Private Bank Project Funding-1
Private Bank Project Funding-1
Private Bank Project Funding-1
let me shortly explain, how this PRIVATE BANK funding works, and how is this
PRIVATE BANK´s funding different from another Common Investor´s funding.
The 1. Type of Investors are Private Investors and Commercial Banks... who are
ready to invest in your projects, and be ready to be your partner, as Join
These investors provide you SBLC, or Standard Loan, what you must to pay
back after specific time...maybe in 10 - 20 years.
These kinds of investors are interested on RETURN of your projects!!!
For these SBLC´s , you must to have a huge amount as a start capital.
SBLC for LEASE cost you 11% - 16% !!!
SBLC for BUY cost you 38% - 50% !!!
It´s mean..... if you need a funding about 1B ... you must to have min. 38% in
your pocket..... = 380 Millions !!!!
These types of investors are the longest and hardest way for the project
owners ( CLIENT`S) like You.
So… the 2. Types of investors are ... (like our PRIVATE BANK).
These are completly different way for project funding...where YOU (CLIENT)
have your benefits, and on the same time the PRIVATE BANK has also their
benefits. A Win - Win Situation.
I think you know something about Family´s like Rockefeller, Rotschild, Chinese
Dragon Family, and others….
All countries in the world has a huge GOLD ASSET deposits.
Our PRIVATE BANK is Responsible Trustee for the Chinese Dragon Family´s -
GOLD ASSET...over 130 Trillion.
This PRIVATE BANK is 61% Holding of HSBC Bank.
It´s mean.... if the big Commercial Banks, like HSBC, Deutsche Bank Frankfurt,
Standard Chartered, JP Morgan/ and others..... need liquidity, then is this
PRIVATE BANK responsible for it.... with the GOLD ASSET as background.
This PRIVATE BANK is directly connected to Central Banks, and FED....US
Federal Bank.
So..... because of this GOLD ASSET deposits, this PRIVATE BANK is capable to
fund Your ( CLIENT`S) project on another way, like the Type1. investors....
i described before.
This PRIVATE BANK has interest on money transfering to Central Bank and
from there to TOP Rated AAA Banks, like HSBC.
They earn money on this MONEY TRANSACTION, (PPP-MTN Bank Internal
Trades)..... and NOT on Your ( CLIENT`S) Project !!!!!
For example: ...... if YOU (CLIENT) need 1B for your ProjectX..... they will give
you this 1B..... because on the same time, they earn also 1B on this transaction
The PRIVATE BANK....... Central Bank and the TOP Rated AAA Banks... who are
involved in this transaction..... they works first with this money, Bank
Internal...with Bank Internal Private Placement Programs (PPP) - Medium
Term Notes (MTN´s)
All this happens Bank Internal, between the Banks.
With these Bank Internal trades, they can generate 27B ...from this 3B started
To be capable to start this Bank Internal trades, the banks has the RULES....that
they must to have a CLIENT (in this case YOU (CLIENT) with your
ProjectX)....with a physical project. Without physical projects, they can´t to
start any Bank Internal trades.
If You (CLIENT) need 3B for your ProjectX = then 3 x 330K = 990K is Your
(CLIENT`S) OWN Bank Costs.
So , it´s up to You (CLIENT) , how much you need... 3B or 30B..... You (CLIENT)
will get it!!! ... calculate only the OWN Bank Costs for it.
The next step: ...... You (CLIENT) register to PRIVATE BANK NET Portal (FREE).
Then the PRIVATE BANK send You (CLIENT) an EMAIL with FULL
INFORMATION about the PRIVATE BANK and about this PROCEDURE!... and in
this EMAIL are the ALL required Documents to Sign, Bank Agreement
(DOA),(CIS), Contracts…all necessary Paperwork.
You (CLIENT) PRINT all the Documents, Sign it with BLUE WET INK, than SCAN,
and UPLOAD to Your (CLIENT`S) PRIVATE BANK NET Portal Account.
When You (CLIENT), you have deposited in Your (CLIENT`S) OWN Bank Costs,
Then the PRIVATE BANK will START with the BG Collateral to Central Bank,
and You (CLIENT), will get your funding between 72 Hours.
I explained you this details, that you understand, why the PRIVATE BANK are
ready to Fund Your (CLIENT`S) ProjectX with 1B or more.
In other words, You (CLIENT) can build Your (CLIENT`S) ProjectX in value of 3B,
for 990K ..... less than 1M !!!
This is the OFFER from our PRIVATE BANK...... plz talk with your people..... and
let me know if you are ready to start get funded.
The PRIVATE BANK is every day ready to start.
Thank You