Quantitative Reasoning Process: Step 1: Identify The Problem
Quantitative Reasoning Process: Step 1: Identify The Problem
Quantitative Reasoning Process: Step 1: Identify The Problem
To choose a ring
Stay in his budget
dentify the problem
• Juan wants to marry Sara and needs to buy a ring. Get the cost
• He has $1150 saved and is willing to borrow a
little to get the perfect ring. His income
• Juan and Sara are in love. His expenses
• They are planning to become engaged soon. Anna preferen
• They have spent hours window shopping at
jewelry stores looking at engagement rings Finacial option
• Sara has even tried on a few rings.
• Juan and Sara are both still in school so they want
to be financially careful about their decision.
• But Sara has pointed out that she will have this His expenses
ring forever. His income ke
• Juan would like to surprise her with the ring.
• Sara agrees because it is Juan’s gift to her. He will be abl
Sara will llike
He will be abl
entify Key Variables/Make Key Assumptions
much more
cy is an
hing is true
son unrelated
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 5: Evaluate You
What steps do you think you could take to help you avoid logical falli
effective reasoning?
We can use the quantitative reasoning
tep 5: Evaluate Your Reasoning