Industrial Materials and Processes Notes

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Materials, Manufacturing, and the Standard of Living

Manufacturing – determines the standard living of any society, primarily, by

the goods and services available to its people. It is the economic term for
making goods and services available to satisfy human wants.

2 Types of Manufacturing Goods:

 Producer Goods – goods that are manufactured for other companies to

use to manufacture either producer or consumer goods.
 Consumer Goods – goods that are purchased directly by consumers or
the general public.

Sustaining Technology – seeks to improve the existing products and


Starting with the product design, materials, labor, and equipment are
interactive factors in manufacturing that must be combined properly
(integrated) to achieve low cost, superior quality, and on-time delivery.

Typically, 40% of the selling price of a product is manufacturing cost.

Since the selling price is determined by the customer, maintaining profit
often depends on reducing manufacturing cost. The internal customers who
really make the product, called direct labor, are usually the targets of
automation, but typically they account for only about 10% of the
manufacturing cost even though they are the main element in increasing

Reductions in direct labor will have only marginal effects on the total
people costs. Consequently, a systems approach, taking all the factors into
account, must be used. This requires a sound and broad understanding on
the part of the decision makers on the value of materials, processes, and
equipment to the company, accompanied by an understanding of the
manufacturing systems.

Manufacturing and Production Systems

Manufacturing processes are collected together to form manufacturing

systems (MS).
Manufacturing System – a complex arrangement of physical elements
characterized by measurable parameters. According to Caggiano (2019), it is
a combination of humans, machinery, and equipment that are bound by a
common material and information flow. The materials input to a
manufacturing system are raw materials and energy.

The production system includes the manufacturing system, services,

plus all the other functional areas of the plant for information, design,
analysis, and control. These subsystems are connected by various means to
each other to produce either goods or services or both.

Goods- refer to the material things we buy.

Services - nonmaterial things that we buy to satisfy our wants. Service

production systems (SPSs) include transportation, banking, finance, savings
and loan, insurance, utilities, health care, education, communication,
entertainment, sporting events, and so forth. They are useful labors that do
not directly produce a product. Manufacturing has the responsibility for
designing processes (sequences of operations and processes) and systems
to create (make or manufacture) the product as designed.

Figure 1-4 The functions and systems of the production system, which
includes (and services) the

manufacturing system. The functional departments are connected by formal

and informal information
Figure 1-4 The functions
and systems of the
production system, which
includes (and services) the
manufacturing system. The
functional departments are
connected by formal and
informal information
systems designed to service
the manufacturing system
that produces the goods.

Materials in Manufacturing

 Metals - usually alloys, which are composed of two or more elements,

with at least one being a metallic element.
 Ceramics
 Polymers
 Composite

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