Name: Muhammad Aldy Irfani NIM: 2019.c.11a.1018 Study Program: S1 Nursing Level 2A Courses: English Lecturer: Desy Natalia, S.PD., M.PD

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Name : Muhammad Aldy Irfani

NIM : 2019.C.11a.1018
Study Program : S1 Nursing Level 2A
Courses : English
Lecturer : Desy Natalia, S.Pd., M.Pd



1. This is part of an email which you have received from a friend who is ill with a dangerous
tumour. What is she thinking of doing?

He thought after hearing that there was healing in faith, he was hesitant to do the
operation, and that he supported with no change in himself after he took the medicine from
the doctor, and the doctor suggested that he do the surgery.

2. Write an email in reply. Ask questions about the faith healer. You can either encourage your
friend to see the healer, or argue against the healer and try to persuade her to have the

I want to ask, did you see him heal someone directly? ,if not do it, you better do the
operation after that you think about how after the operation, in the world of health tumors can
be cured by doing surgical removal of the tumor, so my advice you have to do the operation.

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