Sophos XG Series Sizing Guide Sgna
Sophos XG Series Sizing Guide Sgna
Sophos XG Series Sizing Guide Sgna
! Firewall OS 15.01.1 Sizing Guide for XG Series appliances
Three steps to specifying the right appliance model
This document provides a guideline for choosing the right Sophos XG Series appliance for your customer.
Specifying the right appliance is dependent on a number of factors and involves developing a usage profile for the
users and the network environment.
For best results we recommend using the following step-by-step procedure:
Of course, the best way to understand if an appliance will meet a customer’s needs is to test it in the customer
environment and with Sophos XG Firewall you can offer a free on-site evaluation of the selected unit.
Table 1.1
! Firewall OS 15.01.1 Sizing Guide for XG Series appliances
1.2!User Category Criteria
Use the criteria described below to classify the type of users.
VPN usage
VPN remote access usage Rarely – sporadically Several times per week – Every day – connected most
connected connected at regular times of the time
! Average system usage Advanced system usage (*1.2) High system usage (*1.5)
Active Directory in use No Yes Yes
FW/IPS/VPN usage
Variety of systems to No IPS protection required Mostly Windows PCs, Various Client Operating
be protected by IPS 1-2 servers systems, browsers and
multimedia apps, >2 servers
Percentage of Spam <50% 50-90% >90%
! Firewall OS 15.01.1 Sizing Guide for XG Series appliances
2.!Make a first estimate — using the calculated
“Total weighted User” number
Take the “Total weighted User” and make a first estimate for the required XG Series hardware appliance within the
following diagram:
!! Each line shows the range of users recommended when only using this single subscription.
!! Please ensure all numbers include users connected via VPN, RED and wireless APs.
Subscription Profile
Rule of thumb:
!! Estimate that using Wireless Protection or Webserver Protection with any of the profiles mentioned
above will decrease range by 5-10% each.
The following section provides detailed performance numbers to help determine whether the selected appliance
meets all individual requirements.
Small - Desktop
Performance Numbers
1.! 1518 byte packet size (UDP), default rule set 3.! HTTP traffic
2.! Avg. of Data Center, Enterprise Perimeter, 4.! UTM=Full content scanning of RED traffic on XG
Higher Education, European Mobile, appliance, FW=packet filtering only
Financial Network protocol mixes at 50%
CPU Usage
! Firewall OS 15.01.1 Sizing Guide for XG Series appliances
Medium - 1U
XG 210 XG 230 XG 310 XG 330 XG 430 XG 450
Model rev.2 rev.1 rev.1 rev.1 rev.1 rev.1
Performance Numbers
Firewall max. 1 (Mbps) 14,000 25,000 30,000 37,000 45,000
IPS max. 1 (Mbps) 2,700 4,200 5,500 8,500 9,000 10,000
IPS Realworld 2 (Mbps) 309 361 539 733 893 1159
Web Proxy – AV (Mbps) 2,300 2,800 3,260 6,000 6,500 7,000
Web Proxy – AV Realworld 2 (Mbps) 538 670 1140 1220 1440 1690
IPS + Web Proxy – AV Realworld 2 102 107 207 242 372 463
(Mbps) 176 226 340 425 538 693
IPS + App Ctrl + WebFilter Realworld
(Mbps) 1,350 1,500 2,500 3,200 4,800 5,500
VPN AES max. 3 (Mbps)
VPN AES Realworld 2 (Mbps) 340 375 625 800 1200 1375
Maximum recommended connections
New TCP connections/sec 135,000 140,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Concurrent TCP connections 8,200,000 8,200,000 17,500,000 17,500,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
Concurrent IPsec VPN tunnels 1300 1420 2488 3200 4800 5200
Concurrent Access Points 75 100 125 150 230
Concurrent REDs (UTM/FW) 4 30/125 40/150 50/200 60/230 70/250 80/300
Large - 2U
XG 550 XG 650 XG 750
Model rev.1 rev.1 rev.1
Performance Numbers
Firewall max. 1 (Mbps) 60,000 80,000 140,000
IPS max. 1 (Mbps) 17,000
IPS Realworld 2 (Mbps) 2160 3310 3970
Web Proxy – AV (Mbps) 10,000 13,000 17,000
Web Proxy – AV Realworld 2 (Mbps) 2480 3220 3870
IPS + Web Proxy – AV Realworld 2 808 1109 1330
IPS + App Ctrl + WebFilter Realworld 1190 1730 2070
VPN AES max. 3 (Mbps) 8,400 9,000 11,250
VPN AES Realworld 2 (Mbps) 2100 2250 2800
Maximum recommended connections
New TCP connections/sec 200,000 200,000 300,000
Concurrent TCP connections 20,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000
Concurrent IPsec VPN tunnels 4000 4500 5400
Concurrent Access Points 300 400 500
Concurrent REDs (UTM/FW) 4 150/600 200/800
1.! 1518 byte packet size (UDP), default rule set 3.! HTTP traffic
2.! Avg. of Data Center, Enterprise Perimeter, 4.! UTM=Full content scanning of RED traffic on XG
Higher Education, European Mobile, appliance, FW=packet filtering only
Financial Network traffic profiles at 50%
CPU Usage
! Firewall OS 15.01.1 Sizing Guide for XG Series appliances
Sophos XG Firewall Software/Virtual Appliances
Sophos XG Firewall Software/Virtual Appliances are licenses by numbers of (virtual) cores and (virtual) RAM size.
Licenses do not have to match exactly the number of available cores/RAM but will only activate the licensed
cores/RAM to be used in the Software.
While the Software/Virtual Appliances might be used on various CPU types with various speeds the performance
might vary significantly even if using the same number of cores/RAM size.
The following diagram provides a rough guidance of total weighted user ranges (according to the calculation in
chapter 1) recommended for each Software model.
Numbers are based on the following assumptions:
!! CPU speed = 2.5 GHz (higher speed can significantly increase throughput for most applications)
!! CPU Type = Core I (up to 6C8), Xeon (8C16 and above)
Rule of thumb:
!! Using Sophos XG Firewall in a virtual environment has an estimated ~10% performance / user number
decrease caused by the Hypervisor framework.
On-site evaluations
While the procedure explained above is a good foundation for selecting the most appropriate model, it is only
based on information received from the customer. There are many factors determining the behavior and
performance of an appliance which can only be evaluated in a real life scenario. Therefore, an on-site evaluation
within the customer’s environment is always the best way to determine whether the selected appliance meets the
actual performance requirements of the customer. For further assistance, staff within the Sophos pre-sales teams
are ready to assist you with sizing and in selecting the right platform.
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