Magnet Schools of America Recommendations by School (JCPS, 2014)

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School Magnet

 Program MSA  Recommendation Notes

Atkinson Academy  for  Excellence  in  Teaching  and  Learning  Program
Place  on  One  Year  Probation  -­‐  Continue  partnership  with  UL 75  magnet  98%  FRPL  -­‐  partnership  w  UL  
Audubon   Traditional Maintain  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet
Replicate  &  Convert  to  integrated  STEM  -­‐  Consolidate  Upper/Lower  Campus  w   Many  partners,  no  reside  zone,  self  contained  sped  rooms  -­‐  truly  a  magnet  
Brandeis Mathematics/Science/Technology  School
Wheatley school.
25%  magnet  students  -­‐  more  applications  over  last  couple  years  -­‐  gaining  
populatity  -­‐  addtl  funding  for  reduced  class  size,  no  ESL,  reducing  
Breckinridge-­‐Franklin Communications  Program Maintain  -­‐  Whole  School  -­‐  PD  needed socioeconomic  segregation  -­‐  reaching  capacity  -­‐  has  no  addtl  funding.  
Bright  future.  Needs  technology  and  supplies  -­‐  offers  many  great  
opportunities  -­‐  Consider  adding  Leadership  to  theme  since  it's  already  
Brown  School  Elem. Self-­‐Directed  Learning  School there.  
Consider  Replicatation  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet  as  whole  school.  Provide  transportation  to  dCould   bIntegrate  
iversify.   mcore  
PD  needed  
ecome   urriculum
adround   "theme"
iverse.   Provide  transportation  to  increase  diversity.
Talent  Development  Program Make  Waldorf  whole  school.  Provide  PD  around  Waldorf.  Consider  relocating  Talent  D93%   evelopment
FRPL  -­‐  increasing  low  income  students.  Good  magnet.
Waldorf-­‐Inspired  Program Make  Waldorf  whole  school.  Provide  PD  around  Waldorf.  Consider  relocating  Talent  D93%   evelopment
FRPL  -­‐  increasing  low  income  students.  Good  magnet.
Great  magnet  school  -­‐  program  is  gaining  steam.    
Cane  Run Environmental  Studies  Program Place  on  one  year  probation  or  consolidate  w  Portland  -­‐  provide  support  and  PD.
Work  on  Diversity  -­‐  district  needs  to  support  
Carter Traditional Maintain  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet marketing  and  recruitent
Keep  the  IA  position.  District  needs  to  continue  
Coleridge-­‐Taylor Montessori  Program Replicate-­‐  whole  school support  and  allocate  resources  to  certify  staff.  

Fairdale  Elem. International/Cultural  Studies  and  Language  Program Maintain  with  support  for  markleting/recruitment
Would  need  significant  reform  -­‐  rigor  and  
Foster Traditional Transition  to  Whole  School  Mirror  Magnet expectations  of  achievement  

Goldsmith International/Cultural  Studies  and  Language  Program Maintain  as  Whole  School Prinicpal  was  assigned  to  school  -­‐  blended  the  arts  
into  theme.  
Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Maintain  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet
Needs  intensive  marketing  and  recruitment  
Hawthorne Dual-­‐Language  Spanish  Immersion  Program  (Optional  PTransition  
rogram) to  whole  school  magnet  and  articulate  to  Middle  and  High  School
support  from  district
Needs  re-­‐training  around  Microsociety  theme  
Indian  Trail MicroSociety  Program Maintain  with  intensive  support  or  Eliminate integration,  branding,  marketing  and  recruitment.  
Facility  overhaul  needed.
Jacob Success  for  All  Accelerated  Reading  Program Place  on  one  year  probation
Needs  district  support  for  marketing  and  
Kennedy Montessori  Program Maintain  or  make  Mirror  Magnet  w/  Coleridge-­‐Taylor recruitment.  Technology  updates  needed.  
Montessori  training  for  teachers  needed.
Gifted  and  Talented  Program Consolidate  into  ONE  whole  school  VPA  magnet Needs  focused  PD  and  integrated  theme  -­‐  establish  
Visual  and  Performing  Arts  Program Consolidate  into  ONE  whole  school  VPA  magnet feeder  matriculate  into  No  and  YPAS  
Strong  and  viable  magnet  program  -­‐  growing  
Lincoln Performing  Arts  School Maintain  w  matriculation  into  No  and  YPAS potential.Serves  as  a  beacon  -­‐  model  program.  
Great  facilities.
Maupin Institute  for  Creativity  and  Innovation  Program Place  on  one  year  probation Few  out  of  zone  -­‐  no  zone  3  students.  
Racially  isolated  -­‐  does  not  scream  theme,  lacks  
McFerran Preparatory  Academy  Program Place  on  one  year  probation theme  integration,  
School  staff  have  potential  and  great  passion  for  
Mill  Creek Leadership  Academy  Program Maintain  w/  Intensive  Assistance
the  theme.  Amazing  leadership.  Needs  help  
Provide  needed  PD  on  theme,  and  marketing  
Portland Environmental  Studies  Program Place  on  one  year  probation  or  consilidate  w  Cane  Run
recruitment  support  for  school
Not  diverse,  but  needs  articilation  with  other  arts  
Price Visual  Arts  Program Maintain  w/  matriculation  to  No  and  YPAS programs.
Rangeland Health  and  Fitness  for  Accelerated  Learning  Program Place  on  one  year  probation Not  a  theme,  focus  should  be  on  acadmeics.
Roosevelt-­‐Perry Technology  Program Place  on  one  year  probation
35  out  of  600  are  non-­‐reside.  Over  50%  ELL.  No  
Rutherford Visual  Arts  Program Place  on  one  year  probation  or  provide  intensive  magnet  assistance viable  theme,  needs  theme  integration
Schaffner Traditional Maintain  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet
Shelby Traditional Transition  to  Whole  School  Mirror  Magnet
Wellington Health  and  Fitness  for  Accelerated  Learning  Program Place  on  one  year  probation
82%  african  American,  3%  White  -­‐  needs  to  partner  
Wheatley Mathematics/Science/Technology  Program Maintain  -­‐  Convert  to  integrated  STEM  Consolidate  Upper/Lower  Campus  w  Brandeis
with  Brandeis.
Provide  district  marketing  and  support  -­‐  needs  
Young International  Baccalaureate  School Maintain facility/grounds  modifications
Low  enrollment,  capacity  issues,  rigorous  
Academy  @  Shawnee Aerospace Place  on  one  year  probation  &  Reinvent  into  STEM  if  capacity  is  addressed curriculum  needed.
Barret  Traditional Traditional Maintain  Mirror  Magnet
oldest  magnet  in  state.  Needs  to  become  more  
Brown  School  MS Self-­‐Directed  Learning  School Consider  Replicatation  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet  as  whole  school diverse.  Provide  transportation  to  increase  
Farnsley Mathematics/Science/Technology  Program Integrated  STEM,  Transition  to  whole  school  magnet,    HS  matriculation
Magnet  theme  is  working  -­‐  make  available  to  all  
Highland International  Studies  Program Transition  to  whole  school  IB  MYP  magnet
students.  Needs  to  make  IB  clearer.  Provide  PD  to  
Jefferson  County  Traditional Traditional Maintain  Mirror  Magnet certify
Johnson Traditional Maintain  Mirror  Magnet
Meyzeek Mathematics/Science/Technology  Program Integrated  STEM,  Transition  to  whole  school  magnet,    HS  matriculation
Newburg Mathematics/Science/Technology  Program Integrated  STEM,  Transition  to  whole  school  magnet,    HS  matriculation
Gifted  and  Talented  Program Transition  to  whole  school  VPA  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet  w/Western
Visual  and  Performing  Arts  Program Transition  to  whole  school  VPA  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet  w/Western
Olmsted  Academy  North All  Boys  School Place  on  one  year  probation Consider  making  traditional  school
Olmsted  Academy  South All  Girls  School Place  on  one  year  probation Consider  making  traditional  school
Thomas  Jefferson Communications  Program Place  on  one  year  probation Prinicpal  wants  to  demagnetize  the  school
Western    Middle Visual  and  Performing  Arts  Program Transition  to  whole  school  VPA  -­‐  Mirror  Magnet  w  No Great  program  -­‐  very  viable  and  growing.  
Needs  to  articulate  with  elementary  Montessori  
Westport Montessori  Program Maintain  as  Whole  School

Aerospace:  Flight  School Whole  School  STEM Feeder  for  Farnsley,  Newburg,  and  Mayzeek
Aerospace:  Aviation  Maintenance  Technology Whole  School  STEM Feeder  for  Farnsley,  Newburg,  and  Mayzeek
Academy  @  Shawnee
Engineering Whole  School  STEM Feeder  for  Farnsley,  Newburg,  and  Mayzeek
Navy  JROTC Maintain
Human  Services  (Law/Government  Service) Phase  Out Duplicative  Program
Atherton Education Phase  Out Duplicative  Program
International  Studies/International  Baccalaureate Open  to  all  students IB  Diploma  Programme  -­‐  Whole  School
Brown  School  HS Self-­‐Directed  Learning  School Maintain  or  Replicate  as  whole  school  magnet
Butler Traditional Mirror  magnet  w  Male
Banking,  Finance,  Business  Management,  Marketing Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Computer  Technology Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Central Dental/PreMed/Nursing Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Legal/Governmental  Services  (Law) Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Veterinary  Science Maintain  as  Career  Academies
High  School/University Phase  Out Western  to  host  Early  College
Journalism  and  Communication Maintain Industry  standard  equipment  required
DuPont  Manual
Mathematics/Science/Technology Maintain  -­‐  Convert  to  integrated  STEM
Visual  Arts  Program Maintain
Human  Services  (Law/Government  Service,  Fire,  Police,  Phase  
EMS) out  -­‐  Consolidate  to  Seneca  or  Central Cambridge  Model  at  Fairdale  -­‐  is  it  international?
Education Maintain Industry  standard  equipment  required
Fairdale  HS
International  Studies Phase  Out
Heavy  Equipment  Science Phase  Out  -­‐  Consolidate  with  Iroquois  
Engineering Maintain  as  Career  Academies Industry  standard  equipment  required
Architecture Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Construction Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Navy  JROTC Maintain
Male Traditional Mirror  Magnet  w  Butler
Human  Services  (Law/Government  Services) Phase  out  -­‐  Consolidate  with  Fairdale

Education Phase  out  -­‐  Consolidate  with  Fairdale
Seneca International  Studies Phase  out Atherton  option
Urban  Agriscience  Technology Maintain
Marine  Corps  JROTC Maintain
Business  and  Finance Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Information  Technology Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Southern Transportation  Technology Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Machine  Tool  and  Die  Technology Maintain  as  Career  Academies
Army  JROTC Maintain  or  consolidate
Early  College Maintain  -­‐  Transition  to  whole  school  (Open  to  Reside consider  providing  additional  support  through  AVID
Western  High
Culinary  Arts Maintain  -­‐  Open  to  Reside Needs  to  be  marketed
Youth  Performing  Arts   Band,  Dance,  Design  &  Production,  Musical  Theatre-­‐ Industry  standard  equipment  required
School  (YPAS) Drama/Acting,  Orchestra,  Piano,  Vocal  Music

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