Unit 3: Lesson 1 Illustrating and Explaining Conceptual Framework

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In affettuoso ricordo di Michael Angelo Loteria Evio


Name: Date:_____________
Grade/Strand: Teacher:Trixie SJ. Torres, LPT
Module: 5

Unit 3: Lesson 1 Illustrating and Explaining Conceptual Framework

At the end of the topic, learners should be able to:
1.Illustrate and explain conceptual framework.
2.Create a conceptual framework out of the statement of the problem; and
3.Cite the importance of writing the framework of the study.


In this lesson, the conceptual framework will be discussed. Conceptual framework serves as the
outline that you can follow in doing your research. It is also useful in analyzing a particular research or
study. It is sometime called the ‘blueprint’ of the research as it shows the overview of the research or the
‘plan’ in doing the research. It is mostly presented through diagram, chart or map, and rarely through a
narrative form. However, in case of including a diagram, you should always present an explanation or
narrative after. The narrative should summarize the variables and explore how they may change your
hypothesis and this is considered as an adaptable guide.

Writing a Conceptual Framework

Procedure in writing your conceptual framework

1. Choose your topic. Decide on what will be your research topic. It should be within the field of
your specialization. Make sure that you know the objectives of your study by heart.
2. Do a literature review. Go over relevant and updated studies related to your own research.
Use reliable sources of information and use appropriate documentation.
3. Isolate the important variables. Identify the specific variables mentioned in the literature
and show their interrelationships.
4. Generate the conceptual framework. Build your conceptual framework using the variables
studies in the scholarly articles you have read. Ensure that all aspects of your conceptual
framework are related to the objective of your study.

Nature and Purposes

A conceptual framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present
a preferred approach to an idea or thought.
The purposes of the framework are as follow:
✓ To clarify concepts and propose relationships among the concepts in a study
✓ To provide a context for interpreting the study findings
✓ To explain observations
✓ To encourage theory development that is useful and practical

Example of a Conceptual Framework

In this diagram, you will notice the frequent format of a conceptual framework. It is called the
IPO diagram (Input – Process – Output).

Example from a research paper


Statement of the Problem

This study closely scrutinized the performance of Bachelor of Secondary Education graduates of
Bulacan State University CY 2013-2015.

Specifically, this answered the following questions:

1. How is the performance of BSEd graduates be compared to the national performance?

2. How is the performance be described in the following:
a. General Education (Gen.Ed.);
b. Professional Education (Prof. Ed.); and
c. Major courses?
3. What intervention/s can be devised to further improve t the performance of the graduates in LET?
Conceptual Framework (example)

Conceptual Framework (example cont.)

This study follows the I-P-O process where the input are the LET results of BSEd graduates from
2013-2015. The process used was documentary analysis, and the output is an analysis of LET performance
of BSEd graduates of College of Education of Bulacan State University, in the Gen. Ed., Prof. Ed., and
major courses and the implications to curriculum development, activities and inputs for the LET

Conceptual Framework vs. Theoretical Framework

These two are the types of Framework of the Study. Though the most commonly used framework is
the conceptual as it is based on the researcher’s understanding on how his/her research will be done.
Here is the summary of their differences:

Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework

Based on the understanding of the researcher on Gives and explains the theories, principles,
how the research will be processed generalizations and research findings which have
connections to the
Enables readers to clearly see the basic structure Makes people know and understand
of the research and the relationships of variables evidence-based truths, concepts, speculations, and
assumptions underlying each aspect of the research
and the relationships of these features
with one another
The broad outline plan to carry out the Basis or foundation of research

Write here the importance of conceptual framework in a research study.



DIRECTION: Create a conceptual framework out of the given statement of the problem.
Research Question: Does a SHS student’s academic performance in Math have any association with
his/her stress tolerance?
Statement of the Problem:
This study generally aims to determine if a SHS students’ academic performance in Mathematics have
any association with his/her stress tolerance.
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of Grade 11 students of DLSAU in terms of:
1.1. sex?;
1.2. SHS strand?; and
1.3. final grade in General Mathematics?
2. What is the level of stress tolerance of Grade 11 students of DLSAU?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the DLSAU Grade 11 students’ final grade in General
Mathematics and their level of stress tolerance?


PARENTS’ SIGNATURE: ____________________________

DATE: _______________________
Lesson 2 Listing Research Hypothesis
At the end of the topic, learners should be able to:
1. Lists research hypothesis
2. Differentiate null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, and
3. cite the importance of making hypothesis


Hypothesis is a prediction of what might be the answer to your research question/s and it typically
focused on the relationship of two different variables used in the study (Crossman, 2019). Formulating
hypothesis is one of the most tedious task in writing a research paper. The hypothesis gives directions to the
collection and interpretation of data thus it should be well grounded and written before the said actions.
Prieto, et.al., (2017) stated that the hypothesis is written in declarative format stating expected
relationships between the phenomena to which our concepts refer. Also, a hypothesis is a tentative
explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation.

Examples of a well-written hypothesis:

✓ Replacing the battery yearly can make my car to run more miles.
✓ The more vegetables I eat, the healthier I become.
✓ Watering the plants everyday makes them grow faster and greener.
✓ Playing mobile legends has negative effects on my sleeping pattern.
✓ Smartphone helps people communicate better than the traditional letters.

Characteristics of Hypothesis (Prieto, et.al., 2017 , Prasad, et.al., 2001)

✓ It can be tested – verifiable or falsifiable

✓ It is logical
✓ It is directly related to the research problem
✓ Hypotheses are not moral or ethical questions
✓ It is neither too specific nor too general
✓ It is a prediction of consequences
✓ It sets the limits of the study
✓ It is considered valuable even if proven false
Purpose and Importance of Hypothesis in Research

Hypothesis serves a very important role in conducting a research. Here are the importance and
purpose of hypothesis:
✓ Provides tentative explanation of phenomena and facilitates the extension of knowledge in the
✓ Provides the investigator with a relational statement or relationship between variables that is
directly testable in a research study.
✓ It provides a direction to the research. It provides a framework for reporting conclusions of the
✓ It could be considered as the working instrument of theory. It can be deducted from theory
and from other hypotheses.
✓ Proves the existence of relationship of variables and the effects of independent variable on the
dependent variable

Categories of Hypotheses
Null Hypothesis (H0) – represents a theory that has been put forward, either because it is believed to
be true or because it is to be used as basis for argument but has not been proven. It shows the absence
of the relationship or effects.
Alternative Hypothesis (Hi) – is a statement of what a hypothesis test is set up to establish. This is the
opposite of null hypothesis and can only be reached once the null hypothesis is rejected. Mostly,
alternative hypothesis is the actual desired answer of the researcher/s.
H0 – There is no difference between the two medicines on average. Ha – The two
medicines have different effects, on average.

Types of Hypotheses
1. Theory-driven vs. Data-driven hypotheses – a hypothesis that is based on existing theory to
explain the relationship of variables and the effects of one variable on the other
(theory-driven). Based on the findings of the previous research studies (data-driven)
2. Directional (one-tailed) vs Non-directional (two-tailed) hypotheses – directional states the
relationship of two variables as well of the relationship of these variables. Non-directional
states the relationship of variables but not the direction of the relationship.
3. Descriptive vs. Causal hypotheses – Descriptive specifies the relationship between two
variables due to the influence of something. Causal specifies the relationship between two
variables due to cause- effect relationship.


Enumerate the purposes of including hypothesis in a research paper.



Write the null and alternative hypothesis for each given research questions. (15 points)

1. Research Question: Does senior high school student’s academic performance in Math have any
association with his/her stress tolerance?
Null Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________
Alternative Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________
2. Research Question: Can a new packaging improve the selling power of Tide?
Null Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________
Alternative Hypothesis: __________________________________________________________


Fill out the boxes below by defining/describing null and alternative hypothesis. Provide
an example for each hypothesis. (12 points)

Null Hypothesis Example

Alternative Hypothesis Example

PARENTS’ SIGNATURE: ____________________________

DATE: _______________________

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