Manalo Case Ladnmar Case For Divorce
Manalo Case Ladnmar Case For Divorce
Manalo Case Ladnmar Case For Divorce
Decision dated 15 October 2012 of the Regional Trial
Today is Friday, August 27, 2021home Court of Dagupan City, First Judicial Region, Branch
43, in SPEC. PROC. NO. 2012-0005 is REVERSED and
ConstitutionStatutesExecutive IssuancesJudicial
IssuancesOther IssuancesJurisprudenceInternational Let a copy of this Decision be served on the Local
Legal ResourcesAUSL Exclusive Civil Registrar of San Juan, Metro Manila.
G.R. No. 221029, April 24, 2018, The facts are undisputed.
3. That recently, a case for divorce was filed by 4. Certificate of Marriage between Manalo and her
herein [petitioner] in Japan and after die former Japanese husband;
proceedings, a divorce decree dated December 6,
5. Divorce Decree of Japanese court;
2011 was rendered by the Japanese Court x x x;
6. Authentication/Certificate issued by the Philippine
4. That at present, by virtue of the said divorce
Consulate General in Osaka, Japan of the Notification
decree, petitioner and her divorce Japanese husband
of Divorce; and
are no longer living together and in fact, petitioner
and her daughter are living separately from said 7. Acceptance of Certificate of Divorce.5
Japanese former husband;
The OSG did not present any controverting evidence
5. That there is an imperative need to have the entry to rebut the allegations of Manalo.
of marriage in Civil Registry of San Juan, Metro
Manila cancelled, where the petitioner and the On October 15, 2012, the trial court denied the
former Japanese husband's marriage was previously petition for lack of merit. In ruling that the divorce
registered, in order that it would not appear obtained by Manalo in Japan should not be
anymore that petitioner is still married to the said recognized, it opined that, based on Article 15 of the
Japanese national who is no longer her husband or is New Civil Code, the Philippine law "does not afford
no longer married to her, she shall not be bothered Filipinos the right to file for a divorce whether they
and disturbed by aid entry of marriage; are in the country or living abroad, if they are
married to Filipinos or to foreigners, or if they
6. That this petition is filed principally for the celebrated their marriage in the Philippines or in
purpose of causing the cancellation of entry of the another country" and that unless Filipinos "are
marriage between the petitioner and the said naturalized as citizens of another country, Philippine
Japanese national, pursuant to Rule 108 of the laws shall have control over issues related to
Revised Rules of Court, which marriage was already Filipinos' family rights and duties, together with the
dissolved by virtue of the aforesaid divorce decree; determination of their condition and legal capacity
[and] to enter into contracts and civil relations, inclusing
7. That petitioner prays, among others, that together
with the cancellation of the said entry of her On appeal, the CA overturned the RTC decision. It
marriage, that she be allowed to return and use her held that Article 26 of the Family Code of the
maiden surname, MANALO.4 Philippines (Family Code) is applicable even if it was
Manalo who filed for divorce against her Japanese
Manalo was allowed to testify in advance as she was
husband because the decree may obtained makes
scheduled to leave for Japan for her employment.
the latter no longer married to the former,
Among the documents that were offered and
capacitating him to remarry. Conformably with
admitted were:
Navarro, et al. V. Exec. Secretary Ermita, et al.7
1. Court Order dated January 25, 2012, finding the ruling that the meaning of the law should be based
petition and its attachments to be sufficient in form on the intent of the lawmakers and in view of the
and in substance; legislative intent behind Article 26, it would be
height of injustice to consider Manalo as still married
2. Affidavit of Publication;
to the Japanese national, who, in turn, is no longer
married to her. For the appellate court, the fact that
it was Manalo who filed the divorce case is
inconsequential. Cited as similar to this case was Van (Committee),but it was presented and approved at a
Dorn v. Judge Romilo, Jr.8 where the mariage Cabinet meeting after Pres. Aquino signed E.O. No.
between a foreigner an a Filipino was dissolved filed 209.19 As modified, Article 26 now states:
abroad by the latter.
1. Grounds for annulment of marriage under Article 1. When the spouses have been separated in fact for
45 of the Family Code restated as follows: at least five (5) years at the time the petition for
absolute divorce is filed, and the reconciliation is
highly improbable;
a. The party in whose behalf it is sought to have the
marriage annulled was eighteen (18) years of age or
over but below twety-one (21), and the marriage 2. Psychological incapacity of either spouse as
was solemnized without the consent of the parents provided for in Article 36 of the Family Code,
guradian or personl having substitute parental whether or not the incapacity was present at the
authority over the party, in that order, unless after time of the celebration of the marriage or later;
attaining the age of twenty-one (21) such party
freely cohabited with the other and both lived
together as husband and wife; 3. When one of the spouses undergoes a gender
reassignment surgery or transition from one sex to
another, the other spouse is entitled to petition for
absolute divorce with the transgender or transsexual actively promote its total development.79 It is also
as respondent, or vice-versa; obligated to defend, among others, the right of
children to special protection from all forms of
neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other
4. Irreconcilable marital differences and conflicts conditions prejudicial to their development.80 To
which have resulted in the total breakdown of the Our mind, the State cannot effectively enforce these
marriage beyond repair, despite earnest and obligation s if We limit the application of Paragraph 2
repeated efforts at reconciliation. or Article 26 only those foreign divorce initiated by
the alien spouse. It is not amiss to point that the
women and children are almost always the helpless
victims of all forms of domestic abuse and violence.
To be sure, a good number of Filipinos led by the
In fact, among the notable legislation passed in order
Roman Catholic Church react adversely to any
to minimize, if not eradicate, the menace are R.A.
attempt to enact a law on absolute divorce, viewing
No. 9262 ("Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
it as contrary to our customs, morals, and traditions
Children Act of 2004") R.A. No. 9710 ("The Magna
that has looked upon marriage and family as an
Carta of Women"), R.A. No 10354 ("The Responsible
institution and their nature of permanence,
Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012")
and R.A. No 9208 ("Anti-Trafficking in Person Act of
2003"), as amended by R.A. No. 10364
In the same breath that the establishment clause ("ExpandedAnti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012").
restricts what the government can do with religion, Moreover, in protecting and strengthening the
it also limits what religious sects can or cannot do. Filipino family as a basic autonomous social
They can neither cause the government to adopt institution, the Court must not lose sight of the
their particular doctrines as policy for everyone, nor constitutional mandate to value the dignity of every
can they cause the government to restrict other human person, guarantee full respect for human
groups. To do so, in simple terms, would cause the rights, and ensure the fundamental equality before
State to adhere to a particular religion and, thus the law of women and men.81
establish a state religion.76
Going back, we hold that marriage, being a mutual
and shared commitment between two parties,
cannot possibly be productive of any good to the
society where one is considered released from the More that twenty centuries ago, Justinian defined
marital bond while the other remains bound to it.84 justice "as the constant and perpetual wish to render
In reiterating that the Filipino spouse should not be every one of his due." That wish continues to
discriminated against in his or her own country if the motivate this Court when it assesses the facts and
ends of justice are to be served, San Luis v. San the law in ever case brought to it for decisions.
Luis85 quoted: Justice is always an essential ingredient of its
decisions. Thus when the facts warrant, we interpret
the law in a way that will render justice, presuming
that it was the intention if the lawmaker, to begin
x x x In Alonzo v. Intermediate Applellate Court, the
with, that the law be dispensed with justice.86
Court stated:
WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is 96 Garcia v. Recio, supra note 9 at 735. (Citations
DENIED. The September 18, 2014 Decision and omitted). See also Vda. de Catalan v. Catalan-Lee,
October 12, 2015 Resolution if the Court of Appeals supra note 23, at 500-501; San Luis v. San Luis, supra
in CA G.R. CV. No. 100076, are AFFIRMED IN PART. note 16, at 295; Republic of the Phils. v. Orbecido, III,
The case is REMANDED to the court of origin for supra note 16, at 116; Llorente v. Court of Appeals,
further proceedings and reception of evidence as to supra note 13, 354.
the relevant Japanese law on divorce.
Associate Justice