Linear Algebra: Jsthe
Linear Algebra: Jsthe
Linear Algebra: Jsthe
i has the trivial solution (x = y = z = 0)if D # Oand has a non-trivial Linear Algebra
r-4 21
10) Show that rank of the transpose of the matrix
After studying this unit, you will be able to answer the following:
with what proportions one sector of the economy are related to other
how solution is attained in a framework of several variables production
problems related to input-output;.
how the system of equations input-output can be represented graphically
by the linear programming; and
how the system of input-output can be solved in a dynamic framework.
The concept of Input-Output (1-0) analysis originated by the eighteenth
century French economists Quesnay in the name of 'Tabelau Economique'. In
its modem form, the 1-0 analysis has been developed by the American
economist Wassily W. Leontief in his famous work 'Structure of the
American Economy' in the year 195 1.
1-0 analysis is a method of analysing how an industry undertakes production
by using the output of other industries in the economy and how the output of
the given industries used up in other industries or sectors. Since various
industries are interdependent, i.e., the output of one industry is an input for the
others, their mutual relationship ultimately must lead to equilibrium between Input-Output Analysis
supply and demand in the economy consisting of 'n' industries. 1-0 analysis is
also known as the inter-industry analysis as it explains the interdependence
and interrelationship among various industries. Since the analysis is concerned
with the relations among inputs, use of a commodity in the production by an
industry, it is known as the input-output analysis. In other words, the 1-0
analysis explains the interdependence of inputs and outputs of various
industries in the economy.
Input requirements
Producing Total output of producing sectors Requirements
sector number of the sector for final uses
XI x2 x3 x4
1 XI XI1 x12 XI3 XI4 F1
2 X2 X21 X22 X23 X24 F2
(labor) input = L
Here it should be remembered that all the items in the above table are flows,
i.e. physical units per year. Since the entries in any row are all measured in the
same physical units, i t makes good sense to add across the rows. The 'total
output' column gives the overall input of labor and output of each commodity.
On the other hand, items in the same column are not measured in the same
units, so that it would not be correct to add down the columns. But each
column, thought as a whole (i.e., as a vector) does have a meaning. The third
column describes the input or cost structure of the first industry: XI units of
output of the first industry was produced with the use of Xll units of first
good, X2] units of second good, Xjl units of third good, units of fourth
good and L1 units of labor. Similar meanings will follow for other columns,
i.e., Columns 4, 5 and 6. The 'final demand' or 'requirement of final uses' i.e.,
Column (7) shows the commodity breakdown of what is available for
consumption and government expenditure. It is, for convenience, assumed that
labor is not consumed directly. Now suppose that each unit of output of each
industry has a price of $1 (say) and each unit of labor receives a wage rate of
$1. Then each entry of the above table can be expressed in terms of money
value (rather thal? being a physical unit). It is then possible to add down the
columns. The sum of each column gives the total cost of the corresponding
industry. Thus, revenue of industry 1 is XI units (= X I ] + X12 + X13 + X14 +
F I ) and cost of that industry is (XI, + X2]+ X31 + X4] + L I ) units. It is true for
other industries also. Clearly, these prices are long-run competitive
equilibrium prices. (In the long-run, competitive equilibrium price is equal to
average cost and there is neither profit nor loss).
Those items in the above table that show the sales of the four industries to
themselves and to each other might be described as 'non-GNP' items -
because these transactions are intermediate transactions, which are not
considered in the national income accounting. The 'final demand' column
represents the output side of GNP, as final transactions are included in GNP
accounting. The labor row represents the factor cost side of GNP. The inter-
industrial sales have no welfare significance at all. Social benefits come from
final consumption and social cost comes from use of labor. The economy can
be viewed as a machine that used up labor and produces final consumption.
The above table represents a particular technology, a particular combination
of inputs to get the outputs. If any element, aiong any row, changes, then other
Linear Algebra and Economics elements have to change accordingly so as to maintain the same total output of
Application that industry. A particular technology is thus characterized by a column
vector. Changing any elements of this vector results in a new vector and -
therefore represents a new technology.
From the above table, the production unction for the four industries can be
written as follows: Para XI = fl (Xil,X21, X31, &I, LI);
X2 = f2 (X12r X22, X32, &2r L2);
X3 = f3 (X13r X23, X33, X43, L3); and
& = f4 (X14r X24, X34r X44, b).
In general terms, if there are 'n' number of producing sectors, then the
production function of sector 'n' will be represented by Xn = fn (XI,, X2nr X3nr
G n , Ln).Further, we can always add across the rows, which, basically gives
us the equality between the demand and the supply of each product. In general
XI =X1l + X i 2 + ...+ X l n + F 1 ;
Xn=Xnl +Xn2+ ...+ Xnn+Fn;and
L = L 1 + L 2 +...+ Ln
Here, Xi = total output of the ith sector, Xij = output of i" sector used as input
in jth sector; and Fi = final demand for ithsector.
The above identity states that all the output of a particular sector could be
utilised as an input in one of the producing sectors of the economy and/or as a
final demand. Basically, therefore, 1-0 analysis is nothing more than finding
the solution of these simultaneous equations.
11.2.3 Technological Coefficient Matrix
From the assumption of fixed input requirements, we see that in order to
produce 1 unit of jth commodity, the input used of ith commodity must be a
fixed amount, which we denote by aij; thus aij = -.
xij If Xj represents the total
output of the jth commodity (or jth producing sector) the input requirements of
the ithcommodity will be equal to aijXjor Xij = aijXj.
So the production function can be written as follows:
XI = min. (Xlllall, X21la21,..., Llla~l);....; X.I = min.(X,4/a14, X24/a24,...,
In other words, this means that Xi (i =1, 2, 3,4) will be equal to the minimum
of the five ratios within the bracket.
It can be seen that if each of the Xij is multiplied by a constant, the
corresponding Xj is multiplied by the same constant so that we have a constant
returns to scale. If any ai, is zero, we can ether omit the corresponding term
from the right hand side or we can think of Xjj/aij as infinity in which case it
will certainly never be the smallest ratio.
An alternative way of writing the production function is to note that since XI Input-Output Analysis
equals the smallest of Xll/all,Xzl/a2,,X31/a31,X41/a41,Ll/aLI,it must be less
than or equal to all five of the ratios, i.e., X l l / a l l 2x1, i.e., X I I r allX1.
Similarly, Xzl r a21Xl...andL12 aLIX1.
In general, Xij > aijXjand L,2 IjXj.
It should be noted that equality would hold at least once in each row. In fact, if
none of the commodities concerned is free good, the equality will hold
everywhere. Assuming that no goods are free, we can consider all the above
equalities. Then putting the values of Xij in equation (I), (2),. ... we get,
j=l i=l
xn an, a . ~ .-. a n n
Xn Fn
x = A X + F and, L = Z ~ ~ X ; .
2) What is an open input-output model?
141 li:]
3) The input coefficient matrix is given as
a,, a,? 0.2 0.3 0.2
A= :;j = [o.I 0.1 0.21 . Get the technology matrix.
0.1 0.3 0.2
Linear Algebra and Economics
In the above example, besides n industries, our model contains exogenous
sector of final demand, which supplies primary input factors (labor services-
which are not produced by these n industries) and consumes the output of n
producing industries (not as input). Such an 1-0 model is known as 'open
model'. It includes exogenous sectors in terms of 'final demand bill' along
with the endogenous sectors in terms of n producing sectors. 1-0 model,
which has endogenous final demand vector, is known as 'closed model'.
C a , ). [Note here that a,'s are in value terms]. If this w e n not true, it would
from X = [&A]-' F we can get the value of each element of X. Before this,
( .I: e.n
I - A -- )-
0 1
-21 '-a22
1, matrix of co-factors
Then [I-A] = [-y9 and the value of the determinant [I-A] = (-) 8.12,
which is less than zero. As the Hawkins-Simon conditions are not satisfied, no
solution will be possible in this case.
Check Your Progress 2
1) Describe the features of a closed input-output model.
2) Discuss the importance of Hawkins-Simon conditions in an input-output ~nput-outputAnalysis
I model.
[I-A]-I =-
I 0.3 0.8
,11= 0.2, 12 = 0.3 and L = 10. Find the equation of
the consumption possibility locus.
11.5.4 Determination of Equilibrium Prices Input-OutputAnalysis
Let the prices of commodities 1, 2, 3,. .. be pl, p2, p3,...respectively, and the
price of the primary factor inputs be w (here, primary factor is labor; so w
represents wage rate), then the technology matrix or transaction matrix in
quantity may be converted into that in value terms. The problem can be posed
as follows:
With pure competition and free entry, profit in each industry must be zero,
i.e., revenues equal costs. Hence, for the first industry receipts are (output x
price) and cost is allXlpl + azlXlp2+ 11x1w . Same is true for the second
b Hence, for equilibrium; plXl = allXlpl+ a21Xlp2+ llXlw; and p2X2= a12X2pl
+ a22X2p2+ 12X2w,which simplify to pl = allpl + a21p2 + llw; and p2X2 = a12pl
+ a22p2 + 12 W,which can be put in matrix form as under:
-a12 1-%2] .I:[= Notice that the set of coefficients here are
transposed, this matrix is transposed of [I-A].
Therefore [;:I
'- ] [:I
t = -l = [I-A]-1 I,@
i a22
I 1
! Therefore, pl = - (A1111 + A1212)w, and p2 = - (A2111+ A2212) W, where A1 I,
f D D
A12, etc., are the cofactors of the matrix [I-A] as in the preceding cases.
Check Your Progress 4
1) Consider the following technology matrix
Steel Coal Final Demand
Steel 0.4 0.1 50
Coal 0.7 0.6 100
Labor 5 2
Determine the equilibrium prices, if the wage rate is Rs. 10 per man day.
Linear *lgebra andApplication
Leontief s 1-0 model (in case of 2 industries) can be interpreted as a
simplified linear programming model. Suppose that the final demand FI and
F2 are given. The society likes to get these final demands. Now if XI is the
total output of the first industry, then out of this a l l X 1will be used up in the
first industry itself and a12X2will be used up in the second industry. The
amount left is, therefore, (XI-allX1-al2X2) and it must be equal to the final
consumption F1 if this final consumption is to be achieved. From this relation
we get one constraint (1-all) XI -a12X2 2 F1, which will be utilized in the
linear programming formulation. Similarly, for the second industry we can get
another constraint -azlX1 + (1-az2)X2 2 F 2 The gross output levels XI and X2
cannot be negative so that XI 2 0 and X22 0 are the non-negativity conditions.
Consider now the objective function. Here our problem is that the final
demands F1 and F2 are specified. To get these specified final demands we
have to choose gross outputs XI and X2 in such a manner that the total labor
cost is minimized. The labor cost (in money terms) of X1 and X2 is equal to
llXlw + 12x2~. This is the objective function to be minimised.
Thus, in the Leontief model we get a typical linear programming problem,
which can be stated as follows:
Minimise W = 11x1~ + 12x2~
Subject to (l-al 1) XI - a12X22 F1
-a2lX1 + (1-a22)X2 2 F2
XI 2 0 and X2 10. i
By following the rules regarding the primal problem and the dual problem, the 1
dual of the above primal problem can be written as follows:
Maximise R = ~ I F+Ip2F2
Subject to (l-all) PI - a21p2 P I 11w
Since the four rows of the input coefficient matrix happen to be linearly
dependent, 11-A1will turn out to be zero. Hence the solution is indeterminate.
This means that in a closed model no output-mix of each sector exists. We can
at most determine the output levels of endogenous sectors in proportion to one
another, but cannot fix their absolute levels unless additional information is
made available exogenously.
iii) as an addition to the stock of n industries: A C S i j . If depreciation is
Given the fixed relation between capital and output: bij =- ,
SO that bij (X,), = (Sij)t and bij (Xj)t-1= (Sij)t.~
Therefore, the balance equation of dynamic model turns out to be:
Ib; :q
Now in order to transform these aggregate figures of capital formation (C.F)
by sector of use to sector of origin or to demand for sectoral outputs, a capital
~ I I b12 ...
formation mat,, has to be defined Lzt it be, B = b;; 1:
bnl brl2 ... b ,,,,
where bji=(demand for jtl' sector's output by it'' sector for C.F)/(C.F in sector i)
dX f
Hence the vector of investment by origin is = B bf(X,- X,.I) or, B b -(in
continuous case).
Hence the Lzontief consistency conditions are
X, = AX, + F, + B b' (X, - [in discrete case]
X = AX + F + B b' - [in continuous case]
Thus, the system may be described in first order difference or differential
equations. However, in a dynamic (model) situation it is better to use the
inequalities to account for over produt fion and excess capacity. Planning for
long-term cannot be reduced to simpie matter of solution of a system of
simultaneous equations as in the input-output case.
i) Errors in forecasting final demand will have grave consequence.
ii) Current relative prices of inputs may not be same as the ones implied in
the table.
iii) The assumption of linear homogenous production function may not be
valid. The technical coefficients will not remain constant even if input
price ratios are held constant in such circumstances.
iv) The coristant coefficient formulation also ignores the possibility of ~nput-OutputAnalysis
industry out-puts reaching capacity, changing prices and input
proportions in the table.
v) The assumption of constant technical coefficients goes counter to the
possibility of substitutions of inputs and factors.
vi) Sectoral division is, for practical purposes, limited. Such a sectorisation
is not good enough for many forecasting purposes.
vii) Sectorisation (grouping of commodities in sectors) is often arbitrary.
The intra-sectoral heterogeneity with respect to technologies, efficiency
and demand is not invariant over time.
viii) Input-output model building is highly costly in terms of time and money.
ix) Regional input-output analysis involves many more assumptions and
difficulties in construction of such tables.
This unit tells us about the interrelationship among different industries in the
market. It also shows the way of determining output and price of the product
for each industry, which is the most important thing for this kind of inter
linkage among the industries. Relation between input-output analysis and
linear programming problem reflects the important linkage of two real life
applications of mahix algebra.
Therefore, price of steel = Rs. 200 per ton and price of coal = Rs. 100 per
11.14 EXERCISES - - -
to be d = 5 , solve the system for output production.
three industries .
Input-Output Analysis
0.2 0.3 0.2
= 0.4 0.1 0.2
0.1 0.3 0.2
. Test whether the Hawkins-Simon conditions for the
4) Given A
[. . I
0.1 0.3 0.1
= 0 0.2 0.2
and final demands are FI, F2 and F3. Find the
output levels consistent with the model. What will be the output levels if
FI = 20, F:! = 0 and F3= loo?
[Answer: XI = 1.11F1+ 0.42F2 + 0.28F3, X:! = 1.25F2+ 0.36F3, and X3 =
I .43F3]
5) In the above example if final demand changes by 10, 10, 10, then what
will be the change in sector outputs?
[Hint: X = [I-A]-' F, so, AX = [I-A]-' A F]
6) A three sector input-output matrix [I-A] is given as: -0.2 with
labor coefficients (per unit of output) as 0.4, 0.7, 1.2, if the household
demand for the outputs of the 3 sectors is 1000, 5000 and 4000, determine
the level of output and employment.
If the wage rate is Rs. 10 per labor day, find the equilibrium prices.
7) Determine the consumption possibility locus, given the total available
labor supply = 1000 units and the technology matrix is given by A
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Linear Programming: Basic Concept
12.3 .Formulation: Structure and Variables of Linear Programming
12.4 Graphic Solution
12.5 Simplex Method
12.6 Duality of Linear Programming
12.7 Economic Importance of Duality
12.8 Duality Theorems
12.9 Zero-sum Games and Linear Programming
12.9.1 Basic Concept
12 9.2 Relationship between Game Theory and Linear Programming
12.10 Let Us Sum Up
12.11 Key Words
12.12 Some Useful Books
12.13 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress
12.14 Exercises
Linear programming (LP) is a technique used for deriving optimum use of
limited resources. Specifically, it deals with maximising a linear function of
variables subject to linear constraints. Applications range from economic
planning and environmental management to the diet problem.