ACCA - F8 Audit and Assurance (INT) - Study Text (PDFDrive)
ACCA - F8 Audit and Assurance (INT) - Study Text (PDFDrive)
ACCA - F8 Audit and Assurance (INT) - Study Text (PDFDrive)
BPP Learning Media Ltd
Contents Page
Sir Jamshaid Bhatti is best for F8, P7 , P1
How the BPP ACCA-approved Study Text can help you pass v
Studying F8 vii
The exam paper x
Part F Review
18 Audit review and finalisation 295
Part G Reporting
19 Reports 313
Exam question bank 335
Exam answer bank 355
Index 393
Review form and free prize draw
Contents iii
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How the BPP ACCA-approved Study Text can help you
pass your exams – AND help you with your Practical
Experience Requirement!
Tackling studying
Studying can be a daunting prospect, particularly when you have lots of other commitments. The
different features of the text, the purposes of which are explained fully on the Chapter features page, will
help you whilst studying and improve your chances of exam success.
At the time of publication the Syllabus and Study Guide for the 2010 exams were not available and so
references to and extracts from these documents in this Study Text are to the Syllabus and Study Guide
for the 2009 exams. This Study Text has been fully updated to reflect the 2010 versions, however, and
these will be available on the ACCA website in due course.
The Study Text covers all aspects of the syllabus to ensure you are as fully prepared for the exam as
Introduction v
Chapter features
Each chapter contains a number of helpful features to guide you through each topic.
Topic list
Topic list Syllabus reference
Tells you what you will be studying in this chapter and the
relevant section numbers, together the ACCA syllabus
Knowledge brought forward from earlier studies What you are assumed to know from previous
Summarises the content of main chapter headings,
allowing you to preview and review each section easily.
Demonstrate how to apply key knowledge and
Examples techniques.
Definitions of important concepts that can often earn you
Key terms
easy marks in exams.
Tell you when and how specific topics were examined, or
Exam focus points
how they may be examined in the future.
Formulae that are not given in the exam but which have to
Formula to learn
be learnt.
This is a new feature that gives you a useful indication of
syllabus areas that closely relate to performance
objectives in your Practical Experience Requirement
vi Introduction
Studying F8
The F8 Audit and Assurance exam tests students’ knowledge of auditing and assurance theory but also,
very importantly, their ability to apply that knowledge to scenarios that they might well come across in
their auditing careers.
There will be a new examiner for F8 from June 2010, Pami Bahl, who will be issuing her examiner's
approach article to F8 later in 2009. You should look out for this article on the ACCA’s website as it will
provide useful information about the F8 exam from her perspective.
All questions on this paper are compulsory so any topic from across the syllabus could be examined. As
stated above, it is essential that students possess both the knowledge of auditing and the ability to apply
that knowledge to situations that could arise in real life.
1 What F8 is about
The purpose of the F8 syllabus is to develop knowledge and understanding of the process of carrying out
the assurance engagement and its application in the context of the professional regulatory framework.
The syllabus is divided into seven main sections:
(a) Audit framework and regulation
The syllabus introduces the concept of assurance engagements such as the external audit and the
different levels of assurance that can be provided. You need to understand the purpose of an
external audit and the respective roles of auditors and management. This part of the syllabus also
explains the importance of good corporate governance within an entity. The regulatory framework
is also explained, as well as the key area of professional ethics.
(b) Internal audit
In this part of the syllabus we explain the nature of internal audit and describe its role as part of
overall performance management and good corporate governance within an entity. It is essential
that you understand the differences between internal and external audit at this stage.
(c) Planning and risk assessment
Planning and risk assessment are key stages of the external audit because it is the information
and knowledge gained at this time that determine the audit approach to take. We also develop
further the concept of materiality which was introduced briefly in the first part of the syllabus.
(d) Internal control
In this part of the syllabus you need to be able to describe and evaluate information systems and
internal controls to identify and communicate control risks and their potential consequences to the
entity's management, making appropriate recommendations to mitigate those risks. We cover key
areas of purchases, sales, payroll, inventory, cash and non-current assets.
(e) Audit evidence
Audit conclusions need to be supported by sufficient and appropriate audit evidence. This area of
the syllabus assesses the reliability of various types and sources of audit evidence and also
examines in detail the audit of specific items (non-current assets, inventory, receivables, bank and
cash and payables). We also look at the special considerations for the audit of not-for-profit
organisations such as charities, which could come up in a scenario-based question.
(f) Review
Towards the end of an external audit, the auditor needs to consider the concept of going concern
and subsequent events which could impact on the financial statements. We also look at the audit
evidence provided by written representations from management and consider the impact of any
unadjusted errors on the accounts.
Introduction vii
(g) Reporting
The outcome of the external audit is the audit report which sets out the auditor's opinion on the
financial statements. This section of the syllabus looks at the various types of audit report that can
be issued and what each of them means. It also looks at reports to management, which are a by-
product of the audit but nevertheless very important for high-lighting areas of weakness to
viii Introduction
4 Brought forward knowledge
The F8 syllabus assumes knowledge brought forward form F3 Financial Accounting. It's important to be
comfortable with your financial reporting studies because such aspects are likely to come up in scenario-
based questions such as subsequent events. ACCA therefore recommends that you sit papers in order so
you have the knowledge from Paper F7 Financial Reporting which will also be an advantage when taking
Paper F8. However, please note that you do not have to have passed F7 in order to sit F8.
Introduction ix
The exam paper
Format of the paper
The exam is a three-hour paper consisting of five compulsory questions. You also have 15 minutes for
reading and planning.
The majority of the questions will be discursive but some questions involving computational elements
could be set from time to time. The questions will cover all areas of the syllabus.
Question 1 will be a scenario-based question worth 30 marks. Question 2 will be a knowledge-based
question worth 10 marks. The remaining three questions will be worth 20 marks each.
Question 1 is very likely to test areas from the statement of comprehensive income and the statement of
financial position. Internal audit/review could be examined in questions 1 or 4. Audit completion and audit
reports will possibly be tested in question 5 in a scenario context. Question 2 is a knowledge-based
question worth 10 marks and split into parts. This question can test topics from across the F8 syllabus.
Other key areas are:
• Application of professional ethics
• Audit planning
• Risk identification in systems and reporting weaknesses to management
• Engagement risk
x Introduction
Analysis of past papers – F8 Audit and Assurance
The table below provides details of when each element of the syllabus has been examined and the
question number and section in which each element appeared. Further details can be found in the Exam
Guide sections and Exam Focus Points in the relevant chapters.
in Text June Dec June Dec Pilot
chapter 2009 2008 2008 2007 Paper
Introduction xi
xii Introduction
Audit and other
In the first section of this chapter we consider why there is a need for
assurance in relation to financial and non-financial information. The main
reason an assurance service such as external audit is required is the fact that
the ownership and management of a company are not necessarily one and the
In Section 2 we introduce the concepts of agency, accountability and
stewardship and consider reporting as a means of communication to the
different stakeholders who are interested in the financial statements of the
It is important to understand what other assurance services exist in addition to
the external audit. The key assurance services which the F8 syllabus
concentrates on are the external audit (statutory and non-statutory), review
engagements and internal audit assignments.
The effect of audits and reviews is that the stakeholders of an entity are given a
level of assurance as to the quality of the information in the accounts. The
degrees of assurance provided by external audits and other engagements are
discussed in Section 4.
The remainder of the Study Text builds on the themes introduced in this
Exam guide
This chapter explains the basis of auditing and the distinction between audit and other review
assignments. The mechanics of these issues are expanded in more detail throughout the text. Questions in
the exam could draw on matters in this chapter, in conjunction with the knowledge you will obtain later in
the Study Text. The June 2007 paper had a four mark question for explaining what negative assurance is
and how it differs from the assurance provided by a statutory audit.
The purpose of an external audit is to enable auditors to give an opinion on the financial statements.
Whilst an audit might produce by-products such as advice to the directors on how to run the business, its
objective is solely to report to shareholders.
4 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
Non-statutory audits are performed by independent auditors because the company’s owners, proprietors,
members, trustees, professional and governing bodies or other interested parties want them, rather than
because the law requires them. In consequence, auditing may extend to every type of undertaking which
produces accounts, including clubs, charities (some of these will require statutory audits as well), sole
traders and partnerships. Some of these organisations do not operate for profit, and this has a specific
impact on the nature of their audit. The audit of not-for-profit organisations will be considered in more
detail in Chapter 17.
Part A Audit framework and regulation ~ 1: Audit and other assurance engagements 5
2.2 Accountability and stewardship
The key reason for having an audit or review can be seen by working through the following case study.
Case Study
Vera decides to set up a business selling flowers. She gets up early in the morning, visits the market, and
then sets up a stall by the side of the road. For the first year, all goes well. She sells all the flowers she is
able to buy and she derives some income from the business.
However, Vera feels that she could sell more flowers if she was able to transport more to the place where
she sells them, and she also knows that there are several other roads nearby where she could sell flowers,
if she could be in two places at once. She could achieve these two things by buying a van and by
employing other people to sell flowers in other locations.
Vera needs more money to achieve this expansion of her business. She decides to ask her rich friend
Peter to invest in the business.
Peter can see the potential of Vera's business and wants to invest, but he doesn't want to be involved in
the management of the business. He also does not want to have ultimate liability for the debts of the
business if it fails. He therefore suggests that they set up a limited company. He will own the majority of
the shares and be entitled to dividends. Vera will be managing director and be paid a salary for her work.
At the end of the first year of trading as a limited company, Peter receives a copy of the financial
statements. Profits are lower than expected, so his dividend will not be a large as he had hoped. He knows
that Vera is paid a salary so does not care as much as him that profits are low.
Peter is concerned by the level of profits and feels that he wants further assurance on the accounts. He
doesn't know whether they give a true reflection on the last year's trading, particularly as the profits do not
seem as high as those Vera had predicted when he agreed to invest.
The solution is that the assurance Peter is seeking can be given by an independent audit or review of the
financial statements. An auditor can provide the two things that Peter requires:
x A knowledgeable review of the company's business and of the accounts
x An impartial view, since Vera's view might be biased
Other people will also view the company's accounts with interest, for example:
x Creditors of the company
x Taxation authorities
The various parties interested in the accounts of a company are sometimes referred to as stakeholders.
Although they will each judge the accounts by different criteria, they will all gain assurance from learning
that the accounts they are reading have been subject to an independent report.
The example above is a simple one. In practice companies may have thousands of shareholders and may
not know the management personally. It is therefore important that directors are accountable to
shareholders. Directors act as stewards of the shareholders' investments. They are agents of the
6 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
Vera: Manager Agent Steward Directors: Management
Accountable Accountable
to to
Peter (owner)
Shareholders (owners)
Key terms Accountability is the quality or state of being accountable, that is, being required or expected to justify
actions and decisions. It suggests an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions.
Stewardship refers to the duties and obligations of a person who manages another person's property.
Agents are people employed or used to provide a particular service. In the case of a company, the people
being used to provide the service of managing the business also have the second role of being people in
their own right trying to maximise their personal wealth.
You may ask, 'what are the directors accountable for?' It is important to understand the answer to this
question. The directors are accountable for the shareholders' investment. The shareholders have bought
shares in that company (they have invested). They expect a return from their investment. As the directors
manage the company, they are in a position to affect that return.
buys shares expects
The exact nature of the return expected by the shareholder will depend on the type of company he or she
has chosen to invest in: that is part of his or her investment risk analysis. Certain issues are true of any
such investment, however. For example, if the directors mismanage the company, and it goes bankrupt, it
will neither provide a source of future dividends, nor will it create capital growth in the investment –
indeed, the opposite is true and the original investment may even be lost.
Accountability therefore covers a range of issues:
Financial Profits Going concern
statements warnings disclosure
Investment protection
Part A Audit framework and regulation ~ 1: Audit and other assurance engagements 7
These issues are often discussed under the umbrella title 'corporate governance', where 'governance'
indicates the management (governing) role of the directors, and 'corporate' indicates that the issue relates
to companies (bodies corporate). This is illustrated by our scenario, where we saw Vera taking up a
corporate governance position in relation to Peter. We shall consider corporate governance further in
Chapter 3.
Key terms An assurance engagement is one in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the
degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of the
evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria. The outcome of the evaluation or
measurement of a subject matter is the information that results from applying the criteria.
Intended users are the person, persons or class of persons for whom the practitioner prepares the
assurance report.
The responsible party can be one of the intended users, but not the only one.
In the above definition, the term ‘practitioner’ relates to an individual who provides professional services
in an audit firm (i.e. the term ‘practitioner’ is used because assurance services other than external audits
are also provided by audit firms).
The ‘responsible party’ is the person (or persons) who is responsible for the subject matter (in a direct
reporting engagement) or subject matter information of the assurance engagement. Subject matter can
take many forms which include financial performance (e.g. historical financial information), non-financial
performance (e.g. key performance indicators), processes (e.g. internal control) and behaviour (e.g.
compliance with laws and regulations).
We will look at different types of assurance engagements in the following section.
8 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
Key term The objective of a review engagement is to enable an auditor to state whether, on the basis of procedures
which do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, anything has come to the
auditor's attention that causes the auditor to believe that the financial statements are not prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework.
The major outcome for recipients of a review engagement is that the level of assurance they gain from it
is not as high as from an audit, although the procedures carried out in a review engagement are similar to
an audit.
Key term Internal auditing is an appraisal or monitoring activity established or provided as a service to the entity.
Its functions include examining, evaluating and monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of internal
Up to now we have discussed assurance services where an independent outsider provides an opinion on
financial information. Assurance can also be provided to management (and by implication, to other
parties) by internal auditors.
As we shall see in Chapter 3, as part of good corporate governance all directors are advised to review the
effectiveness of the company's risk management and internal control systems. They should also consider
the need for an internal audit function to help them carry out their duties.
Larger organisations may therefore appoint full-time staff whose function is to monitor and report on the
running of the company's operations. Internal audit staff members are one type of control. Although
some of the work carried out by internal auditors is similar to that performed by external auditors, there
are important distinctions between the two functions in terms of their responsibilities, scope and
relationship with the company, and we will examine these in more detail in Chapter 5.
Part A Audit framework and regulation ~ 1: Audit and other assurance engagements 9
4.1 Truth and fairness
Below is an example of an auditor's report on an entity's financial statements. This is an unmodified
report (which means the financial statements are true and fair and properly prepared).
*Note: This example of an auditor’s report is in accordance with the relevant auditing standard. However,
you may also come across the term ‘statement of financial position’ (for ‘balance sheet’), ‘statement of
comprehensive income’ (for ‘income statement’) and ‘statement of cash flows’ (for ‘cash flow statement’)
in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements.
Modified audit reports may arise because of a number of different reasons and are discussed in greater
depth in Chapter 19.
10 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
External auditors give an opinion on the truth and fairness of financial statements. This is not an opinion
of absolute correctness. 'True' and 'fair' are not defined in law or audit guidance, but the following
definitions are generally accepted.
Key terms True: Information is factual and conforms with reality. In addition the information conforms with required
standards and law. The financial statements have been correctly extracted from the books and records.
Fair: Information is free from discrimination and bias and in compliance with expected standards and
rules. The accounts should reflect the commercial substance of the company's underlying transactions.
The auditor's report refers to the fact that the audit is planned and performed to obtain ‘reasonable
assurance’ whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. This is because the
auditor cannot check everything and therefore can only provide 'reasonable' not 'absolute' assurance.
Key term An audit gives the reader reasonable assurance on the truth and fairness of the financial statements,
which is a high, but not absolute, level of assurance. The auditor’s report does not guarantee that the
financial statements are correct, but that they are true and fair within a reasonable margin of error.
One of the reasons that an auditor does not give absolute assurance is because of the inherent limitations
of audit. We discuss these limitations below.
The assurance given by auditors is governed by the fact that auditors use judgement in deciding what
audit procedures to use and what conclusions to draw, and also by the limitations of every audit. These
are illustrated in the following diagram.
Whether errors
are representative Up-to-date position
T and historic position
Audit report is
What to H may be different
Not all items issued a long time
sample E
in the FS are after the year-end
Sampling tested E
risk Ch 6 F
Non-routine E Estimates
Limitations in Audit evidence
transactions sometimes indicates
accounting and
control systems what is probable,
not certain
Human Ch 9 Ch 12 Judgements
Possibility of of controls Intentions
collusion in override Auditors can never certify
fraud Cost/benefit that the accounts are
trade off correct. They can only
ever express an
Misstatements which are significant to readers may exist in financial statements and auditors will plan their
work on this basis, that is, with professional scepticism. The concept of 'significance to readers' is the
concept of materiality (which will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6).
Part A Audit framework and regulation ~ 1: Audit and other assurance engagements 11
Key term Materiality is an expression of the relative significance or importance of a particular matter in the context
of the financial statements as a whole. A matter is material if its omission or misstatement would
reasonably influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.
Materiality depends on the size of the item or error judged in the particular circumstances of its omission
or misstatement.
The auditors' task is to decide whether the financial statements show a true and fair view. The auditors
are not responsible for establishing whether the financial statements are correct in every particular. This is
because it can take a great deal of time and trouble to check the accuracy of even a very small transaction
and the resulting benefit may not justify the effort. Also financial accounting inevitably involves a degree of
estimation which means that financial statements can never be completely precise.
Although the definition of materiality refers to the decisions of the addressees of the audit report (the
company's members), their decisions may well be influenced by other entities who use the financial
statements, for example, the bank.
'Assurance' here means the auditors' satisfaction as to the reliability of the assertion made by one
party for use by another party.
Key term Negative assurance is when an auditor gives an assurance that nothing has come to his attention which
indicates that the financial statements have not been prepared according to the framework. In other words,
he gives his assurance in the absence of any evidence to the contrary.
Directors prepare financial statements for the benefit of members. They assert that the financial statements give
a true and fair view. The auditors provide assurance on that assertion. To provide such assurance, the
auditors must:
x Assess risk
x Plan audit procedures
x Conduct audit procedures
x Assess results
x Express an opinion
The degree of satisfaction achieved and, therefore, the level of assurance which may be provided, is
determined by the nature of procedures performed and their results.
An external audit can be distinguished from other engagements in the following ways.
(a) External audit engagement: the auditor provides a high, but not absolute, level of assurance that
the information audited is free of material misstatement. This is expressed positively in the audit
report as reasonable assurance.
(b) Review engagement: the auditor provides a limited level of assurance that the information subject
to review is free of material misstatement. This is expressed in the form of negative assurance.
(c) Agreed-upon procedures: the auditor simply provides a report of the factual findings of the
engagement agreed by the auditor, entity and any appropriate third parties, so no assurance is
expressed. Users of the report must instead judge for themselves the auditor's procedures and
findings and draw their own conclusions.
(d) Compilation engagement: the practitioner is engaged to use his accounting expertise (as opposed
to auditing expertise) to collect, classify and summarise financial information. No assurance is
12 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
The following table summarises the different types of engagement that can be carried out by practitioners.
Engagement Type of assurance provided Examples
External audit Reasonable – Statutory external audit
Review Negative – Review of interim financial statements
Agreed-upon procedures None – Examination of statement of financial
– Examination of segmental sales and
Compilation None – Preparation of financial statements
– Preparation of tax returns
Exam focus
point You must understand the levels of assurance provided by different types of engagement as you could be
asked to explain this in the exam.
Part A Audit framework and regulation ~ 1: Audit and other assurance engagements 13
Chapter Roundup
x An external audit is a type of assurance engagement that is carried out by an auditor to give an
independent opinion on a set of financial statements.
x An audit provides assurance to the shareholders and other stakeholders of a company on the financial
statements because it is independent and impartial.
x Assurance services include a range of assignments, from external audits to review engagements.
x Internal auditors are employed as part of an organisation’s system of controls. Their responsibilities are
determined by management and may be wide-ranging.
x The auditors' report on company financial statements is expressed in terms of truth and fairness. This is
generally taken to mean that financial statements:
– Are factual
– Are free from bias
– Reflect the commercial substance of the business's transactions
x External audits give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material
x The degree of assurance given by the impartial professional will depend on the nature of the exercise
being carried out.
14 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
Quick Quiz
1 Complete the IFAC definition of an audit:
The objective of an ……………… of …………….. …………… is to enable the auditor to ………… an
………….. on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all ……………. respects, in accordance
with an identified financial reporting framework.
2 Link the correct definition to each term.
(i) Accountable (iv) True
(ii) Steward (v) Fair
(iii) Agent (vi) Materiality
(a) An expression of the relative significance or importance of a particular matter in the context of the
financial statements as a whole.
(b) A person employed to provide a particular service.
(c) Factual and conforming with reality. In conformity with relevant standards and law and correctly
extracted from accounting records.
(d) A person employed to manage other people's property.
(e) Free from discrimination and bias and in compliance with expected standards and rules. Reflecting
the commercial substance of underlying transactions.
(f) Being required or expected to justify actions and decisions.
3 What level of assurance is provided by a review engagement?
4 Which of the following is not an assurance engagement?
x External audit
x Compilation engagement
x Review engagement
x Agreed-upon procedures
Part A Audit framework and regulation ~ 1: Audit and other assurance engagements 15
Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Audit, financial statements, express, opinion, material
2 (i) (f) (iv) (c)
(ii) (d) (v) (e)
(iii) (b) (vi) (a)
3 Negative assurance
4 Compilation engagements and agreed-upon procedures are not assurance engagements.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
16 1: Audit and other assurance engagements ~ Part A Audit framework and regulation
Statutory audit and
This chapter describes the aims and objectives of the statutory audit and the
regulatory environment within which it takes place.
The regulatory framework for auditors discussed in this chapter and the
regulation of auditors by bodies such as the ACCA are very important.
This chapter considers in detail the regulatory aspects of the appointment,
removal and resignation of auditors.
It ends with an examination of International Standards on Auditing which
auditors must comply with when carrying out an external audit.
Study guide
Intellectual level
A2 Statutory audits
(a) Describe the regulatory environment within which statutory audits take 1
(b) Discuss the reasons and mechanisms for the regulation of auditors 2
(c) Explain the statutory regulations governing the appointment, removal and 1
resignation of auditors
(d) Discuss the types of opinion provided in statutory audits 2
(e) State the objectives and principle activities of statutory audit and assess its 1
value (eg in assisting management to reduce risk and improve performance)
(f) Describe the limitations of statutory audits 1
A3 The regulatory environment and corporate governance
(a) Explain the development and status of International Standards on Auditing 1
(b) Explain the relationship between International Standards on Auditing and 1
national standards
Exam guide
An understanding of the overall regulatory regime is essential to an understanding of external audit and
could be examined as part of a longer question on audit planning or in conjunction with a question on
professional ethics. It could also come up as a short factual part in question 2 as it did in December 2008
as a three mark question on the rights of auditors.
There has long been a debate over the benefits of audit to small entities. Where such entities are owned by
the same people that manage them, there is significantly less value in an independent review of the
stewardship of the managers than where management and ownership are separate.
The case for retaining the small company audit rests on the value of the statutory audit to those who have
an interest in audited financial statements, that is, the users of the financial statements. From the
viewpoint of each type of user, the arguments for and against abolition are summarised in the table below.
The audit is primarily a statutory concept, and eligibility to conduct an audit is often set down in statute.
Similarly, the rights and duties of auditors can be set down in law, to ensure that the auditors have
sufficient power to carry out an effective audit. In this section we look at the rights and duties of auditors
in the UK as an example (but bear in mind that these may be different in other jurisdictions). The relevant
legislation in the UK is the Companies Act 2006.
1.3.1 Duties
The auditors are required to report on every balance sheet (statement of financial position) and profit and
loss account (statement of comprehensive income) laid before the company in general meeting.
The auditors must consider the following.
Compliance with legislation Whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with the relevant legislation
Truth and fairness of accounts Whether the balance sheet shows a true and fair view of the
company's affairs at the end of the period and the profit and loss
account (and cash flow statement) show a true and fair view of the
results for the period
Adequate accounting records Whether adequate accounting records have been kept and returns
and returns adequate for the audit received from branches not visited by the
Agreement of accounts to Whether the accounts are in agreement with the accounting records
records and returns
Consistency of other information Whether the information in the directors' report is consistent with the
financial statements
Directors' benefits Whether disclosure of directors' benefits has been made in
accordance with the Companies Act 2006
If auditors have not received all the information and explanations they consider necessary, they should
state this fact in their audit report.
The Companies Act 2006 makes it an offence for a company's officer knowingly or recklessly to make a
statement in any form to an auditor which:
x Conveys or purports to convey any information or explanation required by the auditor and
x Is misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular
2.1 Appointment
The auditors should be appointed by and therefore answerable to the shareholders. The table below
shows what the position should ideally be, again using the UK as an example. The Companies Act 2006
sets out the rules for appointment of auditors. An auditor must be appointed for each financial year unless
the directors reasonably resolve otherwise on the grounds that audited financial statements are unlikely to
be required. The table summarises the appointment of auditors for UK public companies.
3 Regulation of auditors
Requirements for the eligibility, registration and training of auditors are extremely important as they are
designed to maintain standards in the auditing profession.
3.1.2 France
In France, the accounting profession is split into two distinct organisations:
x Accountants (Ordre des Experts Comptables et des Comptables Agréés)
x Auditors (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes)
Most members of the auditors' organisation are also members of the more important accountants'
organisation. Examinations, work experience and articles are similar to those of the UK accountancy
bodies. The profession's main influence is through the issue of non-mandatory opinions and
recommendations of accounting principles relevant to the implementation of the National Plan.
3.1.3 Germany
The main professional body in Germany is the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Institut der
Wirtschaftsprüfer). Members of this institute carry out all the statutory audits, and are required to have
very high educational and experience qualifications. The Institute issues a form of auditing standard but
this is tied very closely to legislation. As well as auditing, members are mainly involved in tax and
business management, with no obvious significant role in establishing financial accounting principles and
practices. There is no independent accounting standard-setting body.
3.1.5 Ghana
In Ghana, the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana), established in 1963, is the sole body charged
with the regulation of the accountancy profession. Its members are the only persons recognised under the
country’s companies’ legislation to carry out the audit of company financial statements. The institute is
governed by a council of 11 chartered accountants.
3.1.6 Singapore
The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore (ICPAS) is the national organisation of the
accountancy profession in Singapore. It was established in 1963 and its objective is to develop, support
and enhance the integrity, status and interests of the accountancy profession in Singapore. ICPAS has a
Joint Scheme of Examination agreement in place with ACCA.
3.5.1 Education
The theoretical knowledge to be contained in the body of knowledge of accountants should include
compulsory subjects (such as audit, consolidated accounts and general accounting) and relevant subjects
(such as law and economics). Accountants should have covered these subjects in a breadth and depth
sufficient to enable them to perform their duties to the expected standard.
3.5.3 Experience
It is crucial to any professional to have not only a sound theoretical knowledge but also to be able to apply
that knowledge competently in the world of work.
It is suggested that, prior to qualification, an individual should have completed a minimum of two years
approved and properly supervised practical experience primarily in the area of audit and accountancy and
in a suitable professional environment.
4.2 Preface
The preface states that the IAASB’s objective is the development of a set of international standards that are
accepted worldwide. The IAASB’s pronouncements relate to audit, other assurance and related services
that are conducted in accordance with international standards.
Within each country, local laws and regulations govern, to a greater or lesser degree, the practices
followed in the auditing of financial or other information. Such regulations may be either of a statutory
nature, or in the form of statements issued by the regulatory or professional bodies in the countries
concerned. For example, in the UK, the Auditing Practices Board (APB) sets ISAs, and the Companies Act
2006 provides legislative regulations.
IAASB Pronouncements
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) To be applied in the audit of historical financial
International Standards on Review Engagements To be applied in the review of historical financial
(ISREs) information
International Standards on Assurance Engagements To be applied in assurance engagements dealing
(ISAEs) with subject matters other than historical financial
International Standards on Related Services (ISRSs) To be applied to compilation engagements,
engagements to apply agreed upon procedures to
information and other related services engagement
as specified by the IAASB
International Standards on Quality Control (ISQCs) To be applied for all services falling under the
IAASB’s engagement standards (ISAs, ISREs,
International Auditing Practice Statements (IAPSs) Provide interpretive guidance and practical
assistance to professional accountants in
implementing ISAs and to promote good practice
Any limitation of the applicability of a specific ISA is made very clear in the Preface.
ISAs do not override the local regulations referred to above governing the audit of financial or other
information in a particular country.
(a) To the extent that ISAs conform with local regulations on a particular subject, the audit of financial
or other information in that country in accordance with local regulations will automatically comply
with the ISA regarding that subject.
(b) In the event that the local regulations differ from, or conflict with, ISAs on a particular subject,
member bodies should comply with the obligations of members set forth in the IFAC Constitution
as regards these ISAs (ie encourage changes in local regulations to comply with ISAs).
The IAASB also publishes other papers, such as Discussion Papers, to promote discussion on auditing,
review, other assurance and related services and quality control issues affecting the accounting
profession, present findings, or describe matters of interest relating to these engagements.
Transparent debate
A proposed standard is discussed at a meeting, open to the public.
Consideration of comments
Any comments as a result of the exposure draft are considered at an open meeting
of the IAASB, and it is revised as necessary.
Affirmative approval
Approval is made by the affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of IAASB members.
No Title
200 (Revised and Redrafted) Overall objectives of the independent auditor and the conduct of an
audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing
210 (Redrafted) Agreeing the terms of audit engagements
230 (Redrafted) Audit documentation
240 (Redrafted) The auditor's responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements
250 (Redrafted) Consideration of laws and regulations in an audit of financial statements
260 (Revised and Redrafted) Communication with those charged with governance
265 Communicating deficiencies in internal control to those charged with governance and
300 (Redrafted) Planning an audit of financial statements
315 (Redrafted) Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement through understanding
the entity and its environment
Exam focus ISAs are quoted throughout this text and you must understand how they are applied in practice. You do
point not therefore need to know the names of the standards or the details off by heart – it's your ability to
apply them in the exam that will be tested.
Chapter Roundup
x Most companies are required to have an audit by law, but some small companies are exempt. The
outcome of the audit is the audit report, which sets out the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements.
x The law gives auditors both rights and duties. This allows auditors to have sufficient power to carry out an
independent and effective audit.
x There are various legal and professional requirements on appointment, resignation and removal of
auditors which must be followed.
x Requirements for the eligibility, registration and training of auditors are extremely important as they are
designed to maintain standards in the auditing profession.
x International Standards on Auditing are set by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards
3 Using the UK as an example, who can appoint an auditor?
4 The ACCA has its own monitoring unit which inspects registered auditors on a regular basis.
5 What is the function of IFAC?
6 Which of the following are not engagement standards issued by the IAASB?
x International Standards on Auditing
x International Standards on Quality Control
x International Auditing Practice Statements
x International Standards on Related Services
x International Standards on Assurance Engagements
x International Standards on Review Engagements
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
The concept of corporate governance was introduced in Chapter 1. In this
chapter we will look at the codes of practice that have been put in place to
ensure that companies are well managed and controlled. The UK's Combined
Code on Corporate Governance is an internationally recognised code which we
will use as an example of a code of best practice. The audit carried out by the
external auditors is a very important part of corporate governance, as it is an
independent check on what the directors are reporting to the shareholders.
Auditors of all kinds have most contact with the audit committee, a sub-
committee of the board of directors. External auditors liaise with the audit
committee over the audit, and internal auditors will report their findings about
internal control effectiveness to it. We shall look at audit committees in Section
2 and internal control effectiveness in Section 3.
We end this chapter with a consideration of the importance of auditors
communicating with those charged with governance in an entity. ISA 260
Communication with those charged with governance provides guidance to
auditors in this respect.
Study guide
Intellectual level
A3 The regulatory environment and corporate governance
(c) Discuss the objective, relevance and importance of corporate governance 2
(d) Discuss the need for auditors to communicate with those charged with 2
(e) Discuss the provisions of international codes of corporate governance (such 2
as OECD) that are most relevant to auditors
(f) Describe good corporate governance requirements relating to directors’ 1
responsibilities (eg for risk management and internal control) and the
reporting responsibilities of auditors
(g) Analyse the structure and roles of audit committees and discuss their 2
drawbacks and limitations
(h) Explain the importance of internal control and risk management 1
(i) Compare the responsibilities of management and auditors for the design 2
and operation of systems and controls
Exam guide
Questions on corporate governance could be either knowledge-based or application-based and may be
part of a scenario question on ethics. The pilot paper had 10 marks on a question on corporate
governance in the context of meeting corporate governance requirements and communication with the
audit committee by the auditors. The June 2009 paper had a 12 mark part on the benefits of forming an
audit committee (scenario question).
There are various stakeholders in companies, as we discussed in Chapter 1. The Cadbury Report on
financial aspects of corporate governance commissioned by the UK government in the early 1990s
identified the following:
x Directors: responsible for corporate governance
x Shareholders: linked to the directors by the financial statements
x Other relevant parties: such as employees, customers and suppliers (stakeholders)
In some companies, the shareholders are fully informed about the management of the business because
they are directors themselves, whereas in other companies, the shareholders only have an opportunity to
find out about the management of the company at the AGM (annual general meeting).
The day-to-day running of a company is the responsibility of the directors and other management staff
to whom they delegate, and although the company's results are submitted for shareholders' approval at
the AGM, there is often apathy and acquiescence in directors’ recommendations.
An important question to consider is 'will the same way of managing companies be the best method for all
companies?' The answer is likely to be no. Companies are different from each other, and globally, they operate
in different legal systems with different institutions, frameworks and traditions. It would not be possible to
construct one single way of operating companies that could be described as good practice for all.
The key issue in corporate governance is that 'a high degree of priority [is] placed on the interests of
shareholders, who place their trust in corporations to use their investment funds wisely and effectively'.
Shareholders in a company might be a family, they might be the general public or they might be
institutional investors representing, in particular, people's future pensions. These shareholders will vary in
their degree of interaction with the company and their directors.
In the context of this great variety in the basic element of these companies, the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) has established a number of Principles of Corporate Governance,
which were issued in 1999 and reviewed in 2004, and which serve as a reference point for countries (to
develop corporate governance codes if they wish) and companies. They were developed in response to a
mandate given to the OECD to develop a set of standards and guidelines on good corporate governance.
In order to obtain the best of the advantages and avoid the worst disadvantages, countries may take a
hybrid approach and make some elements of corporate governance mandatory and some voluntary. For
instance, in the UK, companies are required to comply with legislation (such as the Companies Act) and
there is also a voluntary corporate governance code, the Combined Code on Corporate Governance,
1.3.4 Directors
The directors of a company should set company policy, including risk policy, and are responsible for the
company's systems and controls.
Directors are responsible ultimately for managing the company, and this includes setting strategy,
budgets, managing the company's people, maintaining company assets, and ensuring corporate
governance rules are kept. An important element of setting strategies is determining and managing risks.
We shall outline in Chapter 5 how internal audit may have a role in this area. The Combined Code requires
that there is clear division of responsibility at the head of a company between the chairman and the chief
executive. It requires that no one individual has unfettered powers of decision.
The board should be supplied with information in a timely manner to enable it to carry out its duties and
directors should receive induction on joining the board and should regularly update and refresh their
Systems, controls and monitoring
Directors are responsible for the systems put in place to achieve the company policies and the controls
put in place to mitigate risks. These issues will be considered further later in this chapter. Under the
Combined Code, UK boards are required to consider annually whether an internal audit department is
They are also responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of systems and controls. Internal auditors have
an important role in this area as we shall discuss in Chapter 5, but remember it is the directors that are
responsible for determining whether to have an internal audit department to assist them in monitoring in
the first place.
Turnbull Guidelines
Have a defined process for the effectiveness of internal control
Review regular reports on internal control
Consider key risks and how they have been managed
Check the adequacy of action taken to remedy weaknesses and incidents
Consider the adequacy of monitoring
Conduct an annual assessment of risks and the effectiveness of internal control
Make a statement on this process in the annual report
Non-executive directors
Key term Non-executive directors are directors who do not have day-to-day operational responsibility for the
company. They are not employees of the company or affiliated with it in any other way.
An important recommendation of the principles of the Combined Code is that the board contains some
non-executive directors to ensure that it exercises objective judgement. The Combined Code requires 'a
balance' of executive and non-executive directors on the board and recommends that the board is made
up of at least half non-executive directors.
Such non-executive directors may have a particular role in some sensitive areas such as company
reporting, nomination of directors and remuneration of executive directors. Often companies will set up
sub-committees of the board to deal with such issues. We are now going on to consider one such sub-
committee, the audit committee, in more detail.
The terms of reference of the audit committee, including its role and the authority delegated to it by the
board, should be made available. A separate section of the annual report should describe the work of
the committee in discharging those responsibilities.
The audit committee should review arrangements by which staff of the company may, in confidence,
raise concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting or other matters. The
audit committee's objective should be to ensure that arrangements are in place for the proportionate
and independent investigation of such matters and for appropriate follow-up action.
The audit committee should monitor and review the effectiveness of the internal audit activities. Where
there is no internal audit function, the audit committee should consider annually whether there is a
need for an internal audit function and make a recommendation to the board, and the reasons for the
absence of such a function should be explained in the relevant section of the annual report.
The audit committee should have primary responsibility for making a recommendation on the
appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditors. If the board does not accept the
audit committee's recommendation, it should include in the annual report, and in any papers
recommending appointment or re-appointment, a statement from the audit committee explaining the
recommendation and should set out reasons why the board has taken a different position.
The annual report should explain to shareholders how, if the auditor provides non-audit services,
auditor objectivity and independence is safeguarded.
Exam focus
A question on corporate governance is most likely to come up in a scenario-based question, perhaps in
conjunction with internal audit (which we cover in Chapter 5) as the two are linked.
5 Why are internal controls important in a company?
2 A
3 An audit committee is a sub-committee of the board of directors, usually containing a number of non-
executive directors.
4 False. It should have an audit committee if required, or if the directors feel it is in the best interests of the
shareholders, even if it is difficult to find non-executive directors.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
In Chapter 2 we looked at some of the regulations surrounding the audit. Here
we look at the ethical requirements of the RSBs, specifically the ACCA’s Code
of ethics and conduct, which is based on IFAC’s Code of ethics for professional
The ethical matters covered in this chapter are very important. They could arise
in almost every type of exam question and you must be able to apply the
ACCA's guidance on ethical matters to any given situation, but remember that
common sense is usually a good guide.
First we examine the five fundamental principles of professional ethics as
defined in the ACCA's Code of ethics and conduct. We then look at the five
main threats to compliance with these principles and the sorts of safeguards
that can be put in place to mitigate these threats.
Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter are concerned with obtaining audit
engagements and agreeing the terms of the engagement.
Study guide
Intellectual level
A4 Professional ethics and ACCA's Code of Ethics and Conduct
(a) Define and apply the fundamental principles of professional ethics of 2
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality
and professional behaviour
(b) Define and apply the conceptual framework 2
(c) Discuss the sources of, and enforcement mechanisms associated with, 2
ACCA’s Code of ethics and conduct
(d) Discuss the requirements of professional ethics and other requirements in 2
relation to the acceptance of new audit engagements
(e) Discuss the process by which an auditor obtains an audit engagement 2
(f) Explain the importance of engagement letters and state their contents 1
Exam guide
Questions about auditor independence and objectivity may involve discussion of topical, controversial
issues in a scenario-based question, such as the provision of services other than the audit to audit clients.
Exam questions will generally require you to consider the possible threats and to suggest appropriate
safeguards to mitigate those threats. Other questions may include knowledge-based questions on topics
such as the audit engagement letter as in the pilot paper. The December 2007 paper had a five mark part
for explaining each of the fundamental principles of professional ethics in question 2. In the December
2008 paper, there was a 12 mark scenario-based question on ethical threats and safeguards to mitigate
those threats. The June 2009 had a four mark part on safeguards to overcome intimidation.
The ACCA’s Code of ethics and conduct sets out five fundamental principles of professional ethics and
provides a conceptual framework for applying those principles. Members must apply this conceptual
framework to identify threats to compliance with the principles, evaluate their significance and apply
appropriate safeguards to eliminate or reduce them so that compliance is not compromised.
1.2 Confidentiality
Although auditors have a professional duty of confidentiality, they may be compelled by law or consider it
necessary in the public interest to disclose details of clients' affairs to third parties.
Confidentiality requires members to refrain from disclosing information acquired in the course of
professional work except where:
x Consent has been obtained from the client, employer or other proper source, or
x There is a public duty to disclose, or
x There is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose
A member acquiring information in the course of professional work should neither use nor appear to use
that information for his personal advantage or for the advantage of a third party.
In general, where there is a right (as opposed to a duty) to disclose information, a member should only
make disclosure in pursuit of a public duty or professional obligation.
A member must make clear to a client that he may only act for him if the client agrees to disclose in full to
the member all information relevant to the engagement.
Where a member agrees to serve a client in a professional capacity both the member and the client should
be aware that it is an implied term of that agreement that the member will not disclose the client's affairs
to any other person save with the client's consent or within the terms of certain recognised exceptions,
which fall under obligatory and voluntary disclosures.
If a member knows or suspects his client to have committed money-laundering, treason, drug-trafficking
or terrorist offences, he is obliged to disclose all the information at his disposal to a competent authority.
Auditing standards require auditors to consider whether non-compliance with laws and regulations affects
the accounts.
Voluntary disclosure may be applicable in the following situations:
x Disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the member's interests, for example to enable him
to sue for fees or defend an action for, say, negligence.
x Disclosure is compelled by process of law, for example where in an action a member is required
to give evidence of discovery of documents.
x There is a public duty to disclose, say where an offence has been committed which is contrary to
the public interest.
x Disclosure is to non-governmental bodies which have statutory powers to compel disclosure.
Compliance with the fundamental principles of professional ethics may potentially be threatened by a wide
range of different circumstances. These generally fall into five categories:
x Self-interest (discussed in Section 1.4.1)
x Self-review (discussed in Section 1.4.2)
x Advocacy (discussed in Section 1.4.3)
x Familiarity (discussed in Section 1.4.4)
x Intimidation (discussed in Section 1.4.5)
Close business
Financial relationships Partner on client board
Key term A financial interest exists where an audit firm has a financial interest in a client’s affairs, for example, the
audit firm owns shares in the client, or is a trustee of a trust that holds shares in the client.
The ACCA does not allow the following to own a direct financial interest or an indirect material
financial interest in a client:
x The assurance firm
x A member of the assurance team
x An immediate family member of a member of the assurance team
The following safeguards will therefore be relevant:
x Disposing of the interest
x Removing the individual from the team if required
x Keeping the client’s audit committee informed of the situation
x Using an independent partner to review work carried out if necessary
Audit firms should have quality control procedures requiring staff to disclose relevant financial
interests for themselves and close family members. They should also foster a culture of voluntary
disclosure on an ongoing basis so that any potential problems are identified in a timely manner.
(ii) Close business relationships
Examples of when an audit firm and an audit client have an inappropriately close business
relationship include:
x Having a material financial interest in a joint venture with the assurance client
x Arrangements to combine one or more services or products of the firm with one or more
services or products of the assurance client and to market the package with reference to
both parties
x Distribution or marketing arrangements under which the firm acts as distributor or marketer
of the assurance client’s products or services or vice versa
It will be necessary for the partners to judge the materiality of the interest and therefore its
significance. However, unless the interest is clearly insignificant, an assurance provider should
Key term Contingent fees are fees calculated on a predetermined basis relating to the outcome or result of a
transaction or the result of the work performed.
A firm should not enter into any fee arrangement for an assurance engagement under which the
amount of the fee is contingent on the result of the assurance work or on items that are the subject
matter of the assurance engagement.
Internal audit Tax services
The key area in which there is likely to be a self-review threat is where a firm provides services other than
assurance services to an assurance client (providing multiple services). There is a great deal of guidance
in the ACCA and IFAC rules about various other services accountancy firms could provide their clients and
these are discussed below.
(i) Recent service with an assurance client
Individuals who have been a director or officer of the client, or an employee in a position to exert
direct and significant influence over the subject matter information of the assurance engagement
in the period under review or the previous two years should not be assigned to the assurance team.
If an individual had been closely involved with the client prior to the time limits set out above, the
assurance firm should consider the threat to independence arising and apply appropriate
safeguards, such as:
x Obtaining a quality control review of the individual’s work on the assignment
x Discussing the issue with the audit committee
(ii) General other services
For assurance clients, accountants are not allowed to:
x Authorise, execute or consummate a transaction
x Determine which recommendation of the company should be implemented
x Report in a management capacity to those charged with governance
Having custody of an assurance client’s assets, supervising client employees in the performance of
their normal duties, and preparing source documents on behalf of the client also pose significant
self-review threats which should be addressed by safeguards such as the following:
x Ensuring non-assurance team staff are used for these roles
x Involving an independent professional accountant to advise
x Quality control policies on what staff are and are not allowed to do for clients
x Making appropriate disclosures to those charged with governance
x Resigning from the assurance engagement
(iii) Preparing accounting records and financial statements
There is clearly a significant risk of self-review if a firm prepares accounting records and financial
statements and then audits them. However, in practice, auditors routinely assist management with
the preparation of financial statements and give advice about accounting treatments and journal
Key term A valuation comprises the making of assumptions with regard to future developments, the application of
certain methodologies and techniques, and the combination of both in order to compute a certain value, or
range of values, for an asset, a liability or for a business as a whole.
If an audit firm performs a valuation for which will be included in financial statements audited by
the firm, a self-review threat arises.
Audit firms should not carry out valuations on matters which will be material to the financial
statements. If the valuation is for an immaterial matter, the audit firm should apply safeguards to
ensure that the risk is reduced to an acceptable level. Matters to consider when applying
safeguards are the extent of the audit client’s knowledge of the relevant matters in making the
valuation and the degree of judgement involved, how much use is made of established
methodologies and the degree of uncertainty in the valuation. Safeguards include:
x Second partner review
x Confirming that the client understands the valuation and the assumptions used
x Ensuring the client acknowledges responsibility for the valuation
x Using separate personnel for the valuation and the audit
(v) Taxation services
In many jurisdictions, the assurance firm may be asked to provide taxation services to its client.
These encompass a wide range of services, including compliance, planning, provision of formal
taxation opinions and assistance in the resolution of tax disputes. The provision of taxation
services is generally not seen to threaten independence.
(vi) Internal audit services
A firm may provide internal audit services to an audit client. However, it should ensure that the
client acknowledges its responsibility for establishing, maintaining and monitoring the system of
internal control. It may be appropriate to use safeguards such as ensuring that an employee of the
client is designated responsible for internal audit activities and that the client approves all the work
that internal audit does.
(vii) Corporate finance
Certain aspects of corporate finance will create self-review threats that cannot be reduced to an
acceptable level by safeguards. Therefore, assurance firms are not allowed to promote, deal in or
underwrite an assurance client’s shares. They are also not allowed to commit an assurance
client to the terms of a transaction or consummate a transaction on the client’s behalf.
Other corporate finance services, such as assisting a client in defining corporate strategies,
assisting in identifying possible sources of capital and providing structuring advice may be
acceptable, providing that safeguards, such as using different teams of staff, are used and ensuring
no management decisions are taken on behalf of the client.
Case Study
British Telecom was not happy when its auditors merged with the firm which audited Cable and Wireless.
The new firm was forced to drop one of the audits. Legal cases such as Prince Jefri of Brunei and KPMG,
and in connection with the merger of Robson Rhodes and Parnell Kerr Forster, have also cast doubt on the
ability of accountants to rely on Chinese walls.
Ensure professionally qualified to act Consider whether disqualified on legal or ethical grounds
Ensure existing resources adequate Consider available time, staff and technical expertise
Obtain references Make independent enquiries if directors not personally known
Communicate with present auditors Enquire whether there are reasons/circumstances behind the
change which the new auditors ought to know, also courtesy
Approach by new
audit client
No need to follow
Is this the client’s Yes professional rules - the
first audit? auditor can make own
Does client
give No
permission to
contact old
Does client
give old auditor No
permission to
old auditor Give old auditor due
provide information No notice then decide on
relevant to new bass of knowledge
appointment? obtained otherwise
Having negotiated these steps the auditors will be in a position to accept the nomination, or not, as the
case may be. These procedures are demonstrated in the appointment decision chart.
Where the risk level of a company's audit is determined as anything other than low, then the specific risks
should be identified and documented. It might be necessary to assign specialists in response to these
risks, particularly industry specialists, as independent reviewers. Some audit firms have procedures for
closely monitoring audits which have been accepted, but which are considered high risk.
2.4 Approval
Once all the relevant procedures and information gathering has taken place, the company can be put
forward for approval. The engagement partner will have completed a client acceptance form and this,
along with any other relevant documentation, will be submitted to the partner who is in overall charge of
accepting clients.
Exam focus In the exam you may be given a 'real-life' client situation and asked what factors you would consider in
point deciding whether to accept appointment.
Key term The preconditions for an audit are the use by management of an acceptable financial reporting framework
in the preparation of the financial statements and the agreement of management and, where appropriate,
those charged with governance to the premise on which an audit is conducted.
To determine whether the preconditions for an audit are present, the auditor shall do the following:
x Determine whether the financial reporting framework is acceptable. Factors to consider include
the nature of the entity, the purpose of the financial statements, the nature of the financial
statements, and whether law or regulation prescribes the applicable financial reporting framework.
x Obtain management’s agreement that it acknowledges and understands its responsibilities for
the following.
– Preparing the financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
– Internal control that is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements which
are free from material misstatement
– Providing the auditor with access to all information of which management is aware that is
relevant to the preparation of the financial statements, with additional information that the
auditor may request, and with unrestricted access to entity staff from whom the auditor
determines it necessary to obtain audit evidence
If these preconditions are not present, the auditor shall discuss the matter with management. The auditor
shall not accept the audit engagement if:
x The auditor has determined that the financial reporting framework to be applied is not acceptable.
x Management’s agreement referred to above has not been obtained.
The auditor shall agree the terms of the engagement with management or those charged with governance
and these shall be recorded in an audit engagement letter or other suitable form of written agreement.
This has to be done before the audit engagement begins so as to avoid misunderstandings regarding the
You are a partner in Messrs Borg, Connors & Co, Certified Accountants. You are approached by Mr
Nastase, the managing director of Navratilova Enterprises Ltd, who asks your firm to become auditors of
his company. In return for giving you this appointment Mr Nastase says that he will expect your firm to
waive 50 per cent of your normal fee for the first year's audit. The existing auditors, Messrs Wade, Austin
& Co, have not resigned but Mr Nastase informs you that they will not be re-appointed in the future.
(a) What action should Messrs Borg, Connors & Co take in response to the request from Mr Nastase
to reduce their first year's fee by 50 per cent?
(b) Are Messrs Wade, Austin & Co within their rights in not resigning when they know Mr Nastase
wishes to replace them? Give reasons for your answer.
(a) The request by Mr Nastase that half of the first year's audit fee should be waived is quite improper.
If this proposal were to be accepted it could be held that Borg Connors & Co had sought to procure
work through the quoting of lower fees. This would be unethical and would result in disciplinary
proceedings being taken against the firm.
Mr Nastase should be informed that the audit fee will be determined by reference to the work
involved in completion of a satisfactory audit, taking into account the nature of the audit tasks
involved and the resources required to carry out those tasks in an efficient manner. He should also
be told that if he is not prepared to accept an audit fee arrived at in this way and insists on there
being a reduction then regrettably the nomination to act as auditor will have to be declined.
Chapter Roundup
x The ACCA’s Code of ethics and conduct sets out the five fundamental principles of professional ethics
and provides a conceptual framework for applying them.
x Members of the ACCA must comply with the fundamental principles set out in the Code of ethics and
conduct (integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional
x Although auditors have a professional duty of confidentiality, they may be compelled by law or consider
it necessary in the public interest to disclose details of clients' affairs to third parties.
x Threats to independence and objectivity may arise in the form of self-review, self-interest, advocacy,
familiarity and intimidation threats. Appropriate safeguards must be put in place to eliminate or reduce
such threats to acceptable levels.
x The present and proposed auditors must communicate with each other prior to the audit being accepted,
however if the client refuses to give permission to the proposed auditors to make contact, the proposed
auditors must decline nomination.
x The terms of the audit engagement shall be agreed with management and recorded in an audit
engagement letter.
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
Internal audit
Internal audit
Internal audit is a function established by management to assist in corporate
governance by assessing internal controls and helping in risk management. It
can be a department of employees or can be outsourced to expert service
Internal auditing is different from external auditing, although the techniques
used by both are very similar. While the techniques used may be similar, the
focus and reasons behind the audit are different.
Various assurance assignments may be undertaken by internal auditors and
these are outlined in Section 4. The role of internal audit with regard to fraud is
also discussed briefly.
The chapter ends with a consideration of outsourcing the internal audit function
– this is very common in the real world and we discuss the potential benefits
and drawbacks of doing so.
Study guide
Intellectual level
B1 Internal audit and corporate governance
(a) Discuss the factors to be taken into account when assessing the need for 2
internal audit
(b) Discuss the elements of best practice in the structure and operations of 2
internal audit with reference to appropriate international codes of corporate
B2 Differences between external and internal audit
(a) Compare and contrast the role of external and internal audit regarding audit 2
planning and the collection of audit evidence
(b) Compare and contrast the types of report provided by internal and external 2
B3 The scope of the internal audit function
(a) Discuss the scope of internal audit and the limitations of the internal audit 2
(b) Explain the types of audit report provided in internal audit assignments 1
(c) Discuss the responsibilities of internal and external auditors for the 2
prevention and detection of fraud and error
B4 Outsourcing the internal audit department
(a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing internal audit 1
B5 Internal audit assignments
(a) Discuss the nature and purpose of internal audit assignments including 2
value for money, IT, best value and financial
(b) Discuss the nature and purpose of operational internal audit assignments 2
including procurement, marketing, treasury and human resources
G3 Internal audit reports
(a) Describe and explain the format and content of internal audit review reports 1
and other reports dealing with the enhancement of performance
(b) Explain the process for producing an internal audit report 1
Exam guide
Internal audit has featured in every sitting of the F8 paper to date so it is therefore very important that you
understand what internal auditing is and how it differs from external auditing, as there is a good chance it
could come up again.
The pilot paper had a question worth six marks on the responsibilities of internal and external auditors to
detect fraud. In December 2007, there were eight marks available on the independence of internal audit in
a scenario question. In June 2008, question 4 was wholly devoted to internal audit – part (a) was
knowledge-based for eight marks on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the internal audit
function, and part (b) was for 12 marks on the reasons for having an internal audit function (scenario
context). There was a similar question in December 2008 on the benefits of having an internal audit
department, worth eight marks and in a scenario context. The June 2009 paper had an eight mark
question on comparing and contrasting the role of internal and external auditors.
1.1 Introduction
The following definition of internal auditing was given in Chapter 1, for comparison with other forms of
assurance service and providers:
Key term
Internal auditing is an appraisal or monitoring activity established within an entity as a service to the
entity. It functions by, amongst other things, examining, evaluating and reporting to management and the
directors on the adequacy and effectiveness of components of the accounting and internal control
Internal audit is generally a feature of large companies. It is a function, provided either by employees of
the entity or sourced from an external organisation, to assist management in achieving corporate
objectives. An entity’s corporate objectives will vary from company to company, and will be found in a
company's mission statement and strategic plan. However, other corporate objectives will not vary so
much between companies, and are linked to a key issue we have already discussed in Chapter 3 on good
corporate governance.
The board should establish formal and transparent arrangements for considering how they should apply
the financial reporting and internal control principles for maintaining an appropriate relationship with the
company’s auditors.
The external audit is focused on the financial statements, whereas the internal audit is focused on the
operations of the entire business.
The following table highlights the key differences between internal and external audit.
The table demonstrates that the whole basis and reasoning of internal audit work is fundamentally different
to that of external audit work.
Exam focus It is vital that you understand the difference between the role of internal and external audit. Questions from
point either perspective could come up in the exam, so your understanding of the respective roles of internal
and external auditors will assist you in answering the question set.
Key term Business risk is a risk resulting from significant conditions, events, circumstances, actions or inactions
that could adversely affect an entity’s ability to achieve its objectives and execute its strategies, or from the
setting of inappropriate objectives and strategies.
Designing and operating internal control systems is a key part of a company's risk management. This will
often be done by employees in their various departments, although sometimes (particularly in the case of
specialised computer systems) the company will hire external expertise to design systems.
Fraud is a key business risk. It is the responsibility of the directors to prevent and detect fraud. As the
internal auditor has a role in risk management he is involved in the process of managing the risk of fraud. It
is not the responsibility of the external auditors to prevent and detect fraud, although they may unearth
fraud as part of their audit of the financial statements, and they shall be aware of the risks of fraud while
carrying out the audit. (We look at the external auditor's responsibilities for fraud and error in more detail in
Chapter 6.)
The growing recognition by management of the benefits of good internal control and the complexities of an
adequate system of internal control have led to the development of internal auditing as a form of control
over all other internal controls. The emergence of internal auditors as experts in internal control is the result
of an evolutionary process similar in many ways to the evolution of external auditing.
(a) Explain why the internal and independent external auditors' review of internal control procedures
differ in purpose.
(b) Explain the reasons why internal auditors should or should not report their findings on internal
control to the following company officials:
(i) The board of directors
(ii) The chief accountant
(a) Internal auditors review and test the system of internal control and report to management in order
to improve the information received by managers and to help in their task of running the company.
They will recommend changes to the system to ensure that management receives objective
information which is efficiently produced. They also have a duty to search for and discover fraud.
The external auditors review the system of internal control in order to determine the extent of the
substantive work required on the year-end accounts.
The external auditors report to the shareholders rather than the managers or directors. They report
on the truth and fairness of the financial statements, not directly on the system of internal control.
External auditors usually however issue a report to management, laying out any areas of weakness
and recommendations for improvement in the system of internal control. They do not have a
specific duty to detect fraud, although they should plan their audit procedures so as to detect any
material misstatements in the accounts on which they give an opinion.
In the next section we will consider a number of the detailed assignments which an internal auditor could
get involved in.
4.4 Financial
The financial audit is internal audit's traditional role. It involves reviewing all the available evidence (usually
the company's records) to substantiate information in management and financial reporting.
This role in many ways echoes that of the external auditor, and is not one in which the internal auditors
can add any particular value to the business. Increasingly, it is a minor part of the function of internal
Whilst the scope of the internal auditor's work is different to that of the external auditor, there are many
features that can link them. One of the key factors is that the techniques which are used to carry out
audits are the same for internal and external auditors.
It can be expensive to maintain an internal audit function consisting of employees of the company. It is
possible that the monitoring and review required by a certain company could be done in a small amount of
time and full-time employees cannot be justified.
It is also possible that a number of internal audit staff are required, but the cost of recruitment is
prohibitive, or the directors are aware that the need for internal audit is only short-term.
In such circumstances, it is possible to outsource the internal audit function, that is, purchase the service
from outside.
In this respect, many of the larger accountancy firms offer internal audit services. It is likely that the same
firm might offer one client both internal and external audit services. In such circumstances the firm would
have to be aware of the independence issues this would raise for the external audit team and implement
safeguards to ensure that its independence and objectivity were not impaired. We discussed such issues
in Chapter 4 when we looked at professional ethics.
x Staff do not need to be recruited, as the x There will be independence and objectivity
service provider has good quality staff. issues if the company uses the same firm to
x The service provider has different provide both internal and external audit
specialist skills and can assess what services.
management require them to do. x The cost of outsourcing the internal audit
x Outsourcing can provide an immediate function might be high enough to make the
internal audit department. directors choose not to have an internal audit
x Associated costs, such as staff training, are function at all.
eliminated. x Company staff may oppose outsourcing if it
results in redundancies.
x The service contract can be for the
appropriate time scale. x There may be a high staff turnover of internal
audit staff.
x Because the time scale is flexible, a team
of staff can be provided if required. x The outsourced staff may only have a limited
knowledge of the company.
x It can be used on a short-term basis.
x The company will lose in-house skills.
6 It is possible to buy in an internal audit service from an external organisation.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
Planning and
risk assessment
Risk assessment
This chapter covers the aspects of the external audit which will be considered
at the earliest stages, during planning.
Firstly we introduce the concept of risk and look in detail at audit risk and its
components (control risk, inherent risk and detection risk) and at how audit
risk is managed by the auditor. The distinction between audit risk and business
risk is also made.
We discuss the concept of materiality for the financial statements as a whole
and performance materiality and the methods used for calculating them. It is
important to understand that the calculation of materiality is a matter of
judgement and that materiality must be reviewed during the course of the audit
and revised if necessary.
The importance of understanding the entity being audited and its environment
is a key aspect of audit planning and helps the auditor to identify potential risk
areas to focus on. Various techniques can be used here such as inquiry,
analytical procedures, observation and inspection. The risk assessment stage
allows the auditor to respond with a proposed audit approach which may be
controls based or totally substantive.
The auditor also needs to consider the risks of fraud and non-compliance with
laws and regulations in the audit and this is examined towards the end of this
Study guide
Intellectual level
C1 Objective and general principles
(a) Identify and describe the need to plan and perform audits with an attitude of 2
professional scepticism
(b) Identify and describe engagement risks affecting the audit of an entity 1
(c) Explain the components of audit risk 1
(d) Compare and contrast risk based, procedural and other approaches to audit 2
(e) Discuss the importance of risk analysis 2
(f) Describe the use of information technology in risk analysis 1
C2 Understanding the entity and knowledge of the business
(a) Explain how auditors obtain an initial understanding of the entity and 2
knowledge of its business environment
C3 Assessing the risks of material misstatement and fraud
(a) Define and explain the concepts of materiality and tolerable error 2
(b) Compute indicative materiality levels from financial information 2
(c) Discuss the effect of fraud and misstatements on the audit strategy and 2
extent of audit work
C4 Analytical procedures
(a) Describe and explain the nature and purpose of analytical procedures in 2
(b) Compute and interpret key ratios used in analytical procedures 2
Exam guide
Audit planning is a very important stage of the audit because it helps direct the focus of the audit. Within
planning, risk is a key topic area. You may be asked in the exam to explain various terms such as risk and
materiality. This involves not merely learning the definitions but also being able to show how in practice
the auditor uses these techniques in planning an audit. You might also have to identify the risks from a
given scenario – in such a question it’s important to explain fully why any factors you have identified are
risks, otherwise you will not attain the maximum marks available.
The June 2008 paper had a question on analytical procedures used during planning, with an eight mark
knowledge-based part and a nine mark part requiring the application of analytical procedures to income
statement figures.
The December 2008 paper had a question on audit risk and a 12 mark part on the identification of inherent
risk areas in a charity.
The June 2009 had a question worth six marks, on the external auditor's responsibilities for the detection
of fraud, and a ten mark question on risks relating to the audit of a new audit client.
Key terms Professional scepticism is an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions which
may indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud, and a critical assessment of audit evidence.
Professional judgement is the application of relevant training, knowledge and experience in making
informed decisions about the courses of action that are appropriate in the circumstances of the audit
Key term Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the financial
statements are materially misstated.
Audit risk has two elements, the risk that the financial statements contain a material misstatement and the
risk that the auditors will fail to detect any material misstatements.
Audit risk has two major components. One is dependent on the entity, and is the risk of material
misstatement arising in the financial statements (inherent risk and control risk). The other is dependent on
the auditor, and is the risk that the auditor will not detect material misstatements in the financial statements
(detection risk). We shall look in detail at the concept of materiality in the next section of this chapter. Audit
risk can be represented by the audit risk model:
Inherent risk is the risk that items will be misstated due to the characteristics of those items, such as the
fact they are estimates or that they are important items in the accounts. The auditors must use their
professional judgement and all available knowledge to assess inherent risk. If no such information or
knowledge is available then the inherent risk is high.
Inherent risk is affected by the nature of the entity; for example, the industry it is in and the regulations it
falls under, and also the nature of the strategies it adopts. We shall look at more examples of inherent
risks later in this chapter.
Key term Control risk is the risk that a material misstatement that could occur in an assertion and that could be
material, individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, will not be prevented or detected and
corrected on a timely basis by the entity’s internal control.
We shall look at control risk in more detail in Chapter 9 when we discuss internal controls.
The third element of audit risk is detection risk. This is the component of audit risk that the auditors have a
degree of control over, because, if risk is too high to be tolerated, the auditors can carry out more work to
reduce this aspect of audit risk, and therefore audit risk as a whole. Sampling risk and non-sampling risk
are components of detection risk, and will be examined further in chapter 11.
Hippo Co is a long established client of your firm. It manufactures bathroom fittings and fixtures, which it
sells to a range of wholesalers, on credit.
You are the audit senior and have recently been sent the following extract from the draft statement of
financial position by the finance director.
Budget Actual
$'000s $'000s $'000s $'000s
Non-current assets 453 367
Current assets
Trade accounts receivable 1,134 976
Bank – 54
Current liabilities
Trade accounts payable 967 944
Bank overdraft 9 –
During the course of your conversation with the finance director, you establish that a major new customer
the company had included in its budget went bankrupt during the year.
Potential risks relevant to the audit of Hippo
(1) Credit sales. Hippo makes sales on credit. This increases the risk that Hippo's sales will not be
converted into cash. Trade receivables is likely to be a risky area and the auditors will have to
consider what the best evidence that customers are going to pay is likely to be.
(2) Related industry. Hippo manufactures bathroom fixtures and fittings. These are sold to
wholesalers, but it is possible that Hippo's ultimate market is the building industry. This is a
notoriously volatile industry, and Hippo may find that their results fluctuate too, as demand rises
and falls. This suspicion is added to by the bankruptcy of the wholesaler in the year. The auditors
must be sure that accounts which present Hippo as a viable company are in fact correct.
(3) Controls. The fact that a major new customer went bankrupt suggests that Hippo did not undertake
a very thorough credit check on that customer before agreeing to supply them. This implies that
the controls at Hippo may not be very strong.
(4) Variance. The actual results are different from budget. This may be explained by the fact that the
major customer went bankrupt, or it may reveal that there are other errors and problems in the
reported results, or in the original budget.
(5) Bankrupt wholesaler. There is a risk that the result reported contains balances due from the
bankrupt wholesaler, which are likely to be irrecoverable.
Exam focus It is important that you do not confuse the concepts of audit and business risks. Remember – audit risk is
point focused on the financial statements of a company, whereas business risk is related to the company as a
whole. If an exam question asks you to identify audit risks, make sure you explain them in relation to the
financial statements.
2 Materiality
Materiality for the financial statements as a whole and performance materiality must be calculated at
the planning stages of all audits. The calculation or estimation of materiality should be based on
experience and judgement. Materiality for the financial statements as a whole must be reviewed
throughout the audit and revised if necessary.
ISA 320 Materiality in planning and performing an audit provides guidance to auditors on this area. The
objective of the auditor is to apply the concept of materiality appropriately in planning and performing the
audit. Information is generally consider to be material if its omission or misstatement could influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.
During planning, the auditor must establish materiality for the financial statements as a whole. However, if
there are classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures for which misstatements less than
materiality for the financial statements as a whole could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements, the auditor must also determine
materiality levels to be applied to these.
The auditor must also determine performance materiality in order to assess the risks of material
misstatement and to determine the nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures.
Determining materiality for the financial statements as a whole involves the exercise of professional
judgement (which we covered in section 1 of this chapter). Generally, a percentage is applied to a chosen
benchmark as a starting point for determining materiality for the financial statements as a whole. The
following factors may affect the identification of an appropriate benchmark:
x Elements of the financial statements (e.g. assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses)
x Whether there are items on which users tend to focus
x Nature of the entity, industry and economic environment
x Entity’s ownership structure and financing
x Relative volatility of the benchmark
The following benchmarks and percentages may be appropriate in the calculation of materiality for the
financial statements as a whole.
Value %
Profit before tax 5
Gross profit ½–1
Revenue ½–1
Total assets 1–2
Net assets 2–5
Profit after tax 5 – 10
The determination of performance materiality involves the exercise of professional judgement and is
affected by the auditor’s understanding of the entity and the nature and extent of misstatements identified
in prior audits.
Exam focus Bear in mind that materiality has qualitative, as well as quantitative, aspects. You must not simply think of
point materiality as being a percentage of items in the financial statements.
Financial reporting
Use of IT
Business operations
of the Objectives and developments
entity strategies and
Regulatory relating business New products and
risks services
regulatory and UNDERSTANDING THE
Cyclical or seasonal
activity other external ENTITY AND ITS Selection and
factors ENVIRONMENT application of
The market and
Internal Information
Product control system
Accounting principles technology
Entity’.s risk
Energy supply and cost
assessment process
The control
Interest rates
Monitoring of
controls Key performance
Financial indicators
Employee performance performance
Financial analysis
3.3.1 Inquiry
The auditors will usually obtain most of the information they require from staff in the accounts
department, but may also need to make enquiries of other personnel, for example, internal audit,
production staff or those charged with governance.
Those charged with governance may give insight into the environment in which the financial statements
are prepared. In-house legal counsel may help with understanding matters such as outstanding litigation,
or compliance with laws and regulations. Sales and marketing personnel may give information about
marketing strategies and sales trends.
Analytical procedures can be used at all stages of the audit. ISA 315 requires their use during the risk
assessment stage of the audit. Their use during other stages of the audit is considered in Chapters 11 and
Analytical procedures include:
(a) The consideration of comparisons with:
x Similar information for prior periods
x Anticipated results of the entity, from budgets or forecasts
x Predictions prepared by the auditors
x Industry information
(b) Those between elements of financial information that are expected to conform to a predicted
pattern based on the entity's experience, such as the relationship of gross profit to sales.
(c) Those between financial information and relevant non-financial information, such as the
relationship of payroll costs to number of employees.
A variety of methods can be used to perform the procedures discussed above, ranging from simple
comparisons to complex analysis using statistics, on a company level, branch level or individual account
level. The choice of procedures is a matter for the auditors' professional judgement. The use of
information technology may be extensive when carrying out analytical procedures during risk assessment.
Auditors may also use specific industry information or general knowledge of current industry conditions to
assess the client's performance.
As well as helping to determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures, such analytical
procedures may also indicate aspects of the business of which the auditors were previously unaware.
Auditors are looking to see if developments in the client's business have had the expected effects. They
will be particularly interested in changes in audit areas where problems have occurred in the past.
Analytical procedures at the risk assessment stage of the audit are usually based on interim financial
information, budgets or management accounts.
You are auditing the financial statements of Pumpkin Co for the year ended 31 March 20X9. Pumpkin Co
is a chain of bakeries operating in 5 locations. The bakeries sell a range of cakes, pastries, bread,
sandwiches, pasties and drinks which customers purchase in cash. The company has had a ‘challenging’
year, according to its directors, and is renegotiating its bank overdraft facility with its bank. The income
statement for the year ended 31 March 20X8 is shown below together with the draft income statement for
the year ended 31 March 20X9.
Pumpkin Co: income statements
31 March 20X9 31 March 20X8
$000 $000
Revenue 4,205 3,764
Cost of sales (1,376) (1,555)
Gross profit 2,829 2,209
Operating expenses
Administration (667) (798)
Selling and distribution (423) (460)
Interest payable (50) (49)
Profit/(loss) before tax 1,689 902
In total, Pumpkin’s profit for the year has increased by 87% which appears at odds with the revenue
figure, which has only increased by 12% in comparison to the previous year. This may indicate that
revenue has been inflated or incorrect cut-off applied, especially given the fact that the directors of
Pumpkin have described the year as ‘challenging’.
Revenue has increased overall by 12% but cost of sales has fallen by 12% - we would expect an increase
in revenue to be matched by a corresponding increase in cost of sales. Again this may indicate incorrect
allocation of revenue in order for the bank to look favourably on the company and increase its overdraft
facility. It could also indicate an error in the valuation of closing inventory.
The gross profit has increased by 28% compared to the previous period. The audit will need to focus on
this change which is significant, focusing on the revenue and costs of sales figures to establish the
reasons for the increase.
Administration expenses have fallen in comparison to the previous year (decrease of 16%) which is
unusual given that revenue has increased by 12%. We would expect an increase in costs to be in line with
the increase in the revenue figure. This could indicate that expenses may be understated through incorrect
cut-off or incorrectly capitalising expenditure which should be written off to the income statement for the
A similar issue applies to selling and distribution costs which have fallen by 8% - they have not increased
as expected in line with revenue. There could be legitimate reasons for the change but this area needs to
be investigated further during the audit fieldwork stage.
Interest payable has stayed in line with the previous year (increase of 2%). This figure can be verified
easily during the audit fieldwork by inspecting bank statements and other relevant documentation from the
Key term Significant risks are those that require special audit consideration.
As part of the risk assessment described above, the auditor shall determine whether any of the risks are
significant risks.
The following factors indicate that a risk might be significant:
x Risk of fraud (see Section 6)
x Its relationship with recent economic, accounting or other developments
x The degree of subjectivity in the financial information
x It is an unusual transaction
x It is a significant transaction with a related party
x The complexity of the transaction
Routine, non-complex transactions are less likely to give rise to significant risk than unusual transactions
or matters of management judgement. This is because unusual transactions are likely to have more:
x Management intervention
x Complex accounting principles or calculations
x Manual intervention
x Opportunity for control procedures not to be followed
When the auditor identifies a significant risk, if he has not done so already, he shall obtain an
understanding of the entity’s controls relevant to that risk.
You are involved with the audit of Tantpro Co, a small company. You have been carrying out procedures to
gain an understanding of the entity. The following matters have come to your attention:
The company offers standard credit terms to its customers of 60 days from the date of invoice.
Statements are sent to customers on a monthly basis. However, Tantpro does not employ a credit
controller, and other than sending the statements on a monthly basis, it does not otherwise communicate
with its customers on a systematic basis. On occasion, the sales ledger clerk may telephone a customer if
the company has not received a payment for some time. Some customers pay regularly according to the
credit terms offered to them, but others pay on a very haphazard basis and do not provide a remittance
advice. Sales ledger receipts are entered onto the sales ledger but not matched to invoices remitted. The
company does not produce an aged list of balances.
From the above information, assess the risks of material misstatement arising in the financial statements.
Outline the potential materiality of the risks and discuss factors in the likelihood of the risks arising.
The key risk arising from the above information is that trade receivables will not be carried at the
appropriate value in the financial statements, as some may be irrecoverable. Where receipts are not
matched against invoices in the ledger, the balance on the ledger may include old invoices that the
customer has no intention of paying.
The main objective of ISA 330 The auditor’s responses to assessed risks is to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence regarding the assessed risks of material misstatement, through designing and
implementing appropriate responses to those risks.
When the auditor's risk assessment includes an expectation that controls are operating effectively, the
auditor shall design and perform tests of controls to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the
controls were operating.
The auditor shall also undertake tests of control when it will not be possible to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence simply from substantive procedures. This might be the case if the entity
conducts its business using IT systems which do not produce documentation of transactions.
Key term
Substantive procedures are audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements at the assertion
level. They consist of tests of details of classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures, and
substantive analytical procedures.
The auditor shall always carry out substantive procedures on material items. The ISA says that
irrespective of the assessed risk of material misstatement, the auditor shall design and perform
substantive procedures for each material class of transactions, account balance and disclosure.
In addition, the auditor shall carry out the following substantive procedures:
x Agreeing or reconciling the financial statements to the underlying accounting records
x Examining material journal entries
x Examining other adjustments made in preparing the financial statements
Substantive procedures fall into two categories: analytical procedures and tests of details. The auditor
must determine when it is appropriate to use which type of substantive procedure. We discuss these in
more detail in Chapter 11 but they are introduced below.
Analytical procedures as substantive procedures tend to be appropriate for large volumes of predictable
transactions (for example, wages and salaries). Tests of detail may be appropriate to gain information
about account balances for example, inventory or trade receivables.
Tests of detail rather than analytical procedures are likely to be more appropriate with regard to matters
which have been identified as significant risks, but the auditor must develop procedures that are
specifically responsive to that risk, which may include analytical procedures. Significant risks are likely to
be the most difficult to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about.
Fraud is a wide legal concept, but the auditor's main concern is with fraud that causes a material
misstatement in financial statements. It is distinguished from error, which is when a material
misstatement is caused by mistake, for example, in the misapplication of an accounting policy.
Specifically, there are two types of fraud causing material misstatement in financial statements:
x Fraudulent financial reporting
x Misappropriation of assets
This is the theft of the entity's assets (for example, cash, inventory). Employees may be involved in such
fraud in small and immaterial amounts, but it can also be carried out on a larger scale by management
who may then conceal the misappropriation, for example by:
x Embezzling receipts (for example, diverting them to private bank accounts)
x Stealing physical assets or intellectual property (inventory, selling data)
x Causing an entity to pay for goods not received (payments to fictitious vendors)
x Using assets for personal use
The need for auditors to document their audit work is discussed in the next chapter where we will look in
particular at the audit plan and the audit strategy, two documents for planning. ISAs 315 and 330 contain
a number of general requirements about documentation, and we shall briefly run through those here.
The following matters shall be documented during planning
x The discussion among the audit team concerning the susceptibility of the financial statements to
material misstatements, including any significant decisions reached
x Key elements of the understanding gained of the entity regarding the elements of the entity and its
internal control components specified in ISA 315, the sources of the information gained and the
risk assessment procedures carried out
x The identified and assessed risks of material misstatement at the financial statement level and at
the assertion level
x Risks identified and related controls evaluated
x The overall responses to address the risks of material misstatement at the financial statement level
x Nature, extent and timing of further audit procedures linked to the assessed risks at the assertion
x Results of audit procedures
x If the auditors have relied on evidence about the effectiveness of controls from previous audits,
conclusions about how this is appropriate
x Demonstration that the financial statements agree or reconcile with the underlying accounting
3 Which procedures might an auditor use in gaining an understanding of the entity?
4 The audit team is required to discuss the susceptibility of the financial statements to material
5 Auditors have a duty to detect fraud.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
In the chapter we look at the contents of the overall audit strategy and the
detailed audit plan.
We also look at how auditors document their work in general. Audit
documentation is important because it provides the evidence of the work
performed by the auditors in carrying out the audit.
Study guide
Intellectual level
C5 Planning an audit
(a) Identify and explain the need for planning an audit 2
(b) Identify and describe the contents of the overall audit strategy and audit plan 2
(c) Explain and describe the relationship between the overall audit strategy and 2
the audit plan
(d) Develop and document an audit plan 2
(e) Explain the difference between interim and final audit 1
C6 Audit documentation
(a) Explain the need for and the importance of audit documentation 1
(b) Describe and prepare working papers and supporting documentation 2
(c) Explain the procedures to ensure safe custody and retention of working 1
Exam guide
Audit planning is a very important part of the audit process because it sets the direction for the audit,
based on an assessment of the risks relevant to the entity. Questions on planning could come up in a
scenario-based setting, asking you to identify risks relevant to planning the audit of the entity. You might
also be asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardised working papers in a
knowledge-based part to a question. The June 2009 paper had an eight mark part on the overall audit
strategy document in question 1.
118 7: Audit planning and documentation ~ Part C Planning and risk assessment
Step 3 Establishing the overall audit strategy that sets the scope, timing and direction of the audit
and guides the development of the audit plan
x Identify the characteristics of the engagement that define its scope.
x Ascertain the reporting objectives to plan the timing of the audit and nature of
communications required.
x Consider significant factors in directing the team’s efforts.
x Consider results of preliminary engagement activities.
x Ascertain nature, timing and extent of resources necessary to perform the
Step 4 Developing an audit plan that includes the nature, timing and extent of planned risk
assessment procedures and further audit procedures
The matters the auditor may consider in establishing an overall audit strategy are set out in the table
Part C Planning and risk assessment ~ 7: Audit planning and documentation 119
Examples of items to include in the overall audit strategy could be:
x Industry-specific financial reporting requirements
x Number of locations to be visited
x Audit client's timetable for reporting to its members
x Communication between the audit team and the client
120 7: Audit planning and documentation ~ Part C Planning and risk assessment
2 Audit documentation
It is important to document audit work performed in working papers to:
x Enable reporting partner to ensure all planned work has been completed adequately
x Provide details of work done for future reference
x Assist in planning and control of future audits
x Encourage a methodical approach
All audit work must be documented: the working papers are the tangible evidence of the work done in
support of the audit opinion. ISA 230 Audit documentation states that the auditor shall prepare audit
documentation on a timely basis.
Audit documentation is necessary for the following reasons:
x It provides evidence of the auditor’s basis for a conclusion about the achievement of the overall
x It provides evidence that the audit was planned and performed in accordance with ISAs and other
legal and regulatory requirements.
x It assists the engagement team to plan and perform the audit.
x It assists team members responsible for supervision to direct, supervise and review audit work.
x It enables the team to be accountable for its work.
x It allows a record of matters of continuing significance to be retained.
x It enables the conduct of quality control reviews and inspections (both internal and external).
What would be necessary to provide an experienced auditor, with no previous connection with the audit,
with an understanding of the work performed, the results of audit procedures, audit evidence obtained,
significant matters arising during the audit and conclusions reached.
The form and content of working papers are affected by matters such as:
x The size and complexity of the entity
x The nature of the audit procedures to be performed
x The identified risks of material misstatement
x The significance of the audit evidence obtained
x The nature and extent of exceptions identified
x The need to document a conclusion or the basis for a conclusion not readily determinable from the
documentation of the work performed or audit evidence obtained
x The audit methodology and tools used
Part C Planning and risk assessment ~ 7: Audit planning and documentation 121
2.2.1 Examples of working papers
x Information obtained in understanding the entity and its environment, including its internal control,
such as the following:
– Information concerning the legal documents, agreements and minutes
– Extracts or copies of important legal documents, agreements and minutes
– Information concerning the industry, economic environment and legislative environment
within which the entity operates.
– Extracts from the entity's internal control manual
x Evidence of the planning process including audit programs and any changes thereto
x Evidence of the auditor's consideration of the work of internal audit and conclusions reached
x Analyses of transactions and balances
x Analyses of significant ratios and trends
x Identified and assessed risks of material misstatements
x A record of the nature, timing, extent and results of audit procedures
x Evidence that the work performed was supervised and reviewed
x An indication as to who performed the audit procedures and when they were performed
x Details of audit procedures applied regarding components whose financial statements are audited
by another auditor
x Copies of communications with other auditors, experts and other third parties
x Copies of letters or notes concerning audit matters communicated to or discussed with
management or those charged with governance, including the terms of the engagement and
material weaknesses in internal control
x Letters of representation received from the entity
x Conclusions reached by the auditor concerning significant aspects of the audit, including how
exceptions and unusual matters, if any, disclosed by the auditor's procedures were resolved or
x Copies of the financial statements and auditors’ reports
x Notes of discussions about significant matters with management and others
x In exceptional circumstances, the reasons for departing from a basic principle or essential
procedure of an ISA and how the alternative procedure performed achieve the audit objective
122 7: Audit planning and documentation ~ Part C Planning and risk assessment
The following is an illustration of a typical audit working paper.
Name of client
Year-end Working
Client: Duckworth Builders Co Ref: A.1.1
date paper
Year-end: 30 June 20X7 Prepared by: J Jones
Subject: Year-end inventory count Date: 10 July 20X7
Aim Date prepared
Objective of work
Work done
– Sample selection
– Work done
– Source of information
– Key to any audit risks
– Appropriate cross-referencing
– Results
– Analysis of errors or other significant observations
– Conclusions
– Key points
The auditor should record the identifying characteristics of specific items or matters being tested. Firms
should have standard referencing and filing procedures for working papers, to facilitate their review.
Part C Planning and risk assessment ~ 7: Audit planning and documentation 123
x Review notes
x Audit planning memorandum
x Time budgets and summaries
x Representation letter
x Management letter
x Notes of board minutes
x Communications with third parties such as experts or other auditors
They also contain working papers covering each audit area. These should include the following:
x A lead schedule including details of the figures to be included in the accounts
x Problems encountered and conclusions drawn
x Audit programmes
x Risk assessments
x Sampling plans
x Analytical review
x Details of substantive tests and tests of control
If it is necessary to modify/add new audit documentation to a file after it has been assembled, the auditor
should document:
x Who made the changes, and when, and by whom they were reviewed
x The reasons for making changes
x The effect of changes on the auditors' conclusions
If, in exceptional circumstances, changes are made to an audit file after the audit report has been signed,
the auditor should document:
x The circumstances
x The audit procedures performed, evidence obtained, conclusions drawn
x When and by whom changes to audit documents were made and reviewed
124 7: Audit planning and documentation ~ Part C Planning and risk assessment
Auditors must follow ethical guidance on the confidentiality of audit working papers. They may, at their
discretion, release parts of or whole working papers to the entity, as long as disclosure does not
undermine ‘the independence or validity of the audit process’. Information should not be made available to
third parties without the permission of the entity.
Exam focus You must understand the difference between the audit strategy and the audit plan. A question on this area
point of the syllabus could come up as part of a longer scenario question or as a short factual question in
question 2.
Chapter Roundup
x The auditors formulate an overall audit strategy which is translated into a detailed audit plan for audit
staff to follow.
x The overall audit strategy and audit plan shall be updated and changed as necessary during the course of
the audit.
x It is important to document audit work performed in working papers to:
– Enable reporting partner to ensure all planned work has been completed adequately
– Provide details of work done for future reference
– Assist in planning and control of future audits
– Encourage a methodical approach
Part C Planning and risk assessment ~ 7: Audit planning and documentation 125
Quick Quiz
1 Complete the definitions:
An ……………… ……..……. ……………… is the formulation of a general strategy for the audit.
An ……………… ………….. is a set of instructions to the audit team that sets out the further audit
procedures to be carried out.
2 Changes to the overall audit strategy or audit plan do not need to be documented.
3 What is the general rule for audit documentation?
4 State two advantages of standardised working papers.
(1) …………………………………………
(2) …………………………………………
5 Complete the table, using the working papers given below.
126 7: Audit planning and documentation ~ Part C Planning and risk assessment
Answers to Quick Quiz
1 Overall audit strategy, audit plan.
2 False – any changes shall be fully documented in accordance with ISA 300 Planning an audit of financial
3 What would be necessary to provide an experienced auditor, with no previous connection with the audit,
with an understanding of the nature, timing and extent of the audit procedures performed, the results of
audit procedures, audit evidence obtained, significant matters arising during the audit and conclusions
4 Advantages of standardised working papers
(1) Facilitate the delegation of work
(2) Means of quality control
Current audit file Permanent audit file
Financial statements Engagement letters
Management letter New client questionnaire
Accounts checklists Board minutes of continuing relevance
Audit planning memorandum Accounting systems notes
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
Part C Planning and risk assessment ~ 7: Audit planning and documentation 127
128 7: Audit planning and documentation ~ Part C Planning and risk assessment
Introduction to audit
In this chapter, we introduce the fundamental auditing concept of audit
evidence. Audit evidence is required to enable the auditor to form an opinion on
the financial statements. Therefore such evidence has to be sufficient and
We also explain the financial statement assertions for which audit evidence is
required. These will be particularly important when we consider detailed testing
later in this Study Text, since audit tests are designed to obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence about the assertions for each balance or transaction in the
financial statements.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E1 The use of assertions by auditors
(a) Explain the assertions contained in the financial statements 2
(b) Explain the principles and objectives of transaction testing, account balance 1
testing and disclosure testing
(c) Explain the use of assertions in obtaining audit evidence 2
E2 Audit procedures
(a) Discuss the sources and relative merits of the different types of evidence 2
(e) Discuss the quality of evidence obtained 2
Exam guide
The issues of audit evidence and financial statement assertions will underpin exam questions about
detailed audit testing which we look at later in this Study Text. In addition, you could be asked a question
on the theory of evidence such as the different types of evidence that can be obtained by auditors.
The pilot paper had 12 marks for audit procedures to confirm assertions relating to purchases in the long
scenario question, as well as four knowledge-based marks available to explain types of audit evidence that
could be obtained by the auditor.
The December 2007 paper had a question on the aims of a test of control and a substantive procedure.
The June 2008 exam had four marks for explaining assertions relating to the confirmation of receivables
as part of question 1, and four marks in question 2 on factors that would influence the auditor's
judgement regarding the sufficiency of evidence obtained.
The December 2008 paper had eight marks available in question 1 for explaining audit procedures used in
collecting audit evidence. Question 2 had four marks for listing four assertions relevant to the audit of
tangible non-current assets.
The June 2009 paper had four marks in question 2 on assertions relating to classes of transactions.
Key term Audit evidence is all of the information used by the auditor in arriving at the conclusions on which the
auditor’s opinion is based.
Audit evidence includes the information contained in the accounting records underlying the financial
statements, and other information gathered by the auditors, such as confirmations from third parties.
Auditors are not expected to look at all the information that might exist. They will often select samples to
test, as we shall see in Chapter 11.
ISA 500 Audit evidence requires auditors to 'design and perform audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances for the purposes of obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence'. 'Sufficiency' and
'appropriateness' are interrelated and apply to both tests of controls and substantive procedures.
x Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of audit evidence.
x Appropriateness is the measure of the quality or reliability of the audit evidence.
The quantity of audit evidence required is affected by the level of risk in the area being audited. It is also
affected by the quality of evidence obtained. If the evidence is high quality, the auditor may need less than
if it were poor quality. However, obtaining a high quantity of poor quality evidence will not cancel out its
poor quality. The ISA requires auditors to consider the relevance and reliability of the information to be
used as audit evidence when designing and performing audit procedures.
Relevance deals with the logical connection with the purpose of the audit procedure and the assertion under
consideration (we look at assertions in the next section). The relevance of information may be affected by the
direction of testing.
Reliability is influenced by the source and nature of the information, including the controls over its
preparation and maintenance. The following generalisations may help in assessing the reliability of audit
External Audit evidence from external sources is more reliable than that obtained from the
entity's records because it is from an independent source.
Auditor Evidence obtained directly by auditors is more reliable than that obtained indirectly or by
Entity Evidence obtained from the entity's records is more reliable when the related control
system operates effectively
Written Evidence in the form of documents (paper or electronic) or written representations are
more reliable than oral representations, since oral representations can be retracted.
Originals Original documents are more reliable than photocopies or facsimiles, which can easily
be altered by the client.
ISA 500 considers the use of a management’s expert by management and states that if information to be
used as audit evidence has been prepared by a management’s expert, the auditor must evaluate the
competence, capabilities and objectivity of the expert, obtain an understanding of the work done, and
evaluate the appropriateness of the work done as audit evidence.
If information produced by the entity is to be used by the auditor, the auditor needs to evaluate whether it
is sufficiently reliable for the auditor’s purposes, including obtaining audit evidence regarding its accuracy
and completeness, and evaluating whether it is sufficiently precise and detailed.
ISA 500 states that the auditor must determine the means of selecting items for testing that are effective in
meeting the purpose of the audit procedure. The auditor could either select all items, select specific
items or use audit sampling. We look at these in more detail in Chapter 11.
If audit evidence from one source is inconsistent with that from another, or the auditor has doubts over
the reliability of information, the auditor must determine what modifications or additions to audit
procedures are necessary to resolve the issues and must consider the effect on other aspects of the audit.
Objective 17 of the PER performance objectives is to prepare for and collect evidence for audit. You can
apply the knowledge you gain from this and subsequent chapters to assist in achieving this objective.
Key term Financial statement assertions are the representations by management, explicit or otherwise, that are
embodied in the financial statements, as used by the auditor to consider the different types of potential
misstatements that may occur.
ISA 315 states that the auditor must use assertions for classes of transactions (ie income statement),
account balances (ie statement of financial position), and presentation and disclosures in sufficient detail
to form the basis for the assessment of risks of material misstatement and the design and performance of
further audit procedures. It gives examples of assertions in these areas which are set out in the table
This is a key syllabus area and you must be very comfortable with the assertions that relate to each of the
three areas, as the same assertions do not always apply to each of these areas. Exam question are very
likely to test this area in the context of audit procedures to test particular assertions so it's vital that you
take the time to learn, understand and test your knowledge.
Exam focus When designing audit plans and procedures for specific areas, you must focus on the financial statement
point assertions that you are trying to find evidence to support. If a question asks for audit procedures relating
to a particular assertion, make sure your answer addresses only the assertion required by the question.
The auditor obtains audit evidence by undertaking audit procedures to do the following:
x Obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment to assess the risks of material
misstatement at the financial statement and assertion levels (risk assessment procedures)
x Test the operating effectiveness of controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting, material
misstatements at the assertion level (tests of controls)
x Detect material misstatements at the assertion level (substantive procedures)
The auditor must always perform risk assessment procedures to provide a satisfactory assessment of
Tests of controls are necessary to test the controls to support the risk assessment, and also when
substantive procedures alone do not provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence. Substantive
Inspection of Inspection of tangible assets that are recorded in the accounting records confirms
tangible assets existence, but does not necessarily confirm rights and obligations or valuation.
Confirmation that assets seen are recorded in accounting records gives evidence of
Inspection of This is the examination of documents and records, both internal and external, in paper,
documentation or electronic or other forms. This procedure provides evidence of varying reliability,
records depending on the nature, source and effectiveness of controls over production (if
internal). Inspection can provide evidence of existence (eg a document constituting a
financial instrument), but not necessarily about ownership or value.
Observation This involves watching a procedure or process being performed (for example, post
opening). It is of limited use, as it only confirms the procedure took place when the
auditor was watching, and because the act of being observed could affect how the
procedure or process was performed.
Inquiry This involves seeking information from client staff or external sources.
Strength of evidence depends on the knowledge and integrity of source of information.
Inquiry alone does not provide sufficient audit evidence to detect a material
misstatement at assertion level nor is it sufficient to test the operating effectiveness of
Confirmation This is the process of obtaining a representation of information or of an existing
condition directly from a third party eg confirmation from bank of bank balances
Recalculation This consists of checking the mathematical accuracy of documents or records and can
be performed through the use of IT.
Reperformance This is the auditor's independent execution of procedures or controls that were
originally performed as part of the entity's internal control.
Analytical Evaluating and comparing financial and/or non-financial data for plausible relationships.
procedures Also include the investigation of identified fluctuations and relationships that are
inconsistent with other relevant information or deviate significantly from predicted
(a) Discuss the quality of the following types of audit evidence, giving two examples of each form of
(i) Evidence originated by the auditors
(ii) Evidence created by third parties
(iii) Evidence created by the management of the client
(b) Describe the general considerations which auditors must bear in mind when evaluating audit
(a) Quality of audit evidence
(i) Evidence originated by the auditors
This is in general the most reliable type of audit evidence because there is little risk that it
can be manipulated by management.
(1) Analytical procedures, such as the calculation of ratios and trends in order to
examine unusual variations
(2) Physical inspection or observation, such as attendance at inventory counts
(3) Reperformance of calculations making up figures in the accounts, such as the
computation of total inventory values
(ii) Evidence created by third parties
Third party evidence is more reliable than client-produced evidence to the extent that it is
obtained from independent sources. Its reliability will be reduced if it is obtained from
sources which are not independent, or if there is a risk that client personnel may be able to
and have reason to suppress or manipulate it.
(1) Circularisation of trade receivables or payables, confirmation of bank balances.
(2) Reports produced by experts, such as property valuations, actuarial valuations, legal
opinions. In evaluating such evidence, the auditors need to take into account the
expert’s qualifications, independence and the terms of reference for the work.
(3) Documents held by the client which were issued by third parties, such as invoices,
price lists and statements. These may sometimes be manipulated by the client and
so are less reliable than confirmations received directly.
(iii) Evidence created by management
The auditors cannot place the same degree of reliance on evidence produced by client
management as on that produced outside the company. However, it will often be necessary
to place some reliance on such evidence. The auditors will need to obtain audit evidence
that the information supplied is complete and accurate, and apply judgement in doing so,
taking into account previous experience of the client's reliability and the extent to which the
client's representations appear compatible with other audit findings, as well as the
materiality of the item under discussion.
Quick Quiz
1 Define sufficiency and appropriateness as they relate to audit evidence.
2 State the financial statement assertions.
3 Fill in the blanks.
Audit evidence from external sources is …………………… ………………….. than that obtained from
the entity's records.
4 State five procedures which auditors can use to obtain audit evidence.
5 Explain what 'reperformance' is.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
Internal control
The auditor generally seeks to rely on the internal controls within the entity in
order to reduce the amount of testing of final balances.
The initial evaluation of a client's system is essential as the auditor gains an
understanding of the entity, as we outlined in Chapter 6. In this chapter, we
shall look at some of the detailed requirements of ISA 315 with regard to
internal controls, and shall also set out control issues the auditor may come
The auditor will assess the risks of material misstatement arising and, as we
discussed in Chapter 6, may respond to those risks by carrying out tests of
controls. If he concludes that he can rely on the controls in place, the level of
substantive audit testing required can be reduced.
In this chapter we also look at the ways in which auditors can document the
internal control systems using narrative notes, flowcharts, questionnaires and
checklists, focusing particularly on the use of questionnaires.
We shall examine the detailed controls that businesses operate in Chapter 10
and the tests that the auditors may carry out in specific areas. You should bear
in mind the principles discussed in this chapter when considering the controls
needed over specific accounting areas.
Study guide
Intellectual level
D1 Internal control systems
(a) Explain why an auditor needs to obtain an understanding of internal control 1
activities relevant to the audit
(b) Describe and explain the key components of an internal control system 1
(c) Identify and describe the important elements of internal control including 1
the control environment and management control activities
(d) Discuss the difference between tests of control and substantive procedures 2
D2 The use of internal control systems by auditors
(a) Explain the importance of internal control to auditors 1
(b) Explain how auditors identify weaknesses in internal control systems and 2
how those weaknesses limit the extent of auditors’ reliance on those
D3 Transaction cycles
(b) Provide examples of computer system controls 2
D4 Tests of controls
(b) List examples of application controls and general IT controls 2
D5 The evaluation of internal control components
(a) Analyse the limitations of internal control components in the context of
fraud and error
(b) Explain the need to modify the audit strategy and audit plan following the 1
results of tests of control
(c) Identify and explain management’s risk assessment process with reference 1
to internal control components
D6 Communication on internal control
(a) Discuss and provide examples of how the reporting of internal control 2
weaknesses and recommendations to overcome those weaknesses are
provided to management
E2 Audit procedures
(d) Describe why smaller entities may have different control environments and 1
describe the types of evidence likely to be available in smaller entities
Exam guide
Questions on internal control are highly likely to come up in a scenario-based setting focusing on control
procedures in a given system or asking you to describe weaknesses in the system of internal control,
together with recommendations of internal controls to mitigate those weaknesses. The pilot paper had five
marks on control procedures relating to trade payables in question 1, and 16 marks on weaknesses in
internal control over a wages system and recommendations in question 4. The December 2007 paper had
similar style questions for 12 marks.
The June 2008 paper had a four mark part relating to internal control questionnaires and 12 marks in the
same question on tests of control. Question 2 of this paper had three marks relating to tests of control and
the impact of results on the audit opinion.
Question 1 of the December 2008 paper had 16 marks relating to controls in a wages system. There were
also four marks on the control environment in a charity in question 4 of the same paper.
Key term Internal control is the process designed and effected by those charged with governance, management,
and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the entity's objectives with
regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with
applicable laws and regulations.
ISA 315 Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement through understanding the entity and
its environment deals with the whole area of controls.
Internal control has five elements:
x The control environment
x The entity's risk assessment process
x The information system relevant to financial reporting
x Control activities
x Monitoring of controls
In obtaining an understanding of internal control, the auditor must understand the design of the internal
control and the implementation of that control. In the following sub-sections, we look at each of the
elements of internal control in turn.
Key term Control environment includes the governance and management functions and the attitudes, awareness
and actions of those charged with governance and management concerning the entity's internal control
and its importance in the entity.
A strong control environment does not, by itself, ensure the effectiveness of the overall internal control
system, but can be a positive factor when assessing the risks of material misstatement. A weak control
environment can undermine the effectiveness of controls.
Aspects of the control environment (such as management attitudes towards control) will nevertheless be a
significant factor in determining how controls operate. Controls are more likely to operate well in an
environment where they are treated as being important. In addition consideration of the control
environment will mean determining whether certain controls (internal auditors, budgets) actually exist.
ISA 315 states that auditors shall have an understanding of the control environment. As part of this
understanding, the auditor shall evaluate whether:
x Management has created and maintained a culture of honesty and ethical behaviour
x The strengths in the control environment provide an appropriate foundation for the other
components of internal control and whether those components are not undermined by deficiencies
in the control environment
The following table illustrates the elements of the control environment that may be relevant when
obtaining an understanding of the control environment.
The auditor shall assess whether these elements of the control environment have been implemented using
a combination of inquiries of management and observation and inspection.
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the information system relevant to financial reporting
objectives, including the following areas:
x The classes of transactions in the entity's operations that are significant to the financial statements
x The procedures, within both IT and manual systems, by which those transactions are initiated,
recorded, processed, corrected, transferred to the general ledger and reported in the financial
ISA 315 states that the auditor shall obtain an understanding of control activities relevant to the audit and
how the entity has responded to risks arising from IT.
Control activities include those activities designed to prevent or to detect and correct errors. Examples
include activities relating to authorisation, performance reviews, information processing, physical controls
and segregation of duties.
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the major activities that the entity uses to monitor internal
control over financial reporting, including those related to those control activities relevant to the audit, and
how the entity initiates corrective actions to deficiencies in its controls.
If the entity has an internal audit function, the auditor shall obtain an understanding of the nature of its
responsibilities and how it fits in the organisational structure, and the activities performed/to be
The auditor shall also obtain an understanding of the sources of the information used in the monitoring
activities and the basis on which management considers it reliable.
An internal control system has been described as comprising 'the control environment and control
activities. It includes all the policies and procedures (internal controls) adopted by the directors and
management of an entity to assist in achieving their objective of ensuring, as far as practicable, the orderly
and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to internal policies, the safeguarding of assets,
the prevention and detection of fraud and error, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records,
and the timely preparation of reliable financial information'.
Explain the meaning and relevance to the auditors giving an opinion on financial statements of each of the
management objectives above.
The auditors' objective in evaluating and testing internal controls is to determine the degree of reliance
which they may place on the information contained in the accounting records. If they obtain reasonable
assurance by means of tests of controls that the internal control system is effective in ensuring the
completeness and accuracy of the accounting records, they may limit their substantive procedures.
(a) 'The orderly and efficient conduct of its business'
An organisation which is efficient and conducts its affairs in an orderly manner is much more likely
to be able to supply the auditors with sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base their
audit opinion. More importantly, the level of inherent and control risk will be lower, giving extra
assurance that the financial statements do not contain material errors.
(b) 'Adherence to internal policies'
Management is responsible for setting up an effective system of internal control and management
policy provides the broad framework within which internal controls have to operate. Unless
management does have a pre-determined set of policies, then it is very difficult to imagine how the
company could be expected to operate efficiently. Management policy will cover all aspects of the
company's activities, ranging from broad corporate objectives to specific areas such as wage rates.
Given that the auditors must have a sound understanding of the company's affairs generally, and of
specific areas of control in particular, then the fact that management policies are followed will make
the task of the auditors easier in that they will be able to rely more readily on the information
produced by the systems established by management.
Auditors are only concerned with assessing policies and procedures which are relevant to the financial
statements. Auditors shall:
x Assess the adequacy of the accounting system as a basis for preparing the accounts
x Identify the types of potential misstatements that could occur in the accounts
x Consider factors that affect the risk of misstatements
x Design appropriate audit procedures
We have discussed the process of assessing the risks of material misstatement in Chapter 6. The
assessment of the controls of an entity will have an impact on that risk assessment.
Risks arising from poor control environments are unlikely to be confined to particular assertions in the
financial statements, and, if severe, may even raise questions about whether the financial statements are
capable of being audited, that is, if control risk is so high that audit risk cannot be reduced to an
acceptable level.
On the other hand, some control procedures may be closely connected to an assertion in financial
statements, for example, controls over the inventory count are closely connected with the existence and
completeness of inventory in the financial statements.
There may be occasions where substantive procedures alone are not sufficient to address the risks
arising. Where such risks exist, auditors shall evaluate the design and determine the implementation of
There are several techniques for recording the assessment of control risk, that is, the system. One or more of
the following may be used depending on the complexity of the system.
x Narrative notes x Questionnaires
x Flowcharts x Checklists
Whatever method of recording is used, the record will usually be retained on the permanent file and
updated each year. We will look at the use of questionnaires in a little more detail here. There are two
types, each with a different purpose.
x Internal Control Questionnaires (ICQs) are used to ask whether controls exist which meet specific
control objectives.
x Internal Control Evaluation Questionnaires (ICEQs) are used to determine whether there are
controls which prevent or detect specified errors or omissions.
The specific controls for each major transaction system (sales, purchases, inventory, cash, payroll,
revenue and capital expenditure) are examined in Chapter 10.
Tests of control are distinguished from substantive tests which are designed to detect material
misstatements in the financial statements.
Tests of control may include the following.
(a) Inspection of documents supporting controls or events to gain audit evidence that internal controls
have operated properly, eg verifying that a transaction has been authorised
(b) Inquiries about internal controls which leave no audit trail, eg determining who actually performs
each function not merely who is supposed to perform it
(c) Reperformance of control procedures, eg reconciliation of bank accounts, to ensure they were
correctly performed by the entity
ISA 265 requires the auditor to determine whether one or more deficiencies in internal control have been
identified and if so, whether these constitute significant deficiencies in internal control. The significance of
a deficiency depends on whether a misstatement has occurred and also on the likelihood of a
misstatement occurring and its potential magnitude, ISA 265 includes examples of matters to consider
when determining whether a deficiency in internal control is a significant deficiency:
x The likelihood of the deficiencies resulting in material misstatements in the financial statements in
the future
x The susceptibility to loss or fraud of the related asset or liability
The internal controls in a computerised environment include both manual procedures and procedures
designed into computer programs. Such control procedures comprise two types of control, general
controls and application controls.
Key term General IT controls are policies and procedures that relate to many applications and support the effective
functioning of application controls by helping to ensure the continued proper operation of information
systems. They commonly include controls over data centre and network operations, system software
acquisition, change and maintenance, access security, and application system acquisition, development
and maintenance.
Application controls are manual or automated procedures that typically operate at a business process
level. They can be preventative or detective in nature and are designed to ensure the integrity of the
accounting records. Accordingly, they relate to procedures used to initiate, record, process and report
transactions or other financial data.
Controls over input, processing, data files and output may be carried out by IT personnel, users of the
system, a separate control group and may be programmed into application software. The auditors may
wish to test the following application controls.
As we have already noted, general IT controls may have a pervasive effect on the processing of
transactions in application systems. If these general controls are not effective, there may be a risk that
misstatements occur and go undetected in the application systems. Although weaknesses in general IT
controls may preclude testing certain IT application controls, it is possible that manual procedures
exercised by users may provide effective control at the application level.
Exam focus The examiner expects you to be comfortable with a computerised scenario so it’s important that you
point understand the use of IT controls within an organisation. The August 2009 edition of Student Accountant
contains a very useful article on auditing in a computerised environment. You can also access this article
on the ACCA's website in the students' area.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
We discussed tests of controls in the last chapter. In this chapter we will look
at how tests of controls might be applied in practice. We will examine each
major component of a typical accounting system.
We have already stated that the auditors must establish what the accounting
system and the system of internal control consist of. The auditors will then
decide which controls, if any, they wish to rely on and plan tests of controls to
obtain the audit evidence as to whether such reliance can be warranted. For
each of the major transaction systems we will look at the system objectives the
auditors will bear in mind while assessing the internal controls and give
examples of common controls. We shall then go on to look at a 'standard'
programme of tests of controls.
Study guide
Intellectual level
D3 Transaction cycles
(a) Explain, analyse and provide examples of internal control procedures and 2
control activities
D4 Tests of control
(a) Explain and tabulate tests of control suitable for inclusion in audit working 2
Exam guide
Questions on tests of control are likely to come up in scenario-based situations. You might be asked to
describe controls that should be in place over a particular system or explain the control objectives for a given
For example, a question in the pilot paper asked for control weaknesses in a wages system together with
recommendations to overcome the weaknesses identified, in the style of a report to management. The
December 2007 paper asked for the weaknesses in a company’s control system for counting inventory
and recommendations to mitigate them. There was also a similar requirement in this paper in relation to a
company’s petty cash system, worth 20 marks. The June 2008 paper had a 12 mark part on tests of
control on a sales system. The December 2008 paper had 16 marks on a wages system. This type of
question is therefore very common and highly likely to come up. You need to be familiar with the major
transaction cycles so that you can answer such questions competently. The June 2009 paper had a
question on the cash sales system of an entity (question 1).
payment Document
Despatch Send
invoice statement Make
for invoice
Raise goods
despatch note
You are the auditor of Arcidiacono Stationery, and you have been asked to suggest how audit work should
be carried out on the sales system.
Arcidiacono Stationery Ltd sells stationery to shops. Most sales are to small customers who do not have a
sales ledger account. They can collect their purchases and pay by cash. For cash sales:
(a) The customer orders the stationery from the sales department, which raises a pre-numbered multi-
copy order form.
(b) The dispatch department make up the order and give it to the customer with a copy of the order
(c) The customer gives the order form to the cashier who prepares a hand-written sales invoice.
(d) The customer pays the cashier for the goods by cheque or in cash.
(e) The cashier records and banks the cash.
(a) State the deficiencies in the cash sales system.
(b) Describe the systems-based tests you would carry out to audit the controls over the system.
(a) Deficiencies in the cash sales system
(i) The physical location of the dispatch department and the cashier are not mentioned here,
but there is a risk of the customer taking the goods without paying. The customer should
pay the cashier on the advice note and return for the goods, which should only be released
on sight of the paid invoice.
(ii) There is a failure in segregation of duties in allowing the cashier to both complete the sales
invoice and receive the cash as he could perpetrate a fraud by replacing the original invoice
with one of lower value and keeping the difference.
(iii) No-one checks the invoices to make sure that the cashier has completed them correctly, for
example by using the correct prices and performing calculations correctly.
(iv) The completeness of the sequence of sales invoices cannot be checked unless they are pre-
numbered sequentially and the presence of all the invoices is checked by another person.
The order forms should also be pre-numbered sequentially.
(v) There is no check that the cashier banks all cash received, and this is a further failure of
segregation of duties.
Derek, a limited liability company, operates a computerised purchase system. Invoices and credit notes
are posted to the purchases ledger by the purchases ledger department. The computer subsequently
raises a cheque when the invoice has to be paid.
List the controls that should be in operation:
(a) Over the addition, amendment and deletion of suppliers, ensuring that the standing data only
includes suppliers from the company's list of authorised suppliers
(b) Over purchase invoices and credit notes, to ensure only authorised purchase invoices and credit
notes are posted to the purchase ledger
(a) Controls over the standing data file containing suppliers' details will include the following.
(i) All amendments/additions/deletions to the data should be authorised by a responsible
official. A standard form should be used for such changes.
(ii) The amendment forms should be input in batches (with different types of change in
different batches), sequentially numbered and recorded in a batch control book so that any
gaps in the batch numbers can be investigated. The output produced by the computer
should be checked to the input.
(iii) A listing of all such adjustments should automatically be produced by the computer and
reviewed by a responsible official, who should also check authorisation.
(iv) A listing of suppliers' accounts on which there has been no movement for a specified period
should be produced to allow decisions to be made about possible deletions, thus ensuring
that the standing data is current. The buying department manager might also recommend
account closures on a periodic basis.
(v) Users should be controlled by use of passwords. This can also be used as a method of
controlling those who can amend data.
(vi) Periodic listings of standing data should be produced in order to verify details (for example
addresses) with suppliers' documents (invoices/ statements).
(b) The input of authorised purchase invoices and credit notes should be controlled in the following
(i) Authorisation should be evidenced by the signature of the responsible official such as the
Chief Accountant. In addition, the invoice or credit note should show initials to demonstrate
that the details have been agreed: to a signed GRN; to a purchase order; to a price list; for
additions and extensions.
(ii) There should be adequate segregation of responsibilities between the posting function,
inventory custody and receipt, payment of suppliers and changes to standing data.
(iii) Input should be restricted by use of passwords linked to the relevant site number.
(iv) A batch control book should be maintained, recording batches in number sequence.
Invoices should be input in batches using pre-numbered batch control sheets. The manually
produced invoice total on the batch control sheet should be agreed to the computer
generated total. Credit notes and invoices should be input in separate batches to avoid one
being posted as the other.
(v) A program should check calculation of sales tax at standard rate and total of invoice. Non-
standard sales tax rates should be highlighted.
3.1 Introduction
The inventory system can be very important in an audit because of the high value of inventory or the
complexity of its audit. It is closely connected with the sales and purchases systems covered in the
previous sections.
There are three possible approaches to the audit of inventory and the approach chosen depends on the
control in system in place over inventory.
(a) If the entity has a perpetual inventory system in place where inventory is counted continuously
throughout the year, and therefore a year-end count is not undertaken, a controls-based approach
can be taken if control risk has been assessed as low.
(b) If an inventory count is to be undertaken near the year-end and adjusted by perpetual inventory
records for the year-end value, this approach also requires control risk to be assessed as low.
(c) If inventory quantities will be determined by an inventory count at the year-end date, a substantive
approach is taken and no reliance is placed on controls. This substantive approach is covered in
Chapter 13.
x Review
x Monthly bank
reconciliations to
confirm whether
prepared and
undertaken and
x Review delegated
x Only authorised staff
list of authority for
can make electronic
cash payments.
cash payments and
issue cheques.
x Electronic cash x Inspect relevant
payments and cheques documentation for
prepared only after all evidence of approval
source documents by senior personnel.
have been independently
Completeness x All cash payments x Segregation of duties x Observe and
that occurred are evaluate proper
recorded. segregation of
The nature of a statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income means that it is
important to classify capital and revenue expenditure correctly, or profit will be over or understated. You
should know the distinction between them from your financial reporting knowledge.
The controls and tests outlined below are often considered and performed during the audit of non-current
assets (see Chapter 12) as this is where the main issue of capitalisation occurs.
Jonathan is the sole shareholder of Furry Lion Stores, a company which owns five stores in the west of
England. The stores sell mainly food and groceries.
Each store is run by a full-time manager and three or four part-time assistants. Jonathan spends on
average ½ a day a week at each store, and spends the rest of his time at home, dealing with his other
business interests.
All sales are for cash and are recorded on till rolls which the manager retains. Shop managers' wages are
paid monthly by cheque by Jonathan. Wages of shop assistants are paid in cash out of the takings.
Most purchases are made from local wholesalers and are paid for in cash out of the takings. Large
purchases (over $250) must be made by cheques signed by the shop manager and countersigned by
Shop managers bank surplus cash once a week, apart from a float in the till.
All accounting records including the cash book, wages and sales tax records are maintained by the
manager. Jonathan reviews the weekly bank statements when he visits the shops. He also has a look at
inventory to see if inventory levels appear to be about right. All invoices are also kept in a drawer by a
manager and marked with a cash book reference, and where appropriate a cheque number when paid.
Discuss the deficiencies in the control systems of Furry Lion Stores, and how the weaknesses can be
Exam focus In the exam you may be asked for deficiencies in a system, and the consequences of those deficiencies, or
point you could be asked for tests of controls.
If you are asked about appropriate controls or deficiencies, remember the control objectives for the
accounting area. Controls should be in place to fulfil the objectives given, deficiencies will mean that the
objectives are not fulfilled. You should give enough detail about the controls you suggest to enable a non-
accountant to implement the controls.
You should use a similar thought process when deciding how to test the controls. Think of the objectives
of the system; assess how the controls given fulfil those objectives; and set out tests which demonstrate
whether the controls are working. Remember that different types of test can be used to test different
controls. For example, inspection can be used to test whether different documents are being compared or
documents are being properly authorised. Recalculation and reperformance can be used to test that
invoices have been properly completed or reconciliations correctly performed.
(a) All sales that have been invoiced have been put in the general ledger
(b) Orders are fulfilled
(c) Cut-off is correct
(d) Goods are only supplied to good credit risks
(e) Goods are correctly invoiced
(f) Customers are encouraged to pay promptly
2 State five controls relating to the ordering and granting of credit process.
1 ……………………………………………………..
2 ……………………………………………………..
3 ……………………………………………………..
4 ……………………………………………………..
5 ……………………………………………………..
3 Complete the table, putting the purchase system control considerations under the correct headings.
4 (a) (1) purchase requisitions, (2) purchase orders, (3) goods received notes, (4) goods returned notes,
(5) suppliers invoices
(b) Sequence provides a control that sales are complete. Missing documents should be explained, or
cancelled copies available.
5 x To ensure that all inventory movements are authorised and recorded
x To ensure that inventory records only include items that belong to the client
x To ensure that inventory records include inventory that exists and is held by the client
x To ensure that inventory quantities have been recorded correctly
x To ensure that cut-off procedures are properly applied to inventory
x To ensure that inventory is safeguarded against loss, pilferage or damage
x To ensure that the costing system values inventory correctly
x To ensure that allowance is made for slow-moving, obsolete or damaged inventory
x To ensure that levels of inventory held are reasonable
6 x All monies received are recorded.
x All monies received are banked.
x Cash and cheques are safeguarded against loss or theft.
x All payments are authorised, made to the correct payees and recorded.
x Payments are not made twice for the same liability.
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
Audit procedures and
In this chapter we look at various audit procedures and the use of audit
Firstly we consider substantive testing which encompasses tests of detail and
the use of analytical procedures as substantive tests. These methods form the
basis for the next five chapters which examine the detailed testing for various
financial statement account areas such as cash and inventory.
We also examine the audit of accounting estimates. We have mentioned in
previous chapters that judgement has to be used in accounting for some of the
figures in the accounts. Examples of accounting estimates include depreciation
and provisions.
We will look in detail at audit sampling, which is an important aspect of the
audit. We consider different types of audit sampling and the evaluation of
Computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) are an important tool in the audit
and we examine the two main types of CAATs, audit software and test data.
Finally in this chapter we will look at how the auditor can make use of the work
of others as a source of audit evidence. We consider the use of auditor's
experts, the work of internal audit and the use of service organisations in this
Study guide
Intellectual level
E2 Audit procedures
(b) Discuss and provide examples of how analytical procedures are used as 2
substantive procedures
(c) Discuss the problems associated with the audit and review of accounting 2
E4 Audit sampling and other means of testing
(a) Define audit sampling and explain the need for sampling 1
(b) Identify and discuss the differences between statistical and non-statistical 2
(c) Discuss and provide relevant examples of the application of the basic 2
principles of statistical sampling and other selective testing procedures
(d) Discuss the results of statistical sampling, including consideration of 2
whether additional testing is required
E5 Computer-assisted audit techniques
(a) Explain the use of computer-assisted audit techniques in the context of an 1
(b) Discuss and provide relevant examples of the use of test data and audit 2
software for the transaction cycles and balances mentioned in sub-capability
(c) Discuss the use of computers in relation to the administration of the audit 2
C7 The work of others
(a) Discuss the extent to which auditors are able to rely on the work of experts 2
(b) Discuss the extent to which external auditors are able to rely on the work of 2
internal audit
(c) Discuss the audit considerations relating to entities using service 2
(d) Discuss why auditors rely on the work of others 2
(e) Explain the extent to which reference to the work of others can be made in 1
audit reports
Exam guide
This chapter forms a basis for the next five chapters in terms of substantive audit procedures to carry out
during an audit. It also covers analytical procedures, sampling and the use of computer-assisted audit
techniques (CAATs) which could come up in the knowledge-based section of a question. The extent to
which external auditors can place reliance on the work done by internal auditors could come up in a
question on audit evidence or in one on internal audit.
CAATs were tested in both the pilot paper and December 2007. The pilot paper also had a six mark part on
the factors to consider when appointing an external consultant. The June 2008 paper had an eight mark
knowledge-based question on analytical procedures in question 3. The December 2008 paper had a six
mark part in question 1 on substantive analytical procedures in a scenario context. Question 2 of this
paper had a three mark part on the use of an expert.
The June 2009 paper had 12 marks (question 1) on substantive analytical procedures relating to income.
There were four marks in question 2 of this paper for explaining sampling methods. The same paper had a
question on the use of audit software.
Exam focus Auditing exams require a good knowledge of how the financial statement assertions determine audit
point objectives, and the procedures for obtaining audit evidence. Students should be aiming to produce a
description of procedures that could be followed by an inexperienced staff member.
Broadly speaking, substantive procedures can be said to fall into two categories:
x Tests to discover errors (resulting in over or understatement)
x Tests to discover omissions (resulting in understatement)
A test for the overstatement of an asset simultaneously gives comfort on understatement of other assets,
overstatement of liabilities, overstatement of income and understatement of expenses.
So, by performing the primary tests, the auditors obtain audit assurance in other audit areas. Successful
completion of the primary tests will therefore result in them having tested all account areas both for
overstatement and understatement.
We introduced analytical procedures in Chapter 6 where they were used at the planning stage of an audit.
They can also be used as substantive procedures to obtain audit evidence directly.
ISA 520 Analytical procedures provides guidance to auditors on the use of analytical procedures as
substantive procedures. Remember from chapter 6 that analytical procedures include:
(a) The consideration of comparisons with:
x Comparable information for prior periods
x Anticipated results of the entity, from budgets or forecasts
x Expectations prepared by the auditors (e.g. estimation of depreciation)
x Industry information
(b) Those between elements of financial information that are expected to conform to a predicted
pattern based on the entity's experience, such as the relationship of gross profit to sales
(c) Those between financial information and relevant non-financial information, such as the
relationship of payroll costs to number of employees
ISA 520 states that when using analytical procedures as substantive tests, the auditor must:
x Determine the suitability of particular analytical procedures for given assertions.
x Evaluate the reliability of data from which the auditor’s expectation of recorded amounts or ratios
is developed.
x Develop an expectation of recorded amounts or ratios and evaluate whether this is sufficiently
precise to identify a misstatement that may cause the financial statements to be materially
x Determine the amount of any difference that is acceptable without further investigation.
The ISA sets out factors which influence the reliability of data which are set out in the following table, with
The auditor will need to consider testing the controls, if any, over the preparation of information used in
applying analytical procedures. When such controls are effective, the auditor will have greater confidence
in the reliability of the information, and therefore in the results of analytical procedures.
The controls over non-financial information can often be tested in conjunction with tests of accounting-
related controls. For example, in establishing controls over the processing of sales invoices, a business
may include controls over unit sales recording. The auditor could therefore test the controls over the
recording of unit sales in conjunction with tests of controls over the processing of sales invoices.
Alternatively the auditor may consider whether the information was subjected to audit testing. ISA 500
contains guidance in determining the audit procedures to be performed on information to be used for
substantive analytical procedures.
Important x Gross profit margins, in total and by product, area and months/quarter (if possible)
accounting x Receivables' ratio (average collection period)
ratios x Inventory revenue ratio (revenue divided into cost of sales)
x Current ratio (current assets to current liabilities)
x Quick or acid test ratio (liquid assets to current liabilities)
x Gearing ratio (debt capital to equity capital)
x Return on capital employed (profit before tax to total assets less current liabilities)
Related items x Payables and purchases
x Inventories and cost of sales
x Non-current assets and depreciation, repairs and maintenance expense
x Intangible assets and amortisation
x Loans and interest expense
x Investments and investment income
x Receivables and bad debt expense
x Receivables and sales
Some comparisons and ratios measuring liquidity and longer-term capital structure will assist in
evaluating whether the company is a going concern, in addition to contributing to the overall view of the
accounts. We shall see in Chapter 18 however, that there are factors other than declining ratios that may
indicate going concern problems.
The working papers must contain the completed results of analytical procedures. They should include:
x The outline programme of the work
x The summary of significant figures and relationships for the period
x A summary of comparisons made with budgets and with previous years
x Details of all significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships considered
x Details of the results of investigations into such fluctuations/relationships
x The audit conclusions reached
x Information considered necessary for assisting in the planning of subsequent audits
You are part of the audit team auditing the financial statements of Sweep Co, a small office supplies
business, for the year ended 31 March 20X9. The company employed the following staff at the start of the
financial year: 7 office and warehouse managers, 20 warehouse staff and 25 office staff.
The pay ranges for each category of staff is shown below:
Office and warehouse managers: $35-$50k per year
Warehouse and office staff: $18-$25k per year
You have been asked to audit the wages and salaries expense for the year. All staff were given a 4% pay
rise in the year, backdated to the start of the year. One of the office managers left the company part-way
through the year. There were two new members of warehouse staff and three new members of office staff.
The expense for the year is shown in the draft income statement as $1,249,450.
Using analytical procedures, perform a proof in total on the wages and salaries expense for the year.
An expectation of the charge for the year can be developed using the information provided and compared
to the charge in the draft income statement to assess its reasonableness.
Based on salary range, average annual salary: $42,500
Applying the 4% rise: $44,200
Total average salary for year (i.e. u 40, exclude starters): $1,006,200
Assume starters started half-way through year: $55,900
Total for office and warehouse staff: $1,062,100
Exam focus
point Mention of analytical procedures will generally be worth a couple of marks in any question on substantive
testing. However you will not get any marks just for saying 'perform analytical procedures' – you will need
to give details of the specific procedures that should be performed.
Key terms An accounting estimate is an approximation of a monetary amount in the absence of a precise means of
Estimation uncertainty is the susceptibility of an accounting estimate and related disclosures to an
inherent lack of precision in its measurement.
Management's point estimate is the amount selected by management for recognition or disclosure in the
financial statements as an accounting estimate.
Auditor's point estimate or auditor's range is the amount, or range of amounts, respectively, derived
from audit evidence for use in evaluating management's point estimate.
Auditors do not normally examine all the information available to them as it would be impractical to do so
and using audit sampling will produce valid conclusions. ISA 530 Audit sampling provides guidance to
Some testing procedures do not involve sampling, such as:
x Testing 100% of items in a population
x Testing all items with a certain characteristic as selection is not representative
Auditors are unlikely to test 100% of items when carrying out tests of controls, but 100% testing may be
appropriate for certain substantive procedures. For example, if the population is made up of a small
number of high value items, there is a high risk of material misstatement and other means do not provide
sufficient appropriate audit evidence, then 100% examination may be appropriate.
Audit sampling can be done using either statistical sampling or non-statistical sampling methods.
Key terms Statistical sampling is an approach to sampling that involves random selection of the sample items, and
the use of probability theory to evaluate sample results, including measurement of sampling risk.
Non-statistical sampling is a sampling approach that does not have these characteristics.
The auditor may alternatively select certain items from a population because of specific characteristics
they possess. The results of items selected in this way cannot be projected onto the whole population but
may be used in conjunction with other audit evidence concerning the rest of the population.
x High value or key items. The auditor may select high value items or items that are suspicious,
unusual or prone to error.
x All items over a certain amount. Selecting items this way may mean a large proportion of the
population can be verified by testing a few items.
x Items to obtain information about the client's business, the nature of transactions, or the client's
accounting and control systems.
x Items to test procedures, to see whether particular procedures are being performed.
ISA 530 requires the auditor to evaluate the results of the sample.
For tests of controls, an unexpectedly high deviation rate in the sample may result in an increase in the
assessed risk of material misstatement, unless further audit evidence to substantiate the initial
assessment of risk is obtained.
For tests of details, an unexpectedly high misstatement amount in the sample may lead the auditor to
conclude that a class of transactions or account balance is materially misstated, in the absence of further
audit evidence that no misstatement exists.
For tests of details, the total of the projected misstatement and anomalous misstatement is the auditor’s
best estimate of misstatement in the population. If the total exceeds tolerable misstatement, the sample
does not provide a reasonable basis for conclusions about the population. The closer the total figure is to
tolerable misstatement, the more likely it is that actual misstatement in the population could exceed
tolerable misstatement. The auditor must therefore also consider the results of other audit procedures to
assist in determining the risk that actual misstatement in the population exceeds tolerable misstatement.
The risk may be reduced if additional audit evidence is obtained.
The auditor must also evaluate whether the use of sampling has provided a reasonable basis for
conclusions about the population from which the sample was drawn. If the conclusion is that sampling
has not provided this, the auditor may request management to investigate misstatements that have been
identified and make any necessary adjustments, or tailor the nature, timing and extent of further audit
procedures to best achieve the assurance required.
Being able to apply the techniques of audit sampling discussed in this section will assist you in achieving
PER objective 17 on preparing for and collecting evidence for audit.
FAST FORWARD CAATs are the use of computers for audit work. The two most commonly used CAATs are audit software
and test data.
Key term Computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) are the applications of auditing procedures using the
computer as an audit tool.
The overall objectives and scope of an audit do not change when an audit is conducted in a computerised
environment. However, the application of auditing procedures may require auditors to consider techniques
that use the computer as an audit tool. These uses of the computer for audit work are known as
computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs).
CAATs may be used in performing various auditing procedures, including the following.
x Tests of details of transactions and balances
x Analytical review procedures
x Tests of computer information system controls
The advantages of using CAATs are:
x Auditors can test programme controls as well as general internal controls associated with
x Auditors can test a greater number of items more quickly and accurately than would be the case
x Auditors can test transactions rather than paper records of transactions that could be incorrect.
x CAATs are cost-effective in the long-term if the client does not change its systems.
x Results from CAATs can be compared with results from traditional testing – if the results correlate,
overall confidence is increased.
The major steps to be undertaken by the auditors in the application of a CAAT are as follows.
x Set the objective of the CAAT application
x Determine the content and accessibility of the entity's files
x Define the transaction types to be tested
x Define the procedures to be performed on the data
x Define the output requirements
x Identify the audit and computer personnel who may participate in the design and application of the
x Refine the estimates of costs and benefits
x Ensure that the use of the CAAT is properly controlled and documented
x Arrange the administrative activities, including the necessary skills and computer facilities
x Execute the CAAT application
x Evaluate the results
Exam focus Use of computers on audits is common practice. The examiner expects you to consider the computer
point aspects of auditing as a matter of course. Therefore in answering questions on obtaining evidence,
remember to include reference to CAATs if they seem relevant. There is a very useful article on auditing in
a computerised environment in the August 2009 edition of Student Accountant which you should read (it
is also accessible on the ACCA's website).
Generalised audit software allows auditors to perform tests on computer files and databases, such as
reading and extracting data from a client's systems for further testing, selecting data that meets certain
criteria, performing arithmetic calculations on data, facilitating audit sampling and producing documents
and reports. Examples of generalised audit software are ACT and IDEA.
Custom audit software is written by auditors for specific tasks when generalised audit software cannot be
The following table provides some examples of the use of audit software in the course of an audit.
Examples include:
(a) Test data used to test specific controls in computer programs such as on-line password and data
access controls.
(b) Test transactions selected from previously processed transactions or created by the auditors to test
specific processing characteristics of an entity’s computer system. Such transactions are
generally processed separately from the entity’s normal processing. Test data can for example be
used to check the controls that prevent the processing of invalid data by entering data with say a
non-existent customer code or worth an unreasonable amount, or a transaction which may if
processed break customer credit limits.
(c) Test transactions used in an integrated test facility. This is where a ‘dummy’ unit (eg a department
or employee) is established, and to which test transactions are posted during the normal
processing cycle.
One of the PER performance objectives is to use information and communications technology (objective
6). The use of CAATs by you during an audit assignment will help to achieve this objective.
Professional audit staff are highly trained and educated, but their experience and training is limited to
accountancy and audit matters. In certain situations it will therefore be necessary to employ an auditor’s
expert. Guidance on this area is provided by ISA 620 Using the work of an auditor’s expert. An auditor’s
expert could be employed by the auditor to assist in the following areas:
x Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, including its internal control
x Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement
x Determining and implementing overall responses to assessed risks at the financial statement level
x Designing and performing further audit procedures to respond to assessed risks at the assertion
x Evaluating the sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence obtained in forming an opinion on
the financial statements
5.1.3 Agreement
ISA 620 requires the auditor to agree in writing the following with the auditor’s expert:
x Nature, scope and objectives of the work
x Respective roles and responsibilities of the auditor and the auditor’s expert
x Nature, timing and extent of communication between auditor and auditor’s expert, including the
form of any report
x Confidentiality requirements
The agreement between the auditor and the auditor’s expert is often in the form of an engagement letter.
The Appendix to ISA 620 lists matters to consider for inclusion in the engagement letter
The following important criteria will be considered by the external auditors when determining if the work
of internal auditors is likely to be adequate.
When determining the planned effect of the work of the internal auditors on the nature, timing or extent of
the external auditor’s procedures, the external auditor must consider the following:
x Nature and scope of specific work performed or to be performed
x Assessed risks of material misstatement at assertion level
x Degree of subjectivity involved in evaluation of audit evidence gathered by internal auditors
Key terms
A service organisation is a third party organisation that provides services to user entities that are part of
those entities’ information systems relevant to financial reporting.
A user entity is an entity that uses a service organisation and whose financial statements are being
A user auditor is an auditor who audits and reports on the financial statements of a user entity.
A service auditor is an auditor who, at the request of the service organisation, provides an assurance
report on the controls of a service organisation.
ISA 402 Audit considerations relating to an entity using a service organisation provides guidance to
auditors whose clients uses such an organisation. It expands on how the user auditor obtains an
understanding of the user entity, including internal control sufficient to identify and assess the risks of
material misstatement and in designing and performing further audit procedures responsive to those
A client may use a service organisation such as one that executes transactions and maintains related
accountability or records transactions and processes related data. Many companies now outsource some
aspects of their business activities to external service organisations. Examples relevant to the independent
auditors include:
x Payroll processing
x Maintenance of accounting records
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
This chapter covers the audit of non-current assets, a key area of the statement
of financial position.
It highlights the key objectives for each major component of non-current
assets. You must understand what objectives the various audit tests are
designed to achieve in relation to the financial statement assertions. Objectives
of particular significance for tangible non-current assets are rights and
obligations (ownership), existence and valuation.
Valuation is the other important assertion. The auditors will concentrate on
testing any external valuations made during the year, and also whether other
values appear reasonable given asset usage and condition. A very important
aspect of testing valuation is reviewing depreciation rates. A topic we covered
in chapter 11, using the work of an expert, may well be important in the audit of
non-current assets in respect of valuation.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E3 The audit of specific items: (e) non-current assets
(i) Evidence in relation to non-current assets, and
(iii) The related income statement entries
x Explain the purpose of substantive procedures in relation to financial 2
statement assertions
x Explain the substantive procedures used in auditing each balance 2
x Tabulate those substantive procedures in a work program 2
Exam guide
In the audit of non-current assets you may be asked to list and explain audit procedures you would
perform to confirm specific assertions set out in the question. When doing so, you must explain why you
are carrying out that procedure.
The December 2008 paper had a four mark part in question 2 on four assertions relevant to the audit of
tangible non-current assets and an audit procedure for each assertion listed.
You are the manager in charge of the audit of Puppy, a building and construction company, and you are
reviewing the non-current asset section of the current audit file for the year ended 30 September 20X5.
You find the following five matters which the audit senior has identified as problem areas. He is reviewing
the company's proposed treatment of the five transactions in the accounts and is not sure that he has yet
carried out sufficient audit work.
(a) During the year Puppy built a new canteen for its own staff at a cost of $450,000. This amount has
been included in buildings as at 30 September 20X5.
(b) Loose tools included in the financial statements at a total cost of $166,000 are tools used on two of
the construction sites on which Puppy operates. They are classified as non-current assets and
depreciated over two years.
(c) A dumper truck, previously written-off in the company's accounting records has been refurbished
at a cost of $46,000 and this amount included in plant and machinery as at 30 September 20X5.
(d) The company's main office block has been revalued from $216,000 to $266,000 and this amount
included in the statement of financial position as at 30 September 20X5.
(e) A deposit of $20,000 for new equipment has been included under the heading ‘plant and
machinery’ although the final instalment of $35,000 was not paid over until 31 October 20X5,
which was the date of delivery of the plant.
You are required, for each of the above matters, to:
(a) Comment on the acceptability of the accounting treatment and disclosure as indicated above.
(b) Outline the audit work and evidence required to substantiate the assets.
(a) Acceptability of accounting treatment and disclosure
(i) New staff canteen. The costs of building a new staff canteen can quite properly be
capitalised and treated as part of buildings in the balance sheet as work has produced future
economic benefits (IAS 16). The company's normal depreciation policy should be applied,
subject only to the canteen being completed and in use at the year-end.
(ii) Loose tools. Loose tools tend to have a very limited life and to be immaterial in value
individually. For these reasons any capitalisation policy must be extremely prudent. The
acceptability of this accounting treatment would depend on the policy in previous years and
normal practice within the industry.
(iii) Dumper truck. The refurbishment costs have obviously extended the useful life of this asset
and it therefore seems reasonable to capitalise the expenditure. Depreciation should be
charged on the refurbishment costs over the estimated remaining useful life.
(iv) Revaluation of office block. The revaluation of property is acceptable, but the auditors will
need to ensure that the company complies with a number of disclosure requirements. A
note to the accounts should give details of the revaluation and the name of the valuer. The
surplus on revaluation should be transferred to a separate non-distributable reserve in the
statement of financial position as part of shareholders' funds. Furthermore, any other assets
of a similar nature to this should also be revalued.
(v) Deposit for new equipment. As the equipment was not actually in the company's
possession and use at the year-end, the deposit should not have been shown as plant and
machinery, but rather as a payment on account. If the amount was considered to be
material a note to the accounts should give details of this prepayment.
Exam focus Note that inspection of a building's title deeds does not give audit evidence about existence and if there is
point doubt that a building actually exists, the auditors should physically inspect it.
The key assertions relating to intangibles are existence (not so much 'do they exist?', but 'are they
genuinely assets?') and valuation. They will therefore be audited with reference to criteria laid down in the
financial reporting standards. As only purchased goodwill or intangibles with a readily ascertainable
market value can be capitalised, audit evidence should be available (purchase invoices or specialist
valuations). The audit of amortisation will be similar to the audit of depreciation.
Quick Quiz
1 State the key financial statement assertions for tangible non-current assets.
2 Complete the table, showing which tests are designed to provide evidence over which financial statement
Completeness Existence
3 Which of the following tests would provide audit evidence as to the existence of a tangible non-current
(a) Inspecting board minutes approving authorisation of the asset
(b) Physically inspecting the asset
(c) Reviewing the non-current asset register for inclusion of the asset
(d) Inspecting the invoice and purchase order documentation of the asset
4 Inspecting the title deeds of a building provides audit evidence concerning which one of the following
financial statement assertions?
(a) Existence
(b) Valuation
(c) Rights and obligations
(d) Completeness
5 What are the key financial statement assertions for other non-current assets?
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
No area of the statement of financial position creates more potential problems
for the auditors than that of inventory.
Closing inventory does not normally form an integrated part of the double entry
bookkeeping system and hence a misstatement (under or overstatement) may
not be detected from tests in other audit areas.
The four main assertions relating to the substantive audit of inventory
(completeness, existence, rights and obligations, and valuation) require careful
The auditor's attendance at the inventory count is a particularly important part
of the audit of inventory. This is because the inventory count gives evidence
about the existence and completeness of inventory, and a review of the
condition of the inventory is an important part of assessing whether it has been
correctly valued.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E3 The audit of specific items: (b) inventory
(i) Inventory counting procedures in relation to year-end and continuous
inventory systems
(ii) Cut-off
(iii) Auditor’s attendance at inventory counting
(iv) Direct confirmation of inventory held by third parties
(v) Other evidence in relation to inventory
x Explain the purpose of substantive procedures in relation to financial 2
statement assertions
x Explain the substantive procedures used in auditing each balance 2
x Tabulate those substantive procedures in a work program 2
Exam guide
You may be asked to list and explain audit procedures you would perform to confirm specific assertions
relating to inventory. As inventory is often the most difficult area in practice for auditors it is also very
important in the syllabus. The December 2007 paper had two marks in question 1 on audit procedures to
perform before attending the inventory count and two marks for stating a substantive audit procedure at
the inventory count.
The audit of inventory can pose problems for auditors as a result of its nature and potential material value
on the statement of financial position. The audit approach taken depends on the auditor's assessment of
the controls in place. In this chapter we focus on the substantive audit of inventory.
The following table demonstrates the audit objectives for inventory and the related financial statement
assertions. The audit procedures described in the remainder of this chapter are undertaken to provide
audit evidence to support these assertions.
Key terms Cost is defined by IAS 2 as comprising all costs of purchase and other costs incurred in bringing inventory
to its present location and condition.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated
costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
ISA 501 Audit evidence – specific considerations for selected items provides guidance to auditors on
attending the physical inventory count to obtain evidence regarding the existence and condition of
It states that where inventory is material, auditors shall obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
regarding its existence and condition by attending the physical inventory count (unless this is
impracticable) to do the following:
x Evaluate management’s instructions and procedures for recording and controlling the result of the
physical inventory count.
x Observe the performance of the count procedures.
x Inspect the inventory.
x Perform test counts.
The auditor shall also perform audit procedures over the entity’s final inventory records to determine
whether they accurately reflect the count results.
Attendance at the inventory count can serve as either substantive procedures or tests of controls,
depending on the auditor’s risk assessment, planned approach and specific procedures carried out.
Factors to consider when planning attendance at the inventory count include the following:
x The risks of material misstatement of inventory
x Internal controls related to inventory
x Whether adequate procedures are expected to be established and proper instructions issued for
x The timing of the count
x Whether the entity maintains a perpetual inventory system
x Locations at which inventory is held (including materiality at different locations)
x Whether the assistance of an auditor’s expert is required
In connection with your examination of the financial statements of Camry Products Co, a limited liability
company, for the year ended 31 March 20X9, you are reviewing the plans for a physical inventory count at
the company's warehouse on 31 March 20X9. The company assembles domestic appliances, and
inventory of finished appliances, unassembled parts and sundry inventory are stored in the warehouse
which is adjacent to the company's assembly plant. The plant will continue to produce goods during the
inventory count until 5pm on 31 March 20X9. On 30 March 20X9, the warehouse staff will deliver the
estimated quantities of unassembled parts and sundry inventory which will be required for production for
31 March 20X9; however, emergency requisitions by the factory will be filled on 31 March. During the
inventory count, the warehouse staff will continue to receive parts and sundry inventory, and to dispatch
finished appliances. Appliances which are completed on 31 March 20X9 will remain in the assembly plant
until after the count has been completed.
(a) List the principal procedures which the auditors should carry out when planning attendance at a
company's physical inventory count.
(b) Describe the procedures which Camry Products should establish in order to ensure that all
inventory items are counted and that no item is counted twice.
(a) In planning attendance at a physical inventory count the auditors should:
(i) Review previous year's audit working papers and discuss any developments in the year with
(ii) Obtain and review a copy of the company's count instructions.
(iii) Arrange attendance at count planning meetings, with the consent of management.
(iv) Gain an understanding of the nature of the inventory and of any special problems this is
likely to present, for example liquid in tanks, scrap in piles.
(v) Consider whether expert involvement is likely to be required as a result of any
circumstances noted in (iv) above.
(vi) Obtain a full list of all locations at which inventories are held, including an estimate of the
amount and value of inventories held at different locations.
(vii) Using the results of the above steps, plan for audit attendance by appropriately experienced
audit staff at all locations where material inventories are held, subject to other factors (for
example rotational auditing, reliance on internal controls).
(viii) Consider the impact of internal controls upon the nature and timing of attendance at the
(ix) Ascertain whether inventories are held by third parties and if so make arrangements to
obtain written confirmation of them or, if necessary, to attend the count.
(b) Procedures to ensure a complete count and to prevent double-counting are particularly important
in this case because movements will continue throughout the count.
(i) Clear instructions should be given as to procedures, and an official, preferably not someone
normally responsible for inventories, should be given responsibility for organising the count
and dealing with queries.
(ii) Before the count, all locations should be tidied and inventory should be laid out in an
orderly manner.
(iii) All inventory should be clearly identified and should be marked after being counted by a tag
or indelible mark, so that it is evident that it has been counted.
Exam focus You must have a thorough knowledge of audit procedures before, during and after the physical inventory
point count.
5 Cut-off
Auditors should test cut-off by noting the serial numbers of GDNs and GRNs received and dispatched just
before and after the year-end, and subsequently testing that they have been included in the correct period.
6 Valuation
Auditing the valuation of inventory includes:
x Testing the allocation of overheads is appropriate
x Confirming inventory is carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value
Your firm is the auditor of Arnold Electrical, a limited liability company, and you have been asked to audit
the valuation of the company's inventory at 31 May 20X1 in accordance with IAS 2. Arnold Electrical
operates from a single store and purchases domestic electrical equipment from wholesalers and
manufacturers and sells them to the general public. These products include video and audio equipment,
washing machines, refrigerators and freezers. In addition, it sells small items such as electrical plugs,
tapes for video recorders, records and compact discs.
A full physical inventory count was carried out at the year-end, and you are satisfied that the inventory was
counted accurately and there are no cut-off errors. Because of the limited time available between the year-
end and the completion of the audit, the company has valued the inventory at cost by recording the selling
price and deducting the normal gross profit margin. Inventory which the company believes to be worth
less than cost has been valued at net realisable value. The selling price used is that on the item in the store
when it was counted.
The inventory has been divided into three categories.
(a) Video and audio equipment: televisions, video recorders, video cameras and audio equipment
(b) Domestic equipment: washing machines, refrigerators and freezers
(c) Sundry inventory: electrical plugs, magnetic tapes and compact discs
The normal gross profit margin for each of these categories has been determined and this figure has been
used to calculate the cost of the inventory (by deducting the gross profit margin from the selling price). In
answering the question you should assume there are no sales taxes.
(a) This method of valuation at cost is permitted by IAS 2, but it is usually applied to large retail
concerns which inventory thousands of low value items, for example supermarket chains. This
method is only permitted when it can be shown that it gives a reasonable approximation of the
actual cost.
The following tests should be performed to ensure that the inventory is correctly valued at cost.
(i) Obtain a schedule of the client’s calculations of the gross profit margins. Check the
mathematical accuracy and consider the reliability of all sources of information used in the
(ii) Where the normal overall gross margin has been used, check the reasonableness of the
figure by comparing it to the monthly management accounts for the year and last year's
published accounts.
(iii) Test a sample of items to make sure that gross profit does not vary too much across all
items of inventory (which is unlikely for Arnold Electrical). The test will compare selling
price to purchase price.
(iv) If a weighted average gross margin has been used, check that the weighting is correct in
terms of the proportion of each type of product in closing inventory.
(v) Select a sample of high value lines and check the reasonableness of the gross profit
estimate by calculating the gross profit for each of those lines. Sales price will be compared
to inventory sheets and to sales prices in the shop at the year-end. Cost will be checked by
examining purchase invoices. The weighted average profit margin for the selected lines can
then be calculated and compared to the gross margin applied to the whole inventory.
(vi) Overvaluation of slow moving inventory is possible when the prices of those items are
affected by inflation. To check this, examine the inventory sheets for any slow moving items
(or ask the management of the company or use own observation). Compare the value of the
inventory at the end of the accounting period to cost according to purchase invoices. If an
overvaluation has occurred it should be quantified.
(vii) Check whether any goods were being offered for sale at reduced prices at the year-end. If
the reduced price is greater than cost, the use of an average gross profit percentage will
cause inventory to be undervalued. This undervaluation must be quantified. If full selling
price was used in the calculation then the problem will not arise. Check a sample of
inventory items to sales invoices issued around the year-end to make sure that the correct
price was used in the costing calculation.
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
Receivables will generally be a material figure on a company's statement of
financial position. You must ensure that you are fully conversant with the
'standard' procedures such as the confirmation of receivables. The receivables'
confirmation is primarily designed to test the client's entitlement to receive the
debt, not the customer's ability to pay.
Auditors also need to consider cut-off for receivables. Sales testing is often
carried out in conjunction with the audit of receivables as the two are linked.
We also briefly consider the audit of prepayments which is normally carried out
using analytical procedures.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E3 The audit of specific items: (a) receivables
(i) Direct confirmation of accounts receivables
(ii) Other evidence in relation to receivables and prepayments
(iii)The related income statement entries
x Explain the purpose of substantive procedures in relation to financial 2
statement assertions
x Explain the substantive procedures used in auditing each balance 2
x Tabulate those substantive procedures in a work program 2
Exam guide
You may be asked to list and explain audit procedures you would perform to confirm specific assertions
relating to receivables. In June 2008, question 1 had 14 marks worth relating to the confirmation of
receivables, in terms of financial statement assertions and choosing a sample for confirmation. The June
2009 paper had four marks in question 1 on audit procedures for receivables.
1 Introduction
Receivables are usually audited using a combination of tests of details and analytical procedures.
The audit of receivables is important as this is likely to be a material area. A combination of analytical
procedures and tests of details are used, with sales also being tested in conjunction with trade receivables.
The following table sets out the assertions that apply to receivables. The audit procedures in the remainder
of this chapter are used to provide evidence for these assertions.
Assertions about classes of – All sales transactions recorded have occurred and relate to the
transactions entity (occurrence)
– All sales transactions that should have been recorded have been
recorded (completeness)
– Amounts relating to transactions have been recorded
appropriately (accuracy)
– All transactions have been recorded in the correct period (cut-off)
– All transactions are recorded properly (classification)
Assertions about account – Recorded receivables exist (existence)
balances at the period-end – The entity controls the rights to receivables and related accounts
(rights and obligations)
– All receivables that should have been recorded have been
recorded (completeness)
– Receivables are included in the accounts at the correct amounts
(valuation and allocation)
Assertions about presentation – All disclosed events and transactions relating to receivables have
and disclosure occurred and pertain to the entity (occurrence, rights and
– All disclosures required have been included (completeness)
– Financial information is appropriately presented and described
and disclosures clearly expressed (classification and
– Financial and other information is disclosed fairly and at
appropriate amounts (accuracy and valuation)
Audit procedures for receivables are set out in the table below. This covers the audit of sales and
prepayments as well as trade receivables. Receivables are often tested in conjunction with sales. The key
assertions for sales are occurrence, completeness and accuracy. The receivables’ confirmation is used as
an audit procedure in the table below and is described in more detail in section 3. Section 4 contains
additional information on the audit of sales.
ISA 505 External confirmations covers the confirmation of amounts by third parties, including the
confirmation of amounts by receivables.
The verification of trade receivables by direct confirmation is the normal means of providing audit
evidence to satisfy the objective of testing whether customers exist and owe bona fide amounts to the
company (existence and rights and obligations).
Confirmation will produce for the current audit file a written statement from each respondent that the
amount owed at the date of the confirmation is correct. This is, prima facie, reliable audit evidence, being
from an independent source and in documentary form. The confirmation of receivables on a test basis
should not be regarded as replacing other normal audit tests, such as the testing in-depth of sales
transactions, but the results may influence the scope of such tests.
When confirmation is undertaken the method of requesting information from the customer may be either
positive or negative.
x Under the positive method the customer is requested to confirm the accuracy of the balance
shown or state in what respect he is in disagreement.
x Under the negative method the customer is requested to reply only if the amount stated is
The positive method is generally preferable as it is designed to encourage definite replies from those
15 South Street
Messrs (customer)
In accordance with the request of our auditors, ABC Co, we ask that you kindly confirm to them directly
your indebtedness to us at [insert date] which, according to our records, amounted to $.......... as shown
by the enclosed statement.
If the above amount is in agreement with your records, please sign in the space provided below and return
this letter direct to our auditors in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope.
If the amount is not in agreement with your records, please notify our auditors directly of the amount
shown by your records, and if possible detail on the reverse of this letter full particulars of the difference.
Yours faithfully,
For Manufacturing Co Limited
x The letter is on the client's paper, signed by the client.
x A copy of the statement is attached.
x The reply is sent directly to the auditor in a pre-paid envelope.
Key terms An exception is a response that shows a difference between the information requested to be confirmed, or
contained in the entity’s records, and information provided by the confirming party.
A non-response is a failure of the confirming party to respond, or fully respond, to a positive confirmation
request, or a confirmation request returned undelivered.
Auditors will have to carry out further work in relation to those receivables who:
x Disagree with the balance stated (positive and negative confirmation), resulting in exceptions
x Do not respond, resulting in non-responses
In the case of disagreements, the customer response should have identified specific amounts which are
disputed. These give rise to exceptions and may indicate misstatements or potential misstatements in the
financial statements. When a misstatement is identified, the auditor must evaluate whether this is
indicative of fraud (in accordance with ISA 240). Exceptions might also indicate a deficiency in internal
control. Some exceptions of course do not represent misstatements, as they may be due to timing,
measurement or clerical errors in the confirmation procedures. The table below outlines some reasons for
exceptions occurring.
4 Sales
Sales comprise a material figure in the statement of comprehensive income that is often audited by
analytical review as it should have predictable relationships with other figures in the financial statements.
Accounts' receivable will often be tested in conjunction with sales. Auditors are seeking to obtain evidence
that sales pertain to the entity (occurrence), and are completely and accurately recorded. This will involve
carrying out certain procedures to test for completeness of sales and also testing cut-off.
x The level of sales over the year, compared on a month-by-month basis with the previous year
x The effect on sales value of changes in quantities sold
x The effect on sales value of changes in products or prices
x The level of goods returned, sales allowances and discounts
x The efficiency of labour as expressed in sales or profit per tax per employee
In addition auditors must record reasons for changes in the gross profit margin. Analysis of the gross
profit margin should be as detailed as possible, ideally broken down by product area and month or
As well as analytical review, auditors may feel that they need to carry out a directional test on
completeness of recording of individual sales in the accounting records. To do this, auditors should start
with the documents that first record sales (goods dispatched notes or till rolls for example), and trace
sales recorded in these through intermediate documents such as sales summaries to the sales ledger.
Auditors must ensure that the population of documents from which the sample is originally taken is itself
complete, by checking for example the completeness of the sequence of goods dispatched notes.
Exam focus You must remember the direction of this test. Since we are checking the completeness of recording of
point sales in the sales ledger, we cannot take a sample from the ledger because the sample would not include
what has not been recorded.
Sherwood Textiles, a listed company, manufactures knitted clothes and dyes these clothes and other
textiles. You are carrying out the audit of the accounts of the company for the year ended 30 September
20X6 which show a revenue of about $10 million, and a profit before tax of about $800,000.
You are attending the final audit in December 20X6 and are commencing the audit of trade accounts
receivables, which are shown in the draft accounts at $2,060,000.
The interim audit (tests of control) was carried out in July 20X6 and it showed that there was a good
system of internal control in the sales system and no serious errors were found in the audit tests. The
company's sales ledger is maintained on a computer, which produces at the end of each month:
(i) A list of transactions for the month
(ii) An aged list of balances
(iii) Open item statements which are sent to customers. (Open item statements show all items which
are outstanding on each account, irrespective of their age.)
(a) List and briefly describe the audit tests you would carry out to verify trade accounts receivable at
the year-end. You are not required to describe how you would carry out a direct confirmation of
(b) Describe the audit work you would carry out on the following replies to a receivables'
(i) Balance agreed by customer.
(ii) Balance not agreed by customer.
(iii) Customer is unable to confirm the balance because of the form of records kept by the
(iv) Customer does not reply to the confirmation letter.
(a) The auditors will carry out the following tests on the list of balances.
(i) Agree the balances from the individual sales ledger accounts to the list of balances and vice
(ii) Agree the total of the list to the sales ledger control account.
(iii) Cast the list of balances and the sales ledger control account.
Other general tests auditors will carry out will be to:
(i) Agree the opening balance on the sales ledger control account to ensure that last year's
audit adjustments were recorded.
(ii) Inspect ledger balances for unusual entries.
(iii) Perform analytical procedures on trade receivables as follows
– Compare receivables' turnover and receivables' days to the prior year and/or to
industry data.
– Perform an age analysis on trade receivables and compare this to the prior year.
– Compare the bad debt expense as a % of sales to the prior year and/or to industry
– Examine large customer accounts individually and compare them to the prior year.
The determination of whether the company has made reasonable provision for bad and doubtful
debts will be facilitated as the company produces an aged listing of balances.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
Work on cash and bank will concentrate on the completeness and valuation
using the bank reconciliation, bank confirmation letter and counting of cash as
key audit tests.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E3 The audit of specific items: (d) bank and cash
(i) Bank confirmation reports used in obtaining evidence in relation to
bank and cash
(ii) Other evidence in relation to bank and cash, and
(iii) The related income statement entries
x Explain the purpose of substantive procedures in relation to financial 2
statement assertions
x Explain the substantive procedures used in auditing each balance 2
x Tabulate those substantive procedures in a work program 2
Exam guide
In the exam you may be asked to list and explain audit procedures you would perform to confirm specific
assertions relating to cash and bank. The June 2008 paper had a three mark part at the end of question 3
on the procedures necessary to obtain a bank confirmation letter.
1 Introduction
‘Cash’ in the financial statements represents cash in-hand and cash on deposit in bank accounts. Most
accounting transactions pass through the cash account so cash is affected by all of the entity’s business
processes, and is particularly impacted by the sales and purchases processes. We looked at the controls
relating to cash in Chapter 10. In this chapter, we will consider the substantive audit testing applied to the
year-end cash figure.
The auditors should decide from which bank or banks to request confirmation, having regard to such
matters as size of balance, volume of activity, degree of reliance on internal control, and materiality
within the context of the financial statements.
The auditors should determine which of the following approaches is the most appropriate in seeking
confirmation of balances or other information from the bank:
x Listing balances and other information, and requesting confirmation of their accuracy and
completeness, or
x Requesting details of balances and other information, which can then be compared with the
requesting client's records
In determining which of the above approaches is the most appropriate, the auditors should weigh the
quality of audit evidence they require in the particular circumstances against the practicality of obtaining
a reply from the confirming bank.
Difficulty may be encountered in obtaining a satisfactory response even where the client company submits
information for confirmation to the confirming bank. It is important that a response is sought for all
confirmation requests. Auditors should not usually request a response only if the information submitted is
incorrect or incomplete.
2.3 Cut-off
Care must be taken to ensure that there is no window dressing, by auditing cut-off carefully. Window
dressing in this context is usually manifested as an attempt to overstate the liquidity of the company by:
(a) Keeping the cash book open to take credit for remittances actually received after the year-end,
thus enhancing the balance at bank and reducing receivables
(b) Recording cheques paid in the period under review which are not actually dispatched until after
the year-end, thus decreasing the balance at bank and reducing liabilities
A combination of (a) and (b) can contrive to present an artificially healthy looking current ratio.
With the possibility of (a) above in mind, where lodgements have not been cleared by the bank until the
new period, the auditors should examine the paying-in slip to ensure that the amounts were actually paid
into the bank on or before the period-end date.
As regards (b) above, where there appears to be a particularly large number of outstanding cheques at
the year-end, the auditors should check whether these were cleared within a reasonable time in the new
period. If not, this may indicate that dispatch occurred after the year-end.
Exam focus Remember that the bank confirmation letter contains the balance held by the client at the bank per the
point bank's records. This must be reconciled to the balance held with the bank per the client's records.
(a) Explain the importance of the bank letter and describe the procedures used to obtain confirmations
from the bank.
(b) Describe how you would test a client's bank reconciliation.
3 Cash
Cash balances should be verified if they are material or irregularities are suspected.
Cash balances/floats are often individually immaterial but they may require some audit emphasis because
of the opportunities for fraud that could exist where internal control is weak and because they may be
material in total.
However in enterprises such as hotels and retail organisations, the amount of cash-in-hand at the period-
end could be considerable. Cash counts may be important for internal auditors, who have a role in fraud
Auditors will be concerned that the cash exists, is complete, and belongs to the company (rights and
obligations) and is stated at the correct value.
AUDIT PLAN: CASH COUNT (to confirm completeness, valuation, existence and disclosure)
x Count cash balances held and agree to petty cash book or other record:
– Count all balances simultaneously
– All counting to be done in the presence of the individuals responsible
– Enquire into any IOUs or cashed cheques outstanding for a long period of time
x Obtain certificates of cash-in-hand from responsible officials.
x Confirm that bank and cash balances as reconciled above are correctly stated in the financial
Follow up
x Obtain certificates of cash-in-hand as appropriate.
x Verify unbanked cheques/cash receipts have subsequently been paid in and agree to the bank
reconciliation by inspection of the relevant documentation.
x Ensure IOUs and cheques cashed for employees have been reimbursed.
x Review whether IOUs or cashed cheques outstanding for unreasonable periods of time have been
provided for.
x Verify the balances as counted are reflected in the accounts (subject to any agreed amendments
because of shortages and so on) by inspection of draft financial statements.
Quick Quiz
1 What are the relevant financial statement assertions for cash in the statement of financial position?
2 Summarise the procedure for obtaining confirmation from a client's bank of the year-end bank balance.
(1) ………………………………………………
(2) ………………………………………………
(3) ………………………………………………
(4) ………………………………………………
(5) ………………………………………………
(6) ………………………………………………
3 Complete the following two audit tests performed to verify the bank reconciliation.
(a) Trace cheques shown as outstanding on the ……………………………… to the ………..
………… prior to the year-end and ………………………. …………………… ………………..
…………………. .
(b) Obtain satisfactory explanations for all items in the ……………….. ………………… for which
there is no corresponding entry in the …………………… ……………….. and …………..
…………………. .
4 Give two examples of businesses where cash floats could be considerable.
5 What planning matters relating to a cash count should be recorded in the current audit file?
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
In this chapter, we examine the audit of liabilities including payables and
accruals, provisions and other long-term liabilities.
When auditing payables, the auditor must test for understatement (ie
completeness). Rather than circularising payables, it is more common to obtain
audit evidence from suppliers' statements.
The audit of provisions can be particularly complex due to the accounting
treatment and the degree of judgement involved in calculating the provision.
This chapter ends with a brief look at the audit of share capital and reserves.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E3 The audit of specific items: (c) payables and accruals; (e) long-term
(c) Payables and accruals:
(i) Supplier statement reconciliations and direct confirmation of
accounts payable
(ii) Obtain evidence in relation to payables and accruals, and
(iii) The related income statement entries
(e) Long-term liabilities:
(ii) Evidence in relation to non-current liabilities, and
(iii) The related income statement entries
x Explain the purpose of substantive procedures in relation to financial 2
statement assertions
x Explain the substantive procedures used in auditing each balance 2
x Tabulate those substantive procedures in a work program 2
Exam guide
You may be asked to list and explain audit procedures you would perform to confirm specific assertions
relating to liabilities. The pilot paper had 20 marks in question 1 on the substantive audit of purchases and
trade payables. Similarly, the December 2007 paper had 12 marks in question 1 on the audit of purchases.
1 Introduction
In this chapter we will examiner the substantive audit of trade payables and accruals, long-term liabilities
and provisions and end with a brief look at capital. Purchases are often tested in conjunction with the audit
of trade payables and so are included in the section on trade payables. The following table sets out the
financial statement assertions to which audit testing is directed.
Assertions about classes of – All purchase transactions recorded have occurred and relate to the
transactions entity (occurrence)
– All purchase transactions that should have been recorded have
been recorded (completeness)
– Amounts relating to transactions have been recorded appropriately
– Purchase transactions have been recorded in the correct period
– Purchase transactions are recorded properly in the accounts
Assertions about period-end – Trade payables and accrued expenses are valid liabilities
account balances (existence)
– Trade payables and accrued expenses are the obligations of the
entity (rights and obligations)
– All liabilities have been recorded (completeness)
– All liabilities are included in the accounts at appropriate amounts
(valuation and allocation)
You have been assigned to the audit of Carter Brandon Co (CBC), and you are drafting the audit
programme for payables and accruals for the year ended 31 December 20X7.
The company operates from a site in West Wendon. All raw materials are received in the stores and all
deliveries are checked to the delivery note and purchase order. The stores supervisor raises a goods
received note and is also responsible for raising credit requests if there are any problems with the raw
materials delivered.
When the purchase ledger department staff receive the purchase invoices, they match them to the relevant
goods received notes and purchase orders, and post them to the computerised purchase ledger. Suppliers
are paid on the last day of each month.
Other payables and accruals consist of tax, wages and other statutory deductions, accruals and time-
apportioned expenses such as electricity and telephone.
Describe the audit work you will carry out:
(a) To compare suppliers' statements with balances recorded on the purchase ledger
(b) To check that purchases cut-off has been applied correctly
(c) To confirm that other payables and accruals have been accurately stated.
(a) Audit work
(i) Select a sample of balances and compare suppliers' statements with purchase ledger
balances. The extent of the sample will depend on the results of tests of controls and
assessment of the effectiveness of controls within the purchases system.
(ii) Select the sample on a random basis. Selection of only large balances or those with many
transactions will not yield an appropriate sample as understatement of liabilities is being
tested for. Nil and negative balances will also need to be included in the sample.
(iii) If no statement was available for the supplier, confirmation of the balance from the
supplier should be requested.
If the balance agrees exactly, no further work needs to be carried out.
Where differences arise these need to be categorised as either in-transit items or other (including
disputed) items. In-transit items will be either goods or cash.
(iv) If the difference relates to goods-in-transit, ascertain whether the goods were received
before the year-end by reference to the GRN and that they are included in year-end
inventory and purchase accruals. If not, a cut-off error has occurred and should be
3 Non-current liabilities
Non-current liabilities are usually authorised by the board and should be well documented.
We are concerned here with non-current liabilities comprising debentures, loan inventory and other loans
repayable at a date more than one year after the year-end.
Auditors will primarily try and determine:
x Completeness: whether all non-current liabilities have been disclosed
x Accuracy: whether interest payable has been calculated correctly and included in the correct
accounting period
x Classification and understandability: whether long-term loans and interest have been correctly
disclosed in the financial statements
The major complication for the auditors is that debenture and loan agreements frequently contain
conditions with which the company must comply, including restrictions on the company's total
borrowings and adherence to specific borrowing ratios.
Exam focus The audit of provisions is notoriously complex because of the degree of judgement used and the
point availability of sufficient appropriate audit evidence. This is likely to be tested in a mini scenario type
question so you must be able to apply your knowledge to the circumstances in the question.
The issued share capital as stated in the accounts must be agreed in total with the share register. An
examination of transfers on a test basis should be made in those cases where a company handles its own
registration work. Where the registration work is dealt with by independent registrars, auditors will
normally examine the reports submitted by them to the company, and obtain from them at the year-end a
certificate of the share capital in issue.
Auditors should check carefully whether clients have complied with local legislation about share issues or
purchase of own shares. Auditors should take particular care if there are any movements in reserves that
cannot be distributed, and should confirm that these movements are valid.
Quick Quiz
1 What are the two primary objectives of year-end work on liabilities?
(1) ……………………………………………………….
(2) ……………………………………………………….
2 Give two instances where trade accounts payables' confirmation is required.
(1) ……………………………………………………….
(2) ……………………………………………………….
3 State four issues auditors should consider when carrying out analytical review on wages and salaries.
(1) ……………………………………………………….
(2) ……………………………………………………….
(3) ……………………………………………………….
(4) ……………………………………………………….
4 Complete the definition
Non-current liabilities comprise ………………………, …………………..-……………….…. and other
loans ………………………… at a date ……………………. …………………….. a year ……………
the year-end.
5 What are the audit objectives relating to share capital?
(1) ………………………………………………………..
(2) ………………………………………………………..
(3) ………………………………………………………..
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
This chapter looks at the audit of not-for-profit organisations. Such entities
may or may not be required to have a statutory audit under legislation. They
may choose to have a non-statutory audit under the terms of a charitable deed
or as part of good practice.
The points made in this chapter about the issues inherent in these entities are
relevant for any kind of assurance work in not-for-profit organisations. These
entities will have particular features, the most obvious being the difference in
objectives of the entity, which will affect the way the work is carried out.
In this chapter we look specifically at the aspects of audit planning, evidence
and reporting in not-for-profit organisations and how these differ from for-
profit organisations.
Study guide
Intellectual level
E6 Not-for-profit organisations
(a) Apply audit techniques to small not-for-profit organisations 2
(b) Explain how the audit of small not-for-profit organisations differs from the 1
audit of for-profit organisations
Exam guide
An exam question on not-for-profit organisations may come up as a scenario-based question on audit
planning or evidence. In this case, use your knowledge of not-for-profit organisations as well as the clues
given in the scenario to generate ideas for your answer. The December 2008 paper had a question on audit
planning for a charity – there were 12 marks for identifying inherent risk areas and four marks on the
control environment.
Question Objectives
Identify the key objectives and focus of the types of association listed above.
1.3 Reporting
We noted in Chapter 1 that many not-for-profit organisations are legislated for and the acts which relate to
them may specify how they are to report their results.
Many of the organisations mentioned above may be companies (often companies limited by guarantee)
and so are required to prepare financial statements and have them audited under companies legislation.
In the UK, some of the entities will have associated Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs).
SORPs are recommendations on accounting practices for specialised industries or sectors. They
supplement accounting standards and other legal and regulatory requirements. For example, there is a
SORP for charities (Accounting and reporting by charities) outlining what a charity's accounts should
1.4 Audit
Where a statutory audit is required, the auditors will be required to produce the statutory audit opinion
concerning the truth and fairness of financial statements.
Where a statutory audit is not required, it is possible that the organisation might have one anyway for the
benefit of interested stakeholders, such as the public or people who donate to a charity.
It is also possible that such entities will have special, additional requirements of an audit. These may be
required by a regulator, or by the constitution of the organisation. For example, a charity's constitution
may require an audit of whether the charity is operating in accordance with its charitable purpose. The
Charity Commission for England and Wales has been established by law as the regulator and registrar for
charities in England and Wales, for example.
1.5 Conclusion
An audit of a not-for-profit organisation may vary from a 'for profit audit' due to:
x Its objectives and the impact on operations and reporting
x The purpose for which an audit is required
When carrying out an audit of a not-for-profit organisation, it is vital that the auditor establishes:
x Whether a statutory audit is required
x If a statutory audit it not required, what the objectives of the engagement are
x What the engagement is to report on
x To whom the report should be addressed
x What form the report should take
2 Audit planning
The audit risks associated with not-for-profit organisations may well be different from other entities.
There are certain risks applicable to charities that might not necessarily be applicable to other small
companies. The auditors should consider the following:
Cash donations
Source Examples of controls
Collecting boxes Numerical control over boxes and tins
and tins Satisfactory sealing of boxes and tins so that any opening prior to recording cash
is apparent
Regular collection and recording of proceeds from collecting boxes
Dual control over counting and recording of proceeds
Postal receipts Unopened mail kept securely
Dual control over mail opening
Immediate recording of donations on opening of mail or receipt
Agreement of bank paying-in slips to record of receipts by an independent person
Other income
Source Examples of controls
Fund-raising Records maintained for each fund-raising event
activities Other appropriate controls maintained over receipts
Controls maintained over expenses as for administrative expenses
Central and local Regular checks that all sources of income or funds are fully utilised and
government grants appropriate claims made
and loans Ensuring income or funds are correctly applied by adequate monitoring
Use of resources
Resource Examples of controls
Restricted funds Separate records maintained of relevant income, expenditure and assets
Terms controlling application of funds
Oversight of application of fund monies by independent personnel or trustees
Grants to Records maintained, as appropriate, of requests for material grants received and
beneficiaries their treatment
Appropriate checks made on applications and applicants for grants, and that
amounts paid are in accordance with legislation
Records maintained of all grant decisions, checking that proper authority exists,
that adequate documentation is presented to decision-making meetings, and that
any conflicts of interest are recorded
Controls to ensure grants made are properly spent by the recipient for the specified
The Midvale League is a small association. It runs several local football leagues for various ages and
stages. It employs a general administrator and some casual bar staff. Any player who appears in more
than 30% of a team's games for the season is required to pay a subscription to the association. The
subscriptions pay for the administrator's wages, the referee's fees, team coaches' expenses and a lease
on a sport's club comprising a clubhouse, changing facilities and three football pitches. The administrator
also acts as groundsman. There is a bar in the clubhouse which is run for the benefit of members at a
profit which covers bar staff wages and contributes to other expenses of the club. The association pays a
local firm of accountants to prepare management accounts every quarter and to produce annual financial
statements which it then audits for the benefit of members of the club.
Identify any audit risks arising from The Midvale League.
3 Audit evidence
Obtaining audit evidence may be a problem, particularly where organisations have informal arrangements
and this may impact on the auditor's report.
You have recently been appointed auditor of Links Famine Relief, a small registered charity which receives
donations from individuals to provide food in famine areas around the world.
The charity is run by a voluntary management committee, which has monthly meetings and it employs the
following full-time staff:
(a) A director, Mr Roberts, who suggests fund raising activities and payments for relief of famine, and
implements the policies adopted by the management committee
(b) A secretary and bookkeeper, Mrs Beech, who deals with correspondence and keeps the accounting
You are planning the audit of income of the charity for the year ended 5 April 20X7 and are considering the
controls which should be exercised over this area.
The previous year's accounts, to 5 April 20X6 (which have been audited by another firm) show the
following income.
$ $
Gifts under non-taxing arrangements 14,745
Tax reclaimed on gifts under non-taxing arrangements 4,915
Donations through the post 63,452
Autumn Fair 2,671
Other income
Legacies 7,538
Bank deposit account interest 2,774
(a) Income from gifts under non-taxing arrangements is stated net. Each person who pays by deed of
covenant has filled in a special tax form, which is kept by the full-time secretary, Mrs Beech.
(b) All gifts under non-taxing arrangements are paid by banker's order – they are credited directly to
the charity's bank account from the donor's bank. Donors make their payments by deed of
covenant either monthly or annually.
(c) The tax reclaimed on these gifts is 1/3 of the net value of the gifts, and relates to income received
during the year – as the tax is received after the year-end, an appropriate amount recoverable is
included in the statement of financial position. The treasurer, who is a voluntary (unpaid) member
of the management committee, completes the form for reclaiming the income tax, using the special
tax forms (in (a) above) and checks to the secretary's records that each donor has made the full
payment in the year required by the arrangement.
(d) Donations received through the post are dealt with by Mrs Beech. These donations are either
cheques or cash (bank notes and coins). Mrs Beech prepares a daily list of donations received,
The audit consideration in relation to the various sources of income of the Links Famine Relief charity
would be as follows.
(a) Gifts made under non-taxing arrangements
This type of income should not present any particular audit problem as the donations are made by
banker's order direct to the charity's bank account and so it would be difficult for such income to
be 'intercepted' and misappropriated.
Specific tests required would be as follows.
(i) Agree a sample of receipts from the bank statements to the cash book to ensure that the
income has been properly recorded.
(ii) Agree a sample of the receipts to the special tax forms to ensure that the full amount due
has been received.
Any discrepancies revealed by either of the above tests should be followed up with Mrs Beech.
(b) Tax reclaimed on gifts made under non-taxing arrangements
Once again this income should not pose any particular audit problems. The auditors should inspect
the claim form submitted to the tax authorities and calculate whether the amount of the claim
represents 1/3 of the net value of the covenants recorded as having been received.
(c) Donations received through the post
There is a serious problem here as the nature of this income is not predictable and also because of
the lack of internal checks, with Mrs Beech being almost entirely responsible for the receipt of
these monies, the recording of the income and the banking of the cash and cheques received. The
auditors may ultimately have to express a qualified opinion in this area.
4 Audit reporting
The nature of the report will depend on statutory and entity requirements, but it should conform to the
criteria in ISA 700 Forming an opinion and reporting on financial statements.
For not-for-profit audits where a statutory audit report is required, the auditors should issue the same
report that we have considered briefly in Chapter 1. They should also consider whether any additional
statutory requirements fall on the audit report.
Where an association or charity is having an audit for the benefit of its members or trustees, the standard
audit report may not be required or appropriate. The auditor should bear in mind the objectives of the
audit and make suitable references in the audit report. However, the ISA 700 format will still be relevant.
The auditor should ensure that he makes the following matters clear:
x The addressees of the report
x What the report relates to
x The scope of the engagement
x The respective responsibilities of auditors and management/trustees/directors
x The work done
x The opinion drawn
Quick Quiz
1 List five examples of not-for-profit organisations.
2 All not-for-profit organisations must have a statutory audit.
3 Explain why income can be a problem when auditing charities.
4 Complete the table, giving two examples of controls in each area.
Now try the question below from the Exam Question Bank
Audit review
and finalisation
This chapter will consider the reviews that take place to complete the audit,
which include subsequent events and going concern. These are both important
disclosure issues in the financial statements, because if the disclosures are not
correct, this will impact on the auditor's report.
In this chapter, we also consider the use and reliability of written
representations from management as audit evidence.
Financial reporting knowledge is particularly important at the review stage of
the audit. Auditors need to be able to interpret accounts and understand the
requirements of specific accounting standards. Analytical procedures must be
used when undertaking the final review of the financial statements.
Study guide
Intellectual level
F1 Subsequent events
(a) Explain the purpose of a subsequent events review 1
(b) Discuss the procedures to be undertaken in performing a subsequent events 2
F2 Going concern
(a) Define and discuss the significance of the concept of going concern 2
(b) Explain the importance of and the need for going concern reviews 2
(c) Explain the respective responsibilities of auditors and management 1
regarding going concern
(d) Discuss the procedures to be applied in performing going concern reviews 2
(e) Discuss the disclosure requirements in relation to going concern issues 2
(f) Discuss the reporting implications of the findings of going concern reviews 2
F3 Management representations
(a) Explain the purpose of and procedure for obtaining management 2
(b) Discuss the quality and reliability of management representations as audit 2
(c) Discuss the circumstances where management representations are 2
necessary and the matters on which representations are commonly obtained
F4 Audit finalisation and the final review
(a) Discuss the importance of the overall review of evidence obtained 2
(b) Explain the significance of unadjusted differences 1
Exam guide
The review stage of the audit is very important and highly likely to come up in the exam. It is very
important that you understand the difference between the review stage of the audit and the earlier testing
stage. A question on subsequent events was set in the pilot paper in a scenario-based question which was
also linked to the potential impact on the audit report. The December 2007 paper contained a five mark
knowledge-based question on going concern.
The June 2008 paper had a three mark knowledge-based question on items to be included in the
representation letter, as well as 16 marks on going concern in a scenario context. The December 2008 had
a 20 mark scenario question on subsequent events. The June 2009 paper had a similar requirement in
question 5.
Key term
Subsequent events are events occurring between the date of the financial statements and the date of the
auditor's report, and facts that become known to the auditor after the date of the auditor's report.
ISA 560 Subsequent events provides guidance to auditors in this area. The objectives of the auditor are:
x To obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about whether events occurring between the date of
the financial statements and the date of the auditor’s report that need adjustment or disclosure in
the financial statements are properly reflected in the financial statements
x To respond appropriately to facts that become known to the auditor after the date of the auditor’s
report which may have caused the auditor to amend the auditor’s report if they were known to the
auditor at the date of the report
1.1 Procedures
Auditors have a responsibility to review subsequent events before they sign the auditor's report, and
may have to take action if they become aware of subsequent events between the date they sign the
auditor's report and the date the financial statements are issued.
The following time line is helpful when considering subsequent events and the auditor's responsibilities
concerning them.
Auditor's Financial
Year-end report signed statements issued Financial statements
approved by members
1.1.2 Facts discovered after the date of the auditor's report but before the financial
statements are issued
The financial statements are the management's responsibility. They should therefore inform the auditors
of any material subsequent events between the date of the auditors' report and the date the financial
statements are issued. The auditor does not have any obligation to perform procedures, or make enquires
regarding the financial statements, after the date of the report.
However if the auditor becomes aware of a fact that had it been known to the auditor at the date of the
report may have caused the auditor to amend the auditor’s report, the auditor shall:
x Discuss the matter with management and those charged with governance.
x Determine whether the financial statements need amendment.
x If amendment is required, inquire how management intends to address the matter in the financial
If amendment is required to the financial statements and management makes the necessary changes, the
auditor must carry out a number of procedures:
x Undertake any necessary audit procedures on the changes made.
x Extend audit procedures for identifying subsequent events that may require adjustment of or
disclosure in the financial statements to the date of the new auditor's report.
x Provide a new auditor's report on the amended financial statements.
If management does not amend the financial statements:
x If the auditor’s report has not yet been provided to the entity, the auditor shall modify the opinion
and then provide the auditor’s report.
x If the auditor’s report has already been provided to the entity, the auditor shall notify management
and those charged with governance not to issue the financial statements before the amendments
are made; but if the financial statements are issued anyway, the auditor shall take action to seek to
prevent reliance on the auditor’s report.
Key term Under the going concern assumption, an entity is viewed as continuing in business for the foreseeable
future. When the use of the going concern assumption is appropriate, assets and liabilities are recorded
on the basis that the entity will be able to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course
of business.
ISA 570 Going concern provides guidance to auditors in this area. The objectives of the auditor are:
x To obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the appropriateness of management’s
use of the going concern assumption
x To conclude whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern
x To determine the implications for the auditor’s report
ISA 570 includes examples of events or conditions that may cast doubt about the going concern
assumption. These fall under three headings: ‘financial’, ‘operating’ and ‘other’, and are shown in the table
Events or conditions that may cast doubt about the going concern assumption
Financial x Net liability or net current liability position
x Fixed-term borrowings approaching maturity without realistic
prospects of renewal or repayment
x Excessive reliance on short-term borrowings to finance long-term
x Withdrawal of financial support by creditors
x Negative operating cash flows
Scenario 1: Going concern assumption appropriate but material uncertainty which is adequately
In this situation, the opinion on the financial statements will be unmodified but the auditor’s report will
include an emphasis of matter paragraph which is an explanatory paragraph detailing the uncertainty. The
ISA contains an example of such an extract from the auditor’s report:
Emphasis of Matter
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note X in the financial statements which indicates
that the Company incurred a net loss of ZZZ during the year ended December 31, 20X1 and, as of that
date, the company’s current liabilities exceeded its total assets by YYY. These conditions, along with other
matters as set forth in Note X, indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast significant
doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Scenario 2: Going concern assumption appropriate but mater uncertainty which is not adequately
In this situation, as inadequate disclosure has been made of the material uncertainty, the auditor’s opinion
will be modified – either a qualified or adverse opinion will be issued depending on the magnitude of the
uncertainty. An extract from the auditor’s report where a qualified opinion is issued is provided by the ISA
and set out below:
Key term Written representations are written statements by management provided to the auditor to confirm certain
matters or to support other audit evidence. They do not include the financial statements, assertions or
supporting books and records.
ISA 580 Written representations provides guidance to auditors in this area. The objectives of the auditor
x To obtain written representations that management believes that it has fulfilled the fundamental
responsibilities that constitute the premise on which an audit is conducted
x To support other audit evidence relevant to the financial statements if determined by the auditor or
required by other ISAs
x To respond appropriately to written representations or if management does not provide written
representations requested by the auditor
There are three areas in which written representations are necessary – to confirm management's
responsibilities, where they are required by other ISAs and to support other audit evidence. We discuss
these below in more detail.
x That management has fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the
financial statements as set out in the terms of the audit engagement and whether the financial
statements are prepared and presented in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
x That management has provided the auditor with all relevant information agreed in the terms of the
audit engagement and that all transactions have been recorded and are reflected in the financial
Once most of the substantive audit procedures have been carried out, the auditors will have a draft set of
financial statements which should be supported by appropriate and sufficient audit evidence. At the
beginning of the end of the audit process, it is usual for the auditors to undertake an overall review of the
financial statements.
This review of the financial statements, in conjunction with the conclusions drawn from the other audit
evidence obtained, gives the auditors a reasonable basis for their opinion on the financial statements. It
should be carried out by a senior member of the audit team, with appropriate skills and experience.
ISA 450 Evaluation of misstatements identified during the audit requires the auditor to accumulate
misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are clearly trivial. The ISA distinguishes
between factual misstatements (misstatements about which there is no doubt), judgemental
misstatements (misstatements arising from management’s judgement concerning accounting estimates
or accounting policies) and projected misstatements (the auditor’s best estimate of misstatements
arising from sampling populations).
ISA 450 requires the auditor to communicate all misstatements accumulated during the audit with the
appropriate level of management on a timely basis and to request management to correct those
misstatements. If management refuses, the auditor must establish the reasons why and consider this
when evaluating whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement.
As part of their completion procedures, auditors shall consider whether the aggregate of uncorrected
misstatements in the financial statements is material, having first reassessed materiality in accordance
with ISA 320 Materiality in planning and performing an audit to confirm that it is still appropriate. When
determining whether uncorrected misstatements are material (individually or in aggregate), the auditor
shall consider the size and nature of the misstatements and the effect of uncorrected misstatements
related to prior periods on the financial statements as a whole.
4.4.2 Documentation
ISA 450 requires the auditor to document the following information:
x The amount below which misstatements would be regarded as clearly trivial
x All misstatements accumulated during the audit and whether they have been corrected
x The auditor’s conclusion as to whether uncorrected misstatements are material and the basis for
that conclusion
Exam focus The audit review and finalisation stage of the external audit is very important. It could come up in a
point scenario-based question or in the knowledge-based question 2 of the paper. It is vital that you are
completely comfortable with this stage of the audit process, and can distinguish it from the audit testing
Quick Quiz
1 State three inquiries that should be made of management to test subsequent events.
1 ……………………………………………………
2 ……………………………………………………
3 ……………………………………………………
2 Complete the definition, using the words given below.
Under the ……………………. …………………… assumption, an entity is viewed as …………………
in business for the …………………….. …………
3 The auditors must satisfy themselves that the use of the going concern basis in the financial statements is
4 List four examples of what areas analytical review at the final stage should cover.
1 …………………………………………………
2 …………………………………………………
3 …………………………………………………
4 …………………………………………………
5 In evaluating whether the financial statements give a true and fair view, auditors shall assess the
materiality of uncorrected misstatements.
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
The auditor’s report is the means by which the external auditors express their
opinion on the truth and fairness of a company's financial statements. It is for
the benefit principally of the shareholders, but also for other users as the audit
report is usually kept on public record with the filed financial statements.
Many of the contents of the auditor's report are prescribed by statute. They are
also subject to professional requirements in the form of ISA 700 Forming an
opinion and reporting on financial statements. The auditor’s report may be
unqualified or modified and these are considered in detail in this chapter. We
also look at circumstances in detail which may impact on the auditor’s report:
other information in documents containing audited financial statements, and
opening balances and comparatives.
We end this chapter by looking at the report to management submitted to the
directors and management of a company. This is also known as a letter of
weakness or management letter or letter on internal control and is submitted at
the end of the audit as a by-product of the audit.
Study guide
Intellectual level
G1 Audit reports
(a) Describe and analyse the format and content of unmodified audit reports 2
(b) Describe and analyse the format and content of modified audit reports 2
G2 Reports to management
(a) Identify and analyse internal control and system weaknesses and their 2
potential effects and make appropriate recommendations to management
Exam guide
You will not be expected to reproduce a full audit report in the exam, however you may be required to
describe different types of modification either in a knowledge-based part of a question or in a scenario-
based situation. Questions on the report to management setting out deficiencies in internal control are
highly likely to come up in a scenario-based context.
The pilot paper had three marks in question 2 on modifications to the audit report. There were eight marks
available in question 3 on weaknesses in a company's wages system and recommendations to overcome
the weaknesses. Question 5 was on subsequent events but contained a six mark part on the impact on the
audit report.
The December 2007 paper had 12 marks in question 1 on weaknesses in the inventory counting system
and recommendations to overcome the weaknesses. Question 5 had 14 marks relating to the audit report
in a scenario context.
Question 1 of the December 2008 paper had 14 marks available for writing a management letter regarding
a wages system.
Question 2 of the June 2009 paper had two marks for explaining the term 'modified'.
Objective 18 of the PER performance objectives is to evaluate and report on audit. The knowledge you gain
in this key chapter will assist you in demonstrating the achievement of this objective in practice.
ISA 700 Forming an opinion and reporting on financial statements establishes standards and provides
guidance on the form and content of the auditor's report issued as a result of an audit performed by an
independent auditor on the financial statements of an entity. It states that the auditor shall form an opinion
on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting framework.
In order to form the opinion, the auditor needs to conclude as to whether reasonable assurance has been
obtained that the financial statements are free from material misstatement. The auditor’s conclusion needs
to consider the following.
x Whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained (ISA 330)
x Whether uncorrected misstatements are material (ISA 450)
ISA 700 states that the auditor shall express an unmodified opinion when the auditor concludes that the
financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial
reporting framework.
If the auditor concludes that the financial statements as a whole are not free from material misstatement
or cannot obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to make this conclusion, the auditor must modify
the opinion in accordance with ISA 705 Modifications to the opinion in the independent auditor’s report.
We discuss modifications to the opinion later in this section.
The following extract from an audit report shows an example of the opinion paragraph for an unmodified
report, in accordance with ISA 700, which contains illustrations of unmodified auditors’ reports in its
appendix. The full unmodified report was also set out in Chapter 1 of this Study Text.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, (or give a true and fair view
of) the financial position of ABC Company as of December 31, 20X1, and (of) its financial performance and
its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
The auditor's report must be in writing and includes the following basic elements, usually in the following
ISA 705 Modifications to the opinion in the independent auditor's report sets out the different types of
modified opinions that can result. It identifies three possible types of modifications:
x A qualified opinion
x An adverse opinion
x A disclaimer of opinion
Key term Pervasiveness is a term used to describe the effects or possible effects on the financial statements of
misstatements or undetected misstatements (due to an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence). There are three types of pervasive effect:
– Those that are not confined to specific elements, accounts or items in the financial statements
– Those that are confined to specific elements, accounts or items in the financial statements and
represent or could represent a substantial portion of the financial statements
– Those that relate to disclosures which are fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial
Example 4: Disclaimer of opinion due to inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about
a single element of the financial statements (financial information of a joint venture investment
representing over 90% of company’s net assets – material and pervasive)
Example 5: Disclaimer of opinion due to inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about
multiple elements of the financial statements (inventories and accounts receivable – material and
This allows the auditor to give notice to those charged with governance of the intended modification and
the reasons for it, to seek agreement or confirm disagreement with those charged with governance with
respect to the modification, and to give those charged with governance an opportunity to provide further
information and explanations in respect of the matter giving rise to the expected modification.
During the course of your audit of the non-current assets of Eastern Engineering Inc at 31 March 20X4,
two problems have arisen.
(a) The calculations of the cost of direct labour incurred on assets in the course of construction by the
company's employees have been accidentally destroyed for the early part of the year. The direct
labour cost involved is $10,000.
(b) The company incurred development expenditure of $25,000 spent on a viable new product which
will go into production next year and which is expected to last for ten years. The direct labour cost
involved is $10,000.
(c) Other relevant financial information is as follows.
Profit before tax 100,000
Non-current asset additions 133,000
Assets constructed by company 34,000
Non-current asset at net book value 666,667
(a) List the general forms of modification available to auditors in drafting their report and state the
circumstances in which each is appropriate.
(b) State whether you feel that a modified audit report would be necessary for each of the two
circumstances outlined above, giving reasons in each case.
(c) On the assumption that you decide that a modified audit report is necessary with respect to the
treatment of the revaluation, draft the section of the report describing the matter (the whole report
is not required).
Exam focus If you are given a scenario in a question on audit reports and asked whether the report should be modified
point and on what basis, always remember to calculate materiality and comment on it in the context of its
impact on the type of modification (ie qualified opinion, adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion).
ISA 706 Emphasis of matter paragraphs and other matter paragraphs in the independent auditor’s report
provides guidance to auditors on the inclusion of paragraphs in the auditor’s report that either draw users’
attention to a matter that is of such importance that it is fundamental to their understanding or that is
relevant to their understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report.
Emphasis of matter paragraphs are used to draw readers’ attention to a matter already presented or
disclosed in the financial statements that the auditor feels is fundamental to their understanding, provided
that the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the matter is not materially
When an emphasis of matter paragraph is included in the auditor’s report, it comes immediately after the
opinion paragraph and is entitled ‘Emphasis of matter’ (or appropriate). The paragraph must contain a
clear reference to the matter being emphasised and to where relevant disclosures that fully describe it
can be found in the financial statements. The paragraph must state that the auditor’s opinion is not
modified in respect of the matter emphasised.
The following are examples of situations in which the auditor might include an emphasis of matter
paragraph in the auditor’s report:
x An uncertainty relating to the future outcome of exceptional litigation or regulatory action
x Early application of a new accounting standard that has a pervasive effect on the financial
Emphasis of Matter
We draw attention to Note X to the financial statements which describes the uncertainty related to the
outcome of the lawsuit filed against the company by XYZ Company. Our opinion is not qualified in respect
of this matter.
Other matter paragraphs are used where the auditor considers it necessary to draw readers’ attention to a
matter that is relevant to their understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s
The other matter paragraph must be included immediately after the opinion paragraph and any emphasis
of matter paragraph, or elsewhere in the auditor’s report if the content of it is relevant to the other
reporting responsibilities section. The content of the other matter paragraph must reflect clearly that the
other matter is not required to be presented and disclosed in the financial statements, and does not
include information that the auditor is prohibited from providing by law and regulations or other
standards, or information that is required to be provided by management.
ISA 720 The auditor’s responsibilities relating to other information in documents containing audited
financial statements provides guidance to auditors in this area. The objective of the auditor is to respond
appropriately when documents containing audited financial statements include other information that
could undermine the credibility of the financial statements and the auditor’s report.
Key terms Other information is financial and non-financial information, other than the financial statements and the
auditor’s report, which is included, either by law, regulation or custom, in a document containing audited
financial statements and the auditor’s report.
An inconsistency means the other information contradicts information contained in the audited financial
statements. A material inconsistency may raise doubt about the audit conclusions drawn from audit
evidence previously obtained and possibly also the basis for the auditor’s opinion on the financial
A misstatement of fact is when the other information that is unrelated to matters appearing in the audited
financial statements is incorrectly stated or presented. A material misstatement of fact may undermine the
credibility of the document containing audited financial statements.
ISA 510 Initial audit engagements – opening balances provides guidance to auditors on the audit of
opening balances when conducting an initial audit engagement.
The ISA states that for initial audit engagements the auditor’s objective is to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence whether:
x Opening balances contain misstatements that materially affect the current period’s financial
x Appropriate accounting policies are consistently applied or changes have been properly
accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed.
ISA 710 Comparative information – corresponding figures and comparative financial statements provides
guidance to auditors on comparatives, both corresponding figures and comparative financial statements.
Whether corresponding figures or comparative financial statements are required is usually dictated by law
or regulation but may also be specified in the terms of engagement.
In terms of audit reporting, for corresponding figures, the auditor’s opinion refers to the current period
only. For comparative financial statements, the auditor’s opinion refers to each period for which financial
statements are presented.
ISA 265 Communicating deficiencies in internal control to those charged with governance and
management sets out guidance on internal control deficiencies. We covered the requirements of this
standard in detail in Chapter 9 of this Study Text. Many external auditors produce a report to management
as a by-product of an external audit, listing any deficiencies they have found in systems and making
recommendations for improvements. The report to management may also be referred to as the
management letter, letter of weakness or letter on internal control.
One of the PER performance objectives is to 'communicate effectively'. Examples of this in practice would
be to compile written reports for management or clients. This would therefore include a report to
management. The knowledge you attain in this section of the Study Text will help you in situations where
you are asked to draft a report to management, and therefore assist you in achieving this particular PER
objective. At the same time it applies also to objective 18 ('evaluate and report on audit') – examples under
this objective include drafting and presenting reports to management.
ABC & Co
Chapter Roundup
x The auditor is required to produce an audit report at the end of the audit which sets out his opinion on the
truth and fairness of the financial statements. The report contains a number of consistent elements so
that users know the audit has been conducted according to recognised standards.
x There are three types of modified opinion: a qualified opinion, an adverse opinion and a disclaimer of
x Emphasis of matter paragraphs and other matter paragraphs can be included in the auditor’s report
under certain circumstances. Their use does not modify the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements.
x Auditors shall review the other information in documents containing audited financial statements for
material inconsistencies and misstatements of fact.
x Auditors must ensure that the opening balances and comparative information are fairly stated in the
financial statements.
x Reports to management can be sent by external auditors after both the interim and final audits. They set
out deficiencies in internal control, the implications of those deficiencies on the business and suggested
recommendations to mitigate them.
2 Draw a table that summarises the different modified opinions that can arise in the auditor’s report.
3 The inclusion of an emphasis of matter paragraph in the auditor's report does not affect the auditor's
opinion on the financial statements.
4 Give three examples of misunderstandings which contribute to the expectations gap.
(1) ………………………………………………..
(2) ………………………………………………..
(3) ………………………………………………..
5 Which of the following are examples of other information in documents containing audited financial
x Employment data
x Information contained on the entity's website
x Representation letter
x Financial ratios
x Names of officers and directors
3 True
4 (1) The nature of the financial statements
(2) The type of extent of work undertaken by auditors
(3) The level of assurance given by auditors
5 Employment data, financial ratios, and the names of officers and directors are all examples of other
information in documents containing audited financial statements.
Now try the questions below from the Exam Question Bank
Examination standard questions are indicated by mark and time allocations.
(Total = 10 marks)
3 Standards
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of auditing standards to auditors and the consequences of
them being enforceable by statute.
4 Corporate governance
The objective of a system of corporate governance is to secure the effective, sound and efficient operation
of companies. This objective transcends any legislation or voluntary code. Good corporate governance
embraces not only making the company prosper but also doing business in a legal and ethical manner. A
key element of corporate governance is the audit committee. The audit committee is a committee of the
board of directors and is of a voluntary nature regulated by voluntary codes.
(a) Explain how an audit committee could improve the effectiveness of the external auditor's work.
(b) Discuss the problems of ensuring the 'independence' of the members of the audit committee.
(c) Discuss the view that the role of the audit committee should not be left to voluntary codes of
practice but should be regulated by statute.
6 Objectivity 36 mins
(a) Explain the concept of objectivity, with reference to
(i) External auditors
(ii) Internal auditors, who are members of ACCA,
outlining any general threats to objectivity that exist. (8 marks)
(b) Scenario 1
Bakers Co is an audit client of Hinkley Innes, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. The firm
has had the audit of Bakers for 17 years and the fee represents 7% of firm income. Bakers is
considering a major new project and has asked the firm if it would be happy to undertake some
one-off consultancy work for the firm. It is possible that the fee income for this contract would
represent 10% of that year's income for Hinkley Innes. The new business services partner, who
heads up a new division of the firm, is keen to take on the work, as this would represent his best
contract yet.
Scenario 2
Peter works in the purchasing department of Murphy Manufacturing Co. He has been instrumental
in setting up control systems in the purchasing department as part of a recent risk management
exercise. He has a poor relationship with his immediate supervisor, the Purchasing Director.
Murphy Manufacturing has just advertised the post of trainee internal auditor. Peter is interested in
the work that internal audit do, having liased substantially with the department during the recent
controls exercise. No formal accountancy qualifications are required for the post, because the
successful candidate will be put through accountancy training. Peter has had a chat with the head
of internal audit concerning the post and is seriously considering making an application.
Discuss the threats and the safeguards to objectivity that could be implemented in the two
situations given above. (12 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
Current assets
Inventory 52 179
Receivables 78 136
Cash at bank 12 34
Cash in hand 1 1
143 350
Total assets 165 373
Current liabilities
Trade payables 121 133
Bank loan 5 5
126 138
Long-term liabilities
Bank loan 20 25
Provision* 20 –
11 Knits 54 mins
Knits Co is a small company which manufactures and sells high quality knitwear. Its customers are mainly
fashion boutiques.
Knits Co has two directors, one who is non-executive and the other who is involved in the day-to-day
administration of the company. There are ten other employees. Six of these work in the factory, one works
in the warehouse, one is a sales representative and two are accounts staff. The accounts staff consist of
Miss Jones, who is responsible for processing sales and receivables, and Mrs Singh, who is the
purchases and wages clerk. Mrs Singh works part-time, five mornings a week.
The company’s sales representative visits shops throughout the region. He takes orders from customers
which he records on a pre-numbered two-part order form. He passes the completed forms to the accounts
department. Miss Jones files one copy of the order form in numerical sequence and passes the other to
the warehouse.
The completed order is despatched from the warehouse by carrier, accompanied by one copy of a
despatch note. The other copy is sent to Miss Jones, who prepares an invoice based on the information it
contains and on the company’s price list. She sends one copy of the invoice to the customer, and a
second copy of the invoice is retained.
Each Friday, Miss Jones inputs the week’s invoices to the computerised sales ledger. She then files the
invoices alphabetically by customer name. Despatch notes are not retained because filing space is limited.
Miss Jones opens the post daily and lists remittances received from credit customers. Every Friday, she
inputs the information listed to the sales ledger. Cheques received are banked daily by the executive
Miss Jones reviews the sales ledger balances every month and writes to customers who have not paid
within 90 days of receiving goods. The sales ledger is printed out annually for year-end purposes.
Otherwise no hard copy is printed and Miss Jones reviews the sales ledger on the computer screen.
The company’s computer package includes the facility to produce a sales day book and sales ledger
control account. These are not used because Miss Jones considers that the low volume of transactions
(10-15 invoices per week) makes them unnecessary.
(a) Explain the particular issues relating to controls which would affect the audit of a small company
such as Knits. (4 marks)
(b) List six control objectives of a sales system. (6 marks)
(c) State, with reasons, what you consider to be the potential deficiencies in Knits Co’s present system
of accounting for sales and receivables. (10 marks)
(d) List and explain the controls that a small firm such as Knits Co could feasibly adopt to overcome
the deficiencies you have identified. (10 marks)
(Total = 30 marks)
(Note: You are not required to consider the system for dealing with returns and credit notes.)
15 Elsams 36 mins
You are the auditor of Elsams Co which operates a chain of retail shops throughout the country selling
a wide range of electrical goods. Each branch has computerised cash registers linked into the central
computerised sales, receivables and inventory records. At the point of sale, the information keyed in
includes the following: branch reference, product number, inventory location, unit selling price, date of
The file of inventory records is updated daily for sales and receipts. It contains both cost (on a FIFO basis)
and selling price information. The only regular printed output is sales summaries analysed by value,
product and branch.
(a) Explain the ways in which you, as the auditor of Elsams Co, could use computer programs to assist
in the verification of inventory at the year-end, and indicate their limitations. (8 marks)
(b) Without particular reference to Elsams Co, describe the objectives and principles of using test data
and comment on the areas where it can be of most use in an audit, and on the difficulties of this
technique. (5 marks)
(c) Describe the following different methods of sample selection:
(i) Random selection
(ii) Systematic selection
(iii) Haphazard selection
(iv) Block selection (7 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
21 Understatement 54 mins
Research into the distribution of errors in accounts has shown that for most items on the statement of
financial position the errors are normally distributed. However, with payables the distribution is skewed,
and there is a greater risk that payables will be understated than overstated. Understatement of payables
will lead to overstatement of profit, so auditors must design their tests to ensure that payables are not
You have been asked by the manager in charge of the audit of Heanor Wholesale Co to verify trade
payables and accruals at the company's year-end of 30 April 20X2. The company maintains its purchase
ledger on a microcomputer, using a standard purchase ledger accounting package. Purchase invoices are
posted to the purchase ledger after they have been checked to the delivery note and the purchase order
and have been authorised by either the financial director or the managing director.
The purchase ledger can show for each purchase ledger account:
(a) The unpaid invoices and credit notes
(b) An ageing of the balance into current month, one month, two months and three or more months
(c) The total balance on the account
Also, the system is able to provide the total of the balances of all the accounts on the purchase ledger.
Your audit of the purchases system has revealed that the system for recording receipt of goods is
relatively weak. The company does not use goods received notes, but the supplier's delivery note should
be dated by the goods received department when the goods are received. Your audit tests have revealed
22 'Tap!' 36 mins
You are an audit assistant in the firm Rogers and Smith. You have been asked to plan the audit of 'Tap!'
for the year ended 30 June 20X4. It is the first time your audit firm has audited the charity, which has not
been audited previously. The trustees have expressed interest in receiving a 'value added' audit and are
particularly interested in business advice, especially in the area of systems controls.
'Tap!' is a registered charity that raises money for projects building wells in Africa through musical
entertainment. The group consists of volunteers who travel around the country, putting on variety shows
of music and dance, the proceeds of which are put towards building the wells. The main show is a tap
dance production, acting out the difficulties many people face when they are not near a clean water supply.
The administrative offices of 'Tap!' are located in a large provincial town. It owns a house, donated by
legacy in the past, where the administration is carried out and where the volunteers stay during off
A large proportion of 'Tap!'s income comes from box office receipts which are taken by the theatre at
which they are performing. The theatres usually waive their standard terms for use of the premises and
merely take a 10% commission on ticket receipts to cover light and heat and other such expenses. Income
usually comes in after every booking in the form of a lump sum cheque from the theatre, together with a
break down of takings and commission.
A large proportion of 'Tap!'s income comes from box office receipts which
are taken by the theatre at which they are performing. The theatres usually
waive their standard terms for use of the premises and merely take a 10% How
Cash income – risky commission on ticket receipts to cover light and heat and other such accounted?
expenses. Income usually comes in after every booking in the form of a
lump sum cheque from the theatre, together with a break down of takings
and commission. Trust for
Again cash. Also, poor in
future years for analytical
evidence. Lack of good 'Tap!' also receive donations towards the work. These come from a variety
evidence available. of sources:
Again cash. Also, what are the controls
here? Completeness may be a problem.
x Cash donations from buckets passed around at the interval of each
x Cash donations on the (rare) occasion that the team does street
x Cash donations made over the phone or by post by interested
The troupe consists largely of volunteers so they are only paid expenses for
No salaries Expenditure
their work. The cost of housing the group while they are on the road is
issues again.
borne by the charity. The charity employs an administrator who organises
(a) Discuss the risks arising for the audit of the year ending 30 June
20X4. (8 marks)
Note you are looking
specifically for audit risks. You must tailor your answer to the
(b) State the audit procedures you would undertake in respect of cash
income in the financial statements. (6 marks)
Only cash income!!
(c) List some controls over cash which the charity should implement. (6 marks)
Inherent Control
risk Charity audit
Completeness No accountant
of income
Shareholders' funds
Share capital 17 17 17 17 17
Reserves 116 107 47 52 18
133 124 64 69 35
Total liabilities and shareholders' funds 247 534 1,028 1,220 1,400
The company has been in business for about fifteen years. In January 20X3 it decided to build a new
factory on a site leased from the local authority which would allow a major increase in sales. This new
factory with new equipment was completed a year later. The factory was financed by a non-current loan of
$300,000 from a merchant bank and an increase in the bank overdraft.
The loan from the merchant bank is secured by a fixed charge on the leasehold factory and the bank
overdraft is secured by a second charge on the leasehold factory, a fixed charge on the other non-current
assets and a floating charge on the current assets.
The company purchases its main raw material, wood, from timber wholesalers. It sells around 75% of its
production to about 12 local and national builders of new domestic houses. The remaining sales are
mainly to smaller builders with a very few sales to local builders merchants.
(a) In relation to the financial statements above, list and briefly describe the factors which indicate that
the company may not be a going concern. You should also highlight certain figures and calculate
relevant ratios in the accounts. (13 marks)
(Note. You will only be given credit for going concern problems which can be determined from the
accounts above.)
(b) Describe the investigations and tests you would carry out, in addition to those described in part (a)
above, to determine whether the company is a going concern. (7 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
The external audit is a legal Assurance work is voluntary for Internal audit departments are
requirement for limited liability companies. Management can not a legal requirement, though
companies above a certain size. employ the external auditor to the Combined Code on Corporate
Partnerships and sole traders do report on any specific areas. Governance recommends them
not normally need to have any Directors may employ the as best practice for listed
audit, though some may opt to external auditor when they feel a companies in the UK and other
do so to give independent specific investigation or some countries are following this
credibility to their financial specific work needs to be done, model.
statements. e.g. in support of an insurance
claim or loan application.
In an external audit the auditor The scope of assurance work is Internal auditors are employees
gives an independent opinion on determined by management. of the company. They report on
whether the financial statements the internal controls, identifying
are true and fair. Implied problems and suggesting
opinions may also be given on improvements. They may also
issues such as whether the report on the effectiveness of
financial statements agree with efficiency of operations.
the underlying records and all
information and explanations
which are relevant to the audit
have been received.
External audits are performed Assurance work is a one-off Internal auditors are full-time
annually, and the auditor is paid specific assignment; fees are employees, and as such there are
based on hours worked. The normally agreed with ongoing costs involved with
audit fee is normally disclosed in management and based on hours setting up an internal audit
a set of financial statements. worked. department.
The auditor’s report is a formal Reports are tailored to the scope Reports are prepared for
report with standard wording, of work, and addressed to management. There is no
prepared for shareholders. An management. guidance governing the wording
unqualified auditor’s report of reports, though companies
indicates that the auditor believes may have their own internal
the financial statements are true guidelines.
and fair.
Work and procedures are The International Framework for There are no International
governed by International Assurance Engagements Standards on Auditing to govern
Standards on Auditing, produced provides guidance on the nature internal audit work.
by the International Auditing and of assurance engagements. ISAE
Assurance Standards Board of 3000 Assurance Engagements
IFAC. Compliance with these provides standards for assurance
Standards is a good defence engagements other than audits
should the auditor end up in or reviews of historical financial
court. information. Auditors are
expected to comply with this
standard for both reasonable and
limited assurance engagements.
3 Standards
The major advantages and disadvantages of auditing standards can be summarised as follows.
They give a framework for all audits around which a particular audit can be developed.
They help to standardise the approach of all auditors to the common objective of producing an opinion.
They assist the court in interpretation of the concept of 'due professional care' and may assist auditors
when defending their work.
They increase public awareness of what an audit comprises and the work behind the production of an
audit report.
They provide support for auditors in potential disputes with clients regarding the audit work necessary.
It may appear that they impinge on, rather than assist, professional judgement.
They are considered by some to stifle initiative and developments of new auditing methods.
They may create additional and unnecessary work and thus raise fees, particularly in the audit of small
4 Corporate governance
(a) Improving the effectiveness of audit
x Increasing assurance from stronger corporate governance and internal controls
x Providing an opportunity to discuss the terms and scope of external audit in an impartial
x Strengthening the ability of the external auditor to request changes in control systems
x Ensuring that there is minimal duplication of work where internal auditors are involved, by
discussing the audit plan with the external auditors via the audit committee
x Ensuring that directors' statements on internal control as required by Cadbury are reviewed
by the audit committee
x Reviewing going concern issues and ensuring that appropriate disclosures are made
x Acting as a forum for resolving problems between the directors and the external auditors
x Resolving difficulties over the availability of information and key client personnel
x Reviewing draft financial statements before presentation to the auditors and the executive
(b) Independence of audit committees
x The members should be independent and declare any interests in the company.
x Non-executive directors often sit on several boards, so conflicts of interest can easily arise.
x Salaries are paid by the company so financial independence can be compromised.
x Members of the audit committee tend to have other roles at the client, eg personnel. They
act in several capacities and independence may be impaired.
x Members may have had previous involvement in executive positions and could have share
options or pension schemes, again compromising independence.
(c) Statutory regulation
Statutory regulation could impose additional costs and regulatory burdens, which might not justify
the end in all cases and could sometimes be detrimental to shareholders.
However, an argument in favour of statutory regulation is that voluntary codes of practice may not
be applied consistently by companies. Another is that the non-executive audit committee may not
feel able to criticise management unless they have statutory backing.
Shareholders do not readily understand the role of the audit committee. If it was appointed by
statute and governed this role might be better understood, but this is not necessarily the case.
There is no evidence that shareholders understand legal regulations any better than voluntary ones
in many cases. It is difficult to arrive at a 'model' audit committee suitable for all entities, as would
be required if statutory regulation were introduced. Companies are unique and have unique
A statutory monitoring report upon the audit committee would be required. This would further
increase costs for the company. It would be very difficult to set standards for non-executive
directors on audit committees.
6 Objectivity
(a) Objectivity
Objectivity is defined by the ACCA as being 'a state of mind which has regard to all considerations
relevant to the task in hand but no other. It pre-supposes intellectual honesty.'
(i) External auditors. Objectivity is usually hallmarked by 'independence' in the case of external
auditors. The auditor must be, and be seen to be, independent. ACCA provides a number of
guidelines as to how an auditor should maintain his independence.
(ii) Internal auditors. Internal auditors are usually employees of the people they report to, so
independence is a more difficult issue to understand here. However, it is vital that they
maintain objectivity towards their tasks within a company, so they must avoid conflicts of
interest and maintain integrity in their relationships with other staff members.
8 Glo
(a) Materiality
It is never appropriate to apply the prior year's materiality figure to the current year figures.
Materiality should be assessed in each year.
If the financial position has not changed much, and the results are very comparable with the prior
year, it is possible that the materiality assessed year-on-year is very similar, but this does not mean
that the auditors should not assess it for each audit. When assessing materiality, the auditor must
consider all known factors at the current date. In this case, the position has changed
considerably, increasing the risk of the audit, which may lower materiality itself.
As the position on the statement of financial position has changed considerably, when materiality
is assessed, it is unlikely that it will be similar to the prior year. Using the information available,
materiality is likely to be assessed extremely low in monetary terms, due to the overall decrease
in assets and the loss that appears to have been made in the year. It is also possible that given the
current position, the figures on the statement of financial position will not be used to assess
materiality in this year.
(b) Audit risk
Audit risk is the risk that the auditor will give an inappropriate opinion on financial statements. It is
made up of three different elements of risk:
x Inherent risk: the risks arising naturally in the business and specific accounts/transactions
x Control risk: the risk that the accounting system will fail to detect and prevent errors
x Detection risk: the risk that the auditors will not detect material misstatements
Detection risk comprises sampling risk (the risk that the auditors' conclusion drawn from a sample
is different to what it would have been, had the whole population been tested) and non-sampling
risk (the risk that auditors may use inappropriate procedures or misinterpret evidence).
11 Knits
(a) The audit of a small company such as Knits poses particular problems for an auditor because of
the following reasons:
x A single individual/small number of individuals running the business
x Lack of segregation of staff
x Few internal controls in place
x Informal controls that can be overridden by management
Knits has two directors, one who is involved in the everyday running of the company. This means
that internal controls can be overridden easily and may not be in place in any case. Although the
other director is a non-executive, this individual may not feel confident in discussing any control
issues, particularly if the director running the business is a strong individual.
It can also be seen that in the accounts department, there are only two members of staff so
segregation of duties may not be possible – this also can result in fraud being easy to perpetrate.
In terms of the audit, this may mean that the auditor cannot rely on the internal controls in place,
so would undertake a fully substantive audit consisting of tests of detail and analytical procedures.
(b) Control objectives of a sales system
– Goods and services ate only supplied to customers with good credit ratings.
– Customers are encouraged to pay promptly.
– Orders are recorded correctly.
– Orders are fulfilled.
– All dispatches are recorded.
– All goods and services sold are correctly invoiced.
– All invoices raised relate to goods and services supplied by the business.
– Credit notes are only issued for valid reasons.
– All sales that have been invoiced are recorded in the accounting system.
12 Fenton Distributors
(a) Control objectives
Sales system
– Goods and services ate only supplied to customers with good credit ratings.
– Customers are encouraged to pay promptly.
– Orders are recorded correctly.
– Orders are fulfilled.
– All dispatches are recorded.
– All goods and services sold are correctly invoiced.
– All invoices raised relate to goods and services supplied by the business.
– Credit notes are only issued for valid reasons.
– All sales that have been invoiced are recorded in the accounting system.
– All entries in the sales ledger are made to the correct accounts.
– Potentially doubtful debts have been identified.
Purchases system
– All orders for goods and services are properly authorised and are for goods and services
that are actually received and are for the company.
– Orders are only made to authorised suppliers and at competitive prices.
– Goods and services are only accepted if they have been ordered and the order has been
– All goods and services received are accurately recorded.
– Liabilities are recorded for all goods and services that have been received.
– All credit notes received are recorded in the nominal and purchase ledger.
(Note. Only three were required for each.)
(b) (i) To verify the accuracy of the purchases transactions posted to the nominal ledger I would
perform the following tests.
x I would verify that the bookkeeper was up to date with the monthly posting of all
purchases transactions to the nominal ledger.
x Specific tests on purchase transactions will include the following.
(1) Purchase transactions will be traced from the invoice to the nominal ledger
and the analysis and analysis code will be checked.
(2) The total invoice value will be traced to the nominal ledger.
(3) The category of invoice expense and the expense amount will be examined to
confirm that it appears correctly on the detailed computer list for the month
Dear Mr Black
You recently requested that we should advise you on good internal controls over cheque payments
and petty cash.
The main objectives of control over payments are to ensure that payments are made only in respect
of valid transactions and that they are suitably authorised. The following control procedures will
contribute toward attaining these objectives.
Cheque payments
(i) Cheques should be raised only on the basis of authorisation, for example a purchase invoice
which has been suitably authorised.
(ii) Cheques should be signed by people other than those who approve invoices.
15 Elsams
(a) Use of computer programs to verify inventory
If physical inventory counting takes place at the year-end, it may be assumed that the results of the
physical inventory count are entered into, and valued by, the computer. If so, then it is important to
compare the results of the physical count with the book quantities. The client may have a computer
program to make this comparison. It would be possible for the auditor to check this comparison by
re-performance using his own specially written computer audit program or a computer audit
package. The auditor’s computer audit program or package, when run against the file of book
inventory, might also be used to carry out the following tasks.
x Select a monetary unit or random sample of book inventory items for the auditor to check
the physical count quantities.
x Select items with specific characteristics, e.g. no sale since a specific date, unit selling price
over a specified figure for further testing (test counts or obsolescence enquiries).
x Prepare an aged analysis of inventory items.
x Re-perform calculation of the FIFO cost of each inventory item, compare with the book
inventory figure and print details if there is a discrepancy.
x Cast the file of book inventory and print the total.
x Print details (product number, supplier, quantity, cost, date of supply) for a sample of
recent inventory receipts contained on the file of book inventory for substantiation against
suppliers’ invoices.
x Prepare summaries of inventory by branch, product number and location to assist in
analytical procedures on the inventory figure, especially when comparing with previous
x Compare the unit FIFO cost of each inventory item with the unit selling price and print
details of all inventory items where unit selling price is the lower to assist in evaluating net
realisable value.
Computer audit programs specific to the client are expensive to write. Computer audit packages
which are tailored to the client’s computer and file structure are less expensive. However, packages
are often only compatible with certain makes of computer. The audit software can work only with
the information contained in the computer files. For example, an inventory ageing cannot be
produced if the dates of inventory movements are not available. Clearly audit software cannot
perform audit tests where an element of judgment is involved. For example, it can produce an
inventory ageing analysis but the auditor must decide, on the basis of all available evidence, what
level of obsolescence provision is reasonable. Audit software requires the auditor to have a detailed
knowledge of the software and of the computer files to be used.
(b) Test data
Audit test data consists of data submitted by the auditor for processing by the enterprise’s
computer-based accounting system. It may be processed during a normal production run (live test
data) or during a special run separate from the normal cycle (dead test data). The auditor predicts
16 Boston Manufacturing
(a) Risk in the tangible non-current asset audit
Control risk
The controls over non-current assets at Boston Manufacturing appear to be strong. The company
maintains and reconciles a non-current asset register and there are authorisation procedures in
operation. These controls should be tested, and if they prove effective, control risk could be
assessed low.
Inherent risk
The tangible non-current assets are material on the basis of the proposed materiality level. There
has been a substantial movement on the plant and equipment account this year, but this appears to
be supported by the information given by the management accountant. There appear to be no
disposals in the year, which may indicate that they have been omitted, or that obsolete items are
included in the register. It is also unclear whether land is being depreciated. It would be
inappropriate if it was being depreciated. Overall, the inherent risk seems to be medium.
Detection risk
Given that inherent risk has been assessed as moderate and control risk has been assessed as low,
detection risk will be assessed as higher. However, there is usually good evidence in relation to the
existence and valuation of non-current assets and these are the key assertions which the auditors
17 Wandsworth Wholesalers
(a) I would have checked the following matters at the pre-year end inventory count.
(i) Counting staff, although not the usual custodians of the inventory, were competent. They
were briefed before the count and given sufficiently detailed written instructions. They were
assigned marked areas to count.
(ii) No inventory was moved during the count. If inventory had to be moved, then the count
supervisor would make a detailed note of quantities, inventory numbers and goods
dispatched notes.
(iii) The inventory was clearly identified and well laid out. The counters should work in an
organised way, with one counting and one checking. Each inventory line or area should be
marked or tagged when counted to avoid any double counting.
(iv) Count sheets should be pre-numbered if possible, to ensure that they are all returned.
Numbers should be in ink, not pencil.
(v) Management (or internal audit) should perform test counts throughout the inventory count.
Any discrepancies should be investigated and resolved, usually by a recount.
(vi) Slow moving, obsolete and damaged inventory should be marked as such on the inventory
count sheets in as much detail as possible to highlight inventory which possibly should be
valued at net realisable value.
18 Sitting Pretty
(a) Importance of the inventory count
The inventory count provides important audit evidence as to the existence and completeness of
inventory included in the financial statements.
In this case, the inventory count is particularly important because the company does not maintain
perpetual inventory records. As no perpetual records are maintained, the only basis for the
inventory entries in the financial statements is the result of this inventory count.
Inventory is generally material to the statement of financial position of a manufacturing company
and is also one of the higher risk areas on the statement of financial position. The inventory count
provides important audit evidence reducing the risk of material misstatement in relation to
(b) Planning for attendance
Gain knowledge: I must review the notes of last year's inventory count and I must contact the
factory manager to obtain details of this year's. I must review this year's details to ensure that the
inventory count appears to be planned efficiently and effectively.
Assess key factors: There are various key factors given in the scenario:
(i) Nature and volume of the inventory. There should be no WIP, so I will count raw materials
(approximately 10% of the inventory) and finished goods. However, raw material plastic
should be low because a delivery is required to continue with production.
(ii) Possible obsolescence. I must make a note of the number of old chair legs maintained in
raw materials as these are now obsolete, a new specification having been agreed.
(iii) Cut-off issues. I need to ensure that the delivery on the day is isolated and that I obtain
details of the delivery made during the inventory count. I need to determine whether this
should be included as deliveries for the year, but most of all ensure that it does not get
counted twice (as it arrives, and if it is put into stores). I should also obtain copies of the
relevant documents, for example, the last invoices in the year and the last goods received
and despatched notes.
(iv) Off-cuts. I need to consider whether any off-cuts are maintained on site and whether these
are being included in the inventory count. As the company receives a discount relating to
them, they are unlikely to be considered Sitting Pretty's legally and so should not be
(v) Staff issues. It appears that the inventory count is undertaken by the people who work in
the factory and handle the inventory on a daily basis. This is not best practice, although in
practical terms it is difficult to avoid. However, I should discuss this with the factory
19 Bright Sparks
(a) Conclusions to be drawn as a result of the interim audit
The following weaknesses exist in the company's systems.
(i) In any system of internal control, one person should not be able to process a whole
transaction from start to finish:
(1) Authorisation
(2) Execution
(3) Recording
The most serious deficiency in the company's system is that warehousemen can:
(1) Sell goods
(2) Receive cash from cash sales
(3) Raise sales invoices for credit sales
(4) Raise credit notes
Moreover, there appears to be no procedures in place for checking any of their work. Since
the accounting records are written up on the evidence of these invoices and credit notes,
any errors made by the warehousemen will be carried into the records. It may also be the
case that the issue of credit notes is not authorised by a senior member of staff.
Possible consequences
(1) Errors on invoices may not be detected except by customers
(2) Risk of unauthorised or fraudulent invoices or credit notes being raised without
(3) Risk of goods leaving the premises without being invoiced, whether through error or
fraud (this is particularly dangerous in a business such as this, with a variety of
high-value items)
(4) Time wasted by needless disagreements with customers about amounts owing
(ii) There appears to be a weakness in the recording of cash received by the company. The
dates recorded in the books are presumably the dates when the entries were written up. If
so, there is clearly an excessive delay in recording cash received, and possibly also in
banking it. There may also be no record of cash received made when incoming mail is
Possible consequences
(1) Errors and defalcations can arise where a cash received system is weak.
(2) The longer the gap between receipt and recording, the more likely it is that
discrepancies can occur.
(3) Specific possibilities:
x Falsification of records leading to misappropriation of cash (teeming and
21 Understatement
(a) (i) It is more likely that payables will be understated than overstated because of the nature of
the evidence available to indicate that liabilities exist.
It is relatively simple to ensure whether a recorded liability has been correctly accrued at the
year-end. However it is more difficult to identify liabilities which have been omitted from
(ii) The auditor's difficulty in ensuring that payables are not understated arise precisely because
of the circumstances described above. The auditor can test accrued invoices to ensure that
they are a valid liability of the company at the year-end date. However, identifying liabilities
which have been omitted at the year-end presents a more difficult problem. As there may be
no direct evidence of the liability (say an invoice) understatement may have to be identified
using indirect evidence for example unmatched pre-year end goods received notes, post-
year end cash book entries.
(b) Audit work to verify trade payables and purchase accruals would be as follows.
(i) Purchases cut-off
As goods received notes are not used the normal procedures for auditing cut-off will need
to be adapted.
(1) Examine purchase invoices on either side of the year-end to dated suppliers delivery
note to ensure invoices have been correctly accrued. (Where the goods received
22 'Tap!'
(a) Audit risks
There is a higher audit risk associated with a charity as in the event of problems arising and
litigation taking place, the audit firm could experience a significant amount of bad publicity.
Inherent risks
(i) Cash. The charity operates with a high number of cash and cheque transactions. A
substantial part of their income comes from cash donations. Put another way, it is likely
that very little of their income comes from direct bank transfers. Also, it is likely that many
of the expenses which 'Tap!' incurs are also cash expenses. Cash is risky for audit
purposes because it is susceptible to loss, miscounting or misappropriation.
(ii) Charity. The theatre company is a charity, and is therefore subject to a high degree of
regulation. This raises the risk for our audit.
(iii) Accounting specialist. The charity employs an administrator, but there is no mention of an
accountant. It is unclear who is going to draft the charity accounts (which must comply
with specialist requirements) but it does not appear that a specialist exists to undertake this
job. This increases the risk of errors existing in the accounts.
(iv) Completeness of income. As the charity appears to have no control over the primary
collection of income from box office receipts, there is a significant risk that income is
understated and that the theatres have not accounted properly to the theatre.
(v) Disclosure of income. The disclosure of income must be considered. It is unlikely to be
appropriate to show the 'net income from theatres' figure. Rather, the gross income less
commission should probably be disclosed.
(vi) Expenditure. The charity expenses may be well-recorded, or they may be difficult to
substantiate – this is not clear. It may also be difficult to substantiate payments made to
build wells in Africa. We currently have no knowledge about how that aspect of the charity
operates. It will be important to check that expenditure is made in accordance with the trust
deed. Some essential administrative expense will not necessarily be conducive to the aims
of the charity. We must ensure that it is all analysed correctly.
There currently appear to be no controls over cash in the charity.
This is a first year audit, so there is little knowledge of the business at present. It is also the first
ever audit of the charity, so the comparatives are unaudited. We must make this clear in our
report, and we will need to undertake more detailed work on the opening balances. As the charity
is to a large degree peripatetic, we may find audit evidence difficult to obtain, if it has not been
properly returned to the administrative offices.
This appears to be a high risk first year audit. It is likely to result in a modified audit opinion.
(b) Audit procedures
Income from box office takings
Income from box office takings can be verified to the statement from the theatre and the bank
statements to ensure that it is complete. The commission can be agreed by recalculation.
(a) The various factors in the accounts which may be indicative of going concern problems are as
(i) Only losses or low profits are being made and the company is not generating sufficient
funds to finance the expansion required
(ii) There has been a dramatic increase in the level of overdraft over the last year and there
seems little prospect of the borrowing being reduced and the security is threatened.
(iii) There are signs of overtrading as the expansion has been financed by borrowings and the
increase in current assets is being financed by trade accounts payable.
(iv) The leverage is low and decreasing, with very little security being available for the loans.
(v) There is a low current ratio and short-term funds are being used to finance long-term
(vi) The liquidity ratio is low and decreasing and the company's ability to meet its liabilities on
demand must be very questionable.
(vii) Inventory levels are increasing, suggesting that one or more of the following problems may
exist: deteriorating sales, poor inventory control, obsolete or slow-moving inventories.
(viii) The value and age of trade accounts payable are increasing: some suppliers must be having
to wait a considerable time before being paid and it can only be a matter of time before
pressure is put on the company by one or more of its creditors.
(ix) High and increasing interest charges make the company very vulnerable, especially in a
period of recession and high interest rates.
(x) The fluctuating gross profit would suggest that the company's profit margins are under
pressure. The present level of gross profit does not seem sufficient given the company's
high level of expenses.
26 Builders Merchants
(a) This represents a potential material limitation on scope because the 'missing' inventory represents
12% of the total. The auditor would expect all inventory counting sheets to be available. The
auditor’s opinion would be modified.
The auditor’s report would include a basis of qualified opinion paragraph before the opinion
paragraph which would refer to the fact that the inventory counting sheets for this depot were lost.
The qualified opinion paragraph would state that "except for" adjustments that may have been
necessary in relation to this inventory, the financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects (or give a true and fair view).
The auditor’s report would also state that in relation to inventory quantities:
– All information and explanations considered necessary were not obtained; and
– The auditor was unable to determine whether proper accounting records were kept.
(b) This represents a material misstatement. The debt represents 8% of the total receivables balance
and 45% of the profit for the year.
The auditor’s opinion would be qualified.
The basis of qualified opinion paragraph would refer to the fact that the customer is in liquidation
and there is little prospect of payment. It would also state that net assets and profits are overstated
by $45,000.
The qualified opinion paragraph would state that "except for" the absence of this allowance the
financial statements present fairly, in all material respects (or give a true and fair view).
(c) As the client is listed, its financial statements should include a statement of cash flows.
The auditor’s opinion should therefore be qualified as the financial statements are materially
misstated. This disagreement is not pervasive to the financial statements, it is limited to the
statement of cash flows, so this would be a qualified opinion.
The basis of qualified opinion paragraph will refer to the fact that the financial statements do not
contain a statement of cash flows and include the figures required, and the qualified opinion
paragraph will state that the financial statements give a true and fair view and have been properly
prepared in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework except for the omission of
a statement of cash flows.
(d) The auditors need to determine whether the legal claim is a material matter and even whether it is
pervasive to the financial statements as a whole. For example, if the customer involved is a major
customer, it could be that an adverse outcome could affect the going concern basis of the
It appears that the disclosure in the financial statements is adequate and there appears to be no
basis on which to make a provision in the financial statements. However, the auditor’s report will
be affected by the fact that there is an uncertainty affecting the business. The auditor will have to
decide whether the inherent uncertainty is fundamental to users’ understanding. If so, the auditor’s
report should include an emphasis of matter paragraph beneath the opinion paragraph with details
of this matter. It should also state that the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements is not
modified in relation to this matter.
Note. Key Terms and their references are given in bold.
Clarity project, 31
Accepting appointment, 61 Close business relationships, 53
Accountability, 5, 6, 7 Code of ethics and conduct, 50
Accounting estimate, 200 Combined Code, 38, 39, 42, 77
Accounts payable, 269 Comparative financial statements, 327
Adjusting events, 297 Comparative information, 326, 327
Adverse opinion, 317, 318
Comparatives, 327
Advocacy, 52, 59
Compilation engagement, 12
Agents, 7
Compliance with International Financial
Agreed-upon procedures, 12 Reporting Standards, 324
Analytical procedures, 101, 102, 107, 134, 193,
Computer-assisted audit techniques, 150, 205
195, 305
Confidentiality, 51
Analytical review, 250
Confirmation, 134
Anomalous error, 203
Confirmation of receivables, 247
Anomaly, 203 Confirmation of trade payables, 271
APB's Ethical Standards, 61 Conflict of interest, 60
Application controls, 152, 153 Constructive obligation, 275
Appointment decision chart, 63 Contingent asset, 275
Appointment ethics, 62 Contingent fees, 55
Appointment of auditors, 21
Contingent liability, 275
Appropriateness, 131
Control activities, 145
Assurance, 5, 12
Control environment, 143
Assurance engagement, 4, 8
Control risk, 96
Audit, 4, 8
Corporate finance, 58
Audit committee, 41
Corporate governance, 36, 77
Audit documentation, 121
Corresponding figures, 327
Audit evidence, 130, 131
Cost, 227
Audit exemption, 19
Cost of conversion, 227
Audit plan, 118, 120
Current audit files, 123
Audit planning, 118
Custom audit software, 206
Audit procedures, 133
Audit report, 18, 211, 314, 323
Audit risk, 96, 97 Deficiency in internal control, 150
Audit risk model, 96 Detection risk, 96, 97
Audit sampling, 201, 202 Directional testing, 194
Audit software, 206 Disclaimer of opinion, 317, 318
Audit strategy, 118, 119 Dividends, 278
Auditor’s expert, 207 Documentation of risk assessment, 113
Auditor's point estimate, 200
Auditor's range, 200
Authority attached to ISAs and other
E-business, 103
Eligibility to act as an auditor, 26
pronouncements, 28
Emphasis of matter, 315, 317, 323, 324
Emphasis of matter paragraph, 323
Bank letter, 259 Enforcement mechanisms, 61
Best value, 83 Engagement letter, 66
Block selection, 203 Estimation uncertainty, 200
Business risk, 79, 98 Exception, 249
Expectations gap, 329
Expert, 207
Cash, 262 External audit, 4
Cash and bank cut-off, 260
External confirmations, 247
Cash count, 263
Cash system, 170
Index 395
Internal auditors, 9, 40
Fair, 11 Internal control, 143
Familiarity, 52, 59 Internal control effectiveness, 43
Family and personal relationships, 54 Internal Control Evaluation Questionnaires, 149
Fee dependence, 56 Internal control in small companies, 146
Fee negotiation, 62 Internal Control Questionnaires, 149
Final audit, 120 International Auditing and Assurance Standards
Financial audit, 83 Board, 27
Financial interest, 53 International Federation of Accountants (IFAC),
Financial statement assertions, 132 25
Fraud, 79, 108 International Standards on Auditing, 27
Fraud risk factors, 108 Intimidation, 52, 60
Fraudulent financial reporting, 108 Inventory count, 229
Fundamental principles of professional ethics, Inventory cut-off, 234
50 Inventory held by third parties, 232
Inventory system, 168
G eneral IT controls, 152 Inventory valuation, 235
Generalised audit software, 206 ISA 200 Objective and general principles
Gifts and hospitality, 55 governing an audit of financial statements, 95
Going concern, 299 ISA 210 Agreeing the terms of audit
engagements, 66
Going concern assumption, 299
ISA 230 Audit documentation, 121
ISA 240 The auditor’s responsibilities relating to
Haphazard selection, 203 fraud in an audit of financial statements, 109
Human resources, 85 ISA 250 Consideration of laws and regulations
in an audit of financial statements, 111
ISA 260 Communication with those charged
IAPS 1000 Inter-bank confirmation procedures, with governance, 44
259 ISA 265 Communicating deficiencies in internal
IAPS 1013 Electronic commerce – effect on the control to those charged with governance and
audit of financial statements, 103 management, 150, 329
IAPS 1014 Reporting by auditors on compliance ISA 300 Planning an audit of financial
with International Financial Reporting statements, 118
Standards, 324 ISA 315 Identifying and assessing the risks of
IAS 10 Events after the reporting period, 297 material misstatement through understanding
IAS 2 Inventories, 227 the entity and its environment, 100, 143
IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and ISA 320 Materiality in planning and performing
contingent assets, 276 an audit, 98, 307
Inconsistency, 325 ISA 330 The auditor’s responses to assessed
Independence, 52 risks, 106, 120
Information system, 144 ISA 402 Audit considerations relating to entities
Information system relevant to financial using service organisations, 210
reporting, 144 ISA 450 Evaluation of misstatements identified
Information technology, 83 during the audit, 307
Inherent risk, 96 ISA 500 Audit evidence, 131
Initial audit engagement, 326 ISA 501 Audit evidence - additional
Initial communication, 64 considerations for specific items, 276
Inquiry, 134 ISA 501 Audit evidence – additional
Inspection, 102, 134 considerations for specific items, 229
Intangible non-current assets, 222 ISA 501 Audit evidence – specific considerations
Integrity, 50, 52 for selected items, 229, 276
Intended users, 8 ISA 505 External confirmations, 247, 259
Interim audit, 120 ISA 510 Initial audit engagements – opening
Internal audit, 62, 208, 210 balances, 326
Internal audit assignments, 81 ISA 520 Analytical procedures, 195
Internal audit reports, 85 ISA 530 Audit sampling, 202
Internal auditing, 9, 77
396 Index
ISA 540 Auditing accounting estimates,
including fair value accounting estimates, and
Negative assurance, 12
related disclosures, 200 Negative confirmation request, 247
ISA 560 Subsequent events, 297 Net realisable value, 227
ISA 570 Going concern, 299 Non-adjusting events, 297
ISA 580 Written representations, 303 Non-current asset register, 217
ISA 610 Considering the work of internal Non-current liabilities, 274
auditing, 208 Non-executive directors, 41
ISA 610 Using the work of internal auditors, 208 Non-response, 249
ISA 620 Using the work of an auditor’s expert, Non-sampling risk, 202
207 Non-statistical sampling, 202
ISA 700 Forming an opinion and reporting on Non-statutory audits, 5
financial statements, 290, 314 Not-for-profit organisations, 282
ISA 700 The independent auditor’s report on a
complete set of general purpose financial
statements, 290
Objectivity, 50, 52
ISA 700 The independent auditor's report on a Obligating event, 275
complete set of general purpose financial Observation, 102, 134
statements, 314 Opening balances, 326
ISA 701 Modifications to the independent Operational audits, 84
auditor's report, 317 Opinion, 4
ISA 705 Modifications to the opinion in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
independent auditor’s report, 315, 317 Development, 37
ISA 706 Emphasis of matter paragraphs and Other information, 325
other matter paragraphs in the independent Other matter paragraphs, 323
auditor’s report, 323 Outsourcing, 86
ISA 710 Comparatives information – Overall responses, 106
corresponding figures and comparative Overall review, 305
financial statements, 327 Overdue fees, 55
ISA 720 The auditor’s responsibility in relation Overhead absorption, 236
to other information in documents containing
audited financial statements, 325 P ayroll system, 175
Performance materiality, 99
Legal obligation, 275 Permanent audit files, 123
Liability, 275 Perpetual inventory, 230
Limitations of accounting and control systems, Pervasiveness, 317
147 Population, 202
Loans and guarantees, 55 Positive confirmation request, 247
Lowballing, 56, 62 Practitioner, 8
Preconditions for an audit, 66
Preface to the International Standards on Quality
Management’s expert, 131, 207 Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance
Management's point estimate, 200 and Related Services, 28
Marketing, 84 Procurement, 84
Material inconsistencies, 325 Professional behaviour, 51
Material misstatements of fact, 326 Professional competence and due care, 51
Materiality, 11, 98, 99 Professional judgement, 95
Misappropriation of assets, 108 Professional scepticism, 95
Misstatement, 307 Provision, 275
Misstatement of fact, 325 Purchases system, 164
Modified opinions, 317
Monetary Unit Sampling, 203
Monitoring of controls, 146, 150 Qualified opinion, 317, 318
Index 397
Small entity, 19
Random selection, 203 Specimen letter on internal control, 330
Ratio analysis, 197 Stakeholders, 6, 37
Reasonable assurance, 11 Statements of recommended practice, 283
Reasonableness test, 197 Statistical sampling, 202
Recalculation, 134 Statutory audit, 4, 18
Recognised Qualifying Bodies, 24
Stewardship, 5, 6, 7
Recognised Supervisory Bodies, 24
Stratification, 202
Recognised Supervisory Body, 23
Subsequent events, 296
Recording accounting and control systems, 149
Substantive procedures, 107, 134, 193
Recurring audits, 67
Sufficiency, 131
Regulation of auditors, 23
Suppliers’ statements, 271
Regulation of internal auditors, 78
Systematic selection, 203
Removal of auditors, 22
Remuneration, 22
Reperformance, 134 Tangible non-current assets, 216
Report to management, 150 Tendering, 61
Reports to management, 329 Test data, 206
Reserves, 278 Tests of controls, 106, 134
Resignation of auditors, 22 Tests of detail, 107, 193
Responsible party, 8 Tolerable misstatement, 204
Retention of working papers, 124 Tolerable rate of deviation, 204
Revenue and capital expenditure, 179 Treasury, 84
Review, 8 Trend analysis, 197
Review engagement, 8, 9, 12 True, 11
Review reports, 85 Truth and fairness, 11
Rights and duties, 20 Turnbull, 41
Risk assessment, 144 Turnbull guidance, 79
Risk management, 43
Risk-based approach, 96
Uncorrected misstatement, 307
Unmodified opinion, 315
Sales, 250 User auditor, 210
Sales system, 160 User entity, 210
Sampling risk, 202
Sampling unit, 202
Segregation of duties, 146 Valuation, 58
Self-interest, 52, 53 Value for money, 81
Self-review, 52, 57
Sequence or block selection, 203
Service auditor, 210
Walk-through tests, 149
Working papers, 121
Service organisation, 210
Working procedures of the IAASB, 29
Share capital, 278
Written representations, 110, 303 307
Significant deficiency in internal control, 150
Significant risks, 105, 107
Small company audit exemption, 19
398 Index
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