PVTsimHelp 20
PVTsimHelp 20
PVTsimHelp 20
PVTsim 20
Fluid Handling 5
Fluid Handling ........................................................................................................................... 5
Database..................................................................................................................................... 6
Select ........................................................................................................................... 7
Import .......................................................................................................................... 7
Delete .......................................................................................................................... 7
Duplicate ..................................................................................................................... 8
Export .......................................................................................................................... 8
History......................................................................................................................... 8
Enter New Fluid......................................................................................................................... 8
Fluid Composition ..................................................................................................................... 9
Plus fraction................................................................................................................. 9
No-Plus fraction ........................................................................................................ 13
Characterized............................................................................................................. 13
Lumping .................................................................................................................... 14
Interaction Parameters ............................................................................................... 16
PVT Data................................................................................................................... 17
Viscosity Data ........................................................................................................... 18
Edit Default Comp List............................................................................................................ 19
Restore Default Comp List ...................................................................................................... 19
Edit Default Mw and Dens ...................................................................................................... 20
Restore Default Mw and Dens................................................................................................. 20
Database Structure ................................................................................................................... 20
Pure Component ...................................................................................................................... 21
Edit Current ............................................................................................................................. 24
Regress Current ....................................................................................................................... 24
Add to Database....................................................................................................................... 25
Export Current ......................................................................................................................... 25
Import ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Delumping ............................................................................................................................... 25
Clean for Mud.......................................................................................................................... 26
Recombine ............................................................................................................................... 29
Mix Fluid ................................................................................................................................. 30
Weave ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Same Pseudos .......................................................................................................................... 32
Injection Gas............................................................................................................................ 34
Fluids for Mix .......................................................................................................................... 34
Fluids for Weave...................................................................................................................... 34
Fluids for Recombine .............................................................................................................. 34
Fluids for Same Pseudos.......................................................................................................... 34
Source Fluids for Delump........................................................................................................ 35
Fluids for OLGA Table............................................................................................................ 35
Fluids for OLGA Compositional Tracking.............................................................................. 35
Fluids for Mud Cleaning.......................................................................................................... 35
Fluids for DepoWax ................................................................................................................ 36
Fluids for Viscosity Tuning in DepoWax ................................................................................ 36
Fluids for Viscosity Tuning ..................................................................................................... 36
Fluids for Property Generator .................................................................................................. 37
Fluids for Allocation................................................................................................................ 37
Fluid Management 45
Fluid Management ................................................................................................................... 45
New Database............................................................................................................ 46
Open Database........................................................................................................... 46
New Database............................................................................................................ 47
New Hysys Fluid ....................................................................................................... 47
New PRO/II Fluid ..................................................................................................... 47
QC of Fluid................................................................................................................ 48
Simulations 56
Simulations .............................................................................................................................. 56
Flash ........................................................................................................................................ 57
PT non-aqueous ......................................................................................................... 59
PT aqueous ................................................................................................................ 59
PT multi phase........................................................................................................... 59
K-factor ..................................................................................................................... 60
Split-factor................................................................................................................. 60
P-Beta ........................................................................................................................ 61
T-Beta........................................................................................................................ 61
Saturate w. water ....................................................................................................... 61
PH.............................................................................................................................. 61
PS .............................................................................................................................. 62
VT.............................................................................................................................. 62
UV ............................................................................................................................. 63
HS.............................................................................................................................. 63
Phase Envelope........................................................................................................................ 63
Fluids with no aqueous components.......................................................................... 63
Fluids with water ....................................................................................................... 64
Property Generator................................................................................................................... 65
Generating properties ................................................................................................ 66
Property output and plot ............................................................................................ 68
Documentation of Property Generator Table Format ................................................ 69
H2S .......................................................................................................................................... 74
Unit Operations........................................................................................................................ 76
Compressor................................................................................................................ 77
Expander.................................................................................................................... 78
Cooler ........................................................................................................................ 79
Heater ........................................................................................................................ 80
Pump.......................................................................................................................... 80
Valve ......................................................................................................................... 81
Separator.................................................................................................................... 81
ES-SAGD ................................................................................................................................ 82
Input .......................................................................................................................... 82
Output description ..................................................................................................... 83
Allocation ................................................................................................................................ 85
Open Structure ......................................................................................................................... 86
PVT Simulation ....................................................................................................................... 86
Critical Point.............................................................................................................. 87
Saturation Point ......................................................................................................... 87
Separator Test............................................................................................................ 88
Interfaces 131
Interfaces to External Programs............................................................................................. 131
VIP Black Oil .......................................................................................................... 132
VIP-COMP.............................................................................................................. 133
MORE Black Oil ..................................................................................................... 134
MORE EOS............................................................................................................. 136
Eclipse Black Oil..................................................................................................... 136
Eclipse Gi ................................................................................................................ 141
Eclipse Comp .......................................................................................................... 142
Eclipse Comp Import............................................................................................... 143
Eclipse Black Oil (Using Correlations) ................................................................... 145
STARS .................................................................................................................... 147
OLGA Compositional Tracking .............................................................................. 147
OLGA...................................................................................................................... 149
OLGA Wax ............................................................................................................. 153
Pipesim .................................................................................................................... 155
Multi Phase Meter ................................................................................................... 156
PipePhase ................................................................................................................ 160
PRO/II ..................................................................................................................... 161
Hysys ....................................................................................................................... 161
Prosper-MBAL ........................................................................................................ 164
Prosper-EOS............................................................................................................ 165
Saphir ...................................................................................................................... 166
WePS....................................................................................................................... 167
CHN-file format ...................................................................................................... 168
Output 168
Output .................................................................................................................................... 168
Output Explorer ..................................................................................................................... 169
Spreadsheets ............................................................................................................ 169
Plots......................................................................................................................... 169
Worksheet .............................................................................................................................. 171
Options 181
Options................................................................................................................................... 181
Unit System & Settings.......................................................................................................... 182
Unit Converter ....................................................................................................................... 183
Customize toolbar .................................................................................................................. 184
Utilities 188
Utilities .................................................................................................................................. 188
Backup database ...................................................................................................... 188
Compact database.................................................................................................... 188
Zip databases ........................................................................................................... 189
Unzip database ........................................................................................................ 191
Fluid Handling
All simulations start by either selecting a fluid composition already in the database or by adding a new composition.
Added fluids will automatically be stored in the currently selected database. The fluids in the database may be
mixed, weaved, recombined or characterized to the same pseudo-components. Default component properties may be
adjusted by regression to experimental PVT data.
Fluid Database
Fluid Enter New fluid
Fluid Delump
Fluid Clean for Mud
Fluid Recombine
Fluid Mix
Fluid Weave
Fluid Same Pseudos
Fluid Regression
Fluid Edit Default Component List
Fluid Restore Default Component List
Fluid Edit Default Mw and Dens
Fluid Restore Default Mw and Dens
The Fluid Management options are also available from the Simulations Explorer.
The first time the program is installed, the DEMODATA database is automatically selected. It contains example
compositions. This database can be extended with new compositions or a new database with another name can be
created. Databases can be placed in any directory as long as the user has writing permissions to that directory.
Closing and restarting PVTsim does not change the choice of database.
Pressing Fluid Database displays a list of fluids in the selected database. From the buttons at the bottom, the
contents of the database may be manipulated or a fluid may be selected. The options are
At least one composition must be entered in a new database before the <Select> option can be used. Use Fluid
Enter New Fluid.
Databases from version 13 and onwards are supported. If a database in an old format is selected, the user is asked to
confirm that the database is to be updated to the current version. If <Yes> is pressed, the name and location of the
updated database file are to be specified. Then the conversion to new database format takes place in steps of one
version at the time. The old database file remains untouched.
To select a composition from the current database for use in subsequent calculations, select the fluid from the list and
double click on the fluid or click <Select>.
To import a fluid composition from another database, click <Import>. Open the database holding the fluid to be
imported into the currently selected database. Select the fluid to be imported.
Before deletion is initiated, a message box is displayed. Click <Yes> to continue deleting fluids or click <No> to
regret deleting.
To copy one or more fluids in the database, select the appropriate fluid(s) from the list, and click <Duplicate>.
Copies of fluids selected are then added to the database as the last entries.
Exports fluids from the database to another PVTsim fluid database. Select the fluid(s) to be exported and click
<Export>. The target database is specified in a file dialog box. The target database does not have to exist in advance.
Other ways of exchanging fluids are described in the sections Database Structure and Export Current.
Pressing <History> will display the text input in the History field for the highlighted composition.
Clicking Fluid Enter New Fluid will make a menu appear for entering a new composition. By default the Fluid
type is Plus fraction, but it may be changed to either No-Plus fraction or Characterized.
Having entered a new fluid, click <OK>. This will save the fluid in the database. To also save Plus or No-Plus
fraction fluids in characterized form, check Save Char Fluid in the Options frame.
Checking Adjust to Sat point for a Plus fraction fluid will allow entry of an experimental saturation point. When
<OK> is pressed afterwards, the plus molecular weight is allowed to be adjusted by up to 10% maintaining a
constant weight composition to improve the match of the experimental saturation point.
For Plus and No-Plus fraction fluids the compositions may be input in either mole and weight, while a characterized
composition must be input in mole % or other molar unit.
The fields Well, Test, Fluid, Sample and Text in the fluid input menu are used to identify the fluid. The contents of
these fields are shown when the list of fluids in the database is displayed. The entries should therefore be sufficiently
descriptive to allow the fluid to be identified when scrolling through the database.
In the History field it is possible to enter various information regarding the fluid. The information could for example
be that the fluid has been regressed on and what parameters were used in the regression. If the fluid was input in an
earlier version of PVTsim, the version number used to input the fluid is shown in the History field.
Plus fraction
A Plus fraction fluid is interpreted as a composition where the last component is a plus fraction containing all
components of the actual carbon number and heavier. Required data are mol%’s or weight%’s of pure components
and mol%’s or weight%’s, densities and molecular weights of C7+ fractions. The last fraction must be C7 or higher.
No gaps are allowed in C7+ carbon numbers. A composition containing C7, C9 and C10+ must for example also
contain C8.
The mole %'s or weight %'s do not have to sum to 100. Compositions are always normalized before any calculations
are performed. Flow rates in moles or weight per time unit can therefore be entered for mol% or weight%,
respectively. Mol%’s or weight%’s do not have to be entered for all components displayed, as long as there are no
Density is always liquid density at 15 °C /59 °F and atmospheric pressure (1.01325 bara/14.696 psia)
As shown below the same composition may also be entered as a GC analysis with mole%’s or weight%’s to a higher
carbon number than molecular weights and densities. Molecular weight and density must be given to the same
carbon number (in the below table to C10+).
Checking Adjust to Sat point will display a Temperature and a Pressure field. These are to be filled in with an
experimental saturation point to be matched as well as possible by modifying the plus molecular weight by max.
10% maintaining a constant weight composition. The saturation point adjustment is different from a true regression
where other parameters can be modified as well.
Click <Normalize> to normalize the composition to 100.0%. This is optional, as the composition will always be
normalized prior to simulations.
Clear will clear all mol%'s or weight%’s, but maintain component properties.
To add a component not contained in the selected fluid, click <Add Comps>.
A Plus fraction composition in mol% may be converted to a weight% composition by clicking < Mol to Weight>.
Similarly a Plus fraction composition in weight% may be converted to a mol% composition by clicking <Weight to
To store the characterized fluid originating from a Plus fraction type of composition in the database check Save Char
Click <OK> to accept the composition and close the form. This will save the Plus composition in the database and
the plus fraction will be split into carbon number fractions and these carbon number fractions will be lumped into
pseudo-components. Model parameters will be assigned to each component and pseudo-component. The
characterized composition becomes the currently selected one, but is not saved in the database unless Save Char
Fluid was checked. It is possible afterwards to save the characterized composition in the database by clicking
CharFluid Add to Database.
C6+ compositions
Click CharFluid Edit. Scroll to the right to see the P-fraction (paraffin fraction ) of C7.
Mw = 86.178
Density = 0.664 g/cm3
For plus fraction fluids it is possible to check the box Input wax fraction. This will make a new column appear
enabling the user to enter measured wax fractions (wax n-paraffin) of C7+ carbon number fractions except for the
plus fraction. PVTsim will estimate the wax contents in carbon number fractions, for which no wax fraction input is
given. The wax content in the plus fraction will always be found by estimation.
No-Plus fraction
A No-plus fluid is interpreted as a mixture of pure components and possibly C7+ carbon number fractions. The last
entry is interpreted as a discrete carbon number fraction, not as a plus fraction. The same type of input is required as
for a Plus fraction composition except that gaps are accepted in the C7+ fraction. C7, C9 and no C8 is for example
legal input. By checking Adjust C7+ dens a field will appear for entering API gravity. Click <Adjust> to adjust the
average density of the fluid to match the entered API gravity (API = 141.5/(density in g/cm3 at atmospheric
pressure and 15 C/59 F). This option is primarily intended for mud compositions and will not work if the fluid
contains components lighter than C7.
To enter an already characterized fluid, click Fluid Enter New Fluid. Change Fluid type to Characterized.
To enter C7+ pseudo-components click on <Add Comps>. Below the table with components to add, it is possible to
enter a user-defined Number of pseudos. Be aware that the molecular weight of these pseudo-components is 100 by
default and must be edited. Molecular weight and a and b are the only properties assigned to these components
by default. All other properties must be entered manually.
Not all component properties need to be known to carry out a simulation. As a minimum Molecular weight, Crit T,
Crit P and acentric factor must be entered for each component. By pressing <Complete> as many of the remaining
properties as possible will be estimated to enable more types of different simulations to be accomplished. It is highly
recommended to enter densities of the C7+ components, as many of the component properties to be estimated
depend on densities.
A more thorough guide on entering characterized fluids is given in the section Getting Done with Input of
Characterized Compositions.
A particular simulation may be performed if the component properties available are sufficient to do the basic
calculation. For instance a flash can be performed without ideal gas Cp-coefficients. Only are energy related
properties not contained in the output. A hydrate simulation requires hydrate parameters of all hydrate forming
components. An error message will appear if properties are missing.
It is possible to lump components into pseudo-components. By default pure components are not lumped while the
C7+ fraction by default is lumped into max. 12 pseudo-components. The user may change the default lumping by
clicking <Lumping> in the Selected Fluid/Enter New Fluid menu. To more permanently change the default setting,
click Options Unit System & Settings and modify the Default number of C7+ fractions.
The standard lumping method splits the C7+ fraction into pseudo-components of approximately equal weight
amount. The ab lumping minimizes the variation in the equation of state a and b parameters within each pseudo-
It is possible to choose between a Normal and a Heavy C7+ characterization procedure. The Normal procedure does
not consider hydrocarbons heavier than C80, while the limit is C200 for the Heavy procedure. In general it is to be
recommended to use the Normal procedure unless for very aromatic oils (C10+ density > 0.95 g/cm3 or API<17).
Checking the field C7+ user defined displays a table enabling the user to input the carbon number ranges to be
contained in each C7+ pseudo-component.
The last C-number is 80 for Normal C7+ characterization and 200 for Heavy C7+ characterization.
The suggested names of the lumped components (CH01, CH02, etc.) may be edited (to e.g. C7-C10, C11-C29, C30-
C47 and C48-C80) after double clicking on the name.
Checking Defined for a Plus fraction or No-Plus fraction type of composition will make a sheet appear allowing
lumping of pure components. To lump
N2 and C1
CO2 and C2
The X'es appear by pressing the spacebar with the cursor placed in the field.
Checking the field User Defined for a Characterized fluid will make a sheet appear, which enables grouping of all
the components contained in the Characterized fluid.
For a characterized fluid some correction factors are displayed. A correction factor is 1.0 by default, but may change
as a result of regression.
Multiplication factor for the volume translation (Peneloux) parameters of the C7+ pseudo-components.
For the Lohrenz-Bray-Clark (LBC) viscosity correlation there is only one correction factor, a multiplication
factor (VcLBC) for the critical volumes of the C7+ pseudo-components.
In addition the five coefficients (a1-a5) in the LBC correlation are shown.
For both viscosity models the three Oil+Wax viscosity model multipliers D, E and F are shown. They are used
in the non-Newtonian viscosity model applied for oil-wax suspensions.
Interaction Parameters
Classical (Classic)
Requires one interaction parameter (kij) per binary.
T-dependent (T-dep)
Requires 3 interaction parameters per binary (kij A, kij B and kij C). The binary interaction parameter at the
temperature T is found from
To avoid numerical problems caused by too high absolutes kij-values, PVTsim performs a check of the kij’s at
temperatures of 288.15 K and 423.15 K, at which temperatures the following ranges are accepted:
By clicking <T-dep=Classic>, all kij A’s are set equal to the classical kij’s and kij B and kij C are set to zero.
For this setting classical and T-dependent kij’s will provide the same simulation results. This option enables the
user to start regressing on T-dependent kij’s using the optimum classical kij’s as the starting point.
where ij is a non-randomness parameter, gij and gji are the terms in the interaction parameters that do not
depend on T and gij(T) and gji(T) are the temperature dependent terms of gij and gji.
The interaction parameters are specific for the selected equation of state. The default values can be modified
manually. For characterized compositions kij’s dependent on Vc (Classical) can be derived by clicking <Vc kij’s>.
T-dependent kij’s are left untouched.
Not all pairs in a given mixture need to use the same mixing rules. Any combination of Classic, T-dep and HV are
PVT Data
Clicking PVT Data in the composition input menu gives access to a menu for entering and storing PVT data of the
following types
Saturation Point
Separator Test
Constant Mass Expansion
Constant Volume Depletion
Differential Depletion (or differential liberation)
Viscosity experiment
Swelling/MMP experiment
Different data format are used for gases and oils. Therefore before entering any PVT data, set Selected fluid to either
Oil or Gas.
To enter for example Constant Mass Expansion data click <Const Mass Exp>. This will display an input menu for
entering the quantities usually measured in a Constant Mass Expansion experiment. The Identification field must be
filled out.
In the Differential Depletion experiment the last stage for which data is input will often be at atmospheric pressure.
The temperature can either be that of the experiment (Temperature field entry) or it can be the Standard
Temperature. In the latter case check the field “Last stage Tstd”. The last depletion stage at elevated temperature can
either be conducted as a single stage or as a continuous bleed off of gas. In the latter case choose Bleed gas.
Data for 5 different experiments of each type may be entered. Each set of data is entered under a separate tab (1st set,
2nd set, etc.). Often only one set of data is available (for reservoir temperature), but has data been measured at
different temperatures (or a second set at the same temperature) those data sets may be entered under the subsequent
tabs. All data will be available for regression.
A critical point may be included as one of the saturation points by specifying that a given saturation point is the
critical stage. A 0 as entry for Crit stage means that none of the saturation stages are at the critical point. The option
to include a critical point is useful when doing regression on near critical systems. The regression might otherwise
change the fluid parameters to have a condensate behave like an oil system or vice versa.
Plots of experimental and simulated data will be shown if a PVT experiment with PVT data is simulated afterwards.
Viscosity Data
Clicking Visc Data in the Enter New Fluid/Selected Fluid/current Char Fluid menu gives access to a menu for
entering experimental oil viscosity data for given T and P. It is possible afterwards to tune the viscosity model
parameters to match the data.
Oil viscosities
Viscosities of oil with no precipitated wax. Corresponding values of temperature, pressure and experimental
viscosities to be entered.
To enter data for a Viscosity experiment, use the <PVT Data> button.
When clicking Enter New Fluid to add a new fluid, a default list of components is displayed. Right after installation
this list consists of N2, CO2, H2S, C1, C2, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5, nC5, C6 and the hydrocarbon fractions C7-C20. This
list may be changed by clicking Edit Default Comp List under the Fluid item. Two component lists are shown. The
left hand one contains the components currently in the default list and the right hand one the components that may be
added to the default list.
To remove components from the default list, scroll through the Components in the default list and mark those to
remove. Click the Remove>> button.
To add components to the default list, scroll through the list of Components to add. Mark those to be added and click
the <<Add button.
Click Fluid Enter New Fluid to see the updated default component list.
When adding a new fluid, default molecular weights and densities may be shown for C7-C100 hydrocarbons. These
may be edited from Edit Default Mw and Dens under the Fluid item.
To not have default C7+ molecular weights and densities shown when entering a new fluid, uncheck Default Mw
and Dens under Options.
Click Restore Default Mw and Dens under the Fluid menu item or Default Mw/Dens in the Fluid Management panel
to restore the C7-C100 molecular weights and densities that came with the installation version.
Default C7+ molecular weights and densities will be displayed in the Enter New Fluid menu if Default Mw and Dens
under Options is checked.
Database Structure
A PVTsim database consists of one file with the extension *.fdb. The database Demodata, which comes with the
installation version for example consists of the file Demodata.fdb with example fluid compositions and PVT data.
Other ways of exchanging fluids are described in Export under Database and in Export Current.
Wax deposition (DepoWax) cases are stored in the same *.fdb file as is used to store the fluid compositions and PVT
Pure Component
The properties of the components in the pure component database may be edited from Edit under the Pure
Component menu item. Select the component to be edited from the component list.
New components may be added to the component database. Click Add under the Pure Component menu item. Start
entering a Short Name of max. 10 characters, the Normal boiling point (Normal Tb) and the molecular weight (Mol
Wt). Specify the component type as either
Hydrate inhibitor
Other inorganic
Organic defined
1. Systematic Name of max 30 characters (Edit by double clicking the grey area, change the text and press
2. Short Name of max 10 characters. This is the name displayed in the output from the calculation options.
3. Formula Name of max 10 characters.
4. Molecular weight (Mol wt). For a grouped component this is the number average molecular weight of the
components grouped together.
5. Liquid Density at 15 °C (59 °F) and atmospheric pressure (only for pseudo-components).
6. Critical temperature (Crit T).
7. Critical pressure (Crit P).
8. Acentric factor.
9. Boiling point temperature at atmospheric pressure (Normal Tb).
10. Weight average molecular weight (Wt av Mol wt). For defined components it is equal to the component
molecular weight.
11. Critical molar volume (Crit V).
12. Vapor pressure (Pvap) model (Classic or Mathias and Copeman (M &C)).
13. M & C coefficients C1- C3.
14. Peneloux volume shift parameters for SRK and PR. Consists of a temperature independent (Cpen) and a
temperature dependent term (Cpen T). The Peneloux parameters are specific for the selected equation of
state. Having entered SRK Peneloux parameters, shift to the PR equation to also enter PR parameters.
15. Ideal gas enthalpy at 273.15 K (Href).
16. Four coefficients in ideal gas heat capacity (Cp) polynomial.
17. Melting temperature (Tf).
18. Freezing point depression by wax inhibitor (Delta Tf).
19. Molar melting enthalpy (Hf).
20. Paraffinic (P), Naphthenic (N) and Aromatic (A) fraction of component.
21. Wax forming fraction of component.
22. Asphaltene (Asp) fraction of component.
23. Parachor
Units for the properties are according to the selected Unit system.
Components may be deleted from the pure component database. There is also an option for restoring the pure
component database that came with the installation program.
If properties of a component are modified in the pure component database, this modification will only apply for new
fluids containing the actual component. Component properties of already stored fluids are not affected. This also
applies for Plus fluids.
Having entered a new fluid or selected a fluid already in the database, the fluid may be viewed and modified in
characterized form. Any modifications made will be used in subsequent calculations, but the modifications will not
affect the fluid stored in the database.
When viewing a selected fluid, only model parameters for the selected equation of state are shown.
The modified characterized fluid may be added to the database using CharFluid Add to Database.
Regress Current
Clicking Regress Current will make the menu Regression – Current characterized fluid appear. It enables the user to
select the PVT data to regress to and to choose regression options.
Export Current
A characterized file with accompanying PVT data may be saved to disk in a keyword-based format using Export
Current from CharFluid on the menu. The fluid is exported with the equation of state it was characterized for. This
also applies if a different equation of state is selected at the time of exporting the fluid.
The saved file may later on be loaded with the Import item under CharFluid. The file extension is .CHC.
Other ways of exchanging fluids are described in Export under Database and in the section Database Structure.
Loads a characterized composition with accompanying PVT data previously saved using Export Current from
CharFluid. Prior to version 13, the file extension was .CHN. In version 13 the extension was changed to CHC and a
keyword based format applied. Both formats can be imported into the current version of PVTsim.
Interface files to the OLGA Compositional Tracking flow simulator with the extension CTM may also be imported if
generated with PVTsim 13.1 or newer. If the CTM file contains multiple fluid compositions, all the fluids are added
to the PVTsim fluid database. The text in the Text field will contain CT for this type of fluids.
If more fluids are imported the currently selected fluid will not change. If only one composition is imported, it will
replace the presently selected fluid and will be used in simulations until a new fluid is selected. Use Edit Current
under CharFluid to view the imported fluid.
The delumping option is accessed from the Fluid menu item or from the Fluid Management panel. It restores all the
defined components (N2, CO2, H2S and C1-C6). The lumped C7+ fractions will by default be split into a total of 12
fractions, but the user may change this number.
To ensure that the delumped fluids at some T and P has the same GOR as the lumped fluid, check the field Tune to
GOR and enter the T and P at which the GOR is to be the same. After delumping, the delumped fluid is displayed
and made the one used in calculations. If the field Save Delumped Char Fluid was checked prior to the delumping,
the delumped fluid will be stored in the database.
By checking Delump to Plus Fluid and Save, the delumped fluid will be stored in the database as a Plus Fraction
fluid to either C7+ or C10+.
If a Message box appears saying Mismatch between source fluid and lumped fluid, there are two possible reasons.
Either does the lumped fluid not originate from the selected source fluid, in which case the right source fluid must be
selected. Another reason can be that the source fluid has been selected once more and a different lumping applied
than for the fluid to be delumped. In that case the lump information is lost and the source fluid must be selected
again and the same lumping performed as for the fluid to be delumped.
To delump a composition originating from a characterization to same pseudo-components, apply the following
Make a note of the carbon number fractions contained in the lumped C7+ pseudo-components of the Plus
and/or No-Plus fraction fluids characterized to the same pseudo-components, This could for example be C7-
C13, C14-C25 and C26-C80.
Make a new characterization to the same pseudo-components. In the Lumping menu, check C7+ user defined
and enter the first and last carbon (C) number of each pseudo-component (e.g. CH01: 7 and 13, CH02: 14 and
25 and CH03: 26 and 80).
Clean for Mud is accessed from Fluid Clean for Mud or from the Fluid Management panel.
A contaminated fluid to be cleaned must be present in the fluid database as a Plus fraction fluid and the mud
contaminate as a No-Plus fraction fluid. Components lighter than C7 are not allowed in the mud contaminate.
Contam fluid is STO Contaminated STO oil The % contaminate in the STO oil is estimated.
Estimate Mud contaminate The mud contaminate must not contain components
lighter than C8 and not heavier than the carbon number
of the plus fraction minus 2. If the STO oil
- Cleaned fluid
- Characterized contaminated fluid
- Characterized cleaned fluid
- Characterized mud contaminate
If the contaminated reservoir fluid composition ends at a higher carbon number than that of the contaminate, a plot
will appear after the cleaning showing ln(mole%) versus carbon number for the C7+ fractions in the contaminated
and cleaned reservoir fluids. For a clean reservoir fluid this plot will usually give an almost straight line.
If PVT data has been entered for the contaminated reservoir fluid, it is possible to perform a regression to this data,
which will result in a “regressed” cleaned fluid. The regression takes its starting point in either a contaminated Plus
fluid or a contaminated characterized fluid
Fluid type must be set to Plus. Select the contaminated Plus fluid and the contaminate (No Plus fluid). It is
possible to get access to the PVT data for the contaminated fluid by clicking <PVT Data>. This also gives
access to the regression options. These are the same as for a usual Regression to PVT data for a Plus fraction
It is possible to save the tuned contaminated and the tuned cleaned reservoir fluids in the database. Also the
characterized mud contaminate may be saved.
In the Clean Fluid for Mud menu change Fluid type to Char. Select a characterized contaminated reservoir fluid
and a characterized mud composition generated by cleaning a Plus fluid. Click PVT Data Options and select
regression parameters. These are the same as for a usual Regression to PVT data for a Characterized fluid.
It is possible to save the tuned contaminated and the tuned cleaned reservoir fluids in the database.
When opening the Clean Fluid for Mud menu again an earlier selection of contaminated fluid and contaminate fluid
will be shown again. Highlight the fluids and press the Del key to clear the fluid input fields.
Note: Proposed method for making regression to PVT data for a contaminated reservoir fluid
o Clean the contaminated plus fluid while making regression to the saturation point at the reservoir
temperature. Check the fields Save Char Mud and Save Char Contaminated.
o When regression is completed, open the Clean Fluid for Mud menu again. Change Fluid type to
o Select the saved Char Contaminated fluid and the saved Char Mud. Check the fields Save Tuned
Contaminated and Save Tuned Clean. Click on <PVT Data> . Include all (important) PVT Data in
the regression by checking the appropriate Data in Use fields. Press <Options> to select regression
o When regression is completed, select the Tuned Clean fluid and make PVT simulations using the
same pressure stages as in the PVT data sets for the contaminated fluid.
To make regression in the Clean for Mud module, a license to the Regression module is needed.
The Recombine window is accessed from Recombine under the Fluid item or from the Fluid Management panel. It is
used to make a volumetric recombination of two compositions in the active database.
Click on <Select Oil> to select the oil and on <Select Gas> to select the gas.
The Gas/Oil ratio is defined as volume of gas at standard conditions per volume of liquid in equilibrium with the gas
at a defined temperature and pressure. The liquid phase conditions are often sampling (separator) conditions. Density
is the liquid density at this temperature and pressure (separator T and P).
Enter Gas/Oil ratio and Oil Density. Fill in the Fluid fields with text identifying the recombined fluid. The field Save
Fluid must be checked to store the recombined fluid in the database as a Plus fraction or a No-Plus fraction type of
composition. The Save Fluid option is only active if the oil and gas to be recombined both are of the type Plus
fraction or No-Plus Fraction. Check the field Save Char Fluid to store the recombined fluid in the database as a
characterized fluid.
The oil and gas may instead be recombined to a given saturation point. Check the field Adjust to sat point and enter
the saturation point in the T and P fields. The Oil Density at the recombination T and P must still be entered.
Lumping may be used to specify how to lump the components of the recombined fluid. Set Lumping Options are not
preserved from one recombination simulation to the next one.
Two previously recombined fluids will be displayed again when opening the Recombination window. To clear the
fluid input fields highlight the Fluids and press the Del key.
Recombination in mole per mole or weight per weight may be performed from Fluid Mix.
Water, inhibitors and salts are not allowed in any of the compositions to be recombined.
Mix Fluid
The window for Mixing of Fluids is accessed from Mix under the Fluid item or from the Fluid Management panel. It
is used to mix 2-50 compositions on either molar or mass basis.
Select the fluids to be mixed by pressing <Select Fluids>. Enter the relative amounts in the Amount field. Fill in the
Fluid fields with a text identifying the mixed fluid.
Check the field Save Char Fluid to store the mixed fluid in the database.
Click <Lumping> to specify how to lump the components of the mixed fluid. Lumping options are not preserved
from one Mix operation to the next one.
Press <OK> to perform the mixing. The mixed fluid is displayed and is now ready for use in simulations.
Fluids mixed earlier on will be displayed again next time the Mix window is opened. Highlight fluids to be deleted
and press the Del key. Pressing <Clear Fluids> will delete all fluid entries.
Depending on the fluid types to be mixed the Mix option works as follows
a) Defined components
b) C7+ fractions
Extrapolated to C80 (or C200 for Heavy oil characterization) and component properties and kij’s
a) Defined components
b) C7+ fractions
Plus fractions are extrapolated to C80 (or C200 for Heavy oil characterization).
Average carbon number of each characterized fraction calculated and fraction lumped with the
same carbon number fraction of the split plus composition.
a) Defined components
b) C7+ fractions
The window for weaving of Fluids is accessed from Weave under the Fluid item or from the Fluid Management
panel. It is used to weave 2-50 compositions on molar or mass basis. Weaving is a mixing where the components of
the individual fluids are maintained. The option is only applicable for already characterized fluids.
Check the field Save CharFluid to store the weaved fluid in the database.
Press <OK> to perform the weaving. The weaved fluid is displayed and is now ready for use in simulations.
Fluids weaved earlier will be displayed again next time the Weave menu is opened. Highlight fluids to be deleted
and press the Del key. Pressing <Clear Fluids> will delete all fluid entries.
Same Pseudos
The window for Characterization to Same Pseudo-Components is selected from Same Pseudos under the Fluid item
or from the Fluid Management panel. It is used to characterize 2-50 (Plus or No Plus) compositions to a common set
of pseudo-components with or without regression to PVT data. It can further be used to make regression to PVT data
for 2-50 fluid compositions already characterized to the same pseudo-components.
To specify a non-default lumping, click <Lumping>. Lumping options are not preserved for next time the Same
Pseudos menu is opened .
The Characterization to Same Pseudos may be combined with a regression. This is accomplished by checking the
field Do Regression. To see what PVT data are used in the regression, click <PVT Data> for each composition. The
checked fields for Data in Use show the types of PVT data used in the regression. The PVT data can be viewed and
modified by clicking on the button for the actual type of PVT data. Data is not needed for all properties listed, or for
all stages for a given property. Different weights may be assigned to the various types of experimental data. A
weight of zero means that the actual data is not assigned any importance, but the composition will still be
characterized to the same pseudo-components as the remaining fluids input.
For compositions previously characterized to the same pseudo-components, the Same Pseudos option can be used to
make regression to PVT data for the selected fluids maintaining an identical set of pseudo-components. An injection
gas must be specified to regress to swelling or MMP data.
It is possible to add an additional plus fluid to the same common EoS (same pseudo components) without
recharacterizing the fluids already characterized to the same pseudo-components. The procedure is described below
1. Duplicate one of the fluids already characterized to the same pseudo-components.
2. Characterize the additional fluid using the same lumping as used in the characterization of the common EoS
model. Use Fluid -> Database/Enter New Fluid -> Lumping ->C7+ user defined, not the Same Pseudos
3. Edit the characterized fluid. Copy the Mol % column to the clipboard.
4. Open the duplicated fluid from 1. Paste the Mol% column from the clipboard to the Mol% column.
Viscosity data originating from a viscosity experiment may also be included in a regression to the same pseudo-
components. If the viscosity data points are for varying temperatures, the Viscosity Tuning option may be more
Using the regression option on plus-fluids, default coefficients in the Tc, Pc and correlations to be regressed on are
selected automatically and may be viewed by pressing <Reg Options>. The user may choose different coefficients
to be regressed on. The same coefficients will be used for all fluids. The max allowed adjustment of the Peneloux
correction factor (Pen fac) specified in the same menu is also common for all fluids.
The max allowed adjustment of the plus molecular weight may be specified for each fluid individually. This is done
from <Options> in the PVT data menu for the actual fluid.
The characterized fluids are stored in the database as the last entries. The names of the fluids characterized to the
same pseudo-components will be extended with a Same Ps. After leaving the menu for characterization to Same
Pseudo-Components, the current fluid is the same one as before entering into this window.
Previously selected fluids of the same type (Plus or Char) will be displayed again next time the Same Pseudos menu
is opened. Highlight fluids and press Del on the keyboard to delete. Pressing <Clear Fluids> will delete all fluid
Swelling, MMP and related options require specification of an injection gas. Click the button 7for specification of
injection gas. This will display a list of fluids in the database. Select one and click <OK>.
The injection gas composition is not displayed, but the field next to the Injection Gas button shows the text used to
identify the injection gas.
Clicking on the button for selection of a fluid will display a list of fluids in the database. Select two or more fluids
and click <OK>. It is possible to select more than one fluid at the time by keeping the Ctrl key down.
Clicking on the button for selection of a fluid will display a list of already characterized fluids in the database. Select
two or more fluids and click <OK>. It is possible to select more than one fluid at the time by keeping the Ctrl key
Clicking on the button for selection of a fluid will display a list of fluids in the database. Select the oil or gas to be
Clicking on the button for selection of a fluid will display a list of fluids. If the Fluid type is Plus, only Plus and No-
Plus fraction fluids will be shown. If the Fluid type is Char, only Characterized fluid compositions will be shown.
Characterized compositions must have the same pseudo-components to be accepted.
Clicking <Select Plus fraction source fluid> will display a list of Plus and No-Plus compositions in the database.
Select the one from which the fluid to be delumped originates and click < OK>.
On the tab for Fluid 1 the currently selected fluid is default, but a different fluid may be selected. To select a fluid,
click on <Composition>, which will display a list of fluids in the database. Select the fluid and click <OK>.
On the tabs for Fluid 2 and subsequent fluids, the fluid composition must always be selected in the database by
clicking <Select composition>.
If the interface file is only to contain a single fluid, this fluid must be selected prior to opening the OLGA
Compositional Tracking menu. When two or more fluids are to be selected, selection must take place from the
Compositional Tracking menu.
To select two or more fluids, uncheck the field Use Current Fluid. Afterwards click on <Select Fluids> to have the
fluids in the database listed. If the Fluid type is Plus, only Plus and No-Plus fraction fluids will be shown. If the
Fluid type is Char, only Characterized compositions will be shown. Characterized compositions must have the same
pseudo-components. It is possible to select more than one fluid at the time by keeping the Ctrl key down.
2. Characterized contaminated reservoir fluid and characterized contaminate both originating from the
cleaning of a plus fraction reservoir fluid. Only valid if combined with regression to PVT data for the
contaminated reservoir fluid.
One or more fluids can be selected for a wax deposition simulation (Boundary Conditions menu). The currently
selected fluid is by default the one chosen. To select a different characterized composition uncheck Use Current
Fluid and click <Select Fluid>. If other fluids (sources) are inlet to the pipeline, all fluids must have the same
pseudo-components. The 2nd and subsequent fluids are selected after having checked Additional Sources in the
Sources frame in the Boundary Conditions menu.
One or more fluids can be selected for viscosity tuning. The currently selected fluid is by default the one chosen. To
change fluid the field Use Current Fluid may be unchecked and one or more characterized compositions chosen in
the database by pressing <Select Fluids>. If more than one fluid, all fluids must have the same pseudo-components.
There is no need to enter fluids for which no experimental viscosity data exists, even though the fluids are to be used
in the DepoWax simulation
If experimental wax appearance points (WAP) have been measured for the individual fluids, it is to be recommended
to perform a tuning to these WAP’s in the Wax module prior to accessing the Viscosity tuning option in DepoWax.
By default the Current Fluid is selected. To select a different fluid or to select multiple fluids, uncheck the field Use
Current and click <Select Fluids>, which will display a list of fluids. It is possible to select more than one fluid at
the time by keeping the Ctrl key down.
It is possible to select more than one fluid at the time by keeping the Ctrl key down.
Bottomhole Sample
o Composition of bottom hole fluid sample.
Separator Sample
o Composition of separator gas, separator oil and recombined fluid.
Clicking on the button for selection of a fluid will display a list of fluids in the database.
The purpose of a regression is to adjust model parameters to get an improved match of experimental PVT data.
First select the fluid. This can be a composition with a plus fraction or an already characterized composition. If
components are to be lumped, click <Lumping> in the Selected Fluid window. The Lumping input will not be
preserved if the fluid is selected again later on.
The regression option is accessed from the Selected Fluid menu by clicking <Regression>..
Data material
The PVT data to regress to must be input. The PVT data that can be entered depend on fluid type. White fields in
the Add/Edit data frame signal that PVT data is already stored for the selected composition. If a field is checked, the
actual data will be used in the regression. An overview of the data for which comparing plots will be shown after
regression is given in the Plot data frame.
To view the data stored for the actual fluid click any of the buttons
<Saturation Point>
<Separator Test>
<Const Mass Exp>
<Const Vol Depl>
<Diff Depletion>
Regression for a separator test GOR will by default be to the total separator GOR. If only the total separator GOR is
known, fill in this number for one separator stage (which one does not matter) and input zero (0.0) for the remaining
separator stages.
If a separator GOR field is left blank, it will be understood as a missing GOR for this separator stage, and regression
will be to the individual GOR’s for each of the stages with a GOR-value. A blank GOR field will however be
interpreted as a zero for a separator stage with only liquid present (often the case for the standard conditions stage).
Should it be desirable to tune to GOR’s from individual stages and still enter GOR values for all stages, this can be
done by copying the separator data to 2nd and subsequent tabs and only entering one GOR value for each tab.
Be aware that the Diff Depletion menu has an input field for specifying whether the last stage is at standard
conditions. If the two last pressure stages are both at atmospheric pressure, the field must be checked. Otherwise an
error message will appear during regression saying One phase found when two were expected.
Data may be entered for up to 5 different PVT experiments of each type. The entered pressure and temperature
stages will be shown as default input values in PVT Simulations.
Different Weights may be assigned to the various experimental data. Data with a weight of zero is not regressed to.
The below table gives some recommendations for the relative weights to assign to different types of experimental
An injection gas must be specified if swelling or MMP data are given. Click <Injection Gas> in the Regression
menu to choose the injection gas. The section will be displayed in the field next to the Injection Gas button.
The Regression option can be accessed from the Selected Fluid menu or by clicking Plus Fluid Regression in the
Fluid section of the Simulation Explorer. Plus molecular weight and coefficients in the correlations for Tc, Pc and
will be used as regression parameters.
Clicking <Options> will display a menu for specifying regression options. The plus molecular weight may be
adjusted by 0, max. 5 % or max. 10 %. An adjustment of the plus molecular weight may be appropriate to reflect a
possible uncertainty on the measured molecular weight of the plus fraction.
The additional adjustable parameters are the coefficients in the correlations for critical temperature (Crit T), critical
pressure (Crit P) and acentric factor (Ac fac) of the C7+ fractions and a multiplication factor (Pen fac) applied to the
Peneloux (volume shift) parameters (c) of the C7+ pseudo-components. When Tc, Pc and/or acentric factor are
regressed on, the parameter c is automatically updated to comply with the density of the component at standard
conditions. The effective volume correction is therefore the c-parameter, which would give the right density at
standard conditions, times the multiplication factor. With the fluid selected the multiplication factor can by found by
clicking CharFluid -> Edit Current -> Lumping/corr fac.
The parameters to be adjusted by default are selected automatically based on the extent of the experimental data. The
user may modify the default selection of parameters. The adjustable parameters are selected and unselected by
pressing any key when the pertinent field has focus. The user has no control of the 1st coefficient in the Tc, Pc and
correlations. If any of the coefficients 2-4 are adjusted, the 1st coefficient will also be adjusted. If none of the
coefficients 2-4 are adjusted, the 1st coefficient cannot be adjusted. The coefficient column is not accessible for Pen
fac. The Peneloux parameters of all C7+ fractions will be adjusted by the same percent. Only the maximum %
adjustment of this parameter can be modified.
The Max % adj row specifies the max. allowed percentage change of C7+ Tc's, Pc's, acentric factors and Peneloux
parameters as compared with the values found using default parameters.
If the PVT data material includes viscosity data and the CSP viscosity model is selected, a text (Adjust CSP cor fac)
will be seen in the Options menu saying that the CSP viscosity correction factors will be adjusted. These CSP cor
factors are 4 multiplication factors entering into the expressions used for the average molecular weight in the CSP
viscosity model. With the LBC viscosity model selected the text says Adjust Vc corr factor. This means that the
regression parameter is a common multiplication factor for the C7+ critical molar volumes. By checking the field
Adjust a1-a5 in LBC, the regression parameters will change to be the coefficients a1-a5 in the LBC viscosity model.
These regression parameters may be combined with the C7+ Vc correction factor by further checking Adjust Vc corr
factor. The viscosity correction factors of a regressed fluid may be viewed and edited by clicking Fluid Edit
Current and then <Lumping/corr fac>. The correction factors will be used in simulations carried out for the
regressed fluid.
Note! The default number of regression parameters reflects the extent of experimental data. Specifying more
adjustable parameters may cause an error message to appear or may lead to an inefficient regression where the
optimum parameters cannot be determined.
Up to 50 plus fraction compositions may be characterized to the same pseudo-components and regressed at the same
time. See Same Pseudos.
Characterized fluid
To carry out a regression for a characterized fluid select the fluid in the database and click <Regression>. If the
characterized fluid has already been selected, click CharFluid -> Regress Current.
By pressing any key an X will appear in the field with focus showing that the actual component property is a
regression parameter. Pressing any key again will remove the X.
The below specification means that Tc of the two pseudo-components C7-C29 and C30-C58 are to be adjusted by
the same % and by max. 10 %. Tc of the pseudo-component C59-C80 is to be adjusted independently and by max.
20 %.
The below specifications say that the kij's for the pairs N2-CO2, N2-C1 and CO2-C1 are to be adjusted equally and
by max 0.1 (absolute). The binary interaction parameter for C1-C2 is to be adjusted individually and by max. 0.03
kij 1
N2 CO2 C1 C2
C1 X X
kij 2
N2 CO2 C1 C2
C2 X
Some fields may be grayed out in the kij sheet. This is to show that the actual field is inaccessible possibly because a
different mixing rule is used for the actual component pair. If for example a T-dependent kij is used for C1-C10, it is
not possible to tune on the Classical kij for that component pair, and the field for C1-C10 will be inaccessible in the
sheet for specifying regression on Classical kij’s.
The Crit V sheet will be grayed out of the CSP viscosity model is chosen. The critical volume (Vc) is only used in
LBC viscosity calculations.
For components in liquid form at standard conditions it is an option to have the Peneloux volume shift parameters
automatically updated to comply with the component liquid densities. Check the Match liquid densities checkbox to
active that option. The option cannot be combined with tuning on Cpen, and the Cpen sheet will be grayed out if
automatic update of Peneloux volume shift parameters is chosen.
Note! Specifying more adjustable parameters than the number of data points will make an error message appear.
By checking the field Save Tuned Fluid, the regressed fluid will automatically be saved in the database. After the
regression the regressed fluid will be the one selected. A new regression for a characterized fluid will start with the
fluid from the previous regression.
Click <OK> to start the regression. The regression may be interrupted by clicking <Pause> and continued by
clicking <Continue>. To stop the regression click <Stop>. The current fluid after pressing <Stop> will be the same
as before regression.
While the regression takes place, the user may follow the development in object function. The object function is a
measure of the current deviation between simulation results and experimental data. Three different regressions are
Until a new fluid is selected, all calculations are performed on the regressed fluid. The regressed composition may
also be transferred to an external simulator using one of the compositional interface options supported by PVTsim.
The output
Calculated (results with default parameters)
Tuned (results with regressed parameters)
If some Plot data fields were checked, plots are shown of Experimental, Calculated and Tuned data.
The output also shows what parameters have been adjusted and how much, along with the objective function before
and after the regression.
For a characterized fluid a sensitivity matrix is contained in the regression output. The sensitivity matrix shows the
derivative of the objective function with respect to each selected regression parameter. These derivatives are
evaluated based on the initial values of the parameters. A negative value of a derivative means that the object
function will decrease if the actual regression parameter is increased as compared with its initial value. The higher
the absolute value of the derivative, the more sensitive the object function with respect to this particular parameter.
Repeated regressions
If the regression is performed on a plus fraction fluid, a new regression will start with the original fluid, i.e. with the
plus fraction fluid stored in the database. Lumping will be as when the fluid was last selected.
By clicking CharFluid ->Regress Current when a regression simulation is completed for a characterized fluid, a new
regression will use the regressed fluid from the previous regression as starting point. In the field Text (may be seen
by clicking CharFluid Edit Current) it can be seen how many times the fluid has been tuned (or regressed) on
(Tuned*3 for example means that the fluid has been regressed on 3 times). To start with the original characterized
fluid, select the characterized fluid in the database again.
Same Pseudo-components
Regression can be combined with a characterization of multiple fluids to the same pseudo-components.
Fluid Management
The Fluid Management panel in the Simulations Explorer covers the various fluid management options. Each item
gives access to a sub-menu or an input dialog for the particular fluid pre-processing option.
o Open Database
New Database
A new empty database can be created by clicking File -> Create New Database or by pressing the Create New
Database in the Fluid Management panel. A file dialog will appear for entering the name of the new database file.
Right after being created the database file contains no fluid information, and a new fluid must be input to make use
of the database in simulations.
Open Database
Clicking on a database (*.fdb) file without having PVTsim started, will start up PVTsim with the database clicked on
New Database
A new empty database can be created by clicking File Create New Database or by pressing the Create New
Database in the Fluid Management panel. A file dialog will appear for entering the name of the new database file.
A database file contains no fluid information right after being created, and a new fluid must be input to use the
database in simulations.
Clicking New Hysys Fluid in the Fluid Management panel will make a menu appear for entering a characterized
fluid. A fluid composition from the process simulator Hysys may be entered here. Prior to pressing New Hysys Fluid
make sure the same equation of state (EoS) is selected in PVTsim as was used in the Hysys simulations for the fluid
to be entered. PR in Hysys is the 1978 modification.
To enter pseudo-components, press <Add Comps> and enter the number of pseudo-components in the field Number
of pseudos. Fill in the Hysys component properties available. Be aware that the molecular weights of added pseudo-
components are 100 by default and must be edited.
Click on <Interact Param> and then on <kij (-)> to fill in Hysys binary interaction parameters.
Be aware that Hysys does not like PVTsim automatically use the selected EoS in density calculations. Densities
calculated with PVTsim and Hysys may therefore deviate also when the same EoS and the same EoS parameters are
Clicking New PRO/II Fluid in the Fluid Management panel will make a menu appear for entering a characterized
fluid. A fluid composition from the process simulator PRO/II may be entered here. Prior to pressing New PRO/II
Fluid make sure the same equation of state (EoS) is selected in PVTsim as was used in the PRO/II simulations for
the fluid to be entered.
Click on <Interact Param> and then on <kij (-)> to fill in PRO/II binary interaction parameters.
Be aware that PRO/II does not support the SRK equation with Peneloux volume correction.
QC of Fluid
In the Simulations explorer press Fluid Management and select QC of Fluid in the Fluid section. The QC option
performs a series of quality check simulations on Plus fraction or No-plus fraction fluid sample(s).
The fluid sample(s) to be QC’ed must be entered into the active database as Plus fraction or No-plus fraction fluids
(see Enter New Fluid) before accessing the QC option.
At any stage during the five-stage QC input procedure, it is possible to abort by pressing <Exit>. All information
entered up to this point will automatically be stored by PVTsim and displayed when the QC option is accessed again
in the same PVTsim run.
Water, inhibitors, and salts are not allowed in any of the compositions to be QC’ed.
The first step in the QC input sequence is selecting the sample type.
The second step in the QC input sequence is selecting fluid composition(s). Based on the input in Stage 1, the input
window will, for a Bottomhole Sample, be
Click on <Select Bottomhole Fluid> to select the fluid to be QC’ed in the active database.
Click on <Select Gas> to select the separator gas, <Select Oil> to select the separator oil, and <Select Recombined
Fluid> to select the recombined total fluid.
Press <Clear Fluids> to clear all selected fluids. To clear individual fluids, highlight the fluid and press <Delete>.
The QC evaluation requires a normalized composition and is terminated if the composition as in this case sums to
104.76%. The user must re-check the composition and verify that all components in the fluid analysis from the PVT
report have been entered and that the composition is normalized to 100 mole%. A fluid composition summing to 1
will also be accepted, as the assumption will be that the fluid composition has been entered as a mole fraction
This warning will not terminate the QC evaluation, but is shown to inform the user that default molecular weights
and/or densities have been applied for the C7+ carbon number fractions. Whenever possible measured C7+
molecular weights and densities should be input.
The third step in the QC input sequence is input of information on fluid sample(s). For a Bottomhole Sample the
input window will be
Reservoir Pressure.
Reservoir Temperature.
STO Oil Density (Single Stage Flash). This may be input in either °API or in the unit determined by the
chosen unit system (See Unit System & Settings).
GOR (Single Stage Flash). Defined as volume of gas per volume of liquid at standard conditions (typically
1.01 bara/14.7 psia and 15°C/59°F).
Separator Pressure.
Separator Temperature.
STO Oil Density. This may be input in either °API or in the unit determined by the chosen unit system (See
Unit System & Settings).
Separator GOR. Defined as volume of gas per volume of liquid at standard conditions (typically 1.01
bara/14.7 psia and 15°C/59°F).
Reservoir Temperature.
The fourth step in the QC input sequence is selecting the fluid type.
The fifth step in the QC input sequence is selecting the output format. The user may choose between two output
If the user selects the ASCII File option, the QC evaluation is printed in a textbox in PVTsim from where the printed
QC evaluation may be saved in a *.txt format. In PVTsim the output will, for a Separator Sample, look like
If Word is installed on the PC, PVTsim will produce an output report in typical Word format, in which all
information about the QC evaluation of the current fluid is reported and all relevant plots are included. The Word
output format may look like
The Simulations panel in the Simulations Explorer provides a list of simulation options. Each item gives access to a
submenu or input dialog for the particular simulation.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Flash in the Flash & Unit Operations section.
This menu item contains all the flash options available in PVTsim. Access to some of the flash options may be
subject to restrictions depending on the license and the components contained in the fluid to be flashed.
PT non-aqueous Flash for specified pressure (P) and temperature (T). Considers gas and
oil phases. Water, hydrate inhibitors and salts are not allowed.
PT aqueous Flash for specified pressure (P) and temperature (T). Considers gas, oil
and aqueous phases. Salts are not allowed unless water is present.
PT multi phase Flash for specified pressure (P) and temperature (T). Considers gas, oil
and aqueous phases (a maximum of 4 phases). Salts are not allowed
unless water is present.
Flash for specified K-factors. Considers gas and oil. Water, hydrate
inhibitors and salts are not allowed. Pure component fluids are not
Flash for specified Split-factors. Considers gas and oil. Water, hydrate
inhibitors and salts are not allowed. Pure component fluids are not
P-Beta Flash for specified pressure (P) and vapor mole fraction (Beta). Beta is
the vapor mole fraction of the hydrocarbon phases (i.e. vapor mole
fraction not considering aqueous phases). If salt is present, water and at
least one non-aqueous component must also be present. Pure component
fluids are not allowed.
T-Beta Flash for specified temperature (T) and vapor mole fraction (Beta). Beta
is the vapor mole fraction of the hydrocarbon phases (i.e. vapor mole
fraction not considering aqueous phases). If salt is present, water and at
least one non-aqueous component must also be present. Pure component
fluids are not allowed.
PH Flash for specified pressure (P) and enthalpy (H). Considers gas, oil and
aqueous phases. Salts are not allowed unless water is present.
PS Flash for specified pressure (P) and entropy (S). Considers gas, oil and
aqueous phases. Salts are not allowed unless water is present.
VT Flash for specified molar volume (V) and temperature (T). Considers
gas, oil and aqueous phases. Salts are not allowed.
HS Flash for specified enthalpy (H) and entropy (S). Considers gas, oil and
aqueous phases. Salts are not allowed unless water is present. Pure
component fluids are not allowed.
PT non-aqueous
Performs a two phase PT Flash considering hydrocarbon gas and liquid. Default output is physical properties. To see
the phase composition, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. Clicking <Ext Comp> will also make the component
fugacities appear.
The PT non-aqueous flash option will search for 1 and 2 hydrocarbon phases. If more than two hydrocarbon phases
are likely to occur, PT multi flash should be used. Should PT non-aqueous find 2 liquid phases, they will be
combined into 1 liquid phase in the output.
The PT non-aqueous flash option is not applicable to mixtures containing water, hydrate inhibitors and salts. If any
of these components are present, either PT aqueous or PT multi flash should be used.
The gas and liquid compositions from a flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog
for Saving.
PT aqueous
Performs a PT flash of the fluid at a specified pressure and temperature searching for 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1
hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
If more than two hydrocarbon phases are likely to occur, PT multi flash should be used. Should PT aqueous find 2
liquid phases, they will be combined into 1 liquid phase in the output.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> will also output component fugacities.
The phase compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for
Salt is not accepted unless water is present.
PT multi phase
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp>. This will also output
component fugacities.
The phase compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click the <Save Phase> to display the dialog
for saving.
Salt is not accepted unless water is present.
Performs a flash with specified component K-factors. The K-factor of a component is the ratio of the mole fraction
of that component in the gas phase and in the liquid phase.
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase and 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase.
Default output is physical properties. Since P and T are not given, only mole%, weight% and molecular weight are
shown. To see the phase compositions click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext Comp> will also output K-factors. Since
P and T are not given, <Ext Comp> will not as for most other flash options output component fugacities.
The phase compositions resulting from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the
dialog for saving.
The K-factor flash option is not applicable to mixtures containing water, hydrate inhibitors and salts. Fluids
containing only one component are not accepted.
Performs a flash with specified component Split-factors. The Split-factor of a component is the ratio of the molar
amount of that component in gas phase and in the feed. The Split-factor is for example 0.0 for a component only
present in the liquid phase, while it is 1.0 for a component only present in the gas phase.
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase and 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase.
Default output is physical properties. Since P and T are not given, only mole%, weight% and molecular weight are
shown. To see the phase compositions click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext Comp> will also output Split-factors.
Since P and T are not given, <Ext Comp> will not as for most other flash options output component fugacities.
The phase compositions resulting from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the
dialog for saving.
Performs a flash for a specified Pressure (P) and vapor mole fraction of non-aqueous phases (Beta).
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> and <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> also outputs component fugacities.
The phase compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for
The P-Beta flash option does not accept salts unless the mixture contains water and at least one non-aqueous
Performs a flash for a specified Temperature (T) and vapor mole fraction of non-aqueous phases (Beta).
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> and <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> also outputs component fugacities.
The phase compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for
The T-Beta flash option does not accept salts unless the mixture contains water and at least one non-aqueous
Saturate w. water
The user inputs pressure and temperature. Clicking <OK> will saturate the composition with water at the input
pressure and temperature. Water saturation means that an aqueous liquid phase will condense from the fluid if the
temperature is decreased at constant pressure.
If the field Save water saturated fluid is checked prior to clicking <OK>, the water saturated fluid will be saved as
the last fluid in the database.
Water, hydrate inhibitors and salts are not allowed in a composition to be saturated.
Performs a flash of the fluid at a specified pressure (P) and enthalpy (H).
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> will also output component fugacities.
The phase compositions resulting from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the
dialog for saving.
Performs a flash of the fluid at a specified pressure (P) and entropy (S).
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp>or <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> also output component fugacities.
The phase compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for
Performs a flash of the fluid at a specified molar volume (V) and temperature (T).
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> will also output component fugacities.
The phase compositions resulting from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the
dialog for saving.
Performs a flash of the fluid at a specified internal energy (U) and molar volume (V).
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> will also output component fugacities.
The phase compositions resulting from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the
dialog for saving.
The UV flash option requires at least two components and is not applicable to mixtures with salts.
Performs a flash of the fluid at a specified enthalpy (H) and entropy (S).
The phases considered are 1 hydrocarbon gas phase, 1 hydrocarbon liquid phase and 1 aqueous phase.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. <Ext
Comp> will also output component fugacities.
The phase compositions resulting from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the
dialog for saving.
The HS flash option requires at least two components. Salt is not accepted unless water is also present.
Phase Envelope
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Phase Envelope in the Flash & Unit Operations section.
This option may be used to calculate a phase diagram for the mixture selected.
Specifying a Molar Fraction of 1.00 will start a calculation of the dew point line, the critical point and finally the
bubble point line. A plot of the phase envelope will automatically be shown. If the mixture has a critical point it will
be marked on the plot. Inside the phase envelope two phases are present. Outside there is only one phase. Specifying
A Molar/Volume fraction between 0.00 and 1.00 will locate the T,P values (quality lines) for which the vapor or
liquid fraction equals the input Molar (or Volume) Fraction.
Instead of having P and T at the phase boundary displayed it is possible to specify output of any two of the following
properties at the phase boundary
Molar Volume
Internal Energy
Usually the phase envelope for a Molar fraction of 1.00 and a Molar fraction of 0.00 will be identical apart from
differences in temperature tabulation points. A reservoir fluid may however form three phases (two liquid phases and
a gas phase) at low temperatures (usually below -50 °C/-60 °F).
For a mixture, which at some T,P forms three phases, a phase envelope calculation for a Molar Fraction of 0.00, will
stop when reaching the three-phase region. A phase envelope calculation for a Molar Fraction of 1.00 for the same
mixture will often give a full phase envelope. It may show a distinct pressure increase at low temperatures, which is
a sign of the two phases in equilibrium at the phase boundary both being liquids.
The critical point is often lacking for mixtures forming three phases at some T,P. This is not a mal-function of the
program, but shows that three phases are present in the T,P region where the critical point would have been located,
had the mixture not formed three phases.
By checking the field Search for 3 phases the program will search for a possible 3-phase region while generating the
phase envelope. This option is only accessible if the axes are T and P. A 3-phase area may be further investigated
using the PT multi phase flash option.
The user may adjust the default Lower Limits for the temperature and pressure. For high boiling mixtures as for
example a stock tank oil, the default Lower Pressure Limit (5 bara/72.5 psia) may be higher than the max pressure on
the phase envelope. To have the phase envelope calculated the Lower Pressure Limit will have to be lowered
If the fluid contains water the phase envelope option will construct the PT-lines for which a new phase appears. The
new phase can be hydrocarbon or water/aqueous. The minimum pressure considered is 1 atm and the lowest
temperature is 150 K.
Each line in the shown plot is presented with a number and an Aq or a HC, e.g. 2-Aq. There can be 4 different lines
The user can control the upper pressure limit for the water dew point curve via the Pressure input under Upper
Limits Water Curve. In most cases the water dew point curve will not be cut off at exactly the user specified max
pressure, but at a slightly higher pressure
For binary mixtures of water and one non-aqueous component it cannot be expected to have the full phase diagram
generated. For binary mixtures of water and a gaseous hydrocarbon usually only the water dew point line is
calculated. The location of other phase boundaries can be determined through 3-phase PT flash calculations.
Property Generator
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Property Generator in the Flash & Unit Operations
The property generator is a tool for generating tables with fluid properties for a range of P and T values. It is useful
to investigate trends in specific properties as a function of pressure and temperature and can also be used to generate
fluid property input for a program to which PVTsim has no dedicated interface option.
If a fluid has been selected the property calculations are by default made for that fluid. To make a different selection,
uncheck the check box Use Current and click <Select Fluids>. If Plus or No-Plus fraction fluids are selected, the
default characterization and lumping settings can be changed by clicking <Lumping>. Set Lumping Options will be
lost next time the Property Generator menu is opened.
If more than one fluid is selected, one property table is made for each fluid.
Earlier selected fluids will still be displayed when opening the Property Generator window again. To clear a fluid
input field, highlight the Fluid and press the Del key. Pressing <Clear Fluids> will clear all fluid selections.
The P and T values for which properties are to be calculated must be specified. The Property Generator menu offers
the choice between the following PT Specifications
Minimum and maximum P and T to be entered along with number of P and T points.
Single points
PT Grid
Tables at Fixed Temperature
Tables at Fixed Pressure
The property generator writes out properties for the total composition and for each phase present (gas, hydrocarbon
liquid and aqueous liquid). By default fields for properties of missing phases are left blank, but a number or a
character string to be output for missing properties may be input in the field Output Missing Props as.
A list of properties that may be written out is found in the bottom left window under the heading Properties not
selected. Highlight properties to be written out and press the button Add>>. The property will now appear in the
window with Properties selected. A property may be removed again by highlighting the property in the Properties
selected window and clicking on the button <<Remove.
The properties that may be written out in tabular form are shown below.
Property Description
Viscosity Viscosity
The Table Format frame in the lower right corner allows often used table formats (specific property selections ) to
be named and stored for future loading.
Physical properties (Water Properties) of a possible aqueous phase may be calculated using
The calculated properties are output in a PVTsim output sheet. The output starts with lines with information about
the output format followed by the actual property tables.
Click File Save As to save the output sheet as a spreadsheet or a text file
To generate plots, click Plot in the top right corner of the output sheet. This will make a Plot menu appear.
Select the property to be plotted and the primary axis to either Temperature or Pressure.
Specify the phase (Total, Vapor, Liquid or Aqueous) for which plots are to be shown.
In the window Available for plot, highlight the data series to plot and click Add>>. The selected data series will
appear in the window Selected for plot.
The output starts with information about the output format and the dimensions of the fluid and property blocks.
Please note that fields (values or text) in a line are tab delimited, and that lines may have a tab (ASCII code 9) as the
first character. The lines with format information are followed by the actual property tables.
Format Section
The output format is keyword based. The order of the information does not count and there may be blank lines in
between lines with information. Not more than one keyword is accepted per line and the line following a keyword
must contain the information attached to the keyword.
The keywords of the format section are further explained in the below table.
Water Properties Only included if at least one fluid contains aqueous Text
Water Package:
Properties of the aqueous phase are calculated using
water property package.
Output Format Output format of property tables. Text
Fixed Temperature:
Each output block is for a fixed T, but covers all
properties and pressures.
Fixed Pressure:
Each output block is for a fixed P, but covers all
properties and temperatures.
Code for Missing String or number to be displayed for missing Text, number or
Property properties blank.
= User input for Output Missing Props as in Property
Generator input menu (default is blank).
Rows per block Number of rows (lines) per property in an output Integer
Columns per block Number of columns per property in an output block. Integer
Blocks per fluid Number of blocks per fluid in property output. Integer
Property Section
This section contains information about the properties of the fluids specified. Being keyword based, the order of the
information does not count as long as the properties are ordered after fluid number.
The start of the segment is identified by the keyword Begin Properties and the end by the keyword End Properties.
There are <Number of fluids> property sections. The first text line in a fluid section is the fluid identification.
Each section contains <Blocks per fluid> blocks. The contents of a block depends on <Output Format>.
2 Temperature unit.
2 Pressure unit..
The keywords used to identify the properties in a block are shown below.
Keyword Property
Pressure Pressure
Temperature Temperature
Mole% Tot Feed mixture mole% (=100)
Mole% Vap Vapor phase mole%
Mole% Liq Liquid hydrocarbon phase mole%
Mole% Aq Aqueous phase mole%
Weight% Tot Feed mixture weight% (=100)
Weight% Vap Vapor phase weight%
Weight% Liq Liquid hydrocarbon phase weight%
Weight% Aq Aqueous phase weight%
Molar Volume Tot Molar volume of feed mixture
Molar Volume Vap Molar volume of vapor phase
Molar Volume Liq Molar volume of liquid hydrocarbon phase
Pressure atm, bara, barg, kg/cm2, kPa, mmHg, MPa, psia, psig.
Temperature °C, °F, °R, K.
Mole% Dimensionless.
Weight% Dimensionless.
Molar volume cm3/mol, ft3/lb-mol, m3/mol.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select H2S in the Flash & Unit Operations section.
Calculates the distribution of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) between gas, oil and aqueous phases. The amount of H2S may
be specified as the concentration of H2S in either
Gas phase
Oil phase
Aqueous phase
Total (feed)
Any H2S in the fluid composition will be shown as the default amount of H2S in the input menu but will be ignored
in the H2S calculation if modified in the H2S menu.
The H2S concentration in the aqueous phase depends on the pH of the water. pH is therefore required input if water
is present.
If the fluid selected already contains water, the Water specification field will be disabled. Otherwise the amount of
water phase may be entered as either
%Water cut
Volume% of free water of the total liquid at standard conditions. If the water contains salts, the entered salt
concentrations are in the water phase at standard conditions.
Mol/mol feed
Feed refers to the selected fluid.
Mole% of total
Total refers to the selected fluid plus water added.
If the water contains salts, the input water amount is incl. salts.
For each pressure and temperature calculations are performed for each of the specified pH values.
The output shows the H2S concentration in each phase present in ppm mol, mol%, weight% and mg/l plus the
content in the vapor phase in mg/std l. The relative molar amounts of H2S in the phases present (partition
coefficients) are also shown. For the aqueous phase the output further comprises the distribution of H2S between
molecular and dissociated (HS-) forms.
Click <Properties> to see the phase properties and click <Comp> to be the phase compositions. Click <Save Phase>
to save the phase compositions in the database.
Unit Operations
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Unit Operations in the Flash & Unit Operations section.
Separator ( 1-stage)
The efficiency is defined as the enthalpy change of the actual compression divided by the enthalpy change of the
corresponding isentropic (constant S) compression. The efficiency is 1.0 by default, for which value the compression
is simulated as an isentropic process (constant S).
The compressor work and the temperature change in the compressor are calculated. A warning is contained in the
output if the mixture forms more than one phase at inlet or outlet conditions.
For the PACE calculation the output furthermore includes the Head and minimum and maximum values of the
compressibility functions, X and Y (see Method documentation).
The functions X and Y may be used to decide whether it according to the American National Standard is acceptable
to use ideal gas correlations for the actual compression. The limits within which it is acceptable to use ideal gas
correlations are listed in the below table.
Physical properties and phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the appropriate button in the
output sheet.
To see the phase compositions at the inlet and outlet, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase compositions can
be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving.
The isentropic efficiency is defined as the enthalpy change of the actual expansion divided by the enthalpy change of
the corresponding isentropic (constant S) expansion.
The efficiency is 1.0 by default, for which value the expansion is simulated as an isentropic process (constant S).
The expander work and the temperature change in the expander are calculated. A warning is contained in the output
if the mixture forms more than one phase at inlet or outlet conditions.
Phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the <Properties>.
To see the phase compositions at the inlet and outlet, click <Comp> or < Ext Comp>. The phase compositions can
be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving.
Temperature drop
Outlet temperature
Pressure drop in the cooler
The cooling capacity is calculated. This is defined as the heat transferred to the flowing fluid per time unit. For a
cooler this heat will be negative.
Phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the <Properties>.
To see the phase compositions at the inlet and outlet, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase compositions can be
saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving.
Temperature increase
Outlet temperature
Pressure drop in heater
The capacity of the heater is calculated. This is defined as the heat transferred to the flowing fluid per time unit.
Phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the <Properties>.
To see the phase compositions at the inlet and outlet, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase compositions can
be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving.
Pressure increase
Outlet pressure
(defined as mean value of pumped volume between inlet and outlet multiplied by the pressure increase and
divided by the enthalpy change as a result of the pumping process).
The efficiency is 1.0 by default, for which value the pumping process is simulated as an isentropic process (constant
Phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the <Properties>.
To see the phase compositions at the inlet and outlet, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase compositions can be
saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving.
Pressure drop
Outlet pressure
Phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the <Properties>.
To see the phase compositions at the inlet and outlet, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase compositions can be
saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving the phase compositions in the database.
Phase properties at inlet and outlet may be displayed by clicking the <Properties>.
ES-SAGD stands for Expanding Solvent – Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage. This module performs 3 phase flash
calculations for one pressure at varying temperature. The output comprises phase mole%’s and component mole%’s
in the vapor phase.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select ES-SAGD in the Flash & Unit Operations section.
Water must be present as a component in order to perform the simulations. If the fluid selected already contains
water, the field Steam specification will be disabled, as shown in the picture. Otherwise the amount of water may be
specified locally in the input menu as either
Temperatures can be specified as an interval with a given number of steps, or via <Alternative Temperature>, where
specific temperatures can be given.
The output from the ES-SAGD module comprises the following plots
β v yi
The mole% of component i in the vapor phase is calculated as 100%, where yi is the mole fraction of
component i in the vapor phase, zi is the mole fraction of component i in the overall composition, and v is the phase
mole fraction of the vapor phase.
Furthermore, the output from the ES-SAGD module comprises numerical output with the data shown in the plots.
<Comp> displays the molar phase compositions to C10+ for each P and T.
<Ext Comp> displays the full phase compositions for each P and T.
The window for Allocation is selected from Allocation under the Flash & Unit Operations item in the Simulations
The Allocation module is used to allocate the export streams of gas, oil, and water (aqueous) back to 2-50 production
streams. Export flow streams are reported at reference conditions, which by default are the selected standard
conditions. The standard or reference conditions can be changed under Unit System & Settings.
This option can be used for fluids of the type Plus Fraction, No-Plus Fraction, or Characterized. Change between
fluid types using the switch Plus and Char under Fluid type.
Select the fluids by pressing <Select Fluids>. Characterized compositions must have the Same Pseudo-Components.
To specify a non-default lumping for Plus/No-Plus compositions, click <Lumping>. Set Lumping will not be
Enter the Meter Conditions (Pressure and Temperature) of each fluid in the Meter Conditions P and Meter
Conditions T fields. The total volumetric flow rate for each fluid is entered under Meter Conditions Total Flow Rate.
Highlight fluids and press <Delete> on the keyboard to delete. Pressing <Clear Fluids> will delete all fluid entries
and their respective conditions.
It is possible to specify a surface separator train with max. 6 stages. Especially for highly volatile fluids such as
condensates, volume factors are highly dependent on the separator process. Separators are connected in such a way
that liquid oil out of the first separator is the feed to the next separator in the train, whereas gas streams are
combined. The combined gas is flashed to reference conditions and the liquid from this flash added to the liquid
stream from the last separator. This is the same separator set-up as is used in the Eclipse Black Oil Interface and in
the Multi Phase Meter Interface.
After leaving the menu for Allocation, the current fluid is the same one as before entering into this window.
Open Structure
Through the PVTsim Open Structure modules the user can access PVTsim calculation options without having to go
via the PVTsim GUI. It is for example possible to build Excel sheets that simulate engineering problems it would be
cumbersome to solve making use of the calculation options presented by the PVTsim GUI.
A number of examples of Open Structure applications are available through the Open Structure Launch Menu, which
is accessible from Open Structure on the Simulations Explorer. The source code in the Excel macros is fully
accessible and free for use.
Full documentation for the PVTsim Open Structure modules can also be accessed from the Open Structure Launch
PVT Simulation
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select the appropriate PVT experiment under the PVT
Simulations item.
Critical Point
Saturation Point
The input menus have fields for entering up to 5 different sets of input specifications. The PVT simulation is only
performed for the displayed set of input specifications. If experimental PVT data have been entered for the actual
fluid, the experimental pressure and temperature stages are shown as default.
The PVT simulation options can only be accessed for mixtures without water, hydrate inhibitors and salts.
Critical Point
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Critical Point in the PVT Simulations section.
Only two phases are considered in the calculation. If no critical point can be found, it is usually an indication that
more than two phases are present at the P,T where the critical points had otherwise been located.
Saturation Point
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Saturation Point in the PVT Simulations section.
The input menu has fields for specifying up to 5 different sets of temperatures or pressures of max 40 entries each
for which the saturation points are to be calculated.
More than one saturation point may exist for the actual T or P specification (for example an upper and a lower dew
point pressure) and all saturation points will be located. Both dew and bubble points are calculated.
Separator Test
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Separator Test in the PVT Simulations section.
The output complies with that of a standard PVT report. When flashing the gas phase to standard conditions in order
to calculate GOR, the volume of liquid precipitating is converted to an equivalent gas volume.
The output also comprises total GOR and the stable oil API gravity (API = 141.5/(density in g/cm3 at atmospheric
pressure and 15 C/59 F)-131.5).
Any experimental pressures and temperatures entered as PVT Data will be shown as default. Simulations will only
be made for the set of specifications actually displayed.
The reservoir temperature may optionally be entered in which case the output will for
Oil mixtures
also cover density and oil formation volume factor (FVF) at the saturation pressure at the reservoir temperature.
Gas condensate mixtures
also cover Bg of the gas at the saturation pressure at the reservoir temperature.
A separator calculation always ends with a flash to standard conditions. The stage at standard conditions does not
have to be specified. Therefore if no stages are specified, the separator is simulated as a single stage flash to standard
conditions. If the last pressure and a temperature entered are very close to standard conditions (287.15 K < T<
288.15 K and 0.9 atm < P < 1.1 atm), the entered values are ignored and a flash to standard conditions performed
If physical properties or compositions for particular stages are required, click the appropriate button in the Output
sheet. Click <Save Phase> to open a dialog for saving the phase compositions in the database. The combined
liberated gas from all separator stages is also available for saving.
To perform a single stage flash to a specified temperature and pressure, it is often more convenient to use a PT Flash
rather than the Separator Test option.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Constant Mass Exp in the PVT Simulations section.
Simulates a constant mass expansion experiment and writes out the same type of results as measured in the actual
Any experimental pressures and temperatures entered in the PVT Data or Regression menus will be shown as
default. Simulations will only be made for the set of specifications on the tab visible. Plots will be shown of
experimental and simulated data.
If no experimental PVT data have been entered, the program decides whether the composition is an oil or a gas and
adjusts the output accordingly. If experimental PVT data have been entered, the output will comply with the fluid
type (gas or oil) entered in the PVT data menu.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Constant Vol Depl in the PVT Simulations section.
Any experimental pressures and temperatures entered in the PVT Data or Regression menus will be shown as
default. Simulations will only be made for the set of specifications on the tab visible. The output will comply with
that of a standard PVT report. Plots will be shown of experimental and simulated data.
If physical properties and/or compositions for particular stages are required, click the appropriate button in the
output sheet. Click <Save Phase> to display a dialog for saving the phase compositions in the database.
Differential Depletion
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Diff Depletion in the PVT Simulations section.
The output will comply with that of a standard PVT report. When flashing the gas phase to standard conditions to
calculate Bg and Rs, the volume of liquid precipitating is converted to an equivalent gas volume. Plots will be shown
of experimental and simulated data.
If the simulated Bo is consistently higher than the measured Bo, a possible reason could be that the last depletion
stage (the one taking the oil to atmospheric pressure) was not carried out as a single depletion stage, but with gas
being let out of the cell continuously. This can be compensated for in the simulation by adding pressure stages with
intervals of approximately 10 bara/140 psia between the two last pressure stages where the last one is at atmospheric
If physical properties and/or compositions for particular stages are required, click the appropriate button in the
output sheet. Click <Save Phase> to display a dialog for saving the phase compositions in the database.
Standard conditions are by default 1.01325 bara and 15 °C (14.696 psia and 59 °F), but can be modified by the user
in Options Unit System & Settings.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Viscosity in the PVT Simulations section.
If other physical properties than viscosities and/or compositions for particular stages are required, click the
appropriate button in the output sheet. Click <Save Phase> to display a dialog for saving the phase compositions in
the database.
Swelling Test
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Swelling Test in the PVT Simulations section.
The swelling test option simulates swelling of a reservoir fluid as a result of gas injection. Select the reservoir fluid
prior to opening the Swelling menu. In the Swelling menu select the injection gas with the <Injection Gas> button.
The field next to the <Injection Gas> button shows the text used to identify the injection gas.
Standard conditions are by default 1.01325 bara and 15 °C (14.696 psia and 59 °F), but can be modified by the user
in Options Unit System & Settings.
The gas added in each stage is specified as cumulative mole % gas per original mol of oil (reservoir fluid). An entry
of 2, 5 and 10 for stage 1, 2 and 3 for example means that 2 mole % of gas is added in stage 1, 5-2 = 3 mole % in
stage 2, and 10-2-3 = 5 mole % in stage 3. All mole %'s are with respect to the initial number of moles of oil.
The swelled oil+gas mixtures can be saved in the database for later use in other simulations. Click <Save Phase> to
activate the dialog for saving.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Multiple/Eq. Contact in the PVT Simulations section.
The Multiple Contact option simulates a Multi-Contact laboratory experiment. It is designed to study the behavior
of a reservoir fluid undergoing gas injection.
Select the reservoir fluid prior to opening the Multiple Contact menu. In the Multiple Contact menu select the
injection gas with <Injection Gas>. The text next to the Injection Gas button shows the text used to identify the
injection gas.
Input Pressure and Temperature (all stages are at the same P and T).
For a Forward experiment Mix ratio (gas/oil) is defined as the ratio of gas and oil to the actual stage. For a Forward
experiment a Mix ratio (gas/oil) of 5 would for example mean that the amount of gas transferred to the cell at the
actual stage is 5 times the amount of oil. For a Reverse experiment Mix ratio (gas/oil) is defined as the ratio of gas to
the actual stage per amount of oil to the 1st stage. For a Reverse experiment a Mix ratio (gas/oil) of 5 would
therefore mean that the amount of gas transferred to the cell at the actual stage is 5 times the amount of oil to the 1st
stage. As specified in the Mix Type frame the amount can be either
Vol (volumetric)
Reverse (or backward)
Forward means that equilibrium gas from one stage in the next stage is mixed with fresh reservoir fluid. Reverse
means that equilibrium oil from one stage in the next stage is mixed with fresh gas.
If physical properties and/or compositions for a particular stage are required, click the appropriate button in the
output sheet. The total mixture and the gas and oil phase compositions can be saved in the database for later use in
other simulations. Click <Save Phase> to activate the dialog for saving.
Standard conditions are by default 1.01325 bara and 15 °C (14.696 psia and 59 °F) but can be modified by the user
in Options Unit System & Settings.
If the Experiment Type (Contacts) choice is changed to Equilibrium, the input required and simulation carried out
changes according to an Equlibrium Contact experiment.
Viscosity Tuning
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Viscosity Tuning in the Flow Assurance section.
The viscosity tuning option allows the user to tune viscosity model parameters to better match experimental oil
By default the tuning is performed on the currently selected fluid. If this is not the (only) fluid to be tuned on,
uncheck Use Current Fluid , click <Select Fluids> and select the fluid(s) to be regressed on. All selected fluids must
be of the same Fluid type, i.e. either Plus/No-Plus fluids or Characterized. Change between Plus and Char
(characterized) in the Fluid type frame.
For each fluid the assigned viscosity data may be entered or edited by pressing <Visc Data>.
If the LBC model is selected, pressing <Complete using CSP> can fill out fields with Temperature and Pressure
values but missing viscosities. The shown viscosities have been calculated using the CSP viscosity model, which is
generally more accurate than LBC. Since LBC executes faster in computer code, it is often the preferred choice in
compositional simulations. For that reason tuning of the LBC model to CSP simulation results can be an attractive
option when no or few viscosity data points exist.
Pressing <Insert PT-grid> will make a menu will appear for specifying the PT-grid for which the CSP oil viscosities
are to be matched. The number of Pressure steps times the number of Temperature steps must not exceed 40. Press
<OK> and the Pressure and Temperature Tabulation points will appear in the Viscosity Data menu. Press <Complete
using CSP>.
Fluids of the same type (Plus or Char) tuned on earlier will be displayed when opening the Viscosity Tuning window
again. To clear the fluid input fields, highlight the Fluids and press the Del key. Pressing <Clear Fluids> will delete
all fluid entries.
With the CSP viscosity model selected, the CSP viscosity correction factors will be adjusted. These are 4
multiplication factors entering into the expressions for the average molecular weight in the CSP viscosity model.
With the LBC viscosity model selected, the default regression parameter is a common multiplication factor for the
critical volumes of the C7+ components. It is also possible to tune the coefficients a1-a5 in the LBC correlation. As
tuning on a1-a5 may change the simulated gas viscosities quite considerably this is not to be recommended if gas
viscosities are important.
If more than one fluid of Fluid of type Plus is selected, all fluids will be characterized to the same pseudo-
components and assigned the same viscosity corrections factors. The characterized fluid compositions will be saved
in the database.
If more than one characterized fluid is tuned on (Fluid type=Char) all fluids must have the same pseudo-
components. If any of the viscosity correction factors differ among the fluids, they will all be reset to default
viscosity correction factors prior to the tuning. If multiple fluids are selected the tuned fluid compositions will be
stored in the database as the last entries.
The viscosity correction factors of a regressed fluid may be viewed and edited by clicking <Lumping/corr fac>
accessed from Fluid Edit Current.
The following interface options will have the optimum viscosity correction factors transferred in the interface files
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Wax in the Flow Assurance section.
The wax module has options for simulating the conditions at which precipitation of solid wax may occur and for
simulating the amount of solid wax as a function of T and P.
Tuning may be performed to an experimental Wax Appearance Point. This is a useful feature if the Wax module is
used as a preprocessor for a wax deposition simulator as for example DepoWax or OLGA Wax.
PT curves
It is possible to combine the Wax PT curve and the phase envelope considering wax. Two phase envelopes, one
neglecting and one considering wax may also be combined, in which case plots will be shown of both phase
envelopes. This allows the user to evaluate the influence of wax precipitation on the gas-liquid equilibrium.
Wax vs Pressure
Displays a plot of amount of wax (weight% of total mixture) as a function of pressure at a defined temperature.
Tmax is the maximum pressure considered.
PT Flash
Calculates phase amounts at a given temperature and pressure. The phases considered are gas, liquid (oil) and wax.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase
compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click <Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving.
Wax in STO
Calculates the amount of wax in the stock tank oil (weight%). This quantity is in PVTsim defined as the weight% of
wax precipitated from the stock tank oil cooled down to 223.15 K. The results obtained using this definition are not
necessarily consistent with experimental investigations. Most laboratories determine the amount of wax by acetone
precipitation. The stock tank oil is the oil + wax mixture from a flash of the feed composition to 15 C/59 F and
1.01325 bara/14.696 psia.
Wax Pressure
Calculates the wax appearance pressures for defined temperatures. Up to 10 different temperatures may be specified.
The maximum pressure considered is that in the Pmax field.
The physical properties and compositions at the wax appearance point can be viewed by pressing <Properties> or
<Comp> on the worksheet. If more than one Wax appearance point is found, the physical properties and
compositions will be shown for all of them. The phase compositions at the Wax Pressure(s) can be saved in the
database. Use the <Save Phase> button to activate the dialog for saving.
Wax Temp
Calculates the wax appearance temperatures for defined pressures. Up to 10 different pressures may be specified.
The minimum temperature considered is that in the Tmin field.
The physical properties and compositions at the wax appearance point can be viewed by pressing <Properties> or
<Comp> on the worksheet. The phase compositions at the Wax Temperature can be saved in the database. Use the
<Save Phase> button to activate the dialog for saving.
Fill in the experimental data in the Tuning to experimental data frame and click <Tune>.
To see plots of the effect of solid wax on the viscosity, fill out the fields in the Viscosity oil + wax frame. Select the
viscosity plotted against either
Water, hydrate inhibitors and salts are not accepted in the Wax module.
The Wax module does not accept the H&V mixing rule for any component pair.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Asphaltene in the Flow Assurance section.
The asphaltene module can be used to simulate P,T conditions with asphaltenes precipitation and the amount of
precipitate. Asphaltenes are heavy aromatic compounds that may be contained in reservoir fluids. Asphaltene
precipitate is highly viscous and may form when the reservoir pressure decreases as a result of production or if gas is
injected into the reservoir.
PT flash
Determines phase amounts and phase compositions at P and T. The phases can be gas, liquid (oil) and asphaltene.
Default output is physical properties. If phase compositions are required, click <Comp> or <Ext Comp>. The phase
compositions from the flash can be saved in the database. Click the <Save Phase> button to display the dialog for
Asp Pressure
Detects for a given temperature the pressure range with asphaltene precipitation. The output consists of the upper
asphaltene precipitation pressure, the bubble (saturation) point pressure and the lower asphaltene pressure.
Precipitated asphaltenes are present between the upper and lower asphaltene pressures. In the range from the upper
asphaltene pressure to the saturation point, there are two phases, liquid and asphaltene. From the saturation point
down to the lower asphaltene pressure three phases are present, gas, liquid and asphaltene. Above the upper
asphaltene pressure there is only one liquid phase. Below the lower asphaltene pressure, gas and liquid are present.
P-x Curve
Gas injection widens the pressure range with asphaltene precipitation. The P-x curve option may for a given
temperature be used to determine the pressure range with asphaltene precipitation for various amounts of injection
gas. It calculates upper asphaltene precipitation pressure, bubble (saturation) point pressure and lower asphaltene
PT Curve
Determines the pressure range with asphaltene precipitation in the temperature range from 0 °C (32 °F) to 180 °C
(356 °F). Calculates with temperature steps of 20 °C (36 °F) upper asphaltene pressure, bubble (saturation) point
pressure and lower asphaltene pressure.
Asp in STO
The output consists of the weight% of asphaltene components contained in the stock tank oil from a flash to standard
Split Pseudos
The asphaltene components are in PVTsim by default considered to be the aromatic part of the C50+ fraction. The
asphaltene algorithm splits the C50+ components into asphaltene and non-asphaltene components before carrying
out any simulations. In the output the asphaltene and the non-asphaltene components are by default combined again.
Split Pseudos will split the pseudo-components containing asphaltenes into an asphaltene component and a non-
asphaltene component. The name of an asphaltene component will end with an A. The name could for example be
By splitting the pseudo-components into asphaltene and non-asphaltene components, simulation results obtained
with other options in PVTsim will at conditions with no asphaltene precipitation be consistent with the simulation
results obtained with the asphaltene module. This is not the case for fluids having asphaltene and non-asphaltene
components contained in the same pseudo-component.
o Asp properties
Tuning to Asp properties will modify Tc (Asp) and Pc (Asp) to obtain the best possible match of the
input asphaltene onset point(s).
o Asp in STO
Asp in STO
PVT reports often contain the amount of asphaltenes contained in the stock tank oil (oil from flash of reservoir
fluid to ambient conditions). This amount is usually determined by n-paraffin precipitation and the asphaltene
model can be tuned to match this amount.
Click in Asp in STO and fill in the weight % of asphaltenes contained in the stock tank oil. The tuning will
move the cut point between asphaltene and non-asphaltene aromatics up or downwards from the default starting
point at C50. Beware that match of the experimental amount of asphaltenes is no guarantee that the simulated
and experimental asphaltene onset pressures will agree.
Click <Tune> to start the tuning. If the field Save Tuned is checked prior to clicking <Tune>, the tuned fluid will be
saved in the database.
The binary interaction parameters (kij) between C1-C9 hydrocarbons and asphaltene components are 0.017 by
default but may be modified in the input field in the Parameters frame. These kij’s are parameters in the Classical
EOS mixing rule.
Water, hydrate inhibitors or salts are not accepted in the Asphaltene module.
The Asphaltene module does accept not the H&V mixing rule for any component pair.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Scale in the Flow Assurance section.
The scale module calculates the amount of scale (salt precipitate that will form from formation water and mixtures of
formation water and seawater. The amount of scale is influenced by the amounts of H2S and CO2 dissolved in the
water. The latter amounts depend on the composition of the hydrocarbon fluid in equilibrium with the formation
water and in particular on the H2S and CO2 concentrations in the hydrocarbon fluid. A hydrocarbon fluid must
therefore be selected from the fluid database before entering into the scale menu.
Required input is concentrations of the ions present in the formation water, the amount of acetic acid (HAc) or
equivalent, and Pressure and Temperature. The alkalinity may optionally be specified. It is approximately equal to
the amount of HCO3- plus twice the amount of CO3--.
If the selected fluid already contains H2S and CO2, the Partial Pressure fields for these gases cannot be accessed,
and the partial pressures will be calculated assuming equilibrium between the hydrocarbon fluid and water.
Otherwise the partial pressures may be entered.
Formation water
Output consists of
P and T
Input and output concentrations of all ions
Calculated pH
Amounts of salts precipitated
Saturation index (SI=log10 ([Me][An]/KSP)) for all salts that may possibly form from the present ions. [Me] is
the molality of the metal ion, [An] the molality of the metal ion and Ksp the solubility product for the actual salt.
If SI>0, the actual salt may possibly precipitate. If SI<0, the salt will not precipitate.
Full Curve.
By choosing the Full Curve option, scale calculations are made for a number of different mixing ratios ranging
from 100% formation water to 100% seawater. The output from this option is a plot of the amounts of salt that
will precipitate as a function of Vol% of seawater along with the data for the curve.
Single point
Formation water and seawater are mixed in a fixed volumetric ratio. In addition to the output for formation
water alone the concentrations of the ions in the mixed water phase are contained in the output.
Below is shown an example of a formation water and a seawater analysis. The formation water will precipitate
CaCO3 at atmospheric pressure and for example 70 C/ 158 F. Mixing in seawater at these conditions will further
lead to precipitation of BaSO4 and SrSO4.
Na 15200 12100
K 380
Ca 1100 450
Mg 210 1130
Ba 230
Sr 9
Cl 28000 20950
SO4 2300
Alk 250 170
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select the Hydrate item in the Flow Assurance section.
PT flash
Minimum amount of inhibitor required to prevent hydrate formation
Hydrate formation temperature at given P
To see whether a component is a hydrate former or not click Char Fluid Edit Current and scroll to the right to
find the column with the heading Forms hydrates. This column gives information about the hydrate structures (I, II
and H) the actual component be part of, if any at all.
Water, salts and inhibitor components may either be entered when inputting the fluid composition, or they may be
input locally in the Hydrate menu. If the fluid selected already contains water, the Water specification field will be
disabled. Otherwise the amount of water phase may be entered as either
%Water cut
Water volume% of the total liquid at standard conditions. If the water contains salts, the entered salt
concentrations are in the water phase at standard conditions. Inhibitor components do not influence the water
Hydrate inhibitors may optionally be specified. If the selected fluid contains inhibitors, the Inhibitor specification
fields are disabled. The inhibitor amount may otherwise be specified as
Spec water means water amount entered in the Water specification frame. The spec water is input water phase, not
equilibrium water phase.
PT Flash
Simulates a flash for the selected fluid, including water, inhibitors, and salts at a specified pressure and temperature.
The phases considered are
Liquid (oil)
Hydrates of structure I, II and H
Aqueous (water)
Pure solid salts
Loss of hydrate inhibitors to the hydrocarbon phases is taken into account as well as the solubility of gaseous
components in the aqueous phase.
The total composition and the phase compositions can be saved in the database for later use in simulations. Use
<Save Phase> to display the dialog for saving compositions. The total composition may deviate from that selected in
the database because water and inhibitor input may be given locally in the hydrate menu.
Minimum Inhibitor
Minimum amount of inhibitor needed to prevent hydrate formation at a specified temperature and pressure. The
inhibitor composition must be specified in the Inhibitor specification frame.
Click <Properties> to see the amounts and properties of the phases present or <Comp> to see the phase
compositions. Click <Save Phase> to display a dialog for saving the total composition and/or the equilibrium phase
Hydrate Temperature
Calculates hydrate temperature at a given pressure.
Click <Properties> to see the amounts and properties of the phases present or <Comp> to see the phase
compositions. Click <Save Phase> to display a dialog for saving the total composition and/or the equilibrium phase
Hydrate Pressure
Calculates hydrate pressure at a given temperature.
Hydrate PT Curve
Temperature - pressure hydrate curve for the selected fluid. The input screen shows the default values used in the
calculation. These will usually be adequate for a first calculation of the hydrate curve.
To generate a series of curves showing the effect of varied inhibitor concentrations, input the inhibitor composition
in the Inhibitor specification frame. Leave the Amount field blank. Select the Hydrate PT curve option. In the
Hydrate PT curve menu, the check box Variable Inhibitor Amount will be checked. Input the minimum and
maximum inhibitor concentrations and the number of curves to generate.
If the water phase is supersaturated with salt not considering hydrate formation, the calculation will stop with an
error message. Precipitation of solid salt is only accepted as a result of hydrate formation.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select DepoWax in the Flow Assurance section.
The wax deposition module simulates wax deposition in a pipeline including wax layer build-up, pressure drop,
temperature profile, etc. as function of time and position in the pipeline. The pressure drop can be calculated using
the model of Mukherjee and Brill or using OLGAS from SPT Group A/S. If OLGAS is selected and is not installed
the following error message will appear when trying to start a DepoWax simulation
Users with no prior experience with DepoWax may start consulting the Getting started with DepoWax section.
The input specifications referred to in this section are contained in the DepoWax Case that comes with the PVTsim
Demo database.
When you press DepoWax in the Simulations Explorer panel the main DepoWax input screen will appear.
The menus for inputting the information needed to carry out a simulation are accessed from the buttons in the View,
edit or define case frame. Viscosity Tuning in the Tune to viscosity data frame is optional input.
Press <Select Case> to open the Case Database for DepoWax. The text used to identify the case will be shown in the
field next to the Select Case button.
Here it is possible to do the same operations as in the fluid database. Choose the Demo Case For Getting Started by
pressing <Select>. The name of the selected case is default displayed in the upper right command line.
Pressing <Case Name & Info> will make the same text appear. The Case Description field is for entering a short
description of the actual case. If no case has been chosen from the DepoWax database, and <Case Name & Info> is
pressed, the text Uncompleted Case will show up, indicating that the user has begun the setup of a new case.
This input screen describes a 12.5 km long pipeline with a 0.1 km high riser (can be seen from (x,y) coordinates).
The pipe is split into 6 segments. Unless the field User defined in the Sectioning frame is filled out, each segment
will be split into smaller sections during simulation using a built-in auto sectioning.
For each segment Inner Diameter, Ambient Temperature (Tambient), Wall Roughness and Wall No must be given,
whereas Boost Pressure is optional. Walls are specified under Wall Description. The Wall No indicates, which wall
to use in the current segment.
The Wall Description menu is also accessed from the main DepoWax menu. The user has to enter the Material,
Layer thickness and thermal conductivity (Cond). If no prior knowledge of the thermal conductivity is available, the
materials may be found in the Material Database that comes with DepoWax. Up to 8 walls can be specified in one
The Pipeline Configuration menu said that Wall No 2 should be used for the riser, whereas Wall No 1 should be used
for the pipe at the seabed. It is therefore necessary to specify both a Wall 1 and a Wall 2 in the Wall Description
The outer heat transfer coefficient (H outer) can be selected among 4 predefined values or a User Defined value can
be input. The predefined Water-forced convection by a velocity of 0.5 m/s has been chosen in the actual case.
It is possible to choose between 4 different correlations for the inner heat transfer coefficient (H inner). In this case
Dittus-Boelter is chosen. For more information consult the Method Documentation.
Press < Boundary Conditions> to see the input for flow conditions.
In the actual case a simulation over 15 days is run with 15 time steps of each 24 hours. The field Variable
Boundaries is left unchecked showing that the inlet conditions do not change during the 15 days.
It is also possible to do loop simulations by checking the field Looping. In the present case, the field is unchecked.
No additional sources are added, but this could be done by checking the field Additional Sources. This would require
input of the time step and the segment where the source is to be added. In addition the mass flow rate, the inlet
temperature and the inlet (source) composition must be input. Pressing <Select Fluid> gives access to the fluid
database, and the user can choose from all the characterized compositions in the database. Source compositions
must be characterized to the same pseudo-components as the main inlet composition.
The last input screen that has to be filled out is for Simulation Parameters (Viscosity Tuning is optional).
All the correction (multiplication ) factors are 1.0 in the actual case and no correction will be made. The porosity of
the wax is set to 70 % and assumed not to depend on shear rate. The Shear Disp(ersion) Const(ant) is 0.0 meaning
that shear dispersion is not assumed to contribute to the wax deposition.
Having completed the input it is recommended to press <Save> in the main DepoWax menu in order to store the
input parameters in the database. Should the user forget to press <Save>, the input on each menu is automatically
saved, whenever <OK> is pressed on each of the above screens.
Press OK on the main menu and run the case. The progress in the simulation can be followed on the caption of the
main DepoWax menu (in % finished). The output will be shown in an output sheet.
From the output sheet it is possible to see the composition of the deposited wax and the oil trapped in the wax by
pressing <Dep Comp>. The outlet compositions can be shown by pressing <Outlet Comp>.
Case database
The case database for DepoWax is contained in the fluid database. The rules for creating and opening a wax
deposition database are the same as for the fluid database.
To create a new database choose File -> Create New Database or click Create New Database in the Database
section of the Fluid Management panel.
Choosing DepoWax -> Select Case displays a list of cases in the selected database. From the buttons at the bottom,
the contents of the database may be manipulated or a case may be selected. The options are
The Database window will remain open after initiating <Delete> and <Duplicate>. To close the Database window
click the <Close> button.
To select a case from the current database for use in subsequent calculations, highlight the case in the list and click
<Select>. The name of the selected case is displayed in the field next to the <Select Case> button.
To delete one or more cases from the database, highlight the case(s) in the list, and click <Delete>.
Before deletion is initiated, a message box is displayed. Click <Yes> to continue deleting cases or click <No> to
regret deleting.
To copy one or more cases in the database, highlight the appropriate case(s) in the list, and click <Duplicate>.
Copies of the cases selected are then added to the database as the last entries.
The text displayed for each case in the case database is entered here.
Pipeline Configuration
The geometry of the pipeline is input here. For each segment the following data must be given
Wall No for each section (between 1 and 8). The walls are specified in Wall Description
Boost Pressures (optional). A boost pressure is applied at the inlet of the segment. In plots it will show up at the
end fo the first section in that segment.
By checking the field User defined in the Sectioning frame, the user can specify Max temp(erature) change in a
section and Max length of a section. Otherwise default values will be used.
Wall Description
To identify a wall, a text must be entered in the Name field. Each wall consists of one or more layers (Layer) of
different materials defined through thickness and thermal conductivity (Cond). Materials may be selected from the
Material Database by pressing <Select Materials>.
The outer heat transfer coefficient (H outer) can be selected among 4 predefined values or a User Defined value can
be input.
It is possible to choose between 4 different correlations for the inner heat transfer coefficient (H inner). For more
information consult the Method Documentation.
The thermal conductivity of the wax layer has a default value. This value may be user specified by checking the field
User defined WAXK.
The Material Database can be expanded with the users own materials or the thermal conductivities of the materials
already in the database can be modified, by pressing <Edit Materials>.
Select Materials
By pressing <Select Materials> in the “Wall description” input screen, the material database is opened. One or more
materials may be selected and added to the currently selected wall.
Edit Materials
By pressing <Edit Materials> in the Wall description input screen, it is possible to edit the Material Database.
By pressing <Delete>, the selected materials will be deleted from the material database. It is possible to delete more
than one material at the time.
By pressing <New>, a new material can be entered into the material database. The user has to specify the name of
the material and the thermal Conductivity in the currently selected unit for Conductivity. The new material can now
be found as the last entry in the Material Database.
By pressing <Restore>, the program will restore the original Material Database that came with the installation
version of PVTsim. All user specified materials will be gone.
Boundary conditions
In this input menu Simulation Time, fluids to be transported and mass flow rates are entered.
Simulation Time
The number of Time steps and the length of each time step must be entered. This allows the total simulation time to
be calculated and displayed. Many small time steps may give a more accurate simulation than fewer longer time
steps, but the simulation time increases proportional to the number of time steps.
If a loop is to be simulated, the residence time and the number of loops must be input. The inlet fluid will by default
be equal to the outlet fluid from the previous loop (Fluid inlet = Fluid outlet) or fresh fluid may be input (uncheck
Fluid inlet = Fluid outlet ). It is also possible to specify the pressure and temperature at the inlet to be equal to the
conditions at the outlet from the previous loop (P inlet = P outlet and T inlet = T outlet ). Otherwise the inlet
pressure and temperature will be the same in each loop run.
Inlet/Feed Conditions
The inlet flow is specified by mass flow rate, temperature, pressure and inlet fluid composition. The inlet fluid
composition may be that currently selected (default) or the field Use Current Fluid may be unchecked and an already
characterized fluid selected in the database.
By checking the field Variable Boundaries it is possible to change temperature, pressure, mass flow and composition
during the simulation. The time step number determines when this change is to be effected. Variable Boundaries
cannot be combined with use of the currently selected fluid, i.e. the field Use Current Fluid must be unchecked to
activate the Variable Boundaries option. Otherwise the inlet conditions and inlet fluid will be the same in all time
stps. If the fluid composition changes with time all fluid compositions must be characterized to the same pseudo-
It is possible to handle inlet streams (sources) along the pipeline. To activate this option check the field Additional
Sources. For each source it must be specified to which segment number the source is added (see Pipeline
Configuration input). Sources will enter in a specified segment inlet in a given time step.
To turn off a source, make a new selection of the source fluid and specify a mass flow of 0 at the time step at which
the source is to be turned off.
Sources can be specified in any order. The time steps numbers do for example not have to increase down the list.
Simulation parameters
This input screen presents tuning parameters related to the modeling of wax deposition and pressure drop.
Wax Roughness
Can be specified as
The wax roughness influences the frictional pressure drop in those parts of the pipe where wax is deposited.
Pressure Drop
It is possible to take a drag reducer into account by specifying a Drag Reduction Factor between 0 and 1. This factor
is multiplied on the frictional pressure drop calculated in the program.
The pressure drop can be calculated using the model of Mukherjee and Brill or using OLGAS from SPT Group A/S.
Wax Deposition
The user can specify three different parameters of importance for wax deposition
The wax porosity may be entered as a constant value, or to depend linearly on shear rate. Check Shear Rate
Dependent to choose a linear dependence. Two porosities at two different shear rates must be specified to enable the
program to determine the constants in the linear relation.
If experimental viscosity data is available a Viscosity Tuning can be performed to get as good a match of
experimental viscosity data as possible. Correction Factors (multipliers) will be determined in the applied viscosity
models. These correction factors are 1.0 by default.
Water in oil and oil in water emulsions may be taken into account in viscosity calculations. By default a correlation
of Rønningsen will be used. It does not require any experimental information. If experimental emulsion viscosity
data exists for a given water volume fraction, this information may be input and a correlation of Pal and Rhodes
applied. The field Inv Point may be filled out with the volume fraction of water for which the emulsion changes from
a water in oil to an oil in water emulsion. Default value is 0.7.
In the bottom of the Simulation Parameters screen three checkboxes are found
Ignore Wax
Allows wax formation and wax deposition to be switched off and reducing the model to a steady state gas-
liquid pipeline simulator.
Pressing <OK> after entering the desired information will save the entered input in the database.
Viscosity tuning
A correct representation of the viscosity of a fluid being transported in a pipeline is prerequisite for obtaining a
correct pressure drop and a correct wax deposition rate. Solid wax particles may increase the apparent viscosity of
the oil phase by orders of magnitude and the flow pattern may change from Newtonian to non-Newtonian. The
viscosity of an oil above its Wax Appearance Point (WAP) is calculated using either the corresponding states model
(CSP), or the Lohrenz-Bray-Clark (LBC) model. The viscosity below the WAP is calculated using a shear rate
dependent viscosity model taking into account the effect of solid wax particles on the viscosity.
The model parameters may be tuned up against viscosity data measured below and above the WAP. The WAP may
be calculated using the Wax Temp option of the Wax module. By default the currently selected fluid is the one to be
tuned on. By unchecking the field Use Current Fluid and clicking <Select Fluids> one or more different fluids may
be selected in the database. Only already characterized fluid compositions are available for selection.
If In the Weight column enter the weight (importance) to assign to each fluid can be entered in the Weight column.
This Weight may be per mole (Molar) or per Mass unit of the individual fluids. There is no need to enter fluid
compositions for which no experimental viscosity data exists. All fluid compositions must be characterized to the
same pseudo-components.
Click <Visc Data> to enter or display the experimental viscosity data. There are three input sections
Oil viscosities
Oil viscosities above wax appearance point and therefore not influenced by wax particles.
If the LBC model is selected, fields with missing viscosity data values in the Oil viscosities table can be filled by
pressing <Complete using CSP>. This is an alternative (or supplement) to experimental viscosity data points. For all
input temperatures and pressures with no viscosity input, the subsequent viscosity tuning will include oil viscosities
calculated using the CSP model. This model is in general considered to be more accurate than LBC, but since LBC
By pressing <Insert PT-grid> and a menu will appear for specifying the PT-grid for which the CSP oil viscosities are
to be matched. The number of Pressure steps times the number of Temperature steps must not exceed 40. Press
<OK> and the Pressure and Temperature Tabulation points will appear in the Viscosity Data menu. Press <Complete
using CSP>.
Click OK to initiate the viscosity tuning. When the tuning is completed, an output sheet will appear with
experimental viscosity data, simulated viscosities before and after tuning. The output further shows
The optimum parameters are automatically transferred to the fluids involved. If the fluid tuned is the
currently selected one, the fluid is updated with the optimum parameters. These may be viewed by pressing
CharFluid -> Edit Current -> Lumping/corr fac.
The optimum parameters are also automatically transferred to the Simulation Parameters menu.
The optimum parameters are automatically transferred to the fluids involved. If the fluid tuned is the
currently selected one, the fluid is updated with the optimum parameters. These may be viewed by pressing
CharFluid -> Edit Current -> Lumping/corr fac.
The optimum parameters are also automatically transferred to the Simulation Parameters menu.
If multiple fluids are selected the tuned fluids are stored in the database as the last entries. If any of the viscosity
correction factors differ among the fluids, they will all be reset to default viscosity correction factors prior to the
For viscosities above the WAP the viscosity tuning option is similar to the general Viscosity Tuning option accessed
from the Simulations menu.
Pressing <Clear Input Screens> will clear all input screen and a new case can be entered.
Output description
Output is calculated for each section point (x,y) in the simulation, for each time step.
The output data is organized in blocks for each time step in the simulation. In the header line of each block the
elapsed simulation time is stated. The following table gives a brief description of the properties that are output to the
sheet. An example of a unit set is shown.
It is furthermore possible to display compositions of the deposited Wax and of the Trapped Oil. The compositions
are shown when <Dep Comp> is pressed. The outlet compositions after each time step are shown by pressing
<Outlet Comp>.
Either Position in the pipeline or Time can be selected as the x-axis variable in the Primary Axis frame. Any of the
properties printed to the output sheet can be selected as the y-axis variable. In the above example it was selected to
plot Wax Lay(er thickness) as function of Position in the pipeline. The three first time steps were selected (press Ctrl
while marking to select several series). By pressing <Plot>, the plot is generated.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select MMP in the Reservoir section.
The MMP module may be used to calculate the minimum pressure required in a petroleum reservoir to obtain a
miscible drive if gas is injected into the reservoir. A miscible drive means that the reservoir fluid and the gas form
Select the reservoir fluid composition in the fluid database before opening the MMP menu. Both gas condensate and
oil mixtures accepted. Use <Injection Gas> to select the gas. The field next to the Injection Gas button will show the
text used to identify the injection gas. Input the temperature and click <OK>. If an experimental MMP has been
entered, the temperature of the experiment is shown.
All injection gas components must be found in the reservoir fluid. This is most easily accomplished by
characterizing the oil and the injection gas to the same pseudo-components. If a gas component is encountered that is
not found in the reservoir fluid, a message will appear with information about the first component in the injection gas
not being matched in the reservoir fluid.
To see the P-x plot (saturation pressure versus mole fraction of injection gas), click <P-x Plot> on the output sheet.
Clicking <Add Info> will display the length of the key tie lines at the MMP and the key tie-line compositions at the
MMP. The key tie-line of a length closest to zero determines the MMP.
The MMP option does not accept water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Slim Tube in the Reservoir section.
The slim tube option simulates how much oil is recovered at various pressures from a slim tube filled with oil and
exposed to gas injection.
The slim tube is simulated as a number of cells initially filled with reservoir fluid. Gas is injected into cell # 1. The
excess volume is transferred to cell # 2, and so on. Per default the volume of injected gas is 1.2 times the total cell
volume (Pore Volume).
Select the reservoir fluid prior to opening the Slim Tube menu. In the Slim Tube menu select the injection gas with
<Injection Gas>. The field next to the button for selecting the injection gas will show the text used to identify the
injection gas.
The Pressure stages (max 8) for which slim tube simulations are to be carried out must be given in increasing order.
The temperature is the same for all pressure stages.
The Injected Pore Volume of gas at cell conditions is by default 1.2 times the slim tube volume consistent with the
standard slim tube experiment, but any pore volume between 0.5 and 3.0 is accepted.
Output Frequency specifies the number of time steps between written output. Output is always shown after the first
and the last time step. If the Output Frequency is 50 and total the number of time steps 200, output will be written
out after time steps number 1, 51, 101, 151 and 200. If the extent of output is found to exceed the limits of the output
sheet, the highest amount of output (lowest frequency) will be displayed.
Moving Excess
The excess cell volume is moved from one cell to the next one. If the oil volume is lower than the original
cell volume, only gas is moved. If the oil volume is higher than the original cell volume, all gas and the
excess oil volume is moved.
Phase mobility
The excess cell volume is moved from one cell to the next one. Gas and oil are moved according to the
relative phase mobilities. The phase mobility is defined as (oil krg)/( (gas kro) where oil is the oil
viscosity, gas the gas viscosity, krg the relative permeability of gas, and kro the relative permeability of oil.
The simulation results may be misleading if the liquid phase somewhere in the simulation splits into two phases.
Checking the field Check for liquid-liquid split will check for possible liquid-liquid splits and combine 2 liquid
phases into one.
When the simulation is completed a plot will be shown of Recovery % versus pressure if more than 2 pressure stages
are specified. The bend on the curve (or 90 % Recovery) can be interpreted as the MMP. It is approximately 350
bara for the below system.
% Recovery
Thermodynamic slim tube MMP
Oil saturation (oil volume %) in each cell
Oil and gas viscosity in each cell
Oil and gas density in each cell
<Outlet Fluid>
to see composition of produced fluid at a given time.
<Cumu Outlet>
to see cumulative composition of produced fluid after a given time.
<Prod Oil>
to see composition of liquid after produced fluid has been flashed to standard conditions.
<K-Fac Comp>
to see K-factors of each component in cells with both gas and oil present.
to see total, gas, and oil cell compositions.
to plot either
o Cell
o Oil Sat
o Vis Oil
o Vis Gas
o Rho Oil (oil density)
o Rho Gas (gas density)
versus either
o Cell (x-coordinate)
o Time (number of time steps)
Standard conditions are by default 1.01325 bara and 15°C (14.696 psia and 59°F), but can be modified by the user in
Options -> Unit System & Settings.
If an MMP simulation shows that the drive is 20-80% vaporizing (i.e. determined by combined
vaporizing/condensing mechanisms), more cells and time steps are required to simulate the right MMP using the
slim tube simulation and it is recommended to increase the number of cells and the number of time steps to 2000
Depth Gradient
The Depth Gradient option calculates the variations in composition and saturation point of a reservoir fluid as a
function of reservoir depth. The input consists of
As the depth at the top and bottom of the fluid column together with the number of steps (max. 30). The
program divides the fluid column into the specified number of evenly spaced intervals.
By clicking <Alternative Depths> and specifying each depth value.
The output will further comprise the reference depth and the depth of any gas/oil contact.
The GOR shown in the output is from a single stage flash to standard conditions. The STO Dens is the density of the
oil from this flash.
The phase compositions at the various depths can be saved in the database for later use in other simulations. Use the
Save Phase button to activate the dialog for saving.
For reservoirs with a vertical temperature gradient it is possible to make regression to experimental compositions
sampled at various depths.
In the Simulations Explorer press Simulations and select Depth Regression in the Reservoir section.
Tuning parameters are the reference state (273.15 K) ideal gas enthalpy.
The sampled compositions to be regressed to must be input into the fluid database before opening the Depth
Regression menu. They must all be of the same type( Characterized or Plus). Characterized fluids should all have
the same pseudo-components. Lumping Options may be specified for Plus fraction fluids
One of the samples is to be chosen as Reference Sample. The pressure, depth and temperature where this sample is
taken are to be input. In addition a vertical temperature gradient is to be input.
The fluids to be regressed to are selected in the database. The sampling depth must be input for each fluid. One of
the depths must be the reference depth. Click on <Lumping> to specify a non-default lumping.
Click <OK> to start the regression. The output from the regression consists of the experimental, calculated and tuned
compositions in each sampling depth. The calculated compositions are for the ideal gas reference enthalpies of the
selected fluids. The tuned compositions are with the optimum ideal gas reference enthalpies found by regression.
The tuned fluids are stored in the database as the last entries.
The Interfaces panel provides options for generating input data to the following external programs:
The generated input table(s) are displayed on the screen. Normally there is no need be edit the tables as they have a
fixed format as required by the respective program. The tables for OLGA, OLGA Compositional Tracking and
WePS are saved automatically. Click File -> Save As to save input files for other programs.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select VIP Black Oil in the Reservoir section.
The VIP Black Oil interface generates black oil PVT data for the reservoir simulation program VIP black oil from
the following input
Reservoir fluid
Oil or gas.
Reservoir temperature.
Pressure steps
Pressure steps of the PVT experiment to be simulated. The output will not cover pressures above the normal
saturation point.
PVT experiment to be simulated. Differential Depletion can only be selected for oils.
Default is single stage flash to standard conditions. Optionally one of the following separations may be specified
o Separator
Undersat properties
o P increment
Incremental pressure for evaluation of undersaturated properties.
o No of P increm
Fixed to 1.
Standard conditions are in this interface always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the
standard conditions entered in the Unit System menu.
The output table may be presented in either Metric or Field units. The default output unit reflects the currently
selected unit system.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select VIP-COMP in the Reservoir section.
The input required and the output table depend on the choice in the frame Include depths
Only the reservoir temperature is required. The compositions reported are the feed and the composition in
equilibrium with the feed at the saturation pressure at the reservoir temperature. The keywords OILMF and
GASMF are used. If no saturation pressure is found at the entered temperature xxx’s are written out for the
equilibrium compositions.
The LBC entry must be moved to before ENDEOS if the file is manually extended with the SEPARATOR entry.
The output unit may be either Metric or Field. The default output unit reflects the currently selected unit system.
For a Peneloux(T) equation of state the meaning of the shift parameter, VSHFT, is Cpen(Reservoir Temperature)/b,
where b is the b-parameter in the equation of state. For an equation state with constant (or zero) volume correction
VSHFT equals Cpen(288.15 K)/b.
The interaction coefficients written to the interface file are for the entered reservoir temperature (relevant in case of
T-dependent interaction parameters).
This option does not accept any of the components water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
Generates input tables with black oil PVT data for the black oil option of the reservoir simulation program MORE.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select MORE Black Oil in the Reservoir section.
Reservoir fluid
Oil or gas.
Reservoir temperature.
Pressure steps of the PVT experiment to be simulated. The output will by default not cover pressures above the
normal saturation point. Pressures above the normal saturation point may be included by applying Sat P
adjustment, Constant comp extrapol or both.
PVT experiment to be simulated. Differential Depletion can only be selected for oils.
Default is single stage flash to standard conditions. Optionally one of the following separations may be specified
o K-factors
Separation determined by K-factors (ratio of gas and liquid component mole fractions). This
option is useful if K-factors are available from a process simulation of the topside separation plant.
Allowed range for K-factors is between 0 – 10,000,000.
o Split-factors
Separation determined by split-factors (fraction of each component contained in the gas phase).
The Split factor is 0.0 for a component, which is present in the liquid phase but not in the gas
phase, and it is 1.0 for a component present in the gas phase but not in the liquid phase.
o No of additions
Number of subsequent additions of either gas or condensate. The number of Pressure Steps plus
the number of additions must not exceed 39.
For a gas condensate the equilibrium liquid phase at the ordinary saturation point will be added. For an oil an
injection gas may be specified. It will be used if the field Add inj gas is checked. Otherwise the equilibrium gas
phase at the ordinary saturation point will be added. The Add inj field not accessible unless Sat P adjustment has
been filled in.
Standard conditions are in this interface always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the
standard conditions entered in the Unit System menu.
The output table may be presented in either Metric or Field units. The default output unit reflects the currently
selected unit system.
Generates an EOS (Equation of State) table with input data for the compositional reservoir simulator MORE.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select MORE EOS in the Reservoir section.
No input required. The reservoir temperature must be filled in manually in the generated output table.
The output unit may be either Metric or Field. The output unit reflects the currently selected unit system.
This option does not accept any of the components water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
The interaction coefficients written to the interface file are for the 15 C/60 F.
Generates input tables with black oil PVT data for the reservoir simulation program Eclipse Black Oil (Eclipse 100).
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Eclipse Black Oil in the Reservoir section.
The input is
Reservoir fluid
Oil or gas.
Reservoir temperature.
PVT experiment to be simulated. Differential Depletion can only be selected for oils.
Default is single stage flash to standard conditions. Optionally one of the following separations may be specified
o Separator
Up to 6 separator stages. Stage to 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F is automatically
added. The separator conditions will be contained in the output file.
o K-factors
Separation determined by K-factors (ratio of gas and liquid component mole fractions). This
option is useful if K-factors are available from a process simulation of the topside separation plant.
Allowed range for K-factors is between 0 – 10,000,000.
o Split-factors
Separation determined by split-factors (fraction of each component contained in the gas phase).
The Split-factor is 0.0 for a component only present in the liquid phase and 1.0 for a component
only present in the gas phase.
When Separator is selected the separation takes place as outlined in the figure below. The gas and liquid phases
in the PVT cells are separated individually. The combined gas phase from each separator stage is flashed to
standard conditions and the liquid from his flash added to the liquid from the last separator stage.
o P increment
Incremental pressure for evaluation of undersaturated properties.
o No of P increm
Must be specified if P increment field is filled in.
o No of additions
Number of subsequent additions of either gas or condensate. The number of Pressure Steps plus
the No of additions must not exceed 39.
For a gas condensate the fluid to be added will be the equilibrium liquid at the ordinary saturation point. For an
oil an injection gas may be specified. It will be used if the field Add inj gas is checked. Otherwise the gas added
will be the equilibrium gas phase at the ordinary saturation point. The Add inj gas field not accessible unless Sat
P adjustment has been filled in.
Steps to Rv = 0 (optional)
This option allows gas phase properties to be written out for varying liquid contents (condensate/gas ratios),
ending with the dry gas (Rv = 0). Max 5 Rv steps can be entered.
If the field Use input Pressure Steps is checked in the Undersat properties frame, this option will be disabled
and the Rv values will be those for the actual pressure stage plus those for the higher pressure stages.
As can be seen from the below table a comment line at the end of the generated interface file tells whether this field
has been checked and whether non-monotonic properties have been found.
If neither Const Comp extrapol nor Sat P adjustment are chosen, the highest pressure in the Eclipse Black Oil table
(not considering undersaturated properties ) will be the saturation pressure of the fluid input.
PVTO/PVTG (default)
Only for oil mixtures.
Only PVGD table written out for dry gases.
The gas and liquid densities at standard conditions contained in the output are for the reservoir fluid flashed to
standard conditions in one stage.
By checking the field Include Rs/Rv versus depth and entering depth information, a table will be written out with
solution gas oil ratio (Rs) with depth for oils and oil/gas ratio (Rv) for gas condensates. The input information
needed is the same as for the Depth Gradient option accessed from the PVT Simulation menu. The separation
process assumed when calculating the gas oil ratio is the same as in the calculation of the black oil table, i.e. either
Separator, K-factors of Split-factors.
Standard conditions are always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the standard conditions
entered in the Unit System menu.
Users of the Shell MoReS reservoir simulator may check the field Include lines for Mores. That will add the
following section to the interface file explaining how MoReS will recognize a PVT input file in Eclipse Black Oil
-- Add the following block of 3 lines to the PVT section of the MoReS deck.
-- Remove leading "-- " after the addition.
-- The lines assume that this file is saved with the name "pvt.dat".
-- !MoReS deck
-- PVTMODEL pvt1
-- pvt1 ECL_FILE "pvt.dat"
The Eclipse Black Oil interface option does not accept water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
If no reservoir fluid composition exists, Eclipse Black Oil input tables may be instead be generated using
Eclipse Gi
Generates input tables for the Eclipse Gi (Eclipse 200) pseudo-compositional reservoir simulator.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Eclipse Gi in the Reservoir section.
The input is generated by a cell-to-cell simulation. Gas is injected into cell no. 1. The equilibrium gas from this cell
is transferred to cell no. 2 and so on. Input consists of
Reservoir fluid
Oil or gas
Reservoir temperature
Pressure stages. No output above (adjusted) saturation point.
Up to 6 separators in series. Stage to 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F is automatically added. No
separator input will give single stage separation at standard conditions.
Injection gas
The gas to be injected into the cells. Same gas used for Sat P adjustment.
Cumulative amounts of dry injection gas. First value must be 0.
o Rel values
Output will comprise oil/gas ratio (Rv), gas/oil ratio (Rs), gas formation volume factor (Bg) and oil
formation factor (Bo) relative to reservoir fluid.
o Abs values
Output will comprise absolute values of Rv, Rs, Bg and Bo.
The output unit may be either Metric or Field. The default output unit reflects the currently selected unit
Standard conditions are always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the standard conditions
entered in the Unit System menu.
Eclipse Comp
Generates tables with input data to the compositional reservoir simulator Eclipse Comp (ECL300).
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Eclipse Comp in the Reservoir section.
The input required and the table generated depend on the choice of <Include depths>:
Only the reservoir temperature is required. The keyword ZI is used.
All input fields must be filled out. Composition and saturation pressure at each depth are contained in the output
table. The keyword COMPVD is used. Input is as in Depth Gradient option except that temperature variation
with depth cannot be input.
The binary interaction parameters written out for the keyword BIC are at reservoir temperature. Those written out for
the keyword BICS are at standard temperature (15 C/60 F). Unless T dependent kij’s have been selected, the two
sets of binary interaction parameters are identical.
For a Peneloux(T) equation of state the meaning of the shift parameters in the interface file are
SSHIFT = Cpen(Reservoir Temperature)/b
SSHIFTS = Cpen(288.15 K)/b
where b is the b-parameter in the equation of state.
For an equation state with constant (or zero) volume correction only SSHIFT is written out and it is equal to
Cpen(288.15 K)/b.
If the CSP viscosity model is selected, the output table contains the keyword PEDERSEN. The PEDERSEN model
in Eclipse Comp and the CSP model in PVTsim are however not fully consistent.
Users of the Shell MoReS reservoir simulator may check the field Include lines for Mores. That will add the
following section to the interface file explaining how MoReS will recognize a PVT input file in Eclipse Comp
-- Add the following block of 6 lines to the PVT section of the MoReS deck.
-- Remove leading "-- " after the addition.
-- The lines assume that this file is saved with the name "pvt.dat".
-- !Read components from E300 files (no aliasing)
-- CNAMES ECL_FILE "pvt.dat"
-- ECLMODEL ecl1
-- ecl1 ECL_FILE "pvt.dat"
-- PVTMODEL pvt2
-- pvt2 ECLIPSE_EOS:ecl1
If the CSP viscosity model is selected and the field Include lines for Mores checked, the interface file will end with a
line with 4 parameters in the CSP viscosity model. All 4 parameters are 1.0 by default.
This option does not accept any of the components water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Eclipse Comp Import in the Reservoir section. Browse for a
file containing Eclipse Compositional keywords. If the import succeeds, one or more fluids are added to the PVTsim
If multiple compositions are found in the file (COMPVD keyword found), each composition is added as a separate
fluid with the same base fluid information. If more than 100 fluid compositions are found, the user is alerted and can
choose to have the fluids added or abandon the import.
The imported fluids are assigned identifying text backed out of the information in the file. The identifying text can
be changed afterwards by editing the fluid(s).
Required keywords:
EOS – SRK and PR are supported. PRCORR switching from PR76 to PR78 is optional.
RTEMP or TEMPVD – Required if SSHIFTS or BICS found. If TEMPVD is found, the first temperature value
is used as reservoir temperature.
Optional keywords:
METRIC (default), FIELD, LAB or PVT-M – defines the unit system used in the file
PRCORR – See EOS under required keywords.
STCOND – Default is 288.15 K and 1 atm.
The ranking of critical volume related keywords is VCRITVIS, ZCRITVIS, VCRIT, ZCRIT with the highest ranking
keyword listed first, i.e. the values with the highest ranking keyword will be used to set critical volume.
Components are not recognized explicitly as pure components known by PVTsim even if there is a match in names.
Components with a molecular weight higher than 90 g/mol are labeled “Pseudo-component”. Other components are
labeled “Lump”. Before adding the fluid(s), a procedure attempts to fill in component properties and binary
interaction parameter information used by PVTsim but not imported from the file. This procedure corresponds to the
Complete procedure available for a characterized fluid, extended to handle low molecular weight components.
If the keyword SSHIFTS is found and any SSHIFTS is different from the corresponding SSHIFT, the equation of
state is changed to be with temperature dependent Peneloux volume correction, and the temperature dependent term
is calculated explicitly using the reservoir temperature and the standard conditions temperature with 298.15 K as the
reference temperature.
By default kij A’s are assigned the value of the corresponding kij’s, and kij B’s and kij C’s are assigned values of 0.
If both the keywords BICS and BIC are found, kij A’s and kij C’s are recalculated according to the T-dep mixing
rule using the reservoir temperature and the standard conditions temperature with 298.15 K as the reference
temperature. Kij B’s remain 0. The mixing rule remains set to Classic for all component pairs irrespective of
recalculation of kij A’s and kij C’s.
Parameters for the HV mixing rule are recalculated from the classic mixing rule kij’s assuming alfa = 0 using a
temperature of 323.15 K. The mixing rule remains set to Classic for all component pairs irrespective of recalculation
of parameters for the HV mixing rule.
The general Eclipse Black Oil interface in PVTsim is dependent on a reservoir fluid composition. Alternatively
Eclipse Black Oil tables may be generated using correlations that do not require a fluid composition.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Eclipse Black Oil Corr in the Reservoir section.
The input is
Reservoir temperature.
Gas gravity
Gas specific gravity.
Pressure steps to be simulated. The output will not contain pressures above the bubble point pressure.
The menu presents a variety of correlations for calculating
o Sat P
Bubble point pressure.
o Rs at sat P
Solution gas/oil ratio at saturated conditions.
o Oil FVF
Oil formation volume factor.
o Gas visc
Gas viscosity.
o Gas FVF
Choice of Z factor correlation used to calculate gas formation volume factor.
The Rv-values written out from the interface will all be zero, as the correlations do not permit realistic Rv-values to
be calculated.
Standard conditions are always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the standard conditions
entered in the Unit System menu.
-- Add the following block of 3 lines to the PVT section of the MoReS deck.
-- Remove leading "-- " after the addition.
-- The lines assume that this file is saved with the name "pvt.dat".
-- !MoReS deck
-- PVTMODEL pvt1
-- pvt1 ECL_FILE "pvt.dat"
Generates tables with input data for the reservoir simulation program STARS.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select STARS in the Reservoir section.
Required input is
Lower and upper pressure and temperature together with the number of steps for generating K-factor keywords.
The program will then divide the entered ranges into the specified number of evenly spaced intervals.
A Quick Guide on how to use this interface is found at the end of this section.
The OLGA Compositional Tracking module in OLGA is a fully compositional dynamic flow simulator using flash
and property code consistent with PVTsim. Part of the input to the Compositional Tracking module is a composition
input file generated with PVTsim. The Compositional Tracking input file may hold information about one or several
fluid compositions. To keep the total number of components at a minimum, all fluid compositions are represented
using the same components.
After clicking <OK>, a message box will appear telling how many components are contained in the generated input
file. Being a compositional model, the computation time in compositional OLGA is sensitive to the selected number
of components and lumping is highly recommended. The Unit System & Setttings menu has an option for modifying
the number of C7+ pseudo-components from the default number of 12 to a user selected number. To choose a
different lumping for a single fluid, the lumping must take place before opening the Compositional Tracking input
menu. The maximum allowed number of components in OLGA Compositional Tracking is 30.
Selecting fluids
If the OLGA Compositional Tracking simulator is to be used on 2 or more streams, uncheck the field Use Current
Fluid. Click <Select Fluids> and select the fluid compositions to be used in the Compositional Tracking simulation.
If the compositions are not already present in the database, leave the Compositional Tracking menu and enter the
compositions into the database.
The compositions selected from the Compositional Tracking menu can either be Plus/No-Plus type of fluids or
characterized (Char) fluids. If the Fluid type is selected to Plus, only Plus and No-Plus types of fluids in the database
are displayed. To specify a non-default lumping, click <Lumping>. All selected fluids will be lumped in the same
manner and to the same pseudo-components. Checking the field Save Char Fluids will store the characterized fluids
in the database as the last entries.
Specified Lumping is not preserved from one selection of fluids to the next one.
If the compositions to be selected for the Compositional Tracking simulation are stored in the database in
characterized form, it is a requirement that they have all been characterized to Same Pseudo-components and have
the same viscosity correction factors. In the Compositional Tracking menu, set the Fluid Type to Char. When
clicking <Select Fluids>, only characterized fluids will be shown.
Any tuning to PVT data or viscosity data must be done before the fluids are used to make the Compositional
Tracking file. This is done using the normal regression facilities in PVTsim, the result of which is characterized
fluids. These characterized fluids are then subsequently selected from the Compositional Tracking menu. If multiple
fluids are used these fluids must have the same component list, component parameters and viscosity correction
factors. To ensure this all fluids to be contained in the Compositional Tracking file must therefore be specified in the
preceeding regressions also fluids not carrying any data relevant for the regressions.
The importance assigned to the individual compositions can be specified in the Weight field. The Weight Unit can be
Molar or Mass.
The maximum number of fluids in an OLGA Compositional Tracking input file is 10.
The viscosity model to be used in OLGA Compositional Tracking is the one selected in PVTsim when generating
the fluid composition input files in the interface menu. The recommendation is to use the LBC model as it is less
computer intensive than the CSP model. The LBC model will in general require viscosity tuning to either match
experimental data or CSP viscosity simulation results.
New versions of OLGA Compositional Tracking and PVTsim are not released at exactly the same time. For that
reason models may be available in PVTsim before they become available in OLGA Compositional Tracking. The
user is made aware of possible inconsistencies through warnings.
Make sure an equation of state with Peneloux volume correction is selected. This is important to get accurate
liquid densities.
Select the LBC Visc/Thermal cond model. In OLGA Compositional Traking the LBC model is preferable over
the CSP model as it executes faster.
Input fluid composition into PVTsim.
Decide on number of C7+ pseudo-components (fractions) to use. Click on <Lumping> in the Enter New Fluid
menu and select the number of C7+ fractions. 4 C7+ fractions may be a reasonable compromise between
simulation accuracy and computational speed.
If an experimental saturation point has been measured for the fluid, check Adjust to Sat point in the Enter New
Fluid menu and input the saturation point.
Tune to experimental liquid viscosity data if such data exists. Use Viscosity Tuning option.
If no experimental viscosity data exists, go to Viscosity Tuning option. Click on Insert PT-grid (only visible if
LBC model selected). Input a pressure and temperature range representative for the OLGA simulation to be
conducted and number of P and T steps. The total number of PT steps must not exceed 40. Click <OK> and
then on <Complete using CSP>. This will tune up the LBC model to match (the generally more accurate) CSP
model viscosities as well as possible.
Double click on Compositional Tracking in the Interface section of the input panel.
Click on <Output File> and specify the name of the file to be used as input to OLGA Compositional Tracking.
Click on <OK> to have the interface file generated.
OLGA Compositional Tracking is designed for studies of compositional effects. Such effects do not occur for pure
component systems and OLGA Compositional Tracking is therefore not a recommended tool for pure components.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select OLGA in the Flow section.
A fast track manual for generating OLGA tables is available in the section Getting Done with OLGA Input.
The name of the output file (*.TAB) with the OLGA table is specified by clicking the< Output File> button. The
table format can be either or Key (keyword based) or Fixed (fixed format). Key is default. The Fluid Label field must
be filled out with some text if Key format is selected.
The key format writes out some properties not written out by the Fixed format
GOR = (Volume of gas at standard conditions)/(Volume of oil at standard conditions)
GLR = (Volume of gas at standard conditions)/(Volume of oil plus volume of water at standard conditions)
STDGASDENSITY = Gas density at standard conditions
STDOILDENSITY = Oil density at standard conditions
STDWATERDENSITY = Water density at standard conditions
STDLIQDENSITY = Average oil and water density at standard conditions
(only written out for 2-phase tables and only for fluids containing water)
CRITICALPRESSURE = Critical pressure of water free composition
CRITICALTEMPERATURE = Critical temperature of water free composition.
Note: STDLIQDENSITY can be read by OLGA 6.2 or 5.3.4 and newer. If runing an older version of OLGA, this
line must be removed from the table.
As a lowest and highest pressure and temperature together with the number of temperature and pressure points
(min. 2 and max. 50). The program will divide the supplied ranges into the specified number of evenly spaced
As a lowest and highest pressure and temperature using an active IntelliGrid, where the number of T and P
points is 50. The IntelliGrid option locates the maximum pressure and temperature of the phase envelope and
compares these values with the specified lowest and highest pressure and temperature. If either or both phase
envelope maxima are located within the specified pressure and temperature boundaries, the IntelliGrid will
distribute the 50 interpolation points according to the user specified Grid Factor, which expresses the ratio of
interpolation points inside and outside the phase envelope. The value of the Grid Factor may vary between 1 and
10, which results in the following distribution
If the phase envelope maxima are located outside the specified boundaries, the interpolation points will be
distributed equidistantly, irrespective of the active IntelliGrid.
It is ensured that standard temperature and standard pressure are included in the table if not already present, provided
standard temperature or standard pressure are within the PT-grid boundaries. This means that standard temperature is
included if standard temperature is within the temperature part of the PT-grid boundaries, and that standard pressure
is included if standard pressure is within the pressure part of the PT-grid boundaries.
The standard conditions used in the table are equal to those used in OLGA irrespective of the application wide
standard conditions set in PVTsim. If standard temperature and standard pressure are inserted, the table is always
returned as non-equidistant. Standard temperature and standard pressure will be inserted if they are not explicitly
contained in the pressure-temperature specification entered by the user. If a 50x50 table is specified by the user and
standard temperature or standard pressure need to be inserted, the table dimensions are reduced by 1 in the
temperature direction, the pressure direction or both directions before calculating the location of the remaining
temperature and pressure points.
If the fluid selected already contains water, the Water specification fields will be disabled. Otherwise the amount of
water phase may be entered as either
%Water cut
Water volume% of the total liquid at standard conditions. If the water contains salts, the entered salt
concentrations are in the water phase at standard conditions. Water cut does not cover inhibitor components.
Hydrate inhibitors may optionally be specified. If the selected fluid contains inhibitors, the Inhibitor specification
fields are disabled. The inhibitor amount may otherwise be specified as
The total composition possibly containing water and hydrate inhibitors specified in the OLGA interface menu may
be saved in the database as the last fluid composition by checking the field Save Fluid.
An OLGA two-phase table comprises gas and liquid properties. If both an oil and a water phase are present, the
liquid properties are average properties of oil and water. As a general guideline the average properties are found as
mass based averages. Exceptions are viscosity, thermal conductivity and gas-liquid interfacial tension that are found
as volumetric averages.
If water is present, it is possible to account for emulsion viscosities in an OLGA two-phase table by checking the
field Emulsion. Available models are the Rønningsen model (default) and the Pal and Rhodes model. To use the
latter model, an experimental viscosity data point consisting of a water volume fraction (Wat vol frc) must be
specified. The relative viscosity is defined as the viscosity of the emulsion divided by the viscosity of the water free
The field Inv point may be filled out with the volume fraction of water for which the emulsion changes from a water
in oil to an oil in water emulsion.
If a gas or liquid phase does not exist at given conditions, artificial properties are generated by extrapolation if
possible. The Extrapolation Method can be
Derivatives (default)
Properties of missing phases are found by extrapolation using the value of the property and the pressure
derivative of the property at the phase boundary.
Properties of missing phases are generated by enlarging the phase envelope until it accommodates the conditions
at which the properties are requested. Equilibrium gas or liquid at the phase boundary is added to the feed
composition. For pure components or fluids with a narrow phase envelope this is often not possible, and the
properties of the actually existing phase are written. This gives discontinuous property values with P and T,
which up-sets Olga’s convergence.
In general it is recommended to use the Derivatives method, and the Compositional method is only to be used in
cases where the Derivatives method fails to give a usable Olga table.
The properties of a possible water phase may either be calculated using the selected EOS or using a Water Package.
The Water Package is the more accurate for pure water while it is inappropriate for mixtures containing a hydrate
inhibitor as for example methanol or glycol. Water densities and viscosities will be corrected for a possible salt
content no matter whether the EOS or the Water Package is selected. The thermal conductivity of an aqueous phase
is always calculated using the water property package. Independent of composition the thermal conductivity of an
aqueous phase will therefore be output as that of pure water.
In case it is not possible to calculate the value of a property an error value is written to the output table and the user
is notified. Error values are always bolded in the output table.
To generate an OLGA file with fluid data for more than one composition (OLGA Net file), click Fluid 2, Fluid 3,
etc. Each fluid is selected using <Select composition>. By default the fluid selected for the first tab is the current
fluid, i.e. the one last selected using Fluid->Database. If only this tab is filled in, the property table will be for this
composition only. The Fluid label field must be filled for each fluid, if the OLGA file is for more than one
A log-file is written containing all the input provided. The name of this file is the same as the name of the output file,
except it has the extension *.TAL. The file provides adequate information to repeat the generation of the table in the
corresponding file with the extension *.TAB.
The OLGA interface option accepts all components. PVTsim should not be used to generate OLGA tables for fluids
consisting of only a pure component. This is because the vapor phase fraction cannot be determined from pressure
and temperature when crossing or following the vapor pressure curve. For running OLGA with pure component
fluids please contact SPT Group.
OLGA also exists in a compositional version, for which interface files may also be generated using PVTsim.
The transient multi phase flow program OLGA has an option for simulating the amount of wax deposited at the inner
side of a pipe wall. To consider wax deposition in an OLGA simulation, an input table is required with various wax
related parameters at different temperatures and pressures. This table may be generated using the OLGA Wax
interface option of PVTsim.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select OLGA Wax in the Flow section.
The pressure and temperature steps can be entered in two alternative ways:
As a lowest and highest pressure and temperature together with the number of steps (max. 30). The program will
then divide the supplied ranges into the specified number of evenly spaced intervals.
The OLGA Wax simulation relies on the tabulated wax appearance temperatures (WAT’s). If an experimental WAT
is available it is therefore to be recommended to tune the wax model against this data point. This is done using the
Wax simulation option of PVTsim.
The OLGA Wax interface option does not accept water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
Generates tables with input data for the Pipesim flow simulator.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Pipesim in the Flow section.
The pressure and temperature steps can be entered in two alternative ways
As a lowest and highest pressure and temperature together with the number of steps (max. 20). The program will
then divide the entered ranges into the specified number of evenly spaced intervals.
To be accepted by Pipesim the generated PVT files should have the ending .PVT.
No matter what P,T input is given, the output file will contain a P,T data point of 1.01353 bara/14.7 psia and 288.71
C/60 F.
Fluid compositions with either water, hydrate inhibitors or salt can be handled. Water, salts and inhibitors may be
present in the fluid composition input, or these components may be input locally.
If the fluid selected already contains water, the Water specification fields will be disabled. Otherwise the amount of
water phase may be entered as either
%Water cut
Water volume% of the total liquid at standard conditions. If the water contains salts, the entered salt
concentrations are in the water phase at standard conditions. Water cut does not include inhibitor components.
Hydrate inhibitors may optionally be specified. If the selected fluid contains inhibitors, the Inhibitor specification
fields are disabled. The inhibitor amount may otherwise be specified as
The total composition possibly containing water and hydrate inhibitors specified in the Pipesim interface menu may
be saved in the database as the last fluid composition by checking the field Save Fluid.
If water is present, it is possible to account for emulsion viscosities by checking the field Emulsion. Available
models are the Rønningsen model (default) and the Pal and Rhodes model. To use the latter model, an experimental
viscosity data point consisting of a water volume fraction (Wat vol frc) must be specified. The relative viscosity is
defined as the viscosity of the emulsion divided by the viscosity of the water free oil.
The thermal conductivity of an aqueous phase is always calculated using a (pure) water property package.
Independent of composition the thermal conductivity of an aqueous phase will therefore be output as that of pure
The field Inv point may be filled out with the volume fraction of water for which the emulsion changes from a water
in oil to an oil in water emulsion.
The output unit may be either Metric or Field. The output unit reflects the currently selected unit system.
Generates tables with data enabling flow rates of gas, oil and water measured at Multi Phase Meter conditions to be
converted to flow rates at standard or other reference conditions.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Multi Phase Meter in the Flow section.
Density table
Densities of oil, gas and water at meter conditions and at reference (std) conditions. Two series of densities
at reference conditions are output. One is the density obtained by a flash to reference conditions of the
appropriate phase (oil, gas and water) at meter conditions. The other one is obtained by a flash of the total
mixture present directly to reference conditions.
The pressure and temperature steps can be entered in two alternative ways
As a lowest and highest pressure and temperature together with the number of steps (max. 20). The program will
then divide the entered ranges into the specified number of evenly spaced intervals.
The reference conditions must be specified. These are the conditions at which the flow rates are to be reported. By
default the reference conditions are the selected standard conditions.
Water, salt and hydrate inhibitors can be handled if the license gives access to the Multiflash option. Otherwise water
will be treated as an inert phase. If aqueous compounds are specified and the license does not give access to the
Multiflash options, an error message will appear when trying to open the Multi Phase Meter window.
If the fluid selected already contains water, the Water specification fields will be disabled. That is also the case if the
license does not give access to the Multiflash option. Otherwise the amount of water phase may be entered as either:
%Water cut
Water volume% of the total liquid at standard conditions. If the water contains salts, the entered salt
concentrations are in the water phase at standard conditions. Water cut is exclusive inhibitor components.
The spec water is input water, not water phase present at equilibrium.
The total composition possibly containing water and hydrate inhibitors specified in the Multi Phase Meter menu may
be saved in the database as the last fluid composition by checking the field Save Fluid.
The interface uses the classical black oil nomenclature. MC stands for Meter Conditions and RC stands Reference
Bo : Oil volume factor Bo RC
Rs : Gas in oil solubility factor RS
Bg : Gas volume factor Bg
Rv : Oil in gas solubility factor RV
Bw : Water volume factor Bw RC
The volumes used in these definitions are calculated internally in PVTsim based on the fluid composition and the
specified temperatures and pressures.
The meter software can make use of these coefficients in the following way to convert volumetric flow rates from
MC to RC
Gas volume flow rate at RC: VGRC O
V * RV
Oil volume flow rate at RC: VORC O G
Bo Bg
Water volume flow rate at RC: VW
It is possible to specify a surface separator train with max. 6 stages. Especially for highly volatile fluids such as
condensates, volume factors are highly dependent on the separation process. Liquid out of the first separator is fed to
the next separator in the train, whereas gas streams are combined. The combined gas is flashed to reference
conditions and the liquid from this flash added to the liquid stream from the last separator. This is the same separator
set-up as is used in the Eclipse Black Oil interface.
As an alternative to specifying the separator train, it is possible to specify a set of overall K-factors (ratio of gas and
liquid component mole fractions) or Split factors (fraction of each component contained in the gas phase) for the
separator train. A set of overall K-factors could for instance be available from a rigorous process simulation of the
topside process. This option is not available for systems containing aqueous components.
The output unit may be either Metric or Field. The default output unit reflects the currently selected unit system.
Generates tables with input data for the PipePhase flow simulator.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select PipePhase in the Flow section.
Black oil
A table with black oil properties for the selected fluid is written out and may be used in non-compositional black
oil type of PipePhase simulations. Black oil interface files can only be generated for oil compositions. Required
input is
When the GOR variation option is chosen, the output will contain PVT tables for three different
compositions matching min, original and max. GOR, respectively.
Water hydrate inhibitors and salts are not be accepted in the Black Oil mode.
Standard conditions are in this interface always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15.5556 C/60 F independent of
the standard conditions entered in the Unit System menu.
No input is required.
The Compositional table will always be in Metric units.
Salt components are not be accepted by the Compositional mode.
SRK Peneloux correction factors cannot be transferred to Pipephase. Transfer of Peneloux correction factors
will only take place if a PR modification with Peneloux correction is selected as equation of state.
The maximum allowed number of components in Pipephase Compositional is 49.
The generated file should have the .PVT extension if the table format is Black oil and the .INP extension if the table
format is Compositional in order to be accepted by PipePhase.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select PRO/II in the Process section.
PRO/II does not handle negative values of the binary interaction parameters (KVAL). When a negative value of
KVAL is encountered it is set to 0.0 internally in PRO/II. Particular care should be taken when H2O is included in
the component list, since the binary interaction parameters between H2O and some other components are negative.
The interaction coefficients written to the interface file are for the Standard Conditions Temperature specified in
Unit System & Settings (relevant when T-dependent interaction parameters used)
The PRO/II input table will always be in Metric units. The input file should have the ending .INP to be accepted by
There are two ways to transfer fluid information from PVTsim to Hysys. Either the Hysys interface in PVTsim can
be used or Hysys can be set up to use the GCEOS (generalized cubic EoS) property package enabling component
properties from PVTsim to be transferred manually. The latter method is the more cumbersome, but will produce
Hysys simulation results that are more consistent with PVTsim.
The Hysys interface generates a table with compositional fluid data. Using a help tool (PVTsim file reader) the table
content can be transferred to a Hysys case file.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Hysys in the Process section.
The only input required is a choice between Hysys library values and PVTsim library values. If PVTsim library
values are selected, they are listed in the output. Hysys library values are not listed.
The components H2O, N2, CO2 and H2S are added in zero amount if not present in the fluid.
Hysys recognizes the defined components H2O, N2, CO2, H2S, C1, C2, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5, nC5 and C6. Other defined
components are not recognized. For this reason PVTsim library values must be selected if the PVTsim fluid
composition contains other defined components than H2O, N2, CO2, H2S, C1, C2, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5, nC5 and C6. A
warning will be given if Hysys library values are selected and other defined components contained in the fluid to be
exported to Hysys.
The interaction coefficients written to the Hysys interface file are for the Standard Conditions Temperature specified
in Unit Systems & Settings. This is relevant if T-dependent binary interaction parameters are used.
1. Copy PVTsim file reader.exe from the installation CD to the Hysys folder and start it.
2. Browse for the table file generated with the PVTsim Hysys interface option. It must have the
extension TXT.
3. Browse for a Hysys case file with the extension .HSC. In Treatment of the interaction parameters
Unavailable from Library choose Set All to 0.0. This is to ensure that also binary interaction
coefficients of zero are transferred. Set the options for Simulation Case and press Read File.
4. After a successful transfer of data a message box will appear saying “Data transferred”.
Hysys supports the SRK or PR78 equations of state (EoS) and with one of these equations selected, it is possible to
replicate PVTsim saturation points, phase fractions and phase compositions in Hysys.
To get accurate liquid densities an equation of state with Peneloux volume correction is needed. Hysys does not by
default use an equation of state to calculate liquid densities but uses the Costald (Corresponding States Liquid
Densities) correlation. To have Hysys calculate liquid densities using an equation of state with volume correction the
GCEOS option must be used.
Hydrate inhibitors and salts are not accepted in the Hysys interface option.
The GCEOS fluid package in Hysys is useful when it is essential not only to reproduce PVTsim saturation points,
phase fractions and phase compositions in Hysys, but also liquid densities.
In Hysys
o Choose File->New->Case. This will bring up the Simulation Basis Manager.
o Go to the Components tab.
o Press the Add button. This will bring up the Component List View with the Selected tab as default.
o In the Simulation Basis Manager in Hysys press the Enter Simulation Environment… button.
o Select a Material Stream (large blue arrow) among the unit operations available and place it in the
PFD window by clicking the dark colored area inside the window.
o Double click the unit and choose Composition on the Worksheet tab.
o Click the Edit button and enter the composition in the Input Composition window shown. Then
pres the OK button.
o Choose Conditions on the Worksheet tab and enter values for Temperature and Pressure.
o Expand the width of the window to be able to see both Vapor Phase and Liquid Phase properties.
o Click Conditions, Properties and Compositions on the Worksheet tab to see all properties relevant
for comparison with PVTsim.
o In PVTsim do a PT-flash calculation for the same composition and at same temperature and
pressure as in Hysys. Press the Ext Comp button on the output sheet to have the phase
compositions displayed.
Generates input tables with black oil PVT data for the single well system analysis program Prosper and the mass
balance reservoir simulator MBAL.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Prosper-MBAL in the Other section.
Table type
The output differs between Prosper and MBAL. An output table for may be imported into Prosper from the PVT
menu (PVT -> Input Data-> Tables -> PVTP Import) . In MBAL the tables are imported from the PVT menu
(PVT -> Fluid Properties -> Table -> Import -> File Type *.ptb).
Reservoir fluid
The output tables differ for oil, gas and condensate mixtures.
GOR, Bo, Bg and dRv (Rv for Mbal) in the output table are by default calculated from a single stage flash to
standard conditions. dRv means Rv of gas at the saturation pressure minus Rv at actual pressure. Optionally one
of the following separations may be specified
o Separator
Up to 6 separator stages. A stage to 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F is automatically
added. The separator conditions will be contained in the output file.
o K-factors
Separation determined by K-factors (ratio of gas and liquid component mole fractions). This
option is useful if K-factors are available from a process simulation of the topside separation plant.
Allowed range for K-factors is between 0 – 10,000,000.
o Split-factors
Separation determined by split-factors (fraction of each component contained in the gas phase).
The Split factor is 0.0 for a component, which is present in the liquid phase but not in the gas
phase, and it is 1.0 for a component present in the gas phase but not in the liquid phase.
For all exports from Prosper and MBAL it is default to base the simulation for an oil mixture on a Constant
Mass Expansion experiment.
Pressure Steps
The pressure steps in the PVT-experiment may be entered after clicking <Pressure Steps>. The pressures must
be entered in decreasing order. Max 38 pressure steps can be input. The saturation pressure will automatically be
PVT tables may be written out for up to 9 different temperatures. Enter the minimum and maximum temperature
and the number of temperature values (steps). A temperature of 15.6 C/60 F will be added by default, but can
be skipped by unchecking the field Add step at Tstd.
It is default in the Prosper interface to include standard temperature and a standard pressure stage. If the mixture
critical temperature is between the standard temperature and the max. temperature, an error message will appear
saying that the fluid behaves as an oil at Tmin and as a gas at Tmax. To avoid this message uncheck the field Include
step at Tstd. Gas mixtures and light gas condensates may be single-phase at the standard pressure, which will make
an error message appear saying that one phase is found when 2 phases expected. To avoid this message uncheck the
field Include step at Pstd.
The GOR/CGR, oil density and gas gravity in the top of the table are for the fluid passing the separation specified.
The gas gravity is for the combined flashed off gasses. If no separation is specified, the separation consists of a
single stage flash to standard conditions.
Standard conditions in this interface are always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the
standard conditions entered in the Unit System menu.
Generates component input tables for the EOS (Equation of State) option of Prosper.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Prosper-EOS in the Other section.
No input required.
The interface file contains a Volume Shift Flag defining whether volume shift (Peneloux) parameters are contained
in the file or not. The Volume Shift Flag is zero if an equation of state without Peneloux correction is currently
selected (e.g. PR), for which selection no volume shift parameters are contained in the interface file. The Volume
Shift Flag is one if an equation of state with Peneloux correction is selected (e.g. PR-Peneloux), in which case the
interface file will contain volume shift parameters.
This option does not accept any of the components water, hydrate inhibitors or salts.
The interaction coefficients written to the interface file are for 15 C/59 F.
Generates tables with input data for the well test interpretation program Saphir.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Saphir in the Other section.
Required input is
The pressures are default entered as Min P, Max P, and No of steps. Alternatively each pressure stage may be
entered. Max. 30 pressure stages are allowed.
Separator stages
The Z factors in the output are corrected for the liquid loss in the separation plant. One or two separator stages
can optionally be specified. In addition to the specified stage(s), a flash to standard conditions is automatically
added as a final separator stage. If no stages are specified, a single-stage flash to standard conditions is
The output consists of a table with pressures and corresponding values of viscosity, Z-factor and gas compressibility
Depending on the choice of Output properties, average properties of the fluid (default) or properties of the gas are
Saphir treats the first ten lines of the output table as comment lines. These lines can contain any text.
Standard conditions in this interface are always 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F independent of the
standard conditions entered in the Unit System menu.
Generates tables with input data for the well analysis program WePS.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select WePS in the Other section.
Required input is
The output consists of a table with temperature and pressure, and corresponding values of gas and liquid properties.
Each line starts with the keyword THER and contains information for 1 pressure-temperature point. The values
reported are:
The first 4 lines of the output table are always for the pressure-temperature conditions
The subsequent lines in the output table are for the pressure-temperature conditions specified in the input.
If two phases are present at given pressure and temperature, the surface tension is the interfacial tension between gas
and liquid.
CHN-file format
Generates interface files of the CHN-type for some tailor made Calsep software. This type of files is consistent with
PVTsim version 12 and lower.
In the Simulations Explorer press Interfaces and select Version 12 CHN-file format in the Other section.
CHN-files do not contain parameters in models introduced in PVTsim 13 and later. To make the user aware of
possible inconsistencies with the current version of PVTsim a warning is displayed when models are selected not
supported by the CHN file format.
Numeric output from simulations is displayed on the screen in a Worksheet. Graphical output is displayed as a Chart
that may be edited. Table output from the Interface to external programs is displayed for viewing only.
The worksheet used to display output is an Excel compatible spreadsheet. Column and row headings, grid and edit
bar are displayed from the View menu.
All numeric output in the worksheet can be plotted by the user by selecting ranges and clicking the Plot Toolbar
button, or invoking the Chart Wizard.
No output is automatically saved to disk. It is up to the user to save the output if required.
Output Explorer
Customized Plots
Manipulating Charts
Save, Print, Copy and Paste
Save Phase
Output Explorer
As is seen from the below picture output Sheets that are open are listed under the appropriate Simulation item in the
Spreadsheets section of the Output Explorer panel. By double clicking on a sheet in the Output Explorer, the sheet
will show up on top of the other open sheets. Simulation items with open Output Sheet will show up in red color in
the Output Explorer. The output sheet is a worksheet with some of the functionalities known from Excel.
Clicking on a particular point on a plot series will make the legend for the series show up together with the actual
data point, for example for a phase envelope
By double clicking on a plot in the Output Explorer, the plot will show up on top of the other open plots. Simulation
items with open plots will show up in red color in the Output Explorer.
To merge 2 plots shown in the Output Explorer, click on one of the plots and drag the plot to the other plot. The
merged plot will now be listed in the section for Customized plots in the Output Explorer.
The user may want to merge two plots of which one is hidden in the Output Explorer section. This is often the case
when an already merged plot in the Customized section is to be merged with an automatically generated plot as for
example a phase envelope plot. To merge two plots not visible at the same time, the Output Explorer section of the
panel may be expanded by dragging it upwards. Another option is to place the cursor in the Output Explorer on the
upper plot to be merged and then dragging the plot downwards keeping the cursor at the left hand side of the panel.
This will make the Output Explorer scroll. With the cursor being placed further to the right the panel would not
scroll. Another way to make the Output Explorer panel scroll is to use the mouse track.
Individual series in one plot can be copied to another plot in PVTsim by right clicking on a series and selecting Copy
series. Go to the plot where you want to paste in the series. Right click on this plot and select Paste series.
The worksheet, where numerical output is displayed, is a functional Excel compatible spreadsheet. To display
column and row headings, grid and edit bar click the appropriate menu items from the View menu. To display them
all, click Worksheet on the View menu.
Output is placed on a pre-formatted worksheet. On rare occasions the numeric format may not be suitable. Extremely
large numeric values may exceed both the format and the column width, and will display as ######. Very small
numeric values may be shown as 0. In such cases double click the cell, or activate the Edit Bar from View, Edit Bar
on the menu to see the full unformatted value. Reformat the cell, or column, to a suitable format. It may also be
necessary to increase the column width, Use View, Column Heading on the menu to display the column headings for
the worksheet. Then place the mouse cursor on the line separating the columns, click the left mouse button and drag
the columns apart.
To unformat a complete sheet, select everything, cut with Ctrl+X, unselect and paste with Ctrl+V. To quickly select
all values on a large sheet use View, Worksheet on the menu to display column and row headings, then click the top
square of the row-column heading intersection.
To use formulas
Select a range, and then use the Edit menu. See Save, Print, Copy and Paste.
To Clear or Delete
Select a range, then use Clear or Delete from the Edit menu.
Select a column or a row header, then use Insert from the Edit menu: Inserts a new column to the left,
and a new row above.
To Sort data
Select a range, then use Sort from the Edit menu to display the Sort dialog.
To Print
Formula operators
+ Addition
- Subtraction
/ Division
* Multiplication
% Percentage
^ Exponentiation
& Concatenation of text
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less then or equal to
<> Not equal to
: Range - produces a reference that includes all the cells between the two references (e.g.,
A1:A5 includes cells A1 and A5 and all cells in between).
Worksheet Functions
Function Description
ABS( number ) Absolute value
ACOS( number ) Arccosine
ACOSH( number ) Inverse hyperbolic cosine
ASIN( number ) Arcsine
ASINH( number ) Inverse hyperbolic sine
ATAN( number ) Arctangent
ATANH( number ) Inverse hyperbolic tangent
AVERAGE( number list ) Arithmetic mean of a list of comma separated numbers or range
COS( number ) Cosine
COSH( number ) Hyperbolic cosine
COUNT( value list ) Number of values in the supplied list
COUNTIF ( range, criteria ) Number of cells within a range, which meet the given criteria
COUNTA ( expression list ) Number of nonblank values in the supplied list
DATE ( year, month, day ) The serial number of the supplied date
DAY ( serial number ) The day that corresponds to the date represented by the serial number
Selecting Cells
Many operations in the worksheet require one or more cells to be selected. There are three kinds of selections, a
single cell, a range of cells, and multiple ranges of cells (non-adjacent).
The worksheet cursor is located on the active cell. The active cell is also a selection or part of a selection.
To select a range of cells, click and hold the left mouse button and drag through the range you want to select. When
a range is selected, it becomes highlighted.
To select all rows and columns in the worksheet click the top left header.
Customized Plots
When making use of the PVTsim simulation and Regression options a number of plots are shown automatically.
These plots are listed in the Output Explorer from where it is possible to access the plots and to merge two plots.
To make customized plots use the Plot button on the toolbar. It generates a xy plot from selected (highlighted)
columns in the active worksheet. Having selected the data (highlighted 2 columns with data) and clicked the Plot
button, a menu will appear for inserting
Chart title
Series style
X axis & Y axis
o Property
o Unit
o Title
Carbon number
GOR( std vol/std vol)
GOR(std vol/vol)
Heat Capacity
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Having selected a Property the Unit field will be filled out with the unit for the actual property corresponding
with the selected unit system. The text shown on the axis is that in the Title field. It is by default the same text as
the Property text but can be edited.
If the property selected for plotting is not found in the list, choose No Property and edit the axis title on the
generated plot.
o Right click on the plot title, click on font, and choose Bold 11.
o Right click on Y axis/X axis title, click on font, and choose Bold 11.
o Right click on the Y axis/X axis itself, click on font, and choose Regular 9
o Right click on the Legend(s), click on font, and choose Regular 11.
Manipulating Charts
Plots can be manipulated in various ways. Icons are placed on top of the chart for
Furthermore each section of a plot can be edited. This may be an idea if plots are to be printed. The default set-up is
chosen to have the plots look good on a screen but may appear a little to faint on a print.
Plot style
o Right click on the line or point you would like to edit.
o Right click on Style and select the style wanted. Curve means smooth (splined) curve.
o Right click on X or Y axis.
o Edit title, font (numbers) and/or color
Axis titles
o Right click on axis title.
o Edit title, font and/or color
Having configured a plot, the settings may be saved as default by clicking in the chart and pressing Save settings as
default. To revert to the original settings, click in the chart and press Apply Original Settings followed by Save
settings as default.
To save the data in a worksheet use Save As… from the File menu to display the save dialog.
Worksheets can be saved in several file formats
To save in any other file format than the native format it is necessary to add the correct file extension to the file
To print use the items from the File menu for page setup, printer setup and printing.
Within PVTsim
Output data on worksheets and input data in scrollable input fields can be copied and pasted. Input data in text
boxes cannot be copied or pasted.
The data to be copied must first be selected. Drag the mouse cursor with the left button pressed over the data, or
use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Arrow key.
To copy input data use Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste. This can for example be used to copy a series of
pressure values from one experiment to another one, i.e., from Const Mass Exp to Const Volume Depletion, or
from an ordinary PT Flash to PT Flash in Hydrate Simulation.
Cut, Copy and Paste within a worksheet, or from one worksheet to another one, can either be performed from
Edit on the menu, or with the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
Data can also be copied from one worksheet to another one by drag and drop. To use this method select the data
and position the mouse pointer near the border of the selected data. To move the data from one sheet to another
drag the selected data to the new location, while holding down the mouse button. Then release the mouse button.
To copy the selection instead of moving it press and hold down the Ctrl button before clicking on the selection
border. Please note that using this method, only the decimals displayed are retained.
From PVTsim
Copy text and numbers from PVTsim to MS Word or MS Excel.
o In PVTsim
Select the text, then use Edit, Copy to Office (or Ctrl + T).
o In Word or Excel
Use Edit, Paste or Ctrl + V to paste the text at the cursor position.
Please note that the normal Copy and Cut commands (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + X) work when copying from PVTsim
as well, however when copying numbers only the displayed decimals are retained. An alternative way to retain
all the decimals is, save the data in xls-format, and open this file from Excel. Then choose Copy under Edit in
Excel and Paste Special… Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object in Word.
To PVTsim
Copy text and numbers from MS Word or MS Excel.
o In Word or Excel
Select the text, then use Edit, Cut or Copy (or Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C).
o In PVTsim
Use Edit, Paste.
Please note that only the decimals displayed are retained using this method. To retain all decimals from Excel,
in Excel choose Format, Cells… and Choose General on the Number tab before using Copy and Paste.
Click on the icon in the upper left corner of the chart. Click on to the right of the Save as Type field and choose
To save the table use Save As… from the File menu to display the Save dialog. A table is saved as plain text.
To print use the items from the File menu for page setup, printer setup and printing.
Save Phase
Pressing <Save Phase> in an output sheet displays the dialog for saving the phase compositions from a calculation in
the database. The dialog consists of a list of phases found in the calculation just completed. Each phase is identified
by its type, and the conditions at which it was formed. The text in the frame Fluid above the list, is the fluid
identification assigned to the phase, when it is saved. It is by default set equal to the identification of the feed. This
text may the changed individually for each phase composition to be saved.
To save a phase, highlight the appropriate item in the list and press <Save>. When a phase is saved, it is removed
from the list. Continue in this manner until all the desired phases are saved. The saving is terminated/interrupted by
pressing <Cancel>. This does not affect already saved phases. Pressing <Save Phase> displays the list again.
The phases are saved in the currently open database as the last entries and may be selected from there.
PVTsim presents the choice between multiple unit systems, four different equations of state, two viscosity
correlations and a number of other selections
The checked selections are Options selected the first time PVTsim is installed.
The Unit System and Settings window is found under Options in the main menu.
PVTsim presents the choice between three predefined unit systems and four user defined unit systems. The
predefined unit systems are
Metric Units
Field Units
SI Units
When shifting between two Unit Systems entered input (as for example P and T values in Flash input menu) with
change accordingly.
The Unit System & Settings menu presents the option to enter user defined standard conditions. The standard
conditions are used as reference conditions in many PVT simulation and interface options. The default standard
conditions are 1.01325 bara/14.696 psia and 15 C/59 F.
The default number of C7+ pseudo-components in PVTsim is 12. It may be desirable to reduce this number in
dynamic compositional flow simulations and other compositional simulations where the computation time is a matter
of concern. The Unit System & Settings menu has an option for modifying the default number of C7+ pseudo-
components. This is a general setting that may be overruled for single fluids using Lumping.
Unit Converter
The Unit Converter changes unit for a given variable. It can be used when output data is presented in a worksheet.
On the worksheet, highlight one or more cells with numbers to be converted. Click <Convert> on the worksheet to
invoke the unit converter.
Choose quantity (Pressure by default) along with the input unit and the desired output unit. Click on <OK>.
Heat Capacity
If the unit field (for example psia) was also highlighted the unit will change accordingly. A pressure of 100 bara can
in other words be converted to 1450.38 psia by highlighting 100 bara and pressing <Convert> followed by <OK>.
Customize toolbar
The Customize Toolbar option is found under View in the main menu. It is used choose which toolbar buttons to
show and which to hide. The icons are grouped into classes as shown in the Customize toolbar window. By checking
or unchecking the various fields, icons will either appear or disappear from the toolbar as listed below.
PVTsim has facilities allowing backups to be made of the database, to compact the currently selected database and to
share database files in a compressed format.
Backup database
This utility is used in PVTsim to be able to create a replica of the currently used database in any given session of
PVTsim. In order to make a backup of the currently used database go to Utilities Backup database.
Enter the name of the replica of the currently used database and press Save. PVTsim will then create a replica of the
database currently used. The backup will by default have the name NameBackup.fdb where Name is the name of the
database to be backed up.
Compact database
The database format supported by PVTsim can increase considerably with time depending on the number of
operations performed on the database. In order to keep the size and structure of the database in its most efficient state
it is recommended to compact the database regularly.
It is to be recommended not to store too many fluids in the same database but instead divide the fluids between more
Zip databases
If a database is to be moved on the network or attached to an email it can be convenient to have it in a compressed
(zipped) form. PVTsim includes a compression utility, which may be used compress database files to zip files.
The program will ask for the name of the zip file. Type in a name and press <Open>.
Unzip database
Compressed files may be decompressed using the unzip utility. This may also be used to decompress files created by
WinZip. Go to Utilities Unzip databases.
A dialog will be shown allowing the user to specify the name and path of the file that needs to be decompressed.
Selecting <No> will skip the file in question, which will not be unzipped.
Selecting <Yes to All> will overwrite the file in question and any subsequent files of the same name as a file being
Selecting <Cancel> will cancel the unzip operation and no more files will be unzipped.
Current Database
A file being unzipped cannot overwrite the currently selected database. If this is tried, the user will be prompted for
file overwriting confirmation. A <Yes> will make a message appear that the currently used database cannot be
overwritten and that the actual file to be unzipped will be skipped.
Should the user previous on have answered <Yes to All>, the unzip operation will stop when it gets to unzipping a
file of the same name as the currently selected database.
Method Documentation
Documentation of the methods used in the program can be found under Method Documentation on the Help menu.
To see the method documentation, quit Help, click Help on the menu, and then click Method Documentation. The
Method Documentation is also available as PDF document. The name of this document is pvtdoc.pdf.
Getting Support
Customers are offered a maintenance arrangement. This entitles the user to get support on PVTsim.
Assign the following subject: PVTsim support <version or revision> to the request. Version and revision numbers
are found under Help About PVTsim.
Courses in the use of PVTsim and the methods and models are given regularly. Fore more information visit our
home page at www.calsep.com.