Early Response To COVID-19 in The Philippines: The Philippine Health System and The Threat of Public Health Emer-Gencies
Early Response To COVID-19 in The Philippines: The Philippine Health System and The Threat of Public Health Emer-Gencies
Early Response To COVID-19 in The Philippines: The Philippine Health System and The Threat of Public Health Emer-Gencies
Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with weak health systems are especially vulnerable during the COVID-19
pandemic. In this paper, we describe the challenges and early response of the Philippine Government, focusing on travel
restrictions, community interventions, risk communication and testing, from 30 January 2020 when the first case was
reported, to 21 March 2020. Our narrative provides a better understanding of the specific limitations of the Philippines
and other LMICs, which could serve as basis for future action to improve national strategies for current and future public
health outbreaks and emergencies.
THE PHILIPPINE HEALTH SYSTEM AND the past, as in the case of typhoon Haiyan in 2013.6
THE THREAT OF PUBLIC HEALTH EMER- The typhoon affected 13.3 million people, overwhelm-
GENCIES ing the Government’s capacity to mobilize human and
financial resources rapidly to affected areas.7 Failure
espite improvements during the past decade, to deliver basic needs and health services resulted in
the Philippines continues to face challenges disease outbreaks, including a community outbreak of
in responding to public health emergencies gastroenteritis.8 Access to care has improved in recent
because of poorly distributed resources and capacity. years due to an increase in the number of private hos-
The Philippines has 10 hospital beds and six pital beds;5 however, improvements in private sector
physicians per 10 000 people.1,2 and only about facilities mainly benefit people who can afford them, in
2335 critical care beds nationwide.3 The available both urban and rural areas.
resources are concentrated in urban areas, and rural
areas have only one physician for populations up to In this paper, we describe the challenges and early
20 000 people and only one bed for a population of response of the Philippine Government, focusing on
1000.4 Disease surveillance capacity is also unevenly travel restrictions, community interventions, risk com-
distributed among regions and provinces. The primary munication and testing, from 30 January 2020 when
care system comprises health centres and community the first case was reported, to 21 March 2020.
health workers, but these are generally ill-equipped
and poorly resourced, with limited surge capacity, as EARLY RESPONSE TO COVID-19
evidenced by lack of laboratory testing capacity, limited
equipment and medical supplies, and lack of personal Travel restrictions
protective equipment for health workers in both primary
care units and hospitals.5 Local government disaster Travel restrictions in the Philippines were imposed
preparedness plans are designed for natural disasters as early as 28 January, before the first confirmed
and not for epidemics. case was reported on 30 January (Fig. 1a).9 After the
first few COVID-19 cases and deaths, the Government
Inadequate, poorly distributed resources and ca- conducted contact tracing and imposed additional
pacity nationally and subnationally have made it difficult travel restrictions,10 with arrivals from restricted coun-
to respond adequately to public health emergencies in tries subject to 14-day quarantine and testing. While
College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines.
School of Medicine and Public Health, Ateneo de Manila University, Pasig City, Philippines.
Published: 5 February 2021
doi: 10.5365/wpsar.2020.11.1.014
Fig. 1a. New cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines, 30 January–21 March 2020
Number of new cases
Fig. 1b. Timeline of key events and developments in the Philippines, 30 January–21 March 2020
Travel restrictions
Hubei Province, China
Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR (China), Macau SAR (China)
Taiwan (China)
Republic Korea (select areas)
Community interventions
Flexible work arrangements
Prohibition of mass gatherings
Suspension of classes
Metro Manila under ECQ
ECQ extended to entire Luzon
Ramping up of testing capacity
Field testing of local test kits
travel restrictions in the early phase of the COVID-19 only briefly, as the number of confirmed cases increased
response prevented spread of the disease by potentially in the weeks that followed.11 Fig. 1b shows all interven-
infected people, travellers from countries not on the tions, including travel restrictions undertaken before 6
list of restricted countries were not subject to the same March, when the Government declared the occurrence
screening and quarantine protocols. The restrictions of community spread, and after 11 March, when WHO
were successful in delaying the spread of the disease declared COVID-19 a pandemic.
Fig. 2. Provinces placed under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). (2a) The Government declared ECQ in
Metro Manila effective 15 March 2020; (2b) The Government declared ECQ on the entire island of Luzon
effective 17 March 2020.
2a 2b
Community interventions that health systems were not overwhelmed.14 While the
lockdown implemented by the Government applied only
The Government declared “enhanced community quar- to the island of Luzon, local governments in other parts
antine” (ECQ) for Metro Manila between 15 March and of the country followed this example and also locked
14 April (Fig. 2a), which was subsequently extended down. The ECQ gave the country the opportunity to
to the whole island of Luzon (Fig. 2b). The quarantine mobilize resources and organize its pandemic response,
consisted of: strict home quarantine in all households, which was especially important in a country with poorly
physical distancing, suspension of classes and introduc- distributed, scarce resources and capacity.
tion of work from home, closure of public transport
and non-essential business establishments, prohibition Risk communication
of mass gatherings and non-essential public events,
regulation of the provision of food and essential health The Government strengthened and implemented na-
services, curfews and bans on sale of liquor and a tional risk communication plans to provide information
heightened presence of uniformed personnel to enforce on the new disease. The Government conducted daily
the quarantine procedures.12 ECQ – an unprecedented press briefings, sponsored health-related television and
move in the country’s history – was modelled on the Internet advertisements and circulated infographics on
lockdown in Hubei, China, which was reported to have social media. Misinformation and conspiracy theories
slowed disease transmission.13 Region-wide disease about COVID-19 were nevertheless a challenge for a
control interventions, such as quarantining of the entire population that spends more than 10 hours a day on the
Luzon island, were challenging to implement because Internet.15,16 These spread quickly and became increas-
of their scale and social and economic impacts, but ingly difficult to correct. Furthermore, the Government’s
they were deemed necessary to “flatten the curve” so messages did not reach all households, despite access
to health services and information, resulting in limited ness, surveillance and testing capacity in particular is
knowledge of preventive practices, except for hand- a lesson that the Philippines and other LMICs should
washing.17 learn from COVID-19.
Testing Acknowledgements
Testing is key to controlling the pandemic but was done
on a small scale in the Philippines. As of 19 March,
Conflict of interests
fewer than 1200 individuals had been tested,11 as only
the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine located in None reported
Metro Manila performed tests and assisted subnational
reference laboratories in testing.18 No positivity rates Funding
for RT-PCR tests were reported until early April 2020.
Because of the limited capacity for testing at the start Not applicable
of the pandemic, the Department of Health imposed
strict protocols in order to ration testing resources while References
ramping up testing capacity. Most tests were conducted
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