EOS - Volume 55 - Issue June 2019 - Pages 53-65
EOS - Volume 55 - Issue June 2019 - Pages 53-65
EOS - Volume 55 - Issue June 2019 - Pages 53-65
435X Egyptian
Orthodontic Journal
Morphological Features of Dentition Associated With Unilateral
Palatally Impacted Canine Using Cone Beam
An Etiological Study
Omar Okasha1; Essam Abdallah2; Tarek Nasr-eldin Yousry3
Postgraduate student, Orthodontic Dept, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University
Professor of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University.
Assistant lecturer of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University.
Sample size
By adopting a power of 95% to detect the
difference in canine volume as a primarily
Figure 5 Measuring canine angulation
outcome of 0.776 (medium-sized standardized
(root long axis in relation to crown long
effect size)5, and level of significance 95%
(α=0.05), the minimal required sample size was
found to be 246. When we adopt a smaller
standardized effect size equal to 0.50 the
minimal required sample size was found to be
45. Sample size do not need to be increased to
control for attrition (withdrawal) bias7.
Consecutive samplings were used till reaching
the required sample size.The sample size was
calculated using GPower version 8
Figure 6 Presence of apical root hook
Cases Control
Crown root ratio t p
(n = 45) (n = 45)
Min. – Max. 0.02 –1.17 0.51 –1.13
Mean ± SD. 0.80 ±0.22 0.80 ±0.18 0.137 0.892
Median 0.79 0.79
Min. – Max. 0.42 –1.15 0.42 –1.03
Mean ± SD. 0.76 ±0.15 0.71 ±0.14 2.399* 0.021*
Median 0.75 0.71
Min. – Max. 0.45 – 0.95 0.42 –0.88
Mean ± SD. 0.68 ± 0.11 0.64 ±0.11 2.335* 0.024*
Median 0.67 0.64
Min. – Max. 0.36 –0.86 0.36 –0.90
Mean ± SD. 0.60 ±0.12 0.63 ±0.12 1.804 0.078
Median 0.62 0.62
Min. – Max. 0.35 –0.87 0.35 –1.11
Mean ± SD. 0.58 ±0.13 0.59 ±0.14 0.219 0.827
Median 0.57 0.57
The crown and root lengths of the lateral incisor and canine were measured separately, The root of
the lateral incisor was shown to be significantly shorter on the impacted side (Table II), while the
crown of the canine was shown to be significantly taller (Table III).
Table II Comparison between crown lengths of lateral incisor and canine of two sides
Cases Control
Crown t p
(n = 45) (n = 45)
Lateral incisor
Min. – Max. 5.50 – 11.70 6.56 – 10.86
Mean ± SD. 8.88 ± 1.39 8.93 ± 1.13 0.453 0.653
Median 9.31 9.18
Min. – Max. 7.40 – 12.66 6.0 – 11.76
Mean ± SD. 9.86 ± 1.20 9.55 ± 1.33 2.110* 0.041*
Median 10.0 9.78
t: Paired t-test
p: p value for comparing between the studied periods
Table III Comparison between root lengths of lateral incisor and canine of two sides
Cases Control
Root t p
(n = 45) (n = 45)
Min. – Max. 7.27 – 15.22 10.21 – 16.0
Mean ± SD. 11.94 ± 2.08 12.82 ± 1.64 3.048* 0.004*
Median 12.31 13.10
Min. – Max. 10.83 – 18.70 11.70 – 18.78
Mean ± SD. 14.70 ± 1.84 15.08 ± 1.86 1.300 0.201
Median 14.57 15.18
t: Paired t-test
p: p value for comparing between the studied periods
*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05
Interpremolar width was significantly less on the case side than the control side while the intermolar
width has no statistically significant difference between two sides.Table IV
Table IV Comparison between the two sides according to maxillary transverse dimensions.
Cases Control
Arch dimensions t p
(n = 45) (n = 45)
Min. – Max. 15.36 –30.93 15.55 –29.34
Mean ± SD. 22.78 ±4.38 23.37 ±3.88 2.085* 0.043*
Median 21.80 23.76
Min. – Max. 19.43 –75.91 21.09 –74.31
Arch perimeter was found to be significantly smaller on the case side than the control side.
Angulation of the canines was found to be insignificantly more divergent on the control side than the
case side. The volume of the canine was found to be significantly larger on the case side than the control
side. (fig 10)
Figure 9 Comparison between the two studied periods according to Arch perimeter mm,
Angulation and Volume mm3
inadequate space to accommodate the This was approved by Kim et al. as they
aggregated mesiodistal diameters of the crowns concluded thatthe width and volume of the
of the teeth. By contrast, the distance between crown were significantly greater on the
the roots of the same teeth may become impaction side compared with the normal
progressively larger, providing more space eruption side (P ¼ 0.020 and P , .0001,
mesiodistally in the root area, which is where respectively). This indicates that there is a high
the impacted canine is located. correlation between maxillary canine
Difference between the two sides impaction and greater crown sizes.
according to angulation of the Difference between the two sides
canines. according to presence of apical hook
In our study we measured the angulation of the canines.
of the canines, between the long axis of the On observation of the apical hook of the
crown and the long axis of the root was found canine (Vithanage et al, 2017) found that
to be insignificantly more divergent on the 36.4% of palatally impacted maxillary canines
control side than the case side. had a hook. In our study, 11.1% of palatally
impacted canines had a hook. 6.7% of the