Roll No. Sap Id: Online - Through Blackboard Learning Management System
Roll No. Sap Id: Online - Through Blackboard Learning Management System
Roll No. Sap Id: Online - Through Blackboard Learning Management System
Mid Semester Examination, Sept 2021
Online – Through Blackboard Learning Management System
Time: 02 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 (weightage 20% in the grade sheet)
As this examination is in online mode with open book system, the students are expected to demonstrate a very high degree of
Academic Integrity and not copy contents from resources referred. Instructors would look for understanding of the concept by
the students and any similarity found from resources online/ offline shall be penalized in terms of deduction of marks and even
cancellation of paper in requisite cases. The online examination committee of the School would also look for similarity of two
answer scripts and if answer scripts of two or more students are found similar, both the answer scripts shall be treated as copied
and lead to cancellation of the paper. In view of the aforesaid points, the students are advised that they should desist from using any
unfair means.
Instructions: Based on case- study, answer the questions with the support of relevant legislative provisions.
S. No. Marks CO
World War-III has started and the President of India has declared that India is going
to participate.
With this declaration, inflation has started rising.
1 What are the various tools of monetary control, which the RBI uses? Explain at least
50 CO1
any five tools and their impact on availability credit in the market.
2 What changes will you suggest in following current rates and ratios to bring inflation
under control?