Nextgen's Hospilogics Using Apache Tomcat Server and Mysqldatabase

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International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology

Volume 4 Issue 3 June 2020

ISSN NO 2582-0958


M. KarthickRaja1 S. Nandhinilakshmi2,
Assistant Professor, 2Finalyear Student, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
Sriram Engineering College, Perumalpattu, , Tiruvallur District-602 024, Tamil Nadu,
[email protected],[email protected]

The paper developed an automated system that is used to manage patient information and its administration. This was with a view
to eliminate the problem of inappropriate data Keeping, inaccurate reports, time wastage in storing, processing and retrieving
information encountered by the traditional hospital system in order to improve the overall efficiency of the organization. The tools
used to implement the system are Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Apache Tomcat,
JAVA,JavaScript, Ajax, and My Structured Query Language(MySQL).The Proposed system was tested using the information
collected from Kannan Homeopathy Medical Centre in Coimbatore. And compared with the existing traditional hospital system.
The design provides excellent patient services and improved information infrastructure.
Hospital is an organization that mobilizes the skills and EXISTING METHODOLOGY
efforts of a widely divergent group of professionals, semi-
professionals, professional’s personnel, to provide highly Kannan Homeopathy Medical Centre was chosen as a case
personalized personnel services to patients. World health study due to easy access to the medical information and the
Organization (WHO) has defined hospital as an integral part consultant. The Hospital was visited to collect appropriate
of social and medical organization that provides the information. The purpose of the Study is to find out the
complete curative and preventive health care and treatment current state of their management system and how to make it
to people. Hospitals are the focal points of education for the more efficient. Various medical personnel were interviewed
health professionals and clinical research necessary for in other to know their duties and challenges they are facing
advancement of medicine. Thus, the hospital is one of the while discharging their duties. Written vouchers, bills of
most complexes of all administrative organizations. The payment, receipts and other test results were reviewed so as
main purpose of the hospital is to provide adequate care and to get how the “System of Number” for referencing and
treatment to the people. It has sections for saving for future works and the platform of how to make the
various professionals that make up a hospital with high manual printed reports into electronic one.
standard security feature. Various operational works that are The system that is currently being used in the hospital is
done in a hospital include: recording information about the entirely manual. When a patient requests drugs from the
Patients, generating bill, recording information related to staff, all the information is recorded manually from the drug
diagnosis given to Patients, keeping record of the dispenser (Pharmacist). Similarly, when the supplier delivers
Immunization provided to patient, keeping information drugs all the information from the dispenser to the account
about various diseases and medicines available to cure them. on drugs is recorded manually.
All these works are done in most hospitals on papers. The
need for proper management of the health sector leads to the Drawbacks of Existing methodology
creation of an electronic means of keeping records, querying
of data, prescription helper and also good accountability. 1. The hospital staff finds it tiresome and time consuming
Information technology in general enables intra when computing patient data, drug supplier and this leads to
organizational networking that facilitates effective delay in medical reports.
information flow within the various units of a firm. The
2. The hospital Administration currently uses health record
application of information technology in health care is
files for storing patients.This system of information storage
unceasingly evolving as the quality of patient care in
is susceptible to security problems such as illegal
contemporary times seems to depend on the timely
modification and update of records.
acquisition and processing of clinical information related to
the patient. 3. Usually lot of time wastes in retrieving data.
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3 June 2020
ISSN NO 2582-0958

4. The paper work reduces the efficiency of the System. Daily visit Patient: The employee will access the daily visit
patent and enter the daily visiting patients. This data will be
added in the database and the information will be displayed
PROPOSED SYSTEMMETHODOLOGY in the patient order form for doctor use.

The hospital management system (NH) comprises a 4. PHARMACY MODULE

computerized web based application for record keeping, This module is accessed by both doctor and employee they
tracking and prescriptions with monitoring. NH can manage can view the information. In this module all the reports
multiple users of the system and can have the track of the related to pharmacy are stored in database.
right assigned to them. It makes sure that all the users
function with the system as per the rights assigned to them 5. REPORTS MODULE
and they can get their work done in efficient manner. It
should be able to quickly collect and edit data, summarize This module is only used for reports purpose only. all the
results, and adjust as well as correct errors promptly. It reports related to patients information, pharmacy reports.
Retrieve Information from the database as quickly as one
searches on the screen and authenticate the users with the
access control facility to prevent unauthorized users from
accessing the data but does not include exporting of Data
(History) on the database to appear in various formats (PDF,
CSV, TXT). It has various NH modules is not designed to
manage the affairs of the hospital but only built for the
Patient Health Records, Pharmacy reports, Patient’s
information. This paper provides solution to the existing
problems of the hospital. The design improves the accuracy
of medical records and efficient retrieval and usage of
medical records, Pharmacy reports, Patient’s information.
The purpose of the paper is to design NH that helps to; 1.
Eliminate redundancy in term of data storage. Data will be
stored in a computer. 2. Reduce the time wasted in retrieving
data especially in finding a past health records, Patient’s
information, Pharmacy reports. 3. Increase Efficiency of the
The proposed system is divided intologin module, Doctor’s
module and user’s/employee’s module, Reports module,
Pharmacy module.
In this login page by entering the authorized username and SYSTEM TESTING
password the home page will display. The home page will
appear based on the username and password entered in login Testing was done was carried out on individual modules of
page then it checks whether it is Admin or User/Employee the system to ensure that they meet necessary functional
based on that the home page will be visible and access rights requirements such as authenticating the users of the system,
will be differing for both. generation of reports on request, allowing administrator to
delete records in the database etc. Integration and system
2. DOCTOR MODULE testing were carried out after different modules had been put
The doctor/admin can access the add employee form, patient together to make a complete system in order to ensure that
order form and search form.The order number will be modules are compatible and can be integrated to form a
displayed on the page load itself based on current date and complete working system.
time. And this is done by using AJAX method. RESULTS
Patient entry form: This patient entry form will be only The system verifies and validate all user input. The user is
accessed by employee they will enter all the information. notified in case of errors detected in the course of using the
3. USER/EMPLOYEE MODULE system. The system captured patient’s details at the
receptionist which is used to create an account with the
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 3 June 2020
ISSN NO 2582-0958

doctor and have a reference Id to use in paying bills and data,improves the accuracy of medical records and efficient
charges. The system generates the Patient’s Register retrieval and usage of medical records, Pharmacy reports,
number(Reno). Also, it manages entering new patients, new Patient’s information. The purpose of the paper is to design
stocks of drugs into database and how the drugs are sold NH that helps to; 1. Eliminate redundancy in term of data
which will include assigning a serial number to Reference storage. Data will be stored in a computer. 2. Reduce the
ID given by the doctor to monitor the sales. The design also time wasted in retrieving data especially in finding a past
allows room for expansion. health records, Patient’s information, Pharmacy reports. 3.
Increase Efficiency of the hospital.
Computerized NH has been developed. The system solved
the problems associated with the existing manual system. 1. A.K Malhotra, Hospital management system: An
Security is also enhanced since access to the system requires Evaluation, global Indian Publication, 2009.
more authentication. However, the system does not alert the 2. Mansi Chitkara, Namita Khandelwal, and Avinash
pharmacy of the expiry date of drugs. Therefore, developing Chaporkar, Project Report on Hospital Management
an NH that can alert the pharmacist of the expiry date of System”, (2010).
drugs at a given time, like Google Authentication and handle 3. Ayodele Cole Benson, Hospital Information Systems in
all departments in the hospital will be an attractive research Nigeria: Review of Literature Vol.1, No 3, 2011.
in future. 4. Brailer, D. J, (Economic perspective on health
information technology. Business Economics, 40(3),
CONCLUSION 614doi:10.2145/20050301.
NH can manage multiple users of the system and can have 5. Waban Charles, Project report on Computerized Health
the track of the right assigned to them. It makes sure that all Records Management System, 2007.
the users function with the system as per the rights assigned 6. F.Droma, Project report on “An automated System for
to them and they can get their work done in efficient patient Record System‟, Department of Information
manner. It should be able to quickly collect and edit Technology maker ere university. (2009).

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