Articles 7 8 9
Articles 7 8 9
Articles 7 8 9
- Hell is the state of self-separation from the communion with God.
- The pain of hell, which we call “fire of hell”, consist of eternal
separation from God.
- Hell is eternal, as Jesus said: Go away from me, with your curse upon
you, to eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels (Mt.25:41).
- Paradise is the state of perfect communion of love with the Blessed
Trinity, the Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints. The saints in
paradise enjoy the “beatific vision”, which is the contemplation of God
face to face in His heavenly glory.
- As Scripture says: The throne of God and the Lamb will be in its place
in the city; …they will see Him face to face…the Lord God will be
shinning on them…(Rev.22:3-5).
- After the final judgment there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
- Scripture teaches that Heaven is a place of perfect happiness where
there is no sorrow and pain, no more death, no more tears (cf Rev
Christ the Lord already reigns through the Church, but all the things of this
world are not yet subjected to him. the triumph of Christ's kingdom will not
come about without one last assault by the powers of evil.
681 On Judgment Day at the end of the world, Christ will come in glory to
achieve the definitive triumph of good over evil which, like the wheat and
the tares, have grown up together in the course of history.
682 When he comes at the end of time to judge the living and the dead,
the glorious Christ will reveal the secret disposition of hearts and will
render to each man according to his works, and according to his
acceptance or refusal of grace. –Catechism of the Catholic Church 680
Summary: With the initiative of the Holy Spirit, the believers are now aware
of the living presence of the Risen Christ. This is the reason why, the
believers believe in Parousia, the second coming of Jesus Christ to Judge the
living and the dead. Biblical accounts of Christ’s Second Coming are written
in the apocalyptic genre and must be interpreted accordingly. But Jesus
Christ clearly affirmed that no one knows when he will come again, except
the Father. It is useless there, to speculate on this “when”. (CFC 672-673)
Catholic Bishop’s conference of the Philippines. (1997). “Catechism for Filipino
Catholics (CFC)”. Episcopal commission on Catechesis and Catholic education, CBCP
Building, 470 Gen. Luna St. 1002 Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
Hurault, B. (2005). “Christian community Bible”. Imprematur: CBCP, Pastoral Bible
Foundation, 8 Mayumi St., diliman, 1101 Quezon City, Philippines
N/A. (1993). Catechism of the Catholic Church. Libera Editrice Vaticana, Citta del
Rev. Charles Pope. (2002). Purgatory. Retrieved July 6, 2020 from
Thigpen, P. (2020). Simply Catholic (Eternal: After Death, Two Judgments). Retrieved
July 6, 2020 from
Photo links:
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Jesus Himself
revealed the existence of the Holy Spirit. He said: Go, make disciples of all
the nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Holy Spirit
1. Preparation
1291. The Virgin Mary. The Spirit prepared for the coming of
the Savior especially in two specific persons. The first, of course,
was Mary. The Spirit had prepared her to become the Mother of
God (Theotokos) by indwelling in her from the first moment of
her Immaculate Conception in her mother’s womb (cf. CCC 722-
26). At the Annunciation, Gabriel told Mary: “The Holy Spirit will
come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow
you” (Lk 1:35). Thus our Lord Jesus Christ, “for us and our
salvation was born as to his humanity from Mary the Virgin
Mother of God” (Chalcedon, ND 614). Filled with the Holy Spirit,
Mary could exclaim to her cousin Elizabeth: “My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior”
(Lk 1:46-47).
1292. In and through the Virgin Mary, therefore, the Holy Spirit:
• realized the saving plan of the Father,
• manifested the Son of the Father before all,
• began to draw all into communion with Christ.
Thus, through the Spirit, Mary has become the New Eve, the new
“Mother of the Living” (cf. CCC 723-27).
1293. John the Baptist was the second person through whom
the Holy Spirit prepared for the coming of the Savior (cf. CCC
717-20). “Filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb,”
John was sent before the Messiah “in the spirit and power of
Elijah, . . . to prepare for the Lord a people well disposed” (Lk
1:15,17). John was a “voice in the desert crying out: Make
straight the way of the
Lord”; a “witness to testify to the light so that through him
all might believe” (Jn 1:23,7). John himself confessed: “I saw the
Spirit descend like a dove from the sky and it came to rest on
him. . . the Lamb of God . . . who takes away the sin of the world”
(Jn 1:31-34;29).
Vatican II declares that the Spirit inspires “in the hearts of the
faithful that same spirit of mission which impelled Christ
himself” (AG 4). Thus the Church is kept focused on its primary
mission of preaching the word of God, “making her own the
words of the apostle Paul, ‘I am ruined if I do not preach it’ ” (1
Cor 9:16; cf. LG 17).
Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines. (1997). “Catechism for Filipino
Catholics (CFC)”. Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education,
CBCP Building, 470 Gen. Luna St. 1002 Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
Hurault, B. (2005). “Christian Community Bible”. Imprematur: CBCP, Pastoral
Bible Foundation, 8 Mayumi St., Diliman, 1102 Quezon City, Philippines
Google Web. (n.d.). Dove Flight dot to dot printable worksheet – connect the
dots. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from
YouTube Web. (2019). Come, Holy Spirit, I Need You (Heritage Singers) – MVL
– roncobb1. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from
Article 9: The Holy Catholic Church, The Communion of Saints
1349. The first great “living” work of the Holy Spirit, the “Giver of Life,” is the
Church. The word “Church” means “that which pertains to the Lord.” Therefore, the
best way to introduce the Church’s nature and mission is to focus on Christ. “Christ
is the light of all nations, and it is by proclaiming his Gospel to every creature that
the light of Christ, which shines out visibly from the Church, may be brought to all
men” (LG 1). For the Church is none other than that community of men and women
“who, united in Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit, press onwards towards the
Kingdom of the Father and are bearers of a message of salvation intended for all
men” (GS 1).
1429. But the Church is also the “communion of holy people” in three states. There
are first, those who are still pilgrims on earth (Church militant); second, those who
are being purified (Church penitent); and third, those who are already in glory
(Church triumphant), contemplating in full light God Himself (cf. LG 49). Despite
these different states, all are in communion in loving the same God and their
neighbor, being disciples of the same Lord, and animated by the same Spirit.
Moreover “the union of the living with the brethren who have fallen asleep in the
peace of Christ is in no way interrupted, but on the contrary, according to the
constant faith of the Church, is reinforced by the sharing of spiritual goods” (LG 49).
The three states are further described below.
a. Church Militant
The Church Militant (Latin: Ecclesia militans), which consists of Christians on earth
who struggle as soldiers of Christ against sin, the devil, and "the rulers of the world
of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places."
The term militant (Latin: militans) has a primary meaning of "being a soldier,
performing military service", but it acquired a secondary meaning of "serving,
performing service, laboring", with its root milito coming to mean "soldier of Christ
or God" in Medieval Latin usage. The members of the Church Militant, i.e. those
Christians on earth, are engaged in spiritual warfare against sin in order that, when
they die, they might enter heaven and join the Church Triumphant. Failing that
directly, those who believe in the existence of Purgatory hope to die in a state of
grace and join the Church Penitent, to purify themselves of their imperfections and,
ultimately, join the Church Triumphant.
b. Church Penitent
The Church Penitent (Latin: Ecclesia poenitens), also called the Church Suffering
(Latin: Ecclesia dolens) or the Church Expectant (Latin: Ecclesia expectans), which
in the theology of certain churches, especially that of the Catholic Church, consists
of those Christians currently in Purgatory;
The term penitent (Latin: poenitens or paenitens means "repenting, being sorry".
Those who constitute the Church Penitent are in Purgatory to satisfy whatever
portion of the temporal punishment due for their sins was not satisfied before
death. They are in a process of purging their imperfections before entering heaven.
It is held that all members of the Church Penitent will eventually join the Church
The alternate term suffering (Latin: dolens, lit. 'grieving') emphasizes the nature of
souls' experience in Purgatory; they are suffering the temporal consequences of
their sins to redemptive effect. The other alternative, expectant (Latin: expectans or
exspectans), emphasizes that the souls of Purgatory are awaiting expectantly the
beatific vision of heaven.
c. Church Triumphant
The Church Triumphant (Latin: Ecclesia triumphans), which consists of those who
have the beatific vision and are in Heaven. The term triumphant (Latin:
triumphans), means "exulting, rejoicing exceedingly", taken from a figurative usage
of triumphus, originally designating the Roman triumph.[9] Those who constitute
the Church Triumphant rejoice eternally in the glory of God, to whom they are united
in the beatific vision.
1430. Filipino Catholics are culturally attuned to communion with the saints,
communion with the departed, in one family of God. November 1-2 are National
Holidays in our country, showing how much Filipinos “cherish the memory of the
dead with great piety, offering prayers for them “because it is a holy and
wholesome thought to pray for the dead” (2 Mc 12:46) (cf. LG 50). Yet we must
beware of abuses, excesses or defects which may have crept in.
“Authentic cult of the saints consists not so much in multiplying external acts, but
rather in a more intense practice of our love, whereby we seek from the saints
‘example in their way of life, fellowship in their communion, and help in their
intercession’ ” (LG 51). Thus, . . . for as long as we, who are sons and daughters of
God and form one family in Christ, remain in communion with one another in mutual
love and in one praise of the most Holy Trinity, we are responding to the deepest
vocation of the Church (LG 51).
Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines. (1997). “Catechism for Filipino
Catholics (CFC)”. Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education, CBCP
Building, 470 Gen. Luna St. 1002 Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
Hurault, B. (2005). “Christian Community Bible”. Imprematur: CBCP, Pastoral Bible
Foundation, 8 Mayumi St., Diliman, 1102 Quezon City, Philippines
Columban Interreligious Dialogue. (2015). Prayer for Ecumenism and Interreligious
Dialogue. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from
Google Web. (n.d.) “What does Church Stand For?” Retrieved June 25, 2020 from
Wikipedia Web. (June 2020). Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 15,
2020 from,_Penitent,_and_Triumphant