User Testing Report

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User Testing Report Template

Created by Julián Alemán for

Coursera course Evaluating Designs
With Users Updated: August 18, 2021
Executive Summary
Completing an Evaluation of the site Google Flights, some findings and
recommendations were made. The analysis methods used were video screen
recording software, logging sheet reviews, analysis of critical incidents, and
short notes made from observations.

The number one finding was that there are many airlines, but not is possible
searching by a specific airline, you have to use many scroll in this case a field with
searching option must be included in this filter. Next, the experience of searching
services is good but is necessary to unify the findings and put all in a basket similar
to supermarkets. Lastly, the sorter not is clear what is the default configuration
(prices, time, etc) is better include some icon that make its easy to understand.
The goal of this user test is to evaluate the user experience of using the site
Google Flights. Google flights is a common platform helping users to plan flights
at ease.

The key questions I am seeking to answer with this study are:

- Can experienced users of the online travel booking sites use the site, Google
Flights, to plan their trips?
- What problems do users encounter when trying to use the site to plan trips?
The main motivation for this study is to find a way to better the flight planning
experience for Google Flights.

Target Population & Recruiting Methods:
The target population for this study are experienced users of travel booking sites
as well as well as those who haven’t used travel booking sites previously. The
recruiting criteria are: has bought a ticket online in the past year, hasn’t used the
site before.

Participant Summary:
User 1: No experience with travel booking sites.
User 2: Moderate experience with travel booking
sites. (2-3 times a year)
User 3: Always booking flights using travel
booking sites. (8-10 times a year)

User Testing Plan ( page 12-16 )
User Testing Script ( page 17-19 )
Task Instructions ( page 20 )
Post-Test Questionnaire ( pages 21-23 )

Analysis Methods:
Video screen recording software
Logging Sheet reviews
Analysis of critical incidents

Findings and Recommendations

Summary Results
Findings include issues with options provided by Google Flights. Many users
were confused and some key options were not even found.

Key Findings

Finding 1: there are many airlines, but not is

possible searching by a specific airline, you have to
use many scroll in this case

Finding 2: There is not an action to add to a same

bascket the hotel and the flight
Finding 3: de sortby not is explicit in what is the
default sorting topic

Finding 4: This site redirect to me a another site all

Finding 5: the default sorting not is knowing


• Add an searching field in the airlines

filterd with a not exact search.
• Design an basket functionality to add
many things like a supermarket.
• Add an icon with more specific sorting

• Apply the same recommendation than


Some discoveries and recommendations were made after completing an evaluation
of the Google Flights website. Video screen recording software, logging sheet
reviews, critical incident analysis, and short notes taken from observations were all
employed as analysis approaches. The first most important discovery was that not
is possible to searching the airline into the filter by airlines, this suppose a big
problem in some case when you have many airlines, the second is that not exist a
basket to add the services, similar to supermarkets, all time the site is redirect me to
other sites and not is a expected user experience.
• Task Instructions
• Post-Test Questionnaire

Task Instructions

Task 1: Select from the flight more shipper from Washington to
Miami at specific date.

Task 2: Select the flight more shipper and by an specific airline (any you prefer)
from at specific date

Task 3: Select the more shipper flight from Washington to Miami without stops and
searching one hotels with 4 stars from at specific date

Post-test questionnaire summary

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