Paper: Mba 333: Financial Management Credits-2 Description
Paper: Mba 333: Financial Management Credits-2 Description
Paper: Mba 333: Financial Management Credits-2 Description
Credits- 2
Financial management is a specific area of finance dealing with the financial decisions,
corporations make and the tools analyses used to make these decisions. Finance is about money
and market, but it is also people. The secret of success in financial management is to increase
value. The course raises the awareness of the role, purpose, and centrality of the finance function
in effective corporate governance within the new global marketplace. This course focuses on
financial management from the perspective of inside the corporation or operating entity. It builds
upon the concepts from the core finance courses, where topics covered objectives of finance,
profit v/s wealth maximization. Time value of money, financial markets & institutions,
measuring risk and return, cost of capital, capital budgeting decision, and optimal capital
structure, long-term and short-term sources of funds, working capital management decision and
derivatives market.
• To understand relationship between capital structure and the value of the firm;
• To explore the sources of long term finance & design financial strategies.
Present value of a single cash flow of a single cash flow and Annuity
Method of calculating cost of capital- cost of debt, preference & equity capital
Determining Cash Flows for investment analysis: Cash Flows v/s Profit
Objectives: Needs for investing in current assets, Concept of working capital management
Introduction, planning the capital structure, capital structure theory (in brief), Factors in
determining capital structure decisions.
Dividend Theories (Walter, Gordon, M&M), Dividend policies in practice, Bonus shares.
Sources of Long-term Finance: Shares, Debentures and Term loans; Raising long-term finance-
Venture capital financing, IPO, Right Issue, Private placement etc. Assets Based Financing- Hire
purchase vs. Lease financing, Project financing.
International finance – fundamental like derivative, forex market, types of rate & participants
and risk management in forex.
[Total 30 hours]
Skill Development
1. Group presentation on various financial management topics with detailed description of long
term investment decision, purpose, features, scope and analysis on the parameters of risk free
return, cost of capital and tax benefit.
2. Practical problems on capital budgeting, working capital management, cost of capital, capital
structure and dividend policy.
3. Case studies
4. Presentations on Financial news update
Prescribed Text
Khan and Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hills Publications, 2010
Reference Books
1. Brealey and Myers, Principle of Corporate Finance, New York: McGraw Hill Publications
5. Van Horn J.C., Financial Management and Policy, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Public.
6. Madhu Vij, Multinational Financial Management, New Delhi: Excell Books Publications.