Appendix I: Grade 6
Appendix I: Grade 6
Appendix I: Grade 6
Appendix I
This section gives additional information about work in the accredited program. Please read all of the
Abeka Academy policies and procedures to help you following information.
with grading, recording, and submitting your student’s
General Information
Course Requirements sections (Arithmetic, Reading, etc.) in the
1. For academic credit to be granted, a student front of this manual along with Tips for Suc-
must complete all courses in which he is cess and Motivational Ideas.
2. Requests to change the enrollment (switch- Please note the following regarding projects:
ing from Accredited to Independent Study)
must be processed by our office. Please con- • Follow all instructions for projects. If you do
tact us if you have any questions regarding the work as described, the project will move
your student’s enrollment. smoothly and efficiently.
3. Because Abeka Academy’s primary objective • Full credit can be given only if the project
is to provide a distinctively Christian distance- meets the guidelines from the Daily Guides.
learning education, Bible is a required Any project amendments must be cleared
course. Grades will not be issued in other in advance with the Abeka Academy office.
courses unless Bible work is received for that • A student living outside the United States
grading period. The Authorized King James who has limited access to research resources
Version is used for all Bible courses and verse may contact Abeka for guidance with project
memorization. requirements.
4. Ideas for helping your student in specific
subjects have been included in the subject
Getting Started
Responsibilities of the Home Teacher Time schedules are included in the front of this
For the school year to run smoothly, it is important manual for your reference.
that you read the introductory information in the front To avoid lengthening the school day, have your
of this manual and follow the instructions in the Daily student do his homework at the end of the day rather
Guides. Check equipment each day to be sure it is run- than after each class.
ning properly. At the end of each quarter, you will need You may want to preview the first day’s video
to organize and mail your student’s Progress Reports. lesson and watch the first two weeks of lessons with
(See Academic Calendar at your student to become familiar with the procedures
the video teachers use and to ensure that your student
Student Schedule is developing correct study habits.
Plan a definite time and a quiet place five days Remember that your student must watch all
per week for your student to complete his work. the video lessons for each course and that he may
The student should be taught one lesson per day as not complete a grade in less than six months.
scheduled. Abeka Academy will not issue credit if these guide-
lines are not followed.
Grading Policies
Administering Quizzes, Tests, and Exams • Do not help your student with answers or
Three types of instruments are used to evaluate procedures on any quiz or test. If he needs any
your student’s learning: quizzes, tests, and exams. assistance at all, it should be only to explain
Be sure to administer all pages of a test, front and the directions if he does not understand them.
back. When your student has finished a test, check for His work must be his own.
incomplete sections on the test. It is the student’s respon- • Quizzes, tests, and exams cannot be r etaken.
sibility to complete all pages of each test and exam. If you think your student is not prepared, give
For arithmetic, have your student show his work extra help before the exam is taken.
on all quizzes, tests, and exams. If the work is done on
additional paper, attach paper to tests and exams. Any Grading
problem that requires computation must have work When grading student work, please remember the
shown to illustrate the student’s understanding following:
of the process, even if the student could solve the • Grade quizzes, tests, and exams using the
problem mentally. If work is not shown, points will point values given in the Daily Guides, teacher
be deducted. keys, or in the appendices of this manual.
Graded original tests and exams (not copies)
Handling Graded Materials must be sent to the Abeka Academy office with
Quizzes, tests, and answer keys are to be opened, the Progress Report.
administered, and stored only by you. They should not
be left where your student will have access to them. • Write the numerical grade on the top of the
Keep all quizzes and tests in a locked location. test page and on the Progress Report before
A student who cheats robs himself of a good educa- sending it to Abeka Academy.
tion, and a home teacher who allows tests or answer • If you have a question on one of your stu-
keys to be available to a student does great harm to the dent’s answers, put a question mark instead of
student’s character. a grade on the Progress Report. On the test,
Because it is of the utmost importance to teach your make a note of your question.
student to be absolutely honest, follow these guidelines • Subtract one-half point for each spelling
in giving a quiz, a test, or an exam. error, up to five points for all quizzes and tests
• Completely read the instructions about quiz- except spelling tests.
zes and tests in the front of this manual.
• Remove the quizzes, tests, and exams from Grading Scale
the book before the student takes them. A+ 99–100 B 88–90 C– 77–78
• Closely supervise all testing periods. Do not A 96–98 B– 85–87 D+ 74–76
leave your student alone with his materials. A– 94–95 C+ 82–84 D 70–73
• Be sure all course materials are out of sight B+ 91–93 C 79–81 F 0–69
while the student takes the test. Open-book
tests are not allowed.
1. The required Bible class is thirty minutes each 5. Bible tests are located in Appendix A of this
day. It includes pledge, anthem, songs, verses, manual.
prayer time, and a lesson. 6. As the student is tested, be sure to record
2. Your student is required to memorize the Bible the grade on the Progress Report form to be
verses listed on the Progress Reports from the sent in upon completion of each quarter (nine
Authorized King James Version. See Appen- weeks).
dix A for passages. 7. A student will not receive grades for his other
3. You should have the student say the memo- subjects unless all of the required Bible work is
rized verses when indicated in the Daily completed; therefore, it is very important that
Guides. you work on the verses regularly and send the
4. Use the scale in the Bible section in the front grades to the Abeka Academy office.
of this manual for grading Bible verses.
Grade 6 Subject Guidelines I5
1. The arithmetic grade will be taken from tests, 6. Two important skills to be developed in
quizzes, and selected speed drills. arithmetic are accuracy and computational
2. The student will need to complete all the speed. Because of this, calculators are not to
arithmetic tests, quizzes, and speed drills. be used in arithmetic courses. Plan to spend
time on oral combinations to build up speed
3. Deduct one-half point each time the student and accuracy.
does not include a dollar sign or comma. Do
not take off more than five points per test for 7. Speed drills are designed to help the student
these omissions. improve his speed and accuracy in arithmetic.
Only designated speed drills will be graded.
4. For arithmetic, have your student show his Under those lesson numbers, the number of
work on all quizzes, tests, and exams. Attach points each question is worth is given in the
any additional papers to tests and exams if Arithmetic 6 Quiz, Test, & Speed Drill Key. Un-
they were used. Any problem that requires finished problems should be marked wrong.
computation must have work shown to il-
lustrate the student’s understanding of the 8. For all other speed drills, you may simply
process, even if the student could solve the mark the number missed at the top of each
problem mentally. If work is not shown, speed drill and record that number on the
points will be deducted. back of the speed drill.
5. Give half credit if the student has a correct an- 9. A speed drill is not given on the day sched-
swer where his work is shown but has copied uled for the test.
it incorrectly in the answer blank. 10. The speed drill average for each grading pe-
riod will count as one quiz grade. An averag-
ing guide is included on page B9.
Basic Instructions in Appendix C of this manual. A chart to record
1. Approximately twenty minutes of each school words per minute and grades for Adventures
day should be spent in oral reading. in Greatness selections can be found on Adven-
tures in Greatness pp. 83–84.
2. Pages T13–14 of this manual includes guide-
lines for how to set up your reading class. • For the first quarter, average all Reading
Comprehension 6 Skill Sheets together
3. Building comprehension is a key element and count the average as two quiz grades.
in developing reading skills. Comprehen- These two quiz grades will be averaged
sion questions and answers are found in the with all the Adventures in Greatness quiz-
Reading 6 Answer Key, Appendix C of this zes for the speed and comprehension
manual, and the Daily Guides. Using these quiz average.
daily will greatly benefit your student.
• For the second through fourth quarters,
4. As a student develops his reading skills, it average all Reading Comprehension 6 Skill
is good to have many books at his grade Sheets together and count the average
level available to encourage his appetite for as one quiz grade. This quiz grade will
reading. Abeka has many books available for be averaged with all the Adventures in
extra reading. (See Appendix D, p. D5 for a Greatness quizzes for the speed and com-
listing of recommended books.) prehension quiz average.
Grading 3. The oral reading grade includes two samples
1. The reading grade is based on speed / of the student’s reading which will be submit-
comprehension quizzes (Adventures in ted to our office for our instructors to grade as
Greatness quizzes and Reading Comprehension well as one of the reading selections that you
6 Skill Sheets), vocabulary and comprehension will grade and record on the Progress Report.
quizzes, and the student’s oral reading ability. Call our Oral Reading Line (1-800-874-3143 or
1-850-478-8496, ext. 1897) to have your student
2. For all quizzes, unanswered questions should read the assigned selection for the reading les-
be marked wrong. An averaging guide for son listed on the Progress Report. You will need
Reading Comprehension 6 Skill Sheets is included to clearly indicate your student’s name, his ID
1. The Language grade is based on the quizzes, e. Please carefully follow the book report
tests, and reports. schedule:
2. The student will not complete every exercise • Lesson 26 Message of the Mountain
in Language B. The additional exercises may (short form)
be used for extra practice and review. • Lesson 46 Billy Sunday (long report)
3. It is not necessary to grade daily work, but it • Lesson 61 book on research paper
is a good practice to look over the student’s topic (oral book report)
work each day.
• Lesson 80 historical biography (short form)
4. For test and quiz sentences that require the
student to insert punctuation marks or mark • Lesson 103 Christian fiction (short form)
parts of speech, extra answers not shown in • Lesson 126 Christian biography (long
the answer key should be counted wrong. report)
Never take off more than the total value of • Lesson 162 fiction (long report)
the sentence.
The book your student chooses should not
5. Dictionaries will be used in conjunction be a book he has previously read. Doing a
with this Language program. Many differ- book report on a book that has been previ-
ent dictionaries will work; however, before ously read at any grade level will result in a
purchasing a dictionary, make sure it includes lowered grade.
the information needed to complete your
student’s assignments. The text suggests us- f. A reproducible short form and a grading
ing the American Heritage Student’s Dictionary sheet for oral book reports are included
(Houghton Mifflin Co., 2007). in Appendix D of this manual. Additional
grading guidelines can be found in the
6. Book Reports Language section in the front of this
a. Because literature is such an important manual.
aspect of a student’s learning experience, g. Abeka publishes several biographies and
seven book reports are required for Abeka novels which would be suitable for book
Academy students. You will record specific reports. Please see Appendix D, p. D5 for a
book report information and the grade on complete listing.
the Progress Report. It is not necessary to
send book reports to our office. h. We recommend that you carefully guide
your student as he selects reading material.
b. It may be helpful to keep a folder with all Guide your student toward wholesome
book reports included for the student’s reading material on an appropriate level.
reference. Books dealing with the occult and books of
c. Book reports will be assigned approxi- a violent nature should be avoided.
mately ten days before the report is due. 7. Library Research Report
d. Book report books must be at least a. The video teacher will guide you and your
100 pages in length. student through the procedures step by
step. Be sure to follow the instructions
given so that the report will be completed
correctly and on time.
Grade 6 Subject Guidelines I7
b. Use the checklist on Language C p. 110 to c. A student living outside the United States
grade the research report. It is not neces- who has limited access to research re-
sary to send the report or the checklist to sources may contact Abeka for guidance
Abeka Academy. with project requirements.
1. Writing grades are determined solely from A 97 C+ 83
the student’s weekly penmanship tests. A– 95 C 80
These tests are located on Creative Writing
B+ 92 C– 78
pp. 29–32 and will be copied onto notebook
paper in pen. Grades will be lowered if pen is B 90 D+ 75
not used. B– 86 D 72
2. You should expect the student to do his best F 69
each day.
3. Your student may do well in other subjects For Students Who Have Never
but find Penmanship more challenging. Had Cursive
4. The student should draw one neat line • First Grading Period
through each mistake and begin again. ––The student should practice correct formation
5. A left-handed student slants his paper to the using the Formation Guide located in
right at a 45-degree angle. A right-handed Creative Writing.
student slants his paper to the left at a ––The student should also strive to master each
45-degree angle. Slanting the paper will as- of the areas listed previously.
sist in developing the proper slant.
––The first grading period penmanship grade
6. You will assign penmanship grades. Samples may be waived at your request. A written
of graded penmanship papers are included request should be submitted in place of the
in Appendix E of this manual. However, you first grading period penmanship tests.
may send the first set of penmanship tests
––The student may complete all work, except
to our office ungraded. Our instructors will
penmanship, in manuscript writing.
assign a grade for these tests and return one
paper to you to assist you in grading. • Second Grading Period
7. Abeka Academy personnel reserve the right ––The student should continue practicing his
to adjust penmanship grades as needed. The cursive writing.
following guidelines may also assist you in
––Penmanship tests are required and must be
submitted with second grading period Prog-
a. Correct formation ress Report and tests.
b. Uniform slant ––The student may complete all work, except
c. Uniform size—uppercase letters should penmanship, in manuscript writing.
be ¾-space tall and lowercase letters ¼-
to 1⁄3-space tall. • Third Grading Period
––The student should continue practicing his
d. Correct spacing
cursive writing.
e. Observing margins
––Penmanship tests are required and must be
f. Letters touching the baseline submitted with third grading period Progress
g. No needless retracing Report and tests.
h. Good writing habits—posture, paper posi- ––All tests must be written in cursive writing.
tion, pen position Daily work, except penmanship, and quizzes
may be written in manuscript writing.
i. Best effort in all written work
j. Overall neatness • Fourth Grading Period
8. Use the following scale when issuing pen- ––Penmanship tests are required and must be
manship grades. Because the skill of pen- submitted with fourth grading period Prog-
manship lends itself to continual room for ress Report and tests.
improvement, a grade of A+ / 100 is not ––All work must be written in cursive writing.
included on the grading scale.
I8 Appendix I—Home Teacher Materials
Spelling / Vocabulary / Poetry
1. The spelling grades are taken from the weekly 7. For spelling mistakes in the sentence section
spelling tests. of the spelling tests, subtract one-half point
2. The student will learn one list a week. for each misspelled word that is not a spelling
or vocabulary word. All misspelled spell-
3. The video teacher will administer the spelling ing and vocabulary words in the sentences
tests once a week. should be marked one point off unless other-
4. The spelling tests are located in Spelling, wise indicated on the test.
Vocabulary, & Poetry 6 Tests. Test 34 is not 8. A spelling trial test will be given prior to the
required for Abeka Academy students. scheduled test day. If your student makes
5. On the vocabulary section of spelling tests, it 100%, record that grade on the Progress Re-
is one-half point off if the vocabulary word is port. Your student is exempt from the regu-
correct but misspelled. larly scheduled test for that week.
6. The student must use the exact vocabulary 9. The student should recite the poems with the
word when writing his original sentences on video class but will not be graded on them.
the tests. A form of the word is not acceptable.
1. Both history and geography are included 3. A student living outside the United States
in the student’s history grade. This grade is who has limited access to research resources
based on test and quiz scores. may contact Abeka for guidance with geogra-
2. Partial credit is acceptable on the essay phy project requirements.
questions. 4. It is not necessary to send the Geography
Project to Abeka Academy.
1. The student will study science for the first, 4. A student living outside the United States
second, and third grading periods using who has limited access to research resources
Observing God’s World. (Health will be studied may contact Abeka for guidance with require-
in the fourth grading period.) ments of Adopt-a-Tree project and Astronomy
2. The science grade is based on the tests, quiz- Report.
zes, and science reports. 5. It is not necessary to send project or report to
3. Partial credit is acceptable on the essay Abeka Academy.
1. Health will be studied during the fourth grad- 2. The health grade is based on the tests and
ing period in place of Science. Your student quizzes.
will use Choosing Good Health. Health begins 3. Partial credit is acceptable on the essay
in Lesson 125. All health quizzes will be re- questions.
corded on the fourth grading period Progress
1. Art is included once a week on video. Extra 2. Art is an extracurricular activity and is not
projects may be completed at your discretion. graded.
We are interested in helping your student successfully complete his work. Please
let us know early if any problems are encountered. Enrollment, customer service,
and grading agents are available to help with all your questions.
E-MAIL [email protected]
Physical Address
(if using a shipping service for Progress Reports and office correspondence only)
240 Waveland
Suite A
Pensacola, FL 32503
Student ID No.
Student Name
Last First Middle
Home Teacher Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
Page 2 First Grading Period
Grade 6 Grade Sheet—9th week
The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.
Student Name
Last First Middle
Home Teacher Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
Page 2 First Grading Period
Grade 6 Grade Sheet—9th week
The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.
Progress Report
Student ID No.
Student Name
Last First Middle
Abeka Academy
Home Teacher P.O. Box 17600
Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750
Mailing Address
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.
Progress Report
Student ID No.
Student Name
Last First Middle
Abeka Academy
Home Teacher P.O. Box 17600
Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750
Mailing Address
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.
Progress Report
Student ID No.
Student Name
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
Page 2 Third Grading Period
Grade 6 Grade Sheet—27th week
Progress Report
Student ID No.
Student Name
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
Page 2 Third Grading Period
Grade 6 Grade Sheet—27th week
Student ID No.
Student Name
Last First Middle
Home Teacher Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.
Student Name
Last First Middle
Home Teacher Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750
Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone Number
The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.