PA GE 34: Check Your Understanding
PA GE 34: Check Your Understanding
PA GE 34: Check Your Understanding
1. What does the TLE by its nature is dominantly a skill subject hence the teacher must
Features of EPP/TLE engage the student in an experiential, contextualized and authentic
imply? teaching-learning process. TLE is divided into four major strands these
include Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, and
Information Communication Technology (ICT). The features of EPP/TLE
implies to develop the skills of the students at home and make an
adequate mastery of knowledge towards the improvement of personal life,
family and community with the specification of both gender that falls into
where students learn by doing and how students learn best.
5. What role does the The role that the standards play in teaching EPP/TLE curriculum is that it
standards play in ensures he teaching practices and the students to facilitate
teaching EPP/TLE communication and enhancement of skills based in agreed upon learning
curriculum? target to deliberately focus on the demands that the students in the
subject of EPP to meet.
1 | Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan 1
Evaluate yourself
1. How important is the
standards in EPP/TLE Various activities we learn from EPP strengthen our path towards total
curriculum? personal enhancement. EPP develops technical skills in agri-fishery,
home economics, industrial arts and entrepreneurships. The mentioned
areas are important skills that can arm us against this world filled with
laziness and ignorance. They will serve as our bridges towards a brighter
future and livelihood.
In hindsight, EPP is the bridge towards learning that can help us live.
Home economics for example can motivate us in elective ways. As we all
know, HE teaches us gift wrapping using recycled materials. Hence, this
is an effective tool that boosts students’ ingenuity. That ingenuity then
will be imbedded in students’ minds that will be carried on in the future.
2. How does students Authentic learning experiences help students understand the relevance
behave when exposed of what they’re learning and how they can apply their skills in the
in an authentic professional world. Rather than discussing hypothetical situations or
Learning? memorizing information, students are given the opportunity to put their
skills and knowledge to practical use in the development of solutions or
products that will be of immediate benefit to their communities and the
world at large.