Effects of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Voltage Sags On Induction Machines
Effects of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Voltage Sags On Induction Machines
Effects of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Voltage Sags On Induction Machines
2, APRIL 2004
Fig. 2. Machine behavior for voltage sag type A: magnitude 10%, duration
5.5 cycles (110 ms), and initial point-on-wave 45 .
Fig. 6. 3-D surfaces of instantaneous current peaks for sags types A and B. Distances to the null matrix and distance between both surfaces.
Fig. 7. Sensitivity curves of instantaneous current peaks for sags types A, B, C, D, E, and F.
However, the normalized distance proposed in the next sec- Then, the expression of the normalized distance between two
tion allows a more rigorous comparison of the severity of the surfaces and is defined in percentage as
different sags types on the machine behavior to be made.
Fig. 8. Sensitivity curves of instantaneous torque peaks for sags types A, B, C, D, E, and F.
% is the distance between the symmetrical tance to the maximum matrix %. This is
sag, type A, and the single-phase sag, type B. The row MAX why this sag produces the most severe effects.
shows the distance of each matrix to the maximum matrix. Nevertheless, there are some points where other
The normalized distance allows an interesting interpretation sags types can produce higher current peaks than type A, as is
of the numerical results. The row MAX shows when a sag type the case of point P in types C and D of Fig. 7 (
has the highest current peaks. Sag type A has the minimum dis- cycle).
• types C and D: %;
• types E and F: %;
• type A: %, where is any of the
surfaces of sags B, C, D, E, or F;
• type B: %, where is any of the sur-
faces of sags A, C, D, E, or F. • types E and F: %;
The most severe sags types are C and D, with a distance • types C and D: %;
% to the maximum • type B: %, where is any of the
matrix. The symmetrical sag has a distance surfaces of sags A, C, D, E, or F.
% to the maximum matrix. This effect can be due to the Although the order is different, this classification is identical
negative-sequence voltage influence on the torque. Point P in to that obtained for the torque peaks. The highest speed loss is
Fig. 8 cycle) is an example where the unsym- produced with the symmetrical sag, type A,
metrical sags can produce higher torque peaks than the symmet- %. The lowest case is the single-phase voltage sag, type B,
rical ones. %.
Finally, the numerical results in Table V for the distances be-
tween the speed-loss matrices lead to a classification into four A. Sensitivity Curves Using Positive-Sequence Voltage for
groups in order of severity Ordinates
• type A: %, where is any of the Another possible way to classify the different types of voltage
surfaces of sags B, C, D, E, or F; sags is by using positive-sequence voltage.
Fig. 10. Sensitivity curves of instantaneous current and torque peaks, and speed loss for sags types B, D, and F, using the positive-sequence voltage.
The Fortescue transformation (symmetrical components are identical to those represented in Figs. 7, 8, and 9 since this
transformation) allows positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence sag is symmetrical .
voltages to be calculated from real phase voltages Except for some small differences, the curves for sags types
E and F are very similar. Something similar is true of curves
for sags types B, C, and D. Nevertheless, it must be taken into
(7) account that the minimum positive-sequence voltage for sags
type B is only .
Thus, if sensitivity curves are plotted using positive-sequence
By applying the Fortescue transformation to the expressions voltage for ordinates, the study of voltage sags can be grouped
of the seven sags types (see Table I), the sequence voltages in into three typologies in order of severity: unsymmetrical types
Table VI are obtained. This table shows that the minimum pos- B, C, and D; unsymmetrical types E, F, and G; and symmetrical.
itive-sequence voltage is in sags type B, in sags
types C and D, and in sags types E and F. As has been
previously commented, it can also be observed that sags types
E and G only differ in the zero-sequence voltage, which implies The effects of the different sags types on the induction ma-
that Delta or ungrounded Wye connected loads have the same chine behavior have been studied. In a first stage, the influence
behavior, as is the case of the induction motor in this paper. of the initial voltage phase (initial point-on-wave) and the sag
Fig. 10 shows the sensitivity curves of current and torque duration have been analyzed. The most severe peaks are ob-
peaks, and speed loss for sags types B, D, and F, using posi- tained for specific initial points-on-wave and for sag durations
tive-sequence voltage for ordinates. The curves for sags type A of half a period plus any full periods. Each sag type has been
studied for 5000 different cases, of different magnitudes and du- [6] J. Lesenne, F. Notelet, and G. Seguier, Introduction a l’Electrotechnique
rations and the most severe initial point-on-wave. The results Approfondie, Technique et Documentation, Paris, France, 1981.
[7] F. Szidarovszky and S. Yakowitz, Principles and Procedures of Numer-
have been displayed in sensitivity curves. The effects of the ical Analysis. New York: Plenum, 1978, pp. 112–117.
different sags types have been compared by means of the Eu-
clidean distance between the surfaces that represent the sensi-
tivity curves. The current peaks comparison shows that sags can
be classified into three groups. With regard to the torque peaks Luis Guasch was born in Tarragona, Spain, in 1964.
and speed loss effects, these can be classed into four groups. He received the B.S. degree in industrial engineering
from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC),
Furthermore, the use of the positive-sequence voltage to clas- Barcelona, Spain. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
sify the effects of the different sags types has also been studied. degree at the UPC.
Currently, he is a Professor in the Electrical Engi-
neering Department of the Universitat Rovira i Vir-
APPENDIX gili, Tarragona, Spain, where he has been since 1990.
EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE His research interest lies in the areas of electric ma-
chines and power system quality.
The Euclidean distance between two matrices and
is [7]
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959–968, Dec. 1999. from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC),
[4] L. Guasch, F. Córcoles, and J. Pedra, “Effects of unsymmetrical voltage Barcelona, Spain, in 1979 and 1986, respectively.
sag types E, F, and G on induction motors,” in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Har- Currently, he is a Professor in the Electrical Engi-
monics Quality Power, vol. III, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2000, pp. 796–803. neering Department of the UPC, where he has been
[5] M. H. J. Bollen, “Voltage recovery after unbalanced and balanced since 1985. His research interests include the areas of
voltage dips in three-phase systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. power system quality and electrical machines.
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