Profitability of Mango Marketing in Different Supply Chains in Selected Areas of Chapai Nawabganj District

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ISSN 0258-7122 (Print), 2408-8293 (Online)

Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 43(3): 471-487, September 2018


M. A. M. MIAH1, M. S. HOQ2 AND M. G. SAHA3

A plenty of mangoes are spoiled and damaged every year due to improper
postharvest handling and inefficient supply chain. Sufficient information are
lacking on these issues in Bangladesh. The study assessed the postharvest
handling of key actors in mango supply chains and estimated the post-harvest
losses at different stakeholder level in Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh.
In total 83 respondents taking 30 mango growers and 53 mango traders were
interviewed from Chapai Nawabganj and Dhaka districts. The study identified
eight marketing channels for mango marketing. The prominent channel was
Grower> Bepari> Urban Arathdar> Urban retailer> urban Consumer since
85.1% mangos moved through this channel. Bepari incurred the highest
marketing cost (Tk.7338/ton) due to long distance coverage followed by retailer
(Tk.1218/ton) and Faria (Tk.738/ton). Faria received the highest net margin
(Tk.8068/ton) due to lower marketing cost and spoilage followed by retailer (Tk.
6601/ton) and Bepari (Tk.5394/ton).The results revealed that the estimated
average postharvest losses were 14.11% and 9.61% at farm and traders’ level
respectively. At farm level, these losses occurred during harvesting, sorting &
grading, and transportation. Harvesting losses were due to cracking, bruising,
compression, and disease and insect infestation. The highest loss was recorded
at retail level (4.64%) followed by Bepari (3.95%). Farmers and Farias used
different local carriers, whereas trucks and pick up van were used by Bepari to
transport mango from assemble markets to urban wholesale markets. Major
marketing problems in the supply chain were delayed sale and lack of buyers.
Keywords: Mango, supply chain, postharvest loss, postharvest handling,
marketing cost, marketing margin.

The fruit nutrients are vital for maintaining good health. They are naturally low
in calories, fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Fruits are rich in fiber, which is essential
for the smooth movement of food in the body’s digestive system. It can reduce
the risk of many illnesses, including heart disease and stroke
( The per capita consumption of fruits in
Bangladesh is 44.8 gm. However, sharp increase (58.02%) was taken place in the

Respectively Principal Scientific Officer and Scientific Officer, Agricultural
Economics Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur,
Gazipur-1701, 3Chief Scientific Officer, Pomology Division, Horticulture Research
Centre (HRC), BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
DOI: http://
472 MIAH et al.

per capita consumption of fruits in the country over the period from 2000 to 2010
(HIES, 2010).
Mango (Mangifera indica) is one of the important fruits of Bangladesh. It
occupies a total area of land 30.80 thousand hectares with a total production of
956.87 thousand tons having an average yield of 31.07 ton/ha (BBS, 2013). In
the last couple of years, mango production is increasing due to the introduction of
improved varieties and production techniques as well as increased market
demand (Fig 1). The area and production of mango are increasing at the rate of
1.5% and 5.3% in the last ten years, respectively.

Fig 1. Area, production and yield of mango, 2005-2014.

Source: Various issues of BBS (2005-2014).
There are some intensive mango growing districts in Bangladesh, where mangoes
are produced commercially and marketed in other areas of the country.
Therefore, mango needs to be transported to a long distance to reach the ultimate
consumers under the prevailing marketing system. Mangoes are bulky and
perishable in nature and maintaining cool chain is not always possible due to
higher cost involvement. In the peak season, there is an excess supply creating a
glut in the market and causing a fall in the price and affecting the incomes of the
farmers. However, both pre-harvest and postharvest factors are responsible for
the postharvest losses of mango. A huge amount of mangoes are damaged every
year due to their perishability, seasonality, bulkiness, poor infrastructure, and
poor pre- and postharvest practices in Bangladesh that need to be taken into
consideration. Due to inefficient marketing system, farmers are forced to sell
their mangoes at lower price.
Efficient marketing system usually ensures higher producer’s share, reducing the
number of middlemen in the supply chain, and restricting the marketing charges
and mal-practices during marketing of farm products (Matin et al., 2008). It is,

therefore, essential to study the existing supply chain of mango in order to

suggest suitable channel for the producers, appropriate technology for
postharvest handling, and proper safety measures for the key stakeholders of the
supply chain to ensure food quality and safety for the consumers.
The study was conducted with a view to developing capacity to reduce
postharvest losses in Horticultural Chains in SAARC countries to promote,
support and implement good practices in order to minimize postharvest losses
and improve quality and safety in horticultural supply chains. Therefore, the
study was conducted with the following objectives:
i. To investigate the supply chain of mango marketing;
ii. To estimate the marketing costs and margins at different stakeholders
levels in mango supply chains;
iii. To assess the postharvest losses of mango at producers’ and traders’
level; and
iv. To identify the problems and constraints in mango supply chain.

Study area selection: Mango is an important fruit of Bangladesh. It grows more
or less every parts of the country. However, Chapai Nawabganj, an intensive
mango growing district, was purposively selected for this study. The district was
selected in consultation with the personnel of Department of Agricultural
Extension (DAE) and the fruits scientists of Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute for administering field and market survey. Again, two suitable Upazilas
Shibgonj and Bholahat were selected in terms of the availability of data,
convenience of data collection, and easy accessibility.
Sampling procedure and sample size: At first, a complete list of mango farmers
was prepared with the help of DAE personnel. A total of 30 mango farmers (15
from each Upazila) were randomly selected from the list for interview to collect
primary data. It was planned that in total 75 key actors in the mango supply chain
(i.e. 15 each for Faria, Bepari, retailer, Arathdar and consumer) will be selected
and interviewed, but due to the unavailability of some key actors the actual
number of sample size was 68. All the actors were randomly selected and
interviewed from different assemble, wholesale, and retail markets levels (i.e.
Upazila/district/Dhaka City).
Period of study: Primary data were collected by interviewing mango farmers and
traders using two structured and pre-tested interview schedules during August-
September, 2015. The researcher himself along with trained enumerators
collected data and information for this study.
474 MIAH et al.

Analytical technique: The collected data were edited, tabulated and analyzed
applying simple descriptive methods. However, marketing margins of the key
actors were calculated by the following equations.

……………………………….…………...……….. (1)
GMi= Gross margin (Tk/ton) for ith intermediary
PRi = Price received (Tk/ton) for ith intermediary
PPi = Price paid (Tk/ton) by ith intermediary

- ………………….…....………………… (2)
NMi = Net margin (Tk/ton) for ith intermediary
MCi = Marketing cost incurred (Tk/ton) by ith intermediary
CPLi = Cost of postharvest loss incurred (Tk/ton) by ith intermediary

……....………..………. (3)
CPL = Cost of postharvest loss (Tk/ton)
= Quantity damaged completely (ton)
= Average purchase price (Tk/ton)
= Quantity damaged partially that could not be sold (ton)
= Quantity damaged partially that could be sold with less price (ton)

= Average sell price (Tk/ton)

Results and Discussion

Mango Marketing System
The process of mango marketing started with the producers and continued
through certain channels until the produce reached the final consumers. Selling
mango garden in advance by its owner is a common and prominent system in the
study areas. However, both direct and indirect transaction between the producers
or advance buyer of mango garden and consumers were found in mango
marketing system. The indirect transaction was found more prominent than the
direct one. A number of intermediaries such as Bepari, Faria, Arathdar, and
retailer were involved in the mango marketing channel (Fig 1). Bepari and Faria
were the most important middlemen in the process of mango marketing. Bepari
traded a large volume of mangoes in both peak and lean seasons covering a long

distance. Farias traded volume was much lower than Bepari. Usually they do not
store mangoes for even one night. Arathdar simply plays their role as a
commission agent. Retailer traded in the consuming areas and their traded
quantity was small. They purchase small quantity, hold long period and sell small
quantity according to the consumer demand. Some institutional buyers such as
PRAN Agro, Akij group, Agro Food Industries, Agro Food & Beverage,
Technoprime Inc. BD. Ltd., Seazon, etc also good buyers (through Bepari) of
mango in the study areas.
The following channels were identified in the study areas for mango marketing:
1. Farmer/advance buyer >Bepari>Urban Arathdar>Urban Retailer>Urban 85.1
2. Farmer/ advance buyer >Faria>Local Arathdar>Bepari>Urban 4.8
Arathdar>Urban Retailer>Urban consumer
3. Farmer/ advance buyer >Faria>Bepari>Urban Arathdar>Urban 4.2
Retailer>Urban Consumer
4. Farmer/ advance buyer >Faria>Local Arathdar>Local Retailer>Local 4.0
5. Farmer/ advance buyer >Local Retailer>Local consumer 1.0
6. Farmer/ advance buyer >Faria>Local Retailer>Local consumer 0.5
7. Farmer/ advance buyer >Faria>Institutional buyer 0.2
8. Farmer/ advance buyer >Bepari >Institutional buyer 0.2

Fig 1: Flow diagram of mango supply chain.

Source: Field survey, 2015.
476 MIAH et al.

Volumes Traded and Seasonal Variations

The volume of mango traded by the traders varied according to seasons and due
to many other factors. In the peak season* Bepari, Faria and retailers traded
about four, three and five times higher quantities of mango compared to lean
season respectively. On average, Bepari bought 62.1% mangoes from farmers
and the rest from Faria (Table 1). On the other hand, they sold the lion share
(99.8%) of mangoes to retailers through Arathdar. Some local Beparis also
supplied a small percentage (0.2%) of mangoes to the local agent of the mango
pulp factory situated in the study areas (Table 2). Beparis mainly supply low-
quality sour variety of mango (Ashina) to the pulp factory in the lean season
when the price and demand of mangoes both are low in the study areas.
Faria is an important trader in the mango supply chain. However, they purchased
entire volume of mangoes from farmer and sold them to different buyers such as
Bepari, local Arathdar and local agent of the mango pulp factory. Faria sold nearly
64.1% mangoes to local Arathdar followed by Bepari (30.5%) immediately after
purchase. Retailer, an important trader in the mango supply chain, purchase
mangoes from different types of traders where they get good products with lower
price. However, retailer purchased the highest volume of mangoes (56.1%) directly
from farmers followed by local Arathdar (39.7%) and Faria (4.2%). They sold
their entire volume of mangoes to the final consumers (Table 2).
Table 1. Total volume of mangoes bought from different sellers at intermediaries’
Peak season Off season Total
Key players Quantity Quantity Quantity
Percent Percent Percent
(ton) (ton) (ton)
A. Faria buys from: 832.36 100 258 100 1090.36 100
1. Farmer 832.36 100 258 100 1090.36 100
B. Bepari buys from: 8633 100 2249 100 10882 100
1. Farmer 5186 60.1 1576 70.1 6762 62.1
2. Faria 3447 39.9 673 29.9 4120 37.9
C. Retailer buys 121.44 100 14.92 100 136.36 100
1. Farmer 70.20 57.8 6.32 42.4 76.52 56.1
2. Local Arathdar 45.52 37.5 8.60 57.6 54.12 39.7
3. Faria 5.72 4.7 -- -- 5.72 4.2
Source: Field survey, 2015.

The peak and lean seasons are ranged from Mid June-Mid August and Mid August to
Mid September for Chapai Nawabganj district

Table 2. Total volume of mangoes sold to different buyers at intermediaries’ level

Peak season Off season Total

Key players Quantity Quantity Quantity
Percent Percent Percent
(ton) (ton) (ton)

B. Faria sold to: 823.72 100 257.96 100 1081.68 100

1. Bepari 159.00 19.3 171.00 66.3 330.00 30.5

2. Local Arathdar 609.46 74.0 83.26 32.3 692.72 64.1

3. Local retailer 38.90 4.7 2.50 0.9 41.40 3.8

4. Local agent of 16.36 2.0 1.20 0.5 17.56 1.6

pulp centre

A. Bepari sold to: 8230.92 100 2302.24 100 10533.16 100

1. Arathdar 8214.32 99.8 2293.24 99.6 10507.56 99.8

2. Local agent of 16.60 0.2 9.00 0.4 25.60 0.2

pulp centre

C. Retailer sold to: 117.52 100 13.16 100 130.68 100

1. Consumer 117.52 100 13.16 100 130.68 100

Source: Field survey, 2015.

Buying and Selling Price of Mango

The price of mango depends on its season, variety, size, colour, freshness, and
nature of supply in the market. Irrespective of these factors, the average purchase
price of mango in the peak season was estimated at Tk. 37202, Tk. 37810, and
Tk. 41538 per ton respectively for Faria, Bepari, and retailer. However, the price
of mango estimated at the lean season was higher compared to peak season. In
the lean season, the average purchase price of mango was estimated at Tk. 52224,
Tk. 43256, and Tk. 65920 per ton respectively for Faria, Bepari, and retailer.
There is an inverse relationship between demand and supply of mango (i.e. low
supply vs high demand) exists in the lean season for which the price remained
high. More or less similar trend was observed in the selling price of mango in the
study areas (Table 3).
478 MIAH et al.

Table 3. Buying and sell price of mango in the study areas

Purchase price (Tk/ton) Sell price (Tk/ton)
Cost headings
Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average
A. Peak season
Faria 13435 51731 37202 34588 63654 46524
Bepari 32234 48745 37810 44583 59772 51027
Retailer 19500 75000 41538 35000 85000 51043
B. Lean season
Faria 29688 75000 52224 37813 80833 59969
Bepari 37281 50500 43256 52000 62519 58881
Retailer 27500 105700 65920 33750 112500 73093
Source: Field survey, 2015.

Monthly Price Variation of Mango

The monthly price variations of different varieties of mango in Chapai Nawabganj
district were recorded by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS, 2013). The mango
varieties Guti, Gopalbhog, Himsagar and Langra were found available in the
market during May-July, and the price variation of these varieties ranged from
Tk.33.97 to Tk.81.58 per kg. The variety Fazli remained available during June-
September and its price ranged from Tk. 47.55-Tk.81.45 per kg. The late variety
Ashina was found available during July in the market until September and its price
ranged from Tk. 41.31-Tk.63.53 per kg. In the months of August and September,
only two varieties namely Fazli and Ashina remained available in the market (Fig
2). The sale price of Ashina variety is significantly higher during these months only
because of its late arrival in the market, although it is relatively a poor quality
mango (i.e. less sweet, less taste, less nutrition, less customer appeal). This variety
requires less care. Therefore, the number of Ashina orchard is increasing year after
year since the growers receive more profit than other varieties that have more
suppliers and market competition (Hassan et al., 2014).
Fig 2. Monthly price variation of different mango varieties, 2013

Month Guti Gopalbhog Himsagar Langra Fazli Ashina

May 52.84 58.69 70.85 81.58 -- --
June 33.97 50.28 52.55 54.10 47.55 --
July 44.81 66.75 56.86 78.25 63.99 41.31
August -- -- -- -- 81.45 49.94
September -- -- -- -- 71.56 63.53
Source: BBS, 2013.

Factors Influencing Mango Price

It has been stated earlier that mango price is depended on many factors. Mango
size was one of the most important characters that highly influenced its price. On
an average, about 87% traders mentioned this character that influence mango
price. The second highest influencing factor was mango variety which was
reported by 84.2% traders in the study areas. Most of the traders (71%) also
mentioned that growing or harvesting season influenced mango price to some
extent. The price remained very high during early season and late season when
the supply of mango remained low, whereas the price remained low in the peak
season. Product quality is also important to influence mango price. The other
factors that influence price were reported to be bad weather and difficulties in
transportation (Table 4).
Table 4. Factors influencing the price of mango
% of responses by traders
Influencing factors Faria Bepari Retailer All trader
(n=15) (n=10) (n=13) (n=38)
1. Product size 93.3 70.0 92.3 86.8
2. Mango variety 86.7 80.0 84.6 84.2
3. Season 73.3 50.0 84.6 71.0
4. Product quality 26.7 40.0 53.8 39.5
5. Bad weather 13.3 40.0 -- 15.8
6. Transportation defect 6.7 -- 15.4 7.9
Source: Field survey, 2015.
480 MIAH et al.

Marketing Costs and Margins

The costs and margins in mango marketing for different traders are shown in
Tables 5 and 6 respectively. Mango traders spent on various activities during
mango marketing. Among different traders, Bepari incurred the highest average
marketing cost of Tk. 7337.9 followed by retailer (Tk.1217.9) and Faria
(Tk.738.2). Beparis incurred the highest costs due to higher Arathdar
commission (Tk.4509.2/ton) and transportation (Tk.2083/ton). The table further
reveals that transportation shared the highest cost to the total costs for retailer and
Faria followed by personal expenses.
Table 5. Marketing cost of mango at traders level
Faria Bepari Retailer
Cost headings Amount Amount Amount
Percent Percent Percent
(Tk/ton) (Tk/ton) (Tk/ton)
1. Arathdar commission -- -- 4509.2 61.4 -- --
2. Transportation 431.3 58.3 28.4 738.7 60.7
3. Loading & unloading 5.6 0.8 401.4 5.5 -- --
4. Cleaning & grading 40.0 5.4 103.3 1.4 -- --
5. Basket/cartoon 16.3 2.2 65.2 0.9 -- --
6. Shop rent -- -- 76.1 1.0 181.0 14.8
7. Market toll 67.9 9.3 8.5 0.1 38.4 3.2
8. Electricity charge -- -- 7.6 0.1 62.4 5.1
9. Sweeping 1.7 0.2 5.1 0.1 9.5 0.8
10. Personal expenses 175.5 23.8 78.5 1.1 187.9 15.4
Total cost 738.2 100 7337.9 100 1217.9 100
* Transport mangos from Chapai Nawabganj to Dhaka for Bepari.
Source: Field survey, 2015.
The highest gross margin was estimated for Bepari (Tk. 13,549.23/ton) followed
by retailer (Tk. 8,978.16/ton) and Faria (Tk. 8,961.49/ton). Again, Faria received
the highest net margin (Tk. 8,067.76/ton) and Bepari received the lowest margin
(Tk. 5,393.47/ton). The highest net margin for Faria was due to lower marketing
cost and lower postharvest losses. Generally Faria performed both buying and
selling activities in the same day and that’s why their cost of transportation along
with postharvest losses remained low. Farias purchase the entire volume of mango
directly from farmers and sell it to Bepari and other customers immediately after

purchase. On the contrary, the volume of transaction was the highest for Beparis,
but their net margin was the lowest (Tk. 5,393.47/ton) due to higher marketing
cost. Generally, retailers receive highest net margin in other business, but in mango
marketing retailers were found to receive a reasonable net margin (Tk.
6,601.36/ton) due to higher postharvest loss (Table 6).
Table 6. Marketing margin and profit of different intermediaries
Average Gross Average Average
Trader Average
purchase margin marketing postharve Net profit
type sale price
price (Tk/ton) cost st loss (Tk/ton)
(Tk/ton) (Tk/ton) (Tk/ton)
Faria 37905.75 46867.24 8961.49 738.20 155.53 8067.76
Bepari 38303.92 51853.15 13549.23 7337.90 817.86 5393.47
Retailer 43146.83 52124.99 8978.16 1217.90 1158.90 6601.36
Source: Field survey, 2015.

Type of Packaging Used

Good packaging is very much important for maintaining product quality,
transport to distant places, and reduce postharvest losses. Majority of the mango
growers and traders agreed that good packaging has crucial role in maintaining
product quality and attracting consumers. Currently, the use of conventional
packaging has reduced to a great extent. On an average 69.1% key stakeholder in
the mango supply chain used plastic crates with paper lining as packaging
instrument. A good percentage of mango growers and local traders (Faria) used
wooden box with tiny hole for packaging mango. Mango growers and Faria do
not require transport mangoes to the distant places or markets. Generally, Beparis
need transport mangoes carefully from assemble market to distant wholesale
markets. That’s why most of the Beparis (90%) used plastic crates for packaging
mangos. Except Faria, some growers and traders also used thick/solid paper
carton for packaging mangoes (Table 7).
Table 7. Type of packaging used for maintaining mango quality
% of responses
Particulars Farmer Faria Bepari Retailer All
(n=30) (n=15) (n=10) (n=13) (n=68)
1. Plastic crates with paper lining 76.7 20.0 90.0 92.3 69.1
2. Wooden box with tiny hole 56.7 53.3 -- 15.4 39.7
3. Thick/solid paper carton 3.3 -- 30.0 23.1 10.3
Source: Field survey, 2015.
482 MIAH et al.

Mode of Transportation
The key actors in the supply chain used different types of vehicles to transport
mango. The use of vehicles varied from traders to traders and the length of
destination markets. Farmers transported mango by using different local low-cost
carriers like bicycle, rickshaw, van, and push cart. Trucks and vans were mostly
used for mango transportation from the assemble markets to the destination
wholesale markets. Majority of the Farias and retailers used rickshaw/van and
Nosimon (5 wheeler local vehicle) to transport their mangoes. Table 8 revealed
that 60% of Farias used rickshaw/van and the rest of them used bicycle to carry
mangoes from garden to assemble markets. All the Beparis used truck to
transport mangoes from assembles market to distant wholesale markets. Beparis
also used rickshaw or van to transport purchased mangoes from assembles place
to local Arath or near to truck. The highest percentage of retailers used rickshaw
or van followed by bicycle for transporting mangoes from purchase place to their
permanent shops.
Table 8. Mode of transportation of the traders
% of responses by traders
Mode of transport
Faria (n=15) Bepari (n=10) Retailer (n=13)
1. Truck/pick up -- 100.0 7.7
2. Rickshaw/van 60.0 -- 76.9
3. Bicycle 40.0 -- 15.4
Source: Field survey, 2015.

Disposal Pattern and losses of Mango at Farm Level

The highest quantity of mango was produced and sold in the peak season. The
highest percentage (81.12%) of mango was sold by the growers at assemble
market. About 3% of the total mangos were used for family consumption and
2.03% was gifted to their relatives or others (Table 9). On an average, the total
postharvest loss of mango at farm level was 14.11% of the total production.
Among the losses, 7.2% was completely spoiled which had no market value at
all, whereas 6.91% were blemished (semi-spoiled) that could sell half of the
price. The main postharvest losses occurred at farm level was due to cut, spotted,
cracks, bruising, disease infected, and insect-pest damage found at harvest those
were discarded from good ones during sorting and grading. Losses were also
occurred due to improper packing and transportation system at farm level. Figure
3 reveals that the perceived damages during sorting & grading and transportation
were estimated to be 6.16% and 1.04% respectively. Again, 6.75% of the total
loss was semi-damaged during sorting & grading and 0.16% was due to improper
transportation. However, the rate of damage in peak season was higher compared
to lean season.

Table 9. Disposal pattern and postharvest losses of mango at farmers’ level

Peak season Lean season All season

Key players Quantity Quantity Quantity
% of total % of total % of total
(ton) (ton) (ton)
Sale 161.68 81.25 14.48 79.74 176.16 81.12
Consumption 5.20 2.61 0.76 4.19 5.96 2.74
Gift 3.80 1.91 0.60 3.30 4.40 2.03
Damage 28.32 14.23 2.32 12.78 30.64 14.11
Rotten 14.52 7.30 1.12 6.17 15.64 7.20
Blemish 13.80 6.93 1.20 6.61 15.00 6.91
Total 199.00 100 18.16 100 217.16 100
Source: Field survey, 2015.

Fig 3: Percent of postharvest losses of mango at farm level.

Source: Field survey, 2015.

Postharvest Loss at Traders’ Level

Table 10 showed that the total postharvest loss at trader’s level was estimated at
9.61% which consisted of completely damaged mango (3.04%) and partial
damaged mango (6.57%). Partial damaged mangoes could be sold at reduced
price (e.g. in the study areas, it was sold at 50% of the selling price). Among
intermediaries, the highest loss was recorded for retailer (4.64%) followed by
Bepari (3.95%) and Faria (1.02%). The level of postharvest loss is dependent on
various factors such as length of selling, type of transportation used, packaging
system, etc. The volume of transaction of retailer is much lower, but the length of
selling is higher compared to other intermediaries. Therefore, retailer’s loss was
reported to be the highest among intermediaries. Most of the Beparis currently
484 MIAH et al.

used plastic crates to transport mango from assemble market to distant wholesale
market that ensure lower transportation loss in the study areas.
Table 10. Total postharvest losses of mango at traders’ level
Complete damage Partial damage Total damage
Key Total % of Total Loss % of
players Loss Loss % of total Total loss
loss total loss (kg/ total
(kg/ ton) (kg/ ton) purchase (ton)
(ton) purchase (ton) ton) purchase
Faria 0.44 0.55 0.05 8.24 9.69 0.97 8.68 10.24 1.02
Bepari 131.12 13.00 1.30 217.72 26.54 2.65 348.84 39.54 3.95
Retailer 2.12 16.87 1.69 3.56 29.48 2.95 5.68 46.35 4.64
Total 133.68 30.42 3.04 229.52 65.71 6.57 363.2 96.13 9.61
Source: Field survey, 2015.
All the intermediaries stated that the loss incurred in the supply chain due to
spoilage (not suitable for marketing) caused by short-time storage (1-2 days),
improper handling during sorting & grading, transportation, and delayed sell. The
percentage shares of postharvest losses at different stages in the supply chain are
shown in Fig 4. It was revealed that Faria had no postharvest loss at storage level
because they did not need storage at all. The highest loss at transportation level
(2.91%) was incurred for Bepari due to unsuitable transportation. In the case of
Faria, the highest loss (0.73%) incurred during sorting and grading due to
inappropriate handling. The postharvest loss due to delayed sell (2.82%) was
found to be the highest for retailer. Irrespective of traders, the highest loss was
due to transportation (3.19%) followed by delayed sell (3.12%) and sorting &
grading (1.85%).

Fig 4. Postharvest losses at different stages of mango supply chain.

Source: Field survey, 2015.

Problems of Mango Marketing

The key actors in the supply chain encountered various problems with the
produce on arrival at the market. The highest reported problem was delayed sale
(57.9%) and lack of buyers (47.3%) for unstable supply. Beparis and retailers
faced these two problems to a great extent compared to Faria. All the traders
experienced partial damage of produces to some extent. Only 10% Beparis
encountered mostly damage problem with their produce on arrival at the market
(Table 11).
Table 11. Major problems encountered with the produce on arrival at the market
% of responses by traders
Major reason Bepari
Faria (n=15) Retailer (n=13) All trader (n=38)
1. Delayed sale 40.0 70.0 69.2 57.9
2. Lack of buyer 33.3 50.0 61.5 47.3
3. Partial decay/rotten 6.7 30.0 15.4 15.8
4. Mostly damage -- 10.0 -- 2.6

Source: Field survey, 2015.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Mango is one of the popular fruits in Bangladesh. Due to the lack of appropriate
pre- and postharvest measures, a plenty of mangoes are blemished every year. A
number of middlemen are involved in the mango supply chain. Mango marketing
in different chains is profitable, but it faces different problems in various stages
of its marketing. However, this study identifies eight supply chains for mango
marketing. The longest and dominant channel is Farmer>Bepari>Urban
Arathdar> Urban Retailer>Urban Consumer. All the stakeholders in the mango
supply chain added a good amount of net margin. Faria receives the highest net
margin due to lower marketing cost and spoilage followed by retailer and Bepari.
The marketing cost of mango for Bepari is the highest than the Faria and retailer
due to transportation cost because they cover a long distance. Farmers and
Farias use different local carriers like bicycle, rickshaw, and van (manual cart) to
transport mango. Trucks and pick up van have been mostly used by Bepari to
transport mango from assemble markets to urban wholesale markets. The
average postharvest losses are 14.11% and 9.61% at grower and traders’ level
respectively. These losses occurred due to cut, cracks, bruising, insect-pest
infestation, which are discarded during sorting & grading after harvest.
Transportation and delayed sale are the two main causes of losses at traders’
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level. Major marketing problems in the supply chain are delayed sale and lack of

Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are required
to reduce postharvest losses, increase profitability and improve marketing system
of mango.
1. Donor agency and the government would make arrangement for funding to
perform the pilot project establishing pack house and cool chain management
system for fresh fruits in order to reduce postharvest spoilage.
2. Technical know-how and technology related to postharvest management and
nutrition should be disseminated by Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI) and other related agencies through TV, radio, billboard,
video, brochure, and mobile phone apps etc., which would have much impact
on the reduction of postharvest losses.
3. The concerned authority may undertake pilot projects to establish limited
number of low temperature storage facilities in production catchment areas
and wholesale markets for high-value crops including mango.
4. Entrepreneurs should come forward to establish more small-scale processing
plants in the intensive growing areas to minimize wastage of mango.
5. BARI and Agricultural Universities in Bangladesh should strengthen their
existing capacity in terms of postharvest research and development.

End Note:
Advance buyer: Selling mango garden in advance during flouring stage by its
owner is a common and dominant system in the study areas. Sometimes first
advance buyer hands over the garden to second buyer with desired profit just
after one or two months later. Finally, advance buyer looks after the garden
throughout the season.
Faria: Faria is a small scale businessman that purchases produces from the
farmers at village or local assemble market, and offer the same to the Bepari or
Arathdar. Sometimes, he sells his produces directly to the local retailers or
consumers. Their volume of purchase is generally low and use small local
vehicle for transporting produces from field to assemble market.
Bepari: Bepari is a professional wholesale trader who makes his purchase from
producer or Faria at the local assemble market, bring their consignment to the
urban wholesale market and sell them to Paikar and retailer through Arathdar.
Their volume of purchase is generally high and use truck for transporting
produces from assembles market to distant wholesale markets.

Arathdar: Arathdar is a commission agent who has a fixed establishment and

operates between Bepari and retailer, or between Bepari and Paiker, or between
Faria and Bepari. They take commission from both of the parties but generally
they do not follow any standard rule to take commission. The rate of commission
in the study areas varied from 8-10% of the total sell.

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