Determining Molecular Weight Distribution and Molecular Weight Averages of Polyolefins by High Temperature Gel Permeation Chromatography
Determining Molecular Weight Distribution and Molecular Weight Averages of Polyolefins by High Temperature Gel Permeation Chromatography
Determining Molecular Weight Distribution and Molecular Weight Averages of Polyolefins by High Temperature Gel Permeation Chromatography
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 6474
precludes the necessary dissolution step. and shall be of low internal volume so as not to distort the
6.2 A mismatch in the antioxidant level in the dissolved concentration gradient during elution. For this test method, the
sample and that of the TCB eluent (see 8.1). detector cell volume should be 30 µL or less. The most
6.3 The accuracy of the molecular weight results decreases, commonly used concentration detectors for high temperature
that is, they become increasingly underestimated, as the GPC are refractive index or infrared. The former has moderate
a-olefin comonomer content increases in linear low density sensitivity and general utility. When testing detector perfor-
polyethylene (LLDPE). For example, the results for an octene mance, follow the recommendations of the instrument manu-
copolymer containing 30 branches per 1000 carbon atoms will facturer.
be about 6 % low. NOTE 7—For polyolefins, the refractive index (dn/dc) increment is
7. Apparatus essentially constant above molecular weights of 5 000 g/mol. The
response of the components below 5 000 g/mol should be corrected prior
7.1 Essential Components—The essential components of to the molecular weight calculations using a pre-established dn/dc
the instrumentation are a solvent reservoir, a pump, a solvent molecular weight calibration. The principal disadvantage of the differen-
degasser, a sample injection system, packed columns, and a tial refractometer is that the temperature within the detector cell shall be
solute mass detector. controlled to within 0.0001°C.
NOTE 5—Complete high temperature GPC units with a maximum 7.7 Tubing and Fittings—All tubing between the sample
operating temperature of 210°C are commercially available. injector and the detector should be no greater than 0.25 mm
7.2 Solvent Reservoir—The solvent reservoir shall hold (0.01 in.) internal diameter and rated for pressures up to 42
sufficient TCB to ensure consistency of composition for a MPa. Connecting column tubing should be kept as short as
number of runs. The TCB should be protected from exposure possible and all fittings and connectors shall have low dead
to water in the air and the reservoir material shall be inert to the volumes to prevent mixing.
solvent. 7.8 Data Acquisition/Handling System—Means shall be
7.3 Pump—The principal requirement of the pump is pro- provided for determining chromatographic peak heights or
duction of a relatively constant flow, with minimum pulsations, integrated area segments at prescribed time intervals and for
of solvent through the columns. In general, the rate should be handling and reporting data. This is best accomplished using a
adjustable between 0.1 and 5.0 cm3/min and back pressures computer with appropriate software.
should not exceed limits specified by the column manufacturer. NOTE 8—Data acquisition and handling systems for high temperature
Flow rate precision shall be at least 60.3 % as measured under GPC have not been standardized. However, a number of different
the conditions and time interval for a typical analysis. manufacturers provide GPC specific computer software.
7.4 Sample Injection System—The purpose of the injection
system is to introduce the solution containing the sample into 8. Reagents and Materials
the flow stream as a sharply defined zone. Either a six-port 8.1 Solvent—1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) is recom-
valve with an attached sample loop or a variable volume mended as the solvent for this test method; however, any
injector can be used for this purpose in conjunction with an solvent that has a boiling point higher than the operating
autosampler. Requirements include minimal contribution to temperature, is considered a good solvent for polyolefins, and
band spreading, injector ability to operate at the back pressure is compatible with the GPC components, may be used. With a
generated by the columns, repeatability of injection volume, refractive index detector, the solvent shall have a refractive
and no carryover. index different than that of the polyolefins analyzed. Solvent
7.5 Columns—Stainless steel columns with uniform and purity and consistency shall be considered when choosing a
highly polished inside walls are recommended for high tem- solvent. For example, unless freshly distilled, and subse-
perature GPC. Columns with lengths ranging from 20 to 50 cm quently, kept in a glass container under an inert gas, TCB will
with fittings, frits, and connectors designed to minimize dead react with water to form hydrochloric acid that will attack
volume and mixing are recommended. Generally, the packing tubing walls and degrade column packing. The TCB reservoir
materials, typically styrene divinylbenzene copolymers, have should be protected against exposure to moisture, or be
narrow particle size distributions in the 3 to 20 µm range. replaced frequently with fresh solvent, or both. An antioxidant,
Packing materials are available in a variety of shapes and pore such as 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) should be
sizes. Columns may be packed with particles of relatively added to the solvent reservoir at the same concentration, that is,
uniform pore size or with a “mixed bed” of particles to produce about 250 mg/L, as in the solvent used to dissolve the polymer
a broad range of pore sizes. If a set of columns with uniform to minimize any interference due to an antioxidant mismatch
pore size is used, it is recommended that the columns be peak.
connected in order of increasing pore size towards the low NOTE 9—Several laboratories are successfully recycling TCB using
pressure detector side. partial vacuum distillation.
NOTE 6—Packed high temperature GPC columns are available from a 8.2 Polymer Standards—Narrow MWD (MW/Mn < 1.1)
number of manufacturers. polystyrene standards of known molecular weight (available
7.6 Detector—The detector provides a continuous measure from several suppliers) are used for calibration.
of the concentration of solute eluting from the column(s). The 8.3 Other Chemicals—Low MW compounds, such as tolu-
detector shall be sufficiently sensitive and respond linearly to ene or hexadecane, that are used for determining plate count,
the solute concentration, independently of molecular weight, shall be of high purity.
D 6474
9. Hazards ing on the expected breadth of the molecular weight distribu-
9.1 Solvents used in this test method are toxic, or highly tion. Smaller samples should be used when the molecular
flammable, or both. The user is advised to consult literature and weight distribution is narrower, or the molecular weight is
follow recommended procedures pertaining to the safe han- higher, or both. This test method assumes that the mass of the
dling of solvents. injected polymer is low enough for the hydrodynamic volume
of the polymer and the chromatographic separation not to be
10. Sampling mass dependent. If the injected sample mass is too high, the
10.1 Whenever possible, grinding should be used to ensure peak elution volume and the shape of the chromatogram may
a representative sample is analyzed. be affected and lead to erroneous MW values. If in doubt, it is
advisable to rerun an unknown sample or standard at one half
11. Preparation of Apparatus its original concentration to ensure that its elution profile is
11.1 Flow Rate—A flow rate of 1 6 0.1 cm3/min is repeatable. When a change is observed, the analysis should be
suggested. The flow rate should be checked regularly. It is repeated with a lower sample concentration.
recommended that the retention time of the air peak or that of
an added low molecular weight flow rate marker, such as 13. Performance Requirements
toluene, be used to ascertain a flow rate constant to within 13.1 Plate Count Number—The plate count number (N) is a
0.3 %. dimensionless quantity related to column efficiency and pro-
11.2 Detector—Detector performance should be checked vides an indication of the extent of band broadening. Follow
regularly for any deterioration in signal-to-noise ratio. The recommendations of the column manufacturer when initially
calibration mixtures can be used for this purpose. evaluating columns. The plate count number also should be
determined under the same conditions as those used in this test
12. Preparation of Solutions method. For example:
12.1 Polymer Samples: Solvent: TCB
12.1.1 Weigh the polymer samples directly into GPC au- Temperature: 140°C
Flow rate: 1 cm3/min
tosampler vials or into larger heat resistant vials having a cap Test solute: Hexadecane
lined with solvent resistant material. Concentration: ;0.01 % w/v
12.1.2 Add antioxidant containing, that is, about 250 mg /L Injection volume: 300 µL
solvent, preferably siphoned from the solvent reservoir, to give For an approximately Guassian-shaped solute peak, the
a polymer concentration of between 0.05 and 0.2 weight % (see following expression can be used to calculate the number of
12.3). plates (N)/m:
12.1.3 Cap the vials and heat the solutions to about 150°C
for 3 to 6 h to completely dissolve the samples. For polypro- N/L 5 16 3 ~1/L! 3 ~Vr / W!2 (1)
pylene and some high MW polyethylenes, the samples may where:
have to be heated to between 160 and 180°C for complete L = total column length, m,
dissolution. Vr = peak elution volume, mL, or time, min, and
NOTE 10—Magnetic stirring, frequent manual agitation, or a slow W = peak width in units of volume (mL) or time (min) as
rotational arrangement inside an oven is recommended to aid dissolution. determined by measuring the distance between the
Excessive temperatures, prolonged dissolution times, and ultrasonic baseline intercepts of lines drawn tangent to the peak
devices may cause the polymer to degrade. inflection points.
NOTE 11—Filtration of hot polymer solutions to remove or identify the 13.1.1 High temperature GPC columns are expected to
presence of nonvisible gels or other undissolved material is not recom-
exceed 10 000 plates/m. Plate counts should be monitored
mended due to the difficulty involved in filtering at 150°C. Unless
performed very carefully, sample losses may occur due to a drop in regularly and column sets not meeting this performance
temperature during the filtration. Also, most commercial instruments are requirement should be discarded.
or can easily be outfitted with an inline pre-column filter. 13.2 Resolution—The resolution (R) provides an indication
12.2 Polymer Standards—Prepare 3 to 5 “cocktails”, that is, of the component separation and band broadening of a column
mixtures containing 3 to 4 baseline resolved standards, con- set. A GPC specific resolution (Rs) of two standard polymers
taining a total of at least 12 narrow MWD polystyrene differing in molecular weight values by a factor of ten and
standards, as well as some hydrocarbon and polyolefin stan- having polydispersities of less than 1.1 is defined as:7
dards, if available, to give individual concentrations of 0.01 to Rs 5 2~Vr2 – Vr1!/~W1 1 W2! (2)
0.03 weight % (the high molecular weight standards being the
more dilute. The standards should be dissolved at room where:
Vr1, Vr2 = peak elution volume or time of Standards 1 and
temperature (up to three days dissolution time) or at 150°C, as
2, and
described in 12.1, for a few hours. Analyze the standards
within a month of their preparation. Stabilized polystyrene
solutions have been shown to be stable at room temperature for
several months. 7
“Modern Size Exclusion Chromatography—Practice of Gel Permeation and
12.3 Test for Sample Solution Suitability—The mass of the Gel Filtration Chromatography,” W.W. Yau, J.J. Kirkland, and D.D. Bly, John Wiley
polymer injected is typically between 0.05 and 0.5 mg depend- and Sons, 1979.
D 6474
W1, W2 = peak widths of Standards 1 and 2 determined as this is accomplished with a data acquisition software package.
outlined in 13.1. 14.4 Generation of Calibration Curve—Convert the poly-
13.2.1 The two standards should be analyzed at a concen- styrene peak molecular weights to polyolefin molecular
tration of #0.03 % w/v and an injection volume of #300 µL. weights. This is accomplished using the following equation:
This test method requires that the calculated Rs values equal or log10M2 5 $1/~1 1 a2!% 3 log10 ~K1/K2! 1 $~1 1 a1!/~1 1 a2!% 3 log10M1
exceed 2.0. (3)
D 6474
system that shall be remedied before continuing. When oper- N
ated unattended, the system should possess the ability to shut Mn 5 ( Ai / (~Ai / Mi!
down when a specified maximum pressure, for example 250
MPa, is reached. N
D 6474 Molecular weight of polymer standards, and 30 analyses over a period of two months. Peak retention volumes, Vr. 18.2 Table 2 lists repeatability relative standard deviations
17.1.4 Calculated Parameters: for Mn and Mw for two polypropylene materials based on 18 Average molecular weights, and analyses over a period of three days. Polydispersity, D = Mw / Mn. 18.3 The reproducibility of this test method is being deter-
mined and will be available on or before January 1, 2004.
18. Precision and Bias
19. Keywords
18.1 Table 1 lists repeatability relative standard deviations
19.1 gel permeation chromatography; molecular weight av-
for Mn and Mw for two linear polyethylene standards based on
erage; molecular weight distribution; polyolefin; size exclusion
TABLE 1 Repeatability Relative Standard Deviations (RSD) for TABLE 2 Repeatability Relative Standard Deviations (RSD) for
Linear Polyethylene Polypropylene
Sample PD RSD (Mn) RSD (Mw) Sample PD RSD (Mn) RSD (Mw)
NBS 1475 2.8 4.4 2.0 Homopolymer PP 4.8 10.3 4.5
PE 105K 10.5 5.5 3.5 Copolymer PP 4.8 12.2 4.3
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