The document describes the VALS-2 consumer segmentation model which divides the US population into 8 segments based on lifestyle and psychological characteristics. Each segment is defined as follows:
1) Innovators are optimistic, growth-oriented early adopters who enjoy new products, technologies and ideas. They make up 8% of the population.
2) Thinkers are mature, reflective and open-minded individuals who value education. They make up 11% of the population.
3) Achievers are goal-oriented, deliberate and in control. They prioritize their careers and families. They make up 13% of the population.
The document describes the VALS-2 consumer segmentation model which divides the US population into 8 segments based on lifestyle and psychological characteristics. Each segment is defined as follows:
1) Innovators are optimistic, growth-oriented early adopters who enjoy new products, technologies and ideas. They make up 8% of the population.
2) Thinkers are mature, reflective and open-minded individuals who value education. They make up 11% of the population.
3) Achievers are goal-oriented, deliberate and in control. They prioritize their careers and families. They make up 13% of the population.
The document describes the VALS-2 consumer segmentation model which divides the US population into 8 segments based on lifestyle and psychological characteristics. Each segment is defined as follows:
1) Innovators are optimistic, growth-oriented early adopters who enjoy new products, technologies and ideas. They make up 8% of the population.
2) Thinkers are mature, reflective and open-minded individuals who value education. They make up 11% of the population.
3) Achievers are goal-oriented, deliberate and in control. They prioritize their careers and families. They make up 13% of the population.
The document describes the VALS-2 consumer segmentation model which divides the US population into 8 segments based on lifestyle and psychological characteristics. Each segment is defined as follows:
1) Innovators are optimistic, growth-oriented early adopters who enjoy new products, technologies and ideas. They make up 8% of the population.
2) Thinkers are mature, reflective and open-minded individuals who value education. They make up 11% of the population.
3) Achievers are goal-oriented, deliberate and in control. They prioritize their careers and families. They make up 13% of the population.
Optimistic Successful, sophisticated Enjoy the "finer things" Self-confident Value personal growth Receptive to new products, technologies, Involved Innovators Wide intellectual interests distribution. Outgoing Varied leisure activities Skeptical of advertising (8% of pop.) Growth oriented Well informed, concerned with social issues Frequent readers of a wide variety of Open to change Highly social publications <established & emerging leaders in business & Politically very active Light TV viewers government> Little interest in image or prestige Mature Moderately active in community and politics Above average consumers of products for the Satisfied Thinkers Leisure centers on home home Reflective Value education & travel Like educational and public affairs Open-minded (11% of pop.) Health conscious programming on TV Intrinsically motivated Politically moderate and tolerant Read widely and often Value order, knowledge, and responsibility Look for value & durability Lives center on career & famly Moderate Attracted to premium products Achievers Have formal social relations Goal oriented Prime target for a variety of products Avoid excess change or stimulation Conventional Average TV watchers (13% of pop.) May emphasize work at the expense of recreation Deliberate Read business, news, and self-help publications Politically conservative In control Like the new, offbeat, and risky Extraverted Follow fashion and fads Like exercise, socializing, sports, and outdoors Unconventional Spend much of disposable income on Experiencers Concerned about image Active socializing Unconforming, but admire wealth, power, and Impetuous Buy on impulse (12% of pop.) fame Energetic Attend to advertising Politically apathetic Enthusiastic and impulsive Listen to rock music Buy American Respect rules and trust authority figures Traditional Slow to change habits Believers Enjoy settled, comfortable, predictable existence Conforming Look for bargains Socialize within family and established groups Cautious Watch TV more than average (16% of pop.) Politically conservative Moralistic Read retirement, home and garden, and general Reasonably well informed Settled interest magazines
Narrow interests Easily bored Dissatisfied Image conscious Strivers Somewhat isolated Unsure Limited discretionary income, but carry Look to peer group for motivation and Alienated credit balances (13% of pop.) approval Impulsive Spend on clothing and personal care products Unconcerned about health and nutrition Approval seeking Prefer TV to reading Politically apathetic Enjoy outdoors Shop for comfort, durability, value Practical Prefer "hands on" activities Unimpressed by luxuries Makers Self-sufficient Spend leisure with family and close friends Buy the basics Constructive Avoid joining organizations except unions Listen to radio (13% of pop.) Committed Distrust politicians, foreigners, and big Read auto, home mechanics, fishing, Satisfied business outdoors magazines Limited interests and activities Powerless Brand loyal Survivors Prime concerns are safety and security Narrowly focused Use coupons and watch for sales Burdened with health problems Risk averse Trust advertising (14% of pop.) Conservative and traditional Burdened Watch TV often Rely on organized religion Conservative Read tabloids and women's magazines