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Cit Programme Guide 2021

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U January, 2021




eProgramme Guide:

2021. There is no programme related change. Thus, there is no change inProgramme

Structure, Syllabus, counselling sessions, evaluation methodology etc.

© Indira Gandhi National Open University

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or
any other means, without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open

Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses can be obtained
from the University’s office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 or from its Regional
Centres spread across the length and breadth of the country.


Page No.
Message from Programme Coordinator 4
1. Basic Information 5
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Credit System 5
1.3 Student Support Services 5
1.4 Duration of the Programme 5
1.5 Medium of Instruction 6
1.6 Programme Fee 6
1.7 Study Plan 6

2. Instructional System 6
2.1 Print Material 6
2.2 Theory Counselling Sessions 6
2.3 Practical Counselling Sessions 7

3. Student Support 7
4. Programme Objectives, Structure and Contents 8
4.1 Objectives 8
4.2 Programme and course Structures 8
4.3 Course Details 9

5. Evaluation Methodology 10
5.1 Evaluation patterns 10
5.2 Guidelines for submission of Assignments 13
5.3 Term End Examination 14
6. Guidelines for CIT online Students 16
7. Useful Information 17

8. Some Useful Addresses 19

9. Link to Old Question Papers 20

10. Useful Links &Forms 21


Program Objectives-In today’s world, digital technology is becoming an integral part of our
daily life, be it using smart phones, buying plane tickets online using credit/debit cards, booking
cabs through Apps, cash withdrawal from ATM machines, searching online , posting video
online etc. Therefore , there is a need that everyone must be familiar with basic skills to use the
digital technology effectively., i.e., one should be digitally literate.. Digital Literacy may be
defined as one’s ability to search , organize , understand, evaluate, and create information using
various types of digital technologies. Posting video on line displays someone’s digital literacy’s
skill. The broad objective of CIT( Certificate in Information Technology) program is to impart
digital literacy skills covering four major topics: Computer hardware, software, multimedia and

Program Duration , Passing Criteria and Attendance Requirement: (A) Minimum

Duration: 6 months, Maximum Duration : 2 years (B) Passing Criteria : 40%. In order to
successfully complete CIT, one has to secure 40% in each academic component separately: (i)
Assignment (ii) Term End Theory examination and (iii) Term End Practical examination (C)
70% compulsory attendance is required to attend term end practical examination however
attendance to theory session is not compulsory(D) Submission of assignments is required to
appear for term end theory examinations.

Credit System and Program Structure : CIT is a certificate program of 18 credits. The term
credit defines the total workload to be taken by a distance learner. In terms of number of hours,
one credit is equivalent to 30 hours of study time which includes all academic activities:
reading self learning materials, listening to live interactive radio counseling and recorded audios,
watching the live GyanDarshan channel and recorded videos, attending counseling sessions at
study centers( theory as well as practicals) and doing the assignments.
CIT program consists of three theory courses and one practical course: (i) CIT-001:
Fundamentals of Computer Systems(4 credits)(ii) CIT-002 : Introduction to Information
Technology(4 credits) (iii) CIT-003: Web based Technologies and Multimedia Application (4
credits) and a CITL-001: Laboratory course(6 credits)

Structure of the Program Guide : Program guide is a very useful document for students
enrolled in ODL and Online Mode. It provides all the relevant information pertaining to CIT
program . You need to refer to this document very frequently, hence you need to preserve it. It is
organized in a number of sections related to basic information, instructional system, program
structure and contents and schedules and guidelines for submission of assignments

Guidelines for CIT online program- A separate section ( section 6) has been added in the
programme guide for CIT online program.

Some Useful Addresses and Links: Please refer to section 7 for useful addresses and links
related to old question papers , term end examinations and forms for issuing duplicate grade
card/marksheet, official transcript and migration certificate.

Wishing you all the best,

CIT program Coordinator

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 011-29572913


1.1 Introduction
The recent rapid availability of computers in a large range of configurations has thrown open the
need for trained manpower in the areas. Many investigations and studies have indicated an alarming
shortage of manpower in the 90s and beyond. This vacuum was filled up rapidly by proliferation of a
large number of computer training institutions. However, it was restricted to the four walls of the
classroom, and failed to quench the educational thirst of all. With a view to democratize education,
so that it covers large segments of population, vocations and professions. IGNOU stepped in to play
an active role in the development of appropriate manpower to relate to the national development

This programme aims to introduce the concept of Hardware, Software, Multimedia and Internet
technologies. Also, includes is a laboratory course where the student gets hands on experience.
1.2 Credit System
The University follows the ‘Credit System’ for its programmes. Each credit is of 30 hours of study
and comprises all learning activities. Thus, a four-credit course involves 120 study hours. This helps
the student to understand the academic effort one has to put in to successfully complete a course.
Completion of CIT programme requires successful clearing of the Assignments Term-end
Examination of each course in the programme.

1.3 Student Support Services

In order to provide individualised support to its learners the University has created a number of study
centres throughout the country. As on date, these are administratively co-ordinated by (48 Regional
Centres, 8 North-East Regional Centres and 19 Recognised Regional centres including Army, Navy,
Air force and Assam rifles).
The Study Centres are the contact points for the students on all major aspects of this programme.
These include Counselling sessions, practicals, library facilities, disseminating information and
facilities for audio-visual training aids. The Study Centres are also equipped with some useful books
on the subjects of this programme. These will be accessible to the students during their visits to the
Study Centre. The University may not always be able to send communication to all the students
individually. All the important communications are sent to the Regional The Registrars and
Coordinators of the Study Centre. The Coordinators would display a copy of such important
circulars/notifications on the notice board of the study centre for the benefit of all the students. You
are, therefore, advised to keep in touch with your Co-ordinator on a more or less regular basis so as
to get advance information about assignments, submission of examination forms, list of students
admitted to a particular examination, declaration of results, etc.

1.4 Duration of the Programme

The minimum duration of the programme is six months. However, a learner may be permitted to
stretch it over a period of two years. To fulfill the requirements for acquiring the CIT, a student may
clear all the courses in six months. If a student fails to clear all the courses in six months, the student
will be permitted a maximum period of two years to clear the programme.
The facilities for Theory Counselling and Practicals, will, however, not automatically be
extended. Theory and Practical sessions during extended period are at the discretion of the
University and subject to payment for the same.

1.5 Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction that is followed is English.

1.6 Programme Fee

The programme fee is Rs.6000- and is to be paid in lump sum at the time of registration to the

1.7 Study Plan

The exact date of commencement of the programme will be notified separately. On that day the
students will assemble in this respective study centre. The Co-ordinator will give a thorough briefing
on the content, conduct and schedule of the programme and clarify the queries from the students.
The instructional counselling sessions will commence during the following week-end which should
be treated as session no. 1 of the study plan.

The methodology of instruction in this university is different from that in the conventional
universities. The Open University system is more learner-oriented, and the student has to be an
active student in the teaching- learning process. Most of the instruction is imparted through distance
rather than face-to-face communication.
The University follows a multi-channel approach for instruction. It comprises a suitable mix of:
 self-instructional printed material
 audio and video cassettes
 audio-video programmes transmitted through Radio and Doordarshan
 face-to-face counselling at study centres by academic counsellors
 one-way video two way audio satellite based counselling
 gyandarshan channel
 gyanvani
 practicals
CIT may or may not include all of the above mentioned support services.

2.1 Print Material

Printed materials are the primary form of instructional materials. These are supplied to the students
in the form of Blocks. A block, which comes in the form of a booklet, comprises several units. The
size of a unit is such that the material given therein may be expected to be study by a student in a
session of about 6 to 8 hours of study. Therefore, you have to draw upon mainly the printed
materials, which we send to you.

2.2 Theory Counseling Sessions

In distance education, face- to-face contact between the learners and their Tutors/Counsellors is
relatively less and therefore is an important activity. The purpose of such a contact is to answer some
of your questions and clarify your doubts, which may not be possible through any other means of
communication. It is also intended to provide you an opportunity to meet your fellow students. There
are experienced academic counsellors at the Study Centres to provide counselling and guidance to
you in the courses that you have chosen for study. Normally, these sessions will be held at the Study
Centres during week-ends (Saturday and Sundays). The student will be informed of the session
schedule details by their study centreco-ordinator.

You should note that the counselling sessions would be very different from the classroom teaching
or lectures. Counsellors will not be delivering lectures as in conventional teaching.

They will try to help you to overcome difficulties (academic as well as personal), which you face
while studying for the CIT programme. In these sessions, you must try to resolve your subject-based
difficulties and any other related problems. Besides, some of the audio-video cassettes that are
available at that time may be played in the counselling sessions.
Before you go to attend the counselling sessions, please go through your course materials and make
a plan of the points to be discussed. Unless, you have gone through the Units, there may not be much
to discuss.

The Coordinator of your Study Centre will make the detailed schedule of the counselling
sessions known to you.

2.3 Practical Counselling Sessions

Practical sessions will be held in Computer Centres, which may or may not be co-located with the
study centres. In these Computer Centres, the student will have the facility to use the computer and
software packages relevant to the syllabus. There are total 18 practical sessions each of 3 hours

Practical Sessions

Total number of sessions : 18 (Each of 3 hours duration)

MS-Windows : 1 session
Linux : 1 session
Programming in ‘C’ language : 3 sessions
Microsoft Word : 4 sessions
Microsoft Excel : 3 sessions
Microsoft Power Point : 1 session
Microsoft Access : 2 sessions
Internet Programming : 2 sessions
Web Page Design :1 session

i.e. a total of 54 hours of computer time is allotted for each student of CIT. 1 Machine will be
allotted for 2 students. A student needs to attend at least 12 out of 18 practical counselling sessions
to become eligible to appear in term end practical exam in CITL- 001. In case, s/he appears without
sufficient attendance for exam, the result may be withheld by the University and the student may be
asked to take exam again after fulfilling the attendance requirements.

In the traditional model of distance education, student support is provided through Counselling
sessions and typically there are 19 theory sessions and 18 practical sessions. Each theory session is
of 2 hour duration. Each practical session is of 3 hours duration.

It is possible that apart from such structured questions in terms of the content of the specific blocks
or units, a student may have questions of very general nature, cutting across several concepts, which
s/he could have raised, in a normal lecture or counselling session.


4.1 Objectives

This programme aims to introduce the concepts of Hardware, Software, Multimedia and Internet
technologies. Also, included is a laboratory course where the student gets hands on experience.

The main objectives of CIT are to:

 Develop algorithms and flowcharts for problem solving
 Introduce various aspects of Computer communication and Networking
 Discuss the role of IT in various fields such as Business, Governance, Education and
 Introduce the concept of Information System
 Discuss the latest trends in IT including legal and ethical issues
 Discuss the basic principles of Internet and Multimedia
 Search for information on Internet
 Experiment with MS-Windows , Linux and databases
 Develop and execute programs using C language
 Create Web Pages and discuss issues related to its design

4.2 Programme and course Structures

The programme for ‘Certificate in Information Technology’ consists of four courses. The code for
this programme is CIT and the courses are identified as CIT-001, CIT-002, CIT-003, CITL-001. The
following are the programme structure:

Course Code Course Title No. of credits

CIT-001 Fundamentals of 4
Computer Systems
CIT-002 Introduction to 4
Information Technology
CIT-003 Web based Technologies 4
and Multimedia
CITL-001 Laboratory Course 6
Total Credits 18
Programme Structures, Course Structures & number of theory counselling
The following are the course structure of CIT. It also indicates the number of theory counselling
sessions for CIT-001, CIT-002, CIT-003 and the number of practical counselling sessions for CITL-
001. Each theory counselling session is of 2 hours duration and each practical counselling session is
of 3 hours duration.

CIT-001: Fundamentals of Computer Systems

 Block-1 Hardware and Software: An Introduction (1 theory session)

 Block-2 Problem Solving Techniques (2 theory sessions)
 Block-3 Networking and Communication (2 theory sessions)
 Block-4 Information Security (2 theory sessions)

CIT-002 Introduction to Information Technology

 Block-1 Elements of Information Technology (2 theory sessions) 

 Block-2 IT in Action (1 theory session)
 Block-3 Information Systems (2 theory sessions) 
 Block-4 State of the art practices in Information Technology
(1 theory Session)

CIT-003 Web based Technologies and Multimedia Applications

 Block-1 Internet Concepts (2 theory sessions)

 Block-2 Web Page Design (2 theory sessions)
 Block-3 Introduction to Multimedia (2 theory sessions) 
CITL-001 Laboratory Course

 Lab Manual-1

Unit-1: Introduction to Operating System features and utilities of

MS-Windows and Linux (2 practical sessions)
Unit-2: Programming in ‘C’ (3 practical sessions)
Unit-3: Word Processing (4 practical sessions)
Unit-4: Spread Sheets (3 practical sessions)

 Lab Manual-2
Unit-1: Presentation tools (1 practical session)
Unit-2: Databases (2 practical sessions)
Unit-3: Internet Programming (2 practical sessions)
Unit-4: Web Page Design (1 practical session)

4.3 Course Details

The following are the details of CIT courses.

CIT-001: Fundamentals of Computer Systems (4 Credits)

This course mainly deals with the technology part of Computer. The basic Computer terminologies,
namely; Hardware, Software and Communication are discussed in this course.

The course also deals with the development of logic for problem solving and the elementary
programming concepts. After studying this course, the students would be able to understand the
basics of Computer Hardware and Software, develop flowcharts and algorithms for problem solving,
understand the concept of Programming, understand various aspects of Communication, understand
the concept of Networking, have an exposure to Software security concerns and Software

CIT-002: Introduction to Information Technology (4 Credits)

The basic objective of this course is to make the student aware that we are living in an information
age. The course begins with the basics of Information Technology and touches various aspects of
Information Systems. In this course, Information is dealt in a qualitative manner and some recent
trends in the area are discussed. After studying this course, the students will be able to understand

the meaning and attributes of information, understand the social, legal, ethical aspects of
Information Technology, understand the role of IT in various fields like; business, governance,
education & medicine and understand the latest trends in IT.

CIT-003: Web based Technologies and Multimedia Applications (4 Credits)

The basic objective of this course is to make the student aware about the concept of Internet. It deals
with the working and technical aspects of Internet. It discusses the functioning of web browsers.
After studying this course, the students would be able to understand the basic principles of Internet,
search for information on the Internet, learn various applications of Internet, design web pages and
know the meaning and applications of Multimedia.

CITL-001: Laboratory Course (6 Credits)

The basic objective of this course is to develop the skills so that the student can use the Computer
in day to day applications. It covers the aspects of loading the Operating System as well as writing
small ‘C’ programs. After studying this Course, the learners would be able to install Windows &
Linux, develop and run basic ‘C’ programs, do word processing, develop presentations, work with
databases, create small programs using HTML and design web pages.


This section describes the evaluationmethodology for TEE &Assignment a student of CIT needs to
secure atleast 40% marks in continuous assessment (assignment) and term end examination
separately in a course to be declared successful in that particular course. This requirement is
applicable for all the courses of CIT.

5.1 Evaluation Pattern for Theory & Practical Examination

CIT-001, CIT-002 and CIT-003 Courses

Term End Examination : Max. Marks 50 (Weightage: 75%)

Duration of Term End Examination : 2 hours
Pattern of Term End Examination:
 10 Objective Type Questions (10 X 1 mark)
 2 Short Answer Type Questions (2 X 5 marks)
 3 out of 4 Questions (3 X 10 marks)
Assignment : Max. Marks 25

 Evaluation Pattern for CITL-001 Course

Term End Practical Examination : Max Marks 50 (Weightage : 75%)
Duration : 3 hours

Pattern of Term End Practical Examination : 2 Questions. The first question will cover the
areas under Lab Manual-1 and the second question will cover areas under Lab Manual-2.
Assignment : Max. Marks 25
“A student needs to attend atleast 12 out of 18 practical counselling sessions (each
session is of 3 hours duration) to become eligible to appear for Term End Practical
Examination in CITL-001. Attendance is not compulsory for Theory Counselling
 In order to be able to appear for Term End Examination (Theory and Practical), it is required
that the student submit all assignments according to the prescribed schedule.
All students are required to give an undertaking to this effect, and should it be later found that
they had in fact not submitted the assignments as prescribed, the results of the Term End
Examination (Theory and Practical) may be withheld/cancelled.
Depending on the percentage of marks secured by a candidate who has passed, the divisions will be
awarded as follows:
First Division with Distinction 75% and above A
First Division 60% or more but less than 75% B
Second Division 50% or more but less than 60% C
Third Division 40% or more but less than 50% D
The University has adopted, a letter grading system on a five-point scale for reporting the students’
performance in a programme. The letter grades and their qualitative levels are as under:

Letter Grade Qualitative Level Point Grade % of Raw Marks

A Excellent 5 75% and above
B Very Good 4 60% but less than 75%
C Good 3 50% but less than 60%
D Satisfactory 2 40% but less than 50%
E Unsatisfactory 1 Below 40%
The main purpose of assignments is to test student’s comprehension of the learning materials they
receive from the University and also to help them better comprehend the courses by providing feed-
back to them. The information given in the printed course materials should be sufficient for
answering the assignments. The students should not worry about the non-availability of extra reading
material for working on the assignments. However, if they have easy access to other books, they may
make use of them. But the assignments are designed in such a way as to help them concentrate
mainly on the printed course material and exploit their personal experience.

 The students are required to submit their assignments to the co-ordinator of their study
 Assignments received after due dates will be summarily rejected. 

Tips for assignments

The word limits for answering most of the questions are mentioned with them. If no word limit is
prescribed, then assume it to be about 300 words. You will find it useful to keep the following points
in mind:
 Planning: Read the assignment carefully. Go through the units on which they are
based. Make some points regarding each question and rearrange these in logical
 Organisation: Be a little more selective and analytical before drawing up a rough
outline of your answer. In an essay-type question give adequate attention to your
introduction and conclusion. The introduction must offer brief interpretation of the
question and how you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarize your
response to the question. Make sure that your answer:
 is logical and coherent;
 has clear connection between sentences and paragraphs;
 is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression, style and
 does not exceed the number of words indicated (if any) in your questions.

 Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answers, you can write down the
final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points
you want to emphasize.
 The following format is to be followed for submission of the assignment:
The top of the first page of your response sheet for each assignment should look like this:
PROGRAMME TITLE:............................. ENROLMENT No. : ................................
COURSE CODE:....................................... NAME :...................................................
COURSE TITLE:....................................... ADDRESS:................................................
ASSIGNMENT CODE :............................. SIGNATURE :........................................
STUDY CENTRE:..................................... DATE : ...................................................

 Read instructions for submission of assignments given here. The assignments

printed form. Students should not reproduce their answers from the units sent to
them by the University. If they reproduce from the units, they will get poor
marks for the respective question.

 The students should write each assignment separately. All the assignments should not
be written in continuity.

 The students should write the question number with each answer. Photocopy of the
submitted assignment is to be retained by the student for his or her own record and
future reference, if any.

 The students should use only A4 size paper for their response and tag all the pages
carefully. Avoid using very thin paper. They should allow a 4-cm. margin on the left
and at least 4 lines in between each answer. This may facilitate the evaluator to write
useful comments on the margins at appropriate places.

 The students should not copy the assignments from others. If copying is noticed, the
assignments of such students will be rejected, and disciplinary action will be taken
against the students as per rules of the University.

 The completed assignment response should be sent to the Coordinator of the

Study Centre. Under no circumstances should they be sent to the SED Division
or the School at Headquarters, for evaluation. After submitting the assignment at
the Study Centre in person, the students should get the acknowledgement from the
Co-ordinator on the prescribed assignment-cum-acknowledgement card (Form No.
1); otherwise, the assignment response should be sent under certificate of posting
through post. The students should get back evaluated assignments from their Study
Centres within one month of its submission for the feedback and for their future
 In case the student has requested for a change of Study Centre, s/he should submit
her/his assignments only to the original Study Centre until the University effects the
change of Study Centre.

5.2 Guidelines for Submission of Assignments
 It is compulsory for the students to submit all the prescribed assignments. They will not be
allowed to appear for the term-end examination of a course if they do not submit the
specified number of assignments in time for that course.
 Whenever the students receive a set of assignments, they should check them immediately and
ask for missing pages, if any, from Registrar (MPDD), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-
110 068 or the Co-ordinator of the Study Centre or else download them from the website.
 The assignment responses should be complete in all respects. Before submission, the students
should ensure that they have answered all the questions in all assignments. Incomplete
answer sheets bring poorgrades.
 The Coordinator of the Study Centre has the right to reject the assignments received after the
due date. Therefore, the students are advised to submit their assignments before the due date.
 Students should enclose a self-addressed stamped assignment remittance-cum-
acknowledgement card (Form No. 2) with each assignment response to ensure the delivery
of assignments before the last dates prescribed for submission of assignments.
 In case any student fails to submit the assignments or fails to score minimum qualifying
marks, s/he has to wait for fresh assignments meant for the current batch of students. The
request for the new assignments in the prescribed form (Form No. 2) is to be addressed to
the Registrar, MPDD, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-
 For their own record, students should retain a photocopy of all the assignment responses,
which they submit to the Co-ordinator of their Study Centre. If they do not get back their
duly evaluated assignment within a month after submission, they should try to get it from
their Study Centre personally. This may help them to improve upon future assignments.
 As per the University norms, once the student’s scores pass marks in an assignment, they can
not re-submit it for improvement of marks.
 Assignments are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors, if any. The
discrepancy noticed by the students in the evaluated assignments should be brought to the
notice of the Co-ordinator of the Study Centre, so that he forwards the correct score to the
SED at the Headquarters.
 The students should not enclose or express doubts for clarification, if any, along with the
assignments. They should send their doubts in a separate cover to the Registrar, SED, Indira
Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068. While doing so they
should give their complete Enrolment number, name, address, programme code.

Note : Please submit your Assignments on or before the due date at your
study centre.

 In case of not successfully completed or missed; the assignments should be demanded only if
your registration for that course is valid.

 Assignments should not be demanded to improve your score if you have secured minimum
qualifying score in a course.

 Please do not submit your assignment responses twice either at the same Study Centre or at
different Study Centres for evaluation.

5.3 Term-end Examination
 To be eligible to appear the Term-end Examination in any course, the students are required to
fulfil the following conditions:

 they should have paid the fee due for that course, if any.

 they should submit the examination form in time.

 they should submit the assignments.
 they have submitted the online examination form of IGNOU and have paid the
requisite examination fees.
This is also applicable to CIT on line students.
 The University conducts term-end examinations twice a year, in June and December. The
student can take the examination only after the minimum period prescribed for the course of
study has elapsed.
 Examination schedule indicating the date and time of examination for each course is sent to
all the Regional Centres/ Study Centres in advance. The same is also notified through
IGNOU Newsletter from time to time and displays on the website of IGNOU
 The online examination form is to be filled up from IGNOU website, in general, as per the
following schedule (You MUST visit IGNOU website for actual cutoff dates. The details of
late fee are displayed on the website. For June 2020 Term-end examination is INR1000/-):
Term-End Examination Dates for filling up examination form
(without Late Fee) (With Late Fee)
June Term-End 1st March to 31st 1st April to 10th
Examination March April
December Term- 1st September to 30th 1st October to
End September 10th
Examination October
You are required to pay examination fee per course at the time of filling up of the form.
Currently this fee is @150/- per course for theory courses and @150/- per course for
practical courses. You can pay online using Credit Card / Debit Card /Net Banking while
filling up the form. It may also be noted that in case, examination fee needs to be
returned to student due to technical reasons, the fee will be refunded to the same
account (Credit card/ Debit card/ Net Banking) from which the payment was made.
The link to online Examination form, in general, is put on the HOME page of IGNOU
website. For example, For June 2020 term-end examination, you can fill up the form
(provided you are filling up the form as per cutoff dates) from the link:

YOU MUST READ and FOLLOW all the instructions very carefully.
You can save these instructions for any future reference. These
instructions relates to:
 Dates for the Submission of Online Term End Examination form
 Prerequisite for the submission of the Term End Examination Form:
 Process to submit Term End Examination Form
 Examination fee and Mode of Payment
 Un-successful Submission of Exam Form
 Related to Refund excess Examination Fee
 Hall Ticket for Term End Examination
 Contact Details

Important Guidelines and instructions for submission of Term End Examination form
and other forms (Please note that guidelines and fee for forms may change, therefore,
you are advised to read guidelines and fee details as per latest forms available
online or on the IGNOU website)
 Please ensure that you have already submitted the assignments as applicable for the
courses you are filling in the Examination Form. You are required to pay examination fee
for every course of theory as well as practical.
 Students are requested to check the result status before filling examination form.

 Select and enter Programme code and Examination Centre Code from the options
available. If the centre opted by the student is not activated as examination centre or not
allotted for any other reason, alternative examination centre will be allotted.
 Select courses carefully. Courses for theory as well as practical need to be selected
separately from the list appearing on the screen.
 Students will be allowed to appear in Term-end Examination for the course(s) for which
registration is valid and not time-barred and assignment(s) is/are submitted. Examination
Fee once submitted will not be refunded.
 Students should carry their Identity Card and intimation slip (download hall ticket
from IGNOU website indicating Centre & Date of Examination) to the Examination
 In case a student fails to receive the intimation slip/Hall ticket may please contact at SED
 Students must carry IGNOU Identity-Card in the Examination Hall for writing
Examination. In case, students do not have IGNOU Identity card due to various reasons,
they must get it issued (i.e. duplicate copy of IGNOU Identity card) from Regional
Centre concerned well before the start of the Examination. Students are required to
contact the RC in person (by post) and get the duplicate Identity card for attending
 The students will be entitled to appear for the examination only at the examination centre
allotted to them and NOT at any other centre without specific permission from the
University. The Examination Centre once opted for in a form shall not be changed.
 Although all efforts will be made to declare the results in time, there will be no binding
on the University to declare the results of the last examination before the commencement
of next examination. The students may, therefore, fill up the examination form without
necessarily waiting for the result and get it cancelled at a later date, if so desired. In case
the student gets result after filling up the exam form, s/he should not re-appear in the
course qualified by her/ him with a view to improve the qualified score.
 Students who fail to complete the minimum required number of course(s) prescribed for
the Programme within the allotted period of study shall cease to be on the rolls of this
University for that programme till they re-enroll themselves, if they wish to do so. Such
students are advised to get in touch with the Regional Director concerned.

 Obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts: After the declaration of result, if the students
are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can request the University for Photocopy
of Answer Scripts on payment of 100/- per course. The request for obtaining Photocopy
of Answer Scripts by the student must be made within 45 days from the date of
declaration of result to the Evaluation Centre concerned in the prescribed format along
with the fee of 100/- per course in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IGNOU

payable at the city where submitting the request for Photocopy. Format is available on
the IGNOU website: www.ignou.ac.in
 Early Declaration of Results: In order to facilitate the students who have got offer of
admission and or selected for employment etc and are required to produce marks-
sheet/grade card by a specified given date may apply for early process of their answer-
scripts and declaration of the results for this purpose. The students are required to apply
in the specified format available on the University website with a fee of 1000/- per
course through Bank Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU along with the attested photocopy
of the offer of admission/employment offer. The students can submit their requests for
early declaration before the commencement of the Term-end Examination i.e., before
1stJune and 1st December respectively.
The University in such cases will make arrangements for processing the answer-scripts
and declare the results as a special case.
 Re-evaluation of Answer-script(s): The University has replaced the scheme of
rechecking with the re-evaluation whereby the answer-scripts will be re-evaluated by
another Evaluator in case the students are not satisfied with the marks/grades secured by
them in Term-end Examination. Such students can apply for re-evaluation within one
month from the date declaration i.e. the date on which the results are made available on
the University Website on payment of 750/- per course in the prescribed application
form available on the University Website. The better of the two courses or
original marks/grades and re-evaluated marks/grades will be considered and the revised
marks/grades shall be incorporated in the students’ record as applicable and the revised
grade card/marks sheet will be sent to the students within one month from the receipt of
application. Re-evaluation is not permissible for Projects, Practical, Assignments and
Seminars etc.
 Improvement of Division/Class: Keeping the interest of students who have completed
their Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree Programmes, but falling short of 2% marks
for securing 1 Division/2ndDivision the university has made a provision for allowing
such students to improve their performance. The improvement is permissible only in
theory papers and the students may apply for improvement of their performance on the
prescribed application format along with a fee of 750/- per course through a Bank Draft
drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at Delhi and submit the application and fee to the
Registrar, SRE Division, IGNOU, MaidanGarhi, New Delhi. The improvement is not
permitted to those students who have completed their maximum duration of the
programme including the re- admission period has expired. The students will be given
only one opportunity to improve the marks/grades and they can apply for improvement a
maximum of 25% of the credits for successful completion of the respective programme.
However, the sealing for the number of courses in which the student can improve is five
courses. The better of the two examinations i.e., marks already awarded and the marks
secured in the improvement examination will be considered.

6. Guidelines for CIT online students

Students should read the program guide carefully. It is common to students who have taken
admission in ODL as well as Online modes except few issues which are highlighted in this

(i) Student Support Services

CIT online students do not have access to regional centers and study centers facilities for
attending face to face theory and practical counselling and resolving academic and
administrative queries. In the CIT online programme the content delivery is online.

For resolving academic and administrative queries student should use the following links
[email protected] ( Academic Matters)
[email protected] ( Administrative Matters)

(ii) Online Content Delivery (Theory)

Contents of all the theory courses are available on SWAYAM 2 platform.
Duration of each theory course is 12 weeks. Depending upon the difficulty level and volume
of the materials, some blocks of a course are allotted more times(weeks) for study . Weekly
schedule are uploaded while the program is on offer.
The study materials for CIT online students have the following components:
 Pre-recorded video lectures ( each course has 40 video lectures)
 Reading materials that can be downloaded.
 Self-Assessment through tests and quizzes

(iii) Online Lab Sessions

CIT online students can experiment their lab sessions in virtual lab environment. You will be
provided various links to explore and practice the lab sessions on different topics in an online

(iv) Continuous Evaluation

The continuous evaluation includes all the online quizzes and final assignment/quiz which
get uploaded on SWAYAM portal. Students are required to submit the final assignment on
the same portal.

(v) Evaluation Methodology

 Students are required to fill up the TEE forms on IGNOU website for theory and
practical which are conducted in offline mode
 Read the section 5 of the program guide related to theory and practical very carefully.

Reservation of Seats
The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Physically Handicapped students as per the Government of India rules.

Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee

Reserved Categories, viz., Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped
students etc. have to pay the fee at the time of admission to the University along with other
students. Physically Handicapped students admitted to IGNOU are eligible for Government
of India scholarships.
advised to collect scholarship forms from the respective State Government Directorate of
Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer and submit the filled-in forms to them
through the Regional Director of IGNOU concerned.
Similarly, SC/ST students have to submit their scholarship forms to the respective State
Directorate of Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer, through the Regional
Director of IGNOU concerned for suitable reimbursement.

The Application for reimbursement of Programme Fee to SC/ST students can be downloaded
from the link:

Change/Correction of Address
There is a proforma (Form No. 1) for change/correction of address available in this
programme guide. This form duly filled in is to be submitted to the Regional Director
concerned. Students are advised not to write letters to any other officer in the University in
this regard. Normally, it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. Therefore, the students are
advised to make their own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during
this period.
Change of Regional Centre and Study Centre
Counselling facilities are not available for all the programmes at all the Study Centres. As
such, students are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available, for the
subject s/he has chosen, at the new centre opted for. Request for change of Study Centre is
acceded to subject to availability of seats for the programme at the new centre asked for only
on compelling grounds. Students are required to get a NOC from the Regional center where
they are willing to get themselves transferred in view of the practical sessions involved in
When a student wants transfer from one region to another, s/he has to write to that effect to
the Regional Centre from where s/he is seeking a transfer marking copies to the Regional
Centre where s/he would like to be transferred to and also to Registrar, Student Registration
Division (SRD) ,IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068. Further, s/he has to obtain a
certificate from the Co-ordinator of the Study Centre from where s/he is seeking transfer
from, regarding the number of assignments submitted. The Regional Director from where
the student is seeking the transfer will transfer all records including details of fee payment to
the Regional Centre where the student is going, under intimation to the Registrar, SRD and
the student. The transfer will be permitted only if seats are available at the new Study Centre.
Procurement of Official Transcripts
The University provides the facility of obtaining official transcripts on request, made by the
learners in prescribed application form for official transcript, which provides details of fee,
where to apply etc. Link to this form is given in the Section9.
Duplicate Grade Card
The learner can apply for obtaining duplicate Grade Card in case the same has been
lost/misplaced/damaged, by making a request in prescribed application form for Duplicate
Grade card, which provides details of fee, where to apply etc. Link to this form is given in
the Section 9.

Study Materials for Your Programme of Study

 After confirmation of admission, study materials are dispatched to the student’s
registered address by speed/ registered post.
 Keep checking status of dispatch of study materials on the IGNOU website using the
web link, www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/aboutignou/division/mpdd/material, provided by
 You should visit Learner Support Centre (LSC) concerned with ID card for schedule of
 If you not received Study Material then visit Regional Centre concerned only or write
to [email protected]

Disputes on Admission and other University Matters

In case of any dispute, the place of jurisdiction for filing of a suit/plaint/petition will be only
at New Delhi / Delhi.

8. Some Useful Address

Telephone numbers of the Divisions/Schools are provided on the website under the“ Contact
Us” option.

Students are advised to be in touch with their Study Centres for advance / timely / day-
to-day information or visit the website with URL www.ignou.in

For your information, the following officers deal with different educational aspects:

(i) Student Registration Related issues Registrar, SRD, Indira Gandhi National Open
University , MaidanGarhi, New Delhi -110068,
011-29532741 (SRD), 1302/1316 (SRD),
Email: :[email protected]

(ii) Exam Centres, Results, Re-checking of Registrar, SED, Indira Gandhi National Open
answer-scripts, Discrepancies in Result, University , MaidanGarhi, New Delhi -110068,
marks update, etc. Phone No: 011-29535828/2482 (SED),
011-29572204/2205(SED), FAX No.011-
29534429 068

(iii) Study materials and Assignments, Regional Director of the Regional Centre
Admission , Fees, Scholarship,Change of concerned.
Address/Study Centre/Regional Centre,
Change of Course/Programme, Isssue of
Bonafide Certificate, Migration
Certificate, Duplicate Identity Card
(iv) Academic Matters CITProgramme Coordinator
SOCIS, C-Block, New Academic Complex
IGNOU, MaidanGarhi, New Delhi - 110 068
Phone: 011-29572913
Email:[email protected]
(v) Administrative and counselling matters Co-coordinator of your Study Centre/Regional
missing score of TMAs/Project Director of the Regional Centre concerned
assignments/Practical assignments,
Assessment Sheets

(vi) Issue of Degree/ Diploma/ Dy. Registrar (Exam-1)

Certificate, Dispatch of returned Examination –1
Degrees, Verification of Degree Indira Gandhi National Open
MaidanGarhi New Delhi -110068, Phone

[email protected]

vii) Issue of Provisional Certificates and Dy Registrar (Exam-3)

Grade Cards Phone No: 011-29536743; Intercom No. 2201

(iix) Declaration of pending results of Dy. Registrar (Exam-3)

TEE, Incorporation of practical Phone No: 011-29536103/6743
marks, Verification of provisional 011-29572201/2211
certificate and grade card, Issue of

(ix) Non incorporation of assignment marks Assistant Registrar (Assignment)

Phone No: 011-29532294
Intercom No. 1312/1319/1325
E-mail: [email protected]

(x) Online students grievances Portal http://igram.ignou.ac.in/

(xi) Students’ General Enquiries Student Support Centre Indira

Gandhi National Open University,
MaidanGarhi New Delhi -110068, Phone:
011-29535714, 29572512,
29533869 and 29533870
e-mail :[email protected]


The first CIT exam was held in December 2009. You can download the previous year’s
question papers from IGNOU website. The following is the process of Downloading the
question papers from IGNOU website:

Visit the IGNOU website at URL: http://www.ignou.ac.in and select the Download Button
on IGNOU web site. On this Download Page select Question Papers link. The following
page will be displayed (please note that URL of this page is:

The Previous Year Question papers of IGNOU

Select the year of Question paper, this will display School wise list of Question papers, as the
list is large you may use find on page option of your browser to find CIT old question papers
(please note that you can search CIT old question papers by searchingCIT.


In this section, we are enclosing the IGNOU website links to various forms, which are useful
for you. Whenever you have to correspond with the university, please download the
formfrom the Website and fill it carefully and send as per instructions therein.The detailed
instructions for all these-forms are provided in form itself. Some of these links may change,
in those cases please use search option to find the desiredlink.

Note: You must Download the Forms from the

Useful links& Forms
1) Change of Address (Form No.1)
2) Assignments Remittance-Cum-Acknowledgement Card (FormNo.2)
3) Link to Latest Assignment(s)
4) Link to Online Term end Examination form
5) Link to Offline term end Examination form
6) Link to form for early declaration of result
7) Link to form for obtaining photocopy of the answer script
8) Link to form for Re-evaluation of Answer script
9) Link to Application form for improvement in Division/Class
10) Link to form for obtaining Duplicate Grade Card /Mark-sheet
11) Link to form for issue of Official Transcript
12) Link to form for issue of Migration Certificate

(1) Change of Address (Form 1)

(It is attached on page No. 22)

Assignments related links

(2) Assignment Remittance-cum-Acknowledgement (Form 2)
(It is attached on page No.23)

(3) Link to Latest Assignment(s)


Term end Examination and related links

(4) Link to online Term End Examination form

(5) Link to Offline Term end Examination form


(6) Link to form for Early Declaration of Result


(7) Link to Application Form for Obtaining Photocopy of the AnswerScript


(8) Link to form for Re-evaluation of Answer script


(9) Link to Application form for Improvement of Division/Class


(10) Link to form for Duplicate Grade Card/Mark-sheet


(11) Link to form for Issue of Official Transcript


(12) Link to form for Issue of Migration Certificate


Form No. 1

(For Change of Address, send it duly filled-in to the concerned Regional Director, who will
forward it to the Registrar (SRD), MaidanGarhi, New Delhi after verification)

Application for Change of Address



The Registrar, SRD

New Delhi-110 068.


Programme_ _

Name (incaps)


New Address Old Address

City Pin City _Pin _

State State_

Signature of the Student

Please retain a photocopy of any matter that you submit to the


Form No. 2




Name : __________________________________
Enrol. No._________________________ Programme Title: _______________
Course Code: ______________Medium: Name : ___________________________ Medium : _____________________
Course Code: _____________________
For Office Use Only
S.No. Assignment No. S.No. Assignment No.
For Office Use Only S.No. ___________________________

S .No. ___________
Signature of therecevier ____________
Date of Receipt: ____
Name of Evaluator: _ Date : ____________

Signature of the Student Date of despatch to Signature of the Student Seal

Date : _____________ the Evaluator:
Name : _______________________
Date of receipt from Address of the Student : ________________________
the Evaluator: Date : _____________
_________________ (Please write your complete address and affix adequate postal stamp on reverse)


From: To


Study Centre concerned …………………………………..

QR Code of Some of the Useful Web Links

EGyankoshOnline Re-Registration Form(for Online CourseMaterials)

iGRAM To Watch Live Telecast/ (IGNOU

GrievancecontrolRoom) To listen liveBroadcast

Note: The above QR Codes can be scanned and open through and QR Code Scanner


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