Verb Phrases With Answer Key

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A Name:

Identifying Verb Phrases


Underline the verb phrase in each sentence.

(1) Melissa will wait for the taxi at the (11) The men will dig a deep hole for the
corner. new swimming pool.

(2) Zachary always wants to play (12) The house appeared to be leaning
tennis. to one side.

(3) I am becoming very tired of Chinese (13) You can buy lunch with that money.
(14) Anthony’s hat was blown off of his
(4) Jasmine has received a coupon for head by a strong wind.
a free pizza.
(15) These jeans do not fit me anymore.
(5) Erin is feeding some water to the
guinea pigs. (16) The mouse was named Shasta.

(6) The dispenser has run out of

(17) Dylan can climb over that fence.

(18) The three children are playing in the

(7) The bicycle was held to the rack
with a chain.

(8) The horse can carry us both up the

(19) Mrs. Foster is going to take all of us
mountain on its back. to the theater.

(9) The horses have been saddled for (20) These gloves will keep your hands
today’s ride. very warm.

(10) James had to run in order to catch (21) Sarah had to grab her dog before it
his bus. ran away.

Copyright ©2013

A Identifying Verb Phrases
Underline the verb phrase in each sentence.
(1) Melissa will wait for the taxi at the (11) The men will dig a deep hole for the
corner. new swimming pool.

(2) Zachary always wants to play (12) The house appeared to be leaning
tennis. to one side.

(3) I am becoming very tired of Chinese (13) You can buy lunch with that money.
(14) Anthony’s hat was blown off of his
(4) Jasmine has received a coupon for head by a strong wind.
a free pizza.
(15) These jeans do not fit me anymore.
(5) Erin is feeding some water to the
guinea pigs. (16) The mouse was named Shasta.

(6) The dispenser has run out of

(17) Dylan can climb over that fence.

(18) The three children are playing in the

(7) The bicycle was held to the rack
with a chain.

(8) The horse can carry us both up the

(19) Mrs. Foster is going to take all of us
mountain on its back. to the theater.

(9) The horses have been saddled for (20) These gloves will keep your hands
today’s ride. very warm.

(10) James had to run in order to catch (21) Sarah had to grab her dog before it
his bus. ran away.

Copyright ©2013

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