Act 5 RadiationExperiments Grp1
Act 5 RadiationExperiments Grp1
Act 5 RadiationExperiments Grp1
Radiation Experiments: Stefan-Boltzmann Law and Inverse Square Law
of Heat
The objectives of this experiment are mainly to determine the relationship of the
intensity of radiation to the source of temperature and the relationship of the intensity
of the radiation from the distance of the surface near the radiation source. Thermal
radiation is a mode of heat transfer done to anything that will allow radiation to pass.
Thermal radiation set-up was done in this experiment where a radiometer was set in
variety of distances from the heat source. And black plate was placed near the heat
source on the second half of the experiment with certain distance and with its varying
temperature that was recorded.
When thermal radiation falls upon a body, part is absorbed by the body in the
form of heat, part is reflected back into space and part may actually be transmitted
through the body. For most cases in process engineering, bodies are opaque to
transmission, so this will be neglected. Hence, for opaque bodies,
α + ρ = 1.0 (Equation 1)
A black body is defined as one that absorbs all radiant energy and reflects
none. Hence, ρ = 0 and α = 1.0 for a black body. Actually, in practice there are no
perfect black bodies, but a close approximation is a small hole in a hollow body, as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Concept of a Perfect Body
The inside surface of the hollow body is blackened by charcoal. The radiation
enters the hole and impinges on the rear wall; part is absorbed there and part is
reflected in all directions. The reflected rays impinge again, part is absorbed, and the
process continues. Hence, essentially all of the energy entering is absorbed and the
area of the hole acts as a perfect black body. The surface of the inside wall is “rough”
and rays are scattered in all directions, unlike a mirror, where they are reflected at a
definite angle. As stated previously, a black body absorbs all radiant energy falling on
it and reflects none. Such a black body also emits radiation, depending on its
temperature, and does not reflect any. The ratio of the emissive power of a surface to
that of a black body is called emissivity, ε and is 1.0 for a black body.
The basic equation for heat transfer by radiation from a perfect black body
follows the Stefan-Boltzman Law. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law gives the total energy
being emitted at all wavelengths by the blackbody (which is the area under the
Planck Law curve). The equation for solving the heat flux in black body with an
emissivity, ε = 1.0 is:
q Ts TA
(Equation 2)
Another way of solving the heat flux for heat transfer by radiation is through the
relationship of q and radiometer reading, R. This radiometer reading is read through a
digital meter. The digital meter indicates the intensity of the radiation received by the
radiometer and not the radiation emitted by the appropriate heated surface. It can be
proved mathematically that the relationship between radiation received and radiation
emitted is:
R = q sin2θ (Equation 3)
However, in this experiment, is given and it is 11.07. Thus,
sin 2
q = 11.07 x R (Equation 4)
Another radiation heat law is the Inverse Square Law of Heat. In physics, an
inverse-square law is any physical law stating that a specified physical quantity or
intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that
physical quantity. Translating the definition into an equation, it will be:
(Equation 5)
The mechanism of inverse square law is represented in the Figure 2. The lines
represent the flux emanating from the source. The total number of flux lines depends
on the strength of the source and is constant with increasing distance. A greater
density of flux lines means a stronger field. The density of flux lines is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance from the source because the surface area
of a sphere increases with the square of the radius. Thus the strength of the field is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
Usually to verify the inverse square relationship between distance and radiation
intensity is to scheme a log-log plot of radiometer reading against distance.
Theoretically, the graph will result in a straight line with a slope of negative 2. Figure 3
shows the theoretical log-log plot of radiometer reading against distance.
B. Stefan-Boltzmann Law
For this second half of the experiment, the power control on the
instrument was set to maximum. And then a certain distance was set all
throughout the experiment. The distance from the radiometer to the black
plate is 200mm and the distance from the black plate to heat source is 50mm.
The temperature and the radiometer reading at ambient condition were
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Procedure
A. Inverse Square Law of Heat B. Stefan-Boltzmann Law
For the inverse square law of heat, can be observe from the table that as the
logarithm of the distance decreases, the logarithm of radiometer reading is increasing
because, in radiographic observation, the radiation expand as it moves away from
the gamma source or the X-ray source. This law means that the intensity of the
radiation becomes weaker as it travels far away from the X-ray source.[4] In the
experiment, it was performed inversely. As shown in Figure 1, the graphical
relationship of distance, X, and radiometer reading, R. Log-log graph is used to show
a linear relationship between the two variables, and it was observed that a negative
slope was attained.
The possible error occurred in this experiment was the number bias of the
researchers since the fluctuation of the radiometer reading and temperature was
moving fast. Also, the changing of the ambient temperature around the room that has
a little effect on the experiment that can be a factor with the error.
1. The trend of the readings obtained showed that the intensity of radiation to the
source temperature is directly proportional; as the source temperature was
increased, the radiometer reading increased as well.
2. The mathematical form of the Stefan-Boltzmann Law states that the thermal
energy radiated by a black body per second per unit area is proportional to the
fourth power of the black body’s absolute temperature.
3. Using the Inverse Square Law of Heat, if the radiation strength (intensity) is
known at a specific point, then the intensity at any distance from the source may
be calculated.
[1] Geankoplis, C. (n.d.). Transport Processes and Separation Processes (4th ed.).
[2] Inverse Square Law, General. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2018, from
[3] Welty,J.R. Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer. 5th Ed. John
Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2007.
[4]Inverse Square Law. NDT Resource Center from
[5]Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Revised october 10, 2010 from
Trial 1
Distance X(mm) 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 465 400
Radiometer Reading R 0.17 0.20 0.21 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.36 0.40 0.50
Trial 2
Distance X(mm) 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 465 400
Radiometer Reading R 0.17 0.19 0.23 0.24 0.27 0.31 0.37 0.41 0.51
Trial 1
Temperature,˚ Radiometer Reading, Ts,K Ta, K
C Wm^3
73 49 346.15 298.15
75 79 348.15 298.15
77 122 350.15 298.15
78 138 351.15 298.15
79 158 352.15 298.15
Trial 2
Temperature,˚ Radiometer Reading, Ts,K Ta, K
C Wm^3
73 50 346.15 298.15
75 81 348.15 298.15
77 129 350.15 298.15
78 142 351.15 298.15
79 155 352.15 298.15
At 73 ˚C
Solving qb using the equation qb= 11.07R(ave)
qb= 547.965 ⩗ t
Solving qb using the equation qb= th tt
t t
qb= t t t tqt t
qb= 365.7932247 ⩗ t
% difference = th t
q q tt
% difference = q t q tt t
% difference = 39.87308678%