Anatomi Kinesiologi Pergelangan Kaki Dan Kaki
Anatomi Kinesiologi Pergelangan Kaki Dan Kaki
Anatomi Kinesiologi Pergelangan Kaki Dan Kaki
• Reinforced by the
posterior and anterior
tibiofibular ligaments
• Ankle dorsiflexion:
▫ Fibula rises slightly the
Interrosseous fibers
becomes more horizontal
ankle mortise
widening wedging of
the wider portion of talus
• Plantar flexion:
▫ Presents the narrower
portion of the talus the
fibula rides down
Interrosseous ligament
returns to its oblique
course Sumber : Reyes, TM., Reyes, OBL. Kinesiology. Vol. 4. UST : Philipines.1978.
Clinical Significance
• All three ligaments may be torn in severe sprain
or fractures
1. Anterior talofibular
ligament (from the neck
of the talus, to the tip of
the fibula)
2. Calcaneofibular
ligament (form the
Calcaneus, to the tip of
3. Posterior talofibular
ligament (from the
body of talus, to the tip
of fibula)
Sumber : Reyes, TM., Reyes, OBL. Kinesiology. Vol. 4. UST : Philipines.1978.
Clinical significance
• The anterior talofibular
and the calcaneofibular
most frequently injured
when ankle is sprained
Connects the 2
tubercles called the
ligamentum cervicis