Implementation of Secure Door Automation Systems Using Infrared Sensors

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International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology

Volume 4 Issue 6 Oct’ 2020

ISSN NO 2582-0958


S.Ganesan, 2Mr.R. Prem Kumar, M.E.,
Student, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SVCET
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SVCET


Wireless home automation networks comprise wireless embedded sensors and actuators that enable monitoring and control
applications for home user comfort and efficient home management. This article surveys the main current and emerging solutions
that are suitable for WHANs , including ZigBee, Z-Wave, INSTEON, Wavenis, and IP-based technology. In the EXISTING
SYSTEM, Control of Door is achieved using ZigBee, IR (Infrared sensor), Wi-Fi or by GSM (GLOBAL SYSTEM MOBILE
MANAGEMENT). In the PROPOSED SYSTEM, Same is achieved using Easiest way without touching any sensors.
MODIFICATION of the Project is our implementation, Authenticated users will register to the House Server with set of Questions
and relevant Answer to it along with the Standard PIN Numbers for authentication. Android Application is deployed to verify all
these User will have sent a Voice command for PIN number. IR sensor is deployed to detect Human, If a new user enters to the
home IR is initiated and Camera picks a snap and emails to the all the members in the house. If anyone knows the person then he
could share the PIN number and Session Key so that Door can be opened.

Keywords – Door Lock System; Pin code; Android; Arduino; Home Automation.

IINTRODUCTION the implementation. SMS based solution was offered in [12].

The research work from H. El Kamchouchi and Ahmed El
Android is an open source and Linux-based Shafee provided full functionality to control home appliances
Operating System for mobile devices such as smart phones uses SMS technology to exchange data via GSM Network.
and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open But, SMS based technology lack of Graphical User Interfaces
Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. (GUIs). Also, wireless communication via Bluetooth based
Android offers a unified approach to application development solutions for control home appliances have been explored in
for mobile devices which means developers need only develop [10] [13]. The research work from R. Piyare and M. Tazil
for Android, and their applications should be able to run on control home appliances via Bluetooth by using Symbian OS
different devices powered by Android. phone. This system unable to support Java based application
because Symbian OS phone only support Python language
The first beta version of the Android Software scripts. These days mostly smartphone applications are
Development Kit (SDK) was released by Google in 2007 developed in Java.
where as the first commercial version, Android 1.0, was
released in September 2008. On June 27, 2012, at the Google
Another study already presented home automation
I/O conference, Google announced the next Android version,
using android application [3]. However, it was designed to
4.1 Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean is an incremental update, with the
control home appliances only with on off button without
primary aim of improving the user interface, both in terms of
authentication. The method like on off button is not really
functionality and performance.
secure to be implemented to the gate or door. Hence, this
work utilizes more feature to control the door by adding
The source code for Android is available under free
authentication via speech command or pin. Through the GUI
and open source software licenses. Google publishes most of
of android mobile application, the flexibility is in the hand.
the code under the Apache License version 2.0 and the rest,
Additionally, the user will feel more secure because it has
Linux kernel changes, under the GNU General Public
authentication and also the android mobile application is still
user friendly to be used. Generally, a simplified secure
architecture is provided in this work for realizing home
Several works of control based home automation
systems have been studied in order to actualize home
automation itself. Various approaches have been deployed in 1
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 6 Oct’ 2020
ISSN NO 2582-0958


Android applications are usually developed in the

Java language using the Android Software Development Kit.
Once developed, Android applications can be packaged easily
and sold out either through a store such as Google Play or the
Amazon Appstore. Android powers hundreds of millions of
mobile devices in more than 190 countries around the world.
It's the largest installed base of any mobile platform and
growing fast. Every day more than 1 million new Android
devices are activated worldwide. This tutorial has been written
with an aim to teach you how to develop and package Android
application. We will start from environment setup for Android
application programming and then drill down to look into
various aspects of Android applications.

Table 1. Android Versions, Codename and API

Version Codename API Fig 2 Architecture for Secure Door Automation System

1.5 Cupcake 3
A component is simply a piece of code that has a well-
1.6 Donut 4
defined life cycle e.g. Activity, Receiver, and Service etc.
2.1 Éclair 7 The core building blocks or fundamental components of
android are activities, views, intents, services, content
2.2 Froyo 8 providers, fragments and AndroidManifest.xml.

2.3 Gingerbread 9 and 10 Activity

An activity is a class that represents a single screen.
3.1 and 3.3 Honeycomb 12 and 13 It is like a Frame in AWT.

4.0 Ice Cream 15 View

Sandwich A view is the UI element such as button, label, text
field etc. Anything that you see is a view.Intent is used to
4.1, 4.2 and Jelly Bean 16, 17 and 18 invoke components. It is mainly used to:
4.3  Start the service
4.4 KitKat 19  Launch an activity
 Display a web page
 Display a list of contacts
 Broadcast a message
 Dial a phone call etc.

Service is a background process that can run for a
long time. There are two types of services local and remote.
Local service is accessed from within the application whereas
remote service is accessed remotely from other applications
running on the same device. 2
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 6 Oct’ 2020
ISSN NO 2582-0958

Content Provider Then, the Arduino program to set the hardware of

Content Providers are used to share data between the door automation rules isused ArduinoIDE1.8.5.Arduino
applications. Integrated Development Environment is a desktop software
that is usedto program the Arduino as microcontroller in this
Fragment research work. This Arduino programming language consists
Fragments are like parts of activity. An activity can of functions for computations and control, variables that
display one or more fragments on the screen at the same time. comprises constants and data type, then the structure which
contains C++ code. Entire programming for proposed system
AndroidManifest.xml is done in Arduino IDE tool. Baud rate is set to 9600 bits per
It contains information’s about activities, content second for serial communication between Arduino board and
providers, permissions etc. It is like the web.xml file in Java smart phone. Before compile and upload the program, the
EE. proper board in tools bar is chosen to correspond with the
board of Arduino Nano hardware.
Android Virtual Device (AVD)
It is used to test the android application without the
need for mobile or tablet etc. It can be created in different IV IMPLEMENTATION ANDDISCUSSION
configurations to emulate different types of real devices This research work makes a system for unlocking the
A. Hardware Architecture door by android phone. Two methods are tested for door
automation system, speech command authentication and pin
In the proposed system, control of door is achieved authentication. Users can choose one of them from the
using easiest way without touching any sensors. In this project, android application which is preferred to be used for control
authenticated users will be registered to the home server with to unlock the door.
set of questions and relevant answer to it along with the
standard PIN Numbers for authentication. Android Application A. PIN Authentication
is deployed to verify all the users. Those users will send a
voice command for PIN number. IR sensor is deployed to 1) Android Application
detect human. If a new user enters to the home, IR is initiated
and camera picks a snap and emails to the all the members in
the house. If anyone knows the person then he could share the Another work besides speech authentication, the
PIN number and session key so that door can be opened. application gives another choice to unlock the door by pin
authentication. Same as in the speech command interface,
the GUI of the android application is made first. When a new
B. SoftwareDesign project started, the view of MIT app inventor web based will
be in the designer tab. Layout and user interface can be drag
from palette column and drop to the screen viewer in the
The software is also needed to manage how the middle. The properties also can be set through the properties
system run. The hardware will not run without the software column. Not only layout and user interface which can be
design. The software is helping to control the component. dragged and dropped, but there are also many other
This research work uses two softwares: Arduino Integrated components. In this door automation project, the android
Development Environment (IDE) and MIT App Inventor web application has connectivity of Bluetooth client in order that
based. the smartphone can search the nearest other active Bluetooth
in the range. The purpose is connecting the android
smartphone with the Bluetooth module in the door
The Android application ,is used for user interface as
automation hardware. When it is connected, the door can
the key of the door. Application is created with MIT app
control from the application via android smartphone.
inventor web based. This door automation project is
controlled using Android smart phone application. So, it is
needed to make an android application that will correlate with There are also other components like Tiny DB for
the hardware system to control the door. There is a convenient storage, Notifier for notification or warning, and many more
web based tool to develop the android application, MIT App that can be picked from palette column, adjust the usability.
Inventor. The app inventor uses the blocks-based tool to The button pin can be gotten from column palette user
create the program code. Its application is more simple drag interface. The shape of the button can be changed in the
and drop. properties column. Password text box is also needed to save
the number touched. The android application door 3
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 6 Oct’ 2020
ISSN NO 2582-0958

automation system has two modes, is change pin mode and 2) Hardware Implementation
open door mode, also in the button display.
The pin data, which is sent by the android
application via smartphone Bluetooth, will be received by
After design the GUI in the designer tab, the code of the Arduino microcontroller via Bluetooth module which
how the program run is made in the blocks tab. MIT app has been installed on it. Arduino microcontroller has non-
inventor is different with android application development volatile memory storage, EEPROM. This memory is used to
environment in general which is using script based. To save the pin password in order to the stored memory will
arrange the program, MIT app inventor use blocks code not be lost even when there is no power supply given.
program. It is easier to understand and more interesting for
new learner android programming.
The protocols are defined correlated with the
android application. The corresponding received data is
identified by the header data, using #. Data with different
The Bluetooth connection between android protocol will not be processed. Data with the # header will
smartphone and the door automation hardware is very continue to the next authentication. The next flag is used to
important. When the android smartphone Bluetooth is turn distinguish the speech data or pin data. As explained before,
on, the Bluetooth client function of the program start to speech authentication uses 0 as flag, while pin
make list all paired Bluetooth and save the address and authentication uses 1 as flag. The password setting is sent
name. It can be saved using Tiny DB component. From that through protocol 1 after #1. While the open the door
paired Bluetooth list, the address and the name of Bluetooth function is sent with 0 after #1. So, the protocol of pin
hardware is selected in order to make connection between authenticationwillbelike#1then0/1followedwiththepin.The
the both. There will appear warning text if the connection whole algorithm of door automation with pin authentication
failed. is shown in the figure4.

The modes of pin authentication can be changed by PIN Authentication Algorithm

touch the mode button in the figure 3. Change pin mode and
open door mode have each different protocol to make the 1. Initialize 4 digits pin code in the Android Application
both easier to distinct and process in the next, especially in 2. Send the pin data via Bluetooth
the hardware implementation. If change pin mode is 3. Receive the pin data in the Arduino microcontroller
selected, the new input pin is saved. Same as in the speech 4. Check the protocol, if the first input character is
command authentication, change pin mode is set as 1, while #,the data is true for the system
5. If not, do nothing
open door mode is set as 0. Those two number serve as
6. If true continue check, the next flag must be 1 to
distinguish protocol.
indicate the use of pin authentication
7. Then continue check, if the next flag serial setting
is 1, it is the command to set/update the pin code,
then update the received 4 digits pin code in the
next serial data as a saved pin in the EEPROM
8. If the next flag serial setting is 0, it is the command
protocol to open the door.
9. Do the authentication, If the 4 received digit pin are
HIGH to control the solenoid to open the
10. If not, shows the warning in the android application

Figure 4. PIN Authentication Algorithm

Figure 3. User Interface for PIN Authentication The pin only can be sent when the Bluetooth is
connected. If the Bluetooth is still not connected, the
warning will appear in the screen to notice. If the
connection success, the data of protocols and pin will be 4
International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 6 Oct’ 2020
ISSN NO 2582-0958

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