Socio Cultural Factors and Young Sexual Offenders A Case Study of Western Madhya Pradesh India
Socio Cultural Factors and Young Sexual Offenders A Case Study of Western Madhya Pradesh India
Socio Cultural Factors and Young Sexual Offenders A Case Study of Western Madhya Pradesh India
Sarita Sahay
To cite this article: Sarita Sahay (2008) Socio-Cultural Factors and Young Sexual Offenders: A
Case Study of Western Madhya Pradesh (India), International Journal of Adolescence and Youth,
14:2, 113-134, DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2008.9747998
Sarita Sahay, *
Young sexual offenders claim that there are various factors that made them
offenders. By playing the blaming game, they try to protect their self-esteem
and diffuse responsibilities for their offensive behavior. The aim of this study
is to analyze the situation they faced, which they claim made them offenders.
An attempt has also been made to analyze how their socio-cultural and family
system of punishment as well as their moral education compelled them to
control their behavior and over come from the guilt feelings, they suffered after
their offensive behaviors.
This study includes the cases of 131 young adults (85 tribals
and 46 non-tribals) of different religious, socio-economic and
educational group. They were of the age group of fifteen to
twenty-six years and their mean age was twenty. They were
Hindu, Muslim, Christian and of lower as well as of upper caste.
However, this article does not include the quantitative data of
people in the 30+ age group; in some cases, qualitatively they
are included. Many of the tribal participants were married while
almost all the non-tribal participants were unmarried.
Among the tribal participants only 8.2% were educated up to
high school and the rest were either uneducated or educated up
to primary level only. However, half of the non-tribal participants
were degree holders. They were agricultural workers; bus, taxi
or auto drivers, and school teachers; or they were working in
offices and factories. Almost all of them were livings with their
parents, brothers and un-married sisters as joint family. At the
time of interviews, these offenders claimed that they had left
offending or were trying their best to eliminate this problem,
and their claim was taken at its face value.
Study Area
Data obtained made it clear that there were various reasons that
had influenced the psyche of individuals and as claimed by them
had made them offenders. On the basis of those reasons data
were divided into five groups and are presented in Table 1.
After narrating his case the participant felt relieved. It was the
first time any one had given him a chance to put his case forward.
Otherwise, he had faced only the anger and hatred of others.
Listening after this incident his friend narrated his experience
in this way:
I was sixteen years old and was preparing for school examination.
One day my lady tutor was helping me in solving mathematical
problems. We were sitting facing each others. In another room my
parents were busy in sexual foreplay. Dim light was there in the
room. My shameless father who knew that I was watching them
had no concern about my feelings. He was smiling seeing me. My
tutor's back was to the bedroom so she was not seeing any thing
and had no idea that what was going on in my mind. That was the
first day I felt a strong sexual urge and onwards from that day I
started keeping eyes on my parents' activities and wanted to repeat
my father's role with small girls of my home and of neighbours'.
I was unable to control myself though I knew that what I was
doing was not correct. Don't you think that if I had not faced such
situation I would not had done any thing wrong"?
The percentages of cases (see Table 1), which comes under this
category is less than other categories but still significant. It was
observed that an early sex episode started the process of sexual
offence in many of the cases. In some cases it all started with
a homosexual encounter, which led a child to be trapped into
sexual offending.
Here are several cases which illustrate the process of how the
victim became an offender because he was addicted to or excited
by the homosexual acts. One of the participants explained:
I was only seven years old. Very often one boy elder than me, used
to come to me and said that his penis was hard while mine was
not. In the beginning I did not understand any thing. That boy
taught me how to make my penis hard. It was a great fun for me.
Gradually I started taking interest in this play. First we boys started
playing this game with each other and later on I started thinking
about girls' body part and wanted to play with them. Do you think
I was wrong? I was very young to understand what was right and
what was wrong and when I grew I was unable to control my self.
That boy made me an offender.
Feelings of Guilt (in %)
S. No. Feelings Tribal Non-tribal
1 Yes 7 11 18 20 45 65
2 No 54 28 82 15 20 35
When Do They Suffer From Guilt (in%)
S. No. Situation Tribal Non-tribal
1 Facing 3 57 40 18 72 10
the victim
2 Admitting/ 70 25 5 85 15
finished every thing was over. In future if I repeat my action elders
are free to punish me. If I will have money I will do any thing I
like and suppose if I caught I would like to give money to girl's
father instead of working in his field".
sons in some positive work. It was also noticed that many of the
offenders were left alone after minor scolding from their parents.
One of the participants put his case in this way:
I was unemployed and was in stress. My cousin was very beautiful.
One day I abused her. She told her mother and when her mother
asked me I lied. I was unable to control my feelings towards her
and abused her again. She told her mother again. Her mother told
it about to my mother. My mother did not believe that I could do
any thing wrong with my own cousin and said that there would
be some misunderstanding. Instead of me both of them scolded my
cousin. I was happy that none of them said any thing to me but my
mother's word that her son can do wrong with his cousin brought
tears in my eyes. My mother had so much faith in me. After one
week the festival of 'Rakhi' came (Rakhi is festival of brothers and
sisters. In this festival a sister ties colourful thread around the wrist
of her brother and pray for his long life. In tum a brother makes
a promise that he will protect his sister from all the evils). My
mother told my cousin to tie Rakhi on my wrist. She was calm
and quiet but I was able to see hatred for me in her eyes. I recalled
that last during this festival my cousin and I were in festive mood
but this year the situation was different. I thought I was not the
right person to receive Rakhi from her. Instead of protecting her I
had created trouble for her. I was ashamed of me. I said sorry to
her for my deeds and promised that I would not any wrong with
her again. I started spending more time in reading books and with
my friends. Four years are over. I kept my promise. But even today
when she calls me 'bhaiya' (elder brother) some thing happens to
me and I got ashamed.
1 Friends 82 60
2 Sex Manuals 3 38
3 Others 15 02
4 Parents