Noncohesive Sediment Transport
Noncohesive Sediment Transport
Noncohesive Sediment Transport
3.1 Introduction
Engineers, geologists, and river morphologists have studied the subject of sediment transport for
centuries. Different approaches have been used for the development of sediment transport functions
or formulas. These formulas have been used for solving engineering and environmental problems.
Results obtained from different approaches often differ drastically from each other and from
observations in the field. Some of the basic concepts, their limits of application, and the
interrelationships among them have become clear to us only in recent years. Many of the complex
aspects of sediment transport are yet to be understood, and they remain among the challenging
subjects for future studies.
The mechanics of sediment transport for cohesive and noncohesive materials are different. Issues
relating to cohesive sediment transport will be addressed in chapter 4. This chapter addresses
noncohesive sediment transport only. This chapter starts with a review of the basic concepts and
approaches used in the derivation of incipient motion criteria and sediment transport functions or
formulas. Evaluations and comparisons of some of the commonly used criteria and transport functions
give readers general guidance on the selection of proper functions under different flow and sediment
conditions. Some of the materials summarized in this chapter can be found in the book Sediment
Transport Theory and Pmctice (Yang, 1996). Most noncohesive sediment transport formulas were
developed for sediment transport in clear water under equilibrium conditions. Understanding
sediment transport in sediment-laden flows with a high concentration of wash load is necessary for
solving practical engineering problems. The need to consider nonequilibrium sediment transport in a
sediment routing model is also addressed in this chapter.
Incipient motion is important in the study of sediment transport, channel degradation, and stable
channel design. Due to the stochastic nature of sediment movement along an alluvial bed, it is
difficult to define precisely at what flow condition a sediment particle will begin to move.
Consequently, it depends more or less on an investigator's definition of incipient motion. They use
terms such as "initial motion," "several grain moving," "weak movement," and "critical movement.!' In
spite of these differences in definition, significant progress has been made on the study of incipient
motion, both theoretically and experimentally.
Figure 3.1 shows the forces acting on a spherical sediment particle at the bottom of an open channel.
For most natural rivers, the channel slopes are small enough that the component of gravitational force
in the direction of flow can be neglected compared with other forces acting on a spherical sediment
particle. The forces to be considered are the drag force FD, lift force FL, submerged weight W,y,and
resistance force FR. A sediment particle is at a state of incipient motion when one of the following
conditions is satisfied:
Err~sionand Secimerzt~itionManual
Figure 3.1. Diagram of forces acting on a sediment particle in open channel tlow (Yang, 1973).
Most incipient motion criteria are derived from either a shear stress or a velocity approach.
One of the most prominent and widely used incipient motion criteria is the Shields diagram (1936)
based on shear stress. Shields assumed that the factors in the determination of incipient motion are the
shear stress r, the difference in density between sediment and fluidp, - p+, the diameter of the particle
d, the kinematic viscosity v, and the gravitational acceleration g. These five quantities can be grouped
into two dimensionless quantities, namely,
Chclpter 3-Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
The relationship between these two parameters is then determined experimentally. Figure 3.2 shows
the experimental results obtained by Shields and other investigators at incipient motion. At points
above the curve, the particle will move. At points below the curve, the flow is unable to move the
particle. It should be pointed out that Shields did not fit a curve to the data but showed a band of
considerable width. Rouse (1 939) first proposed the curve shown in Figure 3.2. Although engineers
have used the Shields diagram widely as a criterion for incipient motion, dissatisfactions can be found
in the literature. Yang (1973) pointed out the following factors and suggested that the Shields'
diagram may not be the most desirable criterion for incipient motion.
<I 1.00
x Sand (U.S. WES)
A Sand (Gilbert)
The justification for selecting shear stress instead of average flow velocity is based on the
existence of a universal velocity distribution law that facilitates computation of the shear
stress from shear velocity and fluid density. Theoretically, water depth does not appear to be
related directly to the shear stress calculation, while the main velocity is a function of water
depth. However, in common practice, the shear stress is replaced by the average shear stress
or tractive force t = yDS,where 11 is the specific weight of water, D is the water depth, and S
is the energy slope. In this case, the average shear stress depends on the water depth.
Although by assuming the existence of a universal velocity distribution law, the shear
velocity or shear stress is a measure of the intensity of turbulent fluctuations, our present
knowledge of turbulence is limited mainly to laboratory studies.
Erosion and Sedimentation Manual
• Shields derived his criterion for incipient motion by using the concept of a laminar
sublayer, according to which the laminar sublayer should not have any effect on the
velocity distribution when the shear velocity Reynolds number is greater than 70.
However, the Shields diagram clearly indicates that his dimensionless critical shear stress
still varies with shear velocity Reynolds number when the latter is greater than 70.
• Shields extends his curve to a straight line when the shear velocity Reynolds number is less
than three. This means that when the sediment particle is very small, the critical tractive
force is independent of sediment size (Liu, 1958). However, White (1940) showed that for
a small shear velocity Reynolds number, the critical tractive force is proportional to the
sediment size.
• It is not appropriate to use both shear stress τ and shear velocity U* in the Shields diagram
as dependent and independent variables because they are interchangeable by U* = (τ /ρ)1/2,
where ρ is the fluid density. Consequently, the critical shear stress cannot be determined
directly from Shields= diagram; it must be determined through trial and error.
• Shields simplified the problem by neglecting the lift force and considering only the drag
force. The lift force cannot be neglected, especially at high shear velocity Reynolds
• Because the rate of sediment transport cannot be uniquely determined by shear stress
(Brooks, 1955; Yang, 1972), it is questionable whether critical shear stress should be used
as the criterion for incipient motion of sediment transport.
One of the objections to the use of the Shields diagram is that the dependent variables appear in both
ordinate and abscissa parameters. Depending on the nature of the problem, the dependent variable
can be critical shear stress or grain size. The American Society of Civil Engineers Task Committee
on the Preparation of a Sediment manual (Vanoni, 1977) uses a third parameter
1/ 2
d ⎡ ⎛ γs ⎞ ⎤
⎢0.1 ⎜ − 1⎟ gd ⎥
v ⎣ ⎝γ ⎠ ⎦
as shown in Figure 3.2. The use of this parameter enables us to determine its intersection with the
Shields diagram and its corresponding values of shear stress. The basic relationship shown in
Figure 3.2 has been tested and modified by different investigators. Figure 3.3 shows the results
summarized by Govers (1987) in accordance with a modified Shields diagram suggested by Yalin
and Karahan (1979).
Chcq~ter3-Noncohesive Sediment Transport
6.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
4.00 - -
L- Explanation:
r White, C.M.(1940)
w White, S.J.(1970) Laminar flow
x Yalin and Karahan
A Govers (1987)
rn Govers (1987) Turbulent flow
Bureau of Reclamation (1 987) developed some stable channel design criteria based on the critical
shear stress required to move sediment particles in channels under different flow and sediment
conditions. The critical tractive force can be expressed by:
where .s, = critical tractive force or shear stress (in lb/ft2 or g/m'),
y = specific weight of water (= 62.4 lblft' or 1 ton/m3), and
D = mean flow depth (in ft or m).
Figure 3.4 shows the relationship between critical tractive force and mean sediment diameter for stable
channel design recommended by Bureau of Reclamation (1 977).
Lane ( 1 953) developed stable channel design curves for trapezoidal channels with different typical
side slopes. These curves are based on maximum allowable tractive force and are shown in
Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5(a) is for the channel sides, and Figure 3.5(b) is for the channel bottom.
Figure 3.5 indicates that the maximum shear stress is about equal to yDS and 0.75yDS for the bottom
and the sides of the channel, respectively. Lane's study also shows that shear stress is zero at the
The shear stress acting on the channel side at incipient motion is:
Err~sionand Secimerzt~itionManual
Figure 3.4. Tractive force versus transportable sediment size (Bureau of Reclamation, 1987).
Chclpter 3-Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
z,= W, tan 4
The ratio of limiting tractive forces acting on the channel side and channel bottom is:
For stable channel design, the value of th can be obtained from the Shields diagram as shown in
Figure 3.2, or from Figure 3.4 for channels of different materials.
Fortier and Scobey (1 926) made an extensive field survey of maximum permissible values of mean
velocity in canals. Table 3.1 shows their permissible velocities for canals of different materials.
Hjulstrom (1935) made detailed analyses of the movement of uniform materials on the bottom of
channels. Figure 3.6 gives the relationship between sediment size and average flow velocity for
erosion, transportation, and sedimentation. The American Society of Civil Engineers Sedimentation
Task Committee (Vanoni, 1977) suggested the use of Figure 3.7 for stable channel design.
Err~sionand Secimerzt(ition Manual
Figurc 3.7. Critical watcr vclocitics for quart7 scdimcnt as a fi~nctionof mean grain s i x (Vanoni, 1977).
Yang ( 1 973) applied some basic theories in fluid mechanics to develop his incipient motion criteria.
At incipient motion, the resistance force FR in Figure 3.1 should be balanced by the drag force FD.
Assume that the incipient motion occurs when FD = FR. From equations (3.10) and (3.13):
In the hydraulically smooth regime, B is a function of only the shear velocity Reynolds number U.:dv,
that is,
which is a hyperbola on a semilog plot between V,.,/oand U;.d/v. The relative roughness d/D should
not have any significant influence on the shape of this hyperbola in the hydraulically smooth regime.
In the completely rough regime, the laminar friction contribution can be neglected, andB is a function
of only the relative roughness d/D, that is:
B = 8.5, ->70
Equation (3.18) indicates that in the completely rough regime, the plot of V,.,/o against U.[.cl/vis a
straight horizontal line. The position of this horizontal line depends on the value of the relative
roughness, y , , y2,and y3.
In the transition regime with the shear velocity Reynolds number between 5 and 70, protrusions extend
partly outside the laminar sublayer. Both the laminar friction and turbulent friction contributions
should be considered. In this case, B deviates gradually from equation (3.15) with increasing U+dv.It
is reasonable to expect that, basically, equation (3.16) is still valid, but with the relative roughness d D
playing an increasingly important role as U d v increases.
Yang (1973) used laboratory data collected by different investigators for the determination of
coefficients in equations (3.16) and (3.18). The incipient motion criteria thus obtained are:
Chclpter 3-Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
- Explanation:
26 -
0 Casey
V Grand Laboratory
24 - A Gilbert -
0 Kramer
m Th1jsse
22 - V Tison -
A Vanoni
a U.S. Waterways Experiment Station
20- -
? 18- -
'g 16 - -
-- -
B 14 - -
YJ smooth- Transition -Compktely rough
f.- 12-
7 I
3 10-
8 - I
6 - "a -
- 2'5 +0.66 -
log (U.d/v)- 0.06
4- I
$ 20-
Figure 3.9. Verification of Yang's incipient motion criteria (Yang, 1996, 2003).
Err~sionand Secimerzt~itionManual
Equation (3.19) indicates that the relationship between dimensionless critical average flow velocity
and Reynolds number follows a hyperbola when the Reynolds number is less than 70. When the
Reynolds number is greater than 70, V,,/w becomes a constant, as shown in equation (3.20).
Figure 3.8 shows comparisons between equations (3.19), (3.20), and laboratory data. Figure 3.9
summarizes independent laboratory verification of Yang's criteria by Govers (1987) and Talapatra and
Ghosh ( 1983).
The basic approaches used in the derivation of sediment transport functions or formulas are the
regime, regression, probabilistic, and deterministic approaches. The basic assumptions, their limits of
applications, and the theoretical basis of the above approaches and some of the more recent
approaches based on the power concept are summarized herein.
Different sets of regime equations have been proposed by different investigators, such as those by
Blench ( I 969), Kennedy (1 895), and Lacy ( 1 929). According to Blench, applications of regime
equations have the following limitations:
Steady discharge.
Steady bed-sediment discharges of too small an amount to appear explicitly in the equations.
Duned sand bed with the particle size distribution natural in the sense of following log-
normal distribution.
Steep, cohesive sides that are erodible or depositable from suspension and behave as
hydraulically smooth.
Straightness in the plan, so that the smoothed, duned bed is level across the cross-section.
Specifically, the equations are unlikely to apply if the width-depth ratio falls below about 5, or the
depth below about 400 millimeters.
The channel-forming discharge, or the dominant discharge, and sediment load or silt factors are the
two most important factors to be considered in regime equations. The regime equations are useful
engineering tools for stable canal design, especially for those in Pakistan and India. However, they
have been subject to criticism for their lack of rational and physical rigor. No regime equations are
given in this chapter. Readers who are interested in the application of regime equations should study
the conditions under which these empirical equations were obtained. Applications of regime
equations to conditions outside of the range of data used in deriving them could lead to erroneous
The concept of "regime" is similar to the concepts of "dynamic equilibrium" and "hydraulic geometry."
Lacy's (1 929) regime equation describing the relationships among channel slope S, water discharge Q,
and silt fact0r.L for sediment transport is:
Yang, et al. (1 98 1) applied the unit stream power theory for sediment transport (Yang, 1973), the
theory of minimum unit stream power (Yang, 1971, 1976; Yang and Song, 1979, 1986), and the
hydraulic geometry relationships shown in equations (3.22) through (3.24) to derive the relationship
between Q and S. They also assumed that:
where i, j = constants.
The theoretically derived j value is -2111, which is very close to the empirical value of -116 shown in
equation (3.21).
Some researchers believe that sediment transport is such a complex phenomenon that no single
hydraulic parameter or combination of parameters can be found to describe sediment transport rate
under all conditions. Instead of trying to find a dominant variable that can determine the rate of
sediment transport, they recommend the use of regressions based on laboratory and field data. The
parameters used in these regression equations may or may not have any physical meaning relating to
the mechanics of sediment transport.
Shen and Hung (1972) proposed the following regression equation based on 587 sets of laboratory
data in the sand size range:
Before equation (3.26) was finally adopted by Shen and Hung, they performed a sensitivity analysis on
the importance of different variables to the rate of sediment transport. Because laboratory data have
limited range of variation of water depth, the sensitivity analysis indicated that the rate of sediment
transport was not sensitive to changes in water depth. Consequently, water depth was eliminated from
consideration. The dimensionally nonhomogeneous parameters used and the lack of ability to reflect
the effect of depth change limit the application of equation (3.26) to laboratory flumes and small rivers
with particles in the sand size range.
Chcqter 3-Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Karim and Kennedy (1 990) used nonlinear, multiple-regression analyses to derive relations between
flow velocity, sediment discharge, bed-form geometry, and friction factor of alluvial rivers. They used
a total of 339 sets of river data and 608 sets of flume data in the analyses. The sediment discharge and
velocity relationships adopted by them have the following general forms:
v = B , , + B,,(/,.
( 1 .65,gd~,)11* 11 (1 r
+ 1.060 log
v u -u%
112 log
(1.65gd 5 0 ) (1 .65gd,,,)'1"
+ 0.299 log - log
u u 1; - ?*,.
d 50 (1.65~d50)
Equation (3.30) can be used for flows well above the incipient sediment motion. If it is necessary to
take into account the bed configuration changes in the development of a friction or velocity predictor,
equation (3.30) should be replaced by:
Err~sionand Secimerzt~itionManual
=o -
1.65ydS0 1.65clS,,
Equations (3.29), (3.3 I), and (3.33) constitute a set of coupled sediment discharge friction, and bed-
form relations. Yang (1 996) summarized the interaction scheme for solving equations (3.29), (3.3 I),
and (3.33) for a set of known values of q, S, and dsO.
A regression equation may give fairly accurate results for engineering purposes if the equation is
applied to conditions similar to those from where the equation was derived. Application of a
regression equation outside the range of data used for deriving the regression equation should be
carried out with caution. In general, regression equations without a theoretical basis and without using
dimensionless parameters should not be used for predicting sediment transport rate or concentration in
natural rivers.
Einstein ( 1 950) pioneered sediment transport studies from the probabilistic approach. He assumed
that the beginning and ceasing of sediment motion can be expressed in terms of probability. He also
assumed that the movement of bedload is a series of steps followed by rest periods. The average step
Chclpter 3-Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
length is 100 times the panicle diameter. Einstein used the hiding correction factor and lifting
correction factor to better match theoretical results with observed laboratory data.
In spite of the sophisticated theories used, the Einstein bedload transport function is not apopular one
for engineering applications. This is partially due to the complex computational procedures required.
However, the probabilistic approach developed by Einstein has been used as a theoretical basis for
developing other transport functions, such as the method proposed by Toffaleti (1 969).
Based on the mode of transport, total sediment load consists of bedload and suspended load. Total
load can also be divided into measured and unmeasured load. The original Einstein function has been
modified by others for the estimation of unmeasured load. The original Einstein function is a
predictive function for sediment transport. The "modified Einstein method" is not a predictive
function. The method can be used to estimate bedload or unmeasured load based on measured
suspended load for the estimation of total load or total bed-material load. The method proposed by
Colby and Hembree (1955) is one of the most commonly used modified Einstein methods for the
computation of total bed-material load.
Application of the original Einstein method and the modified Einstein method is labor intensive.
Unless necessary, these methods are not commonly used for solving engineering problems or used in a
computer model for routing sediment. Yang (1 996) provided detailed explanations of these methods
with step-by-step computation examples for engineers to follow.
The basic assumption in a deterministic approach is the existence of one-to-one relationship between
independent and dependent variables. Conventional, dominant, independent variables used in
sediment transport studies are water discharge, average flow velocity, shear stress, and energy or water
surface slope. More recently, the use of stream power and unit stream power have gained increasing
acceptance as important parameters for the determination of sediment transport rate or concentration.
Other independent parameters used in sediment transport functions are sediment particle diameter,
water temperature, or kinematic viscosity. The accuracy of a deterministic sediment transport formula
depends on the generality and validity of the assumption of whether a unique relationship between
dependent and independent variables exists. Deterministic sediment transport formulas can be
expressed by one of the following forms:
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Yang (1 972, 1983) used laboratory data collected by Guy et al. (1 966) from a laboratory flume with
0.93-mm sand, as shown in Figure 3.10, as an example to examine the validity of these assumptions.
Figure 3.1 O(a) shows the relationship between the total sediment discharge and water discharge. For
a given value of Q, two different values of q, can be obtained. Field data obtained by Leopold and
Maddock (1953) also indicate similar results. Some of Gilbert's (1914) data indicate that no
correlation exists at all between water discharge and sediment discharge. Apparently, different
sediment discharges can be transported by the same water discharge, and a given sediment discharge
can be transported by different water discharges. The same sets of data shown in Figure 3.1O(a) are
plotted in Figure 3.10(b) to show the relationship between total sediment discharge and average
velocity. Although q, increases steadily with increasing V, it is apparent that for approximately the
same value of V, the value of q, can differ considerably, owing to the steepness of the curve. Some of
Gilbert's (19 14) data also indicate that the correlations between q, and Vare very weak. Figure 3.10(c)
indicates that different amounts of total sediment discharges can be obtained at the same slope, and
different slopes can also produce the same sediment discharge. Figure 3.10(d) shows that a fairly
well-defined correlation exists between total sediment discharge and shear stress when total sediment
discharge is in the middle range of the curve. For either higher or lower sediment discharge, the curve
becomes vertical, which means that for the same shear stress, numerous values of sediment discharge
can be obtained.
It is apparent from Figure 3-10(a-d) that more than one value of total sediment discharge can be
obtained for the same value of water discharge, velocity, slope, or shear stress. The validity of the
assumption that total sediment discharge of a given particle size could be determined from water
discharge, velocity, slope, or shear stress is questionable.
Because of the basic weakness of these assumptions, the generality of an equation derived from one of
these assumptions is also questionable. When the same sets of data are plotted on Figure 3.1O(e), with
stream power as the independent variable, the correlation improves. Further improvement can be
made by using unit stream power as the dominant variable, as shown in Figure 3.10(f). This close
correlation exists in spite of the presence of different bed forms, such as plane bed, dune, transition,
and standing wave.
1 a standing w:ve
I 11111111 I 1 1111
0.1 1.o 10 100
Average velocity V (mls)
Figure 3.10. Relationships bctwccn total sediment dischargc and (a) water dischargc, (b) vclocity,
(c) slope, (d) shear stress, (c) stream powcr, and (f) unit stream powcr, for 0.93-~nmsand in an 8-ft wide flume
(Yang, 1972, 1983).
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
The close relationship between total sediment concentration and unit stream power exists not only in
straight channels but also in those channels that are in the process of changing their patterns from
straight to meandering, and to braided channels, as shown in Figure 3.1 1 (Yang, 1977). Schumm and
Khan (1 972) collected these data.
1om L
- I 1 1 1 1 Ill I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I IIIIi- -
- 1
Schumm Khan's data:
straight channel
- w meandering thalweg
- A braided channel
- A# -
-18I looo--- w -
1 - -
i -
100 I I I l l l l l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Unit stream power VS [(m-kg/kg)/s]
Figure 3. I 1. Relationship between total concentration and unit stream power during process of
channel pattern development from straight to meandering, and to braided (Yang, 1977).
Vanoni (1978), among others, has confirmed the fact that unit stream power dominates sediment
discharge or concentration. It is apparent from the results in Figure 3.12 that sediment concentration
cannot be determined from relative roughness D/dS0and Froude number Fr. However, when the same
data are plotted in Figure 3.13 using dimensionless unit stream power VS/w as the dominant variable,
the improvement is apparent.
0.1 1.o
Dimensionless unit stream power VSIco
Figure 3.13. Relationship between sediment concentration and dimensionless unit
stream power (Yang and Kong, 199 1).
Many investigators believe that shear stress T or stream power sV would be more suitable for the study
of coarse material or bedload movement, because these parameters represent the force or power acting
along the bed. Yang and Molinas (1982) have shown theoretically that bedload and suspended load,
as well as total load, are directly related to unit stream power.
Yang (1 983, 1984) used Meyer-Peter and Miiller's (1 948) gravel data to verify the theoretical finding
that bedload can be more accurately determined by unit stream power than by shear stress or stream
power. Figure 3.14 shows the loop effect when shear stress or stream power is used as the dominant
variable. Gilbert's (1 914) data (Figure 3.15) indicate that a family of curves exists between gravel
concentration and shear stress or stream power, with water discharge as the third parameter. These
results indicate that bedload may not be determined by using shear stress, stream power, or water
discharge as the dominant variable. In each case, more than one value of gravel concentration can be
obtained at a given value of shear stress, stream power, or water discharge. However, the well-defined
strong correlation between gravel concentration and dimensionless unit stream power VS/u shown in
Figures 3.14 and 3.15 is apparent.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
It can be concluded that, of all the parameters used in the determination of sediment transport rate,
stream power and unit stream power have the strongest correlation with sediment transport rate or
concentration. Based on the theoretical derivations and measured data, unit stream power VS or
dimensionless unit stream power VS/o are preferable to other parameters for the determination of
sediment transport rate or concentration. The lack of well-defined strong correlation between
sediment load or concentration and a dominant variable selected for the development of a sediment
transport equation may be the fundamental reason for discrepancies between computed and measured
results under different flow and sediment conditions.
Figure 3.14. Relalionship between dimensionless unil stream power, stream power, shear stress,
and 5.12-mm gravel concentration measure by Meyer-Peter and Mi~ller(Yang, 1984).
Yang (1996) summarized more detailed explanations and derivations. Due to the importance of
stream power, unit stream power, and other power approaches to the determination of sediment
transport rate or concentration, more detailed analyses will be made in the following sections.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Figure 3. IS. Relationship bctwccn dirncnsionlcss unit strcam powcr, shcar strcss, strcam powcr,
r e dGilbert from a 0.2-~nflume (Yang, 1983, 1984).
and 3.94-mm gravel concentration ~ n e a s ~ ~by
Bagnold (1 966) introduced the stream power concept for sediment transport based on general physics.
Engelund and Hansen (1972), and Ackers and White ( 1 973) later used the concept as the theoretical
basis for developing their sediment transport functions (Yang, 2002). These transport functions are
summarized herein.
From general physics, the rate of energy used in transporting materials should be related to the rate of
materials being transported. Bagnold (1 966) defined stream power rV as the power per unit bed area
which can be used to transport sediment. Bagnold's basic relationship is:
In equation (3.41), the values of el, and tan a were given by Bagnold in two separate figures. The rate
of work needed in transporting the suspended load is:
where q,, = suspended load discharge in dry weight per unit time and width,
e, = mean transport velocity of suspended load, and
co = fall velocity of suspended sediment.
The rate of energy available for transporting the suspended load is:
Based on general physics, the rate of work being done should be related to the power available times
the efficiency of the system; that is:
Assuming ri, = V, Bagnold found ( 1 - e,,)e,= 0.01 from flume data. Thus, the suspended load can be
computed by:
The total load in dry weight per unit time and unit width is the sum of bedload and suspended load;
that is, from equations (3.41) and (3.46):
Engelund and Hansen ( 1 972) applied Bagnold's stream power concept and the similarity principle to
obtain a sediment transport function:
Strictly speaking, equation (3.48) should be applied to those flows with dune beds in accordance with
the similarity principle. However, Engelund and Hansen found that it can be applied to the dune bed
and the upper flow regime with particle size greater than 0.15 mm without serious deviation from the
theory. Yang (2002) made step-by-step theoretical derivations to show that the basic form of
Engelund and Hansen's transport function can be obtained from Bagnold's stream power concept.
Yang (1966) also provided a numerical example on the application of Engelund and Hansen's
transport function.
Ackers and White (1973) applied dimensional analysis to express mobility and sediment transport rate
in terms of some dimensionless parameters. Their mobility number for sediment transport is:
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
where X = rate of sediment transport in terms of mass flow per unit mass flow rate;
i.e., concentration by weight of fluid flux.
The generalized dimensionless sediment transport function can also be expressed as:
Ackers and White (1973) determined the values of A, C, m, and tz based on best-fit curves of
laboratory data with sediment size greater than 0.04 mm and Froude number less than 0.8. For the
transition zone with 1 < dg,.i 60,
The procedure for the computation of sediment transport rate using Ackers and White's approach is
summarized as follows:
1. Determine the value of 4,.from known values of d, g, y,,ly, and v in equation (3.53).
2. Determine values of n, A, m, and C associated with the derived d,,. value from equations
(3.57) through (3.64).
4. Determine the value of G,,. from equation (3.56), which represents a graphical version of the
new sediment transport function.
5. Convert G,, to sediment flux X, in ppm by weight of fluid flux, using equation (3.55).
Although it is not apparent from the above procedures, Yang (2002) provided step-by-step derivations
to show that Ackers and White's basic transport function can be derived from Bagnold's stream power
The original Ackers and White formula is known to overpredict transport rates for fine sediments
(smaller than 0.2 mm) and for relatively coarse sediments. To correct that tendency, a revised fonn of
the coefficients was published in 1990 (HR Wallingford, 1990). Table 3.3 gives the comparison
between the original and revised coefficients.
Reclamation's computer models GSTARS 2.1 (Yang and Simbes, 2000) and GSTARS3 (Yang and
SimGes, 2002) allow users to select either the 1973 or the 1990 values in their application of the
Ackers and White sediment transport function.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Table 3.3. Coefficients for the 1973 and I990 versions of the Ackers and White
transuort function
log C = -3.53 + 2.86 log riY, log C = -3.46 + 2.79 log (,,.
- (log d,A2 - 0.98 (log d,J2
The rate of energy per unit weight of water available for transporting water and sediment in an open
channel with reach length x and total drop of Y is:
Yang (1 972) defines unit stream power as the velocity-slope product shown in equation (3.65). The
rate of work being done by a unit weight of water in transporting sediment must be directly related to
the rate of work available to a unit weight of water. Thus, total sediment concentration or total bed-
material load must be directly related to unit stream power. While Bagnold (1 966) emphasized the
power applies to a unit bed area, Yang (1 972, 1973) emphasized the power available per unit weight
of water to transport sediments.
To determine total sediment concentration, Yang (1 973) considered a relation between the relevant
variables of the form
where C, = total sediment concentration, with wash load excluded (in ppm by weight):
VS = unit stream power,
U = shear velocity,
V = kinematic viscosity,
w = fall velocity of sediment, and
d = median particle diameter.
Using Buckingham's x theorem and the analysis of laboratory data, C, in equation (3.66) can be
expressed in the following dimensionless form:
logC, = I + J log
:( I:"
where V,.,S/cu = critical dimensionless unit stream power at incipient motion.
I and J in equation (3.67) are dimensionless parameters reflecting the flow and sediment
characteristics, that is:
wd U
I = a , + a z log-+a, log-
v 10
Yang (1 973) used 463 sets of laboratory data for the determination of coefficients in equations (3.68)
and (3.69). The dimensionless unit stream power equation for sand transport thus obtained is:
wd U.,
log C,, = 5.435 -0.286 log- - 0.457 log-
v w
The critical dimensionless unit stream power V, ,S/wis the product of dimensionless critical velocity
V,,S/oshown in equations (3.19) and (3.20) and the energy slope S. Yang and Molinas ( 1 982) made a
step-by-step derivation to show that sediment concentration is indeed directly related to unit stream
power, based on basic theories in fluid mechanics and turbulence. They showed that the vertical
sediment concentration distribution is directly related to the vertical distribution of turbulence energy
production rate; that is:
- - 7
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
- -
where C,C,= time-averaged sediment concentration at a given cross-section and at a depth a
above the bed, respectively,
turbulence shear stress,
velocity gradient,
turbulence energy production rate,
o/kp U-,
sediment particle fall velocity,
von Karman constant, and
shear velocity.
Figure 3.16 shows comparisons between measured and theoretical results from equation (3.7 1). This
confirmation is independent from the selection of reference elevation a.
t I I I I
Coleman's (1981) data
Figure 3.16. Comparison between theoretical and measured suspended sediment concentration distributions
(Yang, 1985).
For sediment concentration higher than about 100 ppm by weight, the need to include incipient motion
criteria in a sediment transport equation decreases. Yang (1979) introduced the following
dimensionless unit stream power equation for sand transport with concentration higher than 100 ppm:
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Yang (1984) extended his dimensionless unit stream power equation for sand transport to gravel
transport by calibrating the coefficients in equations (3.68) and (3.69) with gravel data. The gravel
equation thus obtained is:
2.784 - 0.305 log- - 0.282 log
v W
The incipient motion criteria given in equations (3.19) and (3.20) should be used for equation (3.73).
Most of the sediment transport equations were developed for sediment transport in rivers where the
effect of fine or wash load on fall velocity, viscosity, and relative density can be ignored. The Yellow
River in China is known for its high sediment concentration and wash load. The relationship between
fall velocity of sediment in clear water and that of a sediment-laden flow of the Yellow River is:
where wand w,, = sediment particle fall velocities in clear water and in sediment-laden flow,
respectively, and
C, = suspended sediment concentration by volume, including wash load.
where p and p,, = specific densities of water and sediment-laden flow, respectively, and:
If sediments are transported in a sediment-laden flow with high concentrations of fine materials, it can
be shown that:
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
where y and y,, = specific weights of sediment and sediment-laden flow, respectively, and
eh = efficient coefficient for bedload.
It can be seen from equation (3.77) that when the unit stream power concept is applied to the
estimation of sediment transport in sediment-laden flows, a modified dimensionless unit stream power
- y,,,)]VSIw,,,
[y,,/(ys should be used. The modified Yang's unit stream power formula (Yang et a]., 1996)
for a sediment-laden river, such as the Yellow River, becomes:
It should be noted that the coefficients in equation (3.78) are identical to those in equation (3.72).
However, the values of fall velocity, kinematic viscosity, and relative specific weight are modified for
sediment transport in sediment-laden flows with high concentrations of fine suspended materials.
It has been the conventional assumption that wash load depends on supply and is not a function of the
hydraulic characteristics of a river. Yang (1966) demonstrated that the conjunctive use of
equations (3.72) and (3.78) can determine not only bed-material load but also wash load in a sediment-
laden river. Yang and Simbes (2005) made a systematic and thorough analysis of I , 160 sets of data
collected from 9 gauging stations along the Middle and Lower Yellow River. They confirmed that the
method suggested by Yang (1996) can be used to compute wash load, bed-material load, and total load
in the Yellow River with accuracy.
Pacheco-Ceballos (1989) derived a sediment transport function based on power balance between total
power available and total power expenditure in a stream; that is:
P h = gQh- ', -
tan +
where: Q = bedload, and
tan 4 = angle of repose of sediments.
If it is assumed that a certain portion of the available power is used to overcome resistance to flow,
The total sediment concentration can be expressed in the following general form:
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
C ,= = K'VS
K " V tan@+(]- K " ) w
V tan 4
C.s= 7
Thus, the analytical derivation by Pacheco-Ceballos (1989) based on power balance shows that
bedload, suspended-load, and total-load concentrations are all functions of unit stream power. It
should be pointed out that K is not a constant. The K value given by Pacheco-Ceballos is:
Velikanov (1 954) derived his transport function from the gravitational power theory. He divided the
rate of energy dissipation for sediment transport into two parts. These are the power required to
overcome flow resistance and the power required to keep sediment particles in suspension against the
gravitational force. Velikanov's basic relationship can be expressed as:
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
(TI) = rate of energy dissipation per unit volume of flow to overcome resistance, and
(111) = rate of energy dissipation per unit volume of flow to keep sediment particles in
Assuming that the sediment concentration is small, integration of equation (3.90) over the depth of
flow, D, yields:
Equation (3.9 1) shows that sediment concentration by volume is a function of unit stream power.
The Darcy-Weisbach resistance coefficients with and without sediment can be expressed, respectively,
as :
f =for C, +~ 0
f " ~ =o
= for C,
where S and So = energy slopes with and without sediment, respectively, and
C, = time-averaged sediment concentration (in % by volume).
It can be shown that Velikanov's equation can be expressed in the following general form:
C,,= K-
where K = a coefficient to be determined from measured data.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Several Chinese researchers have used Velikanov's gravitational power theory as the theoretical basis
for the derivation of sediment transport equations. For example, Dou ( 1 974) suggested that the rate of
energy dissipation used by flowing water to keep sediment particles in suspension should be equal to
that used by sediment particles in suspension, and proposed the following equation:
Zhang (1959) assumed that the rate of energy dissipation used in keeping sediment particles in
suspension should come from turbulence instead of the effective power available from the flow. He
also considered the damping effect and believed that the existence of suspended sediment particles
could reduce the strength of turbulence. Zhang's equation for sediment transport is:
Yang (1 996) gave a detailed comparison of transport functions based on gravitational and unit stream
power approaches.
Engineers have used sediment transport functions, formulas, or equations obtained from different
approaches described in section 3.3 for solving engineering and river morphological problems. In
addition to those proposed by Bagnold (1 966), Ackers and White (1973), Engelund and Hansen
(1967), and by Yang ( 1 973, 1979, 1984) described previously, other commonly used transport
formulas are summarized herein. Yang (1996) has published more detailed descriptions of the
commonly used formulas, their theoretical basis, and their limits of application. Stevens and Yang
(1984) published computer programs for 13 commonly used sediment transport formulas for PC
application. They are given in Yang's book (1996, 2003).
Schoklitsch (1 934) developed a bedload formula based mainly on Gilbert's (19 14) flume data with
median sediment sizes ranging from 0.3 to Smm. The Schoklitsch formula for unigranular material is:
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
The formula can be applied to mixtures by summing the computed bedload discharges for all size
fractions. The discharge for each size fraction is computed using the mean diameter and the fraction
of the sediment in the sized fraction. Converting the equation for use with mixtures and changing the
grain diameter from inches to feet and the bedload discharge from pounds to pounds per foot of width
The formula developed by Kalinske ( 1 947) for computing bedload discharge of unigranular material is
based on the continuity equation, which states that the bedload discharge is equal to the product of the
average velocity of the particles in motion, the weight of each particle, and the number of particles.
The average particle velocity is related to the ratio of the critical shear to the total shear. The formula
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Using the values of 165.36 for y , and 1.94 for p, the formula is:
Sources of data: -
Liu, Iowa Hydraulic Laboratory
Einstein, West Goose River
Einstein, Mountain Creek
2.0 - U.S.W.E.S., Vicksberg Laboratory -
Casey, Berlin Laboratory
- Meyer-Peter, Zurich Laboratory -
Gilbert, Calif. Laboratory
1.6 - -
- A
5 1.2 - -
0.8 - -
- -
0.4 - A
Meyer-Peter and Miiller (1 948) developed an empirical formula for the bedload discharge in natural
streams. The original form of the formula in metric units for a rectangular channel is:
in which:
y, = the specific weight of sediment underwater, equal to 1.65 dm3 for quartz,
Dm = the effective diameter of bed-material mixture in m,
g = the acceleration of gravity, equal to 9.8 15 m/s2,
g, = the bedload discharge measured underwater in t/s per m of width,
n = the number of size fractions in the bed material,
D,, = the mean grain diameter, in m, of the sediment in size fraction i, and
ih = the fraction, by weight, of bed material in a given size fraction.
where g , = the bedload discharge for dry weight, in lb/s per ft of width,
Q, Qs = sediment and water discharges, respectively, in ft"/s,
Dl,, =
DcjO, sediment particle diameter at which 90% of the material, by weight, is finer and
mean particle diameter, respectively,
d = water depth in ft, and
n, = Manning's roughness value for the bed of the stream.
Rottner (1 959) developed an equation to express bedload discharge in terms of the flow parameters
based on dimensional considerations and empirical coefficients. Rottner applied a regression analysis
to determine the effect of a relative roughness parameter D9&. Rottner's equation is dimensionally
homogenous, so that it can be presented directly in English units:
In this derivation, wall and bed form effects were excluded. Rottner stated that his equation may
not be applicable when small quantities of bed material are being moved.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
The bedload function developed by Einstein (1950) is derived from the concept of probabilities of
particle motion. Due to the complexity of the bedload function, a description of the procedure will not
be presented here. Interested readers should refer to Einstein's original paper or the summary
published by Yang ( 1996).
The equation developed by Laursen (1958) to compute the mean concentration of bed-material
discharge is based on empirical relations:
Z[)= -
58 [
d )'I3
The density p has been introduced into the original r $ equation presented by Laursen so that the
equation is dimensionally homogeneous, and Laursen's coefficient has been changed accordingly.
Substituting for r and r,, in equation (3.1 11) and converting C to C gives:
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Colby (1964) presented a graphical method to determine the discharge of sand-size bed material that
ranged from 0. I to 0.8 mm. The bed-material discharge g,,, in Ib/s/ft of width, at a water temperature
of 15.6 degrees Celsius ("C) (Colby's 1964 fig. 6) is:
Colby developed his graphical solutions for total load mainly from laboratory and field data using
Einstein's (1 950) bedload function as a guide. His graphical solutions are shown in Figures 3.19 and
3.20. The required information in Colby's approach comprises the mean flow velocity V, average
depth D, median particle diameter dS0,water temperature T, and fine sediment concentration C,. The
total load can be computed by the following procedure:
Step 1 : with the given V and dsO,determine the uncorrected sediment discharge q,i for the two
depths shown in Figure 3.19 that are larger and smaller than the given depth D, respectively.
Step 2: interpolate the correct sediment discharge q,;for the given depth D on a logarithmic scale of
depth versus 9,;.
Step 3: with the given depth D, median particle size djo,temperature T, and fine sediment
concentration Cl, determine the correction factors k l , k2, and k3 from Figure 3.20.
Step 4: the total sediment discharge (in tontdaytft of channel width), corrected for the effect of
water temperature, fine suspended sediment, and sediment size, is:
-bas& on available dam
eiuapolatcd I -
D=P* ocpe O~P* mpth :;
0.1R ].OR IOR IWR ,' ,
1MXI -
0 - 1 0 - 1
Mean vcloc~ly(W)
Figure 3.19 Relationship of discharge of sands to rncan velocity for six median si7es of
bed sands, four depths of tlow, and a watcr tcmpcraturc of 60 "F (Colby, 1964).
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
U ' 11 1 1 ,,,,,,I 1 1 1 ,
, 1 1 1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 60 100
Figurc 3.20. Approxiinatc cffcct of watcr tcmpcraturc and conccntration of finc scdi~ncnt011thc
relationship of discharge of sands to mean velocity (Colby, 1964).
From Figure 3.20, k l = 1 for T = 60 OF, k2 = 1 where the effect of fine sediment can be neglected, and
k3 = 100 when the median particle size is in the range of 0.2 to 0.3 mm. Because of the range of data
used in the determination of the rating curves shown in Figures 3.19 and 3.20, Colby's approach
should not be applied to rivers with median sediment diameter greater than 0.6 mm and depth greater
than 3 m.
Einstein (1950) presented a method to combine his computed bedload discharges with a computed
suspended bed-material discharge to yield the total bed-material discharge. A complete description of
the complex procedure will not be presented here. Interested readers should follow the original
Einstein paper or the summary made by Yang (1996) to apply the Einstein bed-material formula.
The procedure to determine bed-material discharge developed by Toffaleti (1 968) is based on the
concepts of Einstein (1 950) with three modifications:
1. Velocity distribution in the vertical is obtained from an expression different from that used by
3. The height of the zone of bedload transport is changed from Einstein's two grain diameters.
Toffaleti defines his bed-material discharge as total river sand discharge, even though he defines the
range of bed-size material from 0.062 to 16 mm. The complex procedures in the Toffaleti formula
will not be presented here. Interested readers should follow the original Toffaleti procedures or the
summary by Yang (1996) to apply the procedures.
Sediment particle fall velocity is one of the important parameters used in most sediment transport
functions or formulas. Depending on the sediment transport functions used and sediment particle size
in a particular study, different methods have been developed for the computation of sediment particle
fall velocity. Some of the commonly used methods for fall velocity computation are summarized
When Toffaleti's equation is used, Rubey's (1 933) formula should be employed; that is:
for particles with diameter, d , between 0.0625 mm and 1 mm, and where F = 0.79 for particles
greater than I mm. In the above equations, q,= fall velocity of sediments; g = acceleration due to
gravity; G = specific gravity of sediment = 2.65; and v = kinematic viscosity of water. The viscosity of
water is computed from the water temperature, T, using the following expression:
When any of the other sediment transport formulas are used, the values recommended by the
U.S. Interagency Committee on Water Resources Subcommittee on Sedimentation (1 957) are used
(Figure 3.21 ). Yang and Simaes (2002) use a value for the Corey shape factor of SF = 0.7, for natural
sand in their computer model GSTARS3, where:
where a, h, and c = the length of the longest, the intermediate, and the shortest mutually
perpendicular axes of the particle, respectively.
Err~sionand Sedirnerzt~itionManual
Figi~rc3.21 .-Rclation bctwccn particlc sicvc dia~nctcrand its fall vclocity according to thc U.S. Intcragcncy
Committee on Water Resources Subcommittee on Sedimentation (1957).
Yang and Simdes (2002) also used the following approximations for the computation of fall velocities.
For particles with diameters greater than I0 mm, which are above the range given in Figure 3.2 I , the
following formula is used:
For particles in the silt and clay size ranges, namely with diameters between 1 and 62.5 pm, the
sediment fall velocities are computed from the following equations:
unhindered settling:
flocculation range:
hindered settling:
and k, 1, M, and N are site-specific constants supplied by the user; figure 3.22 shows fall velocities in
flocculation range for different natural conditions. The expression w, = 1 .OC1* represents the average
values with w, in mmls and C in kg/m3.
Figure 3.22. Variability of the parameters M and N of ey. (3.124) for several well known
rivers and estuaries (Yang and Simdes, 2002).
For a steady, uniform, open channel flow of constant width W without sediment, the water depth D
and velocity Vcan be determined for a given discharge Q and channel slope S by using the continuity
Q = WDV (3.1 27)
R = hydraulic radius,
S = water surface or energy slope, and
f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor.
For fluid hydraulics with sediment transport, the total roughness for resistance to flow consists of two
parts. If equation (3.128) is used:
Figure 3.23 is based on the data collected by Guy et al. (1 966) in a laboratory flume with 0.19-mm
sand. Figure 3.23 shows that f 'is a constant, but the f "value depends on the bed form, such as
plane bed, ripple, dune, transition, antidune, and chute-pool. Although empirical methods exist for the
determinations of bed forms, no consistent result can be obtained from empirical methods.
Consequently, the Darcy-Weisbach friction factorf or the Manning's coefficient n cannot be assumed
as a given constant in an alluvial channel with sediment. Assume that sediment concentration can be
determined by the following function:
Because the f value of an alluvial channel cannot be predicted with confidence, we have
equations (3.127) and (3.130) with three unknown, namely V, D, and S. Thus, fluvial hydraulics is
still basically indeterminate despite the significant progress made in the past decades.
Due to the site-specific nature of empirical methods, they will not be introduced here. The following
sections will introduce only analytical methods for the determination of resistance to flow or the
roughness coefficient, or the determination of V, S, D without prior knowledge of the roughness
Figure 3.24 shows the relationship between x and k, 16 suggested by Einstein (1 950). With the given
values of V, dbS,and x determined from Figure 3.24, equation (3.13 1) can be used to compute the
value of R : Einstein (1950) suggested that:
= @(
The functional relationship between V/U ":: and y 'was determined from field data by Einstein and
Barbarossa (1952) as shown in Figure 3.25.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
I I I I I I I Ill1 I I I I I I I I I L
Missouri River near Fort Randell, S.D.
Missouri River near Pierre, S.D.
e Missouri River near Omaha,Nebr.
A Elkhorn River near Waterloo, Nebr.
+ Big Sioux Riva near Akron, Iowa
x Platte River near Ashland. Nebr.
0 Niobrara River near Butte, Nebr.
v Salinas River at San Lucas, Calif.
o Nacimiento River near Junction, Calif. -
20 - -
s3 Salinas River at Paso Robles
(heavily vegetated)
b - -
10 -
- -
8 -
7- --
6 -
5 -
4 - v -
3 v ,
0.4 0.50.6 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 5678910 20 30 4 0 5 0 6 0 80100
Y R5
= 1.65
Step 3 . Compute I,U 'using equation (3.134) and the cossesponding value of V/U
Step 5: Compute R = R
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Einstein and Barbarossa (1 952) suggested the following procedures for the computation of total
hydraulic radius due to grain and form roughness when the water discharge is given, or vice versa.
Step 6: Verify using the continuity equation Q = VA. If the computed Q agrees with the given Q,
the problem is solved. Otherwise, assume another value of R 'and repeat the procedure until
agreement is reached between the computed and the given Q.
Case B. Determine Q with given R. The five first steps are identical to those for case A. After the
R value has been computed, it is compared with the given value of R. Tf these values agree, the
problem is solved, and Q = VA. If not, the computation procedures will be repeated by assuming
different values of R 'until the computed R agrees with the given R. Yang (1996) gave the following
examples, using Einstein's method.
Example 3.1 Given the following data, determine the flow depth D for the channel shown using the
Einstein procedures:
Q = 40 m"s, B = 5 rn
v = 10-%'/s, S = 0.0008
Specific gravity of sand = 2.65
d35 = 0.3 mm, dg5= 0.9 mm
(a) Assume R :
(b) Determine velocity from equation (3.12):
The equivalent sand roughness k , may be taken as equal to d6S= 0.0009 m, and shear velocity U :; is
Erosion and Sedimerzt~itionManual
The correction factorx is a function of k,/d, and may be read from Figure 3.24. The laminar sublayer
thickness 6 can be estimated from equation (3.132); that is,
V = 0.509(R ')'"log(l 3 . 6 3 3 ~
0.0003 - 0.619
y/'= (2.65 - 1)-L i 35 = 1.65 -
SR' 0.0008R' R
The determination of depth and area from the hydraulic radius may be facilitated by developing curves
relating these variables. The relations may be expressed as:
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Assuming values of D, the relationship between D, A, and R can be computed from the above two
equations as follows:
R' k,, V
v' v
- u:: R" R A e
(m) 6
(m/s) ur (mds) (m) (m) (m2) (&IS)
0.50 4.86 1.06 I .39 1 .24 31 0.045 0.26 0.76 7.0 9.7
0.20 3.07 1.18 0.798 3.10 15 0.053 0.36 0.56 4.5 3.6
1.00 6.87 1.02 2.11 0.619 75 0.028 0.10 1.10 14.0 29.5
1.20 7.53 1.01 2.35 0.516 97 0.024 0.08 I .28 18.0 42.3
1.15 7.37 1.01 2.29 0.538 90 0.025 0.08 1.23 16.5 37.8
1.17 7.43 1.01 2.32 0.529 93 0.025 0.08 1.25 17.0 39.4
1.18 7.46 I .Dl 2.33 0.525 94 0.025 0.08 1.26 17.5 40.8
or Q = 40 mqs, R = 1.254 rn
The corresponding water depth is D = 1.93 m.
Example 3.2 Use the fluid and sediment properties given in example 3.1 and the flow depth
determined there; compute the water discharge using the Einstein procedure.
Solution: Use the same procedure as outlined for example 3.1, but reiterate until the computed R
agrees with the actual R; then determine the discharge Q = A V .
Engelund and Hansen (1 966) expressed the energy loss or frictional slope due to bed form as:
Substituting equation (3.135) for S " into equation (3.137) and assuming R = D for a wide open
This relation was proposed by Engelund and Hansen (1 967). For narrow channels, D and D' should
be replaced by R and R 'in equations (3.138) to (3.140). Figure 3.26 shows the relationship between 8
and 8 'for different bed forms. For the upper flow region, it can be assumed that form drag is not
associated with the flow and 8 = 8: Figure 3.26 can be applied to the determination of a stage-
discharge relationship by the following procedures:
Step I : Determine S and D from a field survey of slope and channel cross-section.
Step 2: Compute 8 from equation (3.139) for the given sediment size d.
Step 6: Determine the channel cross-sectional areaA corresponding to the D value selected in
step 1.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Yang (1996) gave the following example using Engelund and Hansen's method.
Example 3.3 For the fluid and sediment properties and channel cross-section given in example 3.1,
obtain the stage-discharge relationship using the procedure proposed by Engelund
and Hansen.
(a) Assume a depth of flow D.
(b) Compute 8 for given R, S, and d from equation (3.139).
For this analysis, the slope will be assumed equal to S , (uniform flow), and the sediment sized will be
assumed equal to:
The hydraulic radius R may be determined from the assumed depth as:
V = 5 . 7 5 ~ log
Chupfer 3-Noncohesive Sedi~nenfTransport
The shear velocity U:: = ( g R 's)'" = [9.81(0.0008)R'1"" O.O89(R ')I". The equivalent sand
roughness k, may be taken as equal to clGS= 0.9 mm, and the correction factor x may be determined
from Figure 3.24. A necessary parameter for the use of Figure 3.24 is k,JS, which can be computed
from equation (3.132)
This procedure can be repeated for various values of D. Computations are shown in the table below.
5.0 2.74 2.2 1 (1.5) (1.86) 9.4 1.00 0.121 3.06 230
Values in parenthesis are for (he upper flow regime or a~ltidune.
The theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation (Yang, 1976; Yang and Song, 1979, 1984) states
that when a dynamic system reaches its equilibrium condition, its rate of energy dissipation is a
minimum. The minimum value depends on the constraints applied to the system. For a uniform flow
of a given channel width, where the rate of energy dissipation due to sediment transport can be
neglected, the rate of energy dissipation per unit weight of water is:
dx dY
- -- = VS = unit stream power
dr dt dx
where Y = potential energy per unit weight of water.
VS = V,71S,,,
= a minimum
subject to the given constraints of carrying a given amount of water discharge Q and sediment
concentration C, of a given size d. The subscript m denotes the value obtained with minimum unit
stream power. Utilization of equation (3.144) in conjunction with equations (3.127) and (3.130) can
give a solution for the three unknowns, V, D, and S, without any knowledge of the total roughness.
The procedures by Yang (1973) for the determination of Manning's coefficient based on his
dimensionless unit stream power formula (Yang, 1973) are as follows.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Figure 3.27 shows an example of the relationship between generated unit stream power V ,S, and water
depth Dl. The minimum unit stream power V,,, S,,,determined is in close agreement with the measured
unit stream power VS. Figure 3.28 shows examples of comparisons between measured and computed
results from the above procedure. The subscript rn in Figure 3.27 denotes the value obtained using
equation (3.144). In the above procedures, it is assumed that sediment transport equations used are
accurate in predicting the total bed-material concentration. If the measured concentration is
significantly different from the computed one, the agreement may not be as good as those shown in
Figure 3.27.
V, S, = 0.000528
A VS = 0.000530
0.00062 -
0.000 54 -
Figure 3.27. Relationship between unit stream power and water depth with 0.19-mm
sand in a laboratory Clume (Yang, 1976).
Parker (1977), in his discussion of Yang's paper (1976), compared resistance relationships obtained
from the theory of minimum unit stream power and those from extensive actual data fitting.
Figure 3.28 shows Parker's comparison. These results suggest that the theory of minimum unit stream
power can provide a simple theoretical tool for the determination of roughness of alluvial
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
channels, at least for the lower flow region, where the sediment transport rate is not too high, and the
rate of energy dissipation due to sediment transport can be neglected. As the sediment concentration
or the Froude number increases, the rate of energy dissipation can no longer be neglected, and the
accuracy of Yang's method decreases.
---- Yaw
----- Peterson
Dimensionless discharge =
d [(p,lp -l)gdlln
Figure 3.28. Comparisons between relative roughness determined from the theory of minimum unit stream
power and those obtained by Peterson and Engelund (Parker, 1977).
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Other sediment transport formulas can also be used in Yang's method as long as the formula can
accurately estimate sediment load or concentration at the study site. The following example is given to
illustrate the application of this method (Yang, 1 996):
Example 3.4 The following data were collected from Rio Grande River Section F with width of
370 ft near Bernalillo, New Mexico.
Determine Manning's roughness coefficient using the minimum unit stream power theory and Yang's
(1973) unit stream power equation.
Solution: The computed sediment concentration from equation (3.70) is 5 I7 ppm by weight. The
following table summarizes the minimum unit stream power computation:
The minimum unit stream power V,,,Sf,,= 0.002430 (ft-lb/lb)/s, which is close to the measured unit
stream power VS = 0.002432 (ft-lb/lb)/s. The corresponding values of depth, velocity, and slope are:
Figure 3.29 summarizes the comparisons between computed values based on Yang's methods and
measurements from two river stations of the Rio Grande.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Perfect agreement
Perfect agreement
Perfect agreement
Perfect agreement
0.5 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I IIIJ
200 loo0 10m
Measured bed-material concentration (ppm by weight)
Section F
0 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I l l 1
200 loo0 loo00
Measured bed-material concentration (ppm by weight)
Figure 3.29. Comparisons between measured data from the Rio Grande and computed values from the
theory of minimum unit stream power: (a) I~ydraulicparameters; (b) Manning's roughness coefficient
(Yang and Song, 1979).
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Most of the sediment transport functions were derived under the equilibrium condition with no scour
nor deposition. The computed sediment load or concentration in a river from a sediment transport
function is the river's sediment-carrying capacity.
When the wash load or concentration of fine material is high, a transport function should be modified
by taking the effects of wash load into consideration before its application. An example of this type of
modification is the modified dimensionless unit stream power formula proposed by Yang et al. (1 996)
as shown in equation (3.78). When a sediment transport function is used in a computer model for
sediment routing, we also assume equilibrium sediment transport. Under this condition, if a river's
sediment-carrying capacity determined from a sediment transport function is different from the
sediment supply rate from upstream, scour or deposition would occur instantaneously. This
assumption is valid for sand or coarse materials. For fine materials, the concept of nonequilibrium
sediment transport should be applied. Based on the analytical solution of the convection-diffusion
equation, Han (1980) proposed the following equation for the determination of nonequilibrium
sediment transport rate:
Equation (3.145) is employed for each of the particle size fractions in the cohesiveless range; that is,
with diameter greater than 62.5pm. The parameter a is a recovery factor. Han and He (1990)
recommended a value of 0.25 for deposition and 2.0 for entrainment. Although equation (3.145) was
derived for suspended load, its application to bed-material load is reasonable. Yang and Simdes
(2002) gave more detailed analysis on the use of equation (3.145) for sediment routing.
The selection of appropriate sediment transport formulas under different flow and sediment conditions
are important to sediment transport and river morphologic studies. Computed sediment load or
concentration from different sediment transport formulas can give vastly different results from each
other and from field measurement. Consequently, engineers must compare the accuracies and limits of
application of different formulas before their final selection. Comparisons of accuracies of sediment
formulas were published by Schulits and Hill (1 968), White et al. (19 7 3 , Yang ( 1 976, 1979, 1984,
1996), Alonso (1980), Brownlie (1981), Yang and Molinas (1982), ASCE (1982), Vetter
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
(1989), German Association for Water and Land Improvement (1990), Yang and Wan (1 99 1 ), and
Yang and Huang (2001). The comparisons were made directly based on measured results or indirectly
based on simulated results of a computer model.
Vanoni (1975) compared the computed sediment discharges from different equations with the
measured results from natural rivers. Yang (1977) replotted his comparisons. The total measured
sediment load does not include wash load. Figures 3.30 and 3.3 1 show these comparisons. With the
exception of Yang's (1973) unit stream power equation, the results in Figures 3.30 and 3.31 are
obtained directly from Vanoni's (197 1) comparisons.
Figure 3.30 shows a comparison between computed and measured results by Colby and Hembree
(1955) from the Niobrara River near Cody, Nebraska. Among the 14 equations, computed results
from Yang's (1 973) unit stream power equation give the best agreement with measurements. Colby's,
Lauren's and, Toffaleti's equations and Einstein's bedload function can all provide reasonable
estimates of the total sediment discharge form the Niobrara River. Figure 3.3 1 shows that Yang's
(1973) unit stream power equation is the only one that can provide a close estimate of the total
sediment discharge in Mountain Creek. The Schoklitsch equation ranks second in accuracy in this
White, Milli, and Crabe (1 975) reviewed and compared sediment transport theories. They reviewed
and compared most of the available equations at that time, with the exception of Yang's ( 1 973) and
Shen and Hung's (1972) equations. Their comparison was based on over 1,000 flume experiments
and 260 field measurements. They excluded data with Froude numbers greater than 0.8. They used
two dimensionless parameters for comparison purposes: the dimensionless particle size D,, and the
discrepancy ratio. The latter is defined as the ratio between calculated and measured sediment loads.
D,, is defined as:
Comparisons made by White et al. (1 975) indicated that Ackers and White's (1 973) equation is the
most accurate, followed by Engelund and Hansen's (1972), Rottner's (1959), Einstein's (1950),
Bishop, Simons, and Richardson's (I 965), Toffaleti's (1969), Bagnold's (1966), and Meyer-Peter and
Miiller's (1948) equations.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Figilrc 3.30. Compariso~ibctwccn mcas~~rcdtotal scdilnclit discharge of the Niobrara River near Cody,
Nebraska, and computed rcsults of various equations (Yang, 1977).
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Figure 3.3 1 . Comparison between measured total sediment discharge of Mountail1 Creek at Greenville, Soutl~
Carolina, and computed results of various equations (Yang, 1977).
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Yang (1 976) made a similar analysis of 1,247 sets of laboratory and river data and discussed the
results of White et al. ( 1 975). Because the data used for comparison by Yang and by White et al. are
basically the same, Table 3.4 combines the comparisons to give a relative rating of different sediment
transport equations.
Yang ( 1 973) 9l
S hcn and Hung:" ( 1972) 85
Ackcrs and White (1973) 68
Engelund and Hansen ( I 972) 63
Rollner ( 1959) 56
Einslein (1950) 46
Bishop el al. (1 965) 39
Toffaleti ( 1969) 37
Bagnold (1966) 22
Meyer-Peter and Muller ( 1948) 10
' S h o u l d not be applied to large rivers
Alonso (1980) and Alonso et al. (1982) made systematic and detailed evaluations of sediment
transport equations. The equations they evaluated cover wide ranges of sediment size, from very fine
to very coarse. Among the 31 transport equations initially considered by Alonso (1980), only
8 received detailed comparison and evaluation. Some of the equations were not included for detailed
evaluation by Alonso because they have not received extensive application. Others, such as Toffaleti's
(1969) and the modified Einstein (Hubbell and Matejke, 1955) methods, are too complicated or
require knowledge of the concentration of the measured suspended load and, therefore, not suitable for
hydrologic or engineering simulation. Table 3.5 shows the results of the comparison by Alonso
(1980) for sand transport. The MPME method, as shown in Table 3.5, estimates the total load by
adding the bedload predicted by Meyer-Peter and Miiller ( 1 948) formulas to the suspended load
computed by Einstein's (1 950) procedures.
Alonso limited his comparisons of field data to those where the total bed-material load can be
measured by special facilities. Thus, uncertainties in the unmeasured load do not exist. Table 3.5
indicates that Yang's (1 973) equation has an average error of 1 percent for both field and flume data.
When the depth-particle diameter ratio D/d is less then 70, the flow is shallow, and surface wave
effects become important. In this range, most sediment formulas may fail because they do not account
for interactions with free surface waves.
Table 3.6 provides a summary rating of selected sediment transport formulas by the American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE, 1982). The German Association for Water and Land Improvement (1990)
published similar ratings.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Tablc 3.5. Analysis of discrepancy ratio distributions of different transport formulas (Alonso, 1980)
Ratio between predicted and measured load
Number 95% confidence standard Percentage of tests with
Formula of tcsts limits of mean deviation ratio bctwccn '12 and 2
Field data
Ackers and White (1973)
Engelund and Hansen (1972)
Laursen (I 958)
Yang (1 973)
Bagnold ( I 966)
Meyer-Peter and Muller (I 948)
Yalin (1963)
Flume data with D/d 2 70
Ackers and White (1971)
Engelund and Hansen (1972)
Laursen (I 958)
Yang (1973)
Bagnold (I 966)
Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948)
Yalin (1963)
Flume data with D/d (70
Ackers and White (1973) 48 1.12 0.93 1.28 0.52 89.6
Engelund and Hansen ( 1972) 48 0.75 0.59 0.90 0.50 66.7
Laursen (I 958) 48 I .04 0.76 1.32 0.99 79.2
MPME'* 48 1.34 1.04 1.64 1.04 66.7
Yang (1973) 48 0.90 0.79 1.05 0.5 1 85.4
Bagnold ( 1966) 48 1.53 1.46 1.87 1.14 45.8
Meyer-Peter and Miiller (1 948) 48 I .03 1.00 1.27 0.83 72.9
Yalin (1963) 48 I .92 1.45 2.41 1.65 64.6
* MPME = Meyer-Peter and Miiller's (1948)formula for bedload and Einstein's (1950)formula for suspended load.
Tablc 3.6. Summary of rating of sclectcd sediment transport formulas (ASCE, 1982)
Formula number I Reference Type Comments
(1) (2) (3) (4)
I Ackcrs and White (1973) Total load rank:" 3
2 Engelund and Hallsen ( 1967) Total load rank = 4
3 Laursen (I 958) Total load rank = 2
4 MPME Total load rank = 6
5 Yang (1973) Total load rank = I, best overall predictions
6 Bagnold (I 966) Bedload rank = 5
7 Meyer-Peter and Miiller (1948) Bedload rank = 7
8 Yalin (1963) Bedload rank = 8
* Based on mean discrepancy ratio (ciilculnted over observed transport rate) from 40 tests using field data and 165 tests using flume
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Direct comparisons between measured and computed results from different sediment transport
equations indicate that, on the average, Yang's (1 973) dimensionless unit stream power equation is
more accurate than others for sediment transport in the sand size range. Figure 3.32 shows a summary
comparison between measured bed-material discharge from six river stations and computed results
from Yang's (1973) equation.
Figure 3.32. Comparison between measured total bed-material discharge from six river stations and comp~~ted
results from Yang's (I 973) equation (Yang. 1979, 1980).
The results shown in Table 3.7 indicate that the average mean discrepancy ratio of Yang's (1973)
equation for 1,247 sets of laboratory and river data is 1.03. This means that, on the average, Yang's
(1 973) equation has an error of 3 percent. Figure 3.33 shows that the distributions of discrepancy ratio
of Yang's (1973) equation for both laboratory and river data follow normal distributions. This means
that no systematic error exists in Yang's (1 973) equation. The reason that computed loads for natural
rivers are generally higher than measurements is that Yang's (1973) equation includes loads in the
unmeasured zone, while for most natural rivers, loads in the unmeasured zone are not included in the
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Figure 3.33. Distribution of discrepancy ratio of Yang's (1973) equation (Yang, 1977).
Most of the comparisons of accuracy of equations were made for data collected in the sand size range.
For coarser materials, sediments mainly travel as bedload or in the unmeasured zone. No reliable
instrument can be used to measure bedload in most natural rivers under normal conditions. Thus,
comparisons can be made only for laboratory flume data, where bedload can be measured by special
equipment. Figure 3.34 shows an example of a comparison of four equations. It indicates that
equations of Yang (1 984), Engelund and Hansen (1 9721, Ackers and White ( 1 973), and Meyer-Peter
and Miiller (1948) are all reasonably accurate for Gilbert's (1914) 7.0- mm gravel data collected
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
from a laboratory flume. However, with the exception of Yang's (1984) gravel equation, the
agreement between measured (Cassie, 1935) and computed results shown in Figure 3.35 is poor. This
is due to the lack of generality of the assumptions used in the development of these equations, as
explained in section 3.3.4.
Figure 3.34. Comparison between 7.0 I -mm gravel concentration measured by Gilbert ( 19 14) and results
computed using different equations (Yang, 1984).
Among deterministic sediment transport equations, the modified Yang's ( I 996) unit stream power
equation (3.78) is the one that can be applied to flows with high concentration of wash load.
Yang et al. (1996) compared the computed results from equation (3.78) and 580 sets of measured data
from 9 gauging stations along the Middle and Lower Yellow River. Their comparisons have an
averaged discrepancy ratio of 1.0034 and a standard deviation of 1.6692. Figure 3.36 shows their
comparisons. The slope of the Middle and Lower Yellow River is very flat. The flatter the slope, the
higher the percentage error of measurement that can be caused by water surface fluctuation.
Figure 3.37 shows a comparison between the computed and measured results from the Yellow River,
excluding 112 sets of data with slope less than 0.0001 from a total of 580 sets of data. The
improvement shown in Figure 3.37 over that in Figure 3.36 is apparent. Thus, in a comparison with
field data, the possibility of having measurement errors should not be overlooked.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
/' ' " "
/ -
1 I I I I I
Figure 3.35. Comparison between 2.46-mm gravel concentration measured by Cassie (I 935)
and results computed using different equations (Yang, 1984).
I o7
3 IW
1 lo'
1 10 I@ 10" 101 106
Measured sediment load (kgt's)
Figure 3.36. Comparison between computcd and measured results based on the modified
Yang's unit stream power formula, equation (3.78), and measurements from the Yellow River
with scdimcnt diamctcr largcr than 0.01 mm.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Measured sediment load (kus)
Figure 3.37. Comparison between computed and measured results based on the modified Yang's unit
stream power formula, equation (3.78), and measurements from the Yellow Rivcr with sediment diameter
larger than 0.0 l lnln and slope greater than 0.000 1.
Equation (3.70) was developed as a predictive equation for sand transport. Figure 3.38 indicates that
equation (3.70) can be used to predict sediment transport rate in the clay-size range if the effective
diameter of clay aggregate is used. The scattering shown in Figure 3.38 was mainly due to the fact
that different numbers of fine particles are bunched together to form clay aggregate of different
effective diameters. Moore and Burch (1 986) applied equation (3.70) in conjunction with the theory
of minimum unit stream power for the determination of surface and rill erosion rate. Figure 3.39
indicates that equation (3.70) can accurately predict surface and rill erosion rate, especially if soil
particles are in the ballistic dispersion mode when most sediment particles are being eroded (see
Chapter 2, Erosion and Reservoir Sedimentation).
Not all sediment particles move at the same rate under a given flow condition when the particle sizes
are not uniform. Yang and Wan (1 991) made detailed comparisons of formulas based on size fraction.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Figirrc 3.38. Comparison bctwccn obscrvcd and predicted clay conccntrations from
Yang's unit strcam power (Moorc and Burch, 1986).
Figure 3.39. Comparison between observed and predicted sediment concentrations in ppm,
by weight, from Yang's unit stream power equation with a plane bed composed of
0.43-tnm sand (Moore and Rurch, 1986).
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
They defined the discrepancy ratio y , as the ratio between the median particle diameter dc in
transportation, computed by a formula, and actually measured particle diameter d,,,in transportation;
that is,
They also defined the discrepancy ratio y-, as the ratio between the median particle diameter d . in
transportation, computed by a formula, and dSoof the original bed materials on the alluvial bed; that is,
Most sediment transport equations were originally developed for fairly uniform bed materials. When
they are applied to nonuniform materials, the total sediment concentration can be computed by size
fraction (Yang, 1 988):
The discrepancy ratio y , should give an indication of the average accuracy of a formula in predicting
the size distribution of bed materials in transportation. The discrepancy ratio y2 should give us an
indication of the reasonableness of a formula in predicting the effect of the sorting process or the
reduction of average particle size in the transport process. The results shown in Table 3.8 indicate that
Yang's (1 973) fraction formula has the best overall discrepancy ratio of 0.95. These results also show
that the y, value for Yang's (1973) fraction formula is not very sensitive to variations in Froude
number. They suggest that Yang's fraction formula can be used with accuracy to predict size
distribution of bed materials in transportation. This study also indicates that the median sizes of bed
materials in transportation predicted by Laursen ( 1 958) and Toffaleti (1 968) are too small, while those
predicted by Einstein (1950) are too large.
Table 3.9 indicates that, with the exception of Einstein's formula, bed materials in transportation
computed by Laursen (1958), Yang (1973) by size fraction, and Toffaleti (1968) are finer than the
original bed materials on the bed, which is consistent with the sorting phenomena. This sorting
process explains why bed-material size should decrease in the downstream direction. The measured y,
value based on Yang's (1973) fraction formula changes very little, and Table 3.9 shows an average
value of 0.77. The y2 values of Einstein's (1 950) formula are greater than unity for all flow conditions,
which means that the materials in transportation computed using Einstein's formula are
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
coarser than the original bed materials, and the bed-material size would increase in the downstream
direction, which is not reasonable. Yang and Wan's results suggest that Einstein's hiding and lifting
factors may overcorrect the effect of nonuniforlnity of bed-material size on transport of graded bed
materials. Einstein's assumption, that the average step length of 100 particle diameters implies that
larger particles would have longer step length, is also erroneous.
Table 3.8. Comparison bctwccn cornputcd and mcasi~rcdbcd-material sizcs in transportation (Yang and Wan, 199 1 )
Discrcpancy ratio yl
I Number
Pcrccntagc of data in the range of
Formula 0.75- 1 .25 1 0.5- 1 j
' 1 0.25- 1.75 Standard deviation data sets
F,. = 0.20-0.30
Laursen 0.86 79 100 1 00 0.15 19
Yang (fraction) 1.09 79 I00 1 00 0.18 19
Einstein 2.64 0 0 0 0.84 19
Tofljleli 0.77 42 I00 1 00 0.19 19
Computer models have been increasingly used to predict or simulate the scour and deposition
procedures of a river due to artificial or natural causes. The simulated results are sensitive to the
selection of sediment transport equations used in the computer model. Therefore, the agreement
between the measured and simulated results from a sediment transport equation is an indication of the
accuracy of that equation. One of the most commonly used one-dimensional sediment routing models
is HEC-6, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1977, 1993).
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1982) applied the HEC-6 model to the study of scour and
deposition process along several rivers due to engineering constructions. The sediment transport
equations included in HEC-6 that were selected by the Los Angeles District of the Corps for
comparison included those of Yang (1973, 1984), Toffaleti (1969), Laursen (1 958), and DuBoys
(1 879). After a thorough comparison of all the transport equations available in HEC-6, Yang's (1973)
equation was selected.
This function was selected because of ( I ) previous successful application in sediment studies
performed on similar streams in southern California by the Los Angeles District, (2) the conclusions
reported in a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. and (3) comparison with the
rcsults from other transport functions applied in this study.
Before the Corps finally selected Yang's (1 973) equation, sensitivity tests of the results using different
transport functions in HEC-6 were made. These tests reached the following conclusions:
Of the [our functions applied, the ToSfaleti transport capacity was found to be much less than the
others. The result has reasonably small changes in computed bed elevations. The Duboys equation
produced trends opposite from those predicted in the preliminary analysis indicated in table 1 (U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, 1982). Likewise, the Laursen function produced trends in the middle
reach that were opposite from those predicted, and moreover, indicated unreasonably high deposition
in the downstream reach. By contrast, the Yangequation produced trends that agreed well with the
preliminary analysis throughout the study reach with the exception of the very downstrea~nend, as
was previously discussed (due to the lack of reliable estimation of Manning's n value). Thus, even
though the computed changes in bed elevation were found to be very sensitive to different functions,
thc Yang equation clearly yicldcd the most rcasonablc rcsults of the four functions incorporated into
thc HEC-6 program. For this reason and for the reasons discussed prcviously, it was concluded that
thc Yang function is thc most appropriate to use in simulating scdimcnt transport in the San Luis Rcy
Figures 3.40 and 3.4 1 are two examples of comparisons made by the Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles
District. These data are in the sand-size range. The comparisons indicate that generally good
correlation between the observed and reconstituted bed profiles was obtained from the HEC-6 model
using Yang's (1 973) equation.
The HEC-6 computer model is a one-dimensional model for water and sediment routing. The
bed elevation adjustment is parallel to the original bed without any variation in the lateral direction.
The Bureau of Reclamation's GSTARS (Molinas and Yang, 1986) is a generalized stream tube model
for alluvial river simulation. GSTARS can simulate the hydraulic conditions in a semi-
two-dimensional manner, and channel geometry change in a semi-three-dimensional manner.
Figure 3.42 shows a three-dimensional plot of the variation of computed scour pattern at the
Mississippi River Lock and Dam No. 26 replacement site. Yang's 1973 sand formula and his 1984
gravel formula were used in the GSTARS simulation. Figure 3.43 shows the comparison between
measured and computed results based on GSTARS. Because GSTARS cannot simulate secondary
flow and eddies, a simplified assumption of a straight line extension of the cofferdam, as shown in
Figure 3.43(b), was adopted. Despite this simplification, Figure 3.43 shows that the scour patterns
predicted by GSTARS using Yang's sand and gravel formulas agree very well with measured results.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Figure 3.40. Reconstituted bed protiles of the Lower Santa A~iaRiver after the 1969 tlood, using Yang's
(1 973) equation (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982).
---. 0-,
970 -- -\
- -4-
Actual sediment level after 1978 flood
0 --.,-
940 940
930 - I
a-- --- --a_-
Figure 3.41. Reconstituted bed profiles of the Upper Santa Ana River after the 1978 flood, using
Yang's (1 973) equation (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982).
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
36 days
Y distance -750.0
Figure 3.42. Three-dimensional plot of thc variation of cornputcd scour pattern at thc
Mississippi River Lock and Dam No. 26 replacement sitc (Yang ct al., 1989).
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
The GSTARS computer model series has evolved through different revised and improved versions
since its original release in 1986. They are GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al., 1998), GSTARS 2.1 (Yang and
Simdes, 2000), and GSTARS3 (Yang and Simdes, 2002). Information on these programs can be
found by accessing website: One of the important features of all
the GSTARS models is the ability to simulate and predict channel width adjustments based on the
theory of minimum energy dissipation rate (Yang, 1976; Yang and Song, 1979, 1984) or its simplified
version of minimum stream power. Figure 3.44 compares the measured and predicted channel cross-
sectional change of the unlined emergency spillway downstream from Lake Mescalero in New
Mexico. The computation was based on Yang's sand (1973) and gravel (1984) formulas using
GSTARS 2.1. It is apparent that the use of the optimization option based on the theory of minimum
stream power can more accurately predict and simulate channel geometry changes. It is also apparent
that the accuracy of simulated results depends not only on the selection of a sediment transport
formula, but also on the capability and limits of application of the computer model used in the
-- - - ---
- - --
GSTARS 2.1 with optimization
It is difficult to determine the accuracy and applicability of a bedload or gravel transport formula
directly when it is applied to a natural river. This is because of the limitation of existing sampling
methods. Chang (1991, 1994) developed a method for selecting a gravel transport formula based
on the measured changes in stream morphology instead of site-specific gravel transport data.
The measured scour at the Highway No. 32 bridge crossing Stony Creek in Glen County, California ,is
77.6 m' in cross-sectional area. The simulated values based on Meyer-Peter and Miillerls (1 948),
Parker's (1990), Yang's (1984), and Engelund and Hansen's formulas are 58.5, 79.9, 75.2, and
143.1 m2, respectively. The measured deposition at station 46200 is 150 m2 in cross-sectional area.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
The simulated values based on Meyer-Peter and Muller's, Parker's, Yang's, and Engelund and
Hansen's formulas are 63, 155, 149, and 273 m', respectively. These results indicate that the gravel
formulas of Yang and Parker can accurately predict the scour and deposition process. Engelund and
Hansen's formula produced a higher transport rate, while Meyer-Peter and Muller's produced a lower
transport rate than the measurements.
Although the depositions simulated using Parker's formula and Yang's (1 984) formula are similar,
Yang's showed a more uniform distribution of deposition along the channel and correlated better with
measurement (Chang, 1991). For this reason, Chang (1991, 1994) adopted Yang's formula for the
Stony Creek morphological study. Figures 3.45 and 3.46 show examples of Chang's simulation results
using Yang's (1984) formula.
The ranking of the accuracy of formulas in the published comparisons is not consistent, mainly
because they were based on different sets of data. Some of the comparisons are not strictly valid,
because data outside of the range of application recommended by the authors of the formulas were
used in the comparison. Although no lack of data for comparison exists, the accuracies of data,
especially field data, may be questionable.
Yang and Huang (200 1 ) published a comprehensive comparison of 13 sediment transport formulas to
determine their limits of application. Published, reliable data by different authors were used to give
unbiased comparisons. Different amounts of data were used for different formulas because only the
data within the applicable range of a formula are used to test its accuracy. Dimensionless parameters
were used to determine the sensitivities of formulas to these parameters.
Stevens and Yang (1989) published FORTRAN and BASIC computer programs for 13 commonly
used sediment transport formulas in river engineering. Yang's 1996 book, Sediment Transport Theory
and Practice, includes the complete source codes in both FORTRAN and BASIC and a floppy
diskette of the programs. The 13 formulas are those proposed by Schoklitsch (1934), Kalinske (1947),
Meyer-Peter and Miiller (1 948), Einstein (1 950) for bedload, Einstein (1 950) for bed-material load,
Laursen (1 958), Rottner (1 959), Engelund and Hansen (1 967), Toffaleti (1968), Ackers and White
(1 973), Yang ( 1 973) for sand transport with incipient motion criteria, Yang (1 979) for sand transport
without incipient motion criteria, and Yang (1984) for gravel transport. Yang and Huang (2001)
selected these formulas, because the computer program used in comparison is readily available to the
public. Many of these formulas have been incorporated in sediment transport models, such as the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' HEC-6 computer model, Scour and Deposition in Rivers and
Reservoirs (1993), and the Bureau of Reclamation's Generalized Stream Tube Model for Alluvial
River Simulation (GSTARS) by Molinas and Yang (1 986) and its revised and improved versions of
GSTARS2 (Yang, et al., 19981, GSTARS 2.1 (Yang and SimBes, 2000), and GSTARS3 (Yang and
Simaes, 2002).
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Figure 3.45. Spatial variations of the Stony Creek sediment delivery by the 1978 tlood based on four
sediment-transport formulas (Chang, 1994).
175 I I I I I I
4100 4500 4900 5300
Station (ft)
Figure 3.46. Measured cross-sectional changes at Stony Creek section 52400 and those simulated based
on Yang's (1984) formula (courtesy of Chang).
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
The accuracy of a sediment transport formula may vary with varying flow and sediment conditions.
To determine the sensitivities of a transport formula to varying flow and sediment conditions, Yang
and Huang (200 1 ) selected seven dimensionless parameters for comparison. They are dimensionless
particle diameter, relative depth, Froude number, relative shear stress, dimensionless unit stream
power, sediment concentration, and discrepancy ratio.
Different transport formulas were developed for sediment transport in different size ranges. The
dimensionless particle diameter used in the comparisons is defined as:
The relative depth is defined as the ratio between average water depth D and sediment particle
diameter d. The inverse of relative depth is the relative roughness, which has been considered by
many investigators as an important parameter for the determination of sediment transport rate and
resistance to flow. One major difference between laboratory and river data is that the former have a
much smaller value of relative depth. If the relative depth is small, say less than 50, the water surface
wave and the size of bed form may affect accuracy of measurements.
Froude number is one of the most important parameters for open channel flow studies. Most sediment
transport formulas were developed for subcritical flows.
Relative shear velocity is defined as the ratio between shear velocity U1.and sediment particle fall
velocity w. Many researchers consider Ul/w as an index of flow intensity for sediment transport. For
example, Julien (1 995) believes that there is no sediment movement if U J m < 0.2; sediment transport
is in the form of bedload if 0.2 < U J w < 0.4; sediment transport is in the form of both bedload and
suspended load if 0.4 < Udc*,< 2.5; sediment transport is in the form of suspended load if U : l . />~2.5.
Yang (1 973) defined the dimensionless unit stream power as VS/w, where V = cross-sectional average
flow velocity; S = energy or water surface slope; and c*, = sediment particle fall velocity. Yang (1973,
1 996) considered VS/w the most important parameter for the determination of sediment concentration
or sediment transport rate.
Sediment concentration is defined as the ratio between sediment transport rate and water discharge by
Discrepancy ratio is defined as the ratio between computed sediment concentration and measured
sediment concentration; that is,
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
A total of more than 6,200 sets of sediment transport and hydraulic data were available to Yang and
Huang (2001) for preliminary comparison and analysis. One of the difficulties in the selection of data
for final comparison and analysis is the determination of accuracies of data published by different
investigators. The following criteria were used to eliminate data of questionable accuracy:
Only those data published by an investigator with more than 50 percent in a range of
discrepancy ratio between 0.5 and 2, based on two or more of the 13 formulas, were
included. Data with less than 10 sets were excluded. A total of 3,39 1 sets of data met this
requirement. These data were compiled by Yang (2001).
Most of the laboratory data were fairly uniform in size. The median particle diameter was
used for all sediment transport formula computations. The gradation coefficient is defined
where dl5 0, d5@d84 = sediment particle size corresponding to 15.9%,50%, and 84.1 %
finer, respectively.
To avoid the inclusion of wash load, data with median particle diameters of less than
0.0625 mm were excluded.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
All the laboratory data had to be collected under steady equilibrium conditions. Natural river sediment
and hydraulic data had to be collected within a day, and flow conditions had to be fairly steady to
ensure a close relationship between sediment and flow conditions for a given set of river data.
Based on the above criteria, a total of 3,225 sets of laboratory data and 166 sets of river data were
selected for final analysis and comparison. Table 3.10 summarizes these data.
Some of the transport formulas were intended for sand transport and some for gravel transport. The
second step of comparison was to determine the range of application of sediment particle size based on
discrepancy ratio for each formula. Table 3.1 1 shows the results. Based on the results shown in
Table 3.1 1, Table 3.12 gives the ranges of application of the 13 formulas. Yang and Huang (2001)
used only those data within the range of application of each formulaas shown in Table 3.12 for further
comparison and analysis.
Table 3.13 summarizes the sensitivity of the accuracy of formulas as a function of relative depth. The
relatively large variations of discrepancy ratio for 13 formulas with 4 < D/d < 50 suggest that the
influences of water surface wave and bed f o m may be significant. If we exclude the data with
4 < D/d < 50, Yang's 1979 sand formula is least sensitive to the variation of relative depth, followed
by Yang's 1973 sand formula, and Yang's 1984 gravel formula. The Rottner formulaand the Kalinske
formula are the most sensitive. The Ackers and White formula has a tendency to overestimate
sediment concentration with increasing flow depth, while the Engelund and Hansen formula has the
reverse tendency.
Table 3.14 and Figure 3.47 summarize the sensitivity of the accuracy of formulas as a function of
Froude number. The Rottner formula is most sensitive to the variation of Froude number, followed by
Einstein's bedload and bed-material load formulas and the Kalinske formula. Yang's 1979 and 1973
sand formulas are least sensitive to the variation of Froude number. Table 3.14 shows that Yang's
1973, 1979, and 1984 formulas can be applied to subcritical, supercritical, and transitional flow
regimes, while other formulas should be applied to subcritical flow only. Table 3.15 summarizes the
sensitivity of the accuracy of formulas as a function of relative shear velocity. The Rottner and
Kalinske formulas are most sensitive to the variation of relative shear velocity. Yang's 1973, 1979,
and 1984 formulas are least sensitive to the variation of relative shear velocity.
Yang considered the dimensionless unit stream power to be the most important parameter in his 1973,
1979, and 1984 formulas. Table 3.16 shows that Yang's three formulas consistently and reliably
predict sediment concentration or transport rates. The formulas by Ackers and White and by Engelund
and Hansen also can give accurate estimation of sediment concentration or load for a wide range of
dimensionless unit stream power. The least reliable ones are the Rottner, Kalinske, and Einstein's
bedload and bed-material load formulas. While the Kalinske and Laursen formulas consistently
overestimate sediment concentration and transport rate, the Meyer-Peter and Miiller formula
consistently underestimates sediment concentration and transport rate.
Table 3.17 and Figure 3.48 summarize the accuracies of transport equations as a function of measured
sediment concentration. Accuracy apparently increases for all formulas when the measured sediment
concentration is greater than 100 ppm by weight. This may be related to the fact that it is more
difficult to measure accurately when the concentration is low. If we limit our comparisons with
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
concentration greater than 100 ppm by weight, the most accurate formulas are those proposed by Yang
in 1973, 1979, and 1984. The Ackers and White and the Engelund and Hansen formulas can also give
reasonable estimates. The least accurate ones are the Kalinske, Rottner, Einstein bedload and
bed-material load, Taffoletti, and the Meyer-Peter and Miiller formulas.
The difference between Yang's 1973 and 1979 formulas is that the 1973 formula includes incipient
motion criteria, while the 1979 formula does not have incipient motion criteria. Consequently, the
1973 formula should be used where measured total bed-material concentration is less than 100 ppm by
weight. The 1979 formula should give slightly more accurate results at high concentrations because
the uncertainty and the importance of incipient motion criteria decrease with increasing sediment
concentration. Tables 3.18 and 3.19 and Figure 3.49 summarize the comparison between Yang's 1973
and 1979 formulas. It is apparent that the 1973 formula should be used where total bed-material
concentration is less than 100 ppm by weight, while the 1979 formula is slightly more accurate where
the concentration is greater than 100 ppm by weight.
The Meyer-Peter and Miiller and the 1984 Yang formulas should be used for bed materials in the very
coarse sand to coarse gravel range. Figure 3.50 shows that the 1984 Yang formula gives more
reasonable prediction than the Meyer-Peter and Miiller formula.
Table 3.19 summarizes the recommended ranges of application and the accuracy of 13 formulas. It is
apparent that formulas based on energy dissipation rate either directly or indirectly, such as those by
Yang, Ackers and White, and Engelund and Hansen, outperform those based on other approaches.
The Einstein transport functions were based on probability concepts. In spite of the sophisticated
theories and the complicated computational procedures used, Einstein's bedload and bed-material
transport formulas are less accurate than others for engineering applications. This is mainly due to the
lack of generality of Einstein's assumptions, such as step length, hiding factor, and lifting factor (Yang
and Wan, 199 1). Einstein's formulas should not be used in any computer model if sediment routing
based on size fractions is performed. Yang and Wan (1991) pointed out that if computation is based
on size fraction using Einstein's formulas, sediment in transportation would be coarser than the
original bed-material gradation, and coarser materials would be transported further in the downstream
direction at a higher rate than the finer materials.
The Rottner formula is a regression equation without much theoretical basis. The results shown in
Table 3.19 indicate that the Rottner formula is less reliable than others based on discrepancy ratio.
Formulas purely based on regression analysis should not be applied to places other than where the data
were used in the original regression analyses.
Table 3.19 also indicates that the classical approach based on shear stress, such as the Kalinske and
the Meyer-Peter and Miiller formulas, is less accurate than those based on the energy dissipation rate
theories used by Yang directly and by Ackers and White, and Engelund and Hansen indirectly.
Yang's approach was based on his unit stream power theory, while Ackers and White and Engelund
and Hansen applied Bagnold's (1966) stream power concept to obtain their transport functions (Yang,
Table 3.10. Sumrnarv of basic data ( Y a m and Huang. 2001'1
Author Dl s D/d Fr U1 /a VS/w C N
Ansely (1963) 5.83 1.33 58.9-157.0 2.301-3.362 2.042-3.446 1.0312-2.2163 29576.198664 26
Chyn (1935) 1 19.5-21.O 1 1.23-1.58 1 59.4-106.0 1 0.514-0.764 1 0.261-0.440 1 0.0043-0.0152 1 123-751 1 22
MacDoueal (1933) 1 16.5-31.5 1 1.29-1.71 1 29.6-190.3 0.433-0.799 1 0.218-0.507 1 0.0038-0.0212 1 123-1237 1 74
Straub ( 1954) 4.78 1.40 2 18.6-1232 0.399-1.299 1.800-2.626 0.0222-0.2788 423- 12600 18
Krishnappan and Engel ( 1988) 30.0 I.OO 1 18.1-137.9 0.459-0.765 0.283-0.745 0.0040-0.045 1 88-2087 15
Wang et al. (1998) 2.78 1.94 845.8-1229 0.329-1.128 6.894-13.716 0.1045-0.9641 13750-118180 35
Author of formula
Note: R = discrepancy ratio; R = average discrepancy ratio; N = number of data sets; NI-= total number of data $
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Table 3.15. Applicability test of formulas according to relative shear velocity U1 /w(using applicable data) (Yang and Huang, 2001)
Ul /w= 0.18-0.40 1 U, /#= 0.40- 1 .OO I
CJ /w= 1.00-2.50 1
U, / ~ = 2 . 5 0 - 1 5 . 0 0 1
Author of fonnula
Engelundand Hansen (1967) 1 1.64 1 769 1 1081 1 1.08 1 89% 1 1239 1 1.11 1 1
8 6 7 ~ 552 1 0.92 1 84% 412 1 3284
Kalinske (1947) 1 3.38 1 11% 1 640 1 1.97 1 31% 1 1127 1 1.51 1 40% 1 552 1 1.21 1 527~ 1 412 1 2731
Note: R = discrepancy ratio; R = average discrepancy ratio; N = number of data sets: N , = total number of data
Author of formula
Note: R = discrepancy ratio; R = average discrepancy ratio; N = number of data sets; N , = total number of data
Author of formula
Yang (gravel) (1984) 1 0.78 769 1 203 1 0.91 1 839 1 181 1 1.03 1 87% 1 137 1 0.91 I 86% 1 7 1 528 Q
Note: R = discrepancy ratio: R = average discrepancy ratio; N = number of data sets: Nr = total number of data %
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
8 - Rottner (1959)
9 - Schoklitsch (1934)
10 - Tollaleti (1 968)
11 - Yang (Sand) (1973)
1 1.5
Froude Number Fr
Figure 3.49. Comparison of equations of Yang ( 1 973) and Yang ( 1 979) for sand transport.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Sediment Diameter d (mm)
Figure 3.50. Coinparison of eqi~ationsof Meycr-Petcr and Miiller (1948) and Yang (1984) for gravel transport.
Most of the river sediment transport studies involve sediments in the coarse silt to coarse gravel size
range. Table 3. I9 indicates that the priority of selection should be Yang (1 979) for dso< 2 mm plus
Yang (1984) for dsO>2 mm, followed by Yang (1973) for dsO< 2 mm plus Yang (1984) for
dS0> 2 mm, and then followed by Ackers and White (1973) and Engelund and Hansen ( 1967). If the
local conditions on the range of variations of dimensionless particle diameter, relative depth, Froude
number, relative shear velocity, dimensionless unit stream power, and measured bed-material load
concentration are available, Tables 3.1 I to 3.19 should be used as references to finalize the selection
of the most appropriate formula for engineers to use.
The analyses by Yang and Huang (2001 ) reached the following conclusions:
Sediment transport formulas based on energy dissipation rate or the power concept are more
accurate than those based on other concepts. Yang's (1973, 1979, 1984) formulas were
derived directly from the unit stream power theory, while the formulas by Engelund and
Hansen ( 1 967) and by Ackers and White (1973) were obtained indirectly from Bagnold's
(1 966) stream power concept.
Among the 13 formulas compared, Yang's 1973, 1979, and 1984 formulas are the most
robust, and their accuracies are least sensitive to the variation of relative depth, Froude
number, dimensionless shear velocity, dimensionless unit stream power, and sediment
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
With the exception of Yang's (1973, 1979, and 1984) dimensionless unit stream power
formulas and Engelund and Hansen's (1 967) formula, the application of other sediment
transport formulas should be limited to subcritical flows.
Engineers should use Table 3.19 as a reference for the preliminary selection of appropriate
formulas for different size ranges of sediment particle diameter. Tables 3.13 to 3.17 should
be used to determine whether a formula is suitable for a given range of dimensionless
parameters before the final selection of formula is made.
Yang's 1973 and 1979 sand transport formulas have about the same degree of accuracy.
However, the 1973 formula with incipient motion criteria is slightly more accurate when the
sand concentration is less than 100 ppm, while the 1979 formula without incipient motion
criteria is slightly more accurate for concentrations higher than 100 ppm.
The Einstein bed-material load (1950) and bedload (1950) formulas and those by Toffaleti
(1 958) and Meyer-Peter and Muller are not as accurate as those formulas based on the power
approach. Some engineers use the Meyer-Peter and Miiller formula for bedload, and the
Einstein bed-material or Toffaleti formula for suspended load for the estimate of total load.
This kind of combined use may not be justified from a theoretical point of view nor from the
accuracies of these equations based on the results shown in this chapter.
No perfect assumption exists that can be used to derive a sediment transport formula. However, the
generalities of these assumptions do differ. Based on the majority of published data, it appears that
unit stream power dominates the rate of sediment transport or sediment concentration more than any
other variable. Even if perfect assumptions could be found and used in the derivation of a formula, the
coefficients in the formula would still have to be determined by comparing the mathematical model
and measured data. Thus, the applicability of a formula depends not only on the assumptions and
theories used in its derivation, but also on the range of data used for the determination of the
coefficients in the formula. Sediment discharge in natural rivers depends not only on the independent
variables mentioned in previous sections, but also on the gradation and shape factor of sediment, the
percentage of bed surface covered by coarse material, the availability of bed material for transport,
variations in the hydrologic cycle, the rate of supply of fine material or wash load, the water
temperature, the channel pattern and bed configuration, the strength of turbulence, etc. Because of the
tremendous uncertainties involved in estimating sediment discharge at different flow and sediment
conditions under different hydrologic, geologic, and climatic constraints, it is extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to recommend one formula for engineers and geologists to use in the field under all
circumstances (Yang, 1996). The following procedures are based on the recommendations made by
Yang (1 977, 1980, 1996) with minor modifications.
Chclpter 33Noncohesive Sedirnenf Transport
Step I : Determine the kind of field data available or measurable within the time, budget, and
staffing limits.
Step 2: Examine all the formulas and select those with measured values of independent variables
determined from step 1 .
Step 3: Compare the field situation and the limitations of formulas selected in step 2. If more than
one formula can be used, calculate the rate of sediment transport by these formulas and
compare the results.
Step 4: Decide which formulas can best agree with the measured sediment load, and use these to
estimate the rate of sediment transport at those flow conditions when actual measurements
are not possible.
Step 5: In the absence of measured sediment load for comparison, the following formulas or
procedures should be considered:
Use Meyer-Peter and Miiller's formula when the bed material is coarser than 5 mm;
Use Einstein's bedload transport function when bedload is a significant portion of the total
Use Toffaleti's formula for large sand-bed rivers;
Use Colby's formula for rivers with depth less than 10 ft;
Use Shen and Hung's regression formula for laboratory flumes and very small rivers;
Use Karim and Kennedy's regression formula for natural rivers with a wide range of
variations of flow and sediment conditions;
Use Yang's (1 973) formula for sand transport in laboratory flumes and natural rivers;
Use Yang's (1979) formula for sand transport when the critical unit stream power at
incipient motion can be neglected;
Use Yang's (1 984) or Parker's (1 990) gravel formulas for bedload or gravel transport;
Use the modified Yang (1996) formula for nonequilibrium, high-concentration flows when
wash load or concentration of fine material is high;
Use Ackers and White'$ or Engelund and Hansen's formula for the subcritical flow
condition in the lower flow regime;
Use Yang's formulas (1 973, 1979, 1984) for subcritical, transition, and supercritical flow
conditions in the lower and upper flow regimes;
Use Laursen's formula for laboratory flumes and shallow rivers with fine sand or coarse silt;
Use Meyer-Peter and Miiller's formula for bedload and the modified Einstein's formula for
suspended load to obtain total load;
A regime or regression formula can be applied to a river only if the flow and sediment
conditions are similar to those from where the formula was derived;
Select a formula according to its degree of accuracy, shown in Table 3.6;
Based on the analyses of Yang and Huang (2001), select a formula that is most accurate
under the given range of flow and sediment conditions.
Err~sionand Sedimerzt~itionManual
Step 6: When none of the existing sediment transport formulas can give satisfactory results, use the
existing data collected from a river station and plot sediment load or concentration against
water discharge, velocity, slope, depth, shear stress, stream power, unit stream power or
dimensionless unit stream power, and Velikanov's parameter. The least scattered curve
without systematic deviation from a one-to-one correlation between dependent and
independent variables should be selected as the sediment rating curve for the station.
3.9 Summary
This chapter comprehensively reviews and evaluates basic approaches and theories used in the
determination of noncohesive sediment transport rate or concentration. The basic approaches used for
the development of sediment transport functions or formulas are the regime, regression, probabilistic,
and deterministic approaches. The concept that the rate of sediment transport should be directly
related to the rate of energy dissipation rate in transporting sediment has gained increasing acceptance
in recent years. Formulas derived from the power approach are those based on stream power
(Bagnold, Engelund and Hansen, and Ackers and White), unit stream power (Yang), power balance
(Pacheco-Ceballos), and gravitational power (Velikanov, Dou, and Zhang). Comparisons between
measured results and computed results from different formulas indicate that, on the average, formulas
derived from the power approach, especially the unit stream power approach, can more accurately
predict sediment transport rate than formulas derived from other approaches.
Due to the complexity of flow and sediment conditions of natural rivers, recommendations are made
for engineers to select appropriate formulas under different flow and sediment conditions. Sediment
particle fall velocity and resistance to flow are two of the important parameters used in sediment
transport and fluvial hydraulic computations. This chapter compares and evaluates different methods
used for fall velocity computation and the estimation of resistance to flow or roughness coefficient for
alluvial channels. This chapter also addresses the need to consider nonequilibrium sediment transport
and the impact of wash load on sediment transport.
3.10 References
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