Activity Zone
Activity Zone
Activity Zone
ACTIVITY 1 (NCERT Pg 101) form of ATP only. This is evident from the fact that
whenever the body requires energy, ATP breaks down to
ADP and Pi to fulfil the need of energy.
Aim 4. Where does the first step of respiration takes place in
To show that carbon dioxide is produced during the cell?
respiration. Ans The first step of respiration takes place in the cytoplasm of the
cell in which the 6 carbon compound called glucose, breaks
Materials Required down into two molecules of 3 carbon compound called
Two test tubes, freshly prepared lime water, pichkari or pyruvate. This process of breaking down of glucose is known
syringe, rubber tube and a glass tube. as glycolysis.
5. Which process is continuous, photosynthesis or
Procedure respiration?
1. Pour freshly prepared lime water in each test tube Ans Respiration is a continuous process which leads to the
(A and B ). breakdown of food and liberation of energy. It takes place
throughout day and night, while photosynthesis takes place
only in the presence of sunlight (day time).
Glass tube
Rubber tube
Test tube ACTIVITY 2 (NCERT Pg 101)
Lime water lime water
A B To show that carbon dioxide is produced during alcoholic
A. Air passed into lime water with a fermentation.
Materials Required
2. Blow air in test tube B through the lime water with the Fresh juice or 10% glucose solution, yeast, large test tube,
help of glass tube. single holed cork, twice bent glass tube (delivery tube),
3. Pass air through lime water in test tube A with the small test tube, freshly prepared lime water, glass rod and
help of a pichkari or syringe fitted with the fine non-drying oil.
rubber tube.
4. Note how long it takes for the lime water to turn milky. Procedure
1. Mix fresh juice or 10% glucose solution with yeast.
Observation 2. Pour this mixture upto 3/4th level in a large test tube
1. Lime water turns milky in test tube B. fitted with a one holed cork.
2. Lime water takes long time to turn milky in test tube A. 3. Pour a drop of non-drying oil over it to exclude
Conclusion air (oxygen).
4. Fit the cork with a bent glaes tube.
1. Lime water turns milky when carbon dioxide mixes
with it. 5. Dip the free end of the delivery tube into a smaller test
tube containing freshly prepared lime water.
2. Air blown out from mouth contains carbon dioxide.
6. Observe the change carefully.
Yeast brings about alcoholic fermentation, that