Enterprise Architecture Views and Viewpoints: Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

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Master of Science

Business Information Systems

Enterprise Architecture Views and

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Views and Viewpoints
■ View:
♦ Part of an architecture description that
● is addressed to a set of stakeholder
● addresses a set of related concerns and
♦ A view is specified by means of a viewpoint
■ Viewpoint …
♦ prescribes the concepts, models, analysis techniques, and
visualizations that are provided by the view

A view is what you see and

a viewpoint is where you are looking from
What is and what is not shown in a view depends on the scope of the
viewpoint and on what is relevant to the concerns of the stakeholders
Source: ArchiMate 2.0 Specification, chapter 8, http://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/archimate2-doc/chap08.html
Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Views and Viewpoints 2
View and Viewpoints in Zachman Framework
■ In the Zachman Framework, viewspoints are classified by perspectives
and aspects, i.e. a choice of columns and rows
♦ Example: the "how" and "who" from the "Architects Perspective"
■ A view is aset of models of the cells for the corresponding viewpoint (incl.
the relationships between the models)

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

Views and Viewpoints 3
Views, Viewpoints, Model Kinds and Models

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Views and Viewpoints 4
Model Types in Zachmann
■ There are different model kinds for each viewpoint (one model kind per cell)
■ There can be different modeling languages to represent a kind of model
■ The Architecture Description language consists of the
different model kinds used Organisation model
- org chart

Data model
- UML class Motivation Model

Process model
- Flow diagram
IT model - Petri Net
- IT systems
Workflow model

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

Views and Viewpoints 5
Views and Viewpoints in ArchiMate

■ In ArchiMate, architects and other stakeholders can define their

own views on the enterprise architecture
■ A viewpoint in ArchiMate is a selection of
♦ a relevant subset of the ArchiMate concepts and their relationships
♦ For each viewpoint one model kind exists
■ A view is (a set of) models
♦ representing a part of an architecture
♦ using the concepts and relationships of the corresponding viewpoint
■ ArchiMate is an Architecture Description Language with which all
viewpoints can be modeled, i.e. all model kinds for the different
viewpoints use concepts and relationships from ArchiMate.
Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Views and Viewpoints 6
Examples of Stakeholders and Concerns
The following examples of stakeholders and concerns are mentioned in the
ArchiMate specification as a basis for the specification of viewpoints:
End Users
♦ What are the consequences for his workplace?
♦ What is the consequence for the maintainability of a system?
Upper-level Management
♦ How can we ensure that our policies are followed in the development and
operation of processes and systems?
Operational Manager – responsible for exploitation or maintenance
♦ Is there a need to adapt maintenance processes?
Project Manager – responsible for development of new applications
♦ What is the dependence of business processes on the applications to be built?
♦ What are the required modification with respect to the current situation?
Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Views and Viewpoints 7
Two-Dimensional Classification of Enterprise
Architecture Viewpoints

Purpose Dimension
■ Designing
♦ Purpose: Design decision,
♦ Typical stakeholders: architect,
software developer, business
process designer
Content Dimension
■ Deciding:
■ Details:
♦ Purpose: decision making
♦ one layer and one aspect
♦ Typical stakeholder: product
manager, CIO, CEO ■ Coherence:
■ Informing: ♦ multiple layers or multiple aspects
♦ Purpose: achieve understanding, ♦ focus on architecture relations
obtain commitment, convince between layers or aspects
♦ Typical stakehodler: customer, ■ Overview:
employee ♦ both multiple layers and aspects
Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann
Views and Viewpoints 8
ADL for Viewpoints
Instead of using the concepts and relationships from ArchiMate, the viewpoints
can be modelled also with other lanuages. Here are some examples:

Purpose Dimension Content Dimension

■ Designing ■ Details:
♦ Examples: UML diagram, BPMN ♦ Examples: BPMN process diagram,
diagram, flowchart, ER diagram UML class diagram
■ Deciding: ■ Coherence:
♦ Examples: cross-reference tables, ♦ Views expressing relationships like
landscape maps, lists, reports "use", "realize" and "assign"
■ Informing: ♦ Examples: process-uses-system oder
♦ Examples: illustrations, animations,
cartoons, charts ■ Overview:
♦ Example: landscape map

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

Views and Viewpoints 9
Extending ArchiMate with other Modeling
■ Other modelling languages are particularly used in order for
modeling some parts of the architecture in more detail
■ Examples:
♦ Modeling the flow of a process in BPMN

♦ Modeling the data structure of an artifact with UML class


Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

Views and Viewpoints 10
Classification of Enterprise Architecture
Viewpoints: Purpose Dimension

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

Views and Viewpoints 11
Classification of Enterprise Architecture
Viewpoints: Content Dimension

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

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