Design Training
Design Training
Design Training
Pump Fundamentals
Presenter Profiles
We have been running our flagship courses – “Pump Fundamentals” and “Liquid Piping Systems Fundamentals” for a
number of years now. We have also been running “Advanced Slurry Pumping & Piping” since May 2008. Last year we
announced three new seminars available to our clients:
These new seminars are a welcome addition for those companies with formal graduate development programs as they
can now provide a clear training path for their engineers who are looking at specialising in pumping systems, piping
systems or pressure vessels.
Whilst our seminars have always been presented in the context of the relevant Australian standards or Australian
industry standard practice, it is important to point out that two of our new seminars relate specifically to the application
of relevant Australian standards and/or ASME codes. We have done this so potential attendees can become well-
versed in commonly used sections of these documents as well as be aware of the common traps which can cause
unknowing misapplication of their content.
Finally, for those who are considering a career (or graduate) development program and need some quick guidance in
the recommended order in which our seminars should be attended, please consider the following examples…
Plant Engineers, Process Engineers, Project Engineers & Project Managers etc
Pump Fundamentals Liquid Piping Systems Gas Piping Systems Advanced Slurry
Fundamentals Fundamentals Pumping & Piping
Engineers Specifically Involved in the Water/Wastewater Industry or the Mining/Minerals Processing Industry
We trust you will find this information kit informative and useful. If however you need more information on any of our
public seminars or would like a detailed proposal on how we can customise a seminar to suit your specific needs, then
please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Liquid Piping Systems 1 & 2 December 24 & 25 November 9 & 10 June 2 & 3 June 19 & 20 May
Advanced Slurry 1 & 2 August 4 & 5 August
Pumping & Piping
Gas Piping Systems To Be Advised Q4 To Be Advised Q4 To Be Advised Q4
Piping Design to To Be Advised Q4 To Be Advised Q4 To Be Advised Q4
AS4041 & ASME B31.3
Pressure Vessel Design 11 & 12 August 8 & 9 August
to AS1210
• A 10% discount applies for all seminar bookings that are paid in full prior to the early payment cut-off date. The
early payment cut-off dates for 2011 are shown on the Seminar Registration Booking Forms which are available for
download from the KASA Redberg website on the “Seminars” page.
• “Gas Piping Systems Fundamentals” and “Piping Design to AS4041 & ASME B31.3” have no fixed dates at this
stage. Dates will be advised after 30 June 2011.
Pump Fundamentals
Introduction Training Seminar Materials
Pumps are found in all industries and come in all shapes and All delegates receive:
sizes. Decision makers operating in areas such as water
treatment, minerals processing, oil and gas, utilities, metals • The “Pump Fundamentals” Training Manual – a
processing, food and beverage and many more employ reference manual comprising theory, worked example
billions of dollars worth of pumping equipment to help problems, tables , charts and illustrations etc based on the
achieve their objectives. seminar outline. This manual has been designed to be a
valuable future resource for the office, workshop, factory or
To ensure that you are achieving maximum performance plant.
from your pumping equipment, it is essential that you know
the fundamentals. “Pump Fundamentals” is an intensive, • Certificate of Attendance – which states the number of
practical and interactive two day seminar which focuses on hours of training and serves as documentary proof of
the common types of pumps and how to select, install, attendance.
troubleshoot and maintain them.
Complementary Training
Who Should Attend
“Pump Fundamentals” is the first in a series of three pump
Process, Design, Project and Consulting Engineers; Line and piping training seminars pitched at a “fundamentals
Managers and Supervisors; Maintenance Technicians; Pump level”. It provides a practical introduction to the world of
Sales Representatives; or anyone who needs to select, pumps and their applications.
specify, commission, install and/or maintain pumping
equipment. The two companion seminars to “Pump Fundamentals” deal
with liquid and gas piping systems.
Delegate Pre-Requisites
Plant Engineers, Project Managers and Process Engineers
It is a requirement that each delegate has an understanding should consider undertaking all three of KASA’s
of mechanical components. A basic understanding (trade “fundamentals level” training seminars to help aid their
level or higher) engineering maths would also be a necessity. knowledge of pumping and piping systems.
Ideally, each delegate should have a degree or diploma in a
relevant technical field or a higher level mechanical trade It is also recommended that “Pump Fundamentals” is
qualification. attended prior to attending KASA’s “Advanced Slurry
Pumping & Piping” training seminar.
Seminar Objectives
•Slurry Classifications and Rheology •Close Coupled, Direct Driven, Canned and Magnetic
•Slurry Characteristics – Abrasion, Erosion and Corrosion Setups
•Effects of Slurry Solids Content and Settling Velocities •Belt Drives, Gearboxes, Variators
•Typical Pump Components and Assemblies •Electric Motors and Inverters
•Characteristic Curves •Engines and Hydraulic Motors
•Pump Selection Criteria
•Worked Example Problems
As a rule of thumb, “Piping” accounts for (i) 30 percent of the • Read and generate drawings such as P&ID’s and
material costs of a process plant or water treatment facility isometrics.
(ii) 30 percent of the construction labour and (iii) 40 percent • Be aware of the issues involved in designing pipe and pipe
of the total engineering time expended in designing, installing support systems.
or commissioning a plant. Despite piping systems accounting • Be aware of various fabrication, installation and
for such a large “chunk” of an overall plant, it is amazing how maintenance Issues.
so many errors are made with regard to the design of such
systems. For example, the incorrect selection of piping
materials, end connections, valves, fittings and support Training Seminar Materials
systems are all too common in industry.
All delegates receive:
The purpose of this two day seminar is to provide basic
instruction on the design, operation and maintenance of • The “Liquid Piping Systems Fundamentals” Training
liquid piping systems. Manual – a reference manual comprising theory, worked
example problems, tables, charts and illustrations etc based
on the seminar outline. This manual has been designed to be
Who Should Attend? a valuable future resource for the office, workshop, factory or
Process, Design, Project and Consulting Engineers; Line
Managers and Supervisors; Maintenance Technicians; Pump • Certificate of Attendance – which states the number of
Sales Representatives; or anyone who needs to select, hours of training and serves as documentary proof of
specify, commission, install and/or maintain liquid piping attendance.
systems and pipelines.
Complementary Training
• Select the most appropriate material and pipe type for the
• Determine the correct pipe schedule for an application.
• Understand cavitation and water hammer.
• Select the most appropriate valve type for an application.
• Understand control valve sizing.
Liquid Piping Systems
Seminar Synopsis
Compressible flow offers some unique challenges when At the completion of this seminar, each delegate should be
compared to liquid flow in pipes. This is due to the properties able to:
of gases and how these properties change depending on the
piping system temperature, pressure and even flow velocity. •Understand how pressure, temperature and velocity affect
compressible fluid properties.
The purpose of this two-day seminar is to provide information
•Appreciate the higher risks associated with compressible
and guidance on the design of gas piping so that those new
flow systems compared to liquid flow systems.
to gas piping systems can design such systems with minimal
supervision. •Perform pipe sizing calculations for the flow of fuel gas,
steam, compressed air etc based on a number of popular
Who Should Attend industry methods.
Consulting Engineers, Process Engineers, Design •Perform basic control valve sizing calculations and have a
Engineers, Project Engineers, Sales Representatives and greater understanding of the difficulties associated with
anyone who needs to have a greater understanding of the control valves for compressible flow.
design and operation of gas piping systems including fuel •Be better placed to select materials of construction for
gas, steam, compressed air and nitrogen etc. common gas piping systems.
•Enthalpy, specific heat, steam tables, steam quality. •Instrumentation specific to compressible flow (that is not
•Steam pipe sizing methods and pressure drop presented in KASA’s “Liquid Piping…” seminar).
•Steam flow through nozzles and restrictions.
•Materials and end connections for steam piping systems. MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS
•Steam piping ancillaries, valves and instruments. •Hot-tapping, inspection and maintenance, leakage, wear,
•Piping layout tips specific to steam. testing requirements, commissioning and common “traps
•Worked example problems. for the inexperienced”.
Advanced Slurry
Pumping & Piping
Introduction Seminar Objectives
The design of slurry pumping systems is considerably more At the completion of this seminar, each delegate should be
complex compared to that of “clean fluids”. In addition to able to:
this, the information found in the public domain relating to
this subject is sometimes “academic” and does not always •Understand how the relevant slurry properties are
give the practicing engineer the simple answers he or she determined in a laboratory environment.
needs to solve a particular problem. As a result, consultants
•Understand how flow curves are derived from viscometer
who specialise in slurries are often employed even for the
test results.
less complex slurry pumping design or troubleshooting
problems. •Understand the principles of scaling-up from small-scale
pipe loop tests, tube viscometers or existing pipelines for the
The purpose of this two-day advanced seminar is to provide purposes of designing full-scale pipelines for the same slurry.
information and guidance on the design of slurry pumping
and piping so that the practicing engineer can either (i) •Understand the principles of determining head loss in both
design slurry systems “in-house”, and/or (ii) more settling and non-settling slurries using the relevant theoretical
successfully interact with specialist slurry consultants and/or models and/or laboratory test results.
slurry pump manufacturers. •Determine the “Deposit Velocity” (aka “Limiting Settling
Velocity”) by calculation for a settling slurry.
Who Should Attend
•Be aware of the effects of particle size and solids
Consulting Engineers, Process Engineers, Design concentration with respect to de-rating of pump performance
Engineers, Project Engineers, Slurry Pump & Piping Sales for a particular slurry.
Representatives and anyone who needs to select, specify, •Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the more
commission, install and/or troubleshoot slurry pumping commonly used slurry piping materials so that material
equipment and slurry piping. selection can be carried out in a more informed manner.
Delegate Pre-Requisites •Be aware of the more common piping operational issues.
•Determine whether a centrifugal slurry pump or a positive
Whilst this seminar is focused on the practical aspects of
displacement pump is a better choice for a particular
slurry flow, it is classed as an advanced level seminar due to:
•The higher level of hydraulics theory presented •Have a greater understanding of the more commonly
(i.e. compared to that presented in KASA’s “Fundamentals” available centrifugal and positive displacement pumps used
seminars). for slurries.
•The level of engineering mathematics understanding •Be aware of various slurry pump operational issues,
required in some calculations and first-principle proofs. recommended piping configurations and component choices
(i.e. seals, packing, liners etc).
For the maximum benefit to be obtained, it is recommended Training Seminar Materials
that each delegate:
All delegates receive:
•Is familiar with basic hydraulics theory.
•Has had some previous exposure to slurry systems. •A Detailed Seminar Manual – Which provides a reference
text of all of the material presented during the seminar. Note:
•Is degree or diploma qualified in a relevant technical This manual is written as a textbook which allows it to be
discipline (e.g. mechanical, chemical or mining engineering). more useful as a future design reference.
Those who have previously attended KASA’s “Pump
Fundamentals” and “Liquid Piping Systems Fundamentals” •Certificate of Attendance – Which states the number of
seminars should also be well placed to derive maximum hours of training and serves as documentary proof of
benefit from this seminar. attendance.
Advanced Slurry
Pumping & Piping
Seminar Synopsis
The purpose of this two-day seminar is to provide guidance The following primary learning objectives have been
on the fundamentals of piping stress and flexibility analysis designed so that each attendee can:
so that compliance with AS4041 and/or ASME B31.3 is
achieved. The secondary aim is to show how to spot check •Understand the difference between “piping hydraulic
the results from computer based solutions using conservative design”, “piping stress analysis” and “piping flexibility
manual calculation methods. analysis”.
•Have an appreciation for how “strength of materials” theory
Upon completion of this seminar, the attendee should be well
forms a basis for all international piping design codes.
placed to perform common pressure piping stress and
flexibility analysis tasks under the minimal supervision of a •Understand the intent of both AS4041 and ASME B31.3 and
Senior/Supervising Engineer. how the design process should proceed so as to ensure
compliance with these piping codes.
Who Should Attend •Using manual calculation methods, determine the required
Engineers who are required to design piping systems as part wall thickness for pipes exposed to load combinations such
of their job function or those who want to have a better as internal or external pressure/vacuum, wind, earthquake
understanding of the requirements of AS4041 and/or etc in accordance with the nominated piping codes.
ASME B31.3. This seminar is ideally suited to •Using manual calculation methods, design elbows, bends,
Junior/Graduate Engineers or those new to the field of piping branches, fabricated tees, headers etc in accordance with
design and stress analysis. the nominated piping codes.
•Using manual calculation methods, determine pipe support
Delegate Pre-Requisites spacing and design appropriate supports.
•Understand fatigue analysis, flexibility analysis, fabrication,
As this seminar includes numerous design calculations, it is testing and examination of piping.
recommended that each attendee is degree or diploma
qualified in a relevant technical discipline (e.g. mechanical, •Use appropriate judgment when dealing with stresses at
chemical or structural engineering). connections with rotating and stationary equipment.
Training Seminar Materials
For the maximum benefit to be obtained, it is recommended
that each delegate:
All delegates receive:
•Is familiar with basic hydraulics theory.
•A Detailed Seminar Manual – Which provides a reference
•Has had some previous exposure to piping systems. text of all of the material presented during the seminar. Note:
Those who have previously attended KASA’s “Liquid Piping This manual is written as a textbook which allows it to be
Systems Fundamentals” and “Gas Piping Systems more useful as a future design reference.
Fundamentals” seminars should also be well placed to derive
maximum benefit from this seminar. •Certificate of Attendance – Which states the number of
hours of training and serves as documentary proof of
Overlap With Other KASA Piping Seminars attendance.
Material relating to the pressure design of straight pipe (to Note: Copies of the most recent editions of AS4041 and
AS4041) is briefly introduced in KASA’s “Liquid Piping ASME B31.3 shall be made available to each attendee
Systems Fundamentals” seminar. In this “Piping Design to during the seminar. These copies shall be returned to KASA
AS4041 & ASME B31.3” seminar, this material is taken to a at the completion of the seminar. Alternatively, attendees
more advanced level. There is no overlap with any other can bring their own copies of these piping codes should they
KASA seminar. wish to bookmark particular sections.
Piping Design to
AS4041 & ASME B31.3
Seminar Synopsis
AS4041 & ASME B31.3 BACKGROUND •Analysis of support types and placement.
•The history and intent of AS4041 and ASME B31.3. •Selection of the most appropriate support type.
•The basis of AS4041 and ASME B31.3. •Examples of common support situations and associated
•How to use piping codes. calculations.
•A “walk-through” of AS4041 and ASME B31.3. •Dealing with support friction.
•Assessment and classification of piping/service •Worked example problems.
•Worked example problems.
•Bellows, slip joints, flexible hoses etc.
AS4041 & ASME B31.3 PIPE STRESS ANALYSIS •Tie rods and limit rods for flexible connections.
•Design temperature, design pressure and design loading •Flange loadings.
combinations for stress analysis purposes. •Dealing with piping loads imposed on tanks and vessels.
•Basis for determining allowable stresses. •Dealing with piping loads imposed on pumps, turbines
•Reduction factors, allowable stress tables. and compressors.
•Determining wall thickness for internal pressure. •Worked example problems.
•Determining wall thickness for external pressure.
•Design of stiffener rings for external pressure or vacuum FABRICATION, INSTALLATION & TESTING
conditions. •A brief discussion on selected core material relating to
•Design of elbows, bends, branches, fabricated tees, fabrication, installation and testing in AS4041 and
headers etc. ASME B31.3.
•Determining pipe support spacing.
•Dealing with combined static loadings.
•Dealing with dynamic fluid loadings. COMPUTER BASED SOLUTIONS
•Worked example problems. •A comparison between the results obtained from various
manual calculation methods (e.g. Kellogg, Timoshenko
etc) and those obtained from computer programs.
•Discussion relating to popular computer programs for
pipe stress analysis.
Pressure Vessel
Design to AS1210
Introduction Seminar Objectives
The design of pressure vessels is a specialist task that At the completion of this seminar, each attendee should be
requires a thorough understanding of topics such as: able to:
“strength of materials”; stress analysis and relevant design
codes. Pressure vessel design also necessitates a logical, •Thoroughly understand how “strength of materials” theory
planned approach to the documentation of all relevant forms the basis of all international pressure vessel codes and
calculations as in many cases, these design calculations can standards.
be quite extensive.
•Understand the most commonly used terms and jargon
within the area of pressure vessel design.
AS1210 Pressure Vessels is the governing standard in
Australia relating to pressure vessel design. It is therefore •Appreciate the attention to detail required in designing the
appropriate that Australian engineers should be provided various components and parts that make-up a pressure
with an opportunity to formally receive instruction in the area vessel (e.g. head types, supports, connections, shells etc).
of pressure vessel design in the context of the relevant
Australian standard. •Understand how pressure vessels fail.
•Recognise and compare the different methods of stress
The purpose of this two-day seminar is to provide a analysis available for pressure vessel design purposes.
thorough understanding of the fundamental design principles
of pressure vessels as well as instruction in the most •Design industry standard types of pressure vessels so that
commonly employed clauses of AS1210. Attendees also compliance with AS1210 is achieved with a minimal amount
gain a brief insight into the differences between AS1210 and of supervision and/or guidance from a Senior/Supervising
ASME BPVC Section VIII Div. 1. Engineer.
•Appreciate the intent and instruction contained within the
most commonly employed clauses of AS1210.
Who Should Attend
•Understand some basic differences between AS1210 and
Consulting Engineers, Process Engineers, Design ASME BPVC Section VIII Div. 1.
Engineers, Project Engineers, and anyone who needs to
•Have a basic understanding of topics relating to: vessel
design, inspect or sell pressure vessels compliant with
manufacturing methods; vessel testing, marking and
AS1210 as part of their job function. This seminar is ideally
qualification; and pressure relief devices.
suited to Junior/Graduate Engineers or those new to the area
of pressure vessel design or migrant engineers who have no
experience with AS1210. Training Seminar Materials
Karl Danenbergsons is Principal Mechanical Engineer at John has over 28 years of experience in the oil and gas
URS Corporation and one of the founding Directors of KASA. industry, and his career has taken him from the US Rocky
He has been well known to KASA seminar attendees since Mountains and the Arctic Coast of Alaska to various locations
January 2004 and he has successfully presented “Pump in Australia, with several stops in between. He has previously
Fundamentals” in public and private venues since that time. worked for both owner/operators such as Amoco and BP as
well as the engineering company - Fluor and has first hand
Karl’s experience with pump and piping systems spans more
understanding of the unique needs and requirements of
than twenty years. He has applied his knowledge of liquid
various stakeholders.
storage, pumping and piping systems for major organisations
such as ADI, BHP, James Hardie and Nalco Pacific. He has
He first earned the respect of his operations and
held many titles in these organisations such as Design
maintenance co-workers when he proved some
Engineer, Project Engineer, Process Engineer and Senior
thermocouples were not working properly - he had to wear a
Project Engineer amongst others. Karl held the position of
safety harness and climb a 35-tray distillation column outside
Engineering Division Manager for Nalco Pacific prior to
the ladder cage to get some data (the data verified his
joining KASA. His group was responsible for the design,
supply, installation and commissioning of chemicals handling
and water treatment plants with a geographical coverage
After reaching the age of 40, John completed his Masters
spanning China, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia,
degree, specifically looking at how process integration could
Singapore, New Zealand and Australia.
be systematically used to reduce the weight of offshore
Karl has lived and worked in the US whilst operating as a platforms (which resulted in a paper for the Society of
Design/Process Engineer specialising in slurry-based Petroleum Engineers). Since then his career has started to
processes. He has also completed on-site commissioning transition into training and mentoring roles. He developed a
and troubleshooting of chemicals and water treatment plants practical course for Monash University, showing how the
in countries such as Fiji, New Caledonia, USA, Italy, China principles of Chemical Engineering taught in school could be
and the UK. A transfer to KASA Redberg (UK) in 2007/08 applied to real engineering problems and has consistently
resulted in specialist consulting activities in the areas of red been one of the most highly rated courses by the students.
mud disposal as well as sand/gravel operations. He has also developed remote training modules for
operations and maintenance personnel for a facility
With a first class honours degree in Mechanical Engineering,
expansion with new technology in Pakistan.
formal training as a public speaker and on-site experience in
the Mining, Manufacturing, Chemicals and Water Treatment
Courses Presented: Gas Piping Systems Fundamentals
sectors of industry, Karl is a valuable asset to the KASA
Liquid Piping Systems Fundamentals
Redberg team.
Pump Fundamentals
Paul Slatter is Professor of Rheology and Fluid Engineering, Vanessa McCallum was born and educated on the
and Director of the Rheology and Materials Processing Mornington Peninsula in Victoria Australia. During a 5 year
Centre, at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He has cadetship while studying, Vanessa worked with Melbourne
30 years’ teaching experience, and has been researching the Water on pumping stations, pilot plants and sewer systems.
engineering hydrodynamics of complex industrial fluids for In 1994, Vanessa spent a year working with ABB in
the past 27 years. Switzerland on gas turbines and completed her BSc (Maths
& Physics) / BE (Mechanical) with first class honours in 1995
at Monash University, Clayton.
Contact Details:
Prof Paul Slatter Vanessa began working in the Oil and Gas industry during
Professor of Rheology and Fluid Engineering her final year at university and has worked on many projects
Director: Rheology and Materials Processing Centre for Esso, BHP Billiton and Shell. Vanessa’s main interests
School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering and experiences are in the design of pressure vessels,
RMIT University pressure piping, storage tanks and fire water systems having
124 La Trobe St checked many calculations during her 15 year career.
Melbourne, Vic, 3000 “Sometimes my job can be a little tricky when mistakes are
Australia. found but in the end it’s satisfying for everyone when you
Tel: +61 3 9925 1830 know the calculations are right” Vanessa says.
Mob: +61 4 2933 5302
Fax: +61 3 9925 2268 In her spare time, Vanessa enjoys spending time with her
Email: [email protected] family, travelling, skiing, rock climbing, swimming, sailing and
If you register and pay in full prior to the “Early Payment Cut-
Off Date” then a 10% discount applies. It should be noted
that if you are paying by EFT or cheque, we will invoice you
for the full amount and then refund you the 10% early
payment discount after the cut-off date. If you are paying by
credit card, you will receive the full discount immediately.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 (0)2 8925 5636
For general email enquiries and for more information on our seminars,
please email: [email protected]