Surv720 Syllabus
Surv720 Syllabus
Surv720 Syllabus
Tuesday, 6:00-7:40 PM
Instructor: Roger Tourangeau
University of Maryland
1208 LeFrak Hall
University of Michigan
Perry G300
Tourangeau's Office:
1218W Lefrak Hall, 301 314-7984
4034 ISR, 734 647-5380
This course concerns the different sources of errors in estimates derived from survey data. It does
not cover random sampling error or estimation, but focuses on the other major sources of survey
errors. More specifically, it concerns:
1) Coverage error, which results from the failure to give every member of the population a chance
of selection into the sample;
2) Nonresponse error, which results from the failure to collect data on all members of the sample;
3) Measurement error, which results from the failure of the recorded responses to reflect the true
characteristics of the respondents; and
4) Editing and processing errors, which result from the failure to convert responses accurately into
an analysis file.
The goal of survey design is to minimize the size of these and other errors (e.g., through interviewer
training, sample design, efforts at persuading sample persons to cooperate) subject to the cost
constraints on any survey. One difficulty in finding the best design reflects the fact that there are
often tradeoffs between different sources of error. Each design feature also carries with cost
implications for the survey. In addition, several of these errors can be linked to one another in
practice — attempting to decrease one may merely increase another (e.g., reducing nonresponse by
aggressively persuading sample persons to cooperate may result in larger measurement errors in the
survey data).
The course reviews research on these topics. It examines the interplay of errors and costs in survey
designs. After introducing various conceptions of survey error, we will examine the different
sources of survey error one by one. Although much of the survey methodology literature deals with
one error source in isolation of others, we will try to integrate different works to explore
relationships among errors.
This course presents research that attempts to examine the causes of survey errors. The course
assumes that the students already know the basic steps of a survey research project. It is not a
practicum in survey research, but instead covers many of the considerations on which survey design
decisions should be based. This is not a "how-to” course, but rather investigates the basic principles,
derived from the empirical literature, that might apply to diverse types of surveys.
The methods literature on survey error has two major strands, one exploring how to reduce survey
errors and the other how to measure them. For each of the error sources, there will be readings on
efforts to reduce the error and additional readings on how to measure them. In addition, we will also
review theoretical perspectives on causes of errors. In short, for each error source we will address
three questions:
B. Grading
1. short quizzes at the end of many of the classes (30% of final grade)
2. a midterm examination (35% of final grade), and
3. a final examination (35% of final grade).
Participation in class discussions will play a less formal role in the grades; class participation will be
used to resolve unclear cases falling between two grades.
The midterm examination will be given during the regular class time on October 27; the final
examination will be given during the regular class time on December 8. Both exams will be in-class
examinations, closed book.
C. Office Hours
D. Course Readings
There is one required text (Groves, Survey Errors and Survey Costs, Wiley, 1989) and two
recommended texts (Fuller, Measurement Error Models, Wiley, 1989; Lessler and Kalsbeek,
Nonsampling Error in Surveys, 1992). Other course readings will be available via C-Tools.
Required Readings:
Lessler, J., and Kalsbeek, W., (1992). Nonsampling Errors in Surveys, John Wiley and Sons,
Chapter 2.
Andersen, R. et al. (1979). Total Survey Error, New York: Academic Press.
Bailar, B. A. (1984). “The Quality of Survey Data.” 1984 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods of the
American Statistical Association, pp 43-52.
U.S. Department of Commerce (1978). A Glossary of Nonsampling Error Terms. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office.
Required Readings:
Robinson, J., Ahmed, B., das Gupta, P., and Woodrow, K., (1993). "Estimation of Population
Coverage in the 1990 United States Census Based on Demographic Analysis," Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 88 (423), 1061-1079.
Mulry, M. H. (2007). “Summary of accuracy and coverage evaluation for the U.S. Census 2000.”
Journal of Official Statistics, 23, 345-370.
Martin, E. (1999). “Who knows who lives here? Within-household disagreements as a source of
survey coverage error,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 63:2, 220-236
Tourangeau, R., Shapiro, G., Kearney, A., and Ernst, L. (1997). “Who lives here? Survey
undercoverage and household roster questions.” Journal of Official Statistics, 13, 1-18.
Fay, R.E. (1989). “An Analysis of Within-household Undercoverage in the Current Population Survey.” Proceedings of
the U.S. Bureau of the Census Annual Research Conference (pp. 156-175). Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Fein, D., and West, K. (1988). “Towards a Theory of Coverage Error: An Exploratory Assessment of Data from the 1986
Los Angeles Test Census.” Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Research Conference, Bureau of the Census (pp. 540-
Hainer, P., Hines, C., Martin, E., and Shapiro, G. (1988). “Research on Improving Coverage in Household Surveys.”
Proceedings of the U.S. Bureau of the Census Annual Research Conference, Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of the
Census, 513-539.
Hogan, H. (1993). “The 1990 Post-Enumeration Survey: Operations and Results,” Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 88 (423), 1047-1060.
Singer, E., Mathiowetz, N., and Couper, M. (1993). “Privacy, Confidentiality, and the 1990 U.S. Census.” Public
Opinion Quarterly, 57, 465-483.
Required Readings:
Blumberg, S. J. Luke, J. V., Cynamon, M. L., and Frankel, M. R. (2008). “Recent Trends in
Household Telephone Coverage in the United States.” In J. M. Lepkowski, C. Tucker, J. M. Brick,
E. D. de Leeuw, L. Japec, P. J. Lavrakas, M. W. Link, and R. L. Sangster (eds.), Advances in
Telephone Survey Methodology (pp. 56-86). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Iannacchione, V., Staab, J. M., and Redden, D. T. (2003). “Evaluating the Use of Residential
Mailing Addresses in a Metropolitan Household Survey,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 67:2, 202-
Brick, J. M., Brick, P. D., Dipko, S., Presser, S., Tucker, C., and Yuan, Y. (2007). “Cell Phone
Survey Feasibility in The U.S.: Sampling and Calling Cell Numbers Versus Landline Numbers”
Public Opinion Quarterly, 71:1, 23-39.
Link, M. W., Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R., Osborn, L., and Mokdad, A. H. (2008). “A
Comparison of Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Versus Random-Digit Dialing (RDD) for
General Population Surveys.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 72 (1), 16-27.
Other key references:
Gaziano, C. (2005). Comparative Analysis of Within-Household Respondent Selection Techniques. Public Opinion
Quarterly, 69:1, 124-157.
Keeter, S., Kennedy, C., Clark, A., Tompson, T., and Mokrzycki, M. (2007). “What’s Missing From National Landline
RDD Surveys? The Impact of the Growing Cell-Only Population.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 71:5, 772–792.
Kennedy, C. (2007). “Evaluating the Effects of Screening for Telephone Service in Dual Frame RDD Surveys.” Public
Opinion Quarterly, 71:5, 750–771.
Link, M. W., Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R. Osborn, L., Mokdad A. H. (2007). “Reaching the U.S. Cell Phone
Generation: Comparison of Cell Phone Survey Results with an Ongoing Landline Telephone Survey.” Public Opinion
Quarterly, 71:5, 814–839.
Tucker, C., Brick, J. M., and Meekins, B. (2007). “Household Telephone Service and Usage Patterns in the United
States in 2004: Implication for Telephone Samples.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 71:1, 2–22.
Required Readings:
Lee, Sunghee, and Valliant, Richard (2008). “Weighting Telephone Samples using Propensity
Scores.” In J. M. Lepkowski, C. Tucker, J. M. Brick, E. D. de Leeuw, L. Japec, P. J. Lavrakas, M.
W. Link, and R. L. Sangster (eds.), Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology (pp. 170-183).
Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Link, M. W., Battaglia, M. P., Frankel, M. R., Osborn, L., and Mokdad, A. H. (2008). “A
Comparison of Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Versus Random-Digit Dialing (RDD) for General
Population Surveys.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 72:1, 16-27.
Iachan, R., and Dennis, M. (1993). “A Multiple Frame Approach to Sampling the Homeless and
Transient Population.” Journal of Official Statistics, 9:4,747-764.
Other key references:
Brick, J. M., and Lepkowski, J. M.. (2008). “Multiple Mode and Frame Telephone Surveys.” In J. M. Lepkowski, C.
Tucker, J. M. Brick, E. D. de Leeuw, L. Japec, P. J. Lavrakas, M. W. Link, and R. L. Sangster (eds.), Advances in
Telephone Survey Methodology (pp. 149-169). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Dever, J. A., Rafferty, A., and Valliant, R. (2008). “Internet Surveys: Can Statistical Adjustments Eliminate Coverage
Bias.” Survey Research Methods, 2 :2, 47-62.
Lee, Sunghee (2006). “Propensity Score Adjustment as Weighting Scheme for Volunteer Panel Web Surveys.” Journal
of Official Statistics, 22:2, 329-349.
Lee, Sunghee, and Valliant, Richard (2009). “Estimation for Volunteer Panel Web Surveys Using Propensity Score
Adjustment and Calibration Adjustment.” Sociological Methods & Research, 37:3, 319-343.
Required Readings:
Abraham, K. G., Maitland, A., and Bianchi, S. M. (2006). “Nonresponse in the American Time Use
Survey: Who is Missing from the Data and How Much Does it Matter?” Public Opinion Quarterly,
70:5, 676-703.
De Leeuw, Edith, and de Heer, Wim (2002) “Trends in Household Survey Nonresponse: A
Longitudinal and International Comparison.” In R. Groves, D Dillman, J. Eltinge, and R. Little
(eds.) Survey Nonresponse (pp. 41-54). New York: Wiley.
Groves, R., and Peytcheva, E. (2008). “The Impact of Nonresponse Rates on Nonresponse Bias: A
Meta-Analysis.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 72:2, 167-189.
Groves, R., Singer, E., and Corning, A., (2000). “Leverage-Saliency Theory of Survey
Participation: Description and an Illustration,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 64:3, 299-308.
Curtin, R., Presser, S., and Singer, E. (2000). “The Effects of Response Rate Changes on the Index of Consumer
Sentiment.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 64:4, 413-428.
DeMaio, T. J. (1980). "Refusals: Who, Where, and Why?" Public Opinion Quarterly,. 223-233.
Groves, R. (2006). “Nonresponse rates and Nonresponse Bias in Household Surveys,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 70:5,
Groves, R., Cialdini, R., and Couper, M. P. (1992). "Understanding the Decision to Participate in a Survey," Public
Opinion Quarterly, 56:4, 475-495.
Groves, R. M., and Couper, M. P. (1998). Nonresponse in household surveys. New York: John Wiley.
Groves, R. M., Couper, M. P., Presser, S., Singer, E., Tourangeau, R., Acosta, G. P., and Nelson, L. (2006). Experiments
in producing nonresponse bias. Public Opinion Quarterly, 70:5, 720-736.
Groves, R. M., Dillman, D. A., Eltinge, J. L., and Little, R. J. A. (2002). Survey Nonresponse. New York: John
Groves, R. M., Presser, S., and Dipko, S. (2004). The role of topic interest in survey participation decisions. Public
Opinion Quarterly, 68:1, 2-31.
Keeter, S., Kohut, A., Miller, C., Groves, R., and Presser, S. (2000) . “Consequences of Reducing Nonresponse in a
Large National Telephone Survey.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 64:2, 125-148.
Keeter, S., Kennedy, C., Dimock, M., Best, J., and Craighill, P. “Gauging the Impact of Growing Nonresponse on
Estimates from a National RDD Telephone Survey.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 70:5, 759-779.
Merkle, D., and Edelman, M. (2002). “Nonresponse in exit polls: A comprehensive analysis.” In R. Groves, D.
Dillman, J. Eltinge, & R. Little (Eds.), Survey Nonresponse (pp. 243-258). New York: John Wiley.
Teitler, J. O., Reichman, N. E., and Sprachman, S. (2003). “Costs and benefits of improving response rates for
Hard-to-Reach Population.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 67:1, 126-138.
Required Readings:
Kalton, G., and Kasprzyk, D. (1986). “The treatment of missing survey data.” Survey Methodology, 12:1, 1-16.
Required Readings:
Ekholm, A., and Laaksonen, S. (1991) “Weighting via Response Modeling in the Finnish Household
Budget Survey,” Journal of Official Statistics, 7:3, 325-337
Kalton, Graham, and Flores-Cervantes, Ismael (2003). “Weighting Methods.” Journal of Official
Statistics, 19:2, 81-97.
Little, R. J., and Vartivarian, S. L. (2004). "Does Weighting for Nonresponse Increase the Variance
of Survey Means?" The University of Michigan Department of Biostatistics Working Paper Series.
Working Paper 35.
Marker, D. A., Judkins, D. R., and Winglee, M. (2001). “Large-scale Imputation for Complex
Surveys,” In Groves, R., Dillman, D., Eltinge, J., and Little, R. (eds.) Survey Nonresponse (pp. 329-
342). New York: Wiley.
Rubin, D. (1986). “Basic Ideas of Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse,” Survey Methodology, 12:1,
Binder, D., Michaud, S., and Poirer, C. (1994). “Model-based reweighting for nonresponse adjustment.” Paper presented
at the COPAFS Symposium on New Directions in Statistical Methodology, May.
Chapman, D., Bailey, L., and Kasprzyk, D. (1986). “Nonresponse Adjustment Procedures at the U.S. Bureau of the
Census.” Survey Methodology, 12:1, 161-180.
Holt, D. and Elliot, D. (1991), “Methods of weighting for unit non-response.” The Statistician, 40: 333-342.
Holt, D., and Smith, T.M.F. (1979). “Post Stratification," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 142:1, 33-46.
Kish, L. (1992). “Weighting for Unequal Pi ,” Journal of Official Statistics, 8:2, 183-200.
Little, R., and Rubin, D. (1987). Statistical Analysis with Missing Data. New York: Wiley.
Required Readings:
Groves, Chapter 7
Biemer, P., and Trewin, D. (1997). “A Review of Measurement Error Effects on the Analysis of
Survey Data,” In Lyberg, L., Biemer, P., Collins, M., de Leeuw, E., Dippo, C., Schwarz, N., and
Trewin, D. (eds.), Survey Measurement and Process Quality (pp. 603-632). New York: Wiley.
Fuller, W., Measurement Error Models. New York: Wiley, 1987. Chapter 1, Section 1.1.
Bohrnstedt, George W. (1983). “Measurement.” In Rossi, P. H., Wright, J. D., and Anderson, A. B. (eds.), Handbook of
Survey Research (pp. 70-122). New York: Academic Press.
Lessler, J. T. (1985). “Measurement Error in Surveys.” In Turner, C. F., and Martin, E. (eds.), Surveying Subjective
Phenomena (Volume 2, pp. 405-440). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Turner, C. F., and Martin, E. (1985). “Measurement and Error: An Introduction.” In Turner, C. F., and Martin, E. (eds.),
Surveying Subjective Phenomena (Volume 1, pp. 97-128). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Required Readings:
Biemer, P. (2004). “Modeling Measurement Error to Identify Flawed Questions.” In Presser, S.,
Couper, M. P., Lessler, J. T., Martin, E., Martin, J., Rothgeb, J. M., and Singer, E. (eds.) Methods
for Testing and Evaluation Survey Questionnaires (pp. 225-246). New York: Wiley.
Biemer, P., and Stokes, L. (1991). "Approaches to the Modeling of Measurement Errors," in P.
Biemer et al. (eds.) Measurement Errors in Surveys, New York: Wiley, 1991, pp. 487-516.
Saris, W., van Wijk, T, and Scherpenzeel, A., (1998) "Validity and Reliability of Subjective Social
Indicators: the Effect of Different Measures of Association,” Social Indicators Research, 45:1-3,
Andrews, F. M. (1984). “Construct Validity and Error Components of Survey Measures: A Structural Modeling
Approach,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 48:2, 409-442.
Fuller, W. (1987). Measurement Error Models. New York: Wiley, 1987, Chapter 2,4.
O'Muircheartaigh, C. (1991). “Simple Response Variance: Estimation and Determinants.” In Biemer, P., Groves, R. M.,
Lyberg, L., Mathiowetz, N., and Sudman, S. (eds.), Measurement Errors in Surveys (pp. 551-574). New York: Wiley.
Saris, W., and Andrews, F. (1991). “Evaluation of Measurement Instruments Using a Structural Modeling Approach.”
In Biemer, P., Groves, R. M., Lyberg, L., Mathiowetz, N., and Sudman, S. (eds.), Measurement Errors in Surveys (pp.
575-598). New York: Wiley.
Required Readings:
Groves, Chapter 8
Hansen, Morris H., William Hurwitz, and Max Bershad (1960). “Measurement Errors in Censuses
and Surveys." Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 32nd Session, 38:2, 359-374.
O'Muircheartaigh, C., and Campanelli P. (1998). “The relative impact of interviewer effects and
sample design effects on survey precision.” Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society, Series A,
161:1, 63-77.
Cannell, C. F., Miller, P. V., and Oksenberg, L. (1981). “Research on Interviewing Techniques.” In S. Leinhardt (ed.),
Sociological Methodology, 1981 (pp. 389-447). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Fowler, F. J., Jr. and Mangione, T. W. (1985). “The Value of Interviewer Training and Supervision.” Boston, MA:
Center for Survey Research.
Hatchett, S., and Schuman, H. (1975). “Race of Interviewer Effects Upon White Respondents.” Public Opinion
Quarterly, 39:4, 523-527.
O'Muircheartaigh, C.A. (1977). “Response Errors.” In O'Muircheartaigh, C. A., and Payne, C. (eds.), The Analysis of
Survey Data, Volume 2. New York: Wiley.
Schuman, H., and Converse, J. M. (1971). “The Effects of Black and White Interviewers on Black Responses in 1968,"
Public Opinion Quarterly, 35:1, 44-68.
Singer, E., and Kohnke-Aguirre, L. (1979). “Interviewer Expectation Effects: A Replication and Extension," Public
Opinion Quarterly, 1979, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 245-260.
Required Readings:
Groves, Chapter 9
Rips, L. J., Conrad, F. G., and Fricker, S. S., (2003). “Straightening the Seam Effect in Panel
Surveys.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 67:4, 522-554.
Krosnick, J. A., & Fabrigar, L. R. (1997). “Designing Rating Scales for Effective Measurement
in Surveys.” In L. Lyberg, P. Biemer, M. Collins, E. deLeeuw, C. Dippo, N. Schwarz, & D.
Trewin (Eds.), Survey measurement and process quality (pp.141-164). New York: John Wiley.
Schaeffer, N.C., and Presser, S. (2003). “The Science of Asking Questions.” Annual Review of
Sociology, 29, pp. 65-88.
Tourangeau, R., and Bradburn, N. M. (2010). “The Psychology of Survey Response.” In P.V.
Marsden and J.D. Wright (Eds.), The Handbook of Survey Research, Second Edition (pp. 315-346).
Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Bradburn, N.M., Rips, L. J., and Shevell, S. K. (1987). “Answering Autobiographical Questions: The Impact of
Memory and Inference on Surveys.” Science, 236, 157-161.
National Center for Health Statistics (1965). Reporting of Hospitalizations in the Health Interview Survey. Hyattsville:
National Center fro Health Statistics.
Neter, J., and Joseph Waksberg (1964). “A Study of Response Errors in Expenditures Data From Household
Interviews.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 59:305, 18-55.
Schuman, H., and S. Presser (1981). Questions and Answers in Attitude Surveys: Experiments on Question Form,
Wording, and Context. New York: Academic Press.
Sudman, S. and Bradburn, N. (1973). “Effects of Time and Memory Factors on Response in Surveys.” Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 68:344, 805-815.
Sudman, S., Bradburn, N., and Schwarz, N. (1996). Thinking about Answers: The Application of Cognitive
Processes to Survey Methodology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Tourangeau, R. (1984). “Cognitive Sciences and Survey Methods.” In Jabine, T., Straf, M, Tanur, J., and Tourangeau,
R. (eds.), Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology: Building a Bridge Between Disciplines (73-100). Washington, DC:
National Academy Press. .
Tourangeau, R., and Yan, T. (2007). “Sensitive Questions in Surveys.” Psychological Bulletin, 133:5, 859-883.
Tourangeau, R., Rips, L., and Rasinski, K. (2000). The Psychology of Survey Response. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Required Readings:
Biemer, P., and Lyberg, L. (2004). Introduction to Survey Quality, Chapter 7. New York: Wiley.
Granquist, L, and Kovar, J. (1997). “Editing of Survey Data: How Much is Enough.” In Lyberg, L.,
Biemer, P., Collins, M., de Leeuw, E., Dippo, C., Schwarz, N., and Trewin, D. (eds.), Survey
Measurement and Process Quality (pp. 415-436). New York: Wiley.
Campanelli, P., Thomson, K., Moon, N., and Staples, T. (1997). “The Quality of Occupational
Coding in the United Kingdom.” In Lyberg, L., Biemer, P., Collins, M., de Leeuw, E., Dippo, C.,
Schwarz, N., and Trewin, D. (eds.), Survey Measurement and Process Quality (pp. 437-456). New
York: Wiley.
Winkler, W.E., “Matching and Record Linkage.” In Cox, B., Binder, D. A., Chinnappa, B. N.,
Christianson, A., Colledge, M.J., and Kott, P. (eds.), Business Survey Methods (pp. 355-384). New
York: Wiley.
Fellegi, I., and Holt, D. (1976). “A Systematic Approach to Automatic Edit and Imputation,” Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 71:353, 17-35.
Hidiroglou, M., and Berthelot, J. (1986). “Statistical Editing and Imputation for Periodic Business Surveys.” Survey
Methodology, 12:1, 73-83.
Little, R., and Smith, P. (1987). “Editing and Imputation for Quantitative Survey Data.” Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 82:397, 58-67.
Morganstein, D., and Marker, D. (1997). “Continuous Quality Improvement in Statistical Agencies.” In Lyberg, L.,
Biemer, P., Collins, M., de Leeuw, E., Dippo, C., Schwarz, N., and Trewin, D. (eds.), Survey Measurement and Process
Quality (pp. 475-500). New York: Wiley.
Pierzchala, M., “Editing Systems and Software.” In Cox, B., Binder, D. A., Chinnappa, B. N., Christianson, A.,
Colledge, M.J., and Kott, P. (eds.), Business Survey Methods (pp. 425-441). New York: Wiley.
Pierzchala, M. (1990). “A Review of the State of the Art in Automated Data Editing and Imputation.” Journal of Official
Statistics, 6:4, 355-377.
Statistical Policy Office, Office of Management and Budget. (1990). Data Editing in Federal Statistical Agencies.
Washington, DC: Office of Management and Budget.