Smart Energy Meter and Monitoring System Using Iot IJERTCONV8IS14011
Smart Energy Meter and Monitoring System Using Iot IJERTCONV8IS14011
Smart Energy Meter and Monitoring System Using Iot IJERTCONV8IS14011
ISSN: 2278-0181
NCETESFT - 2020 Conference Proceedings
Rashmi N2 Bhavana S4
Students, Dept. of E&TE Students, Dept. of E&TE
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
Tumakuru, India Tumakuru, India
K B Shiva Kumar5
Professor, Dept. of E&TE
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
Tumakuru, India
Abstract— The effort of collecting electricity utility meter IoT. The Arduino esp8266 micro controller is programmed
reading. Internet of Things (IoT) present an efficient and co- toper form the objectives with the help of GSM module. It is
effective to transfer the information of energy consumer proposed to overcome all the disadvantages in the already
wirelessly as well as it provides to detect the usage of the existing energy meter. All the details are sent to the consumer’s
electricity the main intention of this project is measure electricity
consumption in home appliances and generate it's bill
mobile through the IoT and the GSM module and it is also
automatically using IoT. The energy grid needs to be displayed in the LCD. It is a time savings and it helps to
implemented in a distributed topology that can eliminate the human interference using IoT.
dynamically absorb different energy sources. IoT can be utilized Devadhanishini et al., [2] “Smart Power Monitoring Using
for various applications of the smart grid with distributed energy IoT” that energy Consumption is the very important and
plant meter, energy generation and energy consumption meter challenging issue. Automatic Electrical Energy meter is used in
smart meter, energy demand side management and various area large electric energy distribution system. The integration of the
of energy production. Arduino WIFI and SMS provides the system as Smart Power
Monitoring system. Smart energy meter provides data for
Keywords— Smart Grid, Energy Meter, Internet of Things.
optimization and lessthe power consumption. This system also
I. INTRODUCTION includes a motion sensor such that if there is no human in house
The energy consumption can be monitored by using an or house it will automatically turn off the power supply.
electric device called energy meter. The cost and the regular Mohammed Hosseiu et al., [3] presented a paper titled
usage of Power consumption are informed to the user to “Design and implementation of smart meter using IoT”
overcome high bill usage. The Energy meter shows the amount describing the growth of IoT and digital technology. The future
of units consumed and transfers the data to both the customer energy grid needs to be implemented in a distributed topology
and to the electrical board so this helps in reducing man-power. that can dynamically absorb different energy sources. IoT can
The user can check their Power usage from anywhere and at be utilized for various applications of the smart grid consisting
any time interval. The IoT is used to Turn on/off the household power consumption, smart meter, electric power demand side
appliances using relay and Arduino interfacing. The objective management and various area of energy production. In this
of this system is to monitor the amount of electricity consumed. paper, the Smart Energy Metering(SEM) is explained as the
The distributer and the consumer both will be benefitted by main purpose of SEM is necessary for collecting information
eventually reducing the total Power consumption. on energy consumption of household appliances and monitor
the environmental parameters and provide the required services
to home users.
Anitha et al., [1] proposed “Smart energy meter surveillance
Himanshu K Patel et al., [4] demonstrated “Arduino based
using IoT” about IoT, internet of things as an emerging field
smart energy meter” that removes human intervention in meter
and IoT based devices have created a revolution in electronics
readings and bill generation thereby reducing the error that
and IT. The foremost objective of this project is to create
usually causes in India. The system consists the provision of
awareness about energy consumption and. efficient use of home
sending an SMS to user for update on energy consumption
appliances for energy savings. Due to manual work, existing
along with final bill generation along with the freedom of reload
electricity billing system has major drawbacks. This system
via SMS. The disconnection of power supply on demand or due
will give the information on meter reading, power cut when
power consumption exceeds beyond the specified limit using
Fig.2 Transformers
Fig.3 Relay Modules The PIR sensor used in this hardware setup senses the
human motion and Arduino information. It sends signal to relay
C. Energy Meter
and relay will cut of the power. The system operated through
Energy meter is the meter which is used
software application which consists of API read, read will
for measuring the energy utilized by electric load. The energy
interact with the user. Thing Speak is an open source
is the total power consumed and utilized by the load at
application and API to store and retrieve the data.
a particular interval of time.
D. Wi-Fi Module
Wi-Fi module delivers highly integrated WI-FI solution to
meet users for continuous demand of efficient power usage.
Fig.6 Expected Results