Vetonit Spatter Dash-MC SDM212
Vetonit Spatter Dash-MC SDM212
Vetonit Spatter Dash-MC SDM212
Spatter Dash-MC
Weather resistant premixed
cementitious key coat for dense
concrete (GGBS, MS, Fly Ash)
Internal & external rush coat for plasters.
On block walls, fairfaced concrete and precast
panels prior to plastering application.
Plaster bond enhancer and mechanical key on
horizontal, vertical and overhead application.
on normal concrete and concrete modified with
ggbs, micro silica, fly ash.
Product Description
Spatter Dash-MC cement based key coat composed of Ordinary Portland Cement, selected sand aggregates and
high performance additives. It is supplied as a dry powder in pre-weighed bags ready to use on site, which requires
only addition of clean water to produce easily spray-able mortar. Spatter Dash-MC is a high quality product for
multipurpose applications and contains special bonding agent.
Add to the mixing container 8.0 - 10.0 liters of water for
Make sure the substrate is suitable for the application
each 50 Kg bag of Spatter Dash-MC. Add the powder
of Spatter Dash-MC, in case of doubt, try on sample
to the water and mix with a mechanical plaster mixer
area to assess its suitability.
or low speed electric drill fitted with a suitable paddle
for 3-4 minutes, until a uniform, lump-free consistency Do not apply the product under direct rain, extreme
is achieved. wind, and at temperatures below +5ºC or above +45ºC.
Manual mixing is allowed for small batch quantities Tools should be cleaned with water before the mortar
and mix for approx. 1-2 min or when homogeneous hardens. After the hardening its residuals can be
mix is achieved. removed mechanically.
Mixed material shall be used within maximum one hour Health & Safety
of mixing. Dont use set material and do not retemper
Spatter Dash-MC is highly alkaline therefore avoid
after setting.
direct contact with eyes or skin. It is recommended to
Application use protective gloves and goggles during application.
Any skin contact should be washed with soap and
Spatter Dash-MC is preferably applied in a single coat water. In case of eyes irritation, immediately wash with
application to achieved desired rough thickness of 4-6 copious amount of clean cold water. Seek medical
mm. advice.
Apply mixed material using mechanical spray or Spatter Dash-MC is non-flammable.
manual spatter tyroleane machine or hawk & trowel
technique. For further information, please refer to material safety
data sheet.
Cover 100% of surface area to be plastered.
Allow the installed application to remain undisturbed Additional Information
Technical Data Sheet -Spatter Dash-MC SDM212