Critique Paper - Covid
Critique Paper - Covid
Critique Paper - Covid
In December 2019, the outbreak of the latest coronavirus infection began from the human
seafood market in Wuhan City, China and it turned out to be a global health emergency within a
few months. The disease caused by the new strain of coronavirus is COVID-19. Bats may be the
primary potential source of this virus since according to the revelation of Genomic analysis the
SARS-CoV-2 is phylogenetically linked to severe acute respiratory syndrome-like (SARS-like)
bat viruses. This disease was formerly referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-Ncov’.
We understand that it is transmitted by direct contact with an infected person’s respiratory
droplets (generated by coughing and sneezing). Individuals can also be infected by touching
surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face. Chakraborty and Maity in their
article “COVID-19 Outbreak: Migration, Effects on Society, Global Environment and
Prevention” assumes that as a result of the pandemic, the atmosphere has been effectively
restored to a great extent and can certainly have a significant effect on climate change. However,
because of the COVID-19 pandemic almost all of the countries are facing the threat of high
inflation and increasing unemployment due to economic crisis. Lockdown really directly affect
the GDP of each country in the major economics. Although COVID-19 continues to spread, it is
important for communities to take action to prevent further transmission, reduce the impact of
the outbreak, and promote control measures. COVID-19 is one of the recent contemporary
problems faced by both local and global countries.
The purpose of this study is to reveal the impact of COVID-19 in the world. This paper is
significantly useful to students, teachers, and the government to better understand the COVID-19
and its impact. In this paper, it will describe the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and researchers
are responsible to conclude for the best solutions. The result guarantees the beneficiaries to be
well-informed and arrive for a better solution, and also to have a wide understanding about
COVID-19 pandemic.
Upon reading the article, Chakraborty and Maity claims, the COVID-19 pandemic
executed worldwide destruction, but on the other hand created a positive impact on the world
environment. I admit that this is true and I agree on it – though I’d argue the lack of evidence on
it. There must be at least one or two evidence that can prove that this pandemic has a positive
impact on the environment. Although they mentioned about the pollution level that is shrinking,
also the almost zero emission of greenhouse gases because vehicles are hardly found on the
roads, and that the ecosystem is being greatly recovered, I’m still looking for a better explanation
and evidence, they lack on explaining some things.
The two authors used many statistics and evidence to prove their point, but I noticed that
one of their statistics had failed to indicate a source. They note that 60% of emerging transferable
diseases originate from animals, and 70% of these are supposed to originate in wild animals.
However they never say on how they come up with that percentage. Should the reader trust that
the percentage are really accurate or the author invented it because they want the readers to
believe that the virus really originated from animals? Sources are really important to
acknowledge the statistics so that the readers will trust their article.
The presented ideas are based on the well-known existing facts. The article is well-organized and easy to
understand. Furthermore, the particular article is interesting to read and refers to the problem that has a
high level of importance in the present days. The introduction of this article introduced the meaning as
well as the origin and the symptoms of the COVID-19. The authors also discussed the different global
strategies to prevention and control of COVID-19, this is actually good since readers will have a
knowledge on how to limit the spread of COVID-19 pandemic around the world. One of those strategies
is restricting the mass gathering, since COVID-19 is spread from person to person through direct
contact. Therefore, the primary preventive strategy for COVID-19 could be to limit mass
The COVID-19 has become a major concern for the people and government across the
world due to its impact on economic, environment and individuals. The study introduced the
alleged origin of the COVID-19 and also introduced some negative as well as some positive
impact of COVID-19 pandemic. The authors also include the preventive routes to mitigate risk
factors brought by COVID-19. The study that the two authors did helps us to be more aware of
COVID-19. The authors also presented a lot of evidences that can prove their study. However,
authors failed to indicate a source in one of their evidence or statistics. It is important to
acknowledge the source so that the readers will trust their statistics. Even though the article is
well-organized and easy to understand, I highly suggest that they should expand more, their ideas
or explanation about this.
Based on this article, the occurrence of COVID-19 has emphasized the enhancement of
the mutually affective connection between humans and nature, whatever the cause or origin of it.
Controlling the source of the disease, cutting off the transmission path, and using existing drugs
and means to proactively control the progress of the disease is essential at this point in time. Like
all the previous disasters on earth, let everyone be optimistic enough that, in due time, human
beings will certainly win over the pandemic, but before it is too late, they should know the limits
to which they can push nature.
Chakraborty, I., & Maity, P. (2020). COVID-19 outbreak: Migration, effects on society, global
environment and prevention. The Science of the total environment, 728, 138882.