted relief lrom ir
s)'slcm ofra)ialion thel borij t afford to pay.
6. In )e cilies, and cspeciall scldom employed workers
was growtng I he uorki into distinct groups, v.crc
no\\' bcgiruing to rhinL c r spccialized t.ides or thc g:p
bctrveL:r senriskillirl. a is atmospherr oI rrocerlaior]
end Iardship grrlrltr
brceciles"), \'hethcr mirl
(such as the lurniture
or tishl\,ives) were
Role of P sophers in Revolution iir,.
In rhc lE cel!]lJy Fre s and begdr 1dofli,1g th.
cnliglllened outloqLat intc ol enquir], brcd bl ih.
reached its apcx is therelore |amed
9:1194C! ol8!gje. " isf
2. by prominent French intellectuals lik!:
Tourge, erd D' alenlbefi. These thinkers
philosophers took a
leading pafl in the exposirion ofrt ,"ticr*;iGf tlE{Ifhey directerl 1he touch oftheir free
enquiry upon the existing insli{utnfi,.rI frencc Reusou waj the nlediunl of their t$t Thc . exp ,s"d ll'- defe..l .t !rl rr\,i,u,ion}.andcu\rom(foundurthcrr\,rilingwlri,lGr
exrqrrlg rn I
3. Jhe inlellectual movcment o[ lhal tirnr applierJ srrenhfic outlook on lile. Most reruarkrblc aspect
of thc intellectual enlighteDme t in the 18d' c€ntury was thal mao bccame the focus o[ serioLrs *,-ra
pr!!I1g!lu1g !".3!]C .hcrisired airn. f!.
4. The characteristic aspect oftheir thoughrs was.dre-establishmenr ofa liberal. proeressive a4d ideal
._ sjg!g!i/. They supporred the cause of iaissez - fai;eretinirnarion of prevale;ffi *A;
ard the rights of autonomy in administration_ means of their thought provoking writings, tey
rrl!g!g!ry, exploirarion. ...Iry-
hnancial reslricrig[ls. agonies
aBorues ofthe
of lne
ot the prolcrariat_
prolcrafral aomlnrsratrvc
adminisrlt;vc and IJudlclal deireiirs Wiirersi er"
iudiciai denleflts.
-s.:s:: r,.nz*i,.:*r<ir..
,l.urnrrrgrl.. Jr ,, ot Ir"rr, l, oiirr trrson\ t..i.t I , ^rr lr^t.ri i.,r ir . ,,,uJl r €
ha'ing no Parliancnt. I.y means nt .rii.",nd i,,ln,ou. .i,i"i,,r:,;'.;,,,;;;;i.",,.'..1;,;;:
explanation, socialisric irleqlogy arrd c.rndiLl conlcmpr: rhe,. veal;
re il; ;tl;.,.:il_ ;iil:::;i: G
.\tqtrr_qlrc ^G
'lhe trLrc C
l- i rcllecLual rc\dlulion in Ir.Ln.t :r.rrrtd \!irlr M.nrrc-qui.Lr Ilc exposcd
the pri!ileqe:;
:l!f.j]11!9ll_q1{ aristocracy an,J rh. raL!-,4rr rn r.rrn n}j in ri,, ,o1-,r co#. €
2. In his bookStirir of Llrvs he ofcnl) auackcd c
tlat the shortcorlinqs olpolirical insrirua;ns and
I{e gdr,omtcd conslitutionel rronarch ql 1lI ry{!\1ype lvtrich rvoutd scr\c rlre interesls ol.ttre
l:rerich peopl,: c.
be C
porvcrs ofthe ruDent into dlJce ind i.e- I
5- l'loutesqLri€u excrcised a prolo I nrcn ol [.rance. Ilis criticism of lirc
cxisting leus an(] ir$litutions
vhich thesc instilurions were so lo q
l. The lbremosr ljeureoft i Voltair,:. Il{!mprisorunenr ir
the llarld of lhe go cj!rv!1!c{L irorn a lircm( m3li
irto a rocial thinker rna
Saluraled iu Neul0nian
ccintemporary socicly. lle
rranincci rhc conrlitiorr oi c:
rdities prer.ailing il Flatce
3. Ile \\,as a prolific \t itor. c.:
"fhe age of l.ouis XIV.,' H.
also wrote numerous
amarlahis work r.r,as rhe C;
With thc zcal ofGcrusailer Voltaira
*llr..,"llh" eDcient regime (old order) caure under his fire Bur his nrs main tar[et was the Catho]i
rnar$ target Catholic
Shgsh. He criricized lh; Frenclr Cliurj as a..privii
:+': " %i.rnof, 'ronr^"nt ol_!gq1Y-d-u
He said rhar r"he Church h"td hu;;Th;GEr" in1,fr;lal-bondi;
He ga,..
t Likc*,rre h< cn ricized rhe govcrnmenr ird s"ii.,v ,,Jr,i,"iy""'",a?i"ii
trrc m.llJdtcs aithctlrr!, tLcm
5- ll is Inre L,rl VUlr.r e rri:r nor sl .jl) .,rgrnJl lltitJ,r He crilicized evervthinq but did not
r9!Dq{!rl--!! r!tt-!li!!ilL[.. Rur t,i s to! pr ut. .n attacked the citadel of traditionle
d molrsl,ecl r'. sjln,l.t).rId L,resr;L,.
' Ilousseru
l. l_hc I;rL: ch.rarioralist ph;losophy s\rng 1l) a r.,licnl
c]iirut.l Nith tlre adrenr ofJean
Iiousseru. I Ie scorned rl:e drl. rarin,rtism of rt,. t"r,,pt,.,. *i"ffiT"i
as inrt)orLanr as ri!hr rtrirking. Rou:rLaL, hr,1
crpc,,",".a ," t,,,
ii" ;;,","i*,
tf,"i i*f,
p,i .o'.,,drtrr iir"itr"c Ur'cr sufttrirgs olttre
lt .r.r,...rn.r ti,n;n.-r,a.n._" , "*,,
;-ffi i]cn,, rrrF: r,ririr, 1..
poL'cd tris conrempr o, a,rl cunrnrg
origin ol irequalirf inrong men, Rou!se.u st,o-,,.a
o f rhc rich anJ cdLr;i:; r;, ,,;;,
',,* f ;,,,", li J]"
no,, , rr,,i ,ro'r.".0 .orupred nr3n: ho!v
rhe sti.o,rr nrcn have anrl
prupen) 1,r,,. lo.."d li,; i^,"ri',o of,.r,t,.,,r.
l. f{oLr:iscau had an iricnsc laitlt in tltc
dignit\. ,nd gLrorlui,ss oinran as such ln
c-on1r.:rd, h€ inl,esrirarcd the origirr or s-arc ,,,., his book ,,So.i:rl
i r. ,;;,..d";;.k,: ,;,"ffi;,.**."
1)rsratcrol , ature,
,r,. =", ",r,,,",.
H:**+:, ,:,u.".:
;1nu\:r.,. rlii
t'ut he i,np,o,,".r rrr.,m by
;;;, ']i;
s."r" rtr.uurrom.oJ
\.,1r, neont.. rr,,..1r,",,.
\. rr pc4rtr,(. ;lrc.r \ _ .."1,r". ."r,.; .* ",orjr..r.
",rr "r,r*
rl, t rnlr n nr.,ined on r - rtrL,,,r unLJ., ,hc oL,lig,rio,, ro otil:r,r".
.rr,,nr ..r rr\: i:ot ,,.,,.rl t.,..,uio bc.t.:..,.,rr,1
;,.*"li:Ti# :#:ff
ir il".il,u faired in his
;;.;;.;;;fi;;ffii';;;;i,ij':"iil:;';"1,i:'i'jlli'i"Y*::.,':r,wirL-Hen, pc.p,c uere,hc
,.^-i ,,:.:-_...:,,1.-.,,y,,1 .l ,.?.ollr.ae1rrut 3 bad eo\,emmenr r| thc orrnrns;enrcnce
'-Ladr,..,.d rt,- inJlcl-hl( r,flrr .,t rlh.peoDl..rU rrciolt 1)1 rhis
lc srrd,
rotr Ile ,!!ltn r:-
,r:^.:: ,-
horn ,1
and cvery where he is a chai rylirn i born lrc.
rrrr -
ott th"s.
r1o!\ off !hrn\
rlrcse ch,ins- s*".$-i{
,"eep ."q }f
lnfluenie of the Am
l. France activel!.aided
The American Ro,olurion can war ol irldcpeodotcc
.ASPECI - Vrtl
Nationa! Assemhlv
l. Members ofthe National
relics of leudaiism and serfdom i very short sprn of timc_ lhe
lhe condirions undcr u,hich they
laboured, thcy accomplished a eft
ThJNarional Assembl), abolisLred ,:'r':''ir'i'
'.,r.i"ir,. - all cl; ursttncrrons ano the frrntiple ortqurlirv was declarcd
as basis of .1"t. Ri;;' q--r'j irunr,lg (_or\.(e ::nd otlr-r rustoman sr.rri.c. uerr
;t\^,i.t,^,{ r,,r ",r,1
aboris.hed- rrl,e *-
combinaLiorrs of u,orkmen "r,,]ri,i"i.'ir."'rffi:,;r;lJ:]"::'."Ti...#:T#"ilil::::J,:i;
"r." were p.ohibireJ
rr,. orn.., .."r.Jio
open to all.
uJ;;;.h*Ji.';"a u,erc throrvn_
Fall of the Bastilln
B) rlris lirrr< Nccler hid r,lrnpd rlr. ennrirl ol rrar,1 Ir(mbcrs_ut ,lr. lrrrrclr coun tor l,is..ufport aId
to rlre Th rd Esrrtc. Ma,r A,toincue, ,";,
ol rlr l.inr's ,,","* b,",,r* ,r"*0".,
coL,n. ir ,r , eJ I u,r;s ro dr mr .
N.,itcr Onf "^O'n*"]l'0","*,",,r.
f ,ri,-"r,",N".l.r,.rgfesr.!rt.rrrl,.
ro)al frnrilt, should Ii\'c iccordinil 1() a budgei .1nds, Lorris llrcd him, and conplelcly e-
r...r .rrJ r.l tlre fir,,r.. - ''r L) JI r .- ,t.r^ r.r. .
N4any farisians presLrm.d Louis's acli(m\ l() bc the slitd o[ a roial coup by lhe colscrvatives and begari
np.o rebelliol when lhcy hcard th. ncs's lhe ne\t dr). lh'ry rr,lrrt slso aLrid lhat anrrrng Poyrl :oldrcr: _c.
hird treen surnnloned 1o sln( do!\'r lhe Nitional Connitucul Asselnbly, wlrich u'as nlceting a1 Vcrsailles.
arrd lhe Asscmbll, \vent i lo no{r slop session 1() prcvcnl e\'iclion lronr lLeir nleetirE pl-iLc orrte agarn.
Piris \\'is soo cor)sLrBrcd wilh riits a lrch,y. anij rvidespread looting Th. niol)s soon hud the supporl ol c.,
tir. Fr.nch Guard. includinq annEJ anJ rrri L-l 'oldrer\, hr'..rr\. Ll e rnlJl L:ldersltip cssentially
abandoned {he ciiy- tr
1,1JLrlt,, ihe insurg.'.nts scttltir on the I ns ar.d amrnunition Grchejn5idc th. ILslill G
fortress, w also served as
;-iaTl ihat aftemoon- DcsDite o
a symbol ol
Nl.rfr--rsBcmard de Launay. r,as bcet.n. stabbed a d de( Gi
seleri piisoners,
6; s) nrbol ofeYeDlhing
'I'hc KiIg ard his military supprr lhE lirn€ beirrg- Laiayctte took uf G]
conmrnd ol the National Cuard where, oo 27 July he accepted + ^)
lri.olour cocllade, and thc crics Iive the King". Necker wa! I
recalled 1r] jro''ver, but lis 1ri a l,rss as1u1e politician- Necker G:
nrcrplal,ed his hand by mucll of th. pcople's favour
lh elso [c']l hc coulll save Il
l.iobl.s t,rrt noi nssured Lr] Tltey bega to ilee th. c,
(ouniry as lr?rg,.ir. some oi kingdoDr and agitating lor a ci
lruropcan coiLliiior igainst irr
B), late July. insurreclion and France. In rLrral areas,
c: l
(r) I-a\\ i5 thc e\prcssion or_.ommon \,,ir anrr origir)11rirs rionl the coulbinc.l eflin:j or peopra.
(d) ij!,crI indi! iduil has (he riglrr ro
pa(icilrre in rullrling thc adm;Iislration and Drakirs
t) No pcrson shall Lc ar:cuserl, arresr",l,.,r rmFrson.-tj
rxccpr in rh" c:r5c.. rnLi
I,.,r .;r..,r Ju, hr according to
-,,&e6iGil4t rr!!,
1. Afier,.nmplcrl,r),i15 \\orl ot drahrnp n(w con liruliut, tl,. r.orslilu,.nl As.emblr declared itself
otssorrr0 rnd .t..lton \\,.fF Ir"ld to elect a n"\ L.pisletire ns.n,blv on rt,,
basis of neu,
conslr,u ion. I lr- fir: r s"-siun ot rhc L+,islrrir< Asstmbfl
fr"gr,, * O","iJ, i. f Z,ii
". :::,: ]:l|ll:"
or.n(\'s.verfi,,c,Lr, pcoplc e)ipectcd rhat it \i_ould initiaie a ncw
cpoch and
olen .til':
Ui(,loor:, oj irJnfrn(ss rnd pru\!critybl,strerglheningtle nlonarchy in the new sctup.
:1, But the pcriori oI one year ir tlre Iile of ll)e . ,-- ,,r !!as cventlul and stofln) llld ir LoUld nl,L e
cornplete irs tcnure oil\!o y€?.s. 11 \vitresscij lhc decline oI rnolarch] and tllt llc\,oluliol took a
dange.ous lur o\\'ards bloodshcd e
'ational Convention
l_hc Nalional Con|cntiLrn r,,as elccred 10 drili ir ncw conslirLrtion 1;r i:lrlce ali.r thr suspcnsion oI
dte kiig b), IIre Lcili5litLi!c A\iclnbl]. elecl.d Nalional Conlrnrirnl statlril rls slrssions on 21
fhc Corverlion oI7E2 memb(:rs *4ro had bccr cLcreil on tire hasis of urLivc[al nalc
lranchise.-l_here was a majorily 01 cxperienced membcrs ir) thc Convention \4ro belo qed ro rhe
o'ld Asse bly .
TIrc merrbers ol thr Convcriholt diffcr.d oI jd.ologrcal b:trs. urondr\1. $erc srrrn supponcrs ol i
dcmocratic Itcpublic. Ilriss!)I, Petur vcrc promiie l (lirondist lcoders. fhc
membels otthe Girondist partv tlLc conventio hall.
The Jacobin lerders \\'ere cx Iacobins occupicd peek posiiions,
drey werc called Nlouiltaini CamilJe rvcrc priutinent C
Jacol)ins Th., I.mhrns hall. c
5. 'Ihe nreo\ who us.d orvn specilic prirciples
policies and lcancd so fie righlisls. They wcre
in great ur:rjorit;. c
I and administrative c
'fhe Nationai al.!nv.ntion inu-o coluoiida1. &rd sLrengthell Liic
id..als of R.voinlion
2. The Coivention abanrloned and lhe Jacobi s and enacted a
ncw constitution. h began with welL as of rights The fiamcrs of the c
c{nstitution ignored the prhcticil valu; iifi;iittiiiE+iderstrip resting on legislarile supporl Thc
administration of the countr), at largc undcr this coflstitutio[ was a cunpromise behveell thd €
ce[tmlization of the old rcgime and the decenlrali2?lioD of the conjlilutional monarchy. ] he new
constituliou proclaimed .lrance a Republiczn statc-
3. 'IIle rrork o[ coditlcation ofthe nationa] e
iau,s of the courltrv l\,als laken in hand and much headwav
!\as madc ,r ll, rt d;rc.ti^n C
4. It was prolided {hat there \!as to be no imprisorune l for debi, and no Negro slavcry in the French 6
5. The pliccs of grein a.d othcr necessitics of lilc \,rere lixed lhe Convention aLso flxed thc r,rtcs of
\{ages_ e
6- An achicvcurcfll ol the Convention i,as rhc e5tablisturefir ol thc Normal School. the Polfeclulic c
School, tLe N4usaun oflhe Louvcr. the Natioilal Libra,y aDd the lnstitute de }-raoce. Somc ofthesg
jnslilutior'. r' ' rrorllrerror, -d c
A ner,ind Lrnifornr systcm o[ lveighrs and neasurcs callei tlre met 1s irll.odLrced in rh.
\\rome'r'rre give, right lo prof.rl\,. AI children wcre 1., I*r,e equal si*rc in thc propcn).oltirrir
l_he con'errtioo lailnched.xperi*cnts on lhe socialist Iincs Ihe properry of thr errgles tras
co,fiscaLed. Pe[ons of.wcaklt, clcrgymen and nobles were all llcated as suspccr:. 1-hc suspccLtrj
pertlo0s *ere cooll)cllcd to subsdibe ta n compulsoq, lonn in proponioo 1() rheir trxablc
3_ Large linded eslares of the iruigres wcrc broken up and ofl'cred for sak in s,alr p3ns on
ins(alnrcnl ic ns ro the ordin.,r\' feople. Thu5 a l3.gc number o[ peasa.Gpropi i,]lo.s \\rerc crcetcd
No compelsatiorr uas ro bt given to tlose r,,,ho u,ere dcprivetl ofrheir lands_
All dislincLions of high ,nd lou' born Ne." clintillaled No onc \vas 10 be addrersed as ]r,lonsierr
'llr.. \ . ,r'c \fJ\ to 1,.. n ld. : iJ r Ir.r .- ll, Ls"or .rlL rru. ,,,r I.,., t.,L.- ..
privilegc ol lhe aristocracy u,as iirbi "nA
to put on long trouse.s.
5. '1he Conventidn also
introd according to \yhich lh. ]cir \rs
dividcd inro twelve nlonths crops. Each nlonth \ras ro be oi
three wecks aod the was declared a holidav The fi\,e
or six days left ovcr at ih. er :bs.ervcd as nalior),rl holideys l-he n,rw
calcndar \vas to dale lion S g thd date of the proclarlaLio of the
c ru l-es o1|latio
c t. Thc Conventio11 exhi nal form (r1 Llhrisliinitl. rnC
c made rlforls to de- ternples oi lieason.
2. Under the 3uspices of the of Rcaso[ was inauguraled il] thc
Cathedral of Notre Dame (Vngni .:1794. The dcistic cull (a cuft \\hicll
believcs in thc exisrence ol liorl, igion) oI lhe Supreule Beinc was also
3. However, alier the. lall oI Ro bespier re in J ul y I 794, thc Co lvention i1l s tcps anrl took up
the attitude that rcligion \\'as a private affair and it Nas no rrusiness oftlre state eilhcr to esrabiish or
to mairlain an ollicial religio , w;th the result that religious toleralion was grven to all and many
Church buildings were reslored for Cirist;an worship in i795.
asqElf - xl
Reiqn of Tdrror i1792-1794)
The Comoritlec o[ Public Safety came und, r rhe runlrnl ot N,faximilien Rolr:pierrc, a iauyer, and rlre
Jacobins unleashed th
Reign oJ'l error (1192-1194). Accordirtg 10 archival records, at least 16,594
people died under the guillotine or olherwisc alter accusations of counter revolutionaly activilies. A
nunlber oflistorians notc tliat as many as ,40,000 eccused prisoners maylave been summaril! executcd
\\'ithout trial or died arvaiting lrial. Thc slightest hini ofcountcr revolutionary thoughtsor acliviticsrould
Inovcmcnt initial.d a relig;ous crnrlaign to dc Chrisdanise sociell,. Il)e cli rax was rcirch.d wirh rh.
ccl':Lrration oflhc Goddcss "Rason" in Notrr i)amc Calhedrai on I0'r'NoYcmbcr.
Tlre Rcign of l-error crablcd the r.voluti^llir\ gi\erlnne r 1,, r\.rd rnilirJl defear. The la'iobins
cxpalldcd th. sizc of thc ,rrn]. and Camot rel)laccd mrny arislocrllic olficers lvith ),ourrgcr soLlien rvho
h3d demonstntcd their abilitlr and fxlriolisnr The Republican anny rvas ahlc i,, ;lLro( L,rcl. rLr
Austnans, Prussiarrs, Brilish, and Spanish. Ar thc end ol 1791. rhc ttmy b,.gan to prcvail .rnd rcvotls
werc defeated n'ith easc. Thc venlose lrccrees (February March 1794) prolosed the confisairion ollhr
lroirds ofcxilcs anJ ofl)onents oflhe llcrolurion and their redistriburion 10 lhc need\.
i,', Because disseri was noir iegaid'ed,aS
modcrate N'lonngnerd nzdril3ears such as l)anlon.\rerc guilorincd in rhc :ipring of 179,1. orr 7{r,r,n.l
li-rbespicne, n'ho had Prcviously cpndrmrlcd rirc a1L aJ keuson, advocercd a ne,,r, staie rclipion an.r
.econnrended thal the Conveuion ackroivledg,e rhc cxisrencc ot Cod. Orr rhe ncxr Jrv. tl,, rrirshrp
S- thc .deisric Suprcnre /Jdi?r8. u'ds in,tugur3red $ a official aspecr oI the .
H l- l'r,l"rl-r r, i\:rl .rl I J.r\,.rcrcrr r,.lrpior ol\iru rr r.,err J
3nrazcd Iarisien public.
-./Tte Directorv { 1795-1799)
j_l-,/ I\e Nrriorni Cnnrtnrion dmfied thc ncw consritution on 26 October 1759_ According ro tliis n*v
th. executrve po\ver was enarusted to a b@rd of five directors called directory
)lslitution _
i^Le,nal rnd lhe errcrnel pnlicies of l)irecrory *,ere cornplere failure..l.he rule of Directory was
lriughr \\,itlr ln.rrchi:rn an,l stvere upheavals. lhr Direclory t_:riled to satisly the aspirations oI
l,'renchpublic- lrs intemal policy \,,.-s \,cak and unpopular- The foreign policy of the executivcs
turncd-rnjudicious. Because oi aggressive activities. no1 only Italian achievcments laded away bur a
new groud emergcd agairBt France [n addition to Austria and England, Ilussia had forsaken its
solitery policy and joincd ihis group_ fhis group drovc Francc ou1 of Rhine_ The peril of forcign
uvasion gripped France- Under thr burdcn oladiersr rnd anarthic crrcumstances. the Frenci had
lost thc;r nlrtienc.:
..},/ vr' l}'h N^\'rnrr', Ilqq N:1o)-on :rt,,rr. wirr, orl ut D.rccr61 5.y1, o\e,rlu,.s rlr.rJf
- 'eoLr| ^i
Direclor\ rn3 d'erir" \virhout an)'blood shed. Thtis the four yeilr lollg rcign ofDinctory
Nlich was liaught with c.ol1rption and immoralily came tLt an inglorious end.