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Knowledge-Based Systems: Michał Koziarski Michał Woźniak Bartosz Krawczyk

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Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

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Knowledge-Based Systems
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Combined Cleaning and Resampling algorithm for multi-class

imbalanced data with label noise

Michał Koziarski a , , Michał Woźniak b , Bartosz Krawczyk c
Department of Electronics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Department of Systems and Computer Networks, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego
27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, 401 West Main Street, P.O. Box
843019, Richmond, VA 23284-3019, USA

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: The imbalanced data classification is one of the most crucial tasks facing modern data analysis.
Received 28 March 2020 Especially when combined with other difficulty factors, such as the presence of noise, overlapping
Received in revised form 30 May 2020 class distributions, and small disjuncts, data imbalance can significantly impact the classification
Accepted 6 July 2020
performance. Furthermore, some of the data difficulty factors are known to affect the performance of
Available online 10 July 2020
the existing oversampling strategies, in particular SMOTE and its derivatives. This effect is especially
Keywords: pronounced in the multi-class setting, in which the mutual imbalance relationships between the
Machine learning classes complicate even further. Despite that, most of the contemporary research in the area of
Imbalanced data data imbalance focuses on the binary classification problems, while their more difficult multi-class
Multi-class imbalance counterparts are relatively unexplored. In this paper, we propose a novel oversampling technique,
Oversampling a Multi-Class Combined Cleaning and Resampling (MC-CCR) algorithm. The proposed method utilizes
Noisy data an energy-based approach to modeling the regions suitable for oversampling, less affected by small
Class label noise
disjuncts and outliers than SMOTE. It combines it with a simultaneous cleaning operation, the aim
of which is to reduce the effect of overlapping class distributions on the performance of the learning
algorithms. Finally, by incorporating a dedicated strategy of handling the multi-class problems, MC-
CCR is less affected by the loss of information about the inter-class relationships than the traditional
multi-class decomposition strategies. Based on the results of experimental research carried out for
many multi-class imbalanced benchmark datasets, the high robust of the proposed approach to noise
was shown, as well as its high quality compared to the state-of-art methods.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction small sample size, presence of disjoint and overlapping data

distributions, and presence of outliers and noisy observations.
The presence of data imbalance can significantly impact the Furthermore, yet another important and often overlooked as-
performance of traditional learning algorithms [1]. The dispropor- pect is a multi-class nature of many classification problems, that
tion between the number of majority and minority observations can additionally amplify the challenges associated with the im-
influences the process of optimization concerning a zero–one balanced data classification [4]. For the two-class classification
loss function, leading to a bias toward the majority class and task determining relationships between classes is relatively sim-
accompanying degradation of the predictive capabilities for the
ple. In the case of a multi-class task, the relationships mentioned
minority classes. While the problem of data imbalance is well
are definitely more complex [5]. Developed classifiers dedicated
established in the literature, it was traditionally studied in the
to two-class problems cannot be easily adapted to multi-class
context of binary classification problems, with the sole goal of
tasks mainly because they are unable to model relationships
reducing the degree of imbalance. However, recent studies point
to the fact that it is not the imbalanced data itself, but rather other among classes and the difficulties built into the multi-class prob-
data difficulty factors, amplified by the data imbalance, that pose lem, such as the occurrence of borderline objects among more
a challenge during the learning process [2,3]. Such factors include than two classes, or multiple class overlapping. Many sugges-
tions focus on decomposing multi-class tasks into binary ones,
∗ Corresponding author. however, such a simplification of the multi-class imbalanced clas-
E-mail addresses: michal.koziarski@agh.edu.pl (M. Koziarski), sification problem leads to the loss of valuable information about
michal.wozniak@pwr.edu.pl (M. Woźniak), bkrawczyk@vcu.edu (B. Krawczyk). relationships among more than a selected pair of classes [3,4].

0950-7051/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

This paper introduces a novel algorithm named Multi-Class Com- minority observations (oversampling). After applying such pre-
bined Cleaning and Resampling (MC-CCR) to alleviate the identified processing, the transformed data can be later classified using
drawbacks of the existing algorithms. MC-CCR is developed with traditional learning algorithms.
the aim of handling the imbalanced problems with embedded By far, the most prevalent data-level approach is SMOTE [6]
data-level difficulties, i.e., atypical data distributions, overlap- algorithm. It is a guided oversampling technique, in which syn-
ping classes, and small disjuncts, in the multi-class setting. The thetic minority observations are being created by interpolation of
main strength of MC-CCR lies in the idea of originally proposed the existing instances. It is nowadays considered a cornerstone for
decomposition strategy and applying an idea of cleaning the the majority of the following oversampling methods [7,8]. How-
neighborhood of minority class examples and generating new ever, due to the underlying assumption about the homogeneity
synthetic objects there. Therefore, we make an important step of the clusters of minority observations, SMOTE can inappropri-
toward a new view on the oversampling scheme, by showing ately alter the class distribution when factors such as disjoint
that utilizing information coming from all of the classes is highly data distributions, noise, and outliers are present, which will be
beneficial. Our proposal is trying to depart from traditional meth- later demonstrated in Section 3. Numerous modifications of the
ods based on the use of nearest neighbors to generate synthetic original SMOTE algorithm have been proposed in the literature.
learning instances. Thanks to which we reduce the impact of ex- The most notable include Borderline SMOTE [9], which focuses
isting algorithms’ drawbacks, and we enable smart oversampling on the process of synthetic observation generation around the
of multiple classes in the guided manner. instances close to the decision border; Safe-level SMOTE [10]
To summarize, this work makes the following contributions: and LN-SMOTE [11], which aim to reduce the risk of introducing
synthetic observations inside regions of the majority class; and
• Proposition of the Multi-Class Combined Cleaning and Resam-
ADASYN [12], that prioritizes the difficult instances.
pling algorithm, which allows for intelligent data oversam-
The second category of methods for dealing with data im-
pling that exploits local data characteristics of each class and
balance consists of algorithm-level solutions. These techniques
is robust to atypical data distributions.
alter the traditional learning algorithms to eliminate the short-
• Utilization of the information about the inter-class rela-
comings they display when applied to imbalanced data prob-
tionships in the multi-class setting during the artificial in-
lems. Notable examples of algorithm-level solutions include: ker-
stance generation procedure that offers better placement of
nel functions [13], splitting criteria in decision trees [14], and
new instances and more targeted empowering of minority
modifications off the underlying loss function to make it cost-
sensitive [15]. However, contrary to the data-level approaches,
• Explanation of how the constraining of the oversampling
algorithm-level solutions necessitate a choice of a specific clas-
using the proposed energy-based approach, as well as the
sifier. Still, in many cases, they are reported to lead to a better
guided cleaning procedure, alleviate the drawbacks of the
performance than sampling approaches [3].
SMOTE-based methods.
• Presenting capabilities of the proposed method to handle
2.2. Multi-class imbalanced problems
challenging imbalanced data with label noise presence.
• Detailed analysis of computational complexity of our
While in the binary classification, one can easily define the
method, showcasing its reliable trade-off between prepro-
majority and the minority class, as well as quantify the de-
cessing time and obtained improvements in handling im-
gree of imbalance between the classes. This relationship becomes
balanced data.
more convoluted when transferring to the multi-class setting.
• Formulation of research questions about the behavior of the
One of the earlier proposals for the taxonomy of multi-class
proposed algorithm and design of an experimental study
problems used either the concept of multi-minority, a single
aimed at answering them.
majority class accompanied by multiple minority classes or multi-
• Experimental evaluation of the proposed approach based on
majority, a single minority class accompanied by multiple major-
diverse benchmark datasets and a detailed comparison with
ity classes [5]. However, in practice, the relationship between the
the state-of-art approaches.
classes tends to be more complicated, and a single class can act
The paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses in as a majority toward some, a minority toward others, and have
detail the problem of learning from noisy and imbalanced data, as a similar number of observations to the rest of the classes. Such
well it also emphasizes the unique characteristics of multi-class situations are not well-encompassed by the current taxonomies.
problems. Section 3 introduces MC-CCR in details, while Section 4 Since categorizations such as the one proposed by Napierała and
depicts the conducted experimental study. The final section con- Stefanowski [16] played an essential role in the development
cludes the paper and offers insight into future directions in the of specialized strategies for dealing with data imbalance in the
field of multi-class imbalanced data preprocessing. binary setting, the lack of a comparable alternative for the multi-
class setting can be seen as a limiting factor for the further
2. Learning from imbalanced data research.
The difficulties associated with the imbalanced data classi-
In this section, we discuss the difficulties mentioned above, fication are also further pronounced in the multi-class setting,
starting with an overview of binary imbalanced problems, and where each additional class increases the complexity of the clas-
later progressing to the multi-class classification task and label sification problem. This includes the problem of overlapping data
noise. distributions, where multiple classes can simultaneously over-
lap a particular region, and the presence of noise and outliers,
2.1. Binary imbalanced problems where on one hand a single outlier can affect class boundaries
of several classes at once, and on the other can cease to be
The strategies for dealing with data imbalance can be divided an outlier where some of the classes are excluded. Finally, any
into two categories. First of all, the data-level methods: algo- data-level observation generation or removal must be done by a
rithms that perform data preprocessing with the aim of reducing careful analysis of how action on a single class influences different
the imbalance ratio, either by decreasing the number of major- types of observations in remaining classes. All of the above lead
ity observations (undersampling) or increasing the number of to a conclusion that algorithms designed explicitly to handle
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 3

the issues associated with multi-class imbalance are required to M
adequately address the problem. mGM = √ recalli (3)
The existing methods for handling multi-class imbalance can i=1
be divided into two categories. First of all, the binarization solu- M

tions, which decompose a multi-class problem into either M(M − CEN = Pi · CENi , (4)
1)/2 (one-vs-one, OVO) or M (one-vs-all, OVA) binary sub- i=1
problems [17]. Each sub-problem can then be handled indi-
where M is the number of classes, mati,j stands for the number
vidually using a selected binary algorithm. An obvious bene-
of instances of the true class i that were predicted as class j,
fit of this approach is the possibility of utilization of existing
algorithms [18]. However, binarization solutions have several mati,j + matj,i
significant drawbacks. Pi = ∑M ,
Most importantly, they suffer from the loss of information 2· i,l=1 matk,l
about class relationships. In essence, we either completely ex- and
clude the remaining classes in a single step of OVO decomposition M
or discard the inner-class relations by merging classes into a

Pii,j log2(C −1) (Pii,j ) + Pji,i log2(C −1) (Pji,i )
( )
CENi = −
single majority in OVA decomposition. Furthermore, especially
j=1,i̸ =j
in the case of OVO decomposition associated computational cost
can quickly grow with the number of classes and observations, Additionally, for CEN we have
making the approach ill-suited for dealing with the big data.
Pii,i = 0,
Among the binarization solutions, the recent literature suggests
the efficacy of using ensemble methods with OVO decompo- Pii,j = (∑ ),
sition [19], augmenting it with cost-sensitive learning [20], or j=1 mati,j + matj,i
applying dedicated classifier combination methods [21].
The second category of methods consists of ad hoc solutions: and i ̸ = j.
techniques that treat the multi-class problem natively, propos- It is also worth mentioning that choosing the right metrics is
ing dedicated solutions for exploiting the complex relationships still an open problem. Currently, many works show that previ-
between the individual classes. Ad hoc solutions require either ously considered metrics may prefer majority classes, especially
a significant modification to the existing algorithms, or explor- in the case of the so-called parametric metrics (e.g., IBAα or
ing an entirely novel approach to overcoming the data imbal- Fscoreβ ) [37,38].
ance, both on the data and the algorithm level. However, they
tend to significantly outperform binarization solutions, offering a 2.4. Class label noise in the imbalanced problems
promising direction for further research. Most-popular data-level
approaches include extensions of the SMOTE algorithm into a Machine learning algorithms depend on the data, and for
multi-class setting [22–24], strategies using feature selection [25, many problems, such as the classification task, they require la-
26], and alternative methods for instance generation by using beled data. Therefore, the high quality labeled learning set is an
Mahalanobis distance [27,28]. Algorithm-level solutions include important factor in building a high-quality predictive system. One
decision tree adaptations [29], cost-sensitive matrix learning [30], of the most serious problems in data analysis is data noise. It can
and ensemble solutions utilizing Bagging [31,32] and Boosting [5, have a dual nature. On the one hand, it may relate to noise caused
33]. It is also worth mentioning the works employing association by a human operator (incorrect imputation) or measurement
rule mining techniques for multi-class imbalanced data classifi- errors when acquiring attribute values. On the other hand, it may
cation, such as the proposition of Huaifeng et al. [34] dedicated relate to incorrect data labels. In this work, we will examine
to discovering an efficient association rule for highly imbalanced the robustness of the proposed solution to label noise. This type
data. In [35] CARs algorithm has been proposed for multi-class of noise occurs whenever an observation is assigned incorrect
imbalanced data, which employs k-means clustering algorithm label [39], and can lead to the formation of contradictory learning
and association rule generation for each cluster. instances: duplicate observations having different class label [40].
Some works have reported this problem [41,42], including a sur-
2.3. Metrics for multi-class imbalance task vey by Frénay and Verleysen [43]. However, relatively few papers
are devoted to the impact of noise on the predictive performance
One of the important problems related to imbalanced data of imbalanced data classifiers, in which label noise can become
classification is the assessment of the predictive performance the most problematic. Let us firstly consider where the labels
of the developed algorithms. It is obvious that in the case of come from. The most common case is obtaining labels from
imbalanced data, we cannot use Accuracy, which prefers classes human experts. Unfortunately, man is not infallible, e.g., con-
with higher prior probabilities. Currently, many metrics dedicated sidering the quality of medical diagnostics, we may conclude
to imbalanced data tasks have been proposed for both binary that the number of errors made by human experts is notice-
and multi-class problems. Branco et al. [36] reported the fol- able [44]. Another problem is the fact that the distribution of
errors committed by experts is not uniform, because labeling may
lowing metrics which may be used in multi-class imbalanced
be subjective. After all, human experts may be biased. Another
data classification task: Average Accuracy (AvAcc), Class Balance
approach is obtaining labels from non-experts as crowdsourc-
Accuracy (CBA), multi-class G-measure (mGM), and Confusion
ing provides a scalable and efficient way to construct labeled
Entropy (CEN). They are expressed as follows:
datasets for training machine learning systems. However, creating
TPRi comprehensive label guidelines for crowd workers is often hard,
Av Acc = i=1
(1) even for seemingly simple concepts. Incomplete or ambiguous
∑M mati,i label guidelines can then result in differing interpretations of
(∑ )
M concepts and inconsistent labels. Another reason for the noise
max j=1 mati,j , j=1 matj,i
CBA = (2) in labels is data corruption [45], which may be due to, e.g., data
4 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

poisoning [46]. Both natural and malicious label corruptions tend in the form of cleaning the majority observations located in
to degrade the performance of classification systems sharply [47]. proximity to the minority instances. The aim of such an operation
As mentioned, the distribution of label errors can have a different is twofold. First of all, to reduce the problem of class overlap: by
nature, usually dependent on the source of the distortions. One designing the regions from which majority observations are being
can highlight the label noise that is: removed, we transform the original dataset intending to sim-
plify it for further classification. Secondly, to skew the classifiers’
• a completely random label noise, predictions toward the minority class: while in the case of the
• a random label noise dependent on the true label (asymmet- imbalanced data such regions, bordering two-class distributions
rical label noise), or consisting of overlapping instances, tend to produce predic-
• label noise is not random, but depends on the true label and tions biased toward the majority class. By performing clean-up,
features. we either reduce or reverse this trend.
There are many methods of dealing with label noise. One of Two key components of such cleaning operation are a mech-
the most popular ways is data cleaning. An example of this so- anism of the designation of regions from which the majority
lution is the use of SMOTE oversampling with cleaning using the observations are to be removed, and a removal procedure itself.
Edited Nearest Neighbors (ENN) [48]. This approach keeps the total The former, especially when dealing with data affected by la-
relatively high number of observations, and the number of mis- bel noise, should be able to adapt to the surroundings of any
labeled observations relatively low, allowing to detect improper given minority observation, and adjust its behavior depending
labeling examples. Nevertheless, when we deal with feature space on whether the observation resembles a mislabeled instance or
regions, which is common for imbalanced data analysis tasks, a legitimate outlier from an underrepresented region, which is
then the distinction between outliers and improperly labeled likely to occur in the case of imbalanced data with scarce volume.
observations becomes problematic or even impossible. Designing The later should limit the loss of information that could occur due
a label noise-tolerant learning classification algorithm is another to the removal of a large number of majority observations.
approach. Usually, works in this area assume a model of label To implement such preprocessing in practice, we propose
noise distribution and analyze the viability of learning under this an energy-based approach, in which spherical regions are con-
model. An example of this approach is presented by Angluin and structed around every minority observation. Spheres expand us-
Laird as a Class-conditional noise model (CCN) [49]. Finally, the ing the available energy, a parameter of the algorithm, with
last approach is designing a label noise-robust classifier, which, the cost increasing for every majority observation encountered
even in the case when data denoising does not occur, nor any during the expansion. More formally, for a given minority ob-
noise is modeled, still produces a model that has a relatively servation denoted by xi , current radius of an associated sphere
good predictive performance when the learning set is slightly denoted by ri , a function returning the number of majority obser-
noisy [43]. vations inside a sphere centered around xi with radius r denoted
by fn (r), a target radius denoted by ri′ , and fn (ri′ ) = fn (ri ) + 1, we
3. MC-CCR: Multi-Class Combined Cleaning and Resampling define the energy change caused by the expansion from ri to ri′
algorithm as
∆e = −(ri′ − ri ) · fn (ri′ ). (5)
To address the difficulties associated with the classification of
noisy and multi-class data, we propose a novel oversampling ap- During the sphere expansion procedure, the radius of a given
proach, Multi-Class Combined Cleaning and Resampling algorithm sphere increases up to the point of completely depleting the
(MC-CCR). In the remainder of this section, we begin with a energy, with the cost increasing after each encountered majority
description of the binary variant of the Combined Cleaning and observation. Finally, the majority observations inside the sphere
Resampling (CCR) and discuss its behavior in the presence of label are being pushed out to its outskirts. The whole process was
noise. Afterward we introduce the decomposition strategy used illustrated in Fig. 1.
to extend the CCR to the multi-class setting. Finally, we conduct The proposed cleaning approach meets both of the outlined
a computation complexity analysis of the proposed algorithm. criteria. First of all, due to the increased expansion cost after each
encountered majority observation, it distinguishes the likely mis-
3.1. Binary Combined Cleaning and Resampling labeled instances: minority observations surrounded by a large
number of majority observations lead to a creation of smaller
The CCR algorithm was initially introduced by Koziarski and spheres and, as a result, more constrained cleaning regions. On
Woźniak [50] in the context of binary classification problems. the other hand, in case of overlapping class distributions, or
It was based on two empirical observations: firstly, that data other words in the presence of a large number of both minority
imbalance by itself does not negatively impact the classification and majority observations, despite the small size of individual
performance. Only when combined with other data difficulty spheres, their large volume still leads to large cleaning regions.
factors, such as decomposition of the minority class into rare sub- Secondly, since the majority observations inside the spheres are
concepts and overlapping of classes, the data imbalance poses being translated instead of being completely removed, the infor-
a difficulty for the traditional learning algorithms due to the mation associated with their original positions is to a large extent
amplification of the factors mentioned above [2]. Secondly, that preserved, and the distortion of class density in specific regions
when optimizing the classification performance with respect to is limited.
the metrics accounting for data imbalance, it is often beneficial Selectively oversampling the minority class. After the clean-
to forfeit some of the precision to achieve a better recall of the ing stage is concluded, new synthetic minority observations are
predictions, possibly to a more significant extent than typical being generated. To further exploit the spheres created during
over- or undersampling algorithms. Based on these two obser- the cleaning procedure, new synthetic instances are being sam-
vations, an algorithm combining the steps of cleaning the neigh- pled within the previously designed cleaning regions. This not
borhoods of the minority instances and selectively oversampling only prevents the synthetic observations from overlapping the
the minority class was proposed. majority class distribution but also constraints the oversampling
Cleaning the minority neighborhoods. As a step preceding the areas for observations displaying the characteristics of mislabeled
oversampling itself, we propose performing a data preprocessing instances.
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 5

Algorithm 1 Binary Combined Cleaning and Resampling

Input: collections of majority observations Xmaj and minority
observations Xmin
Parameters: energy budget for expansion of each sphere, p-norm
used for distance calculation

Output: collections of translated majority observations Xmaj and
synthetic minority observations S

1: function CCR(Xmaj , Xmin , energy, p):

2: S ← ∅ # synthetic minority observations
3: t ← zero matrix of size |Xmaj |×m, with m denoting the
number of features # translations of majority observations
4: r ← zero vector of size |Xmin | # radii of spheres associated with
the minority observations
5: for all minority observations xi in Xmin do
6: e ← energy # remaining energy budget
7: nr ← 0 # number of majority observations inside the sphere
generated around xi
Fig. 1. An illustration of the sphere creation for an individual minority ob- 8: for all majority observations xj in Xmaj do
servation (in the center) surrounded by majority observations (in red). Sphere 9: dj ← ∥xi − xj ∥p
expends at a normal cost until it reaches a majority observation, at which point
10: end for
the further expansion cost increases (depicted by blue orbits with an increasingly
darker color). Finally, after the expansions, the majority observations within the 11: sort Xmaj with respect to d
sphere are being pushed outside (in green). (For interpretation of the references 12: for all majority observations xj in Xmaj do
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this 13: nr ← nr + 1
article.) 14: ∆e ← −(dj − ri ) · nr
15: if e + ∆e > 0 then
16: ri ← dj
Moreover, in addition to designating the oversampling regions, 17: e ← e + ∆e
we propose employing the size of the calculated spheres in the 18: else
process of weighting the selection of minority observations used 19: ri ← ri + ne
as the oversampling origin. Analogous to the ADASYN [51], we 20: break
focus on the difficult observations, with difficulty estimated based 21: end if
on the radius of an associated sphere. More formally, for a given 22: end for
minority observation denoted by xi , the radius of an associated 23: for all majority observations xj in Xmaj do
sphere denoted by ri , the vector of all calculated radii denoted by 24: if dj < ri then
r, collection of majority observations denoted by Xmaj , collection ri − dj
of minority observations denoted by Xmin , and assuming that the 25: tj ← tj + · (xj − xi )
oversampling is performed up to the point of achieving balanced dj
class distribution, we define the number of synthetic observations 26: end if
to be generated around xi as 27: end for
28: end for
ri−1 29:

Xmaj ← Xmaj + t
gi = ⌊ ∑|X · (|Xmaj | − |Xmin |)⌋. (6)
min | −1
rk 30: for all minority observations xi in Xmin do
r −1
Just like in the ADASYN, such weighting aims to reduce the bias 31: g i ← ⌊ ∑ |X i | · (|Xmaj |−|Xmin |)⌋
min −1
introduced by the class imbalance and to shift the classifica- k=1 rk
tion decision boundary toward the difficult examples adaptively. 32: for 1 to gi do
However, compared to the ADASYN, in the proposed method the 33: v ← random point inside a zero-centered sphere with
relative distance of the observations plays an important role: radius ri
while in the ADASYN outlier observations, located in a close 34: S ← S ∪ {xi + v}
proximity of neither majority nor minority instances, based on 35: end for
their far-away neighbors could be categorized as difficult, that is 36: end for

not the case under the proposed weighting, where the full sphere 37: return Xmaj ,S
expansion would occur.
Combined algorithm. We present complete pseudocode of the
proposed method in Algorithm 1. Furthermore, we illustrate the
behavior of the algorithm in a binary case in Fig. 2. We outline all by Krawczyk et al. [52]. It is an iterative approach, in which indi-
three major stages of the proposed procedure: forming spheres vidual classes are being resampled one at a time using a subset of
around the minority observations, clean-up of the majority ob- observations from already processed classes. The approach con-
servations inside the spheres, and adaptive oversampling based sists of the following steps: first of all, the classes are sorted in the
on the sphere radii. descending order by the number of associated observations. Sec-
ondly, for each of the minority classes, we construct a collection
of combined majority observations, consisting of a randomly sam-
3.2. Multi-Class Combined Cleaning and Resampling pled fraction of observations from each of the already considered
class. Finally, we perform a preprocessing with the CCR algorithm,
To extend the CCR algorithm to a multi-class setting, we use a using the observations from the currently considered class as a
modified variant of decomposition strategy originally introduced minority, and the combined majority observations as the majority
6 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

than the set of all instances in our experiments. Secondly, it

assigns equal weight to every class in the collection of combined
majority observations since each of them has the same number of
examples. This would not be the case in the OVA decomposition,
in which the classes with a higher number of observations could
dominate the rest.
It is also important to note that the proposed approach influ-
ences the behavior of underlying resampling with CCR. First of
all, because only a subset of observations is used to construct
the collection of combined majority observations, the cleaning
stage applies translations only on that subset of observations:
in other words, the impact of the cleaning step is limited. Sec-
ondly, it affects the order of the applied translations: it prioritizes
the classes with a lower number of observations, for which the
translations are more certain to be preserved, whereas the trans-
lations applied during the earlier stages while resampling more
populated classes can be negated. While the impact of the former
on the classification performance is unclear, we would argue
that at least the later is a beneficial behavior, since it further
prioritizes least represented classes. Nevertheless, based on our
Fig. 2. An illustration of the algorithms behavior in a binary case. Spheres are
being created around every minority observation (light blue), with the radius
observations, using the proposed class decomposition strategy
dependent on its neighborhood. Afterwards, majority observations (red) inside usually also led to achieving a better performance during the
the spheres are being pushed outside, and synthetic minority observations (dark classification than the ordinary OVA.
blue) are randomly synthesized within the sphere. (For interpretation of the We present a comparison of the proposed MC-CCR algorithm
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version with several SMOTE-based approaches in Fig. 3. We use an ex-
of this article.)
ample of a multi-class dataset with two minority classes, disjoint
data distributions and label noise. As can be seen, S-SMOTE is
susceptible to the presence of label noise and disjoint data distri-
class. Both the generated synthetic minority observations and the butions, producing synthetic minority observations overlapping
applied translations are incorporated into the original data, and the majority class distribution. Borderline S-SMOTE, while less
the synthetic observations can be used to construct the collection sensitive to the presence of individual mislabeled observations,
of combined majority observations for later classes. We present remains even more affected by the disjoint data distributions.
complete pseudocode of the proposed method in Algorithm 2. Mechanisms of dealing with outliers, such as postprocessing with
ENN, mitigate both of these issues, but at the same time exclude
entirely underrepresented regions, likely to occur in the case of
Algorithm 2 Multi-Class Combined Cleaning and Resampling
high data imbalance or small total number of observations. MC-
Input: collection of observations X , with X (c) denoting a subcol- CCR reduces the negative impact of mislabeled observations by
lection of observations belonging to class c constraining the oversampling regions around them, and at the
Parameters: energy budget for expansion of each sphere, p-norm same time, does not ignore outliers not surrounded by majority
used for distance calculation observations.
Output: collections of translated and oversampled observations
X 3.3. Computational complexity analysis

1: function MC-CCR(X , energy, p): Let us define the total number of observations by n, the num-
2: C ← collection of all classes, sorted by the number of ber of majority and minority observations in the binary case by,
associated observations in a descending order respectively, nmaj and nmin , the number of features by m, and
3: for i ← 1 to |C | do the number of classes in the multi-class setting by c. Let us
4: nclasses ← number of classes with higher number of first consider the worst-case complexity of the binary variant of
observations than Ci CCR. The algorithm can be divided into three steps: calculating
5: if nclasses > 0 then the sphere radii, cleaning the majority observations inside the
6: Xmin ← X (Ci ) spheres, and synthesizing new observations. Each one of these
7: Xmaj ← ∅ steps is applied iteratively to every minority observation.
8: for j ← 1 to nclasses do • The first step consists of a) calculating a distance vector,
|X (C1 ) |
9: add ⌊ n ⌋ randomly chosen observations from X (j) to which requires nmaj distance calculations, each with the
Xmaj complexity equal to O(m), and a combined complexity equal
10: end for to O(mnmaj ), b) sorting said nmaj -dimensional vector, an op-

Xmaj , S ← CCR(Xmaj , Xmin , energy, p) eration that has a complexity equal to O(nmaj log nmaj ), and
c) calculating the resulting radius, which in the worst-case
12: X (Ci ) ← X (Ci ) ∪ S
′ scenario will never reach the break clause, and will require
13: substitute observations used to construct Xmaj with Xmaj
nmaj iterations, each one with scalar operations only, leading
14: end if
to a complexity of O(nmaj ). Combined, these operations have
15: end for
a complexity equal to
16: return X
O(mnmaj + nmaj log nmaj + nmaj )
Compared with an alternative strategy of adapting the CCR
method to the multi-class task, one-versus-all (OVA) class decom- per minority observation, or in other words
position, the proposed algorithm has two advantages over them.
O((mnmaj + nmaj log nmaj + nmaj )nmin ),
Firstly, it usually decreases the computational cost, since the
collection of combined majority observations was often smaller which can be simplified to O((m + log n)n2 ).
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 7

Fig. 3. A comparison of different oversampling algorithms on a multi-class dataset with one majority class (in blue), two minority classes (in green and red), and
several majority observations mislabeled as minority (in purple). Both S-SMOTE and Borderline S-SMOTE are susceptible to the presence of label noise and disjoint
data distributions. Mechanisms of dealing with outliers, such as postprocessing with ENN, mitigate some of these issues, but at the same time completely exclude
underrepresented regions. MC-CCR reduces the negative impact of mislabeled observations by constraining the oversampling regions around them, and at the same
time does not ignore outliers not surrounded by majority observations. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

• The second step, cleaning the majority observations inside Reference methods. Throughout the conducted experiments the
the spheres, in the worst case, requires nmaj operations of proposed method was compared with a selection of state-of-
calculating and applying the translation vector per minority the-art multi-class data oversampling algorithms. Specifically, for
observation, each with a complexity equal to O(m), lead- comparison we used SMOTE algorithm using round-robin decom-
ing to a combined complexity of O(mnmin ), which can be position strategy (SMOTE-all), STATIC-SMOTE (S-SMOTE) [22],
simplified to O(mn). Mahalanobis Distance Oversampling (MBO) [27], (k-NN)-based
• The third step, synthesizing new observations, requires nmin synthetic minority oversampling algorithm (SMOM) [24], and
summations for calculating the denominator of Eq. (6), which SMOTE combined with an Iterative-Partitioning Filter (SMOTE-
has a complexity of O(nmin ), nmin operations of calculating IPF) [54]. Parameters of the reference methods used throughout
the proportion of generated objects for a given observation, the experimental study were presented in Table 2.
each with a complexity equal to O(1) (when using the Classification algorithms. To ensure the validity of the observed
precalculated denominator), and nmaj − nmin operations of results across different learning methodologies we evaluated the
sampling a random observation inside the sphere, each with considered oversampling algorithms in combination with four
a complexity equal to O(m). Combined, the complexity of different classification algorithms: decision trees (C5.0 model),
the step is equal to O(nmin + nmin + m(nmaj − nmin )), which neural networks (multi-layer perceptron, MLP), lazy learners (k-
can be simplified to O(mn). nearest neighbors, k-NN), and probabilistic classifiers (Naïve
As can be seen, the complexity of the algorithm is dominated by Bayes, NB). The parameters of the classification algorithms used
the first step and is equal to O((m + log n)n2 ). It is also worth throughout the experimental study were presented in Table 2.
noting that in the case of an extreme imbalance, that is when Evaluation procedure. The evaluation of the considered algo-
the nmin is equal to 1, the complexity of the algorithm is equal rithms was conducted using a 10-fold cross validation, with the
to O((m + log n)n), which is the best case. Finally, since the com- final performance averaged over 10 experimental runs. Parameter
plexity of the binary variant of CCR is not reliant on the number selection was conducted independently for each data partition
of observations to be generated, and the main computational cost using 3-fold cross validation on the training data.
of MC-CCR is associated with c − 1 calls to CCR, the worst-case Statistical analysis. To assess the statistical significance of the
complexity of the MC-CCR algorithm is equal to O(c(m + log n)n2 ). observed results we used a combined 10-fold cross-validation
F-test [55] during all of the conducted pairwise comparisons,
4. Experimental study whereas for the comparisons including multiple methods we
used a Friedman ranking test with Shaffer post-hoc analysis [56].
In this section, we will describe the details of a conducted The results of all of the performed tests were reported at a
experimental study that can assess the usefulness of MC-CCR. The significance level α = 0.05.
research questions for this study are: Reproducibility. The proposed MC-CCR algorithm was imple-
mented in Python programming language and published as an
RQ1: What is the best parameter setting for MC-CCR, and how open-source code at.1
they impact the behavior of the algorithm?
RQ2: How robust is the MC-CCR to label noise in learning data? 4.2. Examination of a validity of the design choices behind MC-CCR
RQ3: What is the predictive performance of the MC-CCR in
comparison to the state-of-art oversampling methods? The aim of the first stage of the conducted experimental study
RQ4: How flexible is MC-CCR to be used with the different was to establish the validity of the design choices behind the
classifiers? MC-CCR algorithm. While intuitively motivated, the individual
components of MC-CCR are heuristic in nature, and it is not clear
4.1. Set-up
whether they actually lead to a better results. Specifically, three
variable parts of MC-CCR that can affect its performance can be
Datasets. We based our experiments on 20 multi-class im-
distinguished. First of all, the cleaning strategy, or in other words
balanced datasets from KEEL repository [53]. Their details were
the way MC-CCR handles the majority instances located inside the
presented in Table 1. The selection of the datasets was made
generated spheres. While the proposed algorithm handles these
based on the previous work by Sáez et al. [23], in which it was
instances by moving them outside the sphere radius (translation,
demonstrated that the chosen datasets possess various challeng-
ing characteristics, such as small disjuncts, frequent borderline
and noisy instances, and class overlapping. 1 https://github.com/michalkoziarski/MC-CCR.
8 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

Table 1
Details of the multi-class imbalanced benchmarks used in the experiments.
Dataset #Instances #Features #Classes IR Class distribution
Automobile 150 25 6 16.00 3/20/48/46/29/13
Balance 625 4 3 5.88 288/49/288
Car 1728 6 4 18.61 65/69/384/1210
Cleveland 297 13 5 12.62 164/55/36/35/13
Contraceptive 1473 9 3 1.89 629/333/511
Dermatology 358 33 6 5.55 111/60/71/48/48/20
Ecoli 336 7 8 71.50 143/77/2/2/35/20/5/52
Flare 1066 11 6 7.70 331/239/211/147/95/43
Glass 214 9 6 8.44 70/76/17/13/9/29
Hayes-Roth 160 4 3 2.10 160/65/64/31
Led7digit 500 7 10 1.54 45/37/51/57/52/52/47/57/53/49
Lymphography 148 18 4 40.50 2/81/61/4
New-thyroid 215 5 3 5.00 150/35/30
Page-blocks 5472 10 5 175.46 4913/329/28/87/115
Thyroid 7200 21 3 40.16 166/368/6666
Vehicle 846 18 4 1.17 199/212/217/218
Wine 178 13 3 1.48 59/71/48
Winequality-red 1599 11 6 68.10 10/53/681/638/199/18
Yeast 1484 8 10 92.60 244/429/463/44/51/163/35/30/20/5
Zoo 101 16 7 10.25 41/13/10/20/8/5/4

T), at least two additional approaches can be reasonably argued Table 2

for: complete removal of the instances located inside the spheres Parameters of the classification and the sampling algorithms used throughout
the experimental study.
(removal, R), or not conducting any cleaning and ignoring the
Algorithm Parameters
position of the majority observations with respect to the spheres
(ignoring, I). Secondly, the selection strategy, or the approach of MLP training: rprop;
iterations ∈ [100, 200, . . . , 1000];
assigning greater probability of generating new instances around #input+#output
#hidden neurons =
the minority observations with small associated sphere radius. 2
k-NN nearest neighbors ∈ [1, 3, . . . , 11]
In the proposed MC-CCR algorithm we use a strategy in which
MC-CCR energy ∈ {0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, . . . , 100.0};
that probability is inversely related to the sphere radius (pro-
cleaning strategy: translation;
portional, P), which corresponds to focusing oversampling on the selection strategy: proportional;
difficult regions, nearby the borderline and outlier instances. For multi-class decomposition method: sampling;
comparison, we also used a strategy in which the seed instances oversampling ratio ∈ [50, 100, . . . , 500]
around which synthetic observations are to be generated are SMOTE-all k-nearest neighbors = 5;
oversampling ratio ∈ [50, 100, . . . , 500]
chosen randomly, with no associated weight (random, R). Finally,
S-SMOTE [22] k-nearest neighbors = 5;
in the multi-class decomposition we compared two methods of oversampling ratio ∈ [50, 100, . . . , 500]
combining several classes into a one combined majority class. MDO [27] K 1 ∈ [1, 2, . . . , 10];
First of all, the approach proposed in this paper, that is sampling K 2 ∈ [2, 4, . . . , 20];
only the classes with a greater number of observations in an even oversampling ratio ∈ [50, 100, . . . , 500]
proportion to generate a combined majority class (sampling, S). SMOM [24] K 1 ∈ [2, 4, . . . , 20];
K 2 ∈ [1, 2, . . . , 10];
Secondly, for a comparison we considered a case in which all of rTh ∈ [0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1];
the observations from all of the remaining classes are combined rTh ∈ [1, 2, . . . , 10];
(complete, C). w1, w2, r1, r2 ∈ [0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1];
To experimentally validate the decided upon designed choices k-nearest neighbors = 5;
we conducted an experiment in which each we compared all of oversampling ratio ∈ [50, 100, . . . , 500]
SMOTE-IPF [54] n = 9;
the possible combinations of the outlined parameters. We present
n-nearest neighbors = 5;
the results, averaged across all of the considered datasets, in n partitions = 9;
Table 3. As can be seen, the combination of parameters proposed k iterations = 3;
in the form of MC-CCR, that is the combination of cleaning by p = 0.01;
translation, proportional seed observations selection, and using oversampling ratio ∈ [50, 100, . . . , 500]
sampling during the multi-class decomposition, leads to the best
average performance for all of the baseline classifiers and eval- considered methods. As can be seen, in all of the cases, MC-
uation metrics. In particular, the choice of the cleaning strategy CCR tended to outperform the oversampling reference strategies,
proves to be vital to achieve a satisfactory performance, and which manifested in the highest average ranks concerning all of
conducting no cleaning at all produces significantly worse results. the performance metrics for C5.0 and a majority of wins in a
4.3. Comparison with the reference methods per-dataset pairwise comparison of the methods. Furthermore,
the observed improvement in performance was statistically sig-
In the second stage of the conducted experimental study, nificant in comparison to most of the reference methods. In
we compared the proposed MC-CCR algorithm with the refer-
particular, when combined with the C5.0 and k-NN classifier,
ence oversampling strategies to evaluate its relative usefulness.
Detailed results on per-dataset basis for C5.0 classifier were pre- the proposed MC-CCR algorithm achieved a statistically signifi-
sented in Tables 4–7. In Fig. 4, we present the results of a win- cantly better performance than all of the reference methods. It
loss-tie analysis, in which we compare the number of datasets is also worth noting that in the remainder of the cases, even if
on which MC-CCR achieved statistically significantly better, equal
statistically significant differences at the significance level α =
or worse performance than the individual methods on a pair-
wise basis, for all of the considered classifiers. Finally, in Ta- 0.05 were not observed, the p-values remained small, indicating
ble 8 we present the p-values of comparison between all of the important differences.
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 9

Table 3
Impact of MC-CCR parameters on four classification measures and four base classifiers.
MC-CCR parameters C5.0 MLP k-NN NB
Cleaning Selection Method AvAcc CBA mGM CEN AvAcc CBA mGM CEN AvAcc CBA mGM CEN AvAcc CBA mGM CEN
T P S 73.74 75.22 72.22 0.28 71.88 74.82 71.64 0.25 73.01 74.76 71.90 0.27 74.28 75.69 73.64 0.29
T P C 72.19 74.76 71.62 0.30 70.81 74.12 70.93 0.27 72.11 73.58 70.19 0.29 72.99 74.18 72.06 0.31
T R S 67.29 70.19 65.19 0.36 65.18 67.02 64.81 0.38 66.01 68.29 65.93 0.37 68.02 70.93 65.99 0.35
T R C 66.02 68.53 64.08 0.38 64.59 66.39 62.88 0.39 65.47 68.11 63.28 0.38 66.38 68.92 64.71 0.37
R P S 70.08 70.82 68.15 0.32 66.53 68.49 65.92 0.31 68.91 69.19 68.06 0.32 71.09 71.72 69.69 0.33
R P C 68.69 70.01 67.40 0.34 64.89 65.47 63.94 0.38 65.11 67.09 64.38 0.34 69.02 70.99 68.25 0.35
R R S 65.89 66.52 64.98 0.38 63.19 64.82 62.89 0.40 63.78 65.59 63.71 0.35 68.09 69.17 66.84 0.36
R R C 63.88 64.52 63.28 0.41 61.38 62.70 60.97 0.43 61.99 63.55 61.22 0.42 63.94 64.82 63.77 0.40
I P S 61.03 62.35 60.61 0.45 59.62 60.02 59.19 0.48 59.97 60.18 59.70 0.47 61.11 62.49 60.89 0.44
I P C 59.78 60.96 59.33 0.48 56.29 57.56 56.03 0.51 57.17 59.24 56.98 0.49 59.83 61.06 59.82 0.47
I R S 56.95 58.49 56.38 0.53 52.87 54.19 52.46 0.56 53.48 55.07 53.11 0.52 57.01 59.61 56.59 0.52
I R C 55.88 58.02 55.09 0.54 52.10 53.28 51.89 0.58 52.71 54.62 52.28 0.55 56.03 58.72 55.81 0.53

Table 4
Results according to AvAcc [%] metric for MC-CCR and reference sampling methods with C5.0 as
base classifier.
Automobile 76.98 80.12 73.53 78.13 79.04 75.32
Balance 82.87 55.06 55.01 57.70 59.52 54.26
Car 97.12 89.84 90.13 93.36 95.18 90.96
Cleveland 37.88 28.92 27.18 28.92 28.01 24.98
Contraceptive 53.18 50.63 46.92 53.27 55.09 52.88
Dermatology 94.29 95.72 96.10 97.48 99.31 92.18
Ecoli 74.07 64.68 67.54 61.16 61.16 60.43
Flare 68.92 71.86 71.52 68.72 70.64 68.55
Hayes-roth 92.11 86.45 88.04 87.33 90.06 89.74
Led7digit 70.48 72.39 72.55 75.03 75.94 71.35
Lymphography 79.60 73.02 62.67 76.54 74.72 74.20
Newthyroid 96.18 94.70 93.48 92.06 90.24 93.05
Pageblocks 83.71 75.83 75.25 78.47 77.56 74.20
Thyroid 80.52 80.02 85.34 79.14 80.96 78.91
Vehicle 72.71 73.49 73.71 70.85 70.85 71.02
Wine 95.28 92.53 90.80 93.41 93.41 90.16
Winequality-red 46.93 37.41 35.79 40.05 42.78 36.28
Yeast 58.39 51.03 52.42 54.55 56.37 53.77
Zoo 85.92 82.61 68.69 79.09 79.09 67.30
Avg. rank 1.95 5.55 3.10 3.00 2.85 4.55

Table 5
Results according to CBA [%] metric for MC-CCR and reference sampling methods with C5.0 as base
Automobile 77.93 54.47 71.79 75.11 73.35 70.84
Balance 64.92 45.79 55.88 57.70 60.34 57.29
Car 95.87 85.25 89.26 95.73 98.37 87.51
Cleveland 33.91 24.09 25.44 27.34 27.34 21.99
Contraceptive 50.01 41.63 44.31 51.69 52.97 39.99
Dermatology 96.19 86.30 94.36 95.64 93.88 88.92
Ecoli 68.33 56.07 68.41 63.53 61.77 54.72
Flare 61.85 58.59 61.92 59.51 61.27 60.03
Glass 69.89 60.63 66.11 70.64 69.76 61.02
Hayes-roth 90.03 77.48 86.30 84.96 87.62 75.52
Led7digit 84.07 63.94 70.81 78.19 79.95 70.98
Lymphography 80.66 43.21 59.19 75.75 78.39 70.83
Newthyroid 90.14 85.04 90.00 95.22 93.46 89.69
Pageblocks 84.63 78.60 71.77 80.84 79.96 76.35
Thyroid 81.99 80.58 81.86 76.77 75.01 70.46
Vehicle 71.74 62.18 70.23 72.43 72.43 71.49
Wine 92.89 84.30 91.67 91.83 90.95 87.99
Winequality-red 40.37 24.76 34.92 41.63 39.87 40.01
Yeast 57.83 46.44 48.94 53.76 55.52 49.03
Zoo 81.52 60.83 66.08 76.72 76.72 79.05
Avg. rank 1.65 5.75 3.65 3.15 2.75 4.05

4.4. Evaluation of the impact of class label noise random label noise imputation, i.e., according to a given noise
level and the uniform distribution, we choose a subset of training
Finally, we evaluated how the presence of the label noise examples and replace their labels to randomly chosen remaining
affects the predictive performance of MC-CCR compared to the ones. In our experimental study, we limited ourselves to the noise
state-of-the-art algorithms. To input the noise, we decided to use levels in {0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25}.
10 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

Table 6
Results according to mGM [%] metric for MC-CCR and reference sampling methods with C5.0 as base classifier.
Automobile 75.68 51.86 74.40 75.11 78.75 73.28
Balance 62.22 40.57 52.40 55.92 58.65 55.69
Car 95.03 81.16 91.00 95.73 94.82 90.85
Cleveland 30.98 18.00 24.57 26.45 24.63 23.39
Contraceptive 49.72 38.15 43.44 51.69 52.60 50.07
Dermatology 94.88 79.34 95.23 92.08 92.08 93.02
Ecoli 70.98 51.72 67.54 63.53 63.53 62.88
Flare 64.71 55.98 61.92 58.62 60.44 57.29
Glass 71.06 55.41 62.63 67.97 67.97 66.77
Hayes-roth 85.16 70.52 84.56 83.18 86.82 84.20
Led7digit 80.44 57.85 70.81 78.19 77.28 75.48
Lymphography 77.36 40.60 58.32 73.08 73.99 71.86
Newthyroid 92.17 80.69 86.52 92.55 93.46 92.55
Pageblocks 82.55 71.64 74.38 79.06 77.24 76.72
Thyroid 81.48 73.62 81.86 75.88 77.70 75.10
Vehicle 70.35 59.57 71.97 70.65 70.65 69.37
Wine 92.87 80.82 93.41 90.05 89.14 90.08
Winequality-red 46.66 17.80 36.66 40.74 42.56 38.42
Yeast 56.91 43.83 52.42 51.09 52.91 50.03
Zoo 84.29 55.61 63.47 75.83 77.65 78.55
Avg. rank 1.80 5.45 3.25 2.90 2.70 4.90

Table 7 in quality at the noise of a small number of classes, and the

Results according to CEN metric for MC-CCR and reference sampling methods characteristics are close to quadratic.
with C5.0 as base classifier.
When analyzing MC-CCR concerning various classifiers, it
should be stated that for most databases and noise levels, the
Automobile 0.25 0.56 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.29 proposed method is characterized by much better predictive
Balance 0.41 0.64 0.49 0.48 0.46 0.49
Car 0.09 0.26 0.11 0.09 0.04 0.10
performance and, as a rule, is statistically significantly better
Cleveland 0.62 0.87 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.71 than state-of-art algorithms. MC-CCR is best suited for use with
Contraceptive 0.51 0.69 0.59 0.49 0.44 0.48 minimum distance classifiers (as k-NN) and also with decision
Dermatology 0.06 0.27 0.06 0.13 0.14 0.21 trees, although for other tested classification algorithms it also
Ecoli 0.32 0.53 0.34 0.41 0.40 0.37
achieves very good results. Generalizing the observed predictive
Flare 0.31 0.51 0.39 0.46 0.41 0.49
Glass 0.38 0.53 0.38 0.34 0.34 0.37 performance, MC-CCR is very robust to the label noise and it is
Hayes-roth 0.16 0.34 0.19 0.19 0.14 0.35 characterized by the smallest decrease in predictive performance
Led7digit 0.15 0.20 0.32 0.24 0.21 0.29 depending on the label noise level, or the number of classes
Lymphography 0.26 0.68 0.43 0.31 0.34 0.40 affected by the noise. Due to this property, it can be seen that
Newthyroid 0.08 0.28 0.14 0.08 0.12 0.15
the proposed method is always statistically significantly better
Pageblocks 0.13 0.34 0.29 0.24 0.19 0.26
Thyroid 0.17 0.34 0.22 0.27 0.29 0.29 than other tested algorithms, especially for high noise levels. The
Vehicle 0.35 0.47 0.30 0.34 0.33 0.37 benchmark methods may be ranked according to these criteria
Wine 0.11 0.25 0.10 0.15 0.18 0.20 in the following order: SMOTE-IPF, SMON, MDO, S-SMOTE, and
Winequality-red 0.49 0.86 0.67 0.64 0.59 0.56 SMOTE-all.
Yeast 0.45 0.62 0.51 0.54 0.47 0.53
Zoo 0.19 0.48 0.38 0.27 0.27 0.22
4.5. Lessons learned
Avg. rank 1.25 5.70 3.70 3.05 2.95 4.35

To summarize the experimental study, let us try to answer the

research questions formulated at the beginning of this section.
The results of the experiments were presented in Figs. 5–7 as
RQ1: What is the best parameter setting for MC-CCR, and how they
well as in Table 9. When analyzing the relationship between the
impact the behavior of the algorithm?
noise level and the predictive performance for different methods
for different oversampling methods, it should be noted that for MC-CCR is a strongly parameterized preprocessing method whose
most datasets one can notice the obvious tendency that quality predictive performance depends on the correct parameter setting.
deteriorates with the increase in noise level. MC-CCR usually has The cleaning strategy, which is a crucial element of the algo-
better predictive performance compared to state-of-art methods. rithms, has the most significant impact on the quality of MC-CCR.
It is also worth analyzing how quality degradation occurs as noise Based on experimental research, it can be seen that the cleaning
levels increase. Most benchmark algorithms report a sharp drop operation is essential to produce a classifier characterized by a
in quality after exceeding the label noise level of 10%–15% (except high predictive performance. The best parameter setting seems
for SMOTE-IPF, which in many cases has fairly stable quality). to be (i) cleaning by translation, (ii) proportional seed observa-
However, MC-CCR, although the degradation of predictive per- tions selection, and (iii) using sampling during the multi-class
formance depending on the noise level is noticeable, it is not so decomposition.
violent. It is linear for the whole range of experiments.
RQ2: How robust is the MC-CCR to label noise in learning data?
Similar MC-CCR behavior can also be seen when analyzing
the relationship between the number of classes affected by noise MC-CCR is very robust to the label noise and it is marked by the
and predictive performance. The decrease in the value of all the smallest decrease in predictive performance depending on the
metrics is close to linear. In contrast, in the case of the remaining label noise level or the number of classes affected by the noise.
oversampling algorithms, we can observe a sharp deterioration It is worth emphasizing that the proposed method is always
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 11

Fig. 4. Comparison of MC-CCR with reference methods for four tested base classifiers with respect to the number of datasets on which MC-CCR was statistically
significantly better (green), similar (yellow), or worse (red) using combined 10-fold CV F-test over 20 datasets. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

statistically significantly better than other tested algorithms, es- Bayes and MLP) trained based on the learning sets preprocessed
pecially for high noise levels (higher than 10%). Additionally, the by MC-CCR, the results obtained are still good. Even if statistically
degradation of the predictive performance according to noise significant differences at the significance level α = 0.05 are not
level increase is not so violent, and resembles a linear, not a observed, the p-values remain very small, indicating substantial
quadratic, trend. differences.
RQ3: What is the predictive performance of the MC-CCR in compar-
5. Conclusion and future works
ison to the state-of-art oversampling methods?
MC-CCR usually outperforms the state-of-art reference oversam- The purpose of this study was to propose a novel, effective
pling strategies considered in this work, which manifested in the preprocessing framework for a multi-class imbalanced data clas-
highest average ranks concerning all of the performance metrics. sification task. We developed the Multi-Class Combined Cleaning
and Resampling algorithm, a method that utilizes the proposed
RQ4: How flexible is MC-CCR to be used with the different classifiers?
energy-based approach to modeling the regions suitable for over-
Based on the conducted experiments, one can observe that the sampling, and combines it with a simultaneous cleaning opera-
proposed method works very well for both noisy and no-noise tion. Due to the dedicated approach to handling the multi-class
data, especially in combination with classifiers using the concept decomposition, proposed method is additionally able to better
of decision tree induction (C5.0) and minimal distance classifiers utilize the inter-class imbalance relationships. The research con-
(k-NN). However, for the other two classification methods (Naïve ducted on benchmark datasets confirmed the effectiveness of the
12 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

Fig. 5. Influence of varying class label noise levies on MC-CCR and reference sampling algorithms according to CBA [%] and C5.0 as a base classifier.

proposed solution. It highlighted its strengths in comparison with • Application of other preprocessing methods to the proposed
state-of-art methods, as well as its high robustness to the label framework.
noise. It is worth mentioning that estimated computational com- • Evaluation of how robust MC-CCR is to different distribu-
plexity is acceptable and comparable to the state-of-art methods. tions of the label noise, as well as assess its behavior if
This work is a step forward toward the use of oversampling for feature noise is present.
multi-class imbalanced data classification. The obtained results • Embedding MC-CCR into hybrid architectures with inbuilt
encourage us to continue works on this concept. Future research mechanisms, as classifier ensemble, especially based on dy-
may include: namic ensemble selection.
• Propositions of new methods of cleaning the majority ob- • Using MC-CCR on massive data or data streams requires a
servations located in proximity to the minority instances, deeper study on the effective ways of its parallelization.
which may be embedded in MC-CCR. Especially, other • Application of MC-CCR to a real-world imbalanced data
shapes of the cleaning region could be considered. susceptible to the presence of label noise, i.e., medical data.
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 13

Fig. 6. Comparison of MC-CCR with reference methods for four tested base classifiers with respect to the number of noisy datasets on which MC-CCR was statistically
significantly better (green), similar (yellow), or worse (red) using combined 10-fold CV F-test over 100 datasets (20 benchmarks × 5 class label noise levels). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 7. Analysis of relationship between number of classes affected by label noise and performance metrics. Results presented for Yeast benchmark (10 classes),
averaged over all noise levels (5%–25%) with C5.0 as a base classifier.
14 M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223

Table 8
Shaffer’s tests for comparison between MC-CCR and reference oversampling methods with respect to each metric
and base classifier. We report obtained p-values. Symbol ’>’ stands for situation in which MC-CCR is statistically
superior and ‘=’ for when there are no significant differences.
Hypothesis AvACC CBA mGM CEN
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0000) > (0.0004) > (0.0001) > (0.0007)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0326) > (0.0105) > (0.0194) > (0.0111)
vs. MDO > (0.0407) > (0.0396) > (0.0482) > (0.0433)
vs. SMOM > (0.0471) > (0.0412) > (0.0408) > (0.0399)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0301) > (0.0173) > (0.0188) > (0.0136)
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0018) > (0.0049) > (0.0039) > (0.0027)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0277) > (0.0261) > (0.0302) > (0.0166)
vs. MDO = (0.1307) = (0.0852) = (0.1003) = (0.0599)
vs. SMOM = (0.1419) = (0.1001) = (0.1188) = (0.0627)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0318) > (0.0251) > (0.0292) > (0.0199)
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0000) > (0.0070) > (0.0012) > (0.0008)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0385) > (0.0111) > (0.0358) > (0.0122)
vs. MDO > (0.0372) > (0.0316) > (0.0386) > (0.0355)
vs. SMOM > (0.0407) > (0.0394) > (0.0388) > (0.0401)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0174) > (0.0116) > (0.0158) > (0.0099)
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0000) > (0.0001) > (0.0002) > (0.0001)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0162) > (0.0105) > (0.0122) > (0.0088)
vs. MDO = (0.0866) = (0.0681) = (0.0791) > (0.0372)
vs. SMOM = (0.1283) = (0.0599) = (0.0629) > (0.0498)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0126) > (0.0093) > (0.0127) > (0.0088)

Table 9
Shaffer’s tests for comparison between MC-CCR and reference oversampling methods on two levels of class noise (smallest and largest noise ratios)
with respect to each metric and base classifier. We report obtained p-values. Symbol ’>’ stands for situation in which MC-CCR is statistically superior
and ’=’ for when there are no significant differences.
Hypothesis AvACC CBA mGM CEN
5% noise 25% noise 5% noise 25% noise 5% noise 25% noise 5% noise 25% noise
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0003) > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0005) > (0.0000)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0311) > (0.0157) > (0.0096) > (0.0021) > (0.0156) > (0.0078) > (0.0099) > (0.0019)
vs. MDO > (0.0382) > (0.0179) > (0.0356) > (0.0199) > (0.0466) > (0.0203) > (0.0408) > (0.0275)
vs. SMOM > (0.0438) > (0.0198) > (0.0401) > (0.0158) > (0.0384) > (0.0127) > (0.0376) > (0.0122)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0285) > (0.0211) > (0.0151) > (0.0116) > (0.0159) > (0.0082) > (0.0109) > (0.0082)
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0011) > (0.0000) > (0.0038) > (0.0002) > (0.0035) > (0.0001) > (0.0021) > (0.0002)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0246) > (0.0138) > (0.0238) > (0.0111) > (0.0289) > (0.0162) > (0.0117) > (0.0076)
vs. MDO = (0.0977) > (0.0436) = (0.0698) > (0.0381) = (0.0933) > (0.0420) = (0.0515) > (0.0359)
vs. SMOM = (0.1286) > (0.0482) = (0.0964) > (0.0458) = (0.1003) > (0.0406) = (0.0602) > (0.0396)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0298) > (0.0209) > (0.0202) > (0.0178) > (0.0263) > (0.0207) > (0.0170) > (0.0099)
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0050) > (0.0000) > (0.0090) > (0.0000) > (0.0004) > (0.0000)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0347) > (0.0236) > (0.0098) > (0.0056) > (0.0322) > (0.0217) > (0.0102) > (0.0068)
vs. MDO > (0.0349) > (0.0139) > (0.0291) > (0.0102) > (0.0127) > (0.0073) > (0.0351) > (0.0249)
vs. SMOM > (0.0402) > (0.0255) > (0.0300) > (0.0104) > (0.0297) > (0.0100) > (0.0256) > (0.0099)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0115) > (0.0096) > (0.0096) > (0.0072) > (0.0122) > (0.0091) > (0.0078) > (0.0055)
vs. SMOTE-all > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0001) > (0.0000) > (0.0000) > (0.0000)
vs. S-SMOTE > (0.0135) > (0.0094) > (0.0087) > (0.0042) > (0.0103) > (0.0052) > (0.0072) > (0.0044)
vs. MDO = (0.0791) > (0.0381) = (0.0616) > (0.0201) = (0.0729) > (0.0417) > (0.0357) > (0.0138)
vs. SMOM = (0.1081) > (0.0491) = (0.0537) > (0.0288) = (0.0599) > (0.0319) > (0.0447) > (0.0406)
vs. SMOTE-IPF > (0.0111) > (0.0099) > (0.0086) > (0.0044) > (0.0117) > (0.0056) > (0.0076) > (0.0028)

CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

Michał Koziarski: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing to influence the work reported in this paper.
- review & editing, Visualization. Michał Woźniak: Conceptual-
ization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
& editing. Bartosz Krawczyk: Software, Investigation, Writing - Michał Koziarski was supported by the Polish National Science
original draft. Center under the grant no. 2017/27/N/ST6/01705.
M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak and B. Krawczyk / Knowledge-Based Systems 204 (2020) 106223 15

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[48] G.E. Batista, R.C. Prati, M.C. Monard, A study of the behavior of several Michał Woźniak is a professor of computer science
methods for balancing machine learning training data, ACM SIGKDD at the Department of Systems and Computer Net-
Explor. Newsl. 6 (1) (2004) 20–29. works, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
[49] D. Angluin, P. Laird, Learning from noisy examples, Mach. Learn. 2 (4) Poland. His research focuses on machine learning,
(1988) 343–370, http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1022873112823. compound classification methods, classifier ensembles,
[50] M. Koziarski, M. Wozniak, CCR: A combined cleaning and resampling data stream mining, and imbalanced data processing.
algorithm for imbalanced data classification, Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 27 Prof. Woźniak has been involved in research projects
(4) (2017) 727–736. related to the topics mentioned above and has been
[51] H. He, Y. Bai, E.A. Garcia, S. Li, ADASYN: Adaptive synthetic sampling a consultant for several commercial projects for well-
approach for imbalanced learning, in: 2008 IEEE International Joint Con- known Polish companies and public administration.
ference on Neural Networks (IEEE World Congress on Computational He has published over 300 papers and three books.
Intelligence), IEEE, 2008, pp. 1322–1328. Prof. Woźniak was awarded numerous prestigious awards for his scientific
[52] B. Krawczyk, M. Koziarski, M. Woźniak, Radial-Based Oversampling for achievements as IBM Smarter Planet Faculty Innovation Award (twice) or IEEE
Multiclass Imbalanced Data Classification, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Outstanding Leadership Award, and several best paper awards of the prestigious
Syst. (2019). conferences. He serves as program committee chairs and the member for the
[53] J. Alcalá-Fdez, A. Fernández, J. Luengo, J. Derrac, S. García, L. Sánchez, F. numerous scientific events. Prof. Woźniak is also the member of the editorial
Herrera, KEEL data-mining software tool: data set repository, integration boards of the high ranked journals.
of algorithms and experimental analysis framework, J. Mult.-Valued Logic
Soft Comput. 17 (2011).
[54] J.A. Sáez, J. Luengo, J. Stefanowski, F. Herrera, SMOTE–IPF: Addressing the
noisy and borderline examples problem in imbalanced classification by a
re-sampling method with filtering, Inform. Sci. 291 (2015) 184–203. Bartosz Krawczyk is an assistant professor in the De-
[55] N. Japkowicz, M. Shah (Eds.), Evaluating Learning Algorithms: A partment of Computer Science, Virginia Commonwealth
Classification Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2011. University, Richmond VA, USA, where he heads the
[56] S. García, A. Fernández, J. Luengo, F. Herrera, Advanced nonparametric tests Machine Learning and Stream Mining Lab. He obtained
for multiple comparisons in the design of experiments in computational his MSc and PhD degrees from Wroclaw University
intelligence and data mining: Experimental analysis of power, Inform. Sci. of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, in 2012
180 (10) (2010) 2044–2064. and 2015 respectively. His research is focused on ma-
chine learning, data streams, ensemble learning, class
imbalance, one-class classifiers, and interdisciplinary
applications of these methods. He has authored 50+
Michał Koziarski received M.Sc. degree in computer international journal papers and 100+ contributions to
science from the Wrocław University of Science and conferences. He is a co-author of the book "Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets"
Technology, Poland, in 2016. Currently, he is a Ph.D. published by Springer. Dr Krawczyk was awarded with numerous prestigious
student at the Department of Electronics of the AGH awards for his scientific achievements like IEEE Richard Merwin Scholarship
University of Science and Technology, Poland. His and IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award among others. He served as a Guest
research interests include computer vision, neural Editor in four journal special issues and as a chair of ten special session and
networks and imbalanced data classification. workshops. He is a member of Program Committee for over 40 international
conferences and a reviewer for 30 journals.

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