S2 - Audit & Assurance: Strategic Level-1

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Study Scheme 2018



INTRODUCTION  Explain the concept of audit and assurance and the
This course is divided into four main areas of audit. functions of audit,
The syllabus starts with the nature, purpose and scope  Determine legal and ethical considerations relating
of assurance engagements both internal and external, to the appointment and removal of auditor,
including the statutory audit, its regulatory  Describe and evaluate internal controls, techniques
environment, and legal consideration relating to and audit tests to identify and communicate control
appointment and removal of auditors. It then leads risks and their potential consequences, making
into planning an audit. The syllabus then covers a appropriate recommendations,
range of areas relating to an audit of financial  Identify and describe the work and evidence
statements including the scope of internal control. obtained by the auditor and others required to meet
These include evaluating internal controls, audit the objectives of audit engagements and the
evidence, and a review of the financial statements. In application of the International Standards on
addition to final review and reporting procedures, the Auditing
last section concentrates on cost audit procedures.  Explain how consideration of subsequent events
and the going concern principle can inform the
OBJECTIVE conclusions from audit work and are reflected in
To provide the students an in-depth knowledge of different types of audit report, written
financial audit and cost audit to enable them to: representations and the final review and report.
 Conduct audit effectively, and  Prepare an audit report, keeping in view types of
 Identify and advise management to take qualifications,
appropriate remedial actions in those areas where  Plan and perform the Cost Audit;
major risks are involved.  Comprehend nature, objectives, functions, scope,
planning and procedures of cost audit and perform
LEARNING OUTCOMES audit of material, labour and overhead costs
On completion of this course, students will be able to:  Apply review procedures and provide other
assurance and related services

A 1. Audit framework and Regulation 10%
2. Planning and risk assessment General Principles and Responsibilities
3. Risk Assessment and Response to Assessed Risk
4. Internal Control
B 5. Internal Audit 45%
6. Audit Evidence
7. Collecting Audit Evidence
8. Using the Work of Others
C 9. Audit Conclusions and Reporting 35%
10. Other Assurance Engagement and Related Services
D 11. Cost Audit 10%
TOTAL 100%
Note: The weightage shown against each section indicates, study time required for the topics in that section. This
weightage does not necessarily specify the number of marks to be allocated to that section in the examination.


PART – A  Explain assurance and non-assurance

1. Audit framework and regulation engagement with examples
 Application of ISAs, ISREs, ISAEs, ISRSs  Statutory audit and regulation
 Audit and other assurance engagements (De  Legal consideration relating to appointment
scribe the concepts of assurance and removal of auditor
 Discuss the types and levels of assurance i.e. PART - B
absolute, reasonable and limited assurance 2. Planning and risk assessment General
including elements of an assurance Principles and Responsibilities
engagement, assurances provided by audit  ISA 200, Overall objectives of the
and review engagement) Independent Auditor and the conduct of an
Study Scheme 2018

Audit in accordance with International 6. Audit Evidence

Auditing Standards  ISA 500, Audit Evidence
 ISA 210, Agreeing the terms of Audit  ISA 501, Audit Evidence-specified
Engagements consideration for selected items
 ISA 220, Quality Control for an Audit of  ISA 505, External confirmation
Financial Statements,  ISA 510, Initial audit engagements-opening
 ISA 230, Audit Documentation balances
 ISA 240, The Auditor’s responsibilities  ISA 520, Analytical procedures
relating to fraud in an audit of financial  ISA 530, Audit Sampling
statements  ISA 540, Auditing accounting estimates,
 ISA250, Consideration of laws and including fair value accounting estimates,
regulations in an audit of financial and related disclosures
statements  ISA 550, Related parties
 ISA 260, Communication with those charged  ISA 560, Subsequent events
with governance  ISA 570, Going concern
 ISA 265, Communicating deficiencies in  ISA 580, Written representation
internal control to those charged with
governance and management 7. Collecting Audit Evidence
 Collecting Audit Evidence of:
3. Risk Assessment and Response to Assessed o Non-current assets
Risk o Inventory
 ISA 300, Planning an audit of financial o Receivables
statements o Cash and bank
 ISA 315, Identifying and assessing the risks of o Liabilities, capital and directors’ emolu
material misstatement through ments
understanding the entity and its o Not-for-profit organization
 ISA 320, Materiality in planning and PART – C
performing an audit 8. Using the Work of Others
 ISA 330, The auditor’s response to assessed  ISA 600, Special consideration-audits of
risks group financial statements (including the
 ISA 402, Audit considerations relating to an work of component auditors)
entity using a service organization  ISA 610, Using the work of internal auditors
 ISA 450, Evaluation of misstatements  ISA 620, Using the work of auditor’s expert
identified during the audit.
9. Audit Conclusions and Reporting
4. Internal Control  ISA 700, Forming an opinion and reporting
 Internal control on financial statements
 Testing the controls regarding  ISA 705, Modifications to the opinion in the
 Inventory independent auditor’s report
 Sales  ISA 706, Emphasis of matter paragraphs and
 Purchases other matter paragraphs in the independent
 Cash and bank auditor’s report
 Revenue and capital expenditure  ISA 710, Comparative information-
 Non-current tangible assets corresponding figures and comparative
 Payroll financial statements
 Explain the concept of Computer Assisted  ISA 720, the auditor’s responsibilities
Audit Techniques, test data and audit relating to other information in documents
software with advantages and disadvantages containing audited financial statements.
 Application of I. T Controls  ISA 800 (revised): Special considerations-
Audits of Financial Statements prepared in
5. Internal Audit accordance with special purpose
 Internal audit and code of corporate frameworks
governance, 2019  ISA 805 (revised): Special considerations-
 Distinction among external and internal Audit of Single statements and specific
auditing elements, accounts or items of a financial
 Scope of and need for internal auditing statements
 Nature and types of internal operation audits  ISA 810 (revised): Engagement to report on
 Relationship between internal and external summary financial statements
 Nature and types of internal audits

Study Scheme 2018

10. Other Assurance Engagement and Related  ISRS 4400: Engagements to perform agreed
Services upon procedures regarding financial
 ISRE 2400: Engagements to review historical information
financial statements  ISRS 4410: Compilation engagement
 ISRE 2410: Review of interim financial  Amended international framework for
information performed by the independent assurance engagement
auditor of the entity  Apply Ethical Principles
 ISAE 3000: Assurance engagements other
than audits or reviews of historical financial PART – D
information 11. Cost Audit
 ISAE 3400: The examination of prospective  Nature, Objectives, Functions, advantages
financial information and Scope of Cost Audit
 ISAE 3402: Assurance reports on controls at  Planning the Cost Audit
a service organization  Provision of Cost Accounting Records Rules
 ISAE 3410: Assurance engagements  Material Cost
 ISAE 3420: Assurance engagements on  Labor Cost
Greenhouse Gas Statements  Overheads
 Sales, Royalty, Inter-Company Transactions
 Companies audit of cost accounts rules

Recommended Books:
Handbook of International Quality Control,
Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, and Related IFAC/ICAP IFAC/ICAP
Services Pronouncements
Advanced Auditing (Latest) Prof. Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Khawaja Publications
Practical Auditing (Latest) Javed H. Zuberi Petiwala Book Depot Karachi

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