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Triangulation Sheet Indicators Types of Lexical Ambiguity Based On Ullman (1972) No Types of Lexical Ambiguity Indicator Example

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Triangulation Sheet

Indicators types of Lexical Ambiguity based on Ullman (1972)

No Types of Lexical Ambiguity Indicator Example
1 Polysemy (PLY) It is a condition when a word or phrase have two or The word Face
more meaning but still related
The front of the head
A surface of a thing
2 Homonymy (HMY) It is a condition when two or more words have the The word Mug
same phonological form and pronounciation, but the
A clyndrical drinking cup
meaning are unrelated
A person easily deceived
3 Homographs (HG) It is a part of Homonymy but, The word are spelled The word Bear
the same but have different meanings, and they may
To endure
be pronounced differently
4 Homophones (HP) It is also the part of Homonymy but it is a condition The words Sell and Cell
when a word that has the same sound but has
The words Ball and Bawl
different meaning and spelling
Data of Lexical ambiguity found in English textbook with entitled “Bahasa Inggris Siswa kelas XII SMA/MA/SMK/MAK”
No Data Code Word Types of Lexical Ambiguity Indicator Meaning Yes No
(Valid) (Invalid)
1 CH 2/TS It is classified as Lexical The first meaning is
1/LN 03/17 Arrive with this ambiguity especially in arrive and bring a list
list in hand Polysemy because the that has been written in
word Hand has two hand or arrive and bring
meaning. a list that has been
written on a note.
2 CH 2/TS The word air is classified The word air can means
1/LN 07/17 Feel the fresh air as Homonyms because it a light breeze or a
on your face has two meaning mixture of invisible
unrelated odorless tasteless gases
(such as nitrogen and
oxygen) that surrounds
the earth. And the
second meaning is
appearance, or bearing
of a person especially
as expressive of some
personal quality.
3 CH 2/TS Feel the fresh air It is classified as The first meaning of the
1/LN 08/17 on your face as Polysemy because the word is Face as the
you sail to word Face has two front of the head and
Bainbrige Island different meaning, but it the second meaning is a
still related. surface of a thing or
4 CH 2/TS Its entire district The word Sights The first meaning of
1/LN 24/18 is full of Homonymy because the sights is, it can be
shopping, word Sights has two something that is seen
attractions, and meaning and it is or a view. And then the
favorite sights unrelated. second meaning is a
5 CH 2/TS The area is The word tastes is The first meaning of
1/LN 25/18 festval of sounds, categorized as tastes is to ascertain the
tastes and smells Homonyms because it flavor by taking a little
and its part of the has two meaning and the into the mouth or the
reason. meaning is unrelated second meaning is to
become acquainted by
6 CH 2/TS Unless you have The word noises I The first meaning is
1/LN29/18 allergic to noises. categorized Homonyms about a sounds that is
because has two undesired or interferes
interpretation and and the second meaning
unrelated is electromagnetic
7 CH 2/TS Make sure you The word take time is It can means that spare
1/LN30/18 take time to spot ambiguous but it still a time to spot these
these beloved related. So it can beloved icons or it can
icons. categorized as polysemy. means need more time
to spot these beloved
8 CH 2/TS Book a night at The word book is The first meaning of a
1/LN32/18 one categorized as word that underline is a
Homonym set of written text or it
can means to reserve in
9 CH 2/TS See exciting and The word see is The first meaning of see
1/LN45/19 experimental categorized as polysemy. is too perceive by the
works at Chihuly Because it has two eye, or it can means to
Garden and meaning but still related. imagine as a possibility.
10 CH 2/TS See exciting and The word Glass is The first meaning is
1/LN47/19 experimental categorized as Polysemy Glass or a cup for
works at Chihuly because it has two drinking and the second
Garden and meaning but still related. meaning is a mirror.
11 CH 2/TS Watch the The world watch is The first meaning is to
1/LN/61 world’s most categorized as Polysemy look at and the second
sophisticated because it has two meaning is to keep.
aircraft meaning but still related.
12 CH 4/TS As you can see The word match is The first meaning is a
1/LN4/50 from my categorized as contest or a person or
enclosed resume, Homonymy because the thing that similar to
my experience word has two meaning another. And the second
and unrelated. is a pair suitable
qualifications associated.
match this
13 CH 4/TS Managing the The word branch is The word branch has
1/LN5/50 local branch of a categorized as two meaning. The first
national shoe Homonymy because it meaning is it can means
retailer. has two unrelated as division, and the
meaning. second meaning is a
natural subdivision of a
plant stem.
14 CH 4/TS I look forward The word Forward is The word forward has
1/LN11/50 to the categorized as Homony two meaning. The first
opportunity to because has two meaning is to the front,
personally meaning unrelated and the second meaning
discuss why I am is to send forward
particularly (email, letter, or else)
suited for this
15 CH 4/TS Please call me The word Call is The word call can
1/LN13/50 after 4.00 p.m. categorized as polysemy, means to utter in a loud
because has different distinct voice often
meaning but still related. used with out or to
announce or read loudly
or authoritatively.
16 CH 6/TS I just want to get The word Good is The word Good can
1/LN17/84 her nto a good categorized as Polysemy means as a kind or a
school. in lexical ambiguity favorable character or
because it has two tendency, and the
related meaning. second is a something
that conforming to the
moral order of the
17 CH 6/TS Where students The word seats has two The first meaning is a
1/LN34/85 vie for seats with related meaning. So it chair and the second
other students can be as lexical meaning is about a
throughout the ambiguity in a part of special chair of one in
country. polysemy eminence, or people
who have a position.
18 CH 6/TS Head of the It is categorized as The first meaning is
1/LN39/85 Jakarta polysemy because the talk about the upper
Education word Head has two part of the human body.
Agency meaning but it still And the second
related meaning is a leader the
Jakarta Education
19 CH 6/TS Meanwhile, The word acting is The word acting has
1/LN52/85 acting Jakarta categorized as lexical two related meaning.
governor Basuki ambiguity especially in The first meaning is a
Tjahaja Purnama polysemy someone that holding a
said that the temporary rank or
parents should be position and the second
patient. meaning is a someone
that suitable for stage
20 CH 7/TS Indonesia has The word aimed is intended to direct to a
1/LN2/99 opened a categorized as polsemy specific object or
regional because it has two intended to direct to a
recycling related meaning specific goal.
aimed at
awareness of
21 CH 7/TS So you can see The word waste has two The first meaning of
1/LN18 /100 the reduction, meaning unrelated waste is an unwanted
which goes to by-product of a
composting manufacturing process.
center, also in the And the second is a
community, and broad and empty
waste expanse or uncultivated
management. land.
22 CH 7/TS The mayor said The word is categorized The first meaning of
1/LN19 /100 that the city also as Polysemy because the runs is to go faster than
runs a program word runs has two a walk, and the second
meaning related meaning is to continue
an operation or
23 CH 7/TS They even don’t The word straws has Straws can means a
1/LN25 /100 use drinking two meaning unrelated stalks of grain after
straws. threshing, or it can
means as a tube (made
of paper, plastic or
glass) for sucking up a
24 CH 10/TS You need to The word tools Tools can means as a
1/LN7/140 understand how categorized as polysemy handled device that aids
the five most because the word has in accomplishing a task
important two meaning related and it is an element of a
photoshop tools computer program, and
work. the second meaning is
machines tools.
25 CH 10/TS You can also do The word cool Cool has two meaning
1/LN26 /140 all sorts of cool categorized as lexical unrelated, the first
things. ambiguity that is meaning is a something
Homonymy which the awesome, and the
word has two meaning second meaning is
unrelated lacking in warmth

Table validation sheet was adapted from the thesis entitled Swearing in Miller’s Deadpool: A Sociolinguistic Study conducted by Adelia Januarto
Comment or Suggestion

Jombang, 16 Agustus 2021


Dr. Wardhani Dwi Wihastyanang, M.Pd
NIK. 0104770218

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