Westerbeke 8.0KW Marine Diesel Generator SET

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The smallest, quietest, most advanced generator fer all ship-

WESTERBEKE board needs; 120 or 1201240 volt electrical power at the turn of
a switch for electric cooking, refrigeration, air conditioning,
cabin appliances, power tools, and navigationlcommunication

8.0KW equipment. Like all Westerbeke generator sets, it is fresh water

cooled through an engine-mounted heat exchanger_ The com-
plete unit is mounted on lightweight rails through soft flexible

MARINE DIESEL isolator mounts to prevent vibration. A lightweight removable

drip tray is fitted under the unit between the mounting rails. The
engine is equipped with an electric fuel pump and self bleeding

GENERATOR fuel system.

The cast iron cylinder head and block, swirl type combustion
chamber, and tuned air intake silencer produce unsurpassed

SET quiet running. The BTalternator with its integral flywheel hous-
ing, compact brush less construction and built-in transformer
regulation, attaches directly to the engine's backplate.
/ The model BT-8 is lightweight, safe, dependable, and eco-
nomical to operate.

Weslerbeke 8.0 generator standard equipment in

For power or sailboat _, _ a new series of com-
SEARAY 360 SPOATFISH pact diesel generator sets from Westerbeke,


. -

GENERATORS: 3,4.4,6, ,8g, 11, 12.5, 15,20,25,32,45 kw's

F,esh Wate, Cooled Diesel and Gasoline Gene,ato,s ',om Westel'beke.


Brushless, four pole , revolving field , self Class " F" as defined by NEMA
regulating, pre-lubricated single bearing design . 10ptionai MGI-J.65 .
full power take-off through rear of generator available .) Within NEMA MGl -22.40
Standard ± 5% no load to definition when operating at full load.
fu llload.IWith optional solid state voltage regulation ± 2% Cast centrifuga l blowe r, direct connected .
no load to full load.)
3 Hertz 15%) no load to Exceeds requirements for most marine radio·te lephone
fullload .IGenerator is capable of operation at either 50 or eq uipme nt and standard AM te levisions.
60 Hertz by simple adjustments.)
Model Volts Amps Hertz Phase Wire Factor KW RPM Start
3.5 % each 1000 feet
BT 8 .0-614 · 120/2 40 68/34 60 1 4 1.0 8 above sea level. 1800 Remote
1 % for each 10· Fahrenheit
BT6.0-514· 120/240 50125 50 1 4 1.0 6 above 85· Fahrenheit ambie nt. 1500 Remote
10% for continuous duty _
Aeconnectable 10 120 Volts @ tWIce the amperage.

Power take-off
mounting kit

' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28.2 _ _ _ _ _---..J
11--- - - ,7.0 - ---II

Engine Type ... 3 cyl, 4 cycle, water cooled, naturally • Sound/Guard Enclosure · Remote Instrument Pane l . 15 '
aspirated, vertical overhead valve, diesel e ngine Cable for Remote Panel · Ship to Shore Transfer Panel ·
Bore & Stroke ...... 2.87" x 3. 07 " 173 mm . x 78mm.) Hydro-Hush Exhaust Silencer and Accessories.
Displacem ent ............. 60 cubic inch 1.979 litre)
Compression ratio . .. .................... 23 to 1
Cooling water capacity .................... 5 Qts.
Fue l Injection Pump . . . . . Bosch Type with
Individual plunge r for each cylinder
Injectors .................. _ ......... Pintle type
Combustion Chamber .......... Swirl type for easy
starting and quiet operation
Total weight ........... . ............... 450 Ibs.
Governor ............. Mechanical centrifugal type rnHUSH~ OPTIONAL 34S long
Fuel filt er .... . ............... Paper element type "SOUNOIGUARO" 24" wide

Lub. oil filter .. Full flow , spin on , paper e lem ent type Straight 450
Lub. oil capacity w ith filter ............... 3.3 Qts.
Starting motor ....... Geared electric motor , 12 Volt ALL YOUR WESTERBEKE REPRESENTATIVE 1
Starting aid ........ 12 Volt sheathed type glow plug
Fuel pump .................. Electric plunger type
Rated RPM ............................... 1800
Max. HP at rated RPM .................... 14 HP
Full load fuel consumption approx .... . .. . . 1. 3 GPH
Exhaust Elbow connection 0 .0 ......... . .... 1 ' ~, ,'
Sea water hose J.D ........................... 'k" OR CONTACT THE ...

AVONfNDU$TRfAL PARK. AVON, MA 02322 · (617)5lJ8.7700
NLP SM 1/86 CABLE: WESTCORP. AVON· TELEX: 924444 PnnIed In u.s.A.

Th e smallest, quietest, most advanced generator fo r all ship-

WESTERBEKE board needs; 120 or 120/240 volt electrical power at the tum of
a switch for electric cooking, refrige ration, air conditioning,
cabin appliances, power tools, and navigationlcommunication

8.0KW equipment. Like all Westerbeke generator sets, it is fresh water

cooled through an engine-mounted heat exchanger. The com-
plete unit is mounted on lightweight rails through soft flexible

MARINE DIESEL isolator mounts to prevent vibration. A lightweight removable

drip tray is fitted under the unit between the mounting rails. The
engine is equipped with an electric fu el pump and self bleeding

GENERATOR fu el system.
The cast iron cylinder head and block, swirl type combustion
chamber, and tuned air intake silencer produ ce unsurpassed

SET quiet running. The BTaltemator with its integral flywh eel hous-
ing, compoct brushless construction and built-in transformer
regulation, attaches directly to th e engine's backplate.
The model BT-8 is lightweight, safe, dependable, and eco-
nomical to operate.

W esterbeke 8 .0 generator standard equipment in

For power or sailboat . .. a new series of com-
SEARAY 360 SPQATF ISH pact diesel generator sets from Westerbeke.

• ••

• •
. .

Fresh Water Cooled Diesel and Gasoline Generators from Westerbeke.


Brushless, four pole , revolving fi eld , self Class " F" as defined by NEMA
regulating, pre·lubricated single bearing design . (Optional MGI·L65.
full power take·off through rear of generator available.) Within NEMA MGI·22.40
Standard ± 5% no load to definition when operating at fullioad.
full load . (With optional solid state voltage regulation ± 2% Cast centrifugal blower, direct connected.
no load to full load .)
3 Hert z (5%) no load to Exceeds req uirements for most marine radio-telephone
full load. (Generator is capable of operation at either 50 or equ ipment and standard AM telev isions .
60 Hertz by simple adjustments.)
Model Volts Amps Hertz Phase Wire Factor KW RPM Start
BTB.0·614· 120/240 34 60 1 4 1.0 8 3.5% each 1000 feet 1800 Remote
BT 8 .0·634 120/240 24 60 3 4 .8 8 above sea level. 1800 Remote
1% for each 10· Fahrenheit
BT 6 .0·514' 120/240 25 50 1 4 1.0 6 above 85· Fahrenheit ambient. 1500 Remote
BT6.0·534 120/240 18 50 3 4 .8 6 10% for continuous duty. 1500 Remote
Recooneclable to 120 Vol ts @ tWICe the amperage.

Power take-off

______ • -_II ;,.ij. ~ '-- -

282 !fo-- - - - 170 - - ~

Engine Type ... 3 cyl, 4 cycle, water cooled, naturally • Sound/Guard Enclosure · Remote Instrument Panel · 15 '
aspirated , vertical overhead valve, diesel e ngine Cable for Remote Panel. Ship to Shore Transfer Panel .
Bore & Stroke ...... 2.S7 " x 3.07" (73mm. x 7Smm .) Hydro-Hush Exhaust Silencer and Accessori es.
Displacement ............. 60 cubic inch (.979 litre)
Compression ratio ...... . .......... 23 to 1
Cooling wate r capacity ........... 5 Qts.
Fuel Inj ection Pump ............. Bosch Type with
Individual plunger for each cylinder
Injectors ............................ Pintle type
Combustion Chambe r .......... Swirl type for easy
starting and quiet operation
Total weight ........................... 450 Ibs .
Gove rnor ............. Mechanical centrifugal type
Fuel filter .................... Paper element type
Lub. oil filte r .. Full flow , spin on, paper element type
Lub. oil capacity with filte r ............... 3.3 Qts.
Starting motor . . ..... Geared electric motor, 12 Volt CALL YOUR WESTERBEKE REPRESENTATIVE
Starting aid ........ 12 Volt sheathed type glow plug
Fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Electric plunger type
Rated RPM ............................... lS00
Max. HP at rated RPM .................... 14 HP
Full load fuel consumption approx ......... 0 .9 GPH
Exhaust Elbow connection 0.0 .... . ......... 1"1,.
Sea water hose l.D ... . ....................... 'k" OR CONTACT THE . ..

AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK. AVON. MA 02322' (617) 5lJ8.7700

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