Part RR Pressure Relief Devices: Article Rr-1 General Requirements
Part RR Pressure Relief Devices: Article Rr-1 General Requirements
Part RR Pressure Relief Devices: Article Rr-1 General Requirements
RR-100 PROTECTION AGAINST Article shall meet the applicable requirements of Section
OVERPRESSURE IV, Article 4 or Section VIII, Division 1, UG-125 through
(a) All pressure vessels within the scope of this Section UG-136, unless otherwise specified in this Article.
shall be provided with protection against overpressure in
accordance with the requirements of this Article.
(b) Heat exchangers and similar vessels shall be pro-
tected against overpressure in case of an internal failure. When a single pressure relieving device is used, it shall
be set to operate1 at a pressure not exceeding the design
pressure of the vessel. When the required capacity is
provided in more than one pressure relieving device, only
one device need be set at or below the design pressure,
Protection against overpressure shall be provided by and the additional devices may be set to open at higher
one or a combination of the following devices: pressures but in no case at a pressure higher than 105%
(a) direct spring-loaded safety or safety relief valves; of the design pressure.
(b) indirectly operated safety or safety relief valves,
such as pilot-operated valves. Design of pilot-operated
RR-121 Pressure Effects to Be Included in
valves or other indirectly operated valves shall be such
that the main unloading valve will open automatically at
the set pressure and will discharge its full rated capacity The pressure at which any device is set to open shall
if some essential part of the pilot or auxiliary device include the effects of static head and back pressure.
should fail;
(c) rupture disks.
RR-111 Protection Against Vacuum The combined capacity of the pressure relief devices
Vessels used for potable water, as described in RG-113 shall be sufficient to prevent overpressure in excess of
(Section IV application), shall be equipped with a vacuum those specified below when the pressure relief devices
relief valve directly connected to the inside of the vessel. are discharging at full capacity:
(a) when the overpressure protection is provided by a
RR-112 Design, Construction, Certification single pressure relief device, 110% of the design pressure
Marking, and Installation
Set to operate means the set pressure of a pressure relief valve or
The design construction, testing, certification, marking, a spring-loaded nonreclosing device, the bursting pressure of a rupture
and installation of pressure relief devices required by this disk device, or the breaking pressure of a breaking pin device.
or 3 psi (20 kPa) above design pressure, whichever is (c) where an additional hazard can be created by expo-
greater; sure of a pressure vessel to fire or other unexpected
(b) when the overpressure protection is provided by sources of external heat, 121% of the design pressure.
multiple pressure relief devices, 116% of the design pres- (d) for Class II vessels the overpressure protection
sure or 4 psi (28 kPa) above design pressure, whichever provision must be established in the Design Specification.
is greater;
RR-200 NUMBER, SIZE, AND LOCATION (b) Connections for vapor pressure relief devices shall
OF CONNECTIONS be located in the vapor space.
RR-201 Number of Connections (c) Connections for liquid relief valves shall be below
the normal liquid level.
Vessels shall have at least one connection for mounting
pressure relief devices directly on the vessel, or for con-
necting piping to pressure relief devices.
RR-202 Size of Openings and Nozzles
(a) Openings and nozzles constituting the connections
specified in RR-201 shall be designed to provide direct There shall be no intervening stop valves between the
and unobstructed flow between the vessel and its pressure vessel and its pressure relief device or devices, or between
relief devices. the pressure relief device or devices and the point of
(b) The area through the opening or nozzles and all discharge, except:
pipe fittings between a pressure vessel and its pressure (a) when the stop valves are so constructed or posi-
relief device shall be at least equal to the area of the tively controlled that the closing of the maximum number
pressure relief device(s) inlet and in all cases shall have of stop valves possible at one time will not reduce the
sufficient area so as not to restrict the flow to the pressure pressure relief capacity provided by the unaffected reliev-
device. ing devices below the required relieving capacity; or
(c) When two or more required pressure relief devices (b) under the conditions set forth in Appendix AB.
are placed on one connection, the inlet internal cross-
sectional area of this connection shall be at least equal
to the combined inlet areas of the safety devices connected RR-220 DISCHARGE LINES FROM
to it and in all cases shall be sufficient to not restrict the PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES
combined flow of the attached devices.
Discharge lines from pressure relief devices shall be
(d) Connections for liquid relief valves shall be at least
NPS 1⁄2 (DN 15). designed to facilitate drainage or shall be fitted with an
open drain to prevent liquid lodging in the discharge side
of the safety device, and such lines shall lead to a safe
RR-203 Location of Openings and Connections place of discharge. The size of the discharge lines shall
(a) Openings and connections for pressure relief pur- be such that any pressure that may exist or develop will
poses shall be so located that the nature of the vessel’s not reduce the relieving capacity of the relieving devices
contents will not hinder flow through such openings and below that required to protect the vessel properly (see
connections. Appendix 2).